Quiet Night at the Stacked Deck

Quiet Night at the Stacked Deck

I was supposed to be a stand-up guy, a true law-abiding citizen.  Someone that had been rehabilitated at least to the best of the abilities of the state of New Jersey and considering the current governor that was saying a lot, but either way I was paying taxes, taking jobs that were legitimate even if they took me out of the country from time to time.  I had a house. I had a picket fence, honest to God, a picket fence.   Just this past weekend I was out there mowing my lawn and a few hours later I was watering it. I was living a normal life, because that’s what I’m do when I’m at home.

I try to be normal. I try to put the past behind me, and if I can’t do that I slide it to the side and move on. This is my life, this is what my neighbors know about me.  It’s all I care to let them know about me, because there’s some things that people don’t need to know.  I’m sure the rumors swirl about talking about what I’ve done and who I am. I don’t get any trouble, I don’t cause any either.   I’m a stand-up guy. I’m the guy you come to if you want to borrow a piece of lawn equipment.  I’m the guy that you come to if you want to borrow a cup of sugar from.

I’m the guy you come too if someone is giving you a problem and the police can’t be bothered and the heroes…the masked ones that give my kind a rough time when they break the laws can’t find the time to notice the small things. It’s enough of them out there.  They always say they can’t do it all, but it’s no longer an army of one.  Don’t let them tell you otherwise it’s gotten bigger and it’s only going to get bigger and the underbelly of the underbelly is always going to slip through the cracks or there’s a line that can’t be crossed, because there’s always a bigger fish, bird, multiple personality or clown freak that catches their eye first.  Let alone the bosses and made mean, because Gotham puts out bad problems like a devout Catholic births a litter of kids.

So, where does that leave a chum like me?  With decisions to make.  People to talk to and problems to solve the only way I know how.  Does it get me a bad rep? Probably.  Does it fix what needs fixing?  Definitely.  Will I eventually get a visit from some asshole in a cape or whatever their wearing these days?  Maybe.  Either way it’s life.  It works. I’m living and despite the police knocking at my door ever so often there’s nothing being done, because the witnesses that should be stepping forward don’t.   They’re the victims. The ones that slip between the cracks of cracks who come to me, Thomas Blake.

It’s a life. It’s my life and I like it.  I go for a couple of days, a week and handle a job that I’ve been hired to do and return and start the cycle all over again.  Mow the lawn. Water the lawn.  Grab a beer at home or sometimes at some of my old haunts.

However, this is when it’s different, when things are different.  No, not the bar, the bar is the same. Stinks of cigarettes and tale beer.  The crack of the cue ball striking another.   Voices getting loud over the fight on the set.   Old Maggie telling someone that if they don’t pay up she’s going to break their hand.  One crook giving the deets of a job gone right or wrong to another.

That’s what should be happening, but tonight.  That’s not what went down.  It started out that way, but it was different because instead of the regular order of business there’s people who are missing a thumb or a finger.  Blood is on the table and I’m pretty sure a few people got cut and a few others got shot.  Surely someone’s called the cops?  Maybe.   Could be another night at the Staked Decked except instead of the regulars you have another group that’s come in.

Out-of-towners.  They’re not trying to muscle their way in they’re looking for information and there’s nothing new about that except they were turning my night out into a fucking pain.  P-A-I-N.   Already heard about the Hood doing his thing, but it seemed that he had gone a bit extra, with shaking people down for information.   Lost his shit people said, but really can you tell. Is there a ‘Lost Your shit’ meter out there that I don’t know about?  That’s how it started, the day before, but tonight it got incredibly worse, because not only do you have everyone’s favorite red masked fuck up putting the screws to everyone you have ninjas.

Shit you not.  Fucking ninjas which means this is either a high or a low for Gotham.  Depends on you ask.  Weird shit happens. Dumb shit happens, but I wanted a beer. Just a beer. Shoot the breeze. Ask a few questions and now…now…fucking ninjas.  What next Power Rangers?

Now, I consider myself a rather observant individual and there is a possibility that there could have been ninjas in the city and I had no clue.  Which means they were doing their job, but the shit ton that have climbed out of the woodwork is a bit much.  Now, I have to remind myself why I was here.  To get a beer, right?

Partly.  I haven’t been at the Deck for a couple of months, partly because of work and then work.  So, I have been a something for some kind of eyes, because I just don’t fit the sight for sore eyes type. There were a few that would have preferred I not show up, because the last time I was in things didn’t go well.  Couldn’t help it that someone was cheating at cards.  I don’t appreciate that, and I simply let the individual know the only way I knew how.


I let them know that it was going to hurt them a who helluva lot and I could give a rat’s ass about it, but people got to learn. If I’m the one that has to crack along the knuckles, then I’m the one.  It was just done with a pool stick instead of a ruler.  If they’re lucky.   However, right now with everything that’s happening I tell myself it’s going to be one of those nights.  I reach for my bottle of beer to enjoy what’s left of my night.

I saw the broadcast. I knew better than most what was right around the corner.  One-part chaos, one-part bullshit, several parts Joker induced jig.  It didn’t matter.  What mattered was finding out what people knew without causing too much of a fuss.  People shoot the shit at the Deck, when they feel comfortable enough.  Amazing what you can learn during a game of cards.  You don’t push it you let it happen.  You don’t go in like tense or intense you talk a good game which means you let the bullshit run like lava when you need to, and sometimes you keep quiet.  You freak them out a bit especially when you’re known to be a little talkative.

People like to talk and whether or not people would believe it, criminals are gossips.  They love to gloat even when it seems like they’re not gloating.  That’s what I was here for.

”Did he snatch from her house?”

”Idiot! Talia al Ghul don’t live here.  Had to be from a hotel.  What was she doing here?”

You let it fly and keep playing your cards and encourage them to finish the game.  You could find your way into a nice little pay day if you’re lucky.  If you’re really lucky you’ll hear something that sounds a little more like the truth.

Someone would have been there to witness the entire event play down.  Someone that was present for one reason or another. They had to tell someone. It was the honest to God Joker in the flesh.  I you make it out you count yourself lucky.  You don’t want to blab, but you have to tell someone especially if you’re a nobody. Someone that no one would blink at.  Then again that can get you killed, because you might talk.

You never know what might be going on, but you pick up a few things here and there until you wind your way around to the person that knows enough to fill in the blanks, connect the dots and get you to point B without turning the underbelly right side up.

I was there, I was drawing the information out when everything came to a halt and I was enjoying my beer.

They showed up not to long after the Joker’s send up to American Horror Story: Gotham City.  That had everyone talking, but only for a moment, because enter ninjas which brings me back to where I was before sipping my beer.  Draining the bottle, I found myself looking across at the man that I was speaking with who was there with his gal who was sure he was going to pop. Maybe they were there for him, maybe they weren’t. It didn’t matter.  I was still drinking my beer instead of being a good little compliant hostage or whatever they thought we were.

This is where I tell myself that maybe tonight will be a better night. Perhaps one of the knights will show up perhaps even a little squire. I don’t know.  That’s what they do?  No, not really.  Who gives a fuck about a bunch of low lives?  They barely care enough about themselves to do the right thing, but what is the right thing?

I don’t know, but I do know one thing, two things actually.  One I’m never going back in.  That’s a fact.  Second? The guy I was talking to is going to need therapy.

In the movies one of two things happens with a beer bottle.  Someone cracks it over someone’s head or they break it against someone ready to use it as a weapon. I am capable of doing either.  There are a few things that I am known for.  Someone might think I will go for the knives I am known to carry, but at the moment, I know the number probably far more than anyone wants t

Bottle goes down on the table and the cards are displayed.  I had a full house.  That alone should piss me off, but easy come easy go.   There’s still fight left in everyone in here.

People who know me best know that when backed against the wall it’s not a matter of escape it’s a matter of attack and that can come in any shape or form.  Those two things are still on my mind s I make my move. It happens quickly one that earns me a cut along the side, but not before I throat him using the blade I carry to catch the reach of his.

I don’t bite I sink my teeth in and tear, ripping the skin and muscle open pulling not stopping until the shocked man is pulling back adding to the pain and shock which spreads across the entire bar, but gives everyone the moment they need to restart what had ended.  I move down and finish what I’m doing letting the flesh slip from my teeth even as the coppery lick lingers in my mouth and on my tongue.

Blade’s out and the entire bar descends into chaos.  Surely the cops will be here soon, but truly it was all self-defense.   The guy will live, he might not be talking any time soon, but he’ll survive.  You don’t get that chance often, but when given the opportunity you remind that Gotham breeds a special kind of person.

When people need something done they come to me. It’s going to be a long ten or fifteen minutes.  Maggie’s going to be pissed.  I also have a conversation to finish that’s if the guy’s done puking and keeping his head down.

Ninjas.  Fucking ninjas.

Back to the Grind

Back to the Grind

I know it’s not the longest time that someone has spent in space, but three months is a long time. Ninety days.  The International Space Station became my home.  It also made me remember the conversation that I had with my father and uncle, several years ago about putting a stronger focus on aerospace technology.  There were a few projects that Kord Omniversal Research and Development Incoporated, KORD Inc. for short, dabbled in aerospace technology, but with space shuttles heading towards end of life and a focus on smaller capsules there was something being lost there, at least I thought it was..

Shuttles and such craft had multiple purposes and they could continue to fill the void. It was about efficient use of fuel, but also the craft.  He understood all too well the problems about materials required to construct the vehicle, and fuel needed to escape the Earth’s gravity.  One of the problems was the booster rockets which today other firms were bringing back downs safely.  However, something could be said for using shuttles, but there were other things that could be done. Smaller craft that used smaller amounts of fuel that could be maneuvered by a smaller crew or remotely.

That is one of the advantages they could bring to the field of aerospace if allowed.  Of course, my uncle continued to stand in my way always pointing to my age.  I wasn’t the same youth that caused an accident, okay explosion, that led to me being expelled from boarding school and cost my father a pretty penny.  Uncle Jarvis again tried to send me to military school espousing how it would bring discipline and order to my life.  It would teach me how to follow rules and how to be obedient.  That was Uncle Jarvis’ favorite.  Obedience.  That’s what he wanted from me.  It’s not that I was mouthy, I just objected a lot.   A lot.   It was something he couldn’t tolerate.  In his eyes children were meant to be seen not heard and he could barely tolerate looking at me.

Either way I was able to salvage what he did by influencing my father.  When the time came and I had a bigger say in how KORD was ran, I made sure the groundwork was laid for us to compete in various areas including aerospace.

It was something that I had been working on for years. Short range module that could be directly towards where we needed to go.  Efficient fuel consumption when needed. It’s not something that would take you to the moon and back, but it could attack the ISS with no problems.  Charge itself using solar panels and the fuel it used was limited.   Several of the models could be brought and then attach to the station. They could eventually be brought back down when they would reach end of life.

I still didn’t abandon the idea of a modified shuttle that could perform more advanced tasks, but that was a start. It was those modules that lead to the nanotech that I developed that lead to the insect drones.  It was that that got me notice that made people turn their heads, because of their sophistication, but it’s not what got me up into space.  They didn’t people an R&D guy in space on that alone.  I went to space to upgrade the detection system.

What detection system?  The Parallax Detection System.  I wasn’t into military applications of the technology I developed though anything can be co-opted.  However, I did want to do what I could to address early warning systems.  I did work with Tsunami detection.  Not the first time that I did work with sonics, but this was an entirely different thing. I studied to get a better understanding, but after everything that went down in Coast City there was a possibility that he could return.

Detecting him was not a problem, but long range detection proved to be problematic.  It began a puzzle to solve one that involved a lot of man hours but eventually I presented to Departments of Defense and Extranormal Affairs and I found myself being listed as a mission specialist.  The detection system would focus on the currently space telescopes and other satellites that had been launched in subsequent years.   Of course, making those kind of changes required me, Ted Kord, to head up into space.

There were also the tests that were going to be made. Attempting to place some satellites in orbit around Mars and Jupiter.  Doing what they could to expand the range of real time detection.  It was possible we just needed to work at it.  My piece was done the moment I launched into space, that was three months ago and now that I’m back there’s more work to be done

Which was a little frustrating given the fact that I was still being monitored to make sure my health was in order.  This also meant that I had a lot of time on my hands which could be a good or bad thing depending on who you asked.  I was already checking in at Kord.  I was in charge now, but I was already focused on our next big project.   Coast City revitalization.  It was an opportunity.  One that had already been signaled by the new bold move that Wayne enterprises was taking by beginning construction there.

I had an idea.  I’ve been told that I dream big sometimes too big, but anything was possible.  However, one of the projects that KORD has been involved in is autonomous vehicles.  It was a natural step from drones.  Drones could be programmed so it wouldn’t be difficult to work with vehicles and despite the tragedy that had befallen Coast City it was a chance to rebuild and design a city that would be conducive to such technology.

There was also the idea deploying cleaner energy forms of energy.  There were ideas firing off in my head left and right.  Autonomous vehicles was something that I wanted to bring to Metropolis it was the City of Tomorrow, but it would be interesting to expand this to Coast City.  One city that had an established network of roads, but Coasts could be redesign.

What did this mean.  I had phone calls to make and work to do.   There were other projects to focus on also, but I needed a clean bill of health before I could focus on that so right now I had to look at what was next for KORD.

In the Living Room

In the Living Room

I spent the better part of the night organizing my information, so I could write my story.  There were two stories that would go out. The first one had already hit the evening edition.  It was all about what happened at the museum.   I gave an eyewitness account of everything that I saw and incorporating the information that some of the other bystanders that were there.  I was able to give a firsthand account of what happened inside of the museum.  What happened outside I had to lean on what I was being told by the individuals that were where in the area and took cover nearby.

Together there was a well written article that went out on the evening edition and online.  The press conference brought another element into the story. It was my first press conference, so I was nervous about how it would go.  I had to provide information to the online edition to make sure that the Planet’s site was updated as information came in.  The full story would go out online with it also being covered   in tomorrow’s edition.

I found the conference enlightening. It took only a few hours to get everything together and for me to exit the building, but the moment I did I looked across the street and a car waiting for me.  The window rolled down and a familiar face was on the side of it.

”Get in.”

I could say no, but it didn’t sound like I was being given a choice in the matter and I know that it wasn’t coming from Aaron.  Walking to the back seat I slip inside, because this was my Uber driver that I didn’t request.  Fastening the seat belt I leaned back against the seat taking a deep breath.

“On a scale of one to ten how bad is it?”

Aaron didn’t look back at me he kept his eyes on the road as the car moved down the highway.

“I’m going to go with an eight borderline nine.”

“Really?  You’re not overselling it a bit?”  That got me silence which was something that would annoy most people, but I was used to it.  You grow accustomed it to it when dealing with the Coles.  True Aaron wasn’t Joshua, but it didn’t stop him picking up several of his habits.

“Right then.”  So where were we going. I could ask, but I pretty much knew that I wouldn’t get too many questions answered. It was a bit more than an hour before we arrived at our destination.  The car continued going until it came to a stop and the door opened.

”Come on.”

Walking from the car onto the airstrip I headed to the plane that was waiting for us.   Did we always have to do this?”  The cabin door opened, and the staircase came down. Climbing them I stepped inside and Joshua was already shutting the door behind me.

”Take a seat. Wheels up now.” The first was for me the latter was for Joshua.  I walked into the main cabin which was anything but normal.  Taking a seat I strapped myself in and waited for the plane to take off. Didn’t really matter where we were going, but I knew the deal.  Joshua didn’t like standing around.  He preferred to be moving, always moving, whether it was on the ground, the air or on water he had to be moving.

“So, your first press conference?”

I looked over at him, taking a deep breath.

“Yes.”  I thought performed well.

”Let’s take a look shall we?”  Joshua said as he looked across from after we were air born.  He turned to the screen which was a replay of the press conference. He skipped ahead until he reached the Wonder Woman portion.

“What do you think?”

Okay not the question I thought he might ask.

“I’ve only head reports.  I haven’t seen her action.  I can’t assess her fighting style.  She’s the daughter of Zeus.”

”You believe her?”

“Why wouldn’t I? Wouldn’t be the first time and we both know magic is real.  You do possess the key.  Are you worried?”

”She would make for a powerful ally.”

The moment we reach cruising altitude I undo my seat belt.

“Wait so I’m supposed to go on a recruiting drive?  This is an internal Atlantean affair.  I’m not going to involve outsiders.”   I know the way that it sounded.  It’s not like that.  “It will only complicate matters.   That’s not my mission.  I haven’t finished my assessment.  Involving outsiders, landwalkers could…it would send the wrong message.  Especially given my presence here.  I was sent to observe.”

Why does this have to be so frustrating.

“You’re beyond that.  We both know that.  What happened to everything you said before?  During rehab?”   I was in bad shape. I said a lot of things and Joshua knows it.  Let me organize me thoughts.

“They’re attempting to build a collation.  Bringing them into this matter would help no one.  Not me. Not them.  There are still things to determine there.  There’s no indication what the American government will do.  I suspect right now they are giving them enough rope to hang themselves with. There will be a reckoning and it’s unclear who will initiate it.”

That much is clear. Whether it was her intentions or not a gauntlet was tossed down before the government.   This group is free from their strings. They are independent and given everything I learned while living among the surface dwellers I know that Luthor’s administration will not entertain this for long. If they cannot control this group, then they will not allow it to continue to exist.

“The ocean has been quiet, silent.  With Orin’s…” I fix my lips to say and I can’t.  All this time and I still can’t say it. “With him gone Orm has retreated to the depths.  We’ve given them no problems to come after us to make demands.  I have no idea what communications have occurred between Atlantis and the US government.  I rather not complicate matters. It’s too soon to know how this will shake out.”

I liked a lot of what was said, but we don’t live in a vacuum.  “Our governments are no friends of ours, Joshua you know this.  This group is untested, and they have challenges of their own to overcome.  You were the one that told me that I shouldn’t act recklessly.  I should learn more about the surface world determine who I can trust and who I can’t.  I will not jeopardize something that’s in its infancy to further my own goals. I know what’s at stake.” That should never be forgotten.

”Okay, then tell me why this happened?”Joshua pauses the conference at the moment I step forward to introduce myself and ask not one but several questions.

”Use the Planet to learn to see what the world is like. Attend college to get an idea of what new young minds are thinking.   Live in Metropolis to experience life outside of school and work. These are the things that we wanted, that your father wanted he wanted you to make an honest assessment,”  Joshua reminded me.

”Orm monitors surface communications. Black Manta monitors all communications.  Your hair is different.  Your face, altered slightly, but you voice.  It’s cadence its tone.  There was only so much that can be done.  You wanted to be able to move about freely. I agreed. I encouraged it, but you weren’t supposed to be in front of cameras.  These are mistakes you can’t afford. We can’t afford.” 

Not now he wanted to say, but he left it unsaid.

”If you’re not ready to reveal yourself to the world in any capacity you can’t allow yourself to be placed in situations where you could be exposed.”

Honestly, it was only a matter of time.  I can’t live like Joshua.  I can’t constantly be on the move.  One day I will return home and undo all that Orm and Manta have done. I restore Atlantis to the place it once was, but until then I will learn all I need to know about the surface world.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  It is a beautiful world.  It reminds me of the one that I left behind, the one that I can no longer return not now.  Still, if nothing changes then I will always talk about returning being at some point instead of something better.

”And don’t think I haven’t noticed the reports about a mysterious stranger assisting in disasters at sea.”

“I don’t, but I have noticed that you haven’t stopped me.“ It is the way I choose to honor my father.  I also can’t be my father.  I have to see for myself with my own eyes, before I make any move to be more than I am here.   He didn’t trust the people he worked enough to tell them that he needed their aid.  He needed more than the Others, but the older generation didn’t trust one another they kept each other at arms-length.  It was easy to divide wasn’t whole.   He always thought he would have time, but time is promised to no one.

Borrowed time is all we have and eventually it runs out.

“I did my job.  I was given an assignment and I believe I did it well. I was competent asking questions that I believe the Planet readers wanted answers to. I let the world know what this group, what Wonder Woman is attempting to achieve.  She is attempting to bring hope into a world that was on the edge, on the brink of teetering into hopelessness and that needed to be communicated to world, to everyone that was watching.   There are people willing to stand for what’s right for everyone without strings, without monitors.” I took a deep breath.

“They have a chance to do it right and whether or not I’m a part of that will be my decision and mine alone.”

I know he’s worried and he’s showing his concern the only way he knows how.  Joshua wasn’t known for his hugs, more for showing me how to break a person’s arm in at least three different places.  Knowing who to talk to and how to talk to them to get what you wanted. He had a set of skills that went beyond pep talks over cocoa.  That wasn’t his style.

“If we’re finished I would like to go back.  I have a meeting with Mister White in the morning.  He’s going to assess my performance.  I would like to get a swim in before it gets too late.”

Revolution: In the Beginning…

Tonight, we come to the home of one Lucy Lane, one that has been doing her best to make her father proud of her. Reckless in her youth and the family wild child Lucy has always been the apple of her father’s eye.  Though her misadventures had caused her father much heartburn it seemed that she was ready to as her sister had always wanted her to do, grow up so to speak.   Of course, it was a case of the pot calling the kettle black as her older sister Lois had seen her fair share of misadventures, but it seemed that Lucy was always to get away with just a little bit more than Lois could. Why no one truly knew, but truth be told both of General Sam Lane’s daughters felt pressure from their father and each found ways to rebel, each in different ways.

Lucy smoke, drank and dated boys they were no good for her. At least that was the way her father saw it.  Lois chose to speak truth to power much to the chagrin of her father and when she found herself in the company of Superman.  Well, that pushed him over the edge.  She fought his support of Luthor tooth and nail and continued to rail against the star of Metropolis every chance she got.  As a journalist she used the power of the pen to present a fair and balanced view Lex Luthor in hopes that it would open her father’s eyes to the man he was and how America would be worse off for it.

It should have come to no surprise that professionally Lois Lane continued to report the news as it happened doing her very best not to allow her opinion to jeopardize her journalistic integrity.  However, privately Lucy watched as she railed against her father when he endorsed Lex Luthor for President when he went to the convention to speak of him in glowing terms it was akin to driving a stake through Lois heart.  For the first time Lucy Lane could see that her family was falling apart, so she took to action attempting to broker an armistice between her sister and her father.

She tried at least.  She wanted to announce that she would be returning to school to finish getting her degree.  Despite the fact that they did not agree politically they could be a family.  They loved one another as much as a family could despite the strained relations.  This is what she wanted, but what she received was more accusations, mutual frustration from both parties and general unpleasantness. What sent Lois over the edge was the statement that her father made regarding her support of Superman that he was the anti-Luthor it was probably all that she saw because her view of Luthor was quite myopic.

It was probably bit more biting that that.  Of course, that lead to the Cold War that settled between the two of them. They didn’t speak and naturally you were not to speak to one about the other.  As much as she wanted to leave it all behind Lucy became the one to bind them together as best she could.   Which meant visiting Lois at least once a month having Sunday dinners with her father.

When he arrived she was delighted to see him, as she had been the last several months.  She had recently begun seeing someone that made her delightfully happy.  Lois could even see it when she came to Metropolis. He had become a sounding board for her.  It didn’t start out that way, but she caught his eye on campus one day and they began seeing one another.

He was a physics student, talented one at that.  It was something that he and her father could talk about as he would go over some of the things he read recently and slowly her father began to respond to his comments as they spoke about theories.  Which surprised Lucy. Her father was around individuals that were like her boyfriend.  He actually started to become a translator.  He didn’t share what he was working on, but there were terms and theories that he didn’t understand that Lucy’s boyfriend was able to break down for him.

Then it happened, Sam Lane began to open up to his daughter and talk about how difficult it was for him to not speak to Lois.  Father and daughter grew closer so much so that her father brought a colleague of his to dinner a few times.  Someone he thought could use a home cooked meal and Lucy seemed to delight in doing them because it meant something to her she had begun to connect it to family.   Something that she hadn’t had before.  She had family, but the feeling, normal family dinners.  It was something that they lost when they lost her mother.
She would have never thought that it was something had wanted, but when the doorbell rang she smiled. “Babe, they’re here!”  She called out a she answered the door.

“Dad.” There was bright beaming smile upon her face as she leaned in to give her father a hug.  She gave his friend a salute.  “Captain Adam.”

“Miss Lane,” he replied back after returning her mock salute. “Good to see you as always.”

“I told you.  You can call me, Lucy.”  She said with a smile.  “You can head back to den.  He’s finishing up a paper.  He said he wanted to talk to you to, Dad, but I wanted to steal you first.”   She slipped her arm into General arm walking towards the kitchen with him.

“How’s the project coming.  I know you can’t talk about it, but good bad? Success?”  She smiled looking down at the table. “He finished the calculations for you like he promised.  He said that they had a few lines wrong. He said that the simulations should go through without a problem now.”

Sam smiled.  “Lucy, you make it sound like I’m just here for your boyfriend’s help.”  Which was and wasn’t true. It started with a few problems that the project was having, and he happened to mention when he came through frustrated.  An offer was made and now he was back on track.

“I’m just teasing, Dad.” She grinned walking into the kitchen with him.

In the back of the apartment, Captain Nathaniel Adam knocked on the door pushing it open smiling over towards Lucy’s boyfriend who had offered several insights about the work he was doing and what it meant.

“Lucy’s looking very happy as is the General. He says you have us on track.”  Nathaniel offered as he moved towards the large oversized chair in the room to take a seat.  “I think everything is going well.”

On the floor beside Lucy’s boyfriend were copies of the Daily Planet and the Gotham Gazette along with papers from Central City, Star City, Fawcett City and many others.

Reaching for the cup of tea and spoon the table beside him Nathaniel watched as the other slipped the spoon into the cup drag it slowly around the rim a bit before giving it a few slight taps, three to be exact causing Nathaniel stopped talking.

Shortly thereafter the door shut and the man began to speak, but it was a mix of two voices as another man slid beside Lucy’s boyfriend as if he was whispering the words that the other was to say to Nathaniel.

“Good.  Let’s talk your progress.”   Standing from his seat he smiled over at him.  “There’s still a lot of work to do.   They’re going to be watching your every move.  Looking for signs of weakness, instability and betrayal.   I need you to be the man are.  Honest. Earnest.  They are looking for a new kind of weapon.  I’m looking for a beacon of hope.  Someone they can send down in a ticker tape parade.   Someone the President can be proud of.  All of them can be proud of.   Someone that will make them less afraid, because their always afraid and because their afraid they’ll want to control you.”

The second man was completely ignored by Lucy’s boyfriend, but when he spoke his words were spoken by Lucy’s boyfriend as if they were his own.

“M’gann and Raven will come and they will search for anything that’s been done, but no we can’t have that.  No betrayals.  You will show them the kind of man you are before and the one after.  You will be the puppet that General Lane and Welling need you to be.  They need to prove themselves.   One alien means there are more.  The world must be ready.   All bets are off.    They clamor for control, but you know what I want Captain Adam?~

Simon stood behind the high back chair with his back against it waiting for the word to be spoken by Nathaniel.

“A revolution.”

“Yes. A revolution and you will be the shot that will be heard around the world when it’s all said and done.  When the dust clears, but right now let’s begin. Starting with the first date and the name.  Tell me of the others.  Tell me their names.  Tell me when they were taken.  Tell me when they died.  Tell me why.  Tell me how.  It’s the only way you will remember them.  Don’t worry.  Lucy and General Lane will understand if we’re a bit late.”

Simon shut his eyes and began to implant the images of the others that had lost their lives to N.O.W.H.E.R.E over the years as Captain Adams and Lucy’s boyfriend discussed their “work.”

Pressing against the back of the chair Simon nodded upon hearing what he wanted to hear from Nathaniel.   Parting his lips he spoke the words that as told to Nathaniel by his mouthpiece.  He was no one.  As far as anyone was concerned he was A. FOAF, a concerned global citizen.

“Yes. A revolution and you will be the shot that will be heard around the world when it’s all said and done.  When the dust clears, but right now let’s begin. Starting with the first date and the name.  Tell me of the others.  Tell me their names.  Tell me when they were taken.  Tell me when they died.  Tell me why.  Tell me how.  It’s the only way you will remember them.  Don’t worry.  Lucy and General Lane will understand if we’re a bit late.”

Simon shut his eyes and began to implant the images of the others that had lost their lives to N.O.W.H.E.R.E over the years as Captain Adams and Lucy’s boyfriend discussed their “work.”

Special Edition:  Museum Mayhem Aftermath

Special Edition: Museum Mayhem Aftermath

JACKSON: It was the assignment that no one wanted.  Another exhibit being brought into the Metropolis Museum of Art.  When Perry’s door opened to try and get someone to cover the assignment all the seasoned reporters made themselves scarce or had already been assigned.  Rather than waiting for it to be assigned I took a little initiative and volunteered for the assignment.  Which Mister White found a bit surprising and he was a little unsure that he wanted an intern covering the story, but I thought I had been here long enough to do the piece.

Most called I fluff.  Who cared about Kahndaq.  Relations with the country was tense at best and it wasn’t like anyone of importance would be there to ask questions besides the museum curator who I considered to be an important person.  Whether I won him over or he was tired of looking at my face I got the assignment. I would be responsible for the entire article start to finish including a few pictures.  I considered myself lucky so much so that I started doing my research a few days in advance of the actual interview.  Standard fair along with a few extra questions I thought I could toss in.   I would take my notes, take pictures, and show Mister White that I was quite capable.

He thought he would throw me a bone and ask Olsen to come with to make sure that I didn’t embarrass the paper, because most of the work I had done so far was mostly blog post on the Planet’s online edition.  However, this was going to make into the paper.  I was pretty sure that I was going to be able to make it happen, but Jimmy got snagged for another assignment.

Something about showing Mister White’s new assistant the ropes.  Didn’t matter I was confident that I could handle assignment. What was the worst that could happen?

That’s how it started that bright lovely afternoon. I was already in the museum taking a few pictures of the exhibit when the storm gathered the rather odd storm.  That’s when it all went downhill.  What was supposed to be a standard piece turned into a survive the night situation.

One moment things seemed to be in order the next as I was on my way to meet Dr. Sandsmark the next there were people who were yelling and screaming?  Why?  It seems that the museums exhibits had come to life, and while many of them appeared that they would come to life, because of their authenticity, they were literally coming to the life. Like Night at the Museum come to life without any of the snappy banter.  Snappy banter had been replaced with life threatening danger.

Joshua told me to fit in.  To be the student. To be the intern. To keep my nose clean.  I was doing that and here I was in a situation that looked all too familiar.

”Garth, this is neither the time or place this.”

“Bring it down a level, Kaldur.  I’ve learned a few things.  Just want to test it out.  You’re always telling me I shouldn’t be afraid of what I can do.  Of my magic.  I’m taking your advice….”

It had been a quick flash it came and it went, the sounds of scream from the children were enough to spur me into action.  They needed to get clear of the building which meant getting them, their chaperones and teachers out of harm’s way.

Boring assignment.  Anything but. If asked about it I would discuss it with Joshua, but he couldn’t fault me for doing what I could…you know picking up anything I could to be back whatever exhibits I could. I’m sure the museum would put out a statement of some kind which I would be there to get but if they wanted to continue to receive patronage it would probably be best if the exhibits didn’t hurt, maim and in some instances, eat their patrons.

In some cases, there were items used within reach to help me and when they seemed to not cooperate water pressure built in some areas bursting pipes to provide the cover and distraction that was needed to get the various people that I came across out of danger.   I focused on the area I was in.  Any more and I might get a lecture if not worse.   I might have to leave the city and I rather not do that though some security cameras might catch slightly unnatural movement of water once it escaped the pipes.

Within the hour things seemed to calm down and started to return to normal as the storm began to retreat from the area.  There was this need to investigate instead I took pictures and told Mister White that I would be in with information as soon as possible, but it was probably best if I stayed in the area to get a few more firsthand accounts and quotes from people in the area.

I had a story to tell and right now it seemed that a boring assignment might…might get me on the front page.  Which may or may not be a good thing.

I don’t know if that screamed low profile like Joshua wanted.  Either way I took some time to meet with anyone that was gathered around the museum to get their stories.  I had my press pass, so it was completely legitimate.

TARA: Tara would on most occasions not be caught dead in a museum or even near one. To say she found little of value in the lessons to be learned there would be an understatement. She had never much cared for school back during her time in the lab she had grown up in, despite her mother’s attempts to make it fun. At the end of the day she was still confined and still always being watched.

So the cold and clean environment of a museum only served to remind her of a less then ideal time. Today however she had accidentally found herself at the Metropolis Museum of Art entirely due to her lack of familiarity with her new home. Normally she made use of whatever app she could find directions on whatever phone she was currently using, today that plan did not work out.

“Damn it…work you piece of..”

Stopping mid rant about the stolen phones failing battery as all hell broke loose outside of the museum. Still outside at the time Tara glanced up once and immediately knew what she had to do. Run.


Making a quick about face Tara made to escape when everything went white. When next she awoke she found herself sitting on a curb her jacket sitting on her shoulders as an EMT looked at the gash on her forehead.

“I think you’ll be fine miss….?”

Narrowing her eyes at the well meaning medic she consider the question a moment before answering, best not to give her real name.


Nodding he continues to look over her wound ignoring the vulgar muttering of his current patient.

JACKSON:  I was in the middle of finishing my interview with one of the individuals while her grandmother partook of the oxygen they had available.  She had left her tank in the museum in all the commotion.  Not something you would want to think about.  Her grandmother was going to be fine, but she needed a moment while the commotion died down.

While most of the other reporters were held back at the perimeter that had been created I was able to get more information from individuals as I was part of of one of the groups that came out of the museum.  Some of the other people in the immediate area that had come out of the museum spoke about a man in the sky and a woman with a rather fiery temperament going back and forth.  Someone got a picture of the one in the air, but not of the woman, but then he rushed inside.  I made a bid on the picture to have it transferred to my phone provided the with the number so they could be compensated.  I got another picture of the woman from another bystander securing the photos for the planet.

I move on when I hear the vulgar muttering.  I speak to the EMT’s partner to get his perspective

“Jackson Hyde. I’m with the Daily Planet. I was hoping to get a few quotes for the story.  Can you describe the scene as you approached the area?  I was told that you were part of the first response team.”    The EMT looked at me and I flashed the Press Pass, because let’s face it they knew who the reporters were in the city and I didn’t look like any of them.   However, upon seeing the press pass he began to open up about the scene as they approached how angry the sky looked, but it was unlike anything he had seen before.  The storm was centered over the museum and no where else, almost like it was deliberate.

TARA:  “Are you shitting me!?”

Tara said with a low but forceful tone as the EMT leaves her sitting unattended. Reaching into the jackets inner pocket to find the phone that had brought her to weird shit central it’s battery had completely died by this point but it’s wasn’t completely useless.

Holding the screen up just so to use the screen to catch her reflection she tries to see just how bad the damage was. Bringing a finger up to touch the gash over her eye Tara winces at the contact and starts cursing again as the contact causes a small trickle of blood to run down her face.

“HEY. I might be dying over her pal…what happened anyway?”

Looking around where she was siting her eye falls on a bloody jagged rock laying on the grass near her. A rock. Tara of all people had been taken out by a rock.

JACKSON:  I was speaking to his partner so I didn’t see the other EMT get up to stop what he was doing to see what was going on.  “I think your patient is calling.”  Screeching is more like it.  The last thing I wanted was to get in the way of anyone doing anything.  I stop my digital recorder before turning my attention to the woman that had the gash on her forehead.

“Not sure yet.  Conflicting stories.  Some thought it was ghosts.  Others say aliens, but it sounds like there was a metahuman dust up occurred out here.  Not quite sure what went on in the museum, but it sounds like it could be related.”

I step back so the EMT can get back to what he was doing. He got a little chewed out by his partner.  He was supposed to be taking care of the woman. They needed to clean her up and probably take her in for some stitches.

“Don’t think we’ve seen anything like this in Metropolis in a while.”  Sure you heard about Superman and Wonder Woman sightings in the city, but this was something entirely different from a robbery gone wrong. “Sounds like the rumors are true.   Superheroes are on the rise again.”

TARA:  Despite her protest about being ignored Tara bats at the hands of the returning EMT, before relenting and holding up both her hands to signal her surrender to his efforts. He takes it all in stride and wipes away the blood being careful not to touch the wound itself and cause further bleeding. Tara keeps her hands up the entire time only lowering them when he finishes.

“Well ain’t that grand…look at this place.”

Pausing a moment as she has a new thought about things a clearly more important thing.

“Look at me!”

As she raises her voice Tara tries to stand stumbling a bit in the process but remaining in her feet. She hadn’t really looked around the scene since she had woken up on the sidewalk, she did now.

“Super idiots is more like it.”

JACKSON: “It has seen better days.  I’m afraid that it was a lot worse inside at least that’s what I’ve been told.   I haven’t been allowed back inside since I was evacuated from the museum.”  It makes me wish that I had done more, but I have my orders.   So instead I lean towards what I’ve been trained to do report the news.

“I heard that there were a few fatalities, but there haven’t been any confirmations yet.  Either way this is definitely going to leave a mark on the city.”  Things were going to get a bit tense with individuals that felt that meatahumans caused more problems than they solved.

“All of it was a bit odd and that’s putting it lightly.  Exhibits attacking people inside, meteorological events outside.”

TARA:  “Meta humans…are just the worst.”

That said she chucks the dead phone over her shoulder and then uses her now free hand to find the pack of cigarettes from the pocket on the other side of her jacket. Seeing the expression on one of the EMT’s gives her Tara flashes her middle finger at the man before sending the hand back into the pocket for the lighter.

“Do not lecture me okay. I am having the worst…wooooorst day.”

Quickly lighting the cigarette and taking a drag she blows the smoke away from the group around her,see she could be a little courteous. Today had not gone at all like she had expected.

JACKSON:  Commenting isn’t what I was here to do.  i was here to see what people said and it seemed that this was someone that had something to say about it.  How much who knew.

The EMT said nothing at first, but pointed out the fact that if she didn’t want her gash to scar she was going to have to go to the hospital to get that stitched up and there was no smoking in the ambulance.  Simple as that.   He resumed his work and unfortunately for everyone the wind was blowing in her face sending the smoke of her cigarette right in their direction.

Win-win for no one.

“Do you mind if I ask you remember anything?  Were you in the museum?”  Back to doing my job.  Despite the gash it was at must superficial. Probably wasn’t pleasant and it’s not anything anyone would want to experience, but her skull wasn’t cracked so there was that.  I had seen a few other injuries that made hers look like child’s play, but no one goes out looking to get injured unless they’re into that.

TARA:   Tara had no intention of going to the hospital, she liked them even less then museums. The smell alone brought up the worst of her memories of childhood. She didn’t much like the idea of having a scar but going to a hospital usually meant answering questions and that she would not do.

“I was outside I wasn’t even going to the museum…just passing through.

Reading the room so to speak Tara puts out the cigarette it keeps it between her fingers, sometimes that helped the cravings.

“Anywho..it’s time I hit the road. Watch your ass dude.”

Sliding an arm into the sleeve of the coat that had till now been sitting on her shoulders Tara slides her other arm into the second sleeve as she begins walking away.

“Watch out for those super heroes could be anywhere.”

Gesturing with a pair of fingers a she walks off despite the EMTs protests.

JACKSON:  “So you had a clear view of what happened on the inside.”  I was about to ask her if she would like to give her account, but she was already getting up to leave. It seemed that she wanted to get as far away from her as she could.  I couldn’t fault her for that.  Though from the look of things she must have been here when it began.   Most of the other people that was around the museum were brought back to the perimeter that had been created.  Given everything that happen it definitely could have been a lot worse.

“Those are the times we live in.”  Super heroes are a fact of life.  How it’s handle only time will tell, but it will be interesting to see what happens next.

The EMTs were unfazed by her reaction they had pretty much seen it all when it came to people they tried to help.  Some welcomed it some not so much.  Either way he had a story to get ready for print.

There was also another item that he wanted to speak to Ms. Sandsmark about.  He still wanted to do the story on the Kahndaq exhibit, but there was another piece of business that he wanted to talk to her about.