Green is the New Black:  When Old Meets New

Green is the New Black: When Old Meets New

Synopsis:  Kyle arrives in Gotham to meet with Alan Scott the first Green Lantern of Earth who is able to provide additional information about the Lanterns, the status of super heroes in general and provide context around the fallen Lantern, Hal Jordan.


ALAN:  Gotham City is known for its special type of scum and villainy. Most people believe that came with the arrival of the Bat, but they’re wrong. It started way back. During the Great Depression. It was a time when the United States was down on its luck. Hard working people did more than an average day’s labor for a dime. People scrambled for food on good days and barely went hungry on others. History records that America came through it, but those books in those classes rarely give a true accounting of how the working class made it through the days. I know, first hand. Because I was there.

My name is Alan Scott, but people used to call me the Green Lantern.

Truth be told, I don’t look my age. You might call me lucky, but more than once I’ve considered myself cursed. I was born here, in Gotham. Just before the Great Depression. So I got a birds eye view of how it happened, what we went through and most of all? I saw what it meant to live in Gotham City when times were really hard. When if you needed a ride to work, you didn’t dare go for something called ‘Uber.’ Because the chances were the Cabby would shank you and steal your shoes to pay for Gas. There were no monorails to carry you place to place. We didn’t have the luxury of buying things from the Amazon, because the only Amazon we knew back then would punch you in the eye if she thought you were going to tell her to get her cute butt in the Kitchen. We suffered. Some of us persevered. Others gave in to the simple baser need to put food on the table by turning to a life of crime.

Sure. We didn’t have Clown Princes, nor Presidents for Life. I’ll be the first to tell you that it was a simpler time back then. Less elaborate. That doesn’t mean Gotham was better than it is now. I don’t see the world’s History through rose colored glasses, I’m rather fond of emerald city green anyway. Gotham was, as it is now, a little too proud of not being Metropolis. Happy to cavort with the dangers of the criminal element if it means being just good enough.

Little wonder this is where I came. This is where I made my home. Her in the City of Gotham, in the state of New Jersey. Not too far down the river from Metropolis, but far enough away from the glitz and glamour that I don’t have to worry about visitors. It was always supposed to be a place of rest, where I could disappear in to retirement. Sure, the place I own isn’t Wayne Manor but it’ll do. Unlike the Waynes, I worked for my money. Scraped by tooth and nail to create the communications network that even now supports Gotham. Not just Gotham, but most of the East Coast. The Scotts have been here since the beginning. We built the first newspaper, owned the first telegraph in town. Eventually that became more. Newspapers, then Radio, before shifting to television. I stopped there, getting out of the way before things became too much about the ‘Intrawebs.’ Not my style. I like to hold, touch and feel the news in my hands. That’s what I’m doing too. Reading the morning paper. Scanning through the terrible images of yet another clash with the world that the Joker is having. When I hear something that I haven’t heard in a very long time. I’d almost forgotten the ring was there, it’s been -that- long.

[:Alert. Energy Signature Identified. Oa Power Ring Detected.:]


KYLE:  It wasn’t the first time that I had been to Gotham.  We’ve been to Gotham a few times usually for the museums and the architecture.  It was a sight to behold, but different from Metropolis.  Two sides of the same coin perhaps?  I wasn’t sure, but I wasn’t here to take a walking tour of Gotham if those things still happened I was here seeking someone out.  The moment I got into the city I found myself determining where to start.   It wasn’t like I could land in the city center and announce that I was here.  That’s the last thing that I needed.  It would draw all the wrong types of attention.

Not that the city needed any more attention.   There were talks of ninjas.  I didn’t even want to get caught up in that, but if some happened to cross my path and were doing what I felt was wrong they might have found themselves snared for a moment until authorities arrived.  That slowed me down while I did my best to stay out of sight as used my phone to figure out where I might be able to find Alan Scott. I was given a name, but not an address so that meant I found myself standing in front of the communication network that Scott built. It had him listed as ownig it.  He was the CEO of the Gotham Broadcasting Company, the GBC.

I wasn’t sure how I should go about doing this.  Should I go in and ask to speak with Alan Scott.  Do Green Lanterns have signals like the Bat Signal?  I thought about it for a moment before I moved away from the building.   Several minutes later a green light might be seen flying over head landing on the building.  Immediately a spider like construct began to make its way through the shaft while goggles appeared around my eyes providing me with what I needed.

“Alright let’s do this spider friend.  Let’s find Alan Scott.”

ALAN:  One thing is for certain. ‘Alan Scott,’ isn’t hiding in mediocrity. GBC is the biggest, oldest, communication company in the City. One of the oldest in the Nation. With holdings across the Globe in order to stay relevant. It was always important to me, after that Great Depression, to bring something back home. Here, to Gotham. Not the ring, not the power or the crazies that go with it. Jobs. Money. Economic growth, development and the assistance that goes with it.

Security at the GBC is good enough to give people an opportunity to get clear, in the event of Super-Villain Take-Over. Not so good as to keep a Green Lantern from finding an ingenious way to breach the security. I’m not sure what he’s looking for, but by the time I arrive? He’s got fancy goggles on his head and is sending some sort of remote control robot down the air chute. There’s no sound to be made, I’m not really sneaking up on the kid. After all he’s the one breaking in to my building.

“Fancy. Those constructs are intricate. You’ve gotta have firsthand knowledge of that sort of technology to make it work like that. A guy that smart, should probably know that one of the Bat-People are probably going to show up any minute.” Says the man in the business suit and ruffled hair, no costume, who’s making no effort to hide his own similar ring to the one Kyle’s sporting. Similar, but not the same. “So. I’m Alan. This is my building. If you could do me a favor and not break anything. That’d be great. I upped my insurance premiums to cover ‘Damage by Ninja’ but after Coast City? They don’t cover Green Lanterns anymore.”

KYLE:  The mechanical spider was making it’s way through the vents checking each area it came in contact with. “Oh, it’s just something saw in a Japanese animation I watched a few months ago combined with the Minority Report.  Remember that scene with the spiders when they were searching for the target that was on the run.” I said it so matter-of-fact that it was like something I had done before.

Of course, the voice behind me is usually one that I hear in my head, but it wasn’t in my head it was outside of my head.  I blinked a few times and the spider stopped in its movements.  “Scrap.”  Turrning my head slowly towards the person that wasn’t in my head I hopped back like the roof of the building was on fire.

“Alan? Wait Alan Scott.  You’re the person I’m looking for.”  Pausing for a second my brow arched.  “Oh no no no. I’m not here to…wait. They don’t cover Green Lanterns?  Is that a real thing?”  There’s specific coverage for superheroes.

“Double scrap.” I’m totally not in uniform.  “We can’t start over can we? I’m totally busted.  Civilian face and everything.”  A green construct starts covering my face and I’m now wearing something that looks very reminiscent of the Green Power Ranger…the original Green Power Ranger.  Just over my head though.


ALAN:  “Japanimation? That stuff with the tentacles and schoolgirls? Well, I mean. Each person has to find their own inspiration, I suppose. Not really something I’d think of when I think about the things most likely to meet with Guardian approval though. Hey, what I know. This generation of kids is doing a lot of things we never dreamed off back in my hay-day.”

The chipper demeanor isn’t a ploy, it’s the real thing. I’ve never let the world or the things going on bring me down completely. It all goes back to those humble beginnings, seeing my Father scrape by to put food on the table. When a good meal was a can of Soup that the whole family shared. After that I came out the other side resolved, understanding that you have to take the good in life when and where you can. Otherwise the bad in life will drag you down, too far to ever get out.

Maybe this kid understands that too? He seems awfully squirrel for your average run of the mill Space-Cop. “Yeah. Didn’t need telepathy to figure that out, Kid. Just a good security system. When a guy and a power ring show up, breaking in to one of my buildings? That’s too much of a coincidence to actually be one. Can’t be too careful.”

“Also. I’m serious. ‘Act of Green Lantern’ is right next to ‘Act of God,’ in the insurance policy, under the listing of ‘Definitely not covered, under any circumstances.’ I wish it weren’t so, but kinda public enemy numero uno.” With a shrug of the shoulders, I come in closer to Kyle as he’s working on his mask. All around me is the same green hue that surrounds him when he’s in flight. The difference is in the flickering of green flame, that you don’t see with other Green Lanterns. “Sure thing. Do-over. I like a good mulligan as well as the next average skilled golfer.”

“So. Fresh start. Hi. I’m Alan Scott and you are…?”

[:Designation: Rayner, Kyle. Sector 2814, Trainee.:]

“…Kyle, then. Sorry. I never upgraded to the model ring. I’m still fighting against getting a smart phone too. This old ring is as cranky as I am supposed to be.”

KYLE:  The entire construct fades away line by line when he says that and my eyes are as wide as saucers that scream. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  I don’t speak, because I’m starting to wonder if I give off some kind of vibe.  No, of course not.  That is totally not the case.

“Japanese Animation of which hentai is a part of, but I’m totally not refer to that. Not at all. No, sir.” My hands move emphatically to ensure that my point is made.  “Is that the first thing people think about when they hear that.  I mean sure there are some interesting things that the animators like to think about that do that particular kind of work, but I’m too young to be thinking about those things.   Don’t I look it.  Babyface cherub.”  Cue my most innocent smile.

“I wasn’t technically breaking in.  I was trying to find you. I mean I didn’t want to walk up to the desk in the lobby and go I need to speak to Alan Scott one Lantern to another. I don’t think that would go over well.  Also, there was no guarantee you were here.”  I totally should have consulted the ring.

“Act of Green Lantern. Aww man.  Does that mean I could get sued?”  All of sudden cash registers were around us popping opens CA-CHING! CA-CHING!  “Nothing about that in the message, Ganthet.”  I say to the ring.   This is totally not cool, but given everything that happened I could see why insurance companies would deny claims.

About that fresh start now that I’m exposed again I hold out my hand when the ring introduces me.  I’m also zeroing in the green flame that surrounds Alan. He really is a Green Lantern, but different.  Definitely different unless it supposed be like that. “Well, as your ring just told you…” I glare at the ring. “…Kyle Rayner.”  Trainee?  Really? I’m a Trainee?

“Smart phones are the wave and bane of the future.   Continue to fight.”   I say with a nod. “However, I guess you’re wondering how this all happened?  Why am I here?    What do I want?  Am I here to cause trouble.   I can tell you right now I’m not here to cause trouble. Promise. Scouts honor.” Technically I was never a scout, but people say that a lot.

“A friend of mine.  Between me and you he’s the number one contender for best friend, but he told me that you might be able to help me.  Provide a little context on who and what Green Lanterns are since I’m a trainee and apparently there’s no one here to show me the ropes. ”


ALAN:  “Sorry, kid. That thing you’re doing with your face? Just screams ‘nutty pervert’ to me. Don’t do that around Grant or he’ll start calling you Chester.”

Whether or not that too was part of the over-all demeanor of good cheer? Is a little suspicious because of the grave-sound to that warning. Ted Grant gives out ‘Codenames’ that you’re stuck with for life. Whether they’re fun, friendly, cute or unflattering? Ted’s intent is normally easy to figure by the tone of the nickname. Baby Bird? Black Canary, prized student. Numbnuts? Well, not many people talk about good ole Chuck Lane anymore. Poor old Jester, he really did have the best of intentions. One bad joke over a beer with Ted Grant and now? Now he’s numbnuts.


“I wasn’t here,” jerking my thumb back over a shoulder the way I came. “Was back at my little hovel, reading the newspaper. Hostage Crisis. Terrible stuff. Glad for the interruption.”

At the question of being sued? I’m quick to answer his cash register constructs with a convict’s ball and chain forming around one of his ankles. Giving the kid a wink, to show I’m not put off by the zany special effects. “Sued? Maybe. You’d probably be assassinated first. Put in Super-Prison, if you’re real lucky. Speaking of, Kid. Aren’t well, I don’t mean to sound rude here, but you seem a little… green … around the ears.”

Then it’s time to listen, and I do that a lot better than most. When you’ve been doing the sort of work that I’ve done, for almost a century at this point, you have to be a good listener. Kyle is quick to profess himself as a good guy. Nice start, but I’m not so easily convinced. The last guy I met with one of those rings was a nice guy too. Until he wasn’t. It’s at that point though, that I want to correct him but hold off doing so. He’s got more to say, a story to tell. Someone sent him to me? Very interesting, that’s a decidedly small number of potential people who would even know to send someone to me.

He’s introduced himself, filled in the blanks that my ring didn’t offer. Now it’s my turn. I should probably make this something Grand. Something awe-inspiring, to put Kyle in the proper mind set. Right? Eh. Nah. “Well, as your friend told you, I really am Alan Scott. About sixty years ago? They called me the Green Lantern. Feels like a life-time ago, to be honest.”

“Wait. Wait. Hold on. Kyle, you really are new aren’t you? Oh, damn, kid. I thought you were putting me on. Taking the whole secret identity thing a step further. Damn. Listen kid, have you learned how to fly? Course you did, that’s how you got to the roof. There are some things you need to know, but if we hang out here in Gotham putting our Schwatz on display like this? One of the bat-kids is going to show up and do this growly voice. It’s extremely disconcerting to have a twelve year old boy trying to sound like Barry White, while telling you to get out of their City. Last time it happened, I almost threw my hip out trying to hold back to laughter.”

Without any further banter the ring on my hand lights up. Literally. The green-white flames spark up all around me as I lift back up in to the air. “Follow me, Kid. I’ll tell you a little story. Hope you like Dramatic Comedies, with a splash of Sci-Fi Horror.”

KYLE:  I gave it a little thought remembering how quickly that can happen. I’m in high school it happens every day. Make one faux pas and you’re it for life.  You can try to escape it, but the moment you run into someone that knows it starts all over again. I try not to frown, because frowning wouldn’t make the best of impressions.

Chester.  I’m not sure I want to know what that means.  Some things I’m better not knowing.

Seeing the ball and chain at my ankle I shake my head. “I rather avoid that if possible.  My bestie pretty much told me the same thing.  He’s putting himself on the line for me.”  Con was and that meant something. He could’ve taken me in.  I rather not be on the run and have my mom find out about all of this on the television.  It’s the last thing she needs.

“Wait…did you say sixty years ago?”  Sixty?  He was the Green Lantern then?  He doesn’t look.  I try to work it out in my head without triggering my ring.  I rather not telegraph what I’m thinking.  “How did you stop aging or has your cellular decay somehow been suppressed?”  Could his ring do something like that? Also, how do I know about cellular decay? Star Trek naturally.

“Really?  Try to do the right thing and they’re trying to sweep you out like you’re the tress.  How rude!”  My brows knit themselves together at that one, but flying.  We should be doing that. I’ve flown a few places, but I’ve tried to stay off the radar when I can. When he takes to the air I still find myself fascinated by the aura of his ring it’s definitely not like mine.  The energy is different.

My ring lights up and it’s simple green aura when compared the green white flames that surround Alan. Of course, I’m following behind him until I’m flying beside him on my sweet looking green Vespa.

Aw yeah!  I always wanted to ride through Rome on a Vespa. It looks fun.  I even have a helmet.  See safety boy!

“I guess I should start at the beginning.” The beginning.  “I was in a plane crash several years ago.  Only survivor.  Short term coma actually along with you know a broken body.  I was on a class trip coming back from DC.  You know school trip to see how the government works.  On the way back, the plane started having trouble.  It took a turn for the worse and well, the next thing I remembered I was in the hospital, in traction.  Lone survivor.”  I think my mom inquired a few times about what brought the plane down.  We never got a real answer.  Mainly because I was whisked away.

“It was about a year of rehab along with tests from the DEO to make sure there was nothing ‘special’ about me.  They couldn’t understand how I survived.  I wasn’t super-durable or strong.  Couldn’t change shape, but I survived.  They needed to be sure.”  I glanced at the ring.  “It didn’t even look like this in the beginning. It was a simple ring.  Nothing special about it.  It was dormant.  I think it was a safety feature. No one thought anything of it, but after all was said and done.  My mom was given a modest amount and strings were pulled and I got into a really good boarding school in Metropolis that had a really good art program, but…” There was always a but.

“Psychiatrist were worried about trauma and gaps in the memory. The fact that I couldn’t recall anything, and I was having nightmares was troubling, but after a while I stopped.”  They didn’t stop I stopped.  “I didn’t want to talk to them anymore.  I wanted to know, but I didn’t want to share my feelings about it.”  Not how I was built. I had to work through it may way.   “There were reoccurring images a pair of hands, blue eyes and voice.  You will do. Always the same, all engulfed in flames.  I didn’t tell anyone about it, because what if I was going crazy?  What if it was a meta-human that helped me out?  It would suck if I snitched.  Also, I didn’t want to worry my mom.”

ALAN:  “Mhm. Sixty years or so. I found my ring in the summer of nineteen thirty-nine, to be specific.” I’ll let Kyle worry about the Math, because the kid seems a little conscious of such things. Instead I focus on giving him some more information in exchange for his. “Mine was a Train Wreck. Literally. I was also the sole survivor, at least of the train car that I was in.”

The Vespa is actually pretty cute. For a guy trying to attract very little attention, he’s got a certain flare about him. Playful. What can I say? We’re already glowing green and flying across the night’s sky. What is a little personality going to do that we’re not already doing? So I up the ante a little bit. Giving myself a Chariot and two Flying Goats. Chariot of Fire, mind you. Which allows for me to talk, to fly, without having to be the one guiding us to our location: Casa del Scott. Lonely Mansion on the Outskirts of Gotham City.

“Safety feature? Yeah. Kinda. The rings can take the shape of anything you need it to be. It’s connected to you, Kyle. If you were anxious about being caught or worried about them thinking you were a Meta? The ring recognized it and concealed itself. Most likely, it was also waiting and conserving power until you finished your rehab. That’s actually how it worked with me too. Kinda weird. History repeating itself like that.”

Though my Home isn’t Wayne Manor it’s still a pretty sizable ‘Retirement Home.’ I’ve got money, I don’t feel like I should skimp on amenities when I’ve been -forced- in to semi-retirement. So I don’t live in a real Hovel, like I joked about earlier. I’ve got a pool and a tennis court. Actually two. A set outside and set inside. Plus a Bowling Alley, that I keep hidden otherwise Ted Grant would never leave.

Our chosen landing spot? Is the balcony leading in to my study.  Oh, and the House? Is actually older than I am. “The Alien in your memories is called a Guardian. They’re an ancient and evolved alien culture. Who decided a long, long time ago to bring order to the otherwise chaotic galaxy. In the Grand Scheme of the Universe, at least my understanding of it? They’re the Good Guys. Which is good news, right? The ring you’re wearing, is a power ring from the Planet Oa, home of those Guardians. It was created to help the Guardian’s empower their a corps of sector guardians.”

“Generally speaking there is a finite number of power rings. One, maybe two, for each Sector of Space that falls under the Guardian’s protection. Normally, when a Lantern is selected, they’re replacing a fallen Lantern.” Now that I’m starting to explain things, and we’re inside, I’m starting to create a small power point presentation upon the walls of my study. Giving the younger Lantern a bit of a quick overview of the ‘world’ he’s stepped in to. “If you’re having memories of an actual Guardian giving you that ring, Kyle, then that makes you a very special young man. It also answers a question for me.”

“You see, Kyle. As soon as that Ring came out of its dormant state. When you were physically able to begin wielding it and learning? You should have been immediately recalled to Oa, for training. In some case,s a trainer would be sent to you, but that’s normally only the case of certain Lanterns that can’t physically traverse space to Oa. All of which means, Kyle. That if you’re not there and someone isn’t here to train you? Then the War that the Corps was waging with Parallax is going very poorly.”


KYLE:  Nineteen thirty-nine.  Less than 80 years ago.   My eyes widen for a moment, which is magnified a bit because of the goggles that I’m wearing along with the helmet. It completes the look with my Vespa.  Smirking at the chariots and goats I wonder if he has a fascination with Thor or if this is just what he likes.  Interesting.  Definitely creates a certain look.  “Really?” That is quite the coincidence. We were both lone survivors.

“I definitely wasn’t ready back then.  There was too much to focus on I also think…”  I think there was another reason it was dormant.   I don’t even know how to put together yet.  I mean it had to be connected.  The fact that my story is remarkably similar to Alan’s is eerie.  However, does this mean that I’ll look that good when I’m older.  That would be an interesting perk.

Following along I make sure Vespa keeps up with the goats as they seemed to know our intended destination.  “Definitely weird, but maybe some events are meant to repeat themselves.  People are always talking about how there are certain patterns to life and the universe. I think it’s true to a point.  Perhaps it’s meant to help us notice something.  Or at least make us aware. I don’t know, but after everything that’s happened sometimes you have to stop and think.”   Then again, I shall have to do and what not.

When we arrive at his residence, his hovel I look over at him.  “This is pretty nice…” Better than pretty nice.  There’s a tennis court and swimming pool. When the Vespa lands it fades away when I stand up looking around.  “Really nice.” However, priorities.   “Ganthet.” I add.  See I learned a few things.  A lot of things, but not everything like I had no idea how the rings came to be.

“It was described by my friend as Intergalactic Peackeeper. So pretty much a space cop.”  I’m space cop. I’m still shocked by that.  Despite my comments I take everything Alan says seriously going as far as to walk towards the projections.

“Which isn’t good.”  I don’t full on frown all the tie, but when I do it changes my entire posture.  It almost seems like I’m a few inches shorter.  “I’ve only been using the ring for a couple of weeks.  First is…was a fire in Metropolis.  It was bad.  No one had arrived.  I heard people and it was like the crash all over again.  I ran towards it.”  Instead of away.  “I was inside trying to help some kids get out and had to jump through some flames with only a wet blanket to get to them.  That was a little surreal.  I saw the eyes, the hands reaching out of the flames, but I had to. I couldn’t just turn away.”  Through the flames I went.

“The ring changed and started talking then it just went…it was pretty amazing.  Fire truck arrived with firemen to help get people out and take out the fire, but they weren’t real.  They were green.  I was thinking that’s what we needed, and it happened.”  My mind was blown right there. Like Boom.

“If that wasn’t enough I hide out with the fire crew and slipped away in one of their uniforms and I flew. Like up, up and away.  Like Superman.  Classic Superman.” I say with a spin before looking at him.

“I didn’t know who to tell or who to talk to.  However, it did make me think about what happened with the crashed and the voice I remembered.  It was then I remembered.  I thought all this time he said, “You will have to do,” when he actually said, ‘You shall have to do.’”

I ball my fist and focus, and the projection actually activates like right out of Star Wars.  No need to bang on the ring and tell him to release the message that he’s carrying in his rusty innards.

It’s a vivid projection of Ganthet. It’s not just green, it shows everything as it should be like a 3-D image with full colors.  However, he wasn’t talking. He remained inactive.  I turned to Alan and scanned him with the ring.

[Subject identified.  Alan Scott.]  The ring stated.

“Replay greeting message.  Um…Kyle Authorization. Please?”

[Permission granted.] Just like that the image of Ganthet came to life.

”Kyle Rayner if you are viewing this then not only have you successfully demonstrated that you are capable of overcoming great fear you have provided the correct passphrase to access this message.”

“Sufficient time has elapsed for you to grasp that this is a prerecorded message that I meant for you and you alone to access.  Humans have always been clever creatures and despite the circumstances I believe that I have chosen wisely.”

“I am called Ganthet and I am a Guardian of the Universe and yes, you shall have to do, Kyle Rayner.  While our exchange was brief I know that I have entrusted the last power ring to the right individual. I wish there was more that I could tell you, but my time is limited. However, I wish for you to know that I sensed within you all the traits that are desired for those who wield a Lantern’s power ring. Let it be known that hence forth from this moment you are the Green Lantern.”

“I offer you my apologies as I am not able to provide as much information as I would like, but my presence will not go unnoticed by the Fallen One.  You have been entrusted with a great legacy, Kyle Rayner. One that larger than your wildest dreams no matter how vivid they may be.”

”Perhaps our paths will cross again, but if not know that both I and the ring have chosen wisely.  Until then may your ring and power battery serve you well and you them.  Farewell.”

The projection fades.   “I found out who the Fallen One was.”


ALAN: “Parallax.”

Everything else is lip-service. Nothing that we’ve spoken about is as important as that name. Who he is and what he did. How he came to be. “Hal Jordan, to his friends. He was the last Green Lantern on this world. There have been others, but they’re either off world or gone at this point. Ganthet is right, you’ve got quite a legacy, young man. Some of it to live up too, some of it to make up for. Your shoulders are broad, you look like a strapping young lad. If Ganthet is right, you’ve already got all the tools you’ll need.”

Moving over to the sofa in the study and reclining across it. Lazing, almost, but as I do the Green comes alive again. A spark turns in to flame in the fire place. A leggy young maid springs to work in taking my sports coat and offering the two of us drinks. He’d mentioned the firemen who he created, this is something like that. Although there’s a similar difference in how it manifests. That, for now, isn’t half as important as talking with this young man. Putting him at ease and getting him to stop worrying so much.

“Alright, Kyle. Let’s talk turkey, such is the season. You’ve told me your story, so I feel like I should give you mine. Just keep in mind that I’m abbreviating most of a century. When I awoke from my train wreck, I didn’t have an explanation. Nor did I have a ring. The only other thing that survived the wreck was a single train lamp. Which was given to me, by the owners of the Train. Along with a sizable settlement. It turns out that the Lamp was the source of my rescue. Like your Ring took another form? The Lamp was actually a Lantern, in another shape. It had been on this world for a long, long time. Looking for someone it considered worthy. Apparently, I was it.”

“I called your ring a new model. That’s because my ring is spawned from the Guardians too, just from a point in time prior to their having made rings like yours. A long time before, in fact. The Guardians, Ganthet among them. Decided that ‘Magic’ was a chaotic force. So, they decided to contain it. Lock it away from people who would abuse it. They gathered all of the ‘Magic’ they could in to a single vessel, for safe keeping. It was intended to be the original Central Battery, for rings just like yours. What the Guardians didn’t understand at that time, is that Magic isn’t just casual energy. It happens to be alive. It believed in the Guardian’s Goal of Order and Preserving Life, but it didn’t wish to be used as nothing more than a battery. Son it escaped their custody and found its way here. On Earth.”

Making a gesture of my hand, the ring on my hand floats away from my finger. Levitating on its own towards my desk. Towards the small Lamp that settles there. As it draws near the Lamp reveals itself to be a massive Lantern, the likes of which Kyle is sure to recognize. “This is the Starheart, Kyle. Though it works very similarly to your Battery and my abilities manifest similar to your’s, they energy behind them is different. Same Smartphone, different batteries.”

“For a long time, I didn’t know about the Green Lantern Corp. Then a ring came to Earth, by accident. He was fleeing from some sort of battle. His ship was damaged. He was dying. His ring sought out his replacement. That replacement was Hal Jordan. Whom would become Parallax. When the two of us met, our rings identified one another. We helped one another over the years. Through Hal, I was introduced to the Guardians. To Ganthet. Through me they were able to reconnect with the Starheart. Whom they now recognize as sentient.”

“After Coast City… after Hal… fell…the Guardians asked me to be this Sector’s Lantern. The Starheart feared that the Guardians would eventually revert back to wanting to contain it or if circumstances became Dire, they might seek to use it for its original purpose. So, a compromise was reached. The Guardians appointed me as the Guardian Sentinel. Apparently, it’s some sort of honorary position.” Once more shrugging, as I take a drink of what has been brought by the constructed waitress. “I think, it means that I’m your Guardian, Pal. I feel like I owe you an apology. Because, after all of that? This world changed. Tonight, was the first time I’ve even flown in ten years.”


KYLE:   Looking at my ring I watch as Alan uses his how the fire comes to life and the maid who comes to take his jacket and take our drink orders.  I can already tell that she’s a construct, but the more I understand how different our rings are, but how alike they are.  Pressing my lips into a thin line I find a chair to sit in, because I think this is best taken in while sitting.

“Water, please. Thank you.” Have to stay hydrated. It’s what I tell myself.  It helps me pace myself. I know a zillion questions could swirl, but I listen, because sometimes you just need to.  Sometimes the questions you’re about to ask might be answered if you listen.

Upon hearing Alan’s story it’s like the start of a mythical story.  One page flips after the another in my mind.  From meager beginnings to something greater.  The realization that Starheart is more than tool, that it is alive. When the ring floats away towards the lamp I gasp when the lamp reveals itself to be the lantern that he spoke of.  It’s massive and it looks very reminiscent of the power battery that I retrieved in Coast City.   They wanted Starheart to power all the rings. I wonder how different things might have been if it had happened?

“Got it. Magic.” That made me think on something, but it could wait.   The idea that magic exist still doesn’t make me pause. I take it all in stride.  Con talked about magic and now Alan is talking about magic. Sounds like a common thing for certain individuals, those who come in contact with it on a regular basis.

“I want to make a note that I want to come back to the magic business. I have a question.  Two questions. One’s magic related the other is related to your business.”  I state it, because if I don’t I’ll forget to ask.  It’s important, because it could help two people out. One I don’t know, but knows my friend and I know he was concerned about the possibility.  Alan could help, but it may become a matter of wanting to help.

“It’s not safe for meta-humans.   It’s dangerous.  You’re working with the Guardians to protect people.  They recognize the relationship you have with your ring, the fact that Starheart is sentient. It’s not simply a tool.  In a lot of ways Starheart sounds like your partner.” My ring has spoken, but it sounds more preprogrammed than anything.

“You have nothing to apologize for.  This is a less than ideal situation for everyone.”  I’m not saying that I don’t want the ring or I wish the ring had never come into my possession, but I know what it represents.   “I started doing research on the Green Lantern as much as I could without drawing attention.  It led me to Coast City.  I saw what Hal Jordan was capable of how he gathered heroes to defeat Mongul, but then I saw how that battle changed him, the birth of Parallax.”   I had been given that a lot of thought.

“I want to know more about the Green Lanterns about this Corps.  I won’t lie it was a lot to take in to find out that one of the single greatest heroes is now the most nefarious, but my new friend…he said something similar to what you said about carrying on a great legacy and forging our own. There is a lot to live up to, but it can’t define me, because Hal Jordan was Hal Jordan and I’m Kyle Rayner.” Is there a possibility the same thing could happen to me?

“It’s why I’m here.  To learn.  It’s why I went to Coast City to learn. I could have put the ring away after everything I learned, but I can’t.  Surrendering to the darkness is not allowed. I’ve seen what fear does to people.  I’ve seen what fear has done to this country, to the planet.”  And we’re just one planet among many.

Parallax may have been driven away, but he will return.

“The specter of Parallax can’t be Green Lantern’s legacy. It can’t be the legacy for any meta-human.  The shadow that’s been cast must be beaten back. I want you to be able to fly again and again. Our light is supposed to instill hope not fear.  The world has had enough of the later. It needs the former.”


ALAN:  “Ask whatever questions you need, son. I’ve got nothing but time.”

I also wanted Kyle to see something else. The ring has floated back to the Lantern, but the constructs are still alive and working in the room. I’m waiting for him to catch on, to see it and recognize it. That the ring I’m wearing is little more than another construct actually. The Starheart creates it to give me a focus for the power, but I’ve been working with it all these years now. The ring is something for me to channel through. Like a laser passing through a focus, it gives me a greater deal of control. A finer type of control if anything. It just isn’t needed.

Partner? I hadn’t thought about it in those terms, but that actually makes sense. It has me nodding, even smiling and shooting the finger gun at Kyle. “Right on, Kid. It’s a lot like that, really. Though, I suppose we work together for entirely different reasons than your Corp selects it’s ring bearers.”

“Hold on there, Tonto. Let’s take a step back here. I want to give you a piece of advice. Don’t worry about what Hal did or who he was. You’re not him and if you devote any amount of time to thinking about the What If, you’ll lose time to think about the right now. Right now, you’re Kyle Raynor. Green Lantern. You were chosen because you have all the tools to be a good Lantern. The thing you need to focus on, is what kind of a Lantern do you want to be?”

“It’s not even a difficult thought, Kyle. Just close your eyes. Think about your Mom. The woman who raised you to be worthy of that ring. What would make her proud? Start there. Build on it.” Once more I’m taking a drink, but this time it’s more to give Kyle a second to think about what I’ve said. “There’s a lot about the Lantern Corp that I can tell you, but there’s also a lot that I don’t know. Like I said, Starheart was born from an earlier stage of the Guardian’s plans. When she escaped, the Guardians had to re-think their plans.”

“I also know, that the Guardians aren’t perfect. My own story tells you that. They made a mistake with ‘Magic.’ What makes them, normally, good guys? Is that when they recognize that they’ve made a mistake? Ordinarily they admit it and try to correct it. That makes them a source of Good, out there. That ring means you’re not just Kyle Rayner of Earth, kid. There’s a bigger universe out there and the Guardians are a force of good for a big chunk of it.” Putting my hands out, one to the construct for a refill and the other to call Kyle off for a second. “Back to what I said about not focusing on Legacy yet. Kyle, you’re a kid. The ring called you a trainee. So. First lesson. Stop worrying about Legacy, until you even know what the hell you’re doing.”

“Lesson number two? Parallax wasn’t born here. It’s existed for as long as those rings of yours have. For a long time it created a singular impurity in those rings, actually. Parallax feeds on fear. It harvests fear, for power. That impurity in your ring? It awoke when Coast City was destroyed. It felt the fear of an entire planet, it harvested it… and then Hal became little more than my ring to Parallax. A focus, a tool.”

“You’re not a tool are you, Kid? God, I hope you’re not a tool. So. Question number two?”

KYLE:  I hadn’t caught on until I saw the ring moving back to the Lantern. I had been caught up with so much that it hadn’t dawned on me.  Con said that there was a former Green Lantern in Gotham that I could talk to. He was a Green Lantern past tense. My eyes move between the ring and Alan.  I was so caught up in what was happening, that I didn’t focus on what I was being shown.

He said he hadn’t flown in quite some time.  Also given the fact that he operated as a Lantern in the past and he was still here suggested something.  Logically speaking at least.

“When I did my research, there was a lot about Jordan, but nothing about you. The only reason I know about you is because I was given your name.”  Meaning someone removed all records of his activities or they weren’t reported on. I find that difficult to believe.

Alan’s pretty much been leading a normal life.  “Why did you stop being active as the Green Lantern?”  This is leading somewhere a suspicion.  I’m curious now, but I keep watching Alan interact with the constructs.  When he tells me to think about what my mom would want.  “She would want me to be a good person.” That’s my mom. “Do what’s right. Help people. Appreciate the gift I was given.”  I lived.

Be Kyle Rayner.  My mind shifts to all of the people who didn’t live.  All the lives that were lost.  All the lives that might have been. Not to conjure guilt, but to remind me that every victory I have is a victory for everyone.  A victor for all the people that were on the plain with me and all the people that believe in me just being me.

“I’m not a tool.”  That’s a promise.  Have no say in what they do.  They are directed from one tasks then the next.  Never speaking.  Never objecting.  Never fighting.


ALAN:  Yeah, when the Starheart originally found me, I wasn’t really a member of the Green Lantern Corp. Hell, Earth didn’t even have a Green Lantern at the time. We were considered, as a planet, a bit too backwater for the Guardians. That’s one of the many reasons that the Starheart thought she’d be safe here. Another of those reasons, is that Humanity had blocked the walls off on Magic, but also still had some people who believed. Just the right mixture for her to find a protector, without risking entangling herself in something that might end up being detected by the Guardians.”

This feels like a tale, when it’s really history. Not ancient history, because it sure all feels like it was just yesterday. There’s warmth in my voice for this, for what I’m telling Kyle Rayner. Because this is all important to me and to the source of what power I’m using here. Something as old and as strange as the Guardians of Oa themselves. Created by them in fact. Manifesting in a nearly identical way of their own power. Though at the same time decidedly different.

“During the Great War, I operated as a Lantern. Starheart agreed that we needed to protect this world, since it was her new Home. After it though, we knew right away that we’d be ‘retiring’ sooner than Later. We kept at it for a time, but when the world started it’s first turn against Capes? We were among the first to be approached with the ultimatum.”

“Join them. Be part of their group, act when called upon. Retire. A number of us were offered the opportunity to retire. Thanked for our contributions to the War Effort and recognized as Heroes. We were given special dispensations. So long as we didn’t act out, through becoming vigilantes or through becoming something worse. We were promised immunity. Not just for ourselves but our continued families, which were encouraged to have.” Pausing, long enough to take a drink and leave Kyle to ponder which of the options I’d taken. A rueful smile crosses my face, as I watch this boy. He seems to take it all in as part of some fanciful story of the Ages. “Surprisingly, I initially took Door Number One. I joined with the group, under the pretense of keeping it and the Starheart Safe. Several members of the Society did the same.”

“Our goal was to shape this new group. To work from within to make it a true force for Justice and Prosperity. For a time, it seemed to be working. Which is why you won’t find much of me in the History Books. I was what you might call Upper Management. So I didn’t get out in the field much. That was just fine for the Starheart. Eventually Hal got his ring and I stopped feeling the need to be out there.”

“Most people don’t realize this, but things in the D.E.O. started taking a turn for the worse long before Coast City. It started with the arrival of the first Superman. An Alien of nearly unstoppable power, who wouldn’t agree to work with the ‘Team,’ nor would he be forcibly retired. He threatened the entire paradigm. Forcing the D.E.O. to get aggressive, to seek alternative means to protecting the world. That change, is what lead us to this point.”

“Not very reassuring, Kid, since that’s what a tool would say. Make your own decisions. Out there. Some of them will be mistakes. Own them as much as you own the good ones and you’ll be alright.”


KYLE:  I listened to every word that was said considering everything that was being shared with me. The reason why I hadn’t heard of Alan before, why there was nothing in the papers about him.  I also considered how well it seemed that Alan and the Starheart seemed to be in step with one another.  They seemed to be of one mind.  I wondered if they mutually influenced one another over time.

That aside what did concern me was the statement that Alan made about how the government pushed the heroes of his time into working with him.   “So, no matter the choice that was made they encouraged you to start families and procreate.”  I glanced over at the other.  Nothing altruistic about that.  “Sounds like when someone shelf life has experienced they would already have a new generation to pick from.”  And if they couldn’t do that they would make their own.  That made me think about Con and some of the things that were happening right now.

On the logic side it makes sense, but it’s still shitty.  That’s the government for you.  “There’s nothing more natural than that.  If there’s a problem, if a system is broken there’s two paths you can take. Work within the system or outside of it.   Given the choice that was handed to you chose the one where you wanted to do the most good from within.  Also, someone had to fight the fight from within for the generations to come.  If you chose to walk away any access you could hope to have wouldn’t be there.  The government would become a black box that no one could see into which would make them far more dangerous, because no one would know what to expect.”  I could be way off the mark, but that’s how it makes sense to me, however given the way things are now I doubt I will be taking door number one.  I’m not a big fan on the anti-alien talk.

“So, when they come for me…” Because they were going to come for me. It’s not that I didn’t trust Con, far from it. I trusted him I don’t know why I just did and had nothing to do with the big D.  Not that I looked!  However, they could eventually send someone other than Con the more I start acting out in the open.

“…they’re going to try to go through my mom to get to me.”  There were few people in the world that I cared about.   It wasn’t like there were gaggles of Rayners in my life or anyone from my mom’s family, so she was the person that I had to be concerned about.  Her and Con, because if Con tries to stick up for me, run interference then they would do who knows what to him, probably go after the people that were important to him, like Wonder Woman who can take care of herself, but there’s always someone.   Right?

“So, since Superman didn’t play ball they decided that gave them carte blanche to do whatever it took to make people play ball using old and new methods.”  He paused for a second wondering something.

“Did you know the first Superman?  I met him once, but it wasn’t like meta to meta.” Despite the fact that he’s not human.  I was just curious what he was like in that capacity.

“Honestly, I think that’s all we can do. Do the best we can.  Learn from our mistakes. Own our mistakes.  I try to do that every day.  It’s the only way I learn.  It can be scary yeah, but life is scary.  But you can’t let it paralyze you.  Can’t let it make you doubt yourself. The moment that happens it all falls apart.”

ALAN:  “I wasn’t the only one, but yes. We thought it best to have some sort of view on what was happening. Take whatever voice that would give us in the ‘Company’ and use it to shape the future.” It had worked too, for decades. A lot of people don’t even realize that and I’m quick to point it out. “We stemmed the tide of that first turn too. When the Keene Act passed it could have been all out war on Metas, right from the start. We disbanded the Society, with a unanimous vote.”

“Right then and there. We agreed on what had to happen. All it took was one of our best friends giving his life to stop some crazy jack ass, called War Wheel. Those of us who went to the inside worked for years to keep it together. As time passed a lot of us worked our way up in the Company. We found roles that suited us, where we could get the most accomplished for the good of the people.” Gesturing at myself, to draw attention to the fact that I don’t look my age. “A lot of my friends have retired, at this point. Somewhere along the lines, it would seem, that I have been Starheart’s Champion for a little too long. I’m infused with her energy. You probably noticed, I don’t need the ring anymore. It’s still good as a focus, but I don’t need it for the casual stuff anymore.”

“Think of it like this, Kid. With the ring I’m a brain surgeon. I can make precise constructs that defy reality, like that Spider-Bot you did. Without the ring, I could still make a fist that would knock you in to next week.”

His last question is something that has me pause though. Even set my drink aside and wipe my hands off on my slacks, before pushing up to my feet. “Kal-El, of Krypton, was the greatest person I ever met. He wasn’t just a Hero, Kyle. He was a believer. A true believer. Everything he did was for Truth and Justice. The Company was sure, even to this day, that he had some sort of secret life, but I’ll be damned if I know how he’d manage it. The guy was always there when you needed him. Cat in a Tree in Metropolis? He’s there. Bomb threat in Ireland? He’s already there. Crashing plane in National City? He’s bringing it down safely in the harbor. The things that happened to him, the things we did to him? Terrible. Unconscionable, really.”

“He left this world to stop Luthor. If he had stayed, Luthor would have won. He would have turned Superman in to the Villain, just like they did with the Batman. Supes left, to deny Luthor his final victory. He got out in time to save his legacy and leave the people with just enough of a good feeling about him, that people miss him. They still worship him. Guy was smart, I think. Because I think he knew what he was doing. Leaving that spark is what kept the door open for people like these kids in the news. Kids like you, son.”

“Now. You said you had another question. About magic. Go on then. Ask away.” Raising my hand once more, I summon the ring back from its place on the larger lantern upon the desk. “When you’re done. We should probably get started, unless you want to be a Poozer your whole life.”


KYLE:   I was getting there with the ring, because constructs were being maintained without him wearing the ring, but he beat me to the punch there. I noticed, it was hard not to notice when my water was being topped off and the ring was hovering around the lamp/lantern.

Listening to Alan was like getting a history listen that I was immensely interested in. I had to make sure that my thoughts were just that thoughts. I didn’t want it to be converted into a construct.  “Your ring is your focus.”  I look at my ring.  “They’re the lens through which our thoughts are magnified.”  I would not get into how this was much like a focus from Mage: Ascension probably best not to get all geeky.   However, it helped me.  There were many ways that I could think of the ring.

“There’s only so much that can do to hold such things back.  Choices are made and either it can help change things or the course is set.”

Hearing him talk about the first Superman in such glowing terms made me smile. There was a definite impression that was left upon me.  “Trust me when I say there’s still a lot of people that believe in him.  That didn’t believe the stories or the reports that came out.  He didn’t abandon us.”  That’s just bull.  I didn’t believe that for one bit.

Balling my fist, I consider the sacrifices that everyone made for a better future.  Alan, his friends, what they lost in the process.   This can’t be the end not in the least.

“Two questions actually.  The Superman question just made me wonder.  With all your work behind the scenes I wondered.  Not many people you can talk to that would know, but yes my questions.”

I needed to get back on track.  “Magic question.  My friend and I was curious about someone being able to use something made of magic to track someone and possibly use it to surveil on them.  The cloth is made of magic, but it was in the D.E.O hands for years and possibly manipulated by its black ops team.” That’s what I call them.  “Someone’s using this for good things, but we’re worried that they could be using magic to eavesdrop.  I was wondering if Starheart since she…” He did call Starheart she right?  “…is collected magic, if she could determine if it has been tampered with.”  It was a possibility, right?

“Second question.  GBC.  I was curious given you’re a news organization if you know anything about Ted Kord.  I think he might be able to help my friend.  However, I was wondering what you know about him.  I know he runs K.O.R.D. Incorporated, but have you heard anything negative about him?”

“And hey!  I’m neither a tool or Poozer.”


ALAN:  “You bet your ass there are people who still believe in him, pal. We do. All of us. Even those of us who were here before. He was the Best, Kyle. I mean it. The best Man, I’ve ever had the distinct pleasure to meet. He might not have been a Human, but he was everything we should aspire to be and then some.”

There’s just no denying the way in which I speak about Superman. It is so glowing, that it just can’t be faked. You can’t lie and still have this level of unabashed admiration for someone. It is as if I might actually be willing to sock someone in the kisser for saying otherwise. I’ve contained this thought, those feelings, for years. Kyle is a rare specimen that I seem to feel more free in speaking too. How? Given that I’ve known him a couple hours, tops. It’s all about the ring. He wouldn’t be worthy of it, if he wasn’t the real deal.

Once he gets to the other question, I’m actually a little surprised. This isn’t what I was anticipating. More questions about the ring and the Corps? Sure. This is a question of Magic and not even ‘Is it real?’ Kyle gets right to the nitty gritty. “There’s no simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer to that, Kyle. With the right item, paired with the right enchantment? Sure. It could be done. There’s a lot of variables to magic though. Does the Item have a specific purpose? If it does, would the enchantment infringe upon that purpose? A lot of magical items require a certain amount of ‘Worthiness’ to even use them. And ‘Worthiness’ isn’t always good. You might have to hate the exact right type people, to wield a magical item designed to hurt that type of person. Not all items are created equal, so to speak. Your ring is given to a good person. Mine is not necessarily reserved for someone good, so much as someone Starheart would see as a Protector.”

“The Starheart is … I’m not sure how to explain this. She is a collection of magical energies that existed hundred of thousands of years ago. Those energies were stored together, in a single prison. They exist there even now. I’ve found very little limit in what she can do. Other than her own limitation of what she will do. You see her major motivation is self-preservation, Kyle. So, for the most part? Starheart is willing to empower me to do whatever I need to do to protect the ‘Green’ or the Magic of this world or protect this world itself. She is rarely willing to apply her powers directly. Think of it this way. The ring is my focus, it gives me greater, finer, control. I’m the Starheart’s ring. Through me she has greater control of her vast energies.”

“More accurately, through me she takes less risk of losing control of the chaotic nature of her own power or being detected by someone like Parallax.”

I feel as though I’ve literally talked the kid’s ear off by answering that last question. There’s an unspoken apology on my face as I approach and clap him on the shoulder. “Chum, you’re about as Poozer-ish as they come. Just accept it. One of these days you’ll understand and when that happens, you’ll look back on today with a smile.”

“You second question sucks, by the way. Because there’s knowing Ted Kord and then there is knowing Ted Kord. Unfortunately, you can’t run a business-like mine without it being the latter. If you want, I can arrange for you or your friend to meet with Ted. But. Kyle, I’m going to say this exactly once. I’m busy that day. Doesn’t matter what day it is. I’m busy. Ted’s a special kind of guy. The kind of guy you invite to your Reunion. Every ten years. I’ve got sat least six more before I have to endure him again.”

KYLE:  I believe what he’s saying about the first Superman.  I don’t know how he feels about the new Superman.  Something tells me that they’re tangentially on the same team, but they might see things different and I rather not get down into the weeks about it.  Not to mention Alan’s been inside he knows how much good the government has tried to do, and how much bad it’s done and is capable of.  Rather than jump the track here I keep on target and focus on the things he says about the first Superman.

There’s a reason why I don’t pepper him with questions about the Corps.  There are some things that need to be doled out on doses.  Getting it all at once could lead to information overload and I rather not experience that right now.  There is a lot of information that has been shared during our exchanged. I learned a lot, but I also want to see what my ring will share with me, what will be unlocked.  There is a bond that needs to be forged between.  I need to know what it’s capable of.

I need to know what I’m capable of.

When we switch to magic I smile, because I can see it in his eyes.  I leave myself to open possibilities. We live in a world where people fly, bring it down a building with a single punch, read minds, move things with their mind, be gifted with the privilege of wielding a powerful tool used in peacekeeping.  How can I believe in all of that, but not magic?

When he discusses how Starheart behaves how it might come together I give a nod.  “Then I think I should put it this way.  Wonder Woman stated that she was the daughter of Zeus. She is magic.  She is of this world. She wants to protect and help people.  Helping her helps you both.  If she’s been unknowingly compromised as she tries to bring about hope for a new generation of heroes.”  Not based on what little Con shared, but what Wonder Woman said in her press conference.  “Then a danger could exist for the planet, potentially magic, because you know Zeus and everything.  It’s more of an ask and something to consider.  Just think about it.” I say not only to Alan, but to Starheart.  Has anyone ever asked.  “It’s the most I can do right?”  Ask.

When he speaks of Ted Kord in such interesting terms I start to get an idea that the man is a bit…extra.   “Alright.  If you could set up a meeting I would be super grateful, and I promise I won’t call you at all.”  I almost want to ask what happened.   It sounds like something happened. Maybe I should ask Ted, but at the same time the way he talks about him I have to wonder does he know him outside of just normal channels.

“Interesting.” I hold up my ring.  “Mister Ring. Remember that. Poozer will make me smile when I know what it means.”

ALAN:  “Hrm. Maybe not a totally useless Poozer, but a Poozer none the less,” says the man who is eyeballing Kyle in a different way than before. “Smooth. Trying to work the angles. I’m seeing why you might just do well enough, like your Guardian said.”

Kyle wasn’t asking me to do something that I’d just said Starheart wouldn’t be interested in. He’s taking what he wants and putting it in to the terms that might actually appeal to the necessity of protecting Her. Good. I like it. The kid learns quickly and that’s going to be a tool he needs in the coming days. Learning quick, on your feet, that’s something that just might save the world. This world doesn’t need a Poozer, it needs a full-fledged Lantern. Fast.

“So, this item you’re talking about is Wonder Woman’s. Got it. You’re worried that the people I work with might have done something to compromise it or her. ” Yeah, I’m restating it my way because Kyle hadn’t really spelled it out. He wasn’t sure exactly how to say it the first time, but now he’s putting meat on the bones. “You’re in luck Kid, one of my jobs for the Company was ‘Procurement.’ Specifically of items of a certain type. Given my connection to Magic, to Starheart, they thought that would be a task I was specifically suited for.”

“The rope she’s using as a lasso? Was once upon a time the Golden Fleece. Yeah, not joking. That Fleece, from History. We discovered it in a Nazi Germany vault, along with a lot of other toys they’d been playing with. Someone in their Regime had discovered that the Fleece gave it’s holder some pretty fantastic abilities. But. There was some ‘worthiness’ involved in getting it to work. I never told them that part. So they tried for a couple decades to get it to work, then some Brainiac had the idea of turning the fleece in to wool yarn. Bypassing the ‘Worthiness’ aspect all together, they planned to weave it in to something. The problem was, even at that stage it still needed to be worn by someone. So that same Brainiac, decided to try to twine it up even further, using it’s densile strength to make it in to a fine wire. Using it as a conduit they finally succeeded. It would transfer energy across it, then give it’s user momentary flashes of the Fleece’s gifts.”

“They eventually discarded the project because it was still unstable. You never knew which of the Fleece’s gifts you were going to give someone and you could only do it for small bits of time. Depending on how much energy you put through the wire. Eventually, when the project was rejected for being unstable, it got mothballed. Your ‘Friend,’ the new Superman. He broke out of a containment facility. Tore the place down around their ears. When the Company cleaned the mess up, a lot of items went unaccounted for. The Golden Fleece is one of them, but they’ve never moved to take it back because… the truth? They saw it work for her. So they want to see what else she can do with it.”

“So, you’re worried about the wrong thing on this one Son. They’re not using it to spy on her. They’re using her to unlock its secrets. If they ever move against this Wonder Woman? They’ll also be re-taking a very powerful weapon. That they have a much better idea of its uses.”


KYLE:  I wasn’t sure what Starheart and Alan might be able to do but it was worth it.  I wasn’t even sure if trying to put the question a different way would help, but I had to try.  There’s a lot of things that I don’t know, that we don’t know.  We’re trying to help the world, change the world a little bit.  Keep the hope that people have that keeps growing.
I was hoping for a possible, but what happens is way better than possible.  My eyes go wide as saucers again when he shares what seems to be a good amount of information that he has about the lasso.  I knew of its origins, but I wasn’t aware of everything that had been done to it.  It was pretty impressive when you think about it, but it also gave me another bit of information that I wasn’t expecting.  Perhaps not something to share completely with everyone I meet, but a resource I could consult.

“That’s like wow.”  I’m not sure if we can keep that information out of the hands of the watchers so to speak, but it is something we can be aware of.

I’m still taking it all in stride, but it isn’t lost on me that it is the <i>Golden Fleece. </i>  How cool is that?  Pretty darn cool if you ask me, but I think about Alan and Starheart.  That’s pretty cool too. So many cool things, all the cool things.

“Thank you.”  That’s more information than I could have hoped for. I may not need to be concerned about surveillance like Con’s suit, but there is something to be concerned about for Wonder Woman, and with her announcement there is a potential that she may be viewed by black ops D.E.O. group unfavorably.

“I have my moments. I thought it was worth a…”  I start, but think about what he said.

He knows I’ve been talking about Con.  Darn his investigative journalist powers!   “How long did you know who my friend was?”


ALAN:  “Not going to lie to you son,” giving a quick shrug of my shoulders, half-heartedly in fact. “The Project sent Superman to investigate the signature of a Green Lantern’s energy. Then you randomly show up at my company’s doorstep. Now you’re asking about a friend, who’s got another friend, with a magic item she’s concerned about them watching her through. Logic takes me from Point A, of Superman and you meeting, but you still having that ring and no visible signs of a fight. To him being nameless friend numero uno. To Point B, which is Wonder Woman having an item that Conner ‘Liberated’ from the Nowhere lab that he destroyed a couple years ago.”

Now that the ring is back on my finger, I take a moment to look at it. It’s different than Kyle’s. Obviously, an older design, but it’s distinctly older in the style too. My lantern and his are two different things. Though they work almost identically, they derive their power from different sources. It makes me wonder, much as I had with Hal, what could have been if Starheart had empowered other Lanterns.

“Now. I’m going to have my lovely assistant Jeannie show you to a room. Get settled in. Grab a shower or a nap, whatever you need. Mi casa es su casa, Kyle. We’ve just met, so I want you to look around. Take your time. Explore. There’s no hidden rooms. No locked doors. Nothing to hide that you haven’t already seen.”

“While you freshen up, I’ll get my people to call Ted’s people. Set up a meeting.” I’m about to step past him to the desk and the phone that awaits when I clap my hands, at the thing I almost forgot. “When you’re ready. Meet me downstairs. In the Gymnasium. Poozers have to train. So. Be ready. Because if you can’t dodge a magical green wrench, you can’t dodge a punch from Metallo. Seriously, Kid. This might be the only place in the whole world where you’re going to get to go full tilt with that ring, without setting off alarms. They know a Green Lantern lives here. No better place to train a Poozer to not be a Dead Poozer.”

KYLE:   My ears picked up on one thing out of that entire explanation which I did listen to.  However, there was something I zeroed in on. I go over everything that was said wondering if I missed anything, but I don’t suspect I did.  However, if I did I will go over everything.  The ring records everything.  Which could be kind of creepy, but I guess it helps when going over certain situations.  I found that out when I had it replay events from previous nights.

I recall saying that I met the first Superman.  However, I don’t recall saying I met the new Superman.  I wasn’t sure how he felt about the new Superman, so I kept that under wraps. Does he have someone in the inside or someone that doesn’t think about, because Alan was a company man for a while until things went bad.

Interesting or he’s keeping tabs on Conner.

“Oh.”  That Oh says many things. I don’t want to come out and ask, because that would be rude right?  However, it gives me an idea, potentially at least at how well-connected Alan is.  “Here I thought I was being clever.“  With a snap of my fingers I offer him a grin. “I didn’t want to betray his confidence.”  Best buds and everything.  However, the fact that I didn’t look like a mishmash of multi-colored bruises should show that Conner isn’t all in with anti-Superfriends.

“A shower would be great. It would be awesome.” A quick nap too, but something tells me I’ll want to poke around.  How many times have I been in a mansion?  Seriously?  “Thank you, Mr. Scott for everything.” Because he could have slammed the door in my face so to speak the moment he saw me.

“Gymnasium…”  I had already turned to be shown to the room, but head is turning back towards him. “Right. Right.” Training.  Oh wow. I wasn’t expecting that.  “Roger that.”  As we reach the door way I hold my ring up to my lips whispering.

“What’s a Poozer…”  I step out as the ring informs me.

Cue a little grumbling.

Green is the New Black:  When Old Meets New

Green is the New Black: How Best to Help a Friend

Synopsis:  On his way to Gotham to track down Alan Scott, Kyle comes across something that gives him an idea on how he might be able to help Kon with his surveillance problem.


There I was on my way.  Ready to head to Gotham.  Plans change, but it seemed that there was more for me to do in Coast City.   More than expected after Superman left.  I did what I needed to do, I went to the home of the previous Lantern’s brother and found what I was meant to find.  I even crafted a costume that was my own. I put my own stamp on it, but as I sailed through the air things changed, the sky was soon filled with darkening clouds as a storm came out of nowhere, but it was unlike any storm that I had experienced before.

I could see the changes occur right before my eyes and despite the fact that it was being gathered in a specific area I watched as people, actual people rose from the ground, if you could call them that.  I could hear a voice, but was faint and by the time I found myself closer to the ground the voice was gone replaced by the sick sounds of flesh and bone moving when I should no longer be able to do so.

The water that came down upon the ground of the passing storm drew forth the dead.  Was that possible. I could follow the storm and investigate instead I focused on where the shambling corpses were headed.  The work site that was closing down shop, because night had fallen and the storm had gathered.

There were people there, innocent people.   Before the construction crew could get assaulted there was green bulldozer blade that shoved the reanimated corpses away.  It cleared the way for the work crew to make their escape.  The next thing that someone would see was someone driving a exosuit cargo-loader similar to the one from Aliens coming in to swipe and knock the corpses away.  I continued doing so until the crews were clear, but the time was all said and done the corpses collapsed to the ground the storm had begun to dissipate.

I could investigate instead I made sure that the construction crews made it out of the area safely.  I know the goal was to use the ring as little as possible now that everyone was out of danger, but I had to make sure they made it out ok.   Some spoke of a tornado that started to gather, but the area wasn’t known for it.  It was all out of the ordinary.

By the time they got to their destination I was headed off, so I could change my ticket.  I needed to catch the first bus to Gotham, if there wasn’t one then I would get back to Metropolis.  There were trains and buses that ran back and forth between the cities all the time. It might be the route to go.  That was what I ended up having to do.

I don’t know if I slept, but I kept thinking about what Con and I spoke about and even now I was working on the sketches. I made sure to sit towards the back and away from everyone else so I could work on creating schematics of the suit.  The first drawing consisted of the suit which could be seen as the top layer, the display layer, the one that everyone saw.  The second began to provide technical schematic of the suit, all the circuits and wires that ran through out the suit.  There was a great deal of micro-circuitry that ran through the suit.  I slipped on a pair of dark sunglasses to help with this.  I faint image appeared in the air that helped me to provide the details that I needed.

No one else couldn’t see it, because under the glasses were the goggles and you couldn’t see the projection without the goggles. I could identify everything that the suit could do, the ring helped with that due the scan it had taken. It picked up everything that was non-Kryptonian.   Including the fact that Con was a clone.  That was stored in it’s memory.  I didn’t even know where that was. I mean the ring itself appeared to be a ring, but it was more than that. It made me wonder how it worked, what it would look like if I could see beneath the surface layer.  I considered seeing if that was possible, but instead I focused on Con’s problem.

He wanted to be free. He no longer wanted to have to worry about big brother and/or sister watching his every move, being able to tell where he was every minute of his life.  Certain systems could be isolated, but the objective was to make sure that if we disabled the surveillance systems, that it didn’t disrupt the Kryptonian one.

The ring was capable of many things, my knowledge about such things were limited.  I could design something that could help, but I could make things worse rather than better.  This required and expert.  This required someone that was familiar with technology of this can, an engineer.   Glancing up I blinked a few times when I saw an older couple looking at their tablet.

K.O.R.D. Industries Tech Genius CEO Returns from 3 Month Space Mission Aboard International Space Station.

“Ted Kord?”  I whispered as the name appeared on the screen. Interesting.  I don’t know.  It might be someone we could work with.  I mean there is Alan Scott, but given Conner works the organization that he does, they might not see eye to eye.

I don’t know him, but maybe.  Maybe he could help us out?  I don’t know, sounds like the path they we might want to take, but I have to talk to Con about it see what I can find out.  See if he can be trusted.   I told him that I would help him. I really want to be able to do this for him, but I don’t want to do anything to screw this up, but at the same time I have to be able to realize my limitations.  I have one of the most powerful instruments in the universe. That’s what they tell me, but is it cable of doing discreet work like that.

More to the point, am I capable of accomplishing something sophisticated like that.  I glance back down at the sketch that I’m making, writing Kord’s name in the corner before resuming my work.  The next layer would need to be made.

The Trials:  For the Love of Osiris Epilogue (Freddy Returns to Fawcett City)

The Trials: For the Love of Osiris Epilogue (Freddy Returns to Fawcett City)

Synopsis:  Freddy returns to Fawcett City after the battle with Isis to begin ruminating over the most recent events.

After everything that happened with Isis I needed a pause a needed a moment to regroup.  I knew the next trial was right around the corner, but there was two, not one city that had been damaged due to the Trial, the Trial of Strength.  I consider all that I learned during the trial about the gods, about Black Adam, Theo Adam, Adrianna Tomaz, her brother, Cassie, Flash, her mother, everyone including myself.  There was a lot to consider, things that would have to be taken a step a time, but rather than rush in I used this moment to take that step back.

I helped with Metropolis’s clean up, which between the three of us went faster than anyone suspected, but then I turned my attention to Fawcett City.  There wasn’t just clean up that needed to be done, but healing.   Debris from the school could be cleaned up, cleared away and dumped, but the blood spilled there couldn’t.   Just because the Trial ended didn’t mean that the effects of the Trial did.  It wasn’t a dream or a game, it was as real as it got.  If someone died they didn’t come back.  It wasn’t all apart of some elaborate test to see if I was good enough and everyone was in on it.  There were innocents involved.

Fawcett City had seen more death in the past two weeks than it had seen in the pasty century.  Too much death and now that death had spread to children.  It was enough to turn someone’s stomach.  Family’s would be shattered, and they needed something to believe in.  True they would never truly know what happened, but they will remember the tragedy of Fawcett City High and the valiant efforts of the Fawcett City Police Department, including Chief Callaghan.

It was another reason why I had to get back as fast I could.  There were memorials and funerals to attend as Freddy Freeman. There was mourning to be had. This couldn’t be washed away with the rain any more can it be covered up with a blanket of snow.  True the citizens of Metropolis were given the truth, but to share that with Fawcett City would draw the type of attention it didn’t deserve right now.  Even in ignorance there was heartache.

Too many gone too soon.  It was repeated many times.   This is what I focused on.  It was a reminder of what came to be, because there were forces at work that sought not only to disrupt the Trials, but continue the rampant chaos that pressed upon the dam or Order that had been put in place in an attempt to bring order to all facets of life.

I considered what Cassie’s mom had said.   This was the time for reflection not in the moment.  In the moment you do what you feel is best while being mindful of all that you had gained.  That’s what I did and now a husband has his wife back, but at what cost?

Where will this all lead?  It’s not offer.  The little boy said that it all changed.   Everything has changed.  It impacts me. It impacts Cassie. It impacts all of magic.   It’s there in the back of my mind, but all I could remember was the sound of the pipes as Callaghan’s body was taken through the streets, it was marched to the church.  From there it was moved to the cemetery.  I didn’t go as Shazam I went as Freddy, because the last thing I wanted was to take away from the reason why we were there.  We were there to honor a hero, a real superhero.

Whether or not he knew that he carried Achilles with him it didn’t matter.  Achilles only brought out what was within Callaghan.  He magnified it for all to see.   He was a leader.  He was a beacon.  Someone that everyone could look to and that is what I told the town when I spoke about him.  It didn’t matter how long the funeral took not one person left the church.  They all took their time honoring and revering someone who gave his life to help people to the very end.  He led a life of service and it would never be forgotten.

The honored dead.  That is what the last couple of weeks meant for me. It served as a reminder of why I was doing this.  Why this was important.  It was never about me.  It was about everyone else.

The next few days were days of service.  Days where I could be a little more visible as Shazam helping. It didn’t really matter what needed to be done I was helping, because I was here. I was out in the public.  The press conference introduced me and Flash to the world so that meant that I needed to be visible.  I might not be walking the streets and knocking on doors, but I wanted to establish a presence and perhaps that was something that we could all do.

Sure, there are times when people wouldn’t know when we were there working behind the scenes when we needed to, but the public needed to know that we were there that someone gave a damn.  So that began a text here and there to the others.

”Hey.  Nothing’s wrong.  Just tossing an idea out there.  Days of service throughout the month. Be there for the everyday things not just the bad.  Call me.”

There were things to do.  Sure help stop criminals here and there, but also show that we as a group meta humans just wanted to help people.  Be regular members of society, but you had to do more than say that you had to show it.  It involved more than streaking through the city and being someone that was far removed.

Sure we wanted our regular lives, but if we were going to step up into the light then we had to find a way to balance that aspect our lives.  We had to do more than try to stop the catastrophes, we had to try and be good global citizens.  Perhaps not something everyone was prepared to do, but to combat the fear you had to begin to fight the rumors.  There were things that people believed, and people worried about.

If picked random days to be out there it wouldn’t be staged, it wouldn’t be photo ops.  Drumming up good will, yes, I won’t deny that, but you start to find out what matters and what people think. You start to engage them.   You make mistakes yes, but you learn from them, but perhaps when there are things that go wrong you won’t fall to fast, to far, and too hard.

I’m not Black Adam, but I did a look up Kahndaq, and what happened when he rose to power.  There were things that he did that the people appreciated.  He became the ruler of a country, but he was a visible presence.  I will say that there was some fear and intimidation there, but the way I think about is that it’s like the cops.   When they’re present people reconsider some of the things they’re going to do.

Will it solve all the problems no, but it will help.  It will also help us be more approachable. Cassie extended the olive branch through the press conference now we have to be available.  Even while juggling our lives.  The Trials aren’t over, but the world keeps spinning.  People keep living and they have to be able to move past the tragedy to the next day and the next.

Most of all they need to know they’re not alone, human, metahuman, god, alien, whatever.   We’re in this together.

We Come in Peace

LIGHT:  Not much time had passed between Koriand’r’s arrival when the D.E.O and N.O.W.H.E.R.E protocols being initiated.  Of course, there were ways to handle things, official ways, but whatever the reason Superman decided that he would bring the alien to his apartment.  Definitely against protocols, but given the satellite footage that had been reviewed it was there were more questions than answers that emerged.  There were several individuals that wanted to know why such restraint was used.

The woman should have been brought to one of their secure facilities, after action reports filed and debriefing began while she was interviewed.  Instead she was doing anything but that.  That did not sit well with several individuals that knew of her arrival.  Already the internet was being scrubbed to remove any images that popped.  Discussions of the matter was shut down.   The official story that was a weather satellite’s orbit unexpectedly began to decay.

Superman sighting in Gotham was normal. Saving the day is what he does. Why wouldn’t he intercept the satellite to prevent it from doing any damage?  Besides, that was for the public relations department to deal with.  That wasn’t the job that Arthur Light was dispatched to complete.  His job was to ascertain what the presence of the newest visitor to earth meant for the country and the rest of the planet, among other things.

When the black SUV pulled in front of the apartment building Light stepped out holding his hand up.  He didn’t want the entire team to head inside.  That would-be overkill, besides he needed their eyes out here.  The local office had already been notified, and their agents had already been put in to position.  Why, because there was more than Superman and Wonder Woman on site to welcome the alien to Earth there was another individual.

Red Hood. He was on the radar for a number of reasons.  There was little that the Company didn’t know about it especially with events in Gotham.  Still, that wasn’t his concern as long as this Red Hood decided to follow the code of his colleagues.  However, that was doubtful, because most of the time they rarely did so themselves when it came to traveling in and out of the city of others.

Better to plan for the worst.  Hoping for the best got you killed.

Not that Dr. Light would be accompanied alone.  Far from it.  There was only so much that people liked to share.  It was better M’gann was involved more so than Raven. Things usually took a turn for the worse when she was involved usually because of patience wore thin.  There were always ‘better’ ways to make someone talk.   That was the mentality and that’s how she operated.

M’gann could be reasoned with, and besides what did he have to fear?  They were all allies here.  They knew which side they were on?  Of course, they did.   He looked back towards the others offering offered the barest of smiles before waiting for his companion for the evening to join him.

“We have work to do.  Items to collect.  I’m sure Conner’s aware of our arrival, but be a dear and let him know that we’re on our way up and to make the woman presentable.   If you wouldn’t mind.”  He could call up, but there was no guarantee that the phone would be answered.

There was another reason why Light requested M’gann’s presence beyond her obvious talents.  She was unique and best suited to aid with the interview. Opening the door, he motioned for M’gann to step through.


M’GANN: “Presentable to whose standards?”

I could call, too. I’ve got Conner Luthor on speed-dial, much to the chagrin of basically everyone at the Earth School I’ve been attending. I’m not sure how necessary it actually is anymore, with the cover blown but that’s not a point I’ve actually brought up. I happen to like going to school. It lets me practice. And show off. But mostly practice. Despite the fact that my cell phone is a pretty permanent fixture in hand, and my not actually looking up from it at nearly any point on the ride over here, or even now as I’m climbing out of the car, and then into the building that houses Conner’s pent-house apartment (which he never actually uses, ordinarily).

Celebrity gossip sites. Fashion. News. My thumb’s slowed down considerably on the scroll speed now that I’m in view of anyone beyond Dr. Light. Phoning? Very mundane. Especially when you’re used to working on a field team and operating with a link between the members. There’s probably only one mind I can find faster than ‘Superman’s.’

Dr. Light’s coming. He said to make ‘the woman’ ‘presentable.’ Have you been being a bad boy? I thought you weren’t into aliens anymore.

CONNER:  The Penthouse.

That kind of undersells what it actually is. The entire uppermost floor of LexCorp is the reality. The entire floor, which wasn’t built originally to be some sort of luxury suite. This building was put together originally as an office building, a science laboratory and was meant to be the monument to my father’s legacy. A palace in the center of Metropolis. It’s shining beacon. At some point Lex himself had the upper floor retrofit in to living quarters, so that he would never have to venture away from his labs. At least until he made the requisite move to the White House. President for Life is a bit of a downgrade for the record.

When I was created, I lived in a laboratory. Ensconced in a tube where I was virtually raised over the course of two years. The virtual training was a simulator. One that gave me fifteen years of virtual life. Simulated memories from my genetic donors. The backwater town, I suppose came from the original Superman. While the ‘do whatever I want’ attitude was from Lex. Until finally, I could handle being toyed with no further and staged a break out. One that cost Nowhere an entire Lab and decades of research. A costly learning experience for both sides. As I was also forced to realize that the real world doesn’t just reset every time I do something wrong. Nowhere learned that I’m a bit more than just a sockpuppet soldier. Which made me valuable enough to become my Father’s son. A publicity stunt -and- a soldier at the same time.

Enter the Penthouse. Which has once more been remodeled. Because my trust fund spent the first year of my freedom being spent on every single thing a boy might want to indulge in for fun. It’s spent the last year mostly unused, as I’ve been staying a little closer to Cassandra. Now it’s a place of learning and safety for Koriand’r. Who, contrary to Damien Wayne’s warning, has had nothing to fear about this destination. Except for perhaps growing fat from all the Cheesecake, Icecream, Binge Watching and Video Games we’ve done the last twenty four hours. Most of which was spent with her in need of Human Clothing. Which only got remedied when I was able to super-speed out and get her some of Cassie’s things.

How was I supposed to know one-size doesn’t fit all? Pfft.

We’re in the middle of Stranger Things season two when the ‘Call Comes In.’ That’s no ice cream headache that has me grasping my forehead and wincing. It’s telepathy. [ I’m still working on learning how to be a good boy, bad is really my basic setting. She’s extremely presentable, if you ask me, but if you insist…” ]

“Hey, Princess. We’re about to have company. Would you like to put some of those clothes on that I brought or…?” Despite anything I may or may not have just communicated to M’Gann, I’m all too happy to let Starfire do what she wants. If for no other reason than because it’ll annoy someone else. “My friend M’Gann is coming up to meet you and she’s bringing pet, Arthur.”

KORIAND’R:   The clothing was very uncomfortable. She had a great deal of difficulty understanding why it was more ‘acceptable’ to wear so many garments. It certainly wasn’t tailored to her form, the pants were tight and slid down her hips when she walked. The top was tight around her breasts and it rubbed against her skin uncomfortably. The only appealing thing she saw about human clothing was in a magazine she had found in the apartment. The pieces the women wore were much smaller and far more decorative. Imagine her disgust when she learned they were undergarments and they were typically covered by more layers of clothing. Were humans that squishy? Were they incapable of protecting themselves against the elements? It was almost sad.

It had been a nice time though. She was able to heal and charge up in the sun, she even had a proper bath and felt more like herself again…whatever it was she could scrape together after the ordeal she had been through. Things would never be the same, she was no longer a child or a teenager and she grew up during those years under very harsh conditions. A weaker mind may have broken within months, she always fought against it, she always had hope. It was probably the best that Superman behaved himself. An unwelcome touch may have sent a wall crumbling. Her rage was a terrifying thing capable of a lot of destruction. She had identified with the young girl in the television program they had watched, the girl’s rage was similarly destructive.

“I don’t like them…they itch. These ‘jeans’ are rubbing me in places that is very uncomfortable and it’s making it difficult for me to focus.”

She’d rather keep watching the program even though she had been watching most of it curled up and eyes wide and in a near constant mode of suspense wondering what was going to happen to the children.

“A pet? Like Dart? Does she bring him everywhere? What does he eat?”

LIGHT: “We shall find out won’t we?” He wanted to know exactly who and what he was dealing with.  It didn’t matter what the woman wear.  It was more of an inquiry than anything as they stepped into the elevator.  He glanced towards the phone that the M’gann was focused on.  Not that it mattered. It’s what people did these days get lost in their phones, their possessions.  It’s the way of the world isn’t it?

“Curious.  Was Cassandra in school today?”   He was genuinely curious.  Reviewing the images, she was there and then she was gone.   He was certain that something took place, what he doubted anyone give him an accurate account of what happened, but this was the job. This is what he was paid to do.

Pressing the button for the penthouse he took a step back waiting for the doors to close.  Protocols.   Yes.  They must be followed they had to be followed, because those were the rules.  A decision would need to be made about to handle the matter.  If he followed the protocol, then that would mean removing her from the building to take her to one of the facilities that she may or may not return from.

He had been here before in a sense.  Before the incident.  It wasn’t something anyone could have anticipated.  Light knew that a certain point the woman would want to leave the apartment.  That she would want to see the world that lie beyond the walls. They always did. He also knew that the Director would want her brought in to be processed.  She was new, she was different.

It wasn’t that he felt conflicted, but Light knew things were changing.  The world wasn’t the same as it was before.  It was much different.  “I would make a bet, but it would be a sucker’s bet.  I’m sure he’s called me your pet or lap dog.”  Same difference.  He knew how this went.  It wouldn’t be the first time.  It didn’t matter the doors were opening and there was someone new to meet.

For a moment it almost seemed like he would have said something else, that there was a question on the tip of the tongue, but he switched it at the last moment.  Company many through and through?  Perhaps.  One never knew when Light was involved. He did his job well.  Asked his questions, made his assessments and shuffled off to his lab.

He could be cold.  He could be distant.  He also could be quite jovial when given the chance.  Right now, he decided to smile, why not?  It was a pleasant evening wasn’t it.

“Showtime I suppose.”

M’GANN:  [ Excuses, excuses. I -don’t- insist, just passing along the message. Like. What am I? A glorified, unignorable , intercom? ]

The sarcasm and exasperation doesn’t entirely play out convincing though. It doesn’t actually offend me to be asked. It means I’ve got an excuse to use the power I get to practice with the least. Not to say I get to use any of them, except for rearranging my appearance on a daily basis. I’m wearing the face of Kelsey, former Queen Bee of St. Mary’s, who now has to share the title with some competition. It’s the easiest one to stick to for public outings, and is usually the way I look when I’m inside of NOWHERE’s facilities. It makes people a lot more uncomfortable if I look like myself, for one thing. I don’t actually like doing that. Making people uncomfortable. Sometimes I have to, though.

“Uh huh. History test today. She never misses history tests. Definitely less excited than usual about practice after school.”

Definitely looking like someone had done something to make her not super happy, too. But that’s actually not a total rarity lately. Talk about #FirstWorldProblems, right? As to his question about what Conner’s called him or not? I just shrug my shoulders. I either don’t know, or don’t care to know, or possibly don’t care to share, but it’s more likely the first two. Of the three of us, I’m actually the most prone to actually be helpful on our team.

I don’t knock, once we’ve ridden the elevator up. He knows we’re coming. I told him we’re coming. There’s also a million levels of security that would have kept Dr. Light at least out, if he didn’t want him in. That implies permission, to me. Showtime indeed.

“Knock, knock! Ooh, Conner you made a new friend. You can call me Kelsey. So nice to meet you.”

With the Kelsey face? Often comes the Kelsey manners. I’m looking Starfire up, and then down, and then up again, with a look on my face that says I don’t mean any part of this is actually nice.

[ Did you seriously put her in Cassie’s clothes? I’m pretty sure those are her favorite jeans, and I’m pretty sure she’s going to castrate you. Can I have your apartment when you’re gone? ]

CONNER:  “Yeah. It was a pain to get used to real clothing at first. In the V.R. I didn’t have to worry about something fitting, it just did. Never had to worry about it chafing because it simply didn’t. I mean, I’m more or less invulnerable. So it sounds silly to me that I’m agreeing with you about clothing, but it’s more about comfort with me than anything. I think it’s the same with all Humans. Comfort. It’s comfortable to wear them, for most people. It’s also comfortable not to have to see each other. I don’t mean me, Princess, I mean that, that’s what I think it comes down to for the other Humans. One of the good things about my creation, was the gene-splicing. I’m as close as to genetically perfect as a Human or Kryptnonian can be.”

“Plus, I see through almost everything. So, my reality is a lot closer to what you’d consider normal. I see people are they really are,” a little smile says I’m being nice, but the truth is that normally it allows me to confirm people’s inferiority. Starfire is not inferior. Neither is M’Gann, who happens to be one of the only people on the planet who’s clothing I can’t see through. Since she’s not actually wearing any. At least, not normally. “A little like Dart, yes. Mostly? He eats Hopes and Dreams. He won’t bite unless you ask him too though.”

Inside of the ‘Penthouse,’ is much like you’d expect it to be. A bachelor pad. Except this bachelor happens to have a bottomless bank account. Yes, that’s a Pink Maserati parked in a corner of the penthouse, with no viable method of getting outside. Somewhere around here is six foot tall transformer model of Optimus Prime. There’s one of those ‘Almost Real Sex Dolls’ somewhere around here with a remote control in every orifice. The entire floor is mostly open floor plan, with only a handful of actual ‘rooms’ that afford any sort of privacy.

There’s a second story, but that’s mostly a bedroom. That I’ve been tempted to sue that movie Shades of Grey for ripping off and calling it a ‘Play Room.’ Throw a couple parties. Invite hack-writers over to worship you. Get your intellectual property stolen. Such is the life of a Luthor.

“Oh. They’re here,” I’m up off the couch at the speed of light, there’s probably still a fritos bag fluttering in the air as Kelsey makes her entrance. The living room area is conspicuously clean. All of a sudden. “Koriand’r allow me to introduce you to Kelsey Stevens and Doc Light.”

[ “Shhhh. She walked around naked for the first few hours. This was the only thing I could find! It was either than or I took the naked alien girl shopping… and then you’d have had to mind wipe half the city. No you can’t have my apartment. If she castrates me, you’re going to have to teach me how to be Supergirl.” ]

KORIAND’R: “I’ve been modified as well…but I was not created like you. My conditioning was…different.”

Kori avoided getting into the details as much as she could but she had dropped a few hints here and there. If this is what she thinks it is, she may have to reveal more than she might be comfortable with. They want to make sure she is not a threat to their humans, she understands that. She’s just worried that this may lead to a less than comfortable situation, trading one prison for another.

“Hello friend Kelsey, hello Pet Doc Light. As Superman has said, I am Koriand’r of Tamaran.”

She stood a little straighter and tried not to pick at the clothing. She was guarded, whereas maybe five minutes before she had been perfectly relaxed settling into the plans that Superman had made to help her acclimate to the culture.

“I apologize for any inconvenience my arrival may have caused. I had not expected a hostile greeting. I didn’t know what to expect when I set course here, I was under duress when I made the decision. As I told Superman and Wonder Woman, I come seeking sanctuary.”

LIGHT:   Most would marvel at the apartment that they were walking into.  An entire in one of the most well-known towers in the city.  This was more than money this was what wealth could provide, but for Light the only thing he focused upon was the woman that was standing before him.  He studied her carefully, with a smile that was both warm and pleasant.

Her response receives a nod and slight sound of acknowledgement.  Light hadn’t actually met the young woman.  He was informed that his involvement would not be necessary, but it didn’t mean that he didn’t keep tabs.  Difficult not to, given the televised statement she gave.


He kept his distance for Koriand’r.  Given the way things were going the fact that she didn’t seemed to want to escape while change that?  His intentions weren’t to create an environment where she would feel unwelcomed.   Far from it.  Conner offered her a place to stay somewhere where she wouldn’t have to be afraid or feel as if she couldn’t trust anyone.  To come and shattered that, to force the protocol would create far more problems than they needed at the moment.

There was another cancer that they had to focus their attention upon.  One that was growing and threatened to spread.  Of course, that was something that he shouldn’t trouble himself with.  He should focus on activities that he was more suited for.  At least that is what he was told when brought his concerns to the assistant director.

However, this was neither the time of place for such things.  While ‘Kelsey’ sized Koriand’r up Light took a step forward offering her his hand.  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Koriand’r of Tamaran.  Superman has shared with us your plight.  That’s why we’ve come to determine how we can help you.”  Light’s features remained the same as they were when the door open, warm and open.  There was no ogling.  No looking her up and down like a mean girl.  If, anything, Light was concerned about her comfort level given that everything she was wearing was probably a size or two too small.

“I see.  Perhaps we should get you some clothing that’s a tad more comfortable. I’m sure that Conner and Kelsey will be more than happy to take care of that for you while we talk.”   There’s some boutiques in her somewhere that they can get a few things from isn’t there?  The building was big enough to hold more than one and the good doctor was sure they would open up for Luthor’s son.  It would be stupid of them not to.

“Unless, you object, Koriand’r.  I just want to ask you a few questions.  If that is okay?”  Despite what most would think it was completely genuine.  “And prefer to be called Doc Light.”  Not really, but it’s probably the best that he would get from Conner.

“I’m very interested in how you came to be here.  The organization that I represent is very interested as well.   They’ve dispatched me to determine how you came to seek refuge on our planet.  It will go a long way in determining how we might be able to help you.”

M’GANN:  [ “Because you couldn’t just go to the store solo in the amount of time it just took you to clean your place. So you put the sexy alien in your girlfriend’s clothes. Sometimes you are Superdumb.” ]

Kelsey’s bitchy tones would probably have gone right along with those words, like peanut butter and bananas, but my mental voice is a lot more cheerful and amused, rather than judgmental. Conner’s my friend. Usually. The Supergirl comment still gets a very clear moment of surprise translated across the link though.

[ “What, you don’t know? I guess you’ve been busy with Naked Alien Netflix and Chill. -That- position’s already filled. And probably the only reason you’re getting away with adding to your harem right now.” ]

Because last night? This one may have crash landed in spectacular fashion but it was the take-off of another ‘S’ that had a whole lot more attention. I’m a lot more interested in Koriand’r of Tamaran than I might actually let on. Mentally, and certainly physically where I’ve got on a face of semi-disdainful disinterest. The truth is we don’t get terribly many aliens here on Earth. Not that aren’t invading, hostile, and therefor put down in an appropriate fashion. It’s almost an aside that I form a secondary link, this time between the Doctor, Conner, and myself. Running in tandem with the one between myself and Superman, and not to be confused with the casual listening I’m doing to Kori’s mind which I keep separate from the others. While checking my twitter feed. Or. Kelsey’s, I should say.

[ “Sincere. On all counts. No deception registered.” ]

“Ugh. I mean. I can. I guess.”

KORIAND’R:  Conner had filled her in on their organization, on their purpose. This was their protocol, measures that must be taken and she was understanding of the need to keep their people safe. Her people might have done the same thing if they had been able to avoid invasion. Unfortunately it didn’t work out that way.

She did reach out to touch Doc Light’s hand, being gentle with her grip but she was curious as to what she may pick up from him. Her hands were always warm, like skin touched with the warm sun. What she felt coming from him was not hostile, nothing she needed to be terribly concerned about. She finally returned his introduction with a warm smile. He had passed her test and perhaps she may be comfortable enough now to share her story.

“I don’t really need more clothing. I prefer to go without,” they were words of a soft protest, she may not have a choice in this particular matter. Humans were just so….reserved.

“We may talk, Doc Light. Are you a good Doc? I don’t want to end up like the girl, though it would be highly improbable.”

She just assumed everyone knew what she was talking about, she had just seen the show with Conner and for all she knew, all Doctors were bad people that liked to experiment on others.

CONNER:  [ “I don’t even buy my own clothes! How the hell would I even begin to know what to buy a … a… would you -look- at her? Cassie’d probably castrate me twice for anything -I- picked out for her to wear!” ]

Believe it or not, I’m not actually being rude to Arthur, when I put my hand up and give him a very stern shush signal. The look upon my face probably gives the intelligent man a signal of it’s own. The Martian before us, has just said something in to my head that brings everything about me to a complete and total halt. Was Kelsey teasing me? Was that her doing to me, what she used to do to Cassie at school? I’ve never had a tough time reading the Martian because her internal voice is one that always speaks more clearly of her moods.

I’ve got to actually lick my lips, because they’re dry, for the first time in my existence. A lot of things in this world I fail to understand, to grasp the nuance of. Emotions. Manners. Those are things I’ve been taught, but was also taught that ignoring them meant what? Someone was going to scowly face at me? Woe is me. But, M’Gann just said something I’ve caught on too quick. Now there’s only one important question and frankly it is far more important to me than Starfire -or- Doctor Light, in any way shape or form.

[ “Pretender, Kryptonian or New Clone?” ]

Three options. One means that I’ve got to have stern words with someone about the gimic I’ve infringed upon, being infringed upon. The other two? Those are far bigger, far more immediate issues. A true Kryptonian could mean that Nowhere, my Father and maybe even the world itself, is in great peril. If Nowhere has finally been able to replicate me? Then Cassie could be in trouble.

It’s almost an after-thought, that I answer one other thing even if I wasn’t asked. “She’s here because a vigilante in Gotham, wearing a red helmet. Tried to convince her that we were going to put her in a cage. Maybe even experiment on her. I saw his face, if you need to run facial recognition software.”

“I’ve assured the Princess that she will not be harmed, so long as she is here under the banner of peace. I even called my Father to make him aware of the diplomatic potential, that might be gained from such a scenario.” Head canting to the side, because I want to be very clear about what I’m explaining. Doctor Light, I’m certain, understands the principle of ‘Royal Hostage.’ “I was thinking of taking her and introducing her, personally. Publicly.”

KORIAND’R:  “You said if I stayed with him I would bring harm to his family, that I would be hunted and his family may be hurt in the process. I do not wish to bring harm to him or his family. Why would you reveal his identity? That would most certainly bring harm to him. He was not hostile, he was trying to help,” her eyes narrowed at Conner. He wasn’t playing very fair. She knew that the masked man was a vigilante, she knew he may even be a criminal but he did seem to have his heart in the right place.

“He gave me his clothing so I would not be cold because he knew I was weakened…and damp.”

Kori was touched by the gesture and honored the kindness in her actions now, if she could even protect him. She didn’t have much ground to stand on at the moment.

LIGHT:   Kelsey was wonderfully bitchy, but Arthur knew better.  However, rather than push the matter he kept silent.  The time wasn’t right, there were questions to be asked and hopefully answered.  He needed to know what would happen as he discussed the situation.  There were some things that couldn’t be avoided no matter how one may want him to.

Arthur had not uttered a word as the information flew between the two.  There were several conversations taking place.  He knew that M’gann and Conner were having a separate conversation while she included Light on a few pieces of information that she felt was relevant for him.   The Supergirl that was something that he was not involved in, because he had been directed to Metropolis to speak with the second alien.  Which came first didn’t matter, there was potentially a second alien, more than that a potential Kryptonian.

It was probably one of the reasons why the assistant director sent him here.  Rather than discuss the matter he wanted Light out of his hair.  No need to raise the alarm, it would be handled.  In the only way N.O.W.H.E.R.E knew how to handle it.

He wasn’t at the point where he wanted to pinch the bridge of his nose, but he was getting there.  There were some things that didn’t need to be shared openly.   “I’m am the doctor that I need to be.  Good.  Bad. That depends on someone’s perspective.  What I an offer you is truth, Koriand’r of Tamaran.  I think that may better than Good or Bad.”  Arthur could be many things, but right now he was being as diplomatic as his position would allow him.  He did not have the luxury that others did.  There was more to consider than himself.

“Your protector that attempted to aid you in Gotham also murdered someone earlier the same day.  Took command of a cadre of warriors that have been terrorizing that city.  He breaks our laws. Laws that have been established to protect the general population.  He does not trust law enforcement to do the job it has been trained to do.  He thinks himself above the law as judge, jury, and now executioner.”

That is her protector.  “He is a threat to the people around.  Does not concern himself with the overwhelming danger he places others or entire city in.  His careless actions have consequences.  Bystander, friend and family alike.”  That is the way it is seen by the authorities.

“So, while you see him as a kind soul, I see someone that is quite selective who he shows his kindness to.”

“As for your well-being? Superman, Conner, is this world’s protector.  He handles threats that most cannot.  If he does not see you as a threat, then I do not see you as a threat.  However, I am concerned.”   Quite concerned.

“I believe you mean this world no harm, but it is your request for sanctuary that concerns me.  It suggests that you need sanctuary from something or someone.  That is why I wish to speak with you.  I want to know how you came to be here and why you seek sanctuary.”   He paused for a moment and decided to go a step further.

“Are you need of a place to stay or are you seeking safety from someone, Koriand’r?  Should I be concerned for my world’s safety?”  He needed to know what they were dealing with.

It was his turn to hold his hand up for a moment signaling Conner to let this play out. He heard what he said. He understood what Conner wanted to do.  Would the others be pleased probably not, but at the same time he had to consider how this would be received by the public at large. That could place Koriand’r in danger.   The world, this nation was still a bit gun shy when it came to aliens.  If their new Tamaran friend was running from danger and that danger came here the public would quickly turn upon her.

Though there was a chance a possibility to remind people of their potential.  Of how great they could be when given the chance.

[Let us here her story first.]  He said to them both and for a moment there was almost a hint of a smile directed at Conner.  Not malicious.  Not threatening.  Genuine pride.

He’s learning.  He’s trying.

M’GANN: [ Oh, I’m looking. And she looks like six feet and more of ‘no win situation.’ Unless you dump Wondy, I guess. Then you could maybe -salvage- one with this one. ]

He isn’t really wrong. If he dressed Koriand’r in new things that fit her, that’d say he was looking close enough to know what would fit her. Putting her in his girlfriend’s clothes, which don’t fit at all, and probably without asking may still have been the slightly better option. It probably becomes more and more clear that we’re having a conversation no one else can hear, when my head cocks to the side about the same time Conner puts up the shushing finger. It’s one of the reasons the ever-present cell phone makes a good distraction. I might be finding that terribly interesting and not the boy in front of me.

[ “Not a clone. Or not one they knew about. Which means not one of -ours- or not one at all. No Kryptonian energy signature. But no meta signature either, despite clear possession of abilities.” ]

‘Business’ M’gann sounds a lot more formal, even in the mind’s voice, than anything else that comes from me. He’s not supposed to know about this, I think, or they probably would have pulled him out of his Alien Princess rescue. When clearly no one even made him aware of what went on last night while he was in Gotham. I probably shouldn’t be telling him. But I would want to know if another Martian appeared.

As for the rest? I really don’t have anything else to say. Aloof on the outside, or maybe just incredibly self-absorbed once I go back to my phone but I’m waiting. Doing the job that I’m actually here for. Doctor Light can ask all the questions he wants, the answers could always just be lies. I’m here to discover whether or not they are. They didn’t say that. But there’s really only two reasons that I’m sent out for something like this. Listening to thoughts? Or erasing them.

CONNER:  “Kori, on your planet, do they let criminals run around freely doing as they please? Or are you intentionally being obtuse to the fact that he admitted to being a criminal.” The sigh I make is almost dramatic, because I feel that’s how she’s behaving and let me tell you… that’s a surefire sense of Irony. “He gave you his coat, because he was hoping to track some sort of bug that he planted on it. Out of some sort of misdirected sense of seeking intelligence for further terrorist-ish behavior.”

“To be both fair? I told you that if you went with him those things would happen, for sure. I did not say, at any time, that the Authorities would not pursue a Criminal. I neither stated, nor even implied, protection from prosecution of a criminal from this planet. You’re who I offered to protect.”

Ugh. I’m getting angry and it’s bleeding in to the discussion with Koriad’r. It isn’t even M’Gann’s fault, but she’s sure the messenger I want to punch in the face right now. Especially when she keeps right on going. Dump Wondy? Doctor Light might not be at the point of pinching the bridge of his nose, but I am. Because I can feel my eyes itching with that solar radiation that wants to be expelled. Except, I am learning. That won’t solve anything. Having a ‘temper tantrum’ as Doc Fairchild calls it, will serve no purpose at all. None. In fact it’ll just create more problems. Like having to replace ‘Original-Alien-Friend,’ who by very definition cannot be replaced as she was the original. That only happens once.

[ “You’re not wrong. Koriand’r is definitely a no win scenario for me. Apparently the Tamaranian people have some sort of tactile empathy. When she kissed me, in front of Cassie, she was able to empathically absorb our language.” ]

I’d been wanting to test a theory, but there hadn’t been any way of doing it. Could Kori pick up every language I knew from a single Kiss? If she could, then it’s safe to say she knows most Human Languages. Because that was part of my cultural training. If not, then it means I would need to kiss her repeatedly in order to teach them to her. If ever there was a job for Superman, let me tell you. That’s one I wouldn’t have turned down even six months ago.

Now? Now I’m finding myself a little jaded about the situation. Especially since there’s a whole different topic that has me more than a little worked up. [ “No signature. Yet she had powers. That’s starting to become a frequent occurrence. Tech that could do that would be expensive. -I- couldn’t afford it for Cassie. Any sort of Magic that could manage it would be Raven’s territory. Can you have her look in to it?

And, if there’s any connection to Gotham City. I need to know before the rest of them.” ]

With that? I find myself falling silent. Giving the ‘good Doctor’ what he’s asked for. For once in my life I’m happy to comply with shutting up. Casually motioning to the Doctor and Starfire for the two of them to make themselves at home on the sofa. “We’ll be right back. Proper clothing shall be attained…”

The words have barely even settled in their ears, before the wind kicks up in the pure speed with which I’ve grabbed M’Gann and darted away. Kelsey can pick out clothing. I’ll pay.

 KORIAND’R:  She had no words about the man in the red mask. She simply didn’t know the circumstances from before that event, didn’t know his past actions or deeds. That ignorance came back to bite her pride. She had been hoping for the best and her judgement was sorely wrong. The wind was blown out of her sails but there were more important matters to speak about. Adding to that, Conner made her feel quite horrible about it. It was enough to make her cheeks redden in embarrassment.

“I was not aware of the scope of his crimes. I am sorry, Conner. I should not have defended him.”

Kori took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair before she began. It was a long story, it wasn’t a pleasant one and she may be able to spare the details of some of the trials she went through.

“I am a Princess in my planet, second in line as heir to the throne….or was. Our planet was invaded by great warriors, my parents were killed. My sister was forced into the throne. She was able to negotiate some terms that allowed her to remain the figurehead of our people while the new masters were able to benefit from the resources of the planet. The terms were only achieved by exchanging me as a royal hostage…to ensure compliance. I was young, a…teenager at the time.”

Kori nodded firmly but her heart felt like it was sinking when she started getting to the next part.

“They collected aliens from many different worlds, putting them to test in various ways. They tortured me, to test my endurance. They put me to fight, to test my skills as a warrior. Those that could not fight or endure the experiments were simply allowed to perish. They only kept the strongest. Surviving all those tests, they moved on to genetic modifications. Not many survived those trials. So….simply put, it was awful. Ten years of this with my captors. I was finally able to formulate a plan to take one of their ships, I set the course as far away as I could get. The Daem are cruel masters, strong warriors and masterful scientists. I can not return home or they will surely destroy my people. I have endured their trials and may be considered valuable, much of what I can do is shaped by their skill. If they capture me, I would be put back to the labs, to the pits and maybe worse as punishment for my disobedience.”

She didn’t know all of the answers, she didn’t know if they could have tracked her or if they would consider her valuable enough to retrieve her from this planet. It wasn’t likely but she was not aware of what future plans they may have had for their Starfire. She crossed her arms across her body. She hated feeling vulnerable, weak and ignorant of the information that they may need to protect this planet.

“I am sorry. I wish I knew more to help you. I don’t know where else to go. I have no home and no place.”

LIGHT:  The entire exchange has probably been a bit much for Koriand’r.  Light’s eyes flicker between the Conner and M’gann.  Something’s shifted and Light could guess what that was about.  He could give three good guesses, but probably only needed one.  He said nothing.  He didn’t even intrude to project his thoughts.

‘He’ll know if you don’t trust him.  He’ll know if you begin withholding information. You’re still trying to control him instead of helping to guide him.  There are some things he has to figure out for himself.  He needs support not a manager.’

Those were things that got Light sent back to his lab to work.  To continue working for the betterment of humankind.

However, as whisks M’gann away Arthur turned his attention back to Koriand’r.   “It’s alright, Koriand’r. You’re new to our world and our ways.  It will take time to understand, to navigate our customs.  Conner, just wants to do right by you. He in his own way is concerned. If you allowed you remain in Gotham you would have been in danger and he’s right.  He’s sworn to uphold the laws of his nation to protect people.  Now one of those people includes you.”   It’s a simple as that.

Walking over towards one of the chairs in the room Arthur took a seat as Koriand’r began to explain how she came to be on Earth.  Upon hearing her tale, he considered it for a moment.  Though M’gann was out of the room she was probably near enough to let him know whether or not she was telling the truth.  Yet, there was something about the sincerity in her voice.  Either way he would have it confirmed.  He could not and would not let logic slip away.  It helped inform him of the choices that he should make.

He remained silent while she continued to recount what happened to her family and her people.

“No, you’ve said enough.  You have nothing to be sorry for.  I’m sorry for all that you’ve endured.  I can’t imagine what it must have been like.”  Except Light knew all too well what it sounded like.  It was like looking into a bit of a mirror.  He could understand why she would not want to be subjected to any tests or examinations. There would be concerns over potential contamination, but that would be handled.

“There is a potential that your enslavers may come looking for you.”  That possibility is what concerned, Light.  How could he square this?  They were going to want his assessment and he knew all too well what could happen.  This was more than your typical asylum case.

“Alright.  This is what we’re going to do.  You are going to remain here for the time being.   However, no matter what Conner says wear clothing. Conner and Kelsey will return with clothing that is less ill-fitting that then the clothing you have on now.  Clothing is very much a custom on our planet.”  They could start there.

“Two, we will need to talk about these slavers.  Any information you can provide would be beneficial.  It will help you and it will help us.”
“Three, Conner, wants to introduce you to the world, but he will need to do so as Superman.  Which means that he will probably introduce you as friend, who is an alien.  A refugee who has found refuge on Earth.  There is someone else I would like you to meet, but it is not for me to initiate that contact on their behalf.  Someone who can probably help you acclimate to life on earth.  I will contact them and hopefully they will be available. They are quite busy, but I think it would be mutually beneficial for you to meet one another.” Officially.

“Let’s start with one and two.  Work towards three and see if I can get that introduction made.”

[That is if you’re up for it M’gann?]

M’GANN:  Sympathy actually manages to crack the uberbitch exterior of the face I’m wearing, as we’re related this alien woman’s story of how she came to be here.

[ “Her story is truth. She did not mean any harm to this planet. She did not have anywhere else to go. She went as far away from her captors as she could possibly get.” ]

Relayed to both Conner and Doctor Light, though I would assume Conner’s already formed his own opinions. Probably judged Koriand’r’s truth for himself with his own abilities. Heart rate. Things like that. Though the stress of a crash landing on a strange planet could have tampered with those sort of reactions. He also might not have really cared. I don’t know that I entirely understand Conner lately, or the things he’s doing. And that’s not something I get to say very often.

[ “In -front- of Cassie? And then you spent the whole day with her after? Hmm… perhaps you’re very lucky that your girlfriend seemed very pre-occupied today. Yes. I will ask Raven what she thinks. The only sighting so far was in Metropolis, though.” ]

“Wait. What? We are?”

Speaking out loud again, though I’ve already been carted out the doorway before the other two likely get a chance to hear them. It’s not exactly as jarring an experience as it would be for most other people. But my senses and reaction times are so far advanced beyond ‘normal’ human ones. I’m also letting him do it at all, rather than simply shifting my form into intangibility.

[ “Would it help her to understand why we have to do this, and the good that we’re doing, if I showed her she’s not the only refugee? She is so….sad…” ]

An earnest question, fed again into Conner’s mind, though the link that I maintain between the rest of us brings me Doc Light’s words as well, even with distance.

[ “If you think that’s best, Doc. I do not mind.’ ]

KORIAND’R: She was internally panicking a little. Murder was bad here, they didn’t like murder. How many did she kill with her own hand? By her own power? She had lost count, it was such a necessity for survival, so many that were like her, ended by her own hands. She had even thought for a time that maybe, maybe she was doing them a favor. They wouldn’t have to endure the torture if she ended them. She wasn’t speaking about it but the tears were welling in her eyes.

“Th-they’re reptilian in nature. They’re genetic sciences are very advanced, they’ve been using aliens to improve their own species for a very long time. They used that skill to enhance my own natural abilities. They have almost a…hive mind state. A tiny portion of that was passed to me, I am able to absorb some information from touch, language mostly…that is a Tamaranian gift, however I can also feel what that person is feeling. I am able to harness the ultra-violet radiation from the stars, that was further improved by turning that energy into a weapon. My Starbolts. Uhm….they’ve adapted to take host bodies. Highest ranking taking the most powerful specimens. They enjoy war, they enjoy destruction, better resources help them be stronger. I do not know what they had intended for me. I’ve heard things but I do not care to share that unpleasantness.”

Clothing may be a small price to pay, she did not object to that. Perhaps they would allow her to enjoy her freedom from their cloth while in a private area away from the public.

“I am attempting to assimilate what I can from the culture here, Doc Light. Conner has been most helpful.”

LIGHT:  [I think it would help.  I think it would be good for both of you.] He shares.  [All of you.]

M’gann’s telepathic confirmation absolves Light of any doubts that he had, but there were few and far between, but it’s almost troubling how it relates to the darker aspects of the organization that he’s involved with.  In steels himself focused on the matter at hand.   Light had to wonder how many times Conner will be allowed to play this card.

As she spoke he considered the species wondering if anyone had come across them before.  He couldn’t say that he was familiar with them, but it wasn’t like Arthur was privy to everything.   There were archives to consult, but at the same time given their warlike nature he knew that would not set well with the Director.  Light would have to determine how best to address the matter with the assistant director. Perhaps it will get him a meeting with the Director.  This may not be the last time that this happens.  They all knew it happened before.  It would continue to happen. They couldn’t let fear be the deciding factor nor could they slide everyone into a lab to take what they want.

That wasn’t the mandate.  They needed to ensure that they were prepared.

“I understand. It doesn’t happen in a day, Koriand’r.  You will need to give it time, but you’ve already made one friend.”  Two if you counted the Gothamite.  He did want facial recognition and the jacket.

“Let us help you and I assure you that you will make more and I believe we will be able to work out an agreement that will be mutually beneficial to everyone.”

CONNER:  We’re not gone long. Apple Pay and an iPhone make shopping one of the few things that I can do at full speed. More precisely, I can do it at whatever speed that M’gann can process the sight of the whatever it is she’s picking out. Then we’re through the register before anyone even notices us. Other than seeing the transaction pulling through on the tiller tapes a few heart-beats after their hair rustles. Most of our time isn’t spent shopping for Yoga Pants and half-tees. It’s spent pausing in the elevator that carries us up and down the LexCorp building. During which time we’ve got a few moments to converse without my worrying over someone catching even a facial expression.

[ “If it weren’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any at all, Meggy. The thing is? You know better than anyone that I mask a lot of insecurity by imposing confidence, even when it’s not there. Because shit, I’m Superman or I’m a Luthor. It’s different with Cass, I -know- she’ll understand.That I was saving this girl, giving her a chance, that she probably wouldn’t have gotten a year ago. Especially, when she finds out that the girl was naked most of the time she’s been here and I haven’t touched her. Not like that, at least.” ]

Once the elevator dings? This is once again someone else’s show. Because M’Gann has agreed to Doctor Light’s plan. While I actually don’t like this particular plan, I can’t really say I see any fault in it. Giving Koriand’r a potential friend, a real friend, could be beneficial. Especially if it frees me to get out of here and make deal with the newly presented problem. A literal Supergirl? Ugh. On top of my super girl being pissy. M’Gann’s description of Cassie being distracted makes me think, not for the first time, that I should ask a serious question that’s fraught with danger. I’ve held off before but now…

[ “Uhm. So. I’ve heard, that girls have girl-problems sometimes. And so. Well. If Cassie’s a demigod… does that make her girl problems worse? Less frequent? Could I be dealing with a case of Godly Girl-Problems? Is that even a thing? Hey, Doc.You’re a Doctor right? Is this something you’ve studied? A friend of mine said the Gods couldn’t allow Demigods to exist, because… of bad things. Was it Demigoddess Girl-Problems? Is that what broke the Olympians?” ]

KORIAND’R:  “I don’t want to be a freeloader. If I can help, I wish to. I am strong and gifted and I do not wish for my abilities to go to waste. It would be a shameful thing for a warrior to do.”

Her attention shifted when Kelsey and Conner came back, she greeted them with a warm smile.

“Doc Light, you are an honorable man. I have faith we can reach an agreement that will suit our needs.”

Starfire just hoped it allowed her to retain the liberties she had been enjoying since arriving. She did want to get out and explore but it may take time and small steps to get to that point. There was a plan formulated though and she was satisfied with that plan. There was only so much she could hope for as a guest on this planet.

M’GANN:  I suppose that surprises me a little bit. It’s not as if the world knows there’s another alien on the planet. One that’s been here longer, unknown, than the one they think they know that patrols the skies. And Conner isn’t even completely foreign. He was born here. He’s half Kryptonian by nature, not nurture or culture. Much like Koriand’r, I was born on another planet. Raised there. Learned a different set of customs and traits and setbacks. That empathy alone has me picking out things that should be comfortable for the other girl. If we were shopping for say…Cassie… I would have gone the other route. I make my own ‘clothes,’ almost all of the time, so I know very well how uncomfortable wearing manufactured ones can be. Yoga pants are basically the best invention humans have had. Soft leggings… so stretchy. So comfy. So good at showing off a nice figure…

[ “She probably will. Though. Maybe leave out the naked part. At least until you’re sure she’s over the -kissing- part.” ]

I wasn’t exactly happy about Conner and his girlfriend. At first. But I spend a lot of time in this boy’s head, and it’s impossible not to notice that he’s as close to happy as he’d ever been the whole time I’ve known him. And I’ve known him his entire conscious, cognizant lifetime. That doesn’t mean I’m nice to her though. That’s not the part I’m supposed to be playing. Shifting my ‘clothes’ and appearance? Takes less time than it does for the elevator door to open. Reverting to my ‘natural’ form doesn’t take thought. It’s a subconscious default. Green skin, red hair and a different face entirely than the one I’d been wearing when we left. I just happen to wait to do it until Koriand’r can see me do it. A secret identity isn’t exactly the same thing to me, as it is to everyone else. I can make a new face anytime I want. Take over someone else’s. Know their minds so well that imitation is nearly perfect.

The demeanor is so altered that the rest might almost be secondary. Most people notice the skin before anything else though. Maybe she’ll kiss me, too, and then I can have a conversation in my native tongue for the first time in…a very long time.

[ “Maybe you should just ask her. But please. Show me the memory of her face after you do. It is possible your girlfriend is just having a bad week too, though. No…hormones or reproductive cycle issues to blame.” ]

“I am a refugee, too, Koriand’r. I would be lost if it weren’t for these people. I felt like you do. I wanted to help when I first came to Earth. And prevent the same mistakes here that befell my own world.”

ARTHUR:  When the elevator opens and M’gann and Conner return Light is about to speak, but he finds himself presented with an interesting question.

[Not my area of expertise.  Dr. Sandsmark would probably know better than I would.  However, I suspect this is more of a girlfriend problem.  Your girlfriend just happens to be a demigoddess.  When, you have these situations that occur with Cassie reverse your roles. Whatever you did, ask yourself, ‘If Cassie did X how would I feel?’ and go from there.”]

That was as far as Light was willing to venture into Conner’s Creek.

“Alright then. It’s agreed. I think for the moment you should see what Conner and Kelsey have got for you and I will start to put in a few calls.”  Which meant that he would make use of the den that probably never sees any use.

Nodding as M’Gann reveals her true nature to Koriand’r, Light takes this moment to excuse himself. He would be near if needed.  “Feel free to talk amongst yourselves.”

There was work to be done on multiple fronts.  Either way Light knew that he had to work quickly to avoid things getting escalated internally. The fact that Koriand’r was already willing to use her skills was promising.

— During Koriand’r and M’gann’s get to know you session —

While Light had adjurned to the den to make his initial and Conner had taken the moment to consider the possibility of another clone, Kryptonian or false Kryptonian, M’gaan and Koriand’r were given a chance to bond over being aliens in a strange world.  Both could bond over their differences, similarities and provide M’gann and Koriand’r something that they desperately needed at this time, a friend that could relate to them.

Despite being aliens from different words, that was not the only thing that set them apart.  M’gann was a far more familiar with the inner workings of N.O.W.H.E.R.E whereas Korand’r was not.  That said there were some individuals that were more familiar with those experiences than most.  One such individual was about to walk back into M’gann’s life…all their lives.

Light considered them to be one big happy something.  That was always the thing, they never knew what quite to classify themselves ass.   There was always a question mark as to what they were to one another.  Colleagues?  Teammates.  An unfortunate group of people that circumstance and current legislation bound together in an unholy union? There was at least one person that would consider that to be the most accurate description.

 [Ring. Ring.  Can anyone join in, operator?  Don’t worry this is a secure line just for me and you.  Hello, M’gann.  Shh.   That’s right I’m shushing you, because I know your first instinct.]  The voice was familiar.  Too familiar.

[I’m somewhere. Doesn’t really matter wear.  Perhaps passing through. Perhaps using a relay of some kind. Wouldn’t that be quite fascinating.  Either way, I thought it would be nice if we caught up sometime.  I’m working a project.  You know how I love my projects.  You know how ‘they’ loved my projects.]

There was the sound of clapping in her mind for a moment, like a happy child that found their favorite toy.

[Yes help that’s what I need and you’re just…oh what was he said.  You’re the right Ma’aleca’andran, to help me.   However, I need to be going before you start to be a bad Ma’aleca’andran and try and find me.  We’ll be in touch.  Promise also because I know how much you love your phone I’ll leave you with another clue.  Professor Yana.  Google it.]

Green is the New Black:  When Old Meets New

Green is the New Black: Blast from the Past

ALAN:  Gotham City is known for its special type of scum and villainy. Most people believe that came with the arrival of the Bat, but they’re wrong. It started way back. During the Great Depression. It was a time when the United States was down on its luck. Hard working people did more than an average day’s labor for a dime. People scrambled for food on good days and barely went hungry on others. History records that America came through it, but those books in those classes rarely give a true accounting of how the working class made it through the days. I know, first hand. Because I was there.

My name is Alan Scott, but people used to call me the Green Lantern.

Truth be told, I don’t look my age. You might call me lucky, but more than once I’ve considered myself cursed. I was born here, in Gotham. Just before the Great Depression. So I got a birds eye view of how it happened, what we went through and most of all? I saw what it meant to live in Gotham City when times were really hard. When if you needed a ride to work, you didn’t dare go for something called ‘Uber.’ Because the chances were the Cabby would shank you and steal your shoes to pay for Gas. There were no monorails to carry you place to place. We didn’t have the luxury of buying things from the Amazon, because the only Amazon we knew back then would punch you in the eye if she thought you were going to tell her to get her cute butt in the Kitchen. We suffered. Some of us persevered. Others gave in to the simple baser need to put food on the table by turning to a life of crime.

Sure. We didn’t have Clown Princes, nor Presidents for Life. I’ll be the first to tell you that it was a simpler time back then. Less elaborate. That doesn’t mean Gotham was better than it is now. I don’t see the world’s History through rose colored glasses, I’m rather fond of emerald city green anyway. Gotham was, as it is now, a little too proud of not being Metropolis. Happy to cavort with the dangers of the criminal element if it means being just good enough.

Little wonder this is where I came. This is where I made my home. Her in the City of Gotham, in the state of New Jersey. Not too far down the river from Metropolis, but far enough away from the glitz and glamour that I don’t have to worry about visitors. It was always supposed to be a place of rest, where I could disappear in to retirement. Sure, the place I own isn’t Wayne Manor but it’ll do. Unlike the Waynes, I worked for my money. Scraped by tooth and nail to create the communications network that even now supports Gotham. Not just Gotham, but most of the East Coast. The Scotts have been here since the beginning. We built the first newspaper, owned the first telegraph in town. Eventually that became more. Newspapers, then Radio, before shifting to television. I stopped there, getting out of the way before things became too much about the ‘Intrawebs.’ Not my style. I like to hold, touch and feel the news in my hands. That’s what I’m doing too. Reading the morning paper. Scanning through the terrible images of yet another clash with the world that the Joker is having. When I hear something that I haven’t heard in a very long time. I’d almost forgotten the ring was there, it’s been -that- long.

[:Alert. Energy Signature Identified. Oa Power Ring Detected.:]

KYLE:  It wasn’t the first time that I had been to Gotham.  We’ve been to Gotham a few times usually for the museums and the architecture.  It was a sight to behold, but different from Metropolis.  Two sides of the same coin perhaps?  I wasn’t sure, but I wasn’t here to take a walking tour of Gotham if those things still happened I was here seeking someone out.  The moment I got into the city I found myself determining where to start.   It wasn’t like I could land in the city center and announce that I was here.  That’s the last thing that I needed.  It would draw all the wrong types of attention.

Not that the city needed any more attention.   There were talks of ninjas.  I didn’t even want to get caught up in that, but if some happened to cross my path and were doing what I felt was wrong they might have found themselves snared for a moment until authorities arrived.  That slowed me down while I did my best to stay out of sight as used my phone to figure out where I might be able to find Alan Scott. I was given a name, but not an address so that meant I found myself standing in front of the communication network that Scott built. It had him listed as ownig it.  He was the CEO of the Gotham Broadcasting Company, the GBC.

I wasn’t sure how I should go about doing this.  Should I go in and ask to speak with Alan Scott.  Do Green Lanterns have signals like the Bat Signal?  I thought about it for a moment before I moved away from the building.   Several minutes later a green light might be seen flying over head landing on the building.  Immediately a spider like construct began to make its way through the shaft while goggles appeared around my eyes providing me with what I needed.

“Alright let’s do this spider friend.  Let’s find Alan Scott.”

ALAN:  One thing is for certain. ‘Alan Scott,’ isn’t hiding in mediocrity. GBC is the biggest, oldest, communication company in the City. One of the oldest in the Nation. With holdings across the Globe in order to stay relevant. It was always important to me, after that Great Depression, to bring something back home. Here, to Gotham. Not the ring, not the power or the crazies that go with it. Jobs. Money. Economic growth, development and the assistance that goes with it.

Security at the GBC is good enough to give people an opportunity to get clear, in the event of Super-Villain Take-Over. Not so good as to keep a Green Lantern from finding an ingenious way to breach the security. I’m not sure what he’s looking for, but by the time I arrive? He’s got fancy goggles on his head and is sending some sort of remote control robot down the air chute. There’s no sound to be made, I’m not really sneaking up on the kid. After all he’s the one breaking in to my building.

“Fancy. Those constructs are intricate. You’ve gotta have firsthand knowledge of that sort of technology to make it work like that. A guy that smart, should probably know that one of the Bat-People are probably going to show up any minute.” Says the man in the business suit and ruffled hair, no costume, who’s making no effort to hide his own similar ring to the one Kyle’s sporting. Similar, but not the same. “So. I’m Alan. This is my building. If you could do me a favor and not break anything. That’d be great. I upped my insurance premiums to cover ‘Damage by Ninja’ but after Coast City? They don’t cover Green Lanterns anymore.”

KYLE:  The mechanical spider was making it’s way through the vents checking each area it came in contact with. “Oh, it’s just something saw in a Japanese animation I watched a few months ago combined with the Minority Report.  Remember that scene with the spiders when they were searching for the target that was on the run.” I said it so matter-of-fact that it was like something I had done before.

Of course, the voice behind me is usually one that I hear in my head, but it wasn’t in my head it was outside of my head.  I blinked a few times and the spider stopped in its movements.  “Scrap.”  Turrning my head slowly towards the person that wasn’t in my head I hopped back like the roof of the building was on fire.

“Alan? Wait Alan Scott.  You’re the person I’m looking for.”  Pausing for a second my brow arched.  “Oh no no no. I’m not here to…wait. They don’t cover Green Lanterns?  Is that a real thing?”  There’s specific coverage for superheroes.

“Double scrap.” I’m totally not in uniform.  “We can’t start over can we? I’m totally busted.  Civilian face and everything.”  A green construct starts covering my face and I’m now wearing something that looks very reminiscent of the Green Power Ranger…the original Green Power Ranger.  Just over my head though.

ALAN:  “Japanimation? That stuff with the tentacles and schoolgirls? Well, I mean. Each person has to find their own inspiration, I suppose. Not really something I’d think of when I think about the things most likely to meet with Guardian approval though. Hey, what I know. This generation of kids is doing a lot of things we never dreamed off back in my hay-day.”

The chipper demeanor isn’t a ploy, it’s the real thing. I’ve never let the world or the things going on bring me down completely. It all goes back to those humble beginnings, seeing my Father scrape by to put food on the table. When a good meal was a can of Soup that the whole family shared. After that I came out the other side resolved, understanding that you have to take the good in life when and where you can. Otherwise the bad in life will drag you down, too far to ever get out.

Maybe this kid understands that too? He seems awfully squirrel for your average run of the mill Space-Cop. “Yeah. Didn’t need telepathy to figure that out, Kid. Just a good security system. When a guy and a power ring show up, breaking in to one of my buildings? That’s too much of a coincidence to actually be one. Can’t be too careful.”

“Also. I’m serious. ‘Act of Green Lantern’ is right next to ‘Act of God,’ in the insurance policy, under the listing of ‘Definitely not covered, under any circumstances.’ I wish it weren’t so, but kinda public enemy numero uno.” With a shrug of the shoulders, I come in closer to Kyle as he’s working on his mask. All around me is the same green hue that surrounds him when he’s in flight. The difference is in the flickering of green flame, that you don’t see with other Green Lanterns. “Sure thing. Do-over. I like a good mulligan as well as the next average skilled golfer.”

“So. Fresh start. Hi. I’m Alan Scott and you are…?”

[:Designation: Rayner, Kyle. Sector 2814, Trainee.:]

“…Kyle, then. Sorry. I never upgraded to the model ring. I’m still fighting against getting a smart phone too. This old ring is as cranky as I am supposed to be.”

KYLE:  The entire construct fades away line by line when he says that and my eyes are as wide as saucers that scream. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  I don’t speak, because I’m starting to wonder if I give off some kind of vibe.  No, of course not.  That is totally not the case.

“Japanese Animation of which hentai is a part of, but I’m totally not refer to that. Not at all. No, sir.” My hands move emphatically to ensure that my point is made.  “Is that the first thing people think about when they hear that.  I mean sure there are some interesting things that the animators like to think about that do that particular kind of work, but I’m too young to be thinking about those things.   Don’t I look it.  Babyface cherub.”  Cue my most innocent smile.

“I wasn’t technically breaking in.  I was trying to find you. I mean I didn’t want to walk up to the desk in the lobby and go I need to speak to Alan Scott one Lantern to another. I don’t think that would go over well.  Also, there was no guarantee you were here.”  I totally should have consulted the ring.

“Act of Green Lantern. Aww man.  Does that mean I could get sued?”  All of sudden cash registers were around us popping opens CA-CHING! CA-CHING!  “Nothing about that in the message, Ganthet.”  I say to the ring.   This is totally not cool, but given everything that happened I could see why insurance companies would deny claims.

About that fresh start now that I’m exposed again I hold out my hand when the ring introduces me.  I’m also zeroing in the green flame that surrounds Alan. He really is a Green Lantern, but different.  Definitely different unless it supposed be like that. “Well, as your ring just told you…” I glare at the ring. “…Kyle Rayner.”  Trainee?  Really? I’m a Trainee?

“Smart phones are the wave and bane of the future.  Continue to fight.”   I say with a nod. “However, I guess you’re wondering how this all happened?  Why am I here?    What do I want?  Am I here to cause trouble.   I can tell you right now I’m not here to cause trouble. Promise. Scouts honor.” Technically I was never a scout, but people say that a lot.

“A friend of mine.  Between me and you he’s the number one contender for best friend, but he told me that you might be able to help me.  Provide a little context on who and what Green Lanterns are since I’m a trainee and apparently there’s no one here to show me the ropes. ”

ALAN:  “Sorry, kid. That thing you’re doing with your face? Just screams ‘nutty pervert’ to me. Don’t do that around Grant or he’ll start calling you Chester.”

Whether or not that too was part of the over-all demeanor of good cheer? Is a little suspicious because of the grave-sound to that warning. Ted Grant gives out ‘Codenames’ that you’re stuck with for life. Whether they’re fun, friendly, cute or unflattering? Ted’s intent is normally easy to figure by the tone of the nickname. Baby Bird? Black Canary, prized student. Numbnuts? Well, not many people talk about good ole Chuck Lane anymore. Poor old Jester, he really did have the best of intentions. One bad joke over a beer with Ted Grant and now? Now he’s numbnuts.


“I wasn’t here,” jerking my thumb back over a shoulder the way I came. “Was back at my little hovel, reading the newspaper. Hostage Crisis. Terrible stuff. Glad for the interruption.”

At the question of being sued? I’m quick to answer his cash register constructs with a convict’s ball and chain forming around one of his ankles. Giving the kid a wink, to show I’m not put off by the zany special effects. “Sued? Maybe. You’d probably be assassinated first. Put in Super-Prison, if you’re real lucky. Speaking of, Kid. Aren’t well, I don’t mean to sound rude here, but you seem a little… green … around the ears.”

Then it’s time to listen, and I do that a lot better than most. When you’ve been doing the sort of work that I’ve done, for almost a century at this point, you have to be a good listener. Kyle is quick to profess himself as a good guy. Nice start, but I’m not so easily convinced. The last guy I met with one of those rings was a nice guy too. Until he wasn’t. It’s at that point though, that I want to correct him but hold off doing so. He’s got more to say, a story to tell. Someone sent him to me? Very interesting, that’s a decidedly small number of potential people who would even know to send someone to me.

He’s introduced himself, filled in the blanks that my ring didn’t offer. Now it’s my turn. I should probably make this something Grand. Something awe-inspiring, to put Kyle in the proper mind set. Right? Eh. Nah. “Well, as your friend told you, I really am Alan Scott. About sixty years ago? They called me the Green Lantern. Feels like a life-time ago, to be honest.”

“Wait. Wait. Hold on. Kyle, you really are new aren’t you? Oh, damn, kid. I thought you were putting me on. Taking the whole secret identity thing a step further. Damn. Listen kid, have you learned how to fly? Course you did, that’s how you got to the roof. There are some things you need to know, but if we hang out here in Gotham putting our Schwatz on display like this? One of the bat-kids is going to show up and do this growly voice. It’s extremely disconcerting to have a twelve year old boy trying to sound like Barry White, while telling you to get out of their City. Last time it happened, I almost threw my hip out trying to hold back to laughter.”

Without any further banter the ring on my hand lights up. Literally. The green-white flames spark up all around me as I lift back up in to the air. “Follow me, Kid. I’ll tell you a little story. Hope you like Dramatic Comedies, with a splash of Sci-Fi Horror.”

KYLE:  I gave it a little thought remembering how quickly that can happen. I’m in high school it happens every day. Make one faux pas and you’re it for life.  You can try to escape it, but the moment you run into someone that knows it starts all over again. I try not to frown, because frowning wouldn’t make the best of impressions.

Chester.  I’m not sure I want to know what that means.  Some things I’m better not knowing.

Seeing the ball and chain at my ankle I shake my head. “I rather avoid that if possible.  My bestie pretty much told me the same thing.  He’s putting himself on the line for me.”  Con was and that meant something. He could’ve taken me in.  I rather not be on the run and have my mom find out about all of this on the television.  It’s the last thing she needs.

“Wait…did you say sixty years ago?”  Sixty?  He was the Green Lantern then?  He doesn’t look.  I try to work it out in my head without triggering my ring.  I rather not telegraph what I’m thinking.  “How did you stop aging or has your cellular decay somehow been suppressed?”  Could his ring do something like that? Also, how do I know about cellular decay? Star Trek naturally.

“Really?  Try to do the right thing and they’re trying to sweep you out like you’re the tress.  How rude!”  My brows knit themselves together at that one, but flying.  We should be doing that. I’ve flown a few places, but I’ve tried to stay off the radar when I can. When he takes to the air I still find myself fascinated by the aura of his ring it’s definitely not like mine.  The energy is different.

My ring lights up and it’s simple green aura when compared the green white flames that surround Alan. Of course, I’m following behind him until I’m flying beside him on my sweet looking green Vespa.

Aw yeah!  I always wanted to ride through Rome on a Vespa. It looks fun.  I even have a helmet.  See safety boy!

“I guess I should start at the beginning.” The beginning.  “I was in a plane crash several years ago.  Only survivor.  Short term coma actually along with you know a broken body.  I was on a class trip coming back from DC.  You know school trip to see how the government works.  On the way back, the plane started having trouble.  It took a turn for the worse and well, the next thing I remembered I was in the hospital, in traction.  Lone survivor.”  I think my mom inquired a few times about what brought the plane down.  We never got a real answer.  Mainly because I was whisked away.

“It was about a year of rehab along with tests from the DEO to make sure there was nothing ‘special’ about me.  They couldn’t understand how I survived.  I wasn’t super-durable or strong.  Couldn’t change shape, but I survived.  They needed to be sure.”  I glanced at the ring.  “It didn’t even look like this in the beginning. It was a simple ring.  Nothing special about it.  It was dormant.  I think it was a safety feature. No one thought anything of it, but after all was said and done.  My mom was given a modest amount and strings were pulled and I got into a really good boarding school in Metropolis that had a really good art program, but…” There was always a but.

“Psychiatrist were worried about trauma and gaps in the memory. The fact that I couldn’t recall anything, and I was having nightmares was troubling, but after a while I stopped.”  They didn’t stop I stopped.  “I didn’t want to talk to them anymore.  I wanted to know, but I didn’t want to share my feelings about it.”  Not how I was built. I had to work through it may way.   “There were reoccurring images a pair of hands, blue eyes and voice.  You will do. Always the same, all engulfed in flames.  I didn’t tell anyone about it, because what if I was going crazy?  What if it was a meta-human that helped me out?  It would suck if I snitched.  Also, I didn’t want to worry my mom.”

ALAN:  “Mhm. Sixty years or so. I found my ring in the summer of nineteen thirty-nine, to be specific.” I’ll let Kyle worry about the Math, because the kid seems a little conscious of such things. Instead I focus on giving him some more information in exchange for his. “Mine was a Train Wreck. Literally. I was also the sole survivor, at least of the train car that I was in.”

The Vespa is actually pretty cute. For a guy trying to attract very little attention, he’s got a certain flare about him. Playful. What can I say? We’re already glowing green and flying across the night’s sky. What is a little personality going to do that we’re not already doing? So I up the ante a little bit. Giving myself a Chariot and two Flying Goats. Chariot of Fire, mind you. Which allows for me to talk, to fly, without having to be the one guiding us to our location: Casa del Scott. Lonely Mansion on the Outskirts of Gotham City.

“Safety feature? Yeah. Kinda. The rings can take the shape of anything you need it to be. It’s connected to you, Kyle. If you were anxious about being caught or worried about them thinking you were a Meta? The ring recognized it and concealed itself. Most likely, it was also waiting and conserving power until you finished your rehab. That’s actually how it worked with me too. Kinda weird. History repeating itself like that.”

Though my Home isn’t Wayne Manor it’s still a pretty sizable ‘Retirement Home.’ I’ve got money, I don’t feel like I should skimp on amenities when I’ve been -forced- in to semi-retirement. So I don’t live in a real Hovel, like I joked about earlier. I’ve got a pool and a tennis court. Actually two. A set outside and set inside. Plus a Bowling Alley, that I keep hidden otherwise Ted Grant would never leave.

Our chosen landing spot? Is the balcony leading in to my study.  Oh, and the House? Is actually older than I am. “The Alien in your memories is called a Guardian. They’re an ancient and evolved alien culture. Who decided a long, long time ago to bring order to the otherwise chaotic galaxy. In the Grand Scheme of the Universe, at least my understanding of it? They’re the Good Guys. Which is good news, right? The ring you’re wearing, is a power ring from the Planet Oa, home of those Guardians. It was created to help the Guardian’s empower their a corps of sector guardians.”

“Generally speaking there is a finite number of power rings. One, maybe two, for each Sector of Space that falls under the Guardian’s protection. Normally, when a Lantern is selected, they’re replacing a fallen Lantern.” Now that I’m starting to explain things, and we’re inside, I’m starting to create a small power point presentation upon the walls of my study. Giving the younger Lantern a bit of a quick overview of the ‘world’ he’s stepped in to. “If you’re having memories of an actual Guardian giving you that ring, Kyle, then that makes you a very special young man. It also answers a question for me.”

“You see, Kyle. As soon as that Ring came out of its dormant state. When you were physically able to begin wielding it and learning? You should have been immediately recalled to Oa, for training. In some case,s a trainer would be sent to you, but that’s normally only the case of certain Lanterns that can’t physically traverse space to Oa. All of which means, Kyle. That if you’re not there and someone isn’t here to train you? Then the War that the Corps was waging with Parallax is going very poorly.”

KYLE:  Nineteen thirty-nine.  Less than 80 years ago.   My eyes widen for a moment, which is magnified a bit because of the goggles that I’m wearing along with the helmet. It completes the look with my Vespa.  Smirking at the chariots and goats I wonder if he has a fascination with Thor or if this is just what he likes.  Interesting.  Definitely creates a certain look.  “Really?” That is quite the coincidence. We were both lone survivors.

“I definitely wasn’t ready back then.  There was too much to focus on I also think…”  I think there was another reason it was dormant.   I don’t even know how to put together yet.  I mean it had to be connected.  The fact that my story is remarkably similar to Alan’s is eerie.  However, does this mean that I’ll look that good when I’m older.  That would be an interesting perk.

Following along I make sure Vespa keeps up with the goats as they seemed to know our intended destination.  “Definitely weird, but maybe some events are meant to repeat themselves.  People are always talking about how there are certain patterns to life and the universe. I think it’s true to a point.  Perhaps it’s meant to help us notice something.  Or at least make us aware. I don’t know, but after everything that’s happened sometimes you have to stop and think.”   Then again, I shall have to do and what not.

When we arrive at his residence, his hovel I look over at him.  “This is pretty nice…” Better than pretty nice.  There’s a tennis court and swimming pool. When the Vespa lands it fades away when I stand up looking around.  “Really nice.” However, priorities.   “Ganthet.” I add.  See I learned a few things.  A lot of things, but not everything like I had no idea how the rings came to be.

“It was described by my friend as Intergalactic Peackeeper. So pretty much a space cop.”  I’m space cop. I’m still shocked by that.  Despite my comments I take everything Alan says seriously going as far as to walk towards the projections.

“Which isn’t good.”  I don’t full on frown all the tie, but when I do it changes my entire posture.  It almost seems like I’m a few inches shorter.  “I’ve only been using the ring for a couple of weeks.  First is…was a fire in Metropolis.  It was bad.  No one had arrived.  I heard people and it was like the crash all over again.  I ran towards it.”  Instead of away.  “I was inside trying to help some kids get out and had to jump through some flames with only a wet blanket to get to them.  That was a little surreal.  I saw the eyes, the hands reaching out of the flames, but I had to. I couldn’t just turn away.”  Through the flames I went.

“The ring changed and started talking then it just went…it was pretty amazing.  Fire truck arrived with firemen to help get people out and take out the fire, but they weren’t real.  They were green.  I was thinking that’s what we needed, and it happened.”  My mind was blown right there. Like Boom.

“If that wasn’t enough I hide out with the fire crew and slipped away in one of their uniforms and I flew. Like up, up and away.  Like Superman.  Classic Superman.” I say with a spin before looking at him.

“I didn’t know who to tell or who to talk to.  However, it did make me think about what happened with the crashed and the voice I remembered.  It was then I remembered.  I thought all this time he said, “You will have to do,” when he actually said, ‘You shall have to do.’”

I ball my fist and focus, and the projection actually activates like right out of Star Wars.  No need to bang on the ring and tell him to release the message that he’s carrying in his rusty innards.

It’s a vivid projection of Ganthet. It’s not just green, it shows everything as it should be like a 3-D image with full colors.  However, he wasn’t talking. He remained inactive.  I turned to Alan and scanned him with the ring.

[:Subject identified.  Alan Scott.:] The ring stated.

“Replay greeting message.  Um…Kyle Authorization. Please?”

[:Permission granted.:]  Just like that the image of Ganthet came to life.

”Kyle Rayner if you are viewing this then not only have you successfully demonstrated that you are capable of overcoming great fear you have provided the correct passphrase to access this message.”

“Sufficient time has elapsed for you to grasp that this is a pre-recorded message that I meant for you and you alone to access.  Humans have always been clever creatures and despite the circumstances I believe that I have chosen wisely.”

“I am called Ganthet and I am a Guardian of the Universe and yes, you shall have to do, Kyle Rayner.  While our exchange was brief I know that I have entrusted the last power ring to the right individual. I wish there was more that I could tell you, but my time is limited. However, I wish for you to know that I sensed within you all the traits that are desired for those who wield a Lantern’s power ring. Let it be known that hence forth from this moment you are the Green Lantern.”

“I offer you my apologies as I am not able to provide as much information as I would like, but my presence will not go unnoticed by the Fallen One.  You have been entrusted with a great legacy, Kyle Rayner. One that larger than your wildest dreams no matter how vivid they may be.”

”Perhaps our paths will cross again, but if not know that both I and the ring have chosen wisely.  Until then may your ring and power battery serve you well and you them.  Farewell.”</font>

The projection fades.   “I found out who the Fallen One was.”

ALAN: “Parallax.”

Everything else is lip-service. Nothing that we’ve spoken about is as important as that name. Who he is and what he did. How he came to be. “Hal Jordan, to his friends. He was the last Green Lantern on this world. There have been others, but they’re either off world or gone at this point. Ganthet is right, you’ve got quite a legacy, young man. Some of it to live up too, some of it to make up for. Your shoulders are broad, you look like a strapping young lad. If Ganthet is right, you’ve already got all the tools you’ll need.”

Moving over to the sofa in the study and reclining across it. Lazing, almost, but as I do the Green comes alive again. A spark turns in to flame in the fire place. A leggy young maid springs to work in taking my sports coat and offering the two of us drinks. He’d mentioned the firemen who he created, this is something like that. Although there’s a similar difference in how it manifests. That, for now, isn’t half as important as talking with this young man. Putting him at ease and getting him to stop worrying so much.

“Alright, Kyle. Let’s talk turkey, such is the season. You’ve told me your story, so I feel like I should give you mine. Just keep in mind that I’m abbreviating most of a century. When I awoke from my train wreck, I didn’t have an explanation. Nor did I have a ring. The only other thing that survived the wreck was a single train lamp. Which was given to me, by the owners of the Train. Along with a sizable settlement. It turns out that the Lamp was the source of my rescue. Like your Ring took another form? The Lamp was actually a Lantern, in another shape. It had been on this world for a long, long time. Looking for someone it considered worthy. Apparently, I was it.”

“I called your ring a new model. That’s because my ring is spawned from the Guardians too, just from a point in time prior to their having made rings like yours. A long time before, in fact. The Guardians, Ganthet among them. Decided that ‘Magic’ was a chaotic force. So, they decided to contain it. Lock it away from people who would abuse it. They gathered all of the ‘Magic’ they could in to a single vessel, for safe keeping. It was intended to be the original Central Battery, for rings just like yours. What the Guardians didn’t understand at that time, is that Magic isn’t just casual energy. It happens to be alive. It believed in the Guardian’s Goal of Order and Preserving Life, but it didn’t wish to be used as nothing more than a battery. Son it escaped their custody and found its way here. On Earth.”

Making a gesture of my hand, the ring on my hand floats away from my finger. Levitating on its own towards my desk. Towards the small Lamp that settles there. As it draws near the Lamp reveals itself to be a massive Lantern, the likes of which Kyle is sure to recognize. “This is the Starheart, Kyle. Though it works very similarly to your Battery and my abilities manifest similar to your’s, they energy behind them is different. Same Smartphone, different batteries.”

“For a long time, I didn’t know about the Green Lantern Corp. Then a ring came to Earth, by accident. He was fleeing from some sort of battle. His ship was damaged. He was dying. His ring sought out his replacement. That replacement was Hal Jordan. Whom would become Parallax. When the two of us met, our rings identified one another. We helped one another over the years. Through Hal, I was introduced to the Guardians. To Ganthet. Through me they were able to reconnect with the Starheart. Whom they now recognize as sentient.”

“After Coast City… after Hal… fell…the Guardians asked me to be this Sector’s Lantern. The Starheart feared that the Guardians would eventually revert back to wanting to contain it or if circumstances became Dire, they might seek to use it for its original purpose. So, a compromise was reached. The Guardians appointed me as the Guardian Sentinel. Apparently, it’s some sort of honorary position.” Once more shrugging, as I take a drink of what has been brought by the constructed waitress. “I think, it means that I’m your Guardian, Pal. I feel like I owe you an apology. Because, after all of that? This world changed. Tonight, was the first time I’ve even flown in ten years.”

KYLE:   Looking at my ring I watch as Alan uses his how the fire comes to life and the maid who comes to take his jacket and take our drink orders.  I can already tell that she’s a construct, but the more I understand how different our rings are, but how alike they are.  Pressing my lips into a thin line I find a chair to sit in, because I think this is best taken in while sitting.

“Water, please. Thank you.” Have to stay hydrated. It’s what I tell myself.  It helps me pace myself. I know a zillion questions could swirl, but I listen, because sometimes you just need to.  Sometimes the questions you’re about to ask might be answered if you listen.

Upon hearing Alan’s story it’s like the start of a mythical story.  One page flips after the another in my mind.  From meager beginnings to something greater.  The realization that Starheart is more than tool, that it is alive. When the ring floats away towards the lamp I gasp when the lamp reveals itself to be the lantern that he spoke of.  It’s massive and it looks very reminiscent of the power battery that I retrieved in Coast City.   They wanted Starheart to power all the rings. I wonder how different things might have been if it had happened?

“Got it. Magic.” That made me think on something, but it could wait.   The idea that magic exist still doesn’t make me pause. I take it all in stride.  Con talked about magic and now Alan is talking about magic. Sounds like a common thing for certain individuals, those who come in contact with it on a regular basis.

“I want to make a note that I want to come back to the magic business. I have a question.  Two questions. One’s magic related the other is related to your business.”  I state it, because if I don’t I’ll forget to ask.  It’s important, because it could help two people out. One I don’t know, but knows my friend and I know he was concerned about the possibility.  Alan could help, but it may become a matter of wanting to help.

“It’s not safe for meta-humans.   It’s dangerous.  You’re working with the Guardians to protect people.  They recognize the relationship you have with your ring, the fact that Starheart is sentient. It’s not simply a tool.  In a lot of ways Starheart sounds like your partner.” My ring has spoken, but it sounds more preprogrammed than anything.

“You have nothing to apologize for.  This is a less than ideal situation for everyone.”  I’m not saying that I don’t want the ring or I wish the ring had never come into my possession, but I know what it represents.   “I started doing research on the Green Lantern as much as I could without drawing attention.  It led me to Coast City.  I saw what Hal Jordan was capable of how he gathered heroes to defeat Mongul, but then I saw how that battle changed him, the birth of Parallax.”   I had been given that a lot of thought.

“I want to know more about the Green Lanterns about this Corps.  I won’t lie it was a lot to take in to find out that one of the single greatest heroes is now the most nefarious, but my new friend…he said something similar to what you said about carrying on a great legacy and forging our own. There is a lot to live up to, but it can’t define me, because Hal Jordan was Hal Jordan and I’m Kyle Rayner.” Is there a possibility the same thing could happen to me?

“It’s why I’m here.  To learn.  It’s why I went to Coast City to learn. I could have put the ring away after everything I learned, but I can’t.  Surrendering to the darkness is not allowed. I’ve seen what fear does to people.  I’ve seen what fear has done to this country, to the planet.”  And we’re just one planet among many.

Parallax may have been driven away, but he will return.

“The specter of Parallax can’t be Green Lantern’s legacy. It can’t be the legacy for any meta-human.  The shadow that’s been cast must be beaten back. I want you to be able to fly again and again. Our light is supposed to instill hope not fear.  The world has had enough of the later. It needs the former.”

ALAN:  “Ask whatever questions you need, son. I’ve got nothing but time.”

I also wanted Kyle to see something else. The ring has floated back to the Lantern, but the constructs are still alive and working in the room. I’m waiting for him to catch on, to see it and recognize it. That the ring I’m wearing is little more than another construct actually. The Starheart creates it to give me a focus for the power, but I’ve been working with it all these years now. The ring is something for me to channel through. Like a laser passing through a focus, it gives me a greater deal of control. A finer type of control if anything. It just isn’t needed.

Partner? I hadn’t thought about it in those terms, but that actually makes sense. It has me nodding, even smiling and shooting the finger gun at Kyle. “Right on, Kid. It’s a lot like that, really. Though, I suppose we work together for entirely different reasons than your Corp selects it’s ring bearers.”

“Hold on there, Tonto. Let’s take a step back here. I want to give you a piece of advice. Don’t worry about what Hal did or who he was. You’re not him and if you devote any amount of time to thinking about the What If, you’ll lose time to think about the right now. Right now, you’re Kyle Raynor. Green Lantern. You were chosen because you have all the tools to be a good Lantern. The thing you need to focus on, is what kind of a Lantern do you want to be?”

“It’s not even a difficult thought, Kyle. Just close your eyes. Think about your Mom. The woman who raised you to be worthy of that ring. What would make her proud? Start there. Build on it.” Once more I’m taking a drink, but this time it’s more to give Kyle a second to think about what I’ve said. “There’s a lot about the Lantern Corp that I can tell you, but there’s also a lot that I don’t know. Like I said, Starheart was born from an earlier stage of the Guardian’s plans. When she escaped, the Guardians had to re-think their plans.”

“I also know, that the Guardians aren’t perfect. My own story tells you that. They made a mistake with ‘Magic.’ What makes them, normally, good guys? Is that when they recognize that they’ve made a mistake? Ordinarily they admit it and try to correct it. That makes them a source of Good, out there. That ring means you’re not just Kyle Rayner of Earth, kid. There’s a bigger universe out there and the Guardians are a force of good for a big chunk of it.” Putting my hands out, one to the construct for a refill and the other to call Kyle off for a second. “Back to what I said about not focusing on Legacy yet. Kyle, you’re a kid. The ring called you a trainee. So. First lesson. Stop worrying about Legacy, until you even know what the hell you’re doing.”

“Lesson number two? Parallax wasn’t born here. It’s existed for as long as those rings of yours have. For a long time it created a singular impurity in those rings, actually. Parallax feeds on fear. It harvests fear, for power. That impurity in your ring? It awoke when Coast City was destroyed. It felt the fear of an entire planet, it harvested it… and then Hal became little more than my ring to Parallax. A focus, a tool.”

“You’re not a tool are you, Kid? God, I hope you’re not a tool. So. Question number two?”

KYLE:  I hadn’t caught on until I saw the ring moving back to the Lantern. I had been caught up with so much that it hadn’t dawned on me.  Con said that there was a former Green Lantern in Gotham that I could talk to. He was a Green Lantern past tense. My eyes move between the ring and Alan.  I was so caught up in what was happening, that I didn’t focus on what I was being shown.

He said he hadn’t flown in quite some time.  Also given the fact that he operated as a Lantern in the past and he was still here suggested something.  Logically speaking at least.

“When I did my research, there was a lot about Jordan, but nothing about you. The only reason I know about you is because I was given your name.”  Meaning someone removed all records of his activities or they weren’t reported on. I find that difficult to believe.

Alan’s pretty much been leading a normal life.  “Why did you stop being active as the Green Lantern?”  This is leading somewhere a suspicion.  I’m curious now, but I keep watching Alan interact with the constructs.  When he tells me to think about what my mom would want.  “She would want me to be a good person.” That’s my mom. “Do what’s right. Help people. Appreciate the gift I was given.”  I lived.

Be Kyle Rayner.  My mind shifts to all of the people who didn’t live.  All the lives that were lost.  All the lives that might have been. Not to conjure guilt, but to remind me that every victory I have is a victory for everyone.  A victor for all the people that were on the plain with me and all the people that believe in me just being me.

“I’m not a tool.”  That’s a promise.  Have no say in what they do.  They are directed from one tasks then the next.  Never speaking.  Never objecting.  Never fighting.

ALAN:  Yeah, when the Starheart originally found me, I wasn’t really a member of the Green Lantern Corp. Hell, Earth didn’t even have a Green Lantern at the time. We were considered, as a planet, a bit too backwater for the Guardians. That’s one of the many reasons that the Starheart thought she’d be safe here. Another of those reasons, is that Humanity had blocked the walls off on Magic, but also still had some people who believed. Just the right mixture for her to find a protector, without risking entangling herself in something that might end up being detected by the Guardians.”

This feels like a tale, when it’s really history. Not ancient history, because it sure all feels like it was just yesterday. There’s warmth in my voice for this, for what I’m telling Kyle Rayner. Because this is all important to me and to the source of what power I’m using here. Something as old and as strange as the Guardians of Oa themselves. Created by them in fact. Manifesting in a nearly identical way of their own power. Though at the same time decidedly different.

“During the Great War, I operated as a Lantern. Starheart agreed that we needed to protect this world, since it was her new Home. After it though, we knew right away that we’d be ‘retiring’ sooner than Later. We kept at it for a time, but when the world started it’s first turn against Capes? We were among the first to be approached with the ultimatum.”

“Join them. Be part of their group, act when called upon. Retire. A number of us were offered the opportunity to retire. Thanked for our contributions to the War Effort and recognized as Heroes. We were given special dispensations. So long as we didn’t act out, through becoming vigilantes or through becoming something worse. We were promised immunity. Not just for ourselves but our continued families, which were encouraged to have.” Pausing, long enough to take a drink and leave Kyle to ponder which of the options I’d taken. A rueful smile crosses my face, as I watch this boy. He seems to take it all in as part of some fanciful story of the Ages. “Surprisingly, I initially took Door Number One. I joined with the group, under the pretense of keeping it and the Starheart Safe. Several members of the Society did the same.”

“Our goal was to shape this new group. To work from within to make it a true force for Justice and Prosperity. For a time, it seemed to be working. Which is why you won’t find much of me in the History Books. I was what you might call Upper Management. So I didn’t get out in the field much. That was just fine for the Starheart. Eventually Hal got his ring and I stopped feeling the need to be out there.”

“Most people don’t realize this, but things in the D.E.O. started taking a turn for the worse long before Coast City. It started with the arrival of the first Superman. An Alien of nearly unstoppable power, who wouldn’t agree to work with the ‘Team,’ nor would he be forcibly retired. He threatened the entire paradigm. Forcing the D.E.O. to get aggressive, to seek alternative means to protecting the world. That change, is what lead us to this point.”

“Not very reassuring, Kid, since that’s what a tool would say. Make your own decisions. Out there. Some of them will be mistakes. Own them as much as you own the good ones and you’ll be alright.”

KYLE:  I listened to every word that was said considering everything that was being shared with me. The reason why I hadn’t heard of Alan before, why there was nothing in the papers about him.  I also considered how well it seemed that Alan and the Starheart seemed to be in step with one another.  They seemed to be of one mind.  I wondered if they mutually influenced one another over time.

That aside what did concern me was the statement that Alan made about how the government pushed the heroes of his time into working with him.   “So, no matter the choice that was made they encouraged you to start families and procreate.”  I glanced over at the other.  Nothing altruistic about that.  “Sounds like when someone shelf life has experienced they would already have a new generation to pick from.”  And if they couldn’t do that they would make their own.  That made me think about Con and some of the things that were happening right now.

On the logic side it makes sense, but it’s still shitty.  That’s the government for you.  “There’s nothing more natural than that.  If there’s a problem, if a system is broken there’s two paths you can take. Work within the system or outside of it.   Given the choice that was handed to you chose the one where you wanted to do the most good from within.  Also, someone had to fight the fight from within for the generations to come.  If you chose to walk away any access you could hope to have wouldn’t be there.  The government would become a black box that no one could see into which would make them far more dangerous, because no one would know what to expect.”  I could be way off the mark, but that’s how it makes sense to me, however given the way things are now I doubt I will be taking door number one.  I’m not a big fan on the anti-alien talk.

“So, when they come for me…” Because they were going to come for me. It’s not that I didn’t trust Con, far from it. I trusted him I don’t know why I just did and had nothing to do with the big D.  Not that I looked!  However, they could eventually send someone other than Con the more I start acting out in the open.

“…they’re going to try to go through my mom to get to me.”  There were few people in the world that I cared about.   It wasn’t like there were gaggles of Rayners in my life or anyone from my mom’s family, so she was the person that I had to be concerned about.  Her and Con, because if Con tries to stick up for me, run interference then they would do who knows what to him, probably go after the people that were important to him, like Wonder Woman who can take care of herself, but there’s always someone.   Right?

“So, since Superman didn’t play ball they decided that gave them carte blanche to do whatever it took to make people play ball using old and new methods.”  He paused for a second wondering something.

“Did you know the first Superman?  I met him once, but it wasn’t like meta to meta.” Despite the fact that he’s not human.  I was just curious what he was like in that capacity.

“Honestly, I think that’s all we can do. Do the best we can.  Learn from our mistakes. Own our mistakes.  I try to do that every day.  It’s the only way I learn.  It can be scary yeah, but life is scary.  But you can’t let it paralyze you.  Can’t let it make you doubt yourself. The moment that happens it all falls apart.”

ALAN:  “I wasn’t the only one, but yes. We thought it best to have some sort of view on what was happening. Take whatever voice that would give us in the ‘Company’ and use it to shape the future.” It had worked too, for decades. A lot of people don’t even realize that and I’m quick to point it out. “We stemmed the tide of that first turn too. When the Keene Act passed it could have been all out war on Metas, right from the start. We disbanded the Society, with a unanimous vote.”

“Right then and there. We agreed on what had to happen. All it took was one of our best friends giving his life to stop some crazy jack ass, called War Wheel. Those of us who went to the inside worked for years to keep it together. As time passed a lot of us worked our way up in the Company. We found roles that suited us, where we could get the most accomplished for the good of the people.” Gesturing at myself, to draw attention to the fact that I don’t look my age. “A lot of my friends have retired, at this point. Somewhere along the lines, it would seem, that I have been Starheart’s Champion for a little too long. I’m infused with her energy. You probably noticed, I don’t need the ring anymore. It’s still good as a focus, but I don’t need it for the casual stuff anymore.”

“Think of it like this, Kid. With the ring I’m a brain surgeon. I can make precise constructs that defy reality, like that Spider-Bot you did. Without the ring, I could still make a fist that would knock you in to next week.”

His last question is something that has me pause though. Even set my drink aside and wipe my hands off on my slacks, before pushing up to my feet. “Kal-El, of Krypton, was the greatest person I ever met. He wasn’t just a Hero, Kyle. He was a believer. A true believer. Everything he did was for Truth and Justice. The Company was sure, even to this day, that he had some sort of secret life, but I’ll be damned if I know how he’d manage it. The guy was always there when you needed him. Cat in a Tree in Metropolis? He’s there. Bomb threat in Ireland? He’s already there. Crashing plane in National City? He’s bringing it down safely in the harbor. The things that happened to him, the things we did to him? Terrible. Unconscionable, really.”

“He left this world to stop Luthor. If he had stayed, Luthor would have won. He would have turned Superman in to the Villain, just like they did with the Batman. Supes left, to deny Luthor his final victory. He got out in time to save his legacy and leave the people with just enough of a good feeling about him, that people miss him. They still worship him. Guy was smart, I think. Because I think he knew what he was doing. Leaving that spark is what kept the door open for people like these kids in the news. Kids like you, son.”

“Now. You said you had another question. About magic. Go on then. Ask away.” Raising my hand once more, I summon the ring back from its place on the larger lantern upon the desk. “When you’re done. We should probably get started, unless you want to be a Poozer your whole life.”

KYLE:   I was getting there with the ring, because constructs were being maintained without him wearing the ring, but he beat me to the punch there. I noticed, it was hard not to notice when my water was being topped off and the ring was hovering around the lamp/lantern.

Listening to Alan was like getting a history listen that I was immensely interested in. I had to make sure that my thoughts were just that thoughts. I didn’t want it to be converted into a construct.  “Your ring is your focus.”  I look at my ring.  “They’re the lens through which our thoughts are magnified.”  I would not get into how this was much like a focus from Mage: Ascension probably best not to get all geeky.   However, it helped me.  There were many ways that I could think of the ring.

“There’s only so much that can do to hold such things back.  Choices are made and either it can help change things or the course is set.”

Hearing him talk about the first Superman in such glowing terms made me smile. There was a definite impression that was left upon me.  “Trust me when I say there’s still a lot of people that believe in him.  That didn’t believe the stories or the reports that came out.  He didn’t abandon us.”  That’s just bull.  I didn’t believe that for one bit.

Balling my fist, I consider the sacrifices that everyone made for a better future.  Alan, his friends, what they lost in the process.   This can’t be the end not in the least.

“Two questions actually.  The Superman question just made me wonder.  With all your work behind the scenes I wondered.  Not many people you can talk to that would know, but yes my questions.”

I needed to get back on track.  “Magic question.  My friend and I was curious about someone being able to use something made of magic to track someone and possibly use it to surveil on them.  The cloth is made of magic, but it was in the D.E.O hands for years and possibly manipulated by its black ops team.” That’s what I call them.  “Someone’s using this for good things, but we’re worried that they could be using magic to eavesdrop.  I was wondering if Starheart since she…” He did call Starheart she right?  “…is collected magic, if she could determine if it has been tampered with.”  It was a possibility, right?

“Second question.  GBC.  I was curious given you’re a news organization if you know anything about Ted Kord.  I think he might be able to help my friend.  However, I was wondering what you know about him.  I know he runs K.O.R.D. Incorporated, but have you heard anything negative about him?”

“And hey!  I’m neither a tool or Poozer.”

ALAN:  “You bet your ass there are people who still believe in him, pal. We do. All of us. Even those of us who were here before. He was the Best, Kyle. I mean it. The best Man, I’ve ever had the distinct pleasure to meet. He might not have been a Human, but he was everything we should aspire to be and then some.”

There’s just no denying the way in which I speak about Superman. It is so glowing, that it just can’t be faked. You can’t lie and still have this level of unabashed admiration for someone. It is as if I might actually be willing to sock someone in the kisser for saying otherwise. I’ve contained this thought, those feelings, for years. Kyle is a rare specimen that I seem to feel more free in speaking too. How? Given that I’ve known him a couple hours, tops. It’s all about the ring. He wouldn’t be worthy of it, if he wasn’t the real deal.

Once he gets to the other question, I’m actually a little surprised. This isn’t what I was anticipating. More questions about the ring and the Corps? Sure. This is a question of Magic and not even ‘Is it real?’ Kyle gets right to the nitty gritty. “There’s no simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer to that, Kyle. With the right item, paired with the right enchantment? Sure. It could be done. There’s a lot of variables to magic though. Does the Item have a specific purpose? If it does, would the enchantment infringe upon that purpose? A lot of magical items require a certain amount of ‘Worthiness’ to even use them. And ‘Worthiness’ isn’t always good. You might have to hate the exact right type people, to wield a magical item designed to hurt that type of person. Not all items are created equal, so to speak. Your ring is given to a good person. Mine is not necessarily reserved for someone good, so much as someone Starheart would see as a Protector.”

“The Starheart is … I’m not sure how to explain this. She is a collection of magical energies that existed hundred of thousands of years ago. Those energies were stored together, in a single prison. They exist there even now. I’ve found very little limit in what she can do. Other than her own limitation of what she will do. You see her major motivation is self-preservation, Kyle. So, for the most part? Starheart is willing to empower me to do whatever I need to do to protect the ‘Green’ or the Magic of this world or protect this world itself. She is rarely willing to apply her powers directly. Think of it this way. The ring is my focus, it gives me greater, finer, control. I’m the Starheart’s ring. Through me she has greater control of her vast energies.”

“More accurately, through me she takes less risk of losing control of the chaotic nature of her own power or being detected by someone like Parallax.”

I feel as though I’ve literally talked the kid’s ear off by answering that last question. There’s an unspoken apology on my face as I approach and clap him on the shoulder. “Chum, you’re about as Poozer-ish as they come. Just accept it. One of these days you’ll understand and when that happens, you’ll look back on today with a smile.”

“You second question sucks, by the way. Because there’s knowing Ted Kord and then there is knowing Ted Kord. Unfortunately, you can’t run a business-like mine without it being the latter. If you want, I can arrange for you or your friend to meet with Ted. But. Kyle, I’m going to say this exactly once. I’m busy that day. Doesn’t matter what day it is. I’m busy. Ted’s a special kind of guy. The kind of guy you invite to your Reunion. Every ten years. I’ve got sat least six more before I have to endure him again.”

KYLE:  I believe what he’s saying about the first Superman.  I don’t know how he feels about the new Superman.  Something tells me that they’re tangentially on the same team, but they might see things different and I rather not get down into the weeks about it.  Not to mention Alan’s been inside he knows how much good the government has tried to do, and how much bad it’s done and is capable of.  Rather than jump the track here I keep on target and focus on the things he says about the first Superman.

There’s a reason why I don’t pepper him with questions about the Corps.  There are some things that need to be doled out on doses.  Getting it all at once could lead to information overload and I rather not experience that right now.  There is a lot of information that has been shared during our exchanged. I learned a lot, but I also want to see what my ring will share with me, what will be unlocked.  There is a bond that needs to be forged between.  I need to know what it’s capable of.

I need to know what I’m capable of.

When we switch to magic I smile, because I can see it in his eyes.  I leave myself to open possibilities. We live in a world where people fly, bring it down a building with a single punch, read minds, move things with their mind, be gifted with the privilege of wielding a powerful tool used in peacekeeping.  How can I believe in all of that, but not magic?

When he discusses how Starheart behaves how it might come together I give a nod.  “Then I think I should put it this way.  Wonder Woman stated that she was the daughter of Zeus. She is magic. She is of this world. She wants to protect and help people.  Helping her helps you both.  If she’s been unknowingly compromised as she tries to bring about hope for a new generation of heroes.”  Not based on what little Con shared, but what Wonder Woman said in her press conference.  “Then a danger could exist for the planet, potentially magic, because you know Zeus and everything.  It’s more of an ask and something to consider.  Just think about it.” I say not only to Alan, but to Starheart.  Has anyone ever asked.  “It’s the most I can do right?”  Ask.

When he speaks of Ted Kord in such interesting terms I start to get an idea that the man is a bit…extra.   “Alright.  If you could set up a meeting I would be super grateful, and I promise I won’t call you at all.”  I almost want to ask what happened.   It sounds like something happened. Maybe I should ask Ted, but at the same time the way he talks about him I have to wonder does he know him outside of just normal channels.

“Interesting.” I hold up my ring.  “Mister Ring. Remember that. Poozer will make me smile when I know what it means.”

ALAN:  “Hrm. Maybe not a totally useless Poozer, but a Poozer none the less,” says the man who is eyeballing Kyle in a different way than before. “Smooth. Trying to work the angles. I’m seeing why you might just do well enough, like your Guardian said.”

Kyle wasn’t asking me to do something that I’d just said Starheart wouldn’t be interested in. He’s taking what he wants and putting it in to the terms that might actually appeal to the necessity of protecting Her. Good. I like it. The kid learns quickly and that’s going to be a tool he needs in the coming days. Learning quick, on your feet, that’s something that just might save the world. This world doesn’t need a Poozer, it needs a full-fledged Lantern. Fast.

“So, this item you’re talking about is Wonder Woman’s. Got it. You’re worried that the people I work with might have done something to compromise it or her. ” Yeah, I’m restating it my way because Kyle hadn’t really spelled it out. He wasn’t sure exactly how to say it the first time, but now he’s putting meat on the bones. “You’re in luck Kid, one of my jobs for the Company was ‘Procurement.’ Specifically of items of a certain type. Given my connection to Magic, to Starheart, they thought that would be a task I was specifically suited for.”

“The rope she’s using as a lasso? Was once upon a time the Golden Fleece. Yeah, not joking. That Fleece, from History. We discovered it in a Nazi Germany vault, along with a lot of other toys they’d been playing with. Someone in their Regime had discovered that the Fleece gave it’s holder some pretty fantastic abilities. But. There was some ‘worthiness’ involved in getting it to work. I never told them that part. So they tried for a couple decades to get it to work, then some Brainiac had the idea of turning the fleece in to wool yarn. Bypassing the ‘Worthiness’ aspect all together, they planned to weave it in to something. The problem was, even at that stage it still needed to be worn by someone. So that same Brainiac, decided to try to twine it up even further, using it’s tensile strength to make it in to a fine wire. Using it as a conduit they finally succeeded. It would transfer energy across it, then give it’s user momentary flashes of the Fleece’s gifts.”

“They eventually discarded the project because it was still unstable. You never knew which of the Fleece’s gifts you were going to give someone and you could only do it for small bits of time. Depending on how much energy you put through the wire. Eventually, when the project was rejected for being unstable, it got mothballed. Your ‘Friend,’ the new Superman. He broke out of a containment facility. Tore the place down around their ears. When the Company cleaned the mess up, a lot of items went unaccounted for. The Golden Fleece is one of them, but they’ve never moved to take it back because… the truth? They saw it work for her. So they want to see what else she can do with it.”

“So, you’re worried about the wrong thing on this one Son. They’re not using it to spy on her. They’re using her to unlock its secrets. If they ever move against this Wonder Woman? They’ll also be re-taking a very powerful weapon. That they have a much better idea of its uses.”

KYLE:  I wasn’t sure what Starheart and Alan might be able to do but it was worth it.  I wasn’t even sure if trying to put the question a different way would help, but I had to try.  There’s a lot of things that I don’t know, that we don’t know.  We’re trying to help the world, change the world a little bit.  Keep the hope that people have that keeps growing.

I was hoping for a possible, but what happens is way better than possible.  My eyes go wide as saucers again when he shares what seems to be a good amount of information that he has about the lasso.  I knew of its origins, but I wasn’t aware of everything that had been done to it.  It was pretty impressive when you think about it, but it also gave me another bit of information that I wasn’t expecting.  Perhaps not something to share completely with everyone I meet, but a resource I could consult.

“That’s like wow.”  I’m not sure if we can keep that information out of the hands of the watchers so to speak, but it is something we can be aware of.

I’m still taking it all in stride, but it isn’t lost on me that it is the Golden Fleece. How cool is that?  Pretty darn cool if you ask me, but I think about Alan and Starheart.  That’s pretty cool too. So many cool things, all the cool things.

“Thank you.”  That’s more information than I could have hoped for. I may not need to be concerned about surveillance like Con’s suit, but there is something to be concerned about for Wonder Woman, and with her announcement there is a potential that she may be viewed by black ops D.E.O. group unfavorably.

“I have my moments. I thought it was worth a…”  I start, but think about what he said.

He knows I’ve been talking about Con.  Darn his investigative journalist powers!   “How long did you know who my friend was?”

ALAN:  “Not going to lie to you son,” giving a quick shrug of my shoulders, half-heartedly in fact. “The Project sent Superman to investigate the signature of a Green Lantern’s energy. Then you randomly show up at my company’s doorstep. Now you’re asking about a friend, who’s got another friend, with a magic item she’s concerned about them watching her through. Logic takes me from Point A, of Superman and you meeting, but you still having that ring and no visible signs of a fight. To him being nameless friend numero uno. To Point B, which is Wonder Woman having an item that Conner ‘Liberated’ from the Nowhere lab that he destroyed a couple years ago.”

Now that the ring is back on my finger, I take a moment to look at it. It’s different than Kyle’s. Obviously, an older design, but it’s distinctly older in the style too. My lantern and his are two different things. Though they work almost identically, they derive their power from different sources. It makes me wonder, much as I had with Hal, what could have been if Starheart had empowered other Lanterns.

“Now. I’m going to have my lovely assistant Jeannie show you to a room. Get settled in. Grab a shower or a nap, whatever you need. Mi casa es su casa, Kyle. We’ve just met, so I want you to look around. Take your time. Explore. There’s no hidden rooms. No locked doors. Nothing to hide that you haven’t already seen.”

“While you freshen up, I’ll get my people to call Ted’s people. Set up a meeting.” I’m about to step past him to the desk and the phone that awaits when I clap my hands, at the thing I almost forgot. “When you’re ready. Meet me downstairs. In the Gymnasium. Poozers have to train. So. Be ready. Because if you can’t dodge a magical green wrench, you can’t dodge a punch from Metallo. Seriously, Kid. This might be the only place in the whole world where you’re going to get to go full tilt with that ring, without setting off alarms. They know a Green Lantern lives here. No better place to train a Poozer to not be a Dead Poozer.”

KYLE:   My ears picked up on one thing out of that entire explanation which I did listen to.  However, there was something I zeroed in on. I go over everything that was said wondering if I missed anything, but I don’t suspect I did.  However, if I did I will go over everything.  The ring records everything.  Which could be kind of creepy, but I guess it helps when going over certain situations.  I found that out when I had it replay events from previous nights.

I recall saying that I met the first Superman.  However, I don’t recall saying I met the new Superman.  I wasn’t sure how he felt about the new Superman, so I kept that under wraps. Does he have someone in the inside or someone that doesn’t think about, because Alan was a company man for a while until things went bad.

Interesting or he’s keeping tabs on Conner.

“Oh.”  That Oh says many things. I don’t want to come out and ask, because that would be rude right?  However, it gives me an idea, potentially at least at how well-connected Alan is.  “Here I thought I was being clever.“  With a snap of my fingers I offer him a grin. “I didn’t want to betray his confidence.”  Best buds and everything.  However, the fact that I didn’t look like a mishmash of multi-colored bruises should show that Conner isn’t all in with anti-Superfriends.

“A shower would be great. It would be awesome.” A quick nap too, but something tells me I’ll want to poke around.  How many times have I been in a mansion?  Seriously?  “Thank you, Mr. Scott for everything.” Because he could have slammed the door in my face so to speak the moment he saw me.

“Gymnasium…”  I had already turned to be shown to the room, but head is turning back towards him. “Right. Right.” Training.  Oh wow. I wasn’t expecting that.  “Roger that.”  As we reach the door way I hold my ring up to my lips whispering.

“What’s a Poozer…”  I step out as the ring informs me.

Cue a little grumbling.