
Damien: Damien Wayne.

The son of Bruce Wayne, The Batman. Heir to the cowl.

Damien stands in front of the glass display cases that holds his old outfit in the Bat Cave, along with his fathers. Looking into the glass at his father’s uniform, he stares at it for a long time. Seeing himself in the uniform in the reflection. Was this how it was supposed to be? Was this Bruce’s plan all along? Surely his father had someone worthier to become the Batman. Richard, in his mind, is the best candidate. But, would he take it?

He knew that the path he was treading was not one set by his father. But someone murdered his father. Someone was able to do something nobody else could have done.

Kill Batman.

Would his father condone his actions? More than likely, his father would be ashamed. Didn’t he understand? Sometimes you had to take the law in your own hands. To make sure that the next Joker can’t be born. To send such a deep chill down the spines of organized crime…that they rather go elsewhere, than to stay in Gotham. Damien had been raised by the League of Assassins. They’re very belief is to purge the world and to provide order to the chaos.

“Why, Father?” asking the uniform, putting his hand on the glass.

“I am your flesh and blood, it is my duty as your son to find who did this to you. My methods may not be what you wished for, but it is all I know.” glancing down for a moment, Damien squeezes his fists as he looks back up staring back at the reflection, seeing himself in the cape and cowl. “I will find who did this to you, father. And I will make them suffer for their egregious crimes.”

Dinah: I’ve been to the Bat Cave many times. Far less times since my return to Gotham City than all the years before that. The first time when I was in High School myself, still hellbent on revenge more than justice and making things right. The state of the police department now doesn’t exactly tell me that I was wrong at the time in thinking it wasn’t good for anything but tearing to the ground. Not that there isn’t good cops still, like Barbara’s father. I’d been brought around to seeing things in a better light though. During that time I’d become a regular here, and I’d done as much training with Bruce as I did training the others. In a way it’d become the home to replace all the other parts that make up a home I had lost.

And out of all of that, all that time spent, would you believe this is probably the fourth time I’ve come in through the front door?

I’d wanted to ride my bike, only to find an enterprising ‘friend’ had demolished it. Oh, I’m sorry, he’s improving it. Either way, it had led to a lot of colorful and ungrateful expletives. I coped with the improvements to my suit. The bike was proving to be another matter entirely. I wasn’t really all that much more excited to be chauffeured up to the Wayne Estate in a limo, either. It’s only Alfred Pennyworth’s charm and the fact that he fed me a better meal than I’ve had in at least two months that has me in my currently sunny disposition.

Given what we’re actually here for, however, I don’t know that it’s going to last.

“You do know there’s much better ways of making people suffer than just killing them, right? Oh, and hello Damien.”

No Hood tonight? God. I had so many great things prepared to say to him. Tim mellowed me out a little on the entire subject the other night though or he’d be getting a lot more sharply pointed barbs.

Tim: For the second time since Bruce’s death, I’m coming home. I’d been here for the official funeral, stayed long enough to talk with Alfred and make some arrangements. Then I’d set off. Dick and I didn’t exactly see eye to eye on the future. Damien and I have rarely seen eye to eye on anything. It made things difficult. Especially once the two of them found out that I was more interested in inheriting the Foundation, than the Bat Cave. I think all they care about is the Mantle. Maybe I’m wrong, but I couldn’t take the chance that I was. Someone needed to protect Bruce’s legacy, while all of us struggle to cope with the loss and worry about Batman’s legacy.

This second trip home? A little less gloomy than the last. Alfred was clearly thrilled to have guests. Even more thrilled to cook. I think he was absolutely Game to turn the Canary’s frown upside down. Especially once he intuited that I wasn’t the real reason for her displeasure. Bike dismantling aside, given that she knows that she’ll be getting it back new and improved. Okay, in the case of the bike maybe that doesn’t help mute her displeasure, but a good home cooked meal and some world-famous crepes have done enough to put the color in Dinah’s cheeks.

For the record? Damien owes me one. If we’d come in on the bikes, I’m half-way certain he’d have been getting a billy club to the head. I’d ruled out the possibility of her Canary’ing him, on account of him not being able to hear the lecture that is about to commence. Waiting for my opinion, I step in off the hidden elevator behind Dinah, with two hands in my pants pockets. Doing my best to ‘back Dinah up’ while being as non-threatening as humanly possible.

“Damien,” giving the other Wayne-son a nod of acknowledgement, before Dinah starts off the festivities. “How is the new helmet working? Does the Heads up Display keep your 360 degree line of sight going, despite the constricting Hood….?”

Oh. Right. That’s not at all why we’re here. Is it? Yikes. I should have taken this a different way. Flashing Dinah a moderately apologetic look, I try to correct course, “I miss him too.”

Damien: Damien doesn’t turn around as Dinah starts. Instead, he keeps staring at the outfit. “Dinah. Timothy.” greeting them the best he can at the moment. Slowly, he turns around, keeping his hands in his pockets. He’s not looking for a fight tonight, well, at least a physical fight. “The Hood is doing great. Thank you again, Timothy. It has been an excellent tool in my dealings with the underworld of Gotham.” explaining as he takes a deep breath, turning his level gaze from Tim to Dinah.

“You are correct, Dinah. I am sure there are other ways.” his tone is level, absolutely level. There’s no expression of regret, pain or anything. But, this was how he always was. When he was younger, he was full of anger and rage. Wanting to take the world and burn it. While, the anger and rage is still there. It’s much more channeled into his dealings with the mobs. “But. I do not subscribe to those ways.” offering as he moves closer to them, but staying out of arms reach of Dinah.

“I know my actions do not sit well with you. It is the best method of getting the information we need, and to keep the mobs, gangsters and other riff raff of this city under control. If you have no noticed, the city is slowly becoming worse. Even while Bruce would do as much he can, even he, saw the inevitable. I am doing what needs to be done. In the mean time, I am attempting to find who killed my father.” glancing to the two of them, but more to Dinah. Keeping his gaze level and emotionless.

“Please. Enlighten me of the information you have found using your methods. I am curious to see what you have uncovered, Dinah.” gesturing slightly as he pulls one hand out of his pocket before sliding it back in casually. Damien had accepted Tim has his brother, even if it may be a strained relationship. “I am glad you are here, Timothy. Our father would be proud of the steps you have taken to continue his legacy.” Damien knew that what he was doing wasn’t the Bat-Family way of doing things, but it had been a very long time since he considered himself part of the Bat-Family.

Dinah: I don’t think I need to actually say anything in response to Tim’s curiosity. The way my lips purse and pull to the side is an expression that he can surely read by now. Besides. I’ve heard that sometimes I’m much more frightening when I’m not being mouthy. It means I’m probably about to express physical displeasure instead of verbal. We have also already had a discussion about the subject, one that he actually more or less managed to bring me around to his way of thinking on. Okay. I wouldn’t go that far, but I understood his reasoning. It’s also why I’ve suddenly found myself back in the role of combat instructor, with two pupils. One of which is significantly better than the other. For now at least.

Believe it or not, I’m actually rather quiet as a whole once I get past my opening jab. Any great ‘discussion’ functions rather like a fist fight, though. You test the mood of your opponent, their reaction, how likely they are to waver or overreact when provoked.

“I have. I also noticed a general state of criminal hibernation while they jointly shoved their heads in the sand hoping that no one would think they were just ballsy enough to have actually been the one that took out the Batman.”

Like a pack of unruly kids sitting in class and wanting desperately for the teacher not to call on them because they didn’t have the answer to the test, and they didn’t want detention. Only the kids are the mob, Joker’s the professor and it’s death instead of detention.

“Up until they realized they were going to have to start defending themselves. And that behaving wasn’t actually doing any good.”

There it is. The inevitable. Trying to turn this back in order to prove that his method works better than hours, because we are lacking results. Which isn’t even untrue, and it frustrates the hell out of me. I know it does Tim, as well. No matter what leads we’ve chased down what alleys, they don’t seem to amount to much. We’d started with the plan of tailing the Joker through Gotham not long after I’d gotten here, and it’s what I’d been doing. It’s why I’d caught onto Damien’s actions, though maybe I should have expected.

“I’m wagering exactly as much as you and your new playmate have, kiddo.”

Tim: There’s no real denying the body language of my being pleased with his new gear working well. I mean, it doesn’t behoove me to make something that is going to fail does it? I realize we’re here to discuss his methods. I know that Dinah is actually right. Hell, I wouldn’t condone his methods myself any other time. But my point still remains the same as it did before and it seems like Damien is seeing it the same way. Doing things his way has at least had a result. My way hasn’t turned up a single clue. Dick’s? Seem to only be benefiting Dick and Babs. If I can assist him, even if only through keeping our Father’s name out of the muck when someone finds out that it’s Damien doing it? Well…

“Thanks, Damien,” shockingly enough I’m a little surprised by the praise. “I’m not ready to be the Bat, but Bruce put a lot of time and money in to making sure that I was ready to step in and keep Wayne Corp moving forward.”

For the most part Lucius Fox is doing all of the heavy lifting. Just like he did for Bruce. I’ve just stepped in to be a figurehead. To give people someone to look to that still has the Wayne name attached to it. Well, that and it allows me to control the R&D division. Which the entire family needs to continue it’s work. But again, I know that’s very much not why we’re here. I also know Damien paid me that compliment for a tactical reason. He does nothing without a measure of tactics involved. It’s what I like most and least about him at the same time.

“Actually, the ‘new playmate’ is one of the reasons that I’m here, Damien,” following up on what Dinah has said, I take a step closer. “When the Joker first showed back up, I asked Dinah if she would be willing to tale him. I didn’t ask her to bring him down. I didn’t send out the red alerts, so that we could all get together and kick his teeth in. I knew what he would do and all I asked was for Dinah to watch him. To tell me, in her own judgment, when Joker was branching out and going ‘too far’.”

“Sounds like I had the same thought as you then too, but… you know we can’t actually work with him right?”

Damien: Looking between them, he simply lifts a brow then narrows his eyes at the two of them. “The Joker is a psychotic lunatic that my father should have killed long ago. I do not consider him a ‘playmate’. At the moment, He lives only because I believe he can be useful. It seems, Joker is mourning. Letting him work the underworld in his own way can be for our benefit. This does not mean I trust him. This does not make him a friend. At the moment, our paths align and I intend on using him as a tool. Once he has outlived his usefulness.” shaking his head.

“Do you two have so little faith in me that you think I would consider Joker a friend? Or, as you put it, Dinah. A ‘playmate’?” asking. Though, the inflection in his voice didn’t change. Pulling his hands out of his pockets, he turns around and gazes at the costume his father once more. “Sometimes you must work your enemy to get to the end result.” licking his lips, he takes a breath. “When I was with father as Robin. There were times we had to work with the enemy. Not out of trust, or friendship. Because it was a means to an end.”

Turning around, he faces Tim.

“I do not think any of us want the mantle. But, I believe Richard should be the one who takes it. Though, I do not believe he will. If you do not want it. Then, I believe it falls onto me.” a shrug. Something he didn’t consider when coming back to Gotham, and to the life.

Dinah: God’s Honest Truth was Tim’s original mission for me, which had been as much my idea as it was his, had been proving so much harder than the one I’ve just gotten back from Metropolis on. I might actually choose picking repeated fights with Superman, even though the trick I used the first time will certainly not work again, over how I’ve been spending a lot of my nights here in Gotham. I hadn’t thought it would be so difficult. Following the maniac around and not engaging. Just watching who he’s crossing off his list, so that we could cross it off ours without getting our hands dirty. There comes a point though, where watching the bloodshed is too much. I know that most, if not all, of his so called victims are the scum of Gotham. But we don’t murder people.

Nor have I ever made a habit out of watching as someone else did it.

“Keeping your friends close, and your enemies closer? There’s a few other sayings that come to mine here as well. Like guilty by association.”

I’m trying to be nice. Well. Not nice. Civil. To at least listen to his side before I decide that yes, my side is right, his is wrong, and he needs his ass beat. It might be cathartic. Damien might give me a run for my money, even. Judgmental or not, with my arms crossed across my chest and my lips pursed, I’m also oddly understanding. He’s hurting. They all are. I am, too. Rage is one thing. Impotent rage has a way of chewing out your soul and then what is it replaced with?

“What if that’s what the Joker wants, Damien?”

Tim: Damien’s question is legitimate. Do any of us really think that he would become ‘friends’ with the Joker? No. Categorically ‘No’ is the only answer that I can come up with. However it’s not the easy. Dinah’s alluding to it herself, but she’s playing a game that Damien is going to win. Keeping this a discussion of ‘What if?’ instead of ‘What is?’ There’s no discussing the might be, could be, probably with Damien Wayne. Even when he was younger there a certain amount of unwillingness to entertain the notions of things being out of his control. What we need to deal with here, I think, is the literal situation as it is.

“Let’s set Sun Tzu aside for just a moment, I’ll discuss that with you later if you want. For now let’s pose this as a different sort of question.”

For that purpose I step in further. Making my way to the encased costumes and closer to Damien. I know that the two of us haven’t always (or even ever really) seen eye to eye in the past. We’ve had differences in ideology. What we’ve always had in common though? Is the family we’re associated with. The ones we’re loyal too. Even more important than the one we’ve lost, are perhaps the ones we still have here and now. I think that’s going to have better traction with him. So that’s where I start.

Putting my hand up on the case with Jason Todd’s costume, for the first time I’m going to tell these two what is on -my- mind, “The truth is, Damien. I want it. When I first came here, it was after your Father brought me here. I figured out who Batman was and I’d tried to force him to let me take Jason Todd’s place” Your Father refused me time and time again. He didn’t want another Robin at the time. He didn’t want to take a risk with attachments. He didn’t want to have a Robin because of the weakness it created in him. He also didn’t think I would live up to the Legacy, because I hadn’t lost my family at that point. He didn’t think I had the drive to be his equal.”

“It took my whole family almost being killed, because I wouldn’t stop investigating crimes. Without the tools to do it safely. Safely for them, not so much myself. He recognized then that I wouldn’t give up just because he told me no. So he offered to let me be his partner, on his terms. To train me, give me the tools that I was missing that would compliment the ones I already had. I wasn’t allowed to leave this cave until I was ready.”

This is when I turn from the case containing Jason Todd’s costume and take the few steps toward Bruce’s. The Batsuit which Damien is nearest dominates the Cave’s museum, as it should. “I want to take this suit and put it on. I want to make him proud. I want to preserve his legacy. It’s what I want with my whole being, Damien.”

“Everything I just said, applies to you a hundred times more than it does me,” there is this small, almost sad, shake of the head. “Can you do it? Yes. You could put this on and go out there as Batman, but would you be Batman? Would you preserve the Legacy that is Batman?”

Reaching out to lightly tap Damien’s nearest hand before continuing with a slightly lowered voice, “You have blood on your hands. Not old blood. Not blood you’re atoning for. You’re getting more blood on your hands every time you put on the Red Hood. There’s only so much blood you can get on them before it won’t wash off. Once you cross that line, Damien, you can’t ever put that suit on. Because you’ll destroy the one thing I know you want to preserve.”

“So. I’m going to make you an offer. Probably the offer I should have made you, instead of giving you the Hood. Help me. I’ll put the suit on, if I must or Dick will, but only until you’re ready. Only until you wash this blood of your hands and you’re ready to inherit the Legacy your father wanted you to take.”

Damien: Looking to Tim, and to Dinah, then finally back to Tim. There was a lot to process. “I do not believe I will ever be worth of the mantle, Timothy.” admitting. “I did not come back home to take the mantle. I may be his biological son. And that would make me the natural heir. But, He did not know of my existence until I was older. By the time I had arrived, I was already trained very well by the League of Assassins. As you, and Dinah knows.” gesturing.

“I came home to see what happened with my father, and to avenge his death. To find whoever did this and make them feel pain that they will never know.” that’s the honest word. “I am unsure if I feel worth of the mantle, due to the blood that I have on my hands, and the continuing blood. I believe he would wish for you, or Richard to take the mantle. You are his pupils more than I ever was. You were brought up with his ideals and his ways. I was raised by the most lethal assassins in the world. My grandfather is one of my father’s greatest enemies. Ra’s al Ghul. The demons head. My mother is Talia al Ghul. His daughter. Together, My education started in blood.

I was seven years old when I first stained my hands with blood.”

Looking down. “I was never meant to inherit the crown, so to speak. If I am to inherent anything, it would be to become the next Ra’s al Ghul.” lifting his head, he looks at Tim. “I wish for you, Timothy, or Richard to become the next Batman.” it was something he never aspired to. “As for the Joker. I have been keeping tabs on him as well. Though, apparently, not as well as you have, Dinah. The Joker is not a force to be reckon with. I propose while he does what he does, we send out tips on how to steer his chaotic nature.

Also, Dinah. I believe you and Helena need to have a chat. She has a contact that may know something, but she is unwilling to tell me. Afraid that I will… scare her away.” like Damien would scare anybody away.

“For the memory and legacy of our father, Timothy. And to our mentor, Dinah. I … will not commit as much bloodshed, as it seems you are wholly against it. But, I do not promise that some may not perish through my interaction.” turning around, he takes a deep breath, turning to look at the costume that makes the Batcave… what it is.

“After we figure out who murdered our father, Timothy. I am unsure if I will stay. But, we will come to that road when we come to it.”

Dinah: “And I was six the first time I shrieked down an entire roomful of people. Just because we started too early in this life doesn’t mean we haven’t, and can’t, learn to control it and aim ourselves better.”

There comes a point, even though I do love to talk, that my love of the sound of my own voice doesn’t trump sense and understanding. I would have made a great detective, if I could have stomached working within the law and the system that I don’t actually have all that much faith in. If it worked? We wouldn’t have needed Batman and the rest of us in the first place, would we? Not because I’m good at chasing down clues, matching them up into threads of an investigation. I am good at those things, but I’m an even betterreader of people. Some of them are easier than others. Our new Superman had more or less been an open book.

I would say that ordinarily Damien Wayne would be more difficult, but pain, loss and the need for vengeance have made him a bit more of an open book. I can rant, and lecture, and scold but the truth of the matter is? I’m an Exile. We have a great deal in common, all of us do, and while we did share a mentor as he says, I’m not one of the Bats. Gotham is my home, it’s where I was born, but I can’t belong here without bringing a whole lot worse on everyone’s heads if I stick around. Which is why tailing duty ‘only’ had been a good call. No reason or excuse to actually loose the Canary Cry on anyone.

Enter Timothy Drake-Wayne. I hang back while he moves in closer, letting the Once and Future Brothers talk without my interruption. A novelty that I hope they will savor and appreciate for its rarity, and how unlikely that is ever to happen again. But it’s the right angle to approach this with. There’s a sharply raised eyebrow at the back of Tim’s head when he offers to put the suit on though. That was maybe the last thing I expected to hear, because I know he doesn’t really want it. That’s not the role he seems himself in, and he’s pretty upfront about that much. Frankly I’d have expected me to have to put it on before he would. And that’s not happening. Far too covering. And I don’t think a cowl would go well with the fishnets anyway.

I’m an entirely good girl, and manage to keep my snark about him scaring people off to myself. And my doubt that someone like him wouldn’t know the line before you’re going to kill someone.

“Thanks for the tip, Damien. I’ll talk to her. And let you know what I find out. I’m not, by the way, opposed to you kicking the shit out of mobsters that have it coming. I’m actually a little jealous. But. As the wise one here said.”

Jerking my thumb at Tim.

“There is a line. And believe me. I know how hard it is not to want to cross it. But your Father pulled me up short of that, once upon a time Damien. I owe it to him to pay that forward a little if I can.”

Tim: “Hold on, I’m not done.”

That’s me calling him off once he gets a head of steam, because I know what he’s saying. Hell, I deal with this all the time. Admittedly I’m coming at this self-depreciation from a different direction, but I’m still feeling the same things and the same way. In a lot of ways it’s surprising to hear him voice the same things I’ve said. I’ve said some of those things recently too. Maybe because of that I’ve got a lot more to say than normal.

“You’re right, in a lot of ways. I didn’t think you were worthy of being Robin when you first came here. For all of the same reasons you just laid out. I was against it, you were against me. So I’m pretty sure this is where I’m going to surprise you, Damien. -I- think everything you listed, everything that had me against you becoming Robin, are the exact reasons that you should inherit the mantle. When you’re ready. The same reasons that I argued against you taking my place as Robin? Are the same things that make me think you’re the one to carry the Cowl eventually.”

“Because I was wrong. I mean. You’re a terrible narcissistic jerk, with a self-aggrandizing penchant for violence and murder. But. You were able to conquer those things. You were able to overcome them for a time. You can again. You need time, I get it. We all do. When the time comes though Damien? Who is going to be better than you? Who is going to be more driven to overcome those challenges? You can’t look me in the eyes and tell me that you’re going to let your genetics dominate you. You can’t tell me that your ‘teachings’ are going to define you.”

It’s this small snort that sounds a bit like a half-laugh that emphasizes my argument to all of this. “Seriously, Damien. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you are still your grandfather’s bitch. You can’t. Your ego won’t let you. It won’t let your mother’s teachings rule you either. They’ll temper you, but you’re too stubborn to let them control you. If anything? You’re going to rail against them so hard that once you get control of yourself you’re going to be the Best of us.”

Taking my cue then from Dinah, I let myself go quiet for a moment. As much looking up at the suit, the cowl, as I am listening to the two of them for a moment. Filing away the information. The Huntress? By all accounts she’d disappeared shortly after asking Dinah to return. Curious that she would have some sort of lead but need to be contacted. Why bring Dinah back to leave her in the dark? That speaks of something a little more nefarious than I’d have wanted to ascribe to Helena. She’s been one of us a long time. Like Damien she’s got skeletons in her closet, but I thought she’d locked the door and thrown away the key.

As Dinah finds her footing and makes her point, I chip back in. Though this time I do it with a studious look at the Man next to me. “You’re actually wrong about a couple things, but one of them is actually important enough for me to argue with you about it. You actually were meant wear the Cowl. No, seriously. When we first met, I went to Bruce and told him I didn’t think you’d be a good Robin. He told me that I wasn’t looking at it clearly. That I was letting my emotions blind me to your actual talents.”

“That discussion with Bruce is when he told me about his plans. He sent me off to school, you became Robin. Dick went off to be Nightwing. He had me travelling the world. Learning the ins and outs of the Business, Technology and Science side of his world. He wanted -me- to be armed with the tools to inherit the Business. He wanted you to inherit the cowl. Because you have those tools. Bruce wanted his sons to work together, Damien. To work together to be better than he was.”

“We have a chance here, to not just protect our Father’s legacy, but to build on it. To further the work he started, not just continue it. So, like I said. I’ll take the cape and the cowl, but only if you promise me that you’re going to be ready to come take it from me.” Pausing for barely a heart-beat, before turning to him more directly. The next bit may sound like a question, but it’s not. “Do we have a deal?”

Damien: Honestly, Damien never really had friends. Often driving the ones he did have, or starting conflicts with them. It was hard to listen to both Dinah and Tim. Showing him that he could change. And at one point, he had changed. Damien never wanted the mantle, but Tim was right. He was groomed to become the next Batman, even if he had initially ran away from his father. To forge his own path. But, the fact that Tim wanted to take the mantle, and then give it over to Damien? That made him wildly uncomfortable, it was a legacy that he wasn’t sure he could uphold. If he was worthy of it. The skeletons in his closet were much more visible.

If he were to become the Batman. The League, his Grandfather and even his Mother could be very deadly enemies. For once, Damien’s level gaze broke slightly as the thought of him honoring his father in such a fashion took hold in his mind. That Tim, approved of the idea. Would Dick? He didn’t know, and he wasn’t sure where this faith from Tim was coming from. For the longest time, they clashed, fought. Sometimes with words, sometimes with fists. Maybe it was because they both have grown and become more mature? Going silent, for once. Damien didn’t have anything to say, he didn’t know what to say. It felt like an eternity before Damien found his voice again.

Instead of going in for a hand shake, Damien instead reaches up to slide his hand along Tim’s jawline. His large hand palming his brothers face as he tilted his head up so that the two were looking into each other’s eyes. To study Tim’s eyes, to determine if the young man was telling the truth. “We are brothers, Timothy. Now, and forever. If you wish for this to happen, then so be it. Father would be proud. I will… work on my habits. To curb them once more. To become someone worthy of the mantle. We have a deal, my brother.”

Then with a hint of a smile as he pulls his hand from Tim’s head.

“But, You are the one to tell Richard of your idea.”

Turning to Dinah, he offers his hand out to her.

“I… realize we have not always seen eye to eye. I wish for us to communicate better. To .. share information.” it was difficult for Tim to admit this, to want to work together with other people. For so long, he’d been on his own. Now, here was this branch being extended to him. “I know you will.. what is the phrasing… ‘Keep me in check?’…And I wish for you to help me with this, Dinah.”

Dinah: This really isn’t how I thought this was going to go. With how good I am at reading people and situations, that’s a little shocking. Sometimes you have to adapt on the fly with what’s in front of you, roll with any punches, and then comes up swinging regardless though. I think we may have just ended up doing the Good Cop/Bad Cop routine, and I didn’t even get to punch the guy in the face or rough him up in the slightest. That’s a shame. I guess I’ve already gotten to yell at someone this week, and that’s as full as my quota is likely to get. Damien’s actually going to try. Which is further than I thought we’d get in one outing. And apparently Tim’s going to put on the Cowl. Which is even less believable than a compromising Damien Wayne.

And yet here we are. Having an actually touching moment. In the Bat Cave. Night of firsts, isn’t it?

I’m actually laughing when I take Damien’s hand, a musical chortle over Tim having to be the one to break the news to Dick. Smooth. Or maybe it’s that I’m mentally hearing a phone call, complete with my roommate using the Batman gravely voice to just reveal it that way. I’m Batman, Dick.

“Oh, you bet I will kiddo. And I’d like that. The information sharing. I’ll try not to yell at you. Too much.”

There’s actually barely any age difference between us. It doesn’t stop me from the mothering nicknames though. Never has. My other hand comes up, no not to punch him while using our clasped hands to yank him into the blow. That would be completely unjustified right now. But to lay over the top of our hands, a show of sentiment if you will. I really dofeel his pain and frustration. Having gotten to deal with and bury mine doesn’t mean I don’t still remember what it was like. Letting go, I take a step back, stretching my arms over head as if I’ve just finished a trying workout, before pointing back the way we’d came.

“Now. If you’ll excuse me for a minute I think I heard Alfred saying the words creme and brulee in rougly the same breath.”

Tim: “This has to happen,” because I think this discussion is the only way to save your soul Damien, I just can’t say that out loud, “A wise man once said ‘Do or do not, there is no try.’ I know you can do this Damien. I know we can do this.”

Maybe it’s this moment of bonding. Maybe it’s the fact that this is the right thing to do. Whatever the case may be? I don’t want the Cowl and I’m only willing to even touch it, if Damien’s giving his word to come take it from me. Soon. In which case I’m nothing more than a placeholder, for the main event. That’s something I can deal with. I’m fairly sure, pretty, maybe sure, that the Cowl won’t crush me in the time it takes Damien to find himself. After all we’ve both grown up at least this much. Here we are having this conversation. Talking to one another without beating one or the other of us half to death.

While he didn’t shake my hand, he did the next best thing. For a weirdo. “It’s all settled then. Sure, I’ll call Richa… wait… I’m not calling Dick. Hold on. Where the hell are you two going?!”



The two of them are what? Leaving me here. One of them is going for creme brulee. The other is leaving me to talk to Dick? We came here to save Damien’s soul. That mission seems accomplished, but at what cost? A sideways glance at the Cape and Cowl hanging in the case, before I make a decision. I’m not going down this path without a drink. Creme Brulee my ass. I’m going to need something with a little kick before I do what Damien just said.

Sure enough. There the two of them go. Leaving me here. In the Bat Cave. With one task and one task only. “You guys are dicks.”


School of Hard Knocks

Roy: Dinah’s been like a loving Aunt to Roy, she’s helped him through the worst of his times and saw him soaring on a global stage. They’re history is intertwined and connected in a way that her and Ollie never could. While technically, if Ollie ever got the idea to put a ring on it. Dinah would be his mother. But to him? She’d always be the one who gave it to him the hardest. Even during his personal battle with drugs. Even while training him in some basic martial arts, she never pulled her punches. To this day, He can still feel a long healed bruise on his back after she gave him a hard shoulder throw when Roy made a snippy comment.

Roy learned from then on, not to make snippy comments when Dinah was trying to explain something.

It was natural for Roy to dress up and start making a mess of things around Gotham. After all, Ollie did it in Star City, and if it wasn’t for Dinah (or, at least that’s what she says), Ollie wouldn’t have control over the city, or been elected Mayor. So, Archery runs in the family, and now it seemed super-heroing did now too. Currently, Roy had just put Lian down for a nap when he got a call from Dinah. Not even really having a chance to explain what was going on, she started with ‘How are you?’ like a classic light jab from a boxer who was trying to draw off their opponents before landing with a hard right hook, which is ‘What the hell are you thinking?!’

Not in that upset tone, but more of that angry tone.

From there. She demanded he come see her so he could receive the proper training so he doesn’t get himself killed out there. And to stop being a general menace. Like she helped train Ollie. Just because he can shoot really good doesn’t mean he shouldn’t learn how to protect himself.

Oh, also. Bring Lian. Because she misses her little niece.

It was hard to say no to Dinah.

Very. Very hard.

Even if it meant breaking up a lunch date with that cute brunette he met at the coffee shop the other day. Sigh, a bachelor’s life is never quiet.

Dinah told him to meet her at some old building she called ‘The Roost’. What a goofy name, he thought. But, he would show up as ordered when Major General Dinah Lance commanded.

DInah : Even more correctly, I told him to meet me near what looks to be a garbage chute, down one of Gotham’s many dark and seemingly abandoned alleyways. It shouldn’t be taken as a reference to what I think of the guy. Really. Though maybe my tone of voice on the phone might make that a conclusion to be drawn. I didn’t need to ask him what he’d been doing. I know. I’m just surprised he’s doing it here in Gotham. When you’re a costume clad vigilante, you keep your ears open for talk of other ones. Especially right now. I didn’t need to do much looking into a red clad archer. I just had to place a phone call, get all righteous and huffy like I’m not out doing the same thing.

My motivations weren’t really so simple as they might seem on the surface. I think any one of them singly would have been perfectly good, but I’ve bundled them all together to make this work. Roy, or Arsenal as I guess he’s going by, has had some training at my hands before. The fact that he’s alive still says he’s at least made some good use of it. It might also be good to have a sparring partner for the other foundlings that isn’t having to hold back quite so much to avoid permanently maiming them. I can pull my punches, but fighting someone that’s always doing that can make you sloppy. And then there’s Lian.

I’m not really old enough to be anyone‘s aunty, and I don’t have any siblings of my own. That makes me adopted aunt/den mother/harridan/boss to those that I’ve let into my little circle. I’m twenty-three, but I’ve been training since I was in kindergarten and I’ve got more life lessons and hard knocks than most would at fifty. Gotham does that to a person, and maybe that’s a big part of why I’m not best pleased that he’s here with his daughter in the first place. The grate to the chute slides aside and I step out, not in the full Canary Regalia but that’s mostly because everyone who’s allowed in here so far already knows who I am.

“I feel like hugging, punching, and lecturing. Hugs are for the baby. Why on Earth are you in Gotham, Roy?”

The nice to see you is implied by my not actually opening with punching him.

Roy: Pulling Lian off his back, Roy hands the squirming toddler over to Dinah who excitedly shouts “DiDi! DiDi!” when Dinah takes her, the toddler would hug her tightly, driving her face into Dinah’s neck. It’d been nearly a year and a half since they last saw each other. “It was either here, or Bludhaven. It’s all I can afford. did you know being an Gold Medalist Olympic Archer doesn’t get you paid all that well?” asking with a small grin. Roy had found a job as an archery instructor at the YMCA near downtown.

Least to say, it didn’t pay much and Roy didn’t really have the skills for anything else. And the next tournament wasn’t until next year. But, then there was Lian who made it difficult to travel. Not that he didn’t want her, or didn’t love her. It was hard trying to schedule your life with a toddler. Roy was doing the best he could though. “And I know Ollie would be more than happy to let me live with him. But, ah. I don’t know.” rubbing the back of his neck as they step into the Roost.

“I don’t want to feel like a charity case. And I don’t want to feel like I’m mooching. I’d rather… I don’t know. Make my own way. You know?” asking as he glanced to her. Giving a shrug, he tugs off the backpack that held Lian. “Anyway.” wanting to change the subject. “What are you doing here, Dinah? Secret Hideouts down dark and seedy allyways. I know it’s your old stomping grounds, but Ollie said that you just kinda left and no date on returning.” gesturing around.

“I’m pretty sure this is more than getting together with your girlfriends and going to a high school reunion.”

Dinah: I’m all but making grabby hands at the child, and once I’ve got her in my arms there’s some decidedly non-badass cooing going on as I snuggle her close. I don’t want kids of my own. That would imply relationships and settling down (well, maybe not. See Exhibit Roy.), but most of all some kind of stability. I’ve lost too many people to want to bring a kid into my life. This life. Doesn’t mean I don’t turn into a big wibbly pile of jello when one’s concerned though.

“Well hey pidgeon, Aunt Dinah missed you!”

I’m wrapped up in making silly sounds and faces, but it doesn’t stop me from stepping back into the chute and starting walking. I don’t wave him in, I’d hope the ‘follow me’ would be implied while I take off with his child into the dark tunnel that’s barely wide enough to admit a motorcycle and doesn’t exactly allow for shoulder to shoulder walking. I need to be in the lead anyway.

“It only gets you paid if you’re still doing it, and people want to associate themselves with your name. And your behavior. You could always work at my bar…”

Which is only a couple blocks from the tunnel we’re going through now. Convenient coincidence? I’m not so sure about that, though it would depend when Red Robin had started constructing this thing I suppose. I’d been out of Gotham for years, and I’m not sure keeping an eye on my property was a compelling reason. It was a much faster location to get to the heart of things than the Batcave though. Of course, were Roy to be working at Pretty Bird’s, that would mean he wasn’t out on the street being a vigilante. Maybe not the worst idea, actually. Except that I know better than to try and stop someone with that particular itch. It’s why I don’t work there most of the time either. I just own the place, live above it, and drink the liquor when my straight laced current roommate doesn’t dump it out for me.

“He could probably use the company, but I know what you mean.”

Which is why I’d never even let him finish making the offer when I was in Star. And we were…whatever it was we were. Eventually, the chute opens up into something that doesn’t belong in this part of Gotham. A sub-basement, which wouldn’t be all that strange, but the technology in play is clear. Monitors and computers, a very obvious training area, but there’s costumes lining the wall. Some missing out of cases where there clearly should have been others. Part Batcave (with less memories), part R&D for its owner. Which isn’t me, I just benefit from my partner’s goodies.

“They needed me. So I came back.”

The shrug is telling, as I drop down into a partially pulled out chair that I’d been using when I saw his approach on the monitors, swiveling and pulling another round of silly faces at the toddler I’m bouncing on my knees.

“This is home. I just had to leave before. But yeah, no. No high school reunion. More like Batfamily Business.”

Not that that part should be hard to figure out, since there’s suits that look like Nightwings, Robin’s, and a few others. There was one for me at one point, but it’s currently at home.

Roy: It was obvious that Dinah thought the world of Lian, and vice versa. There’s a low whistle though as he enters the sub-basement. “Nice digs and I don’t know if working in a bar would be the greatest idea.” grinning as she sits in her chair, Lian happily giggling as Dinah bounces her on her knee. Roy avoids her mentioning that he gets paid if he does it, and if people want to see him do it. Or, attach his name to products. “Batfamily business, huh?” asking as he walked around, sliding the backpack off and setting it down next to one of the terminals.

“So, Who’s your partner?”

Roy knew she didn’t have the capital for this. “It’s almost like Ollie’s Arrowcave.” God, what a stupid name. Obviously Ollie didn’t have the imagination for something more creative. Which led to some incessant teasing from Roy and Dinah over the years. “You should call him, at least. Give him a hard time. I’m sure he misses that.” smirking over his shoulder at her as she continues giving Lian all the attention the little girl wants. Roy continues walking around, examining everything “I’ve seen some of these before.” pointing out Nightwing’s and Robin’s costumes. “Where’s yours?” asking as he notices one that’s empty, his thumb pointing to it as he looked back over his shoulder at her in question. “Wait, You and this partner aren’t…?” gesturing, not really saying. Would that be why her costume wasn’t here? She had a walk of shame to this place?

Shaking his head, he pushes a hand through his short hair and turned to face her. “So, what do you want me to do?” asking. Roy didn’t really know much about her past in Gotham, it wasn’t something she spoke about often, and he never really prodded much into it. “Other than for you two to get some serious cuddling time in.” grinning at the two. “You know, if you ever want to babysit….” trailing off. “My last babysitter had to cut me loose. Apparently showing up with a black eye and a few cuts is out of her pay grade.” shrugging.

Boy, he could use a place like this to test and play with arrow ideas. Right now, all his R&D is taken on the streets with poor bad guys who have no idea what’s in store for them. A closet was hardly an adequate place to test arrows. None-the-less make them.

Dinah : “…God, what a stupid name.”

It’s almost like I’ve said those words more than a dozen times before. Usually it was to Oliver Queen’s face, though. Right now, I have to settle for muttering it under my breath, before I go back to tickling Lian anytime she looks like she might be about to go wandering off my knees and go get into something. Because there’s definitely things to be gotten into down here that I don’t want her to get into. And that’s only counting the things that I know are present. I’m sure there’s traps and alarms, and I don’t like computers enough to even have a clue how to turn one off even if it started.

“Everyone loves it when I give them a hard time. That’s why everyone loves me. Maybe I will. And maaaaaybe I won’t.”

The last part comes out far sillier than it ought to have, owing to it being another moment I’ve taken to falling into a sing song-y voice, mid playing peekaboo with his daughter. Who’s going to judge me, Roy? He’s a big softy for her as well, and I can hit harder than he can hit me. But as far as the phone calls go, it’s probably closer to the ‘maybe I won’t.’ No slight to Oliver Queen. His heart’s in the right place, and that place is Star City. While mine is here and nowhere all at the same time. When I’d left Gotham, I guess I’d become far more ‘no strings’ than I’d ever been here, because all of mine were cut. At least, until the moment my called idea had popped up Helena Bertinelli.

“Red Robin. The partner. This is his, I get to benefit. Well. Not that. That’s for Nightwing. One of the Robinses… don’t ask which, even I can’t keep them straight sometimes.”

The look Roy gets is withering, as I cluck my tongue. As if I ever walk anywhere with any degree of shame. You have to be embarrassed in order to feel shame and I can’t say that’s an emotion that I’ve experienced in a long time.

“Cute. Mine’s at my apartment. I prefer to operate out of there, it’s usually where I park my bike. What do I want you to do?”

What kind of question is that? Like right now? What I’d really wanted him here for is going to be more difficult with Lian present, so maybe it’ll be more warning or what’s coming than anything else.

“Practice. Don’t give me that look. If you’re getting beat on half as much as I hear that Arsenal has been lately? Then it means you’re getting sloppy and need more work. I’ve got a kid that I’m training besides, and she’s even greener than Ollie, so sometimes you’ll work together, sometimes it’ll be more one on one. We’ve kind of got a code here in the Roost about not letting people get themselves dead. Especially not people with adorable, helpless baby girls who need their Dads. Questionable as said Dad’s character and judgement might be at times..”

Said with all fondness. No really.

“I’d love to sometimes. Mostly during the day when I’m not sleeping off… you know. This. But I can put you in touch with good folks that I trust, that would probably be happy to do it.”

Ted Grant. Babysitter to the..yeah, no I’m joking. I do know people that don’t beat others for a living.

Roy: “What is it with you super heroes and color names? Red Robin? Black Canary? Green Arrow? Also. Naming yourself after a burger chain in the Northwest isn’t any better than the Arrowcave. Is he endorsed by them? Or does he fight crime in a giant red bird costume?” Wouldn’t that be fantastic to see? Roy grinned as he listens to her. “And, not getting sloppy, just not fighting smart. It’s more than being able to throw a punch.” at least he did listen to her at some point. “Besides. I think I’m doing a good job.” to which he really shouldn’t be proud of. Using his body as a punching bag for bad guys wasn’t the way to go, obviously.

“You’re training someone new? Greener than Ollie? Wow. Impressive. Who is it? Do I know them?” asking, being a little nosy. “So. This Red Robin must be loaded if he can do this.” gesturing “Is this you inviting me to come here and do my training and making of things? Don’t suppose this Red Robin can put in a playpen so Lian can’t get into anything while we’re busy getting our collective asses handed to you in spar sessions?” asking, because…well, it was true. He’s seen some of the spar sessions between her and Ollie, and while Ollie wasn’t exactly a push over… Dinah was Bruce Lee, Rocky, Jason Statham, and Jet Li all rolled into one beautiful blonde woman.

“Wait. Who’s been telling you that I’ve been getting beat on. I’ve only…” pausing, he thinks about it for a minute. “You’re training that girl. Uh, Spoiler. Right?” If Stephanie was here, he’d ‘forget’ her name again. Which probably would earn him a punch. But it’d be totally worth it. “She’s good. Just don’t give her a body suit and fishnets.” grinning as he walks out to the mat and starts stretching like he would for his archery routine. Roy’s never met Ted Grant, he’s heard stories about him from Ollie and Dinah. The man was a legend. He’d be the best qualified baby sitter on this planet.

“So, what am I practicing today? How if I can dodge a wrench, I can dodge a ball?”

Dinah: “Says the guy that used to call himself Red Arrow. Some people like the literal. I inherited mine. You’re also not the first person to make that joke.”

I mean, I may have a time or two. I haven’t heard it out of Spoiler’s mouth yet but boy… you can practically hear the yuuuuuuuuuum broadcasted out of her blonde head anytime one of us uses Tim’s full codename. Or in her case, the only name she knows to call him by. The look of mild displeasure on my face isn’t for the joking, I mean. In this place you gotta be able to banter or at least make the effort or it gets awful gloomy and serious. I just wouldn’t call what he’s been doing a ‘good job.’ I’ve actually been watching, though I’m not going to tell him that. Red Robin’s drones are good for more than being annoying with after all. Plus they led to him saving my ass once. I might not be a fan of tech anything, but those I can accept.

“Girl who calls herself Spoiler. Way too much purple. No color naming convention, not sure if that means she’s doomed or there’s some hope for her yet. She’s rough, but I think I can beat something out of her. And no, she hasn’t been tattling on you. Hasn’t mentioned you at all. Ouch, Roy. Either you didn’t leave much an impression or she was too busy trying to catch her breath. The nets are my shtick, I don’t intend to share. Besides, she clearly likes her cover everything that can possibly be covered routine. Maybe she’s a green skinned alien under all that.”

He’s trained with me before. He knows fully well that means sometimes a literal beating. Motivation in the purest physical form. Chuckling, as I nuzzle my nose against the toddlers, the gesture doubles as shaking my head.

“I kind of doubt it. We’ll see. You’re going to have to find a permanent solution anyway, Roy. Who’s watching her while you’re out using your body for a mobster’s punching bag? Who’s going to watch her if you don’t come back?”

I don’t approve. Clearly. If I knew Lian was here in Gotham with him? I would probably have descended on him a whole lot more decisively than an accusatory phone call. I recognize the irony in busting someone’s chops for doing the exact same thing I’m doing. The difference is I don’t have any family. None that aren’t also in the same line of work, anyway.

“Today you get a stay of execution, on account of adorable snuggly baby. Or I’d be showing you all the ways I’ve seen you be sloppy, and making you remember them with a new bruise for each. Basics, Roy. Form. Footwork drills.”

Roy: “Ouch. Way to cut to the soul, by the way. Green skinned alien? Wouldn’t surprise me.” grinning “She’s cute though. Smart. I think once she passes your training course, and gets some mileage. She’s going to be a force to reckon with.”

Roy knew the perils of the life of a superhero. He knew full well what it was. “You don’t think I haven’t thought about that, Dinah?” asking “What happens to Lian if something happens to me?” glancing down “I want to make this place a better place for her. And there’s only one way I know how. I realize that I’ve been sloppy, and I’m kind of glad you called. I want to learn how to become better. I want Lian to be with you more. To be around this family we’ve built.” not just her and Dinah, but the super hero family.

“I’ve … drawn up a living will, so that if something happens to me. Lian goes to you, or Ollie. I know it’s not the right thing to do, but I don’t exactly have any relatives that I know. You and Ollie are the closest that I have to a brother or sister.” shrugging, not to burden her. But it was the truth. “And I’d rather not have Cheshire have her. I’m pretty sure she’d approve.” he didn’t like thinking about it. “But, at the end of the day. I’m doing all this for her. So that she can live in a world in peace, hopefully.”

Smiling as he watched his daughter. Roy was too young to have children when Lian came into his life. And he couldn’t imagine his life without her. Slowly, he lowers himself down to the mat. “Snuggle away on her. She adores you. I’m glad we’re together again, Dinah. I think Lian needs a good female role model that’s not a fourteen year old baby sitter.” grinning “Maybe when she gets older, I can push the birds and the bees talk off onto you.”

Dinah: “What can I say? Half measures just aren’t my thing.”

In anything. Good or bad. It’s a problem, or an asset depending upon the situation and your viewpoint on it I guess. It also had made me more than a little bit of a terror between the ages of twelve and eighteen. The vigilantes of Star City were actually probably pretty fortunate that they hadn’t gotten to meet me until I’d mostly settled down. Which. You know. Is what that looks like right here. Squeezing Lian close lets me look over the top of her head to shoot Roy something of a deathglare that says, after he points out Spoiler’s ‘cute’, if he knocks up another girl let alone one that I’m working with? Lord help him, but that won’t be enough to save his ass.

“She hasn’t taken her mask off. Could still be a green alien with some makeup on. Also way too young for you, buster.”

He probably doesn’t have any reason to know that, though. Unless she’s been far more giving of personal details with Roy than she has been with us here. Which I doubt. Even in the ‘safety’ of the Roost she’d kept full gear on, even once Red Robin had made it very clear that he knew who she was under it. I wasn’t going to make her take it off, either. You don’t do that to someone who’s not ready for it. Designating me for looking after his child though? I’m flattered he trusts me enough, though I’m not entirely sure I’m the best candidate. That said.. given my own history which he has no way of really knowing, I don’t think I could ever, ever allow a child to go to a family that didn’t love them.

“…I think we need to go over some textbook definitions of ‘good’ and ‘role model.’ But if she needs to be taught how to kick a boy’s ass? I’m your lady.”

Return to the Roost

Dinah: All in all? That could have gone better.

Mission accomplished, though. I’d made myself a nuisance, and a sizable one at that, hopefully for long enough to get the job done. I hadn’t exactly gotten a precise timeline for how long I had to keep Superman’s attention pointed at me instead of anywhere else, so hopefully Tim’s friend had skedaddled and gotten on with what she needed to do. I’d anticipated getting back a bit later than I have, but I also figured I’d be taking conventional travel back to Gotham. Or alternately doing a little swimming and then calling for a ride, depending upon how things played out. Getting flown without an aircraft? Not actually something I’d care to repeat anytime all that soon. Maybe because I wasn’t entirely sure the guy wasn’t just going to drop me. Sure, he’d been trying to act good but it could have been just that. An act.

My jacket was still at the nightclub, and along with it everything else like my phone. It meant I didn’t really have any means of radioing in, or calling to let my roommate know that I was okay and I’d done what he’d asked. It also means that once I’ve been dropped off at the harbor? I’ve got a bit of a walk ahead of me. I don’t mind, lets me clear my head and work off the steam I’d build up in Metropolis. Gotham would probably be about the worst place to have to do a walk of shame, but there’s not one ounce of that in me, nor a reason to be ashamed. Plus I actually almost feel sorry for someone that sees this particular skimpy dressed blonde and thinks she’s going to be easy pickins. But being confident in your skills, knowing you’re more than a match for pretty much anything the street has to serve up, doesn’t mean you can be careless either.

The alleys, and back ways are more natural and normal to me than sidewalks at this point. It’s that proclivity that actually nets me a bit of a detour. A detour that sends me up a fire escape, and into the shadows where I can watch unobserved. You see. Normally there’s only really one reaction when you see a crime in progress, or just know there’s about to be one. We’re vigilantes. We do certain things a certain way. But I’m without my gear. More importantly, without the coat of makeup I wear to alter my features to the point of barely recognizable. It’s also not just anybody going into that Public House. It’s the Joker and his Loon Squad. I don’t need to be a tactical whiz kid to know how this is going to go. Even before the screaming and yelling starts.

Do I feel even a little bad about not interfering? No. I know exactly the sort of people that are inside that building. Most days it’d maybe be me kicking the everliving shit out of them. It’s the second party that has my attention and concern. Cocking my blonde head to the side, it doesn’t take me more than a moment to pick what I’m looking for out of the night sky. Once you know they’re there, it’s easy to spot Red Robin’s drones. Well. Guess that means he knows I’m back. Leaning against the railing more as a perch than a real hiding spot, I’m debating going into the building anyway. Just in case he’d needed help. The slow count that I’d begun in my head isn’t finished by the time I see one party…and then the other emerge. I don’t know, honestly, if I’m more relieved, or grumpy. That throttling can wait until another night though. Not that I couldn’t do it in my boots and mini skirt.

Kicking a leg over that railing again, I drop down to the concrete, bending my knees to absorb the impact as I bring my hand up to my cheek like I’m holding something in place.

“Kssssssht. Red Robin, are you aware that Red Hood seems to be making nice with the Joker-over. Kssssht.”

It’s that kind of night, isn’t it? I’m going to keep amusing myself by talking in my imaginary walkytalky the whole way back I think. Because Gotham and Crazy go hand in hand, and I think it’s really damn funny. It’s that or humming to myself.

“Kssssht. On my way in. Also your friend wasn’t very nice to me. Over. KSsssht.”

Tim: To say that I had been worried about Dinah is an understatement. We had done our homework. She had studied up on the target. When I asked Dinah to do a favor for me, I didn’t intend to send her in blind. So I opened the toolbox. Gave her every scrap of information on Conner Luthor that I’d put together, at Bruce’s direction, over the last two years. She went in armed to the teeth with enough tactical knowledge, that I was positive she would survive. Almost sure. Well, it was more like playing the odds. They were in her favor, because the deck -and- Dinah were stacked against the subject of her wiles.

Once the reports from Gotham had come in? I’d feared the worst, for about an hour. In that second hour, I’d begun to formulate multiple plans. From extraction, in case of capture, to vengeance in case of the worst. Not one of those plans, sadly, had involved ‘Pick me up at the Harbor.’ Whatever happened. However it came to be that Dinah was dropped off at the Harbor by the very person she was sent to distract? That’s a story I’m interested in. All I really know is that if the seismic activity in Metropolis was anything bad, she wouldn’t be walking back like she seems to be doing once my pretty little birds actually zero in on her.

Drones. They’ve been circulating around the City for weeks now. A contingency plan that Bruce and I had conceived a couple of years ago. We just never put it in to action, because Bruce thought it violated all sorts of privacy ethics. I’d agreed at the time, but re-thought my position after he was gone. Not because I thought we were wrong originally, but because I needed something to help me find the culprit. As time marched on and I became desperate for answers, I’d turned to the little drone army. Eyes in the Sky, that could help me a little more to be ‘Everywhere, all at once.’ These days, Dinah rarely sees me without a computer going. Constantly sifting through the drones information. Even though there’s very likely an app for that.

“Ugh. We spent millions of Wayne R&D budget dollars on those drones. They simply don’t do static.”

Oh, I’m not talking to Dinah. You see the little drones aren’t equipped with the ability for two-way communication. Although, in retrospect, that might actually be worthy of an upgrade. Instead I’m talking mostly to myself. Stephanie certainly has no idea what I’m babbling about. She hasn’t a clue that I’m listening to my little birds, whom are spying upon Dinah and Damien (not to mention the rest of the Bat-family and any criminal they can find). Now that I think about it though, I’m glad that I can’t communicate directly with Dinah right now. It saves me from having to answer Dinah directly. I’ll worry about that later, when I’m not demonstrating the basics of how to throw a punch.

By way of first letting Stephanie try one of her own, blocking it and then showing her how to do it for real. Over and over, until she manages to do one without locking her wrist. I’ve got some hope for Steph, actually. It’s only taken her the entire night ( of which she has been thrown, punch, kicked, tripped and choked more times than I think I want to admit ) to figure out finally how to throw right hook. Without breaking her own hand, wrist, fingers, or potentially just hitting herself. ( That only happened once, but it now lives on for ever by way of the screens that replay the video every few minutes. On a loop. )

“Take a break. We’re about to have company. The kind of company that might take offense to the fact you’re still not moving your feet the way I told you to four hours ago.”

Dinah: It could have taken longer to get there, but you get to know the shortcuts like the back of your own hand when you spend enough time making use of them to cut off criminals and lowlifes. It’s likely even faster when you use one of those computerized maps like Tim enjoys so much, but it’s cheating and I just don’t like them. Computers are his thing. A memory like a steel trap is mine. I probably should just go back to Pretty Bird’s. At this point in the night, the place will be full and loud and no one is going to notice me going up to my apartment over the bar’s second floor. Except I’m willing to bet what little money I have that it’s not where my partner in ‘crime’ is, and that he’s instead holed up in his little cave. I’m sorry. Roost.

There’s letting yourself in to a secret lair, and then there’s knowing you’re being let in and if you weren’t invited there was probably some elaborately abrupt defense mechanism that would have knocked you on your ass. By the time I waltz in, whistling like I’d been doing since I got bored of my staticy one sided conversation, I’m pretty happy to finally have arrived. Times like that makes you really appreciate your motorcycle for getting around Gotham. I really don’t know how those dummies who do it on foot manage, sometimes.

“Luuuuuucy, I’m home!”

The sashay is only partly for his benefit, the truth is it’s just kind of how I walk and being out at night only makes it worse. Habit. Part of the persona that’s really more me than Dinah Lance is at this point. There comes a point in a life like this where your secret identity is more like the costume than the name you picked out for yourself in the night. Being away for a few years hadn’t changed that, but then, the Canary hadn’t stopped stepping out just because she stepped out of Gotham. It, the strutting, comes to an abrupt halt when I see we’re not actually alone though. The purple clad girl’s slumped against one of the walls like she’s concerned at any moment someone’s going to make her get up again. It doesn’t take that practiced of an eye to figure out what they’ve been doing, and it’s got a lot more to do with punching than it does with anything naughty. Still. Can’t help the teasing. It’s my nature.

“Sheesh, I’m gone five minutes… what is it with you and blondes?”

Tim: The ‘Roost’ (it’s not a cave, damnit), happens to be buried beneath an old Warehouse. Owned by a subsidiary of a subsidiary, of another subdiary’s subsidiary. Once upon a time it was an R&D dump for retired equipment that Bruce either upgraded or did away with. Sometime later, it saw a little used as a backup point to house the Jet, Boat and Mobile. I’ve taken it over as a remote base, because the Clocktower is likely too busy and the Cave just seems… Empty without him there.

Ordinarily the place is little more than it’s original intent; a hidden safe house. Tonight though it’s playing host to Stephanie Brown. Recently it’s seen a bit of a make-over. I’ve been updating the place. While Bruce and Alfred created the place, I’m not sure anyone outside of them and I knew it was here. At least, until I let Dinah in. Then later Damien, so that I could get him outfitted in something that wouldn’t land him on the News as a masse murderer the first time someone with a smartphone got him on camera. Tonight? Well, tonight I put some of the out-dated training tools stored here to work. Much to Stephanie’s chagrin.

“It’s a lot like pok-e-mon, gotta catch’em all,” comes a tongue in cheek reply to Dinah’s teasing, “This is the one I asked you about. The one who is going to get herself or someone else killed if you don’t help her.”

Now that’s an introduction. It also happens to be a means to an end. Swerving Dinah a little off course, so that she doesn’t immediately go in to the litany of discussions we need to have. I need a minute, no more than that, to take stock of her. She looks alright. Better than alright, honestly. Which means that she’s not physically hurt. I have to be honest, with myself mainly, I’m having to stop myself from hugging her. Part of me also wants to apologize. Whether for what ever happened or asking her to go in the first place. Instead of doing that, I give her something that she will actually appreciate far more than a teenage boy’s hug or apologies.

“Wonder Woman made it to Fawcett City, she was able to make contact -and- she somehow managed to stumble upon a bank robbery / hostage situation. Whatever you did with Superman, you did it pretty well. I’d say mission accomplished, but.. um… you got a ride home from your target. I’m not the expert of course, but is that how this sort of thing is supposed to go?”

Dinah: And it also happens to be conveniently close to my Grandparent’s bar, which became my bar when my Grandfather passed. Managed by old family friends, and left to their care. I hadn’t known what to do with the place, and it made me a little sad honestly. It proved convenient enough to come back to though, a place that I could crash anytime I was in the city. That just hadn’t happened until Bruce had died, and Helena had called. Maybe it wouldn’t have for a while still if things had been different. Coincidence on the location? Maybe. But having met Batman I kind of doubt that.

“Hey! I am… not..!”

I don’t need to see be able to see all of the girl’s face to make out the expression she’s got under that half mask, the hood of her cloak is pushed back away from decidedly disheveled and sweaty blonde head. She’d probably be a whole lot cooler and more comfortable for practice if she took it and the mask off, but I’m actually assigning her micro-props even as I judge her on nearly everything else that I can see. If you’re going to insist on wearing something out on the street? You have to be able to fight and move in it. To know what you’re doing enough to not get fouled. Take my high heeled boots. They could be a liability, but I’ve practiced in them enough to make them more a weapon than something to trip me up. I should probably be a little annoyed that she’s here, and that I’ve walked in very much in Full Dinah Face. I have to assume, however, that if Tim thought she was a risk for tattling? She wouldn’t be here in the first place.

And if she does? Well. I know where he sleeps. Leaning over, hands on hips puts me pretty close to nose to nose with Red Robin’s stray.

“Well, hey kiddo. I’m Black Canary. I suggest you eat your Wheaties every morning, because I’m going to kick your ass. And then kick it while you’re down, because if I don’t do it, someone out there will. Difference is, strong chance I won’t make you dead. No one out there’s going to do you the same favor.”

Grey blue eyes, which are about all you can really make out of her face go wide in surprise, and it’s a little comical because she looks like she’s trying to decide if I’m kidding, and maybe Tim had told her before basically the same thing but she thought he was kidding, too. Nope. Not kidding. Not joking. There’s not much of a better motivator than pain. When you’ve got a younger pupil, sure you do things a little differently. Their bodies are still growing and muscle memory is an easier thing. Ted Grant didn’t start out beating me bloody when I was six years old. That waited until I was a teenager, should have known better, and had to get the lessons the hard way. It’s definitely not going to feel like it, but she wants to do this? I’m doing her a favor doing it my way.

The shock is short lived, before a gloved hand is lifted in an A-OK symbol and a chipper voice makes me snort. Well. At least she’s got that going for.

“Sure, no problem, breakfast’s my favorite. Breakfast four meals a day…”

Straightening upright again, ignoring the show I might have just been giving and frankly not really caring. I might be wearing not much but I wear even less a normal night. And I kick people in the face while doing it. I don’t plan on kicking anyone in the head right now. Certainly not Tim, anyway, who I’ve turned on a bootheel to face and approach, leaving his still winded sparring partner in the corner. For her sake? I hope they’d been going at it for hours or I really might accidentally end up killing her.

“I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.” Waggling my eyebrows demonstratively, and rather suggestively. “Which he was all over and then refused. He then proceeded to try to save me from my life of mediocrity, threatened me with N.O.W.H.E.R.E., had a bit of a fit after I yelled at him for it, then we made very nice and brought me home. I’ve got some additional notes for your little fun files.”

My tone is sing song in relating the bare bones of the evening. I’m all for him interpreting and guessing a little. I might spell it out more, or maybe tease more, if we didn’t have extra company but either way I’m entirely cheery about it as I move to commandeer a seat and kick my feet up on the closest flat surface.

“The suit? Records everything. Also he recovers from double ruptured eardrums disturbingly fast. And while he was with me he was not in Fawcett City, and paying direct attention to me and nothing else, so I’d say that was mission accomplished indeed. You’re welllllllcome.”

“….heh, I love that song.”

“Right? Me, too kid.”

Tim: It’s all too easy to figure out why Stephanie is here. Other than the fact that she needs the help. I mean it, she really needs the help. Like more than anyone I’ve ever met, that wasn’t a toddler. In fact she happens to be a lot like a toddler. Helpless. Drooling. Flailing around blindly. Not really accomplishing anything. But being very fulfilled not to have died while doing it. Yeah, that’s about how I summarize my meetings with her so far.

She also serves as a bit of a distraction. I could have sent her home when I heard the comments about Damien on the drones, but I didn’t. Because this very much keeps the things Dinah verbally abuses me about to a minimum. For now, at least. I’m a little thankful, honestly, once I see her eyes waggle. Offer he couldn’t refuse? But he did? Or he didn’t? What does it even mean?! He ‘report’ about the mission is little more than gibberish, honestly. I’m about to tell her so too, when I pick up something of even more importance.

“You ruptured his eardrums. Dinah, I thought we agreed you weren’t going to beat up Superman unless you had no other choice?” Now it’s my hands on that are on my hips, my tone that takes a bit of a lecturing one and also happens to project just a little more so that Stephanie can hear what I’ve just said. “Okay. Actually, I’m going to assume you didn’t pick a fight with a Superman. Instead, I’m going to focus on … you know what? I’m completely confused. He tried to save you. Then he threatened you. Then he saved you. All the while he refused your overture. Until you made nice, excuse me.. very nice.. and he brought you home?”

“It’s times like these, that I understand why you drink. None of that mad…. holdup… did you say his suit records everything? Or were you telling Stephanie that mine does? Because if it’s the latter, you should know it does actually. If it’s the former? Then it means he’s being monitored.”

Dinah: “I didn’t beat up Superman. Sheesh.”

The scoff in my tone says it would be very hard for Tim to have said anything more ridiculous than what just came out of his mouth. And the way I absently bounce one booted foot, and check under my nearly non-existent fingernails could almost say that I’m playing coy, or even a little shy about what I’ve done except two of us in this room know I’ve got little to no shame, and if I’ve actually done something? I’m just going to own up to it, because I don’t act on something unless it’s really what I felt I needed to do in the moment.

“It’s not like I capitalized on him being down on the floor with his ears bleeding to inflict more damage. I bolted. Or I would have, except he threatened to bring the building down on everyone’s heads unless I came back.”

“What the fuu..”

“Right? I know. And I didn’t feel like I had any other choice. It was go along with what he wanted, or incoming NOWHERE in three minutes. So I acted. I wasn’t going to divulge your little secrets until at least our third date but if that’s what you want we can just all play Truth or Dare right now.”

I’m all over the place, and it’s entirely by design. Mostly because there’s a third set of ears here, or I would have told him that I’d assaulted Conner Luthor, not Superman, just for a little more background to the actual story. Or I might have spelled out further how I’d gotten Superman’s attention in the first place, and how there was an open ended offer for shenanigans that definitely shouldn’t take place when you know that under the suit? The other person’s in high school. Which he still made very clear he wouldn’t be necessarily opposed to at a later date.

“But yes. Bingo. The latter. He pegged me as a meta, but not a recognizable one with their database. He was trying to offer to help put me in touch with someone who could train me …haha right?… and then he was trying to connect my band to his family to protect me… all in all, that intel you gave me kind of left me woefully unprepared for the guy that I actually ran into. Well. Up until the death threats.”

“…I thought Superman was the good guy…”

Dropping my feet to the floor, I lean forward. Propping elbows on my knees to look up at him with a degree of actual seriousness, I start ticking off talking points on my fingers.

“Suit monitors everything, unless he’s up in the stratosphere. And either that girlfriend of yours has Supes wrapped around her pinkie finger so tight that he’s acting against his nature for her…”

“..there’s a girlfriend? Er. Just. Asking. For a friend.”

“… or you’ve pretty seriously misjudged your buddy. Maybe both. I wasn’t actually settled on which option I was going with before he brought me back here to keep me away from the incoming Big Brother Swarm.”

Tim: “My intel is good,” there’s a quick response if ever there was one, without an ounce of offended tone. “He’s self-centered, even self-absorbed. Little or no emotional attachment to the concepts of right or wrong. He acts without thinking, normally, then deals with the consequences by daring someone to put a stop to him.”

Truth be told? I’m torn. It makes sense that Conner’s dedication to Cassandra Sandsmark would play out in to a desire to please her. However I’m a little surprised that someone like Dinah couldn’t persuade him to do something that he would surely be able to get away with. Either she didn’t try very hard or he was a little more dedicated than I’ve given him credit for… or he’s working an angle. Maybe he thought that by rescuing someone, like Dinah, he’d earn some sort of reward. From Luthor or Cassie or both. That sounds more like the Boy that I know. It also fits perfectly in to the mold that I want to cast him in. Which makes me feel just a little bad about it, maybe I’ve not given the guy a fair…

Oh. There it is. Death threats. Right, bringing the whole place down unless she doesn’t run away. That sounds like the guy I’d gone to school with for a couple of years. “Mm. Alright. I’m seeing the pattern here. You made contact. His suit records it. Now he knows that they know. Which means he either had to help you or let you get scooped up. He didn’t have any way to know that Wonder Woman was out of town yet, at that point. So he assumes that she would find out. You put him in to a position where he had to act in a manner fitting to Wonder Woman’s vision of him.”

“It makes sense, but if there’s even a chance that Wonder Woman has succeeded in curbing him?” It doesn’t take an expert detective to see that what I’m about to say takes some work, apparently it tastes bitter. “Then we need to find a way to cement that.”

In that moment I was talking out loud, but not really talking to either of them. This was something that hadn’t truly ever crossed my mind. I thought the super boy was just about as irredeemable as possible. My only hope had been to somehow break the control over him that N.O.W.H.E.R.E. had. Maybe even neutralize that control Luthor had, so that it would in turn take away tools at the disposal of a superman. I hadn’t even really considered that it might be plausible to save the actual Boy himself. If Dinah had seen the things I’ve seen, I’m sure she’d think the same thing.

“He’s dating Wonder Woman,” growled over at Stephanie, on my approach to Dinah so as to put a fingertip upon the tip of a bouncing boot. “You’re good at this. Reading people. Plus, you’ve had time to think about it on the way home. Was my intel bad, outdated or does the girl have her hooks in him deep enough to make a difference if push came to shove?”

That other gloved hand rises in a silent signal to Stepahnie not to make a joke, yet. “Oh and uh, slightly more pressing question. If all of this went sideways, does that mean you’re on the database now? Do we need to get you out of the Country? And, yes. She babbles like that, non-stop, but she’s actually got something. Maybe intuition, maybe luck. Either way, she’s going to get herself or someone else killed working it through.”

“She’s also got a family history, like the rest of us,” lowering my voice to a mere stage-whisper. “Spoiler alert, Canary, her father’s on page three of her file. You might want to skip ahead.”

Dinah: “I don’t doubt that it was. I just think you may have undersold slightly the kind of influence a good woman can have on a royal douchebag if he actually cares what she thinks. Or at least that you didn’t translate that knowledge into concrete words in your files there.”

Really. I need to meet this girl at some point just so that I can truly understand what she’s working with. Maybe it’s the whole literal goddess part, because blonde with a body I’ve already got down. Sass, attitude, check. Not because I want to compete with her, I don’t need to compete with anyone. It’s curiosity more than anything, because I really don’t doubt Tim’s observations. Even factoring his own feelings in, he’s perceptive enough to be able to set things like that aside for the facts of a matter. But I won’t lie, the way he growls at the girl that’s looking like she’s at least recovered some oxygen enough to sit up a little more straight and gather her feet under her in a cross legged position I almostlaugh at him. Almost. My foot kicks a little bit harder under the tip of his finger just to make it bounce once before I subside, and there’s a muffled little mutter from across the room.

“…is he talking in third person now or…oh Superman. Yeah. No. My friend was talking about….nevermind.”

But as to his question about Conner Luthor, our current Superman, and his motivations?

“Look, I may not know him like you do, but I do know bullshit when I hear it, and he seemed pretty legitimately angry because trying to do something her way, and help someone, was backfiring pretty spectacularly on him. And putting her in danger. I think he actually wants to try to believe her way works. Do I think he’s there yet? No. But I’m pretty sure he’s going to do whatever the Hell he has to in order to keep her safe. Even if it doesn’t make her happy. Red, it may have been legitimately the only time I have ever felt bad about screaming in someone’s ear. Especially … er… point blank. I think not disappointing her a real motivator for him. Which works for us, unless keeping Wonder Woman safe is ever going to require working in opposition to us.”

I also legitimately don’t want to make Tim feel bad. Correction. Worse than he probably already feels about having to say out loud he needs to make sure the First Hottest Blonde’s relationship with his psuedo-best friend stays happy, healthy and lasting. But from my run ins with Superman? I think I can pretty safely say Wonder Woman is the only reason we’re not seeing a whole different sort of monster in that Cape right now. You don’t need to see Stephanie’s mouth under that mask to know she was about to say something and is only held off by Red Robin’s hand. But only for a few moments. Long enough for him to finish anyway.

“…She she or she me? I’m so confused…are you complimenting me or insulting me? Or she? Wait. Who’s file? My file?! I should get to see my file! Why do you have a file?!”

At this point, Spoiler’s getting up and with much less wobble in her legs than I might have expected. She is blonde and she is a girl though. Chances are Boy Wonder may have been taking it easy on her like I’m not going to. Maybe that’s why I got recruited for the Fledgling Vigilante Reformation Club. I still more or less ignore her though, to answer the actual important question in what he’d said.

“Yes, but I led him to believe I had a super minor whistling louder than average power with little or no training. The volume part he doesn’t believe, but the no training part he may have. He seemed to think he could handle it by checking up on me. Which means we can plan on a visit in the future…sometime. Might I suggest that by then you cook up one of your little doohickies to block out his suit? I think it’d go a long way for everyone’s interests. Either I can give it to him, or you get it to his girl to pass along.”

What else was there that I’d deemed in my own personal debriefing as I walked across Gotham as important, in between inappropriate ‘radio’ transmissions to his drones?

“Oh. When I told him I’d be safe here, there was a very obvious and clear lightbulb moment and gears turning in that dense skull.” Not even being rude. It is incredibly dense. “He knows he wasn’t supposed to come to Gotham, and now an undocumented Meta thought she was going to be safe from NOWHERE there. I am betting he put two and two together, but he got six instead of four.”

Tim: Ugh. With every single word Dinah says I’m getting a far worse feeling in the pit of my stomach. It’s a really good thing I’ve kept the suit on. That may be the only thing keeping both women from seeing me turn a little green. The irony in all of this is that I like Conner, that’s the truth. The parts of him that are normal, are actually great. There just happens to be so few of them. When we first met, I could not for the life of me understand why Bruce insisted that I visit that particular school. Make those particular friends. If anything, he was a standard Luthor. He was all the things I said he was moments ago, but in Luthor-mode he also intentionally dials all those personality quirks up. His secret identity? Is all about being the worst possible person, so that no one would ever suspect him of being anything good.

Frankly? It works. Because even now, right this second, I’m hard pressed to think of a single redeemable quality about him. He’s a blank slate though or he was. Which leads to that singular saving grace; he didn’t know what love really was. His meeting Cassie had gone poorly at first. Continued that way for a couple months too. Somewhere around Homecoming our first year at St. Joseph’s, the two of them clicked and it stopped looking like a hostage situation and became a Stockholm situation. It was only because of the strict orders from Bruce that kept me from intervening. Now though, right now, I’m once more rocked by how good at this Bruce was. He knew. Somehow he saw it in the cards, forced me to play the hand. Now, if what Dinah says is true, there is a real chance that Cassandra Sandsmark might actually save the world from a threat she keeps from every materializing.

“That’s a puzzle for you to work out,” is the only real comment for Stephanie, as to whether I’m insulting her or complimenting her. “Everyone has a file. You can see them when Canary says you can handle seeing them.”

For a time then I’m quiet. Leaving the ‘Roost’ to the sounds of Stephanie and Dinah, while I look absently at the methodical way my hand bounces under the force of Dinah’s movements. It’s soothing. Having that point of focus as my world spirals out of my pretty little box that I’ve put it in. Damnit. Everything fit so well. Everything had a place, every place had a thing. Now I’m faced with the very real reality, that I’m going to have to sacrifice something important to me personally, to someone that I was pretty sure from the start was a monster. How can I do anything else? There’s a very real chance Dinah’s right and that disappointing Cassandra is something important enough to forge a real Superman out of Conner Luthor. How do you turn away from that possibility? Especially when you know the world just lost a Batman. The Batman.

“Stunting his suit shouldn’t be that difficult, but if they’re monitoring it? We need to do something better than block it. We need to make it so that they’re unable to monitor him, but don’t actually know they’re not monitoring him. Until…” Taking a deep breathe and a step forward, trails that fingertip down her boot until it’s about to touch Canary’s actual skin. Then I give it a gentle nudge off of the computer terminal. “… you think Superman doesn’t need to be monitored. You’re going to be meeting with him again?”

A jerk of the cowled head in Stephanie’s direction, if only to make a point. “If Wonder Woman has her hooks in him and he thinks saving you is a good way to get in to her graces. Maybe you can work that angle. Show him the benefits of doing things Her way. You’re already going to be teaching one Stray, why not two? Reinforce Wonder Woman’s point. Let’s give him as many reasons to buy in to Wonder Woman’s philosophy.”

I’m about to go on, say something more when I find myself staring at Dinah for a different reason. Recognition. She already thought about that, didn’t she? It’s why she had him bring her to Gotham. Because it gives her a chance to follow through on meeting him again. Instead of it just being a ploy before she disappeared. Dinah was working the angle, before I even knew there was one.

“You already think he’s ready to have it blocked don’t you? Huh, he turned down sleeping with you to impress her. That’s not exactly the empirical data, I normally like to work with but… I’ve got to admit, it’s compelling. I’m not sure I would have turned that offer down. Alright. I’ll work something up, you can give it to him. If Wonder Woman gives it to him there’ll be more questions than I think she’s ready to answer.”

“In any case, we’ve got some more immediate problems to work through. I heard what you said. About the Joker. There’s something I think you should know…” She’ll understand then, why I nudged her foot off of the edge of my desk, when I tap in the command to show her the Roost’s internal cameras. Playing back Damien’s visit for her. When he picked up his new suit and hardware. “. . . so . . . this happened.”

Dinah: “Ugh! If I wanted to be confused and yet still soul crushed I could have stayed home and watched K-Dramas…instead I picked fictional study group with Mr. Rogers and the Chuck Norris of vigilantes… not that I’m not grateful for the opportunity to be. Y’know. Beaten up and downtrodden.”

I’m still not paying that much attention to Stephanie, though what Tim had said made me curious enough to want to dig her file up on the computer right now and take a looksie. Family issues, yeah, none of us enter into this business without it. In fact, I can’t think of a single person that I know in this line of work that took it up voluntarily, or not so voluntarily, that has a happy, safe, sane childhood. And frankly at least one dead parent. It’s a little shocking that there aren’t more of us for that reason alone, especially here in Gotham but maybe it takes a certain suicidal bent to a personality to get you here. Or we were just some of the few who were lucky enough, had enough skill, to make it until Bruce took us in. Tim told me he didn’t want this one getting herself killed, and that it’d be his fault if he let it continue. I’m sure that’s true enough. I can’t help wondering if it’s also because it’s what Bruce did.

“I assume I’m the Chuck Norris. I look horrible in cardigans. Covers up everything important and exciting. I’ll remind you how grateful you are when we’ve gotten you a little more trodden though.”

That, however, isn’t something I’m going to ask him. As I demonstrated with my abbreviated, field psych eval of his Superfriend, I don’t really need to ask many questions to put together the pieces and clues that are in front of me. Even if I don’t know the subject all that well, and I know Tim Drake a great deal better than I’d gotten to know Conner Luthor in half an hour. Or maybe he sees something in her besides a utility belt full of optimism and a woefully blank slate. Cocking a thumb and forefinger into a finger gun, I pull the imaginary trigger at Tim as he works out what kind of tech we’d actually need to accomplish what I was suggesting.

“Attaboy. A feed loop of some sort maybe, but nothing to make them think it’s broken and they need to fix it. Long enough for you to finish recruiting Red Robin’s Angels, and there’s enough of them that the scales can be tipped. At least, I assume that’s what the end game plan is here.”

He’s got the information. She has the status, and the ability to proverbially rub that status off on someone else. I assume by being seen with them, associated the same way Luthor was trying to get me to do with him. So that people would notice if they went missing, would ask questions that someone wouldn’t want to have to answer. And they’re going to have to do it at a pace that NOWHERE doesn’t think something is up and act before the setup is secure to wipe them out. That could mean slow and steady, one at a time, or maybe a group unveiling when it’s too late and unable to be spun anyway but what it is. A co-op of heroes, independent of Lex Luthor’s agenda.

“Yes. I don’t know when, but I don’t doubt he’ll turn up again so that he can show he was reporting and they still think he’s in line with the program.”

I can’t help laughing, as my foot hits the floor of the Roost with an echoing thump because I haven’t bothered to slow the descent from anything but a dead weight drop.

“He’s going to be a little confused when I switch tacks from ‘You’re Superman, you can do whatever you want!’ and ‘Is that a sidekick in your tights or are you happy to see me?’ to ‘Great Power and Great Responsibility.’ But I can give it a go. Sorry kid, not going to proposition you and boost your ego anymore. And not you either.”

“Uh.. yeah… boy. What a disappointment but… I think I’m good.”

Waving a hand absently in Stephanie’s direction, as I lean in to look at the monitor Tim’s nudged my boots off of.

“Yeah, I do. There was literally zero reason for him to be honest with me, I just ruptured his ear drums and made his day difficult. None. But he got me where they couldn’t hear, and did. You don’t have a girlfriend that can crush your skull if she’s angry with you. But you do know even better than he does how great I am.”

“…so there’s not a girlfriend…”

“If he doesn’t think he needs to follow NOWHERE’S orders all the time in order to protect Wonder Woman from their attention? I think he’s going to be a whole lot more likely to be…well. Superman.”

I think there’s something you should know. Literally nothing good ever follows that statement. Ever. Deaths. Disasters. Disappointments. That’s what follows. And what he shows me has me inhaling sharply through my nose. For a drawn out amount of time, that might indicate I’m about to use all that air for some lung power. Or, as it turns out, to let out an equally long and drawn out sigh.

“So you’re aiding and abetting even more idiocy? …no offense.”

“…none taken. I. Think.”

“Did you know he was using it to commit murder with the Joker? Or were you just thinking some solo action? Christ. I understand frustration and anger and not having a concrete way to channel it but Jesus. He’s going to get himself somewhere you don’t go back from.”

I’d know. I was almost there once, too. But I never went in on homicide with the other side.

Tim: “You can’t be the Chuck Norris,” said with little more than a wolfish smirk, “You are far too pretty to be the Chuck Norris. But there’s a certain Irony you can work in someone calling you Mrs. Rogers.”

While the clowning has it’s purpose; Distraction. I’m not overly keen on letting it through my thought processes. Which is why I encourage it, but I only indulge a little before I put myself back on the proper track. Making a loop of some sort that would block the true monitoring of whatever Conner was doing? That’s easy. Simulating something; something believable that only the best sleuth in the world would actually uncover as a deception? That’s a real challenge, but the solution rests in what I’ve just said about Irony.

“They raised him in a cloning tube, educated him with a virtual reality program. One of the first things Batman had me do, after meeting the new Superman, was to track down his true origin. It lead me to a little place in Nevada. Where a laboratory used to exist. I say used too, because the place was a heap of rubble. I spent three days sifting through it and by the time I’d left? All I recovered was some trace element programming from the tube that held him. It only survived because it was in proximity to him. It was the virtual reality program that he woke up from. I think, with some modifications, I could adapt it to project that back to his handlers. It’ll take me some time….”

Another look, flicked back over a shoulder to Stephanie, before returning my gaze to the busty blonde in front of me. “Time you can spend making sure she doesn’t get herself killed. I gave her a suit, but it’ll only protect her so far. It won’t likely protect her from herself at all… uh, wait, uh…you told him he could do whatever he wanted? With everything or.. you specifically?”

“I’d like to reiterate that I’m dumbfounded at his refusal,” the shake of the head is paired with the slow exhale of breathe that once more serves as my pulling my thoughts off of a track they’re threatening to go down and back to where they need to be. “Skull-Crushing Girlfriend sounds like either an excellent code name or the finishing move of a terrible professional wrestler. Though, I’m not sure that actually works out if you’re Superman. She can’t crush his skull…”

A quick turn in Stephanie’s direction let’s me take a sum of her recuperation. “She’s talking about Him not Me. I don’t have a girlfriend. Skull-crushing variety, most especially. But, I think she was also talking about propositioning Him and You, although if she were, I would more than willing to surrender the Roost to the two of you.”

“Call me a sucker for idiocy, but I can’t let Damien go out there and get himself killed any more than I can let Stephanie. The difference is that I could tell in a heartbeat that Stephanie’s too stubborn to give this up. Even though she’s so under-trained that she’s more likely to break her own neck on that cape she bought at a Halloween prop-shop, than to get killed in the line of duty. Damien’s almost the opposite. If I didn’t help him, he’d go out there and do the same things. He’d just do them without the Hood. What do we gain by that? Our Father’s legacy drawn in to the mud. Not one step closer to his killers? Plus, there’s a good chance he ends up dead, right along with Br…”

“Besides. You don’t get to lecture me on this one. What did you do to stop him? No, not tonight. I mean when you saw him on your return to Gotham. You just read a guy like a championship profiler, in thirty minutes. Don’t tell me you didn’t know Damien was going to do things the League of Assassins way. It’s Damien. But you didn’t kick his ass and put him in time-out. We’re both equally guilty of whatever he does when we chose not to stop him. I’m just hoping we can get something useful out of Damien being Damien…”

“It’s not just frustrating, to not have any movement. Dead ends at every turn. It’s damning. Because every day we go without a lead, is another day that the rest of the world goes down the tubes while we hunt for those clues. The world isn’t waiting for us to find out who killed our father. It’s moving on. Faster than I can keep up. As demonstrated by how woefully out of date my intel on my Best Friend was today.”

Without warning, I turn, flicking my wrists out simultaneously. Hurling two of the discs off my belt at Stephanie. “Clearly, I’ve been wrong before though. If you think Damien’s actually working with the Joker, as opposed to using the Joker like a rabid dog on a leash. Then let’s bring Damien in. Let’s talk to him. Let’s convince him that there’s another way.”

“But, I’ve got a strong impression that you know I’m at least partially right about this. Our choices are ‘Help him,’ ‘Stop him,’ or ‘Get the fuck out of his way.’ In no particular order.”

Dinah: “Are you telling me, a liberated free woman, that I can’t be anything I want to be? Tch. Someone probably should have raised you better than that. Someone definitely should have raised Superman better than that. There’d be a definite style to using something that used to be used against him to fool NOWHERE. Maybe he’ll even appreciate the irony. If nothing else, hopefully he’ll just appreciate the help, or at least use it for our benefit with no spoken thank you.”

I’ve got the vantage now that Stephanie’s moved to be able to see both of them at the same time without having to turn like Tim does. She’s in the process of spreading her arms out in a ‘hey, c’mon!’ gesture like all this constant dogging is actually starting to offend her a little. Or maybe she’s just unable to passively take the comments. I know someone else like that in this room, and they’re also blonde. Lot less fond of purple though. And while she’d insisted she wasn’t going to get herself killed, she’s also here. And still here after the threats, which tells me two pretty important things; she knows she’s not good enough for this, and she wants to learn. I can work with that. She just may not enjoy the pace.

“Everything, but the me was heavily implied. Especially when he started to pull the well, gosh ma’am I’d love to fuck you right over the … ahem. Children present… moving on… but I really probably shouldn’t. I was pretty flabbergasted myself. How do you know she can’t? Has she tried?”

“…what kind of relationships do you people have!? And that’s …too bad about the girlfriend. I mean. Unless you’re happy about that and… I’ll tell my friend. I’m going to stop now…”

Stephanie’s hands on hips posture has what looks a lot more to do with general awkwardness of not being sure how to stand in a get up like that, while not engaged in anything else, rather than because she’s still trying to catch her breath. I can’t hear her panting anymore, or see any shifts in the face mask that indicate she’s puffing. I take the time to size her up again a little more fully with Tim’s back to me. I actually let him carry on about his reasonings without interruption from me because I think I need to hear it fully to understand.

“…I did not. I borrowed it from school. And I wasn’t actually out to punch anyone…”

The girl may be defending herself but she’s doing it in a glowery sort of way as she folds her arms across her chest that’s coming off as more to herself than justification for Tim, and not meant for anyone else to have to overhear. I’d say we’re both caught flat footed with his sudden turn, only I’m not the one that an attack’s being flung at and she wasn’t expecting it in the least. Arms go up, though her posture prevents her from moving quickly enough to get more than one forearm in the way for the discs to bounce off.

“What the hell was that for!”

“Huh. Not bad. More elegantly avoided if you’d just pivoted to the side and let them go past. Unless you knew they’d just bounce off your suit that is…”

She didn’t know that.

“…yeah I… will read the manual when I go home.”

“It’s Damien. I can’t put him in time out unless all the rest of you are going to help, unless I get to maim him first and I’m not going to do that, and he’d probably only take kicking his ass for encouragement to keep doing the same thing he already wanted to do. And I know it’s hard. I do. With all the tech, tools, and manpower we’ve got working for us to have nothing can make it feel like there is nothing, or that the longer it’s taking the more something that you’ve missed is going to slip away forever.”

My exhale is a lot more resignation than exasperation this time, and I scrub a hand through my wind and walk tousled hair, ignoring Stephanie’s harumph as she pulls her hood back up once again. So much purple…

“I couldn’t see what went on inside. I didn’t have any of my stuff. It could have read like they just picked the same target, cooperated, and then went their own ways. I didn’t stick around after obviously to sort it out. Option three there, I’m afraid, has the very strong possibility of leaving Gotham with two rabid dogs before this is over. And one is difficult to stop as it is.”

Tim: Actually, I would never tell a woman that they can’t be anything they want. Because I believe in that. Anyone that thinks otherwise? Hasn’t met Barbara, the book-smartest person I’ve ever met. Nor Dinah, who can throttle just about anyone (including Superman apparently). There’s no limit to what a female can do, except the societal constraints that hold them down and their own ambition. That said, I’m pretty much in complete agreement with her assessment on the tech problem. Utilizing what NOWHERE used on their Clone in the first place, which kind of gave us our rotten apple, would be the best sort of irony.

“Wait, you mean to tell me that Children being present keeps you from saying what he was going to fuck you over, but not that he was going to fuck you to begin with? I know at least one set of teenage ears that most certainly would have rather had none of that information. Absolutely none of the information about Conner Luthor putting his hands on … all of that.”

There’s a sideways glance at Stephanie once more, but otherwise I’m leaving that alone. For now. The questions and the manner in which she throws them out in her fishing expedition. Instead of that, I let my focus remain on her abilities or lack thereof, for now. “Well your new cape is flame retardant, projectile kinetic diminishing and bladed weapon deflecting. So give them back their terrible bath towel. Because -that- was your first chance to actually use the cape functionally, instead of as a fashion accessory. We don’t wear capes just because they look neat. As Dinah will tell you, if they’re not fulfilling a function then they’re actually a detriment. From now on, if you’re keeping the cape, make it your new best friend. An extension of you.”

“She didn’t know,” following up on something Dinah said, “Even though I told her to read the manuals. She was barely out of my sight before she was changing in to it, the night I gave it to her.”

She’s nailed it. The main reason that I took to outfitting Damien. It’s difficult to be back in Gotham. To face the loss of my Father, for the second time. Knowing that there’s a kiler out there, but not being able to find it would be maddening enough. It’s actually worse than that. I’ve been able to turn up nothing. Not a thing. As far as I can tell, Dinah has turned up nothing. Damien is the same. If Dick has found anything then he’s kept it himself. The only person making any headway in the whole damn city on this case? Is the Joker (and now Damien), because they’re doing the one thing that the rest of us can’t do. Eliminate suspects from the list, by eliminating the suspects entirely.

“Look, I don’t actually agree with the methodology. But we both seem to agree that it’s the only thing that’s gotten any results at all. Maybe we can talk to him. If we can’t stop him, without breaking him, then maybe there’s another option. Maybe we can aim him. Limit the collateral damage. I mean, that’s one of the reasons I gave him the tech in the first place. To keep the collateral damage down.”

Except that I was actually thinking too shallow. I’d been trying to reign in the damage Damien could do to the Wayne name and legacy. I hadn’t considered, even for a moment, that he would actually do something reckless like work with a madman. The City can’t handle two of them. It has barely handled one before and she’s right about that. Batman had a hard enough time controlling one of them. This could turn in to a catastrophe.

“Damien would tell you that you’re highly over-estimating yourself if you think you could maim him. Even with all of our help. Lucky for me, I’m not about to call that a bluff.”

One Night Only

Dinah: There’d been an important question asked up there on the roof, and while I’m sure the kid thought it was going to be a thought provoking, soul inspiring, motivational line? Maybe to someone else it would have been, and having it come from him with what I know of him had been far more startling than the words themselves. Why am I not ruling the world with some multi-million dollar recording contract, and sold out stadium shows? I’m all for tooting my own horn, I do it frequently and I don’t even have to exaggerate much when I do. Legs for days, blonde, great body, pretty face is actually enough to get a starlet up there. Synth work can do the rest. I actually have incredible vocal control to go along with it.

So why don’t we go any further? Well. I can tell you for a fact that at least half the band wishes we would. Wishes bad enough that they got their asses over here from Star City on incredibly short notice. We’ve got enough of a following, little as we are, that Kicking and Screaming was fit into a gig slot when I’d called and said I was going to be in town and willing to get up on the stage. I guess we can call it a one night reunion tour, because all the singing I’ve done lately has been much more random Coyote Ugly at my own bar than anything formal. This? Is practice for me. The vocal equivalent of an athlete running wind sprints, or fitting in just one more punishing set of dead lifts. I have absolutely zero desire to pursue music as a career. Even less than I now have for legit law enforcement. It’s something I can do, and do very well, but not what I want to be.

They’d started me on harmonica, actually. Breath control that didn’t actually involve me accidentally destroying something. The jump to singing was my call, and it’d evolved from simple melodies and harmonics, to a garage band that I think both my parents despaired of in middle school. One more extracurricular that was preparing me for something I didn’t know at the time was coming. The death of one parent and grandparent, the murder of another, and the need for vengeance that came out of that. Traditional melodies gave way to rock, which is my personal preference anyway, where I could really push the line between screaming, and screaming. But. It’d be a lie to say I don’t enjoy the attention every once in a while. The dark and the neon and the smoke, and all eyes on me while I strut and perform.

Kicking and Screaming does have some original stuff. Not a lot of it, but it gets woven in between the covers that primarily dominate the set. There’s not even necessarily a real rhyme or reason or order to the choices other than I have a tendency to pick numbers with grueling vocals, or ones that fluctuate from extreme highs to lows. Blondie tracks like One Way or Another, to Hallowed Be They Name by Iron Maiden. But I always. Always finish with the best. All Hail Queen Freddy. Because if you don’t love Bohemian Rhapsody? There’s something wrong with you.

Conner: Well there’s one sure fired way for a band in Metropolis to make it big. One word: Luthor. Whether they own you or people just think they might want to own you? There’s always a certain amount of vibe when you get noticed by them. To have a Luthor Corp rep come in to talk to you? Just that step alone will make other companies look at you too. Even if Luthor Corp wants you for a dime, you’ll make a quarter off someone else trying to out bid. If Luthor Corp wants you enough to actually bid? You’re set for life.

That’s just a rep. Last year Cassie and I actually caused a bit of a scene when we tried to go to a relatively low-key concert. There’s a lot of work that goes in to the President’s Family going to public functions. Secret Service being a key factor. The truth is, I don’t need them but it’s part of the routine. The facade that is a ‘secret identity.’ However part of my image, part of what truly makes people never take a second look at me as even a consideration for being a Super Hero? Is all about the attitude, the reputation. How many tabloids tell the tale of my ‘Once again slipping my security detail for a night on the town?’ A lot less of them now than there used to be. Cassie and I do it to keep up appearances, mostly. Another part of it happens to now be my enjoyment of her embarrassment when we do it.

Tonight’s appearance therefor comes with a double helping of trouble. Is that Conner Luthor? Oh. My God. It’s Conner Luthor!! Why is he hear? Isn’t he Dreamy? To the less pleasant side of the fellas, who aren’t too happy with the attention I’ve taken away from them once I’m in through the V.I.P. door. There’s really no ‘Low-Key’ entry here. Not for me. Superman had his Clark Kent, hey-shucks persona. I’ve cultivated the polar opposite. Embracing so many of the aspects of life that Dinah only just moments before suggested that Superman should. Fame. Adoration. Wealth. Power. But there’s a flippant attitude about it lately. Because I’ve been discovering that part of it, isn’t nearly as fulfilling as some of the things I get by not being a Luthor.

Sooner or later the Secret Service will catch up. They’ll hear reports of where I’m at. They’ll show up. N.O.W.H.E.R.E. is going to be furious with me, once more, for doing things off of their schedule. Both of them can kiss my ass. I’m Conner Luthor, the Superman. In the end, what can they do about it? Other than try to lecture me, as I’m taking advantage of the hospitality of Dinah’s fans by ingratiating myself to one of the boothes. Buying drinks, that I’m not even legal to buy and otherwise insuring myself of being noticed by the Band.

The good news? She doesn’t suck. I knew that before getting changed. In fact, I wouldn’t be here if she didn’t have the pipes she does. Part of me has to admit, I wouldn’t be here anyway but there’s something about the woman herself. Her story struck a chord with me. How did she escape the List? Curious. Why isn’t she on M:TV (other than the fact that they no longer play any music)? And why is she so accepting of mediocrity? The latter two questions seem, on the surface, to be easier to guess at an answer than they should be. If she had avoided the list intentionally, she’d want to stay beneath the Radar of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. to keep herself off of it. Except that she seemed not to know about the list. I didn’t hear a lie in that sentiment, so I’ve got accept that too is the truth.

The trouble with all of that? Is that this woman is accepting mediocrity in life, but puts for the effort to keep herself looking like that. In my world those two things do not add up to one and the same. There’s more to Dinah Lance than she’s letting on. I’m all too happy to take a front row seat for looking in to it. At least, that’s what I’ll tell Dr. Fairchild. I’m still working on what I’ll tell Cassie, but it’s probably going to involve Alien Invasion.

Dinah: There’s the general mayhem of any club that you can expect on any given night. Then there’s an added layer of buzz that a band can bring, especially if it’s one that got asses in the seats to any degree. People that came to have a good time, and then the ones who came to have a very specific good time. The third kind is what gets my attention now, the one that’s generated by someone coming in that means something. A recognizable face. The anxious pitch of a group of individuals all wondering the very same thing. Can I talk to them? Would they even talk to me? Are they going to notice me and what happens if they do? Some of these ‘butts’ might indeed be here to see me. A lot of them even, but I’m not famous. Not like Conner Luthor is.

Sure, it could have been someone else who’s Somebody in Metropolis, but a belief in coincidence will only take you so far. You rely on it past that? You’re going to miss an important details and the details can get you killed. Or in slightly lesser trouble than dead. I’m not able to resist smirking into my mic when he settles in. I’d had an even money bet going in my own head over whether he was just going to hang around in the sky, or if I’d get the alter ego. I suppose you could argue which side of this kid is the real one, and from my run in with ‘Superman’ and what Tim had prepped me with? I’d say this is the real one.

Fortunately? I’m pretty cocky when I perform. Or when I breathe. So smug facial expressions and the smirking, even a little heavy winking aren’t all that far out of my lane. Not that he’d know that. Until ten minutes ago this guy had no idea I existed, and I think that’s a big part of what brought him down here. Or at least that Big Brother didn’t know. That’s where the whole thing gets iffy, honestly. How curious that makes him, even for a supposedly minor and unimportant meta-human power. Now. What to do with him?

As the final number’s music eases back down from the swell and tempo that it built to in the middle, I’m scanning the crowd. Trying to pick out the obvious suits, if they’re even here at all, to see who’s watching him. Well. Mostly everyone, but that’s a different kind of situation altogether. I could take this away from prying eyes, and the detail would try and follow. The safe play for the moment? I decide is going to be sticking with the crowd. We finish the number. The band gets their bows, I get mine, and I ignore the hopeful way they watch me like they’re thinking that just maybe this means I want to take the whole gig a step further. The club’s promoter and event coordinator is waiting to talk to me, but not only in the hopes of another night. There’s a VIP, of course.

I get to pretend to be surprised and pleased, and then I get to weave and curve my way through the tide of bodies, to where I would have gone regardless. Up to the kid that could level the block and/or put a laser beam through my skull if he so chose. I’m a bit more tousseled than the last time, but otherwise the attire is basically the same, outside of the leather jacket I ditched mid set.

“Well hey there. We’re all jazzed you came down to join us. Enjoy the show?”

We meaning the band, the crowd, hell I’m pretty sure the girls feel luckier that the turned up than I did. As for down, well. Down out of the sky, or could it just be innocently down to this part of town?

Conner: The truth is? She isn’t bad. The bad isn’t bad. These guys could actually be something. Which is another step in to the direction of questions. Why aren’t they doing something with this talent? It doesn’t make a lot of sense, to tell you the truth. Now that I’ve seen the rest of her band, I’ve got the added luxury of having scanned through all of them. Not one of them more remarkable than the last. Only one of them having any true merit in the department of super-human advancement. All of them, to a person, clearly dependent upon their lead as to how far they’ll go with all of this. Could I buy it that one of them was willing to scrape by in life? Sure, there are ambition-less people in the world. I tend to pick them as friends, because they adore me and rarely cause me any trouble. For her to be in the field of performance and somehow to have found a whole band full of ambition lacking artists, who are good enough to go somewhere, but simply not want too?

None of that fits in to the world that I’m aware of. Admittedly though, on it’s own, I can’t really fight the notion that Dinah might simply be smart enough not to want to take her act to a level that would merit attention. But that only works if she was aware of needing to stay low-key, which doesn’t play with how completely unaware she was. The combination is what brought me here. I could have watched from the Sky, just as I said. But there comes a time when you need to get boots on the ground, my Dad always said. You’ve got to investigate, question everything, trust nothing and no one unless they have the name Luthor….

“Oh, I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” there’s manners and then there’s forward behavior that takes form in having your hand taken, kissed and then lifted in indication that you’re expected to spin around so more of you can be seen. “Sometimes, I’ve got to come down out of that Ivory tower that they try to keep me locked up in.”

There are so many ways to play this. Lie and say that I own her album. I’m not overly keen on saying that, though. Flattery only works if you can back it up. Right now? I can’t. Didn’t take the time to do much research, because -this- is the research phase. So I’ve got to go with the truth. “Truth is, I didn’t know you were playing tonight until I got here. I’d love to tell you how good your music was, but I barely heard half of it. Between being stunned at how good you look and then getting my new friends here drinks.”

“It’s been a busy night. People keep asking me for autographs and then leaving the paper behind?” Said as I wad up a handful of phone numbers, names, all printed hastily on napkins or cards. “You must get this all the time, right?”

Dinah: He’s smooth, confident and clearly very aware of his place in the world. I’ve known enough people with similar traits to also know that a lot of them his age can’t entirely back it up. There’s grown-ass men that will go part of the way into the flirtation and not have the ability to back up the rest of it. Maybe it shouldn’t surprise me as much as it does, because I’m starting to think it’s really just a billionaire superhero thing. Or those with training or a power or both. Depending on your outlook, you glide through life knowing it’s not what’s important so who cares what anyone else thinks of you or what you’re doing?

Do I spin? You bet your ass I do, because that brings my ass around, before I finish the move and sweep it out into an overly theatrical curtsy. Not that I can do it properly in a skirt this tight, but that’s what a healthy imagination is for.

“Something tells me they don’t succeed all that often.”

Like the fact that the direct approach by myself, and a multitude of others hasn’t been moved to somewhere more easily controlled. That means either they’re not here, the entire club is security or highly vetted, or … well there’s really no other ‘or’ to that situation except the possibility that they only bother for public appearances. I don’t think that who this kid is, who he really is, is that much of an open secret that such lax coverage would fly however.

“Well, aren’t you just lucky then? Since we’re being so terribly honest with each other, I didn’t know I was going to be until two days ago, either. Spur of the moment kind of thing.”

I take my time regaining my hand back, only after his flattery gets a playful bat at his chest with my free hand, and a rather wink. Sure he didn’t hear it, sure they’re his friends. Sure the bar is letting him buy drinks when he’s not nearly old enough. Well. That last one is true. They’re surely all too happy to take his Black card and let him buy whatever the hell he wants. That’s what fame and privilege gets for you. Or being ridiculously good looking. Really. Another superhero thing, I’m starting to think.

“The aw shucks isn’t going to work on me, honey. But I won’t tattle and break their poor hearts. They should know better. But I know you’ve got a Wonder of a girlfriend. I mean. She’d have to be to put up with all the attention without getting worried about it.”

My expression has taken a commiserating turn though, as I shake my blonde head and blow out my lips for a moment. Shifting from understanding, to maybe frustrated, to a little coy and then clear round again to something a little more wolfish and predatory.

“Not as much as you’d think. I’d have to do more shows for that. More requests for the hot blonde’s number than the band’s singer, but I’ve heard I’m a little… intimidating. So a lot don’t bother.”

Conner: “Would it surprise you to know they tried really hard for a really long time, but I think they’ve somewhat come to the understanding that I don’t do well under lock and key.”

The irony of this is that we’re not really talking about an Ivory tower here. The first couple years of my life were spent locked in a laboratory. Most people aren’t conscious from the moment they take their first breathe, but I don’t have the luxury of a mother. I awoke in to a vat of nucleotide fluid. With my brain hard wired in to a virtual reality simulator, that simulated fifteen years of life in just a handful of years in the real world. It was roughly two years in to that ‘captivity’ before I realized that I was in the Matrix. Another year after that before I understood what was happening. That last year was spent testing the boundaries, testing the trainers, the doctors and the teachers. There wasn’t an escape. That’s understating what happened. The news called it a freak earth quake, but I called it retribution.

As this plays through my thoughts, I’m reminded of just why I never turned Cassie in. We were too alike. Too close to the same thing. Except for where I’d been living my whole life in the confines of a lab, she’d seen the world. She was everything I’d wished to be, before I became what I am now. When I still thought the Matrix was real and that life had consequences for people like me. Now, I understand that there are consequences. It just so happens, that I’m the consequence and the woman before me is very much up for discussion of whether or not she deserves some of them.

Honesty. A trait not entirely common in my family. You’ll have to help me, maybe hum a few bars so that I can fake my way through it?”

It occurs to me, that I should introduce her to the people I joined to watch the show. It also occurs to me, that I should have learned their names in the first place. Those things would have been the proper way to handle yourself. Even my Father liked to impress the masses by remembering their names after he shook their hands. Me? I don’t know, it just feels dishonest. Strange how I’d be worried about the dishonesty of learning the names of people I couldn’t care less about, but it doesn’t bother me at all that I don’t care about them in the first place. In any case, I take just enough time to at least let them fawn over her for a second while I let my held hand, transition in to an arm around Dinah’s waist.

“Oh. Now that’s a change of pace,” here’s some real honesty about things for Dinah. “Most people who approach me either don’t bother looking in to whether I’m single or not. Or. They don’t care.”

Then comes a smile that is genetically perfect in how wolfish, yet somehow entirely innocent all at once. “Truth be told? Cassie is Wonderful, but not because she’s immune to jealousy. You see, she doesn’t really have to worry about all that. She’s the only girl I’ve ever met that can keep up with me. No offense, Dinah, but as hot as you are? I don’t think you’ve got it in you, kid.”

“Honest. I don’t mean any offense. I can totally see why people would be intimidated by you. I mean. Have you looked in a mirror? Golly, where do those legs actually stop… and that ass? If my Dad were here, he’d be drafting a bill to pardon you. Because your ass is illegal in all forty eight continental states. I’d talk about the rest of you, but I’m trying not to drool. It’s very unsophisticated, I’m told. Hell, Miss Lance, your voice is the least intimating thing about you and it’s pretty much super.”

Leaning in close, most might think I was about to make a move, but all I’m looking for is her ear to whisper in to. “I’m winning, by the way. I assume we’re trying to see who can lay it on thicker, before we find somewhere a little more private.”

Dinah: “Nope. Not at all. Probably made them try even harder. Hell. They’re probably still trying.”

It’s human nature to try and control what you don’t understand, so that you can learn from it. Use it. Harness it and point it in the direction you think is right. In this kid’s case? Not only is keeping him under thumb an impossible prospect, but it represents losing control of a huge monetary investment. And power. Necessity is the mother of invention. They’ve just had to come up with new, and less obvious ways to trying to keep hold of what they think that they’ve got. And while I’ve never actually liked people like Conner Luthor? I also don’t think what I got up on the rooftop was entirely an act. There was no reason for it. I was giving every cue to go ahead and indulge his predilection towards being…well. This. Fluffing the ego. Giving all the go aheads and he didn’t. Even though there wasn’t another soul up there to see, or hear. And that means that if N.O.W.H.E.R.E. hadn’t tried to control him the way that they did? He might just be a lot more Super and a lot less Luthor.

There’s a scoff of laughter, before I begin to literally oblige him. Spinning up out of my extensive mental music library the chorus of Billy Joel’s ‘Honesty,’ though man. Chances are he doesn’t know it. I wasn’t born when that song came out either, though. As for his hanger’s on? I’m not overly worried about them either. Mostly because there’s only a 2% potential for one of them to manage to cause me physical harm, and they’re not important to the mission right now. Besides, I can be excused for ignoring them in order to fawn over Conner Luthor.

“I’d be hurt. Really. But the two of you are clearly not a common breed. Not looking to be a homewrecker though. And I don’t need to keep up with you. Overall seems like a much too public and dramatic affair.”

If I were looking for a booty call I could find any number to oblige me. Hell, he already essentially offered. I’m just not going back up on that roof with him. Because I’m not actually out to get it on with him, and not just because of the tabloid rage that would go on over a grown ass woman doing a very famous teenager in public. Someone would see. They always see. That’s why there’s tabloids. I’m not going back up on the roof because he can fly and it puts me that much further away from my exits. He continues laying it on thick just the same though, and I can enjoy and laugh at the commentary. I do, too. Laugh. Easy and merrily like I’m not in the middle of calculating odds and angles. I don’t even pause after I’ve cocked my head in to hear his whisper over the crowd. I just don’t lean back in to return the gesture. I know he can hear me.

“Really? You sure it’s you that’s winning? Do you even know the game we’re playing, honey?”

I know just the place, after all. Crooking my finger to get us moving again, towards the door next to the stage and the hallway beyond that. It’s quieter for sure, especially since the musical acts aren’t transitioning or really even packing up anymore at this point. Most of what we’d used belonged to the club itself, and my group’s pretty good at a quick tear down/set up on the worst of days.

Conner: “You’ve got no idea. There’s a Time magazine article about my escape from the Secret Service. Most of my best escapes are classified, for national security.”

Were she anyone other than who she is? Nothing I’ve just said would be peculiar. I’ve managed to create a legendary Rock-Star status with my exploits. Multiple parties in the same night. Always one step ahead of Secret Service. Never getting caught. Winding up in the papers, the tabloids, all across the internet. Meanwhile my own detail wouldn’t know I was out of the Pent House, if they weren’t told by people spotting me where I shouldn’t be.

Between our initial meeting on the roof and this one, I’m a little more confused than I was when I walked in. She was all too clearly down with whatever was needed to see the sights with a Super, but I’m getting the vague sense of being shot down now. Though, clearly, she knows her stuff. Cassie and I are a different breed. Our recent College Road Trip is one of those things that actually did make the papers. Not exactly to Cassie’s pleasure in some instances. I can’t fault Dinah Lance there, knowing your limits is a good quality in a person. She’s got every right to be intimidated by me. I just like the fact that she’s also a little impressed by Cassie too.

Am I sure that I’m winning? To be honest, Yeah. I am pretty sure. Hell, it’s not even a measure of my cockiness. When it comes to laying it on thick? I’m a class all to my own. I’m pretty sure Cassie’s dad would give me a seat at the Pantheon. God of Ego. Not only do I have one, but I certainly know how to massage someone else’s. Though, in this instance, I’m a little taken aback by the question. Because I’m not sure Dinah knows what game we’re really playing. But, she’s asking me the same question.

For the people I’d flopped with? There’s the show of my shrugging helplessly. After all, who am I to turn down the invitation backstage of the lead singer of the band? Much less an older woman that looks like this one does. Who would blame me? Other than the ones who were wanting to bask in my presence, as much or more than they wanted Dinah Lance’s. That’s a show for the people. I tell Cassie all the time, how having a secret identity is about putting on a show. Give people something to see, to look at. The more shallow you seem, the less reason they have to look deeper.

We’re barely a few paces back stage, before I’m scanning the area. Really scanning the area. Insuring that no one is near, no one is approaching. Sight, Scent, Sound. All bases covered before, I say a word. Once I say something, I have a feeling things are going to change quickly. “Look. Before this goes any further, I want you to know you’re a nice girl and all. I mean. Really nice. Great Caesar’s ghost, you might actually have a nicer body than Cassie and she’s a Goddess. But. As much as I would love to do that. You. Specifically, I mean. I want to sponsor you.”

“Your band, I mean. Get you on a label. Something attached to Luthor Corp. Very public. Maybe you could sing for Cassie’s graduation. I’m putting on a little concert for it. But, it’s all got to be very. Very. Public. I can’t take no for an answer, Miss Lance.”

Dinah: “Right, of course they are. Wouldn’t want people knowing your methods. Maybe they’ll make a highly suspect, loosely based movie around your life twenty years down the road. Except you’ll probably still be the First Son then…”

President for Life. What a thing. I sure didn’t vote for him, and knowing what I do now thanks to TIm Drake kind of confirms all the reasons I might ever have had for picking someone else. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, I’ve got too many things keeping me in the United States to want to pack up and move to …well. Anywhere else. I wonder what the world would think if they knew what his son really was? Not even factoring in where he came from, just the aspect of Conner being a meta of any sort. Then add in the alien portion. Or the cloning… mostly it boils down to a whole lot of reasons why it’s not in my personal interest for anyone else to know that I know. I’m good, but there’s only so much one person can do.

I don’t see, or hear anyone. Not close enough to matter anyway. It’s not likely anyone was going to follow us backstage because.. well. Things go on in these kind of areas when you have a band. It’s even been me doing those things a few times, and I extend the courtesy to the other members if they have a new special friend, too. Less likely now that a couple of them are more settled than we used to be, with full knowledge that I can, and will, rat them out to the appropriate parties. Now. I’d asked the kid if he knew what we were playing and for a moment I’m not sure we’re playing the same one. Which is okay, because I’m still doing what I came here for. The subtext just shifts.


It’s a brief answer, but mostly kept that way because I’m snorting on my own laughter like he’s just said something absolutely, tremendously funny. I’m fairly sure no one ever. And I mean ever has called me a nice girl. Let alone really nice. Because I’m a lot of things and that isn’t usually one of them. Driven, aggressive, sharp, flirty and a tease? All more likely. I struggle to smooth my features because I am listening, and not really laughing at him and….okay maybe a little.

“Wow, well. That’s incredibly generous of you.”

And something I didn’t actually see coming. Whether he’s playing at being the good guy, or it’s an emerging streak, or maybe he’s just trying to throw me, I wasn’t expecting nor planning on what amounts to a job offer. Not that kind of job at least. Even if it is some kind of ruse, it’s still a great offer and if my bandmates were back here? They might take it whether I wanted them to or not. There’s trying to pursue some sort of record deal, and then having Luthor money dropped in your lap.

“I’m a helluva lot more likely to thumbs up the doing me part than the rest, though kid. So you’re just going to have to take no. A party? Sure. We can talk about that, but a contract I’m just gonna have to pass on.”

Which is unheard of for pretty much any singer or performer out there, I know. But I don’t do this for the money and never have, and the rise and fall of a single shrugging shoulder demonstrates how passe I am about the entire notion as concerns myself.

“I can get you the number of a few others if you’re really wanting to get into the band repping gig.”

Conner: Part of me can’t believe all that I got was a thanks to that sort of praise. Only seconds ago, Dinah was lavishing praise on me. Then again on me upstairs. Now though, all I get is a thank you and a laugh? Hrmph. Some women just don’t follow the same rules. If I’d actually come back stage for the purpose of putting her against the wall? I’d be skeptical for a whole different reason. This smells like a trap. Not even my first one. Trying to get me to do something, without my sort of witnesses, to extort money.

Except. I just offered to throw money at her. Only to be turned down. So. What the actual hell? No hiding that sort of confusion, even I’m not that talented a liar. Be that as it may, I’m more than a little sure that I’m pursuing the right course here. She left me a bone too, so I latch on to it. “Oh, I didn’t say anything about a contract, Miss. In fact, I’m more than happy to give you a contract stating you’re under no contract.”

“It’s not important to have you wrapped up. I get it, you’re not really in all this to make it big. You’re an artiste, right? I mean, seriously. I get it. Big company like Luthor Corp. They gobble you up. Spit you out as some Britney Spears knock off with a better set of tits. The kids eat you, but you start down the road to drug abuse born out of selling your soul, in the form of your craft, to the devil. Spend the next ten years in a drugged out stuppor. Who wants that, from a girl with the ass like your’s?”

“Yeah, yeah, I know I was supposed to say Assets, but let’s just be real candid here. I’m not what the papers say I am. This isn’t about me flipping a few million at you and each one of your band mates, for no other reason than having you on the hook. So that I can grow old with Cassie, while I work your ass until it’s sagging worse than your record sales.” Until this point, I’ve been happy to let Dinah just play the games with words and body language, but now? Now I step in front of her. How? I’m faster than anything she read about me. “Look. All I need you to do is pull the gig for Cassie’s party. Hell. Ink the deal. Take the money and some pictures for the papers.”

“Cassie gets a great band. You get to put your name in the paper with the Luthor family. We both walk away clean. They never approach you after that.”

DInah: When you follow the same rules, it makes you one thing: predictable. And when you’re predictable, the other side knows how to counter you. They’re prepared for your move before you make it. That’s not the side I want any opponent of mine to be on, that’s where I want to be. Verbal fight, physical fight, doesn’t matter. We’re both back here expecting some sort of trap, only I’m braced for it with a lot more knowledge of what I’m actually up against than he is. He’s expecting an untrained, extremely lowgrade powered meta that can whistle kind of loud. I have to assume that he thought I was underselling myself, and that I’m probably capable of more than that. That’s kind of like comparing the water escaping a punctured garden hose to what comes out the end of a fully cranked fireman’s version, however.

While I expect he’s perfectly capable, and maybe even willing, to crush my skull or just eye laser me. Expect the worst, always be prepared and never be disappointed…

“Which. Is still a contract. Look, you’re a fan and you’re Conner Luthor and you don’t need yet another lady to tell you that you’re a smokin’ teenage fantasy, but…”

I’m just not a teenager. I leave that part out. Throwing myself at ‘superman’ was one thing, if I want to pretend like I think they’re separate…which I don’t… this is just a convenient angle to back and forth like I don’t really know what he’s actually saying to me. He gets a whole lot closer to actually outright saying it this time, though. Our whole conversation of hints that are more than hints with the context behind it coming close and closer to the overt.

Then he moves. There’s knowing someone has super speed, seeing it, and then experiencing it that close up. His arrival on the roof had been fast, but it hadn’t been in my face when I’m already primed to fight, worked up with adrenaline and skirting around the edge of a conversation where I’m getting exactly what he’s spelling out and what he thinks he’s going to help me to avoid. Out of all of this, I actually don’t understand what’s in it for him. I make a great first impression, but that doesn’t quite justify what he’s putting out here. Any of it. It takes an awful lot of control to not just rear back and defend myself from the attack he hasn’t actually made yet, but blue eyes do widen in surprise.

“I’d be totally happy to do your Goddess’ party. I’ll take pictures even. But I’m not signing anything. They have never approached me in the first place. Sweetie, this is just a side hobby for me. I’m just not interested. So again. No thanks, I’m good. Nothing that really even needs cleaned I don’t think, do you?”

Not a record label. Not NOWHERE. I’d say I could thank Tim, or even Bruce before him for that, but I’d been walking about with meta powers for more than ten years before I ever met Batman. I have a feeling it has a lot more to do with my grandmother and my adopted, unofficial relatives that she’d fostered in with the family than any of my ‘work’ friends.

Conner: “Ugh. Listen. You’re not really this dumb.”

Okay. That’s not how I wanted this discussion to go. Nor is it how I was trying to angle it. It just isn’t. But, I can’t believe what my super-ears are hearing from this woman. I’m offering her, literally, the moon and stars. Only to have her turn it down. Why? I can’t actually even fathom why, because she’s all but accepting of nearly everything else. One and one aren’t adding up to two, they’re like four and three quarters with this girl. How can she be so good, so trained, but so lacking in ambition? How does one get that good, to stay below the radar in any way shape or form, without some level of ambition? Ugh. It’s like… she went to school with Cassie’s friend Kelsey.

By this point, I’m pinching the bridge of my nose. Because I’m getting a headache. No. Really. I am. All of these damnable lectures from Cassie. Now here I am, doing my level best. Not once, but twice. The result? The result is that I’m having to try so, so much harder to help, than I would have had to try to get her bent over that fire-escape, whistling dick-see for hours. I’m really not getting nearly enough payoff from Cassie to go through this on a regular basis, I’ll tell you (and her) that right now.

“Okay. I legitimately did not mean that. It’s been a very long last two hours. I’m trying to do this thing, that I’m not used to doing. This is a little more her thing than mine. So let me level with you here. Let me just try to put this to you in the most basic terms, I can possibly do.” The hand from my nose, very gently, very slowly, very methodically, moves from it’s place on my face to her’s, in an effort to cup her cheek. “You met a friend of mine earlier. On the roof. He was wearing a very fancy suit. It catalogs people like him, for people like my Father. He doesn’t have a choice to not report you. Not after he hid one from them before. They don’t trust him now.”

“The way I figure this. You’ve got about as long as they think it’s going to take me to fuck you in to a stupor, before the ‘Secret Service,’ takes you. Everyone member of your band. Every member of your family. Their family. Anyone who knows you. Knew you. In to custody and you all cease to exist. Poof. Like mother fucking magic. ”

“Two days from now there’s going to be a tragic accident. The Daily Planet is going to talk about what might have been for the starlett and her band, if only they hadn’t made their goodbye performance in Metropolis. Because they coulda been something, if it wasn’t for that pesky airplane engine. You’re no Patsy Cline, despite that ass on you. So no one is going question. No one is going to look in to you. You. Your band. Your family. Their family. Anyone who knew you, might know you, could even possibly have a clue how you kept off the List? Is going to disappear.”

All of this is meant to make an impression. To put this woman who I’m actually making an effort with, in to the proper frame of mind to understand what’s about to happen. “The only way I can think of, in the time we’ve got, is that you walk out there and marry your Band to my Family.”

Dinah: I don’t need to cock my head and waggle my finger back and forth at him with an ‘oh, no you didn’t.’ The way one eyebrow goes up and the twist of my mouth makes that sentiment incredibly clear, though other people could tell him if he knew how to ask that he’s getting treated to the more amused version right now. Not the one that comes right before the pain and me physically demonstrating my displeasure. Usually that’s saved for colossal missteps in the training room, though. Clearly the kid’s frustrated, and I may even feel a smidgen bad over that fact. But the longer he’s standing here trying to talk me into going along with his plan, to letting him rescue the damsel in distress that I’d joked about being earlier in the evening, the longer I’m doing what I actually came here for.

I’d question whether or not this was worth it, but I know I wouldn’t have been asked if it wasn’t.

He’s trying. He’s really trying. I’m not even pretending to look as sympathetic as I am, because there was a point in my life when I was probably about the same age as him, maybe a little bit younger, where doing the right thing was incredibly hard for me. That’s why I don’t balk at the approaching hand, or yank my head away from his touch. I go far enough to lean my cheek into that contact, and find it’s much hotter than you’d expect skin to be. And I mean temperature wise, not anything untoward. It means he’s in that much closer to me. Fancy suit. Check. Automatic metagene databasing. Check. If Tim didn’t already know about those things, he’s going to in very short order.

“No. I’m really not that dumb. And I legitimately want you to know that I do appreciate the sentiment going on here. What you’re trying to do for me. Right shtick. Wrong dame. And since I appreciate it, I’m going to point out one very important facet of all of that hypothetical but probably likely scenario. I actually do have people, with their own kind of magic, that would look. ”

And know where to look. I mean, don’t get me wrong here. He’s threatening me. It’s wrapped up in telling the story of what someone else is going to do, and yes it’s very true that all those things are probably completely outside of his realm of control just now. Anyone else, delivered in any different way, and I would probably have already reacted in a very different manner than I already have. I don’t doubt his timeline, though, and that means it’s time to go.

“I’m sorry. I really. Really am…”

Because I’m not taking his offer, though that’s not actually what I’m apologizing for. The reason I’m apologizing is that instead of the ‘am’ what comes out isn’t the slightly chagrined, conversational tone I’ve been utilizing. The whistle had made his ears ring. Here comes the full force fire hose. SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I actually really, truly do feel bad, too. Not something I can say I’ve often felt when it comes to using my powers, but with his hearing from this close up? And I’m not stopping until he’s down. Or at the very least dazed enough that I can bolt. I already sized up the hall when I got here. Did it again after I came down from the roof. I could make the ten yard sprint to the fire exit in heels, I do it just that smidge faster in boots. The sewer grate is already tugged off kilter enough to make it easier to slip through and down to the closest bet I’ve got for ‘momentarily safe.’

I mean. It’s a sewer. But it’s a Metropolis sewer. I’ve stayed in worse hotels than this in Gotham. Guess this means I’m not invited to the graduation party anymore.

Conner: She’s got people. I like it. Ballsy, but I respect Dinah’s machismo. It’s something that most people in this position don’t do. I mean, there’s been the occasional outburst of ‘Do you know who I am?’ Or ‘Do you know who my family is?’ Threats like sending the Mafia after us or being some Senator’s golf-buddy. Those type of threats normally come from a different sort of people. Not the kind of folks who have a Dive Band, that picks up little shows here and there for penny money. Definitely not the sort without a record deal. Most assuredly not from the type who were all but throwing themselves at my dick upstairs.

You know, I really do respect that though. Because it tells me something I didn’t know. Something, I am not sure she meant to give away. It explains to me exactly how she managed not to be on the list. Someone protected her. That’s the only viable explanation, in the face of the simple fact that this girl is showing not one ounce of fear over what the son of the President just said. Matter-o-factly, too. I’d love to say, later when I explain this to Cassie, that it’s because I was recognizing all of this that Dinah catches me off guard. Unfortunately that would be a lie. I’m caught with my proverbial pants down because I’m stroking Dinah’s cheek with my thumb. Trying to offer her some form of comfort.

That’s what hurts the most, I think. Two years. I’ve had two years of Cassie telling me time and time again about what it means to be a Hero. How it means something more than you get from instant gratification. It’s about being a bigger, better, person. People idolized the original Superman as a God because of his virtues and valors. Yet, here I am doing my version of the very best I can do at trying to do the right thing? When suddenly the world around me is spinning.

“…what are you…?”

To my credit? There’s no scream. I’m no new comer to pain. People think that being Superman means that I’m invulnerable. Honestly, they’re right. I am. To most things. To most standard things. Bullets? Knives? To a super-sonic punch from a guy calling himself a Flash? To a full on power punch from some lightning themed dork? Yeah, I shrug those off pretty well. Part of that is knowing I’m about to take a hit. Being ready for it. Significant force can still hurt me, I just get better. Fast. The trouble with this isn’t that I’m flat-footed. It’s that I’ve left myself open. My ears are ripe for the picking and she goes all in. Even when ear-drums rupture, I don’t scream in pain. I should also probably get some credit for not reflexively crushing her face with my hand.

It would seem that even Supermen need their balance though. Mine is fucked. I mean fucked like I was offering her. Bent over the fire escape and taken like thousand dollar hooker. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen my own blood. You know what? I don’t like it. Not one bit. It’s a really, really good thing that Dinah makes a bolt for it. My first thought at seeing, recognizing my blood is to kill her. Not beat her, not take her to ‘meta-jail’. My first thought is to see her turned to ashes, just like the facility that brought me in to this world. One of these days, Dinah might just want to thank Cassie for the fact I don’t act on that. Because without a shred of balance, I’d likely incinerate the whole building. Everyone in it, included.

Instead. Since I’m already on the ground. Since I don’t really have any way to physically go after her, yet. I do the one thing I’ve got available to me. The ground. Given that it’s about the only thing I’m able to look at without throwing up for the moment. I punch it. Then I punch it again. And again. And again. And again. I don’t know where she’s running, but it’ll be clear to anyone that the whole ‘House’. Maybe the city block. Will come down around us if she keeps running away. That is actually supposing she can even move when the actual -world- around her tremors like an Earthquake is rolling through.

I can’t hear her. I can’t hear anything. But I’m betting she can hear me. Hell, I can’t hear my own voice so there’s a good chance a lot of people can hear me. “You can’t outrun this…! Not them. Not me.”

“…but… I can. Let me save you. Or let them die. All of them. Your choice.”

Dinah: Well, this went sideways in an awful big hurry didn’t it? It’s threatening to go even more in that direction, too, and I’m not just talking my personal situation. I mean everything. I hadn’t exactly stuck around to double check whether or not he was down, and that means that I’m also not handy to answer the question of what I am. Not that he would be able to hear me anyway. You know how people wearing headphones talk much too loud because they have no concept of the volume of their own voice to those around them? Yeah, that’s what’s going on just now. Only it’s not the only thing.

My hearing’s just fine, for whatever reason I’m immune to the force of my own powers even if they do managed to get bounced back at me, so I hear right before I start to feelwhat he’s doing. Stumbling through the door frame, as the world threatens to heave out from underneath my boots and it’s only my agility that keeps me on them in the first place. My turn to be caught off guard. And then the shockwaves just keep coming, right along with the beat of his fist meeting the floor and reverberating through the ground. Maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t make it all the way down to the sewers before this began. I would probably have been a dead woman. Or at least more than a little crushed.

At first? It’s easy to believe this is a temper tantrum and that’s what keeps me going forwards. And to a degree it is that. But it’s also not one that’s going to stop, apparently. Because it’s not just a tantrum, it’s the only effective action currently available to him, in order to get what he wants. And really, I won’t even pretend it’s not my fault, I just sucker punched the kid while he was trying to do the right thing in his mind. And that means an immediate and necessary reroute of not only my escape plan, but the follow up moves that would have come after that. Signaling for some cover, or some world class RobinHacking. I catch the door frame, hanging from its support. If he doens’t stop this building’s coming down. I’ve been around enough Earthquakes to know that much. Possibly more.

He also probably can’t hear that I’m not running anymore. Which means he has no reason to stop. I know that changing course? Means I’m fucked. Oh, he might say he’s going to save me but I don’t actually believe him now, there’s no real reason to. And there’s a very real difference in why people do the things they do, their reasons, I put on the fishnets for revenge and to right a personal wrong. I keep them on for something bigger than that. It’s the struggle I’m currently having with Damien. Tempering your actions no matter how badly you’re hurt. Acting for the greater good. I might be choosing to let the people he talked about before die or not. Or all of them could mean everyone in this quake’s radius. He hadn’t specified this time. And that’s a risk I can’t take.

Which leaves me throwing my weight the opposite direction. Stumbling only as close as I think I have to be for him to pick up in his peripheral vision that I’m there. My ready posture is only partially to brace for the continuing tremors he’s unleashing. It’s also because I am ready. Even if that means having to be ready to provoke him into fighting me, so that it ends with me. And no. I’m not stupid. From this range? I know exactly how that fight ends. What am I?

“I’m the Black damn Canary.”

And he’s probably still too deaf to hear it.

Conner: It does continue too. Time and time again. Shaking the building to it’s foundations. Stressing the integrity of the super-structure of the buildings next to it. Each time my fist lands, it’s a lot like the beating of a drum. One that pulses with energy enough to level far more than this building. Am I a cocky little twat? I know that, I get the reference. Just don’t accuse me of exaggerating. Because I’ve got every ounce the strength of the first Superman and by every account of the Project, there’s a strong potential that I’m a little stronger still.

Don’t mistake me for a simpleton though. I was born not just with the DNA of a Kryptonian superman but the other donation of the most intelligent man in this world. Not one ounce of that genetic material is wasted. I’ve got one recourse, that can stop her and I put it to use. Why? What has this person shown me that makes her important enough to cause this much destruction? Honestly, if I was her I’d think it was my own damned ego. That I couldn’t stand to be taken down by some whistle-lipped rock star. The problem here is that Dinah seems to have been missing one small iota of information. She can blame Tim for that later.

Right now she’s face to face… well face to back of the head .. with a very angry ‘Superboy.’ Who only stops endangering the rest of this club, her band, the people for potentially hundreds of yards in every direction? Once I’m able to see Dinah step back in to ‘range.’ I’m panting, I can’t hear it myself but I can feel my lungs cleaving for air. Not from exertion. Pain. I’m not truly Kryptonian. At least, not entirely. Those beads of sweat aren’t because I’m taxed or tired. It’s born from the expenditure of a good deal of heat. Energy I’ve collected, stored and now put to use repairing my god damned eardrums. At least the blood isn’t dripping from them anymore.

“…dumb. So damned dumb.” Even my muttering is loud, but I can’t help it yet. “… did you even think this through? Jesus Christ. My fucking ears. Are you fucking insane? What do you think happens next after you get away? Huh? Are you kidding me right now? You just fucking attacked the President’s son.”

“Let’s pretend for a moment, that the Project doesn’t consider me a useless effort for letting someone like you beat me. Let’s just fucking pretend, like we’re kids and this fucking candyland, that the Project only holds me accountable. Then either I failed and you beat me. In which case they build a better me. They hunt you down. Or someone with your abilities. To make damn sure that doesn’t work on the next one. Let’s say, in this fantasy world, that they don’t make a better me. That I’m valuable enough to good ol’ Dad, that he keeps me around. Well, now he’s fucking tired of my bullshit. She. I mean Her, in case you’re wondering. Is the reason I’m doing this. All of this. Trying to save … someone like you… so what’s Daddy do next? He can’t control me, so he has to control her. So how he’s do that? Think it through. THINK IT THROUGH!

“Her Mom. It’s her only weakness. The only thing she’d compromise her morals for.” Talking. Constant talking. But at least the floor isn’t shaking. The building isn’t toppling. There’s even a good chance the commotion outside will keep people from hearing most of this. “She. Who is the only reason I’m doing this. Compromised. The only person who makes me care about anything else. Destroyed.”

“How many of you die then? How many people die because the light goes out in a Goddess? All because, for no other damned reason, than because I try. For one fucking time. To do the right thing. Jesus. I was trying. Y’know? I wanted to believe her. I did. That there was more to all of this than…”

At least with all this bitching I’ve managed to make the world stop spinning. My equilibrium is coming back and with it, I start to pick my broken ass up off the floor. “…[pant]… oh get the fuck out of here with that kung fu shit. I could break every bone in your body with a sneeze. [pant] I was testing you. No. Don’t give me that fucking look either. [pant] I was testing you. First rule of engagement the project taught me. If you ran. You weren’t worth saving.”

“You came back. So I was right. Up there on the roof. You are special and… you deserve another chance to not let Her down. Give me your hand, point me the direction I need to take you. And don’t make me fucking say it a second time.”

Dinah: There’s this tiny shred of that sense of self-preservation that’s making me not want to get even a tiny little bit closer to the guy. Don’t get me wrong, usually that sense is pretty huge, it has to be if you’re going to go toe to toe with the sort of folks I do on a regular basis, it’s what keeps you alive. But there’s a moment I think for a lot of heroes where smart has to go out the window if you’re acting to save someone else’s life. Or a lot of someone else’s. This? Kind of on me, and so by proxy no matter how much my brain’s screaming runrunrun? I’m not anymore. Did he make the choice to endanger people? Sure did. But I provoked him. So this is kind of on both of us. It’s just in my court to stop it.

It’s hard to tell if he’s meaning to talk out loud or not. Or that loud. And it’s so garbled that it reminds me of listening to someone who’s deaf talking along with their sign language. In any other situation it might be kind of hard not to giggle at least a little bit, but there’s a willingness to tease and provoke and then there’s being a goddamn idiot. I’m actually not the latter.

“Technically I just attacked Superman. Potato. Potahtoh. Neither one’s a great life choice though, you’re right.”

He can’t hear himself and I’m mostly talking to myself, because I’m fairly sure he’s not going to hear me for a while. Nor is he looking at me to see the little shrug, so between that and his carrying on? I think he doesn’t really know I”m standing there yet. Lecturing maybe in case I haven’t quit running… even though he’s clearly recovering fairly quickly, much as I suspected he would, and I’m still seeing my life flashing before my eyes I’m listening. Hard not to from here. And the longer he goes on? The more I’m convinced it isn’t just because his girlfriend’s got him by the balls. He’s actually inspired by her. At some point? I’m going to have to meet this Goddess of theirs. Not because I want to worship or grovel, but because she’s clearly got a pretty good following. Exhibit A in front of me here.

Then there’s Exhibit B, back in Gotham probably sitting in his little RobinRecRoom. Who sent my ass out here to cause a distraction, so that this girl could get something done. There’s a level of hearing about a person where you just kind of need to see for yourself. And while he starts to struggle his way up again, I wish I could help him. I don’t dare get that close, and I”m pretty sure he’s not going to want my help anyway. The urge is still there though. And yes. He is in fact getting a dubious, mouth twisted look because that was a pretty lousy test. There’s any number of other ways, I’d have to imagine, to test someone’s intentions but then.. I had been being not entirely honest with him.

For me? This is being relatively quiet. But it’s not like I need to banter to myself to make me feel better. And I don’t make him ask again, reaching down to take his hand, and pointing West with the other one. Though even I’m not entirely sure where to have him take me. Where’s home? Where’s not just going to lead him to where I don’t want him to be? Just west is a safe enough bet though. West is out of Metropolis. West could be the airport. Hell. It could be Star City, for that matter.

Conner: The moment she takes my hand she’ll actually know she’s safe. Mostly. Because that’s the moment she could die the easiest, since there’s no need for my ears involved with crushing the life out of her right here and now. She should know, because the only moment of suspense comes when I find myself a little unsteady once I’ve straightened up. The time between her hand touching mine and that whoosh of air that bristles through her hair is far shorter than the time it took me to stop bleedingfrom both ears. Dinah felt the heat of my touch before, it’s feverish now. Even with the air flow.

What’s more is that she also gets a glimmer at something else about me. We shoot directly upwards. There’s no need for balance in that. Straight up. Through ceiling, then roof, up, up and away. But not so much as a stray wood nail harms her. Nor does her arm tear out of socket, much less from her body, in the motion before I pull her up in to my arms. It’s as if she were surrounded by some sort of shielding that kept her from her harm just by being in contact with me. The same thing keeps the wind shear from sandblasting the flesh from her bones. Yet, the air still reaches her. Still rustles her hair. At least until the air is so thin, that there’s simply not enough of it to brush past us.

There at the true apex of my range, we come to a very brief pause. Silent this time, other than the steady breathing that signifies the concentration I’m putting in to pulling my ear drums back together. She has no real way of knowing that they’re fixed, but she might pick up on the wince of pain that accompanies the ringing. Yeah, I might have liked it better when I couldn’t hear anything. -This- hurts. Though there’s equally a good chance that she’s not paying attention to me right now. Maybe she’s never seen the world from the vantage point of near-space? Or, y’know, maybe she’s wondering just why she’s not being asphyxiated by the lack of oxygen at this height.

Either way once we set out ‘West,’ it’s only so long before I’ve got to ask for a little more specifics in so far as directions go. But I didn’t bring her here to just ask for directions. Instead of that, I lead off with something a little different. A fact not even Cassie knows. “This. Is the only place I can go where they can’t hear me.”

“You made things… really.. complicated down there. But. I actually get it,” she probably thinks I’m still deaf, so I don’t bother giving her an opening to talk yet. “You don’t want to spend your life in a cage. Being poked and prodded. The only other choices are stop being who you are by joining them or stop being what you are by turning it off. Never using it again.”

“They make me make the same choice, Miss Lance. Every time I’ve thought that I turned the tables, they’ve found a new way to make me make the same choice again and again. The place that made me, I burned it to the ground. Only to learn it was one of many. Not all of which are even here in the States or here on Earth. I refused to work for them. So they let me know my lifespan is measured by the amount of usefulness I have for my Father. No one would even know I was gone. A new me would just step out of one of the other facilities and take my place. So I worked for them, but I refused to kill for them. Until someone else. Someone a lot like you, Miss Lance, put me in a position where I had to choose again. Him or me.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a victim. I made my choices. They were mine. I know the other one. The first Superman. He would have made other choices, but I chose to live. I chose me and I’ve chose me every day since then. Until I met her. That was the next mistake. Because now they have the one thing they couldn’t breed in to me. Control. Everything I do now, I do because I chose her and they know it. They use it. They twist everything. I saved her, they control me. I brought her in to the Light, now my Father works his magic and tells the world -We- are the future. Because now he doesn’t just have Superman’s muscle to back him up. He knows I’ll do whatever I have to do to save her from ever having to make the choices I make. So now… he has Superman.”

“Saving you? Saving some low powered schmuck singer. They’d overlook that. It’s good press for their Superman. This? This is a whole different can of worms. They’re going to try to make me come find you. bring you back. But I won’t. Because if I did and she found out, I’d lose her. But if I don’t and they hurt her, hurt her mom, then I’ll still lose her. So, I’ve only got one question for you. I really hope you stop bullshitting me long enough to give me one honest answer tonight. Where can I take you that you’ll be safe, so that all of this doesn’t happen for nothing.”

Dinah: There’s a moment where I’m fairly certain that I’m about to get pasted on the roof as we head on through, and to a degree I kind of have that coming. But it’s to his credit that I don’t get my hand smashed. I don’t get my head crushed. Hell, I don’t even get whiplash from the sudden speed of the takeoff. You don’t have to be a genius to know that momentum and force work a certain way on the human body. You just have to have ridden a motorcycle or taken off quickly in a car. Something else is at play here, and we go up. And up. And up more and there’s about the point when the perfectly natural, and not wussy, urge to start to panic kicks in. I don’t fly. I don’t even ride in airplanes all that often. I’m pretty sure I’m not meant to get up this high but the view? Well. It’s stunning.

So while I wasn’t watching him to see that wince? My ears have been working perfectly fine and I can certainly hear when he starts talking more like a normal, fully functional person again. Of course, once he’s going he’s not stopping and I feel like I kind of owe it to him to listen. That and it’s insight. How much of it’s a bluff, and how much of it’s to try and make me empathize with him and see his side with the truth? That’s debatable and I”m not about to believe it’s one hundred percent genuine. But there’s enough of it in there. I could tell him that turning it off isn’t all that hard. That I make it through days at a time without using my powers. But mine’s ‘just’ my voice, and I”m fully capable of going about my day, even doing the job without it. Good ol’ Gotham City upbringing for you.

“Yes, well.”

He’s wanting input now, so I’m giving it. And not just the question he asked. Cards are kind of out on the table now, and even though he’s had no real compelling reason to do so? Kid’s laid out a whole lot more of them than I have.

“Clearly I’m not a low powered shmuck singer. I undersold that one by a factor of a hundred. I happen to have made a fairly educated guess that they wouldn’t and won’t just let me…slide. My grandmother was the original Black Canary. I inherited the same power. When I was five. I trained with the Wildcat. I’m not going in. I’ve got my own fight, and my own crew to look out for.”

I’ve had as long to train my gift as these kids have had to be alive. Or have been mentally stimulated to believe they’re alive in his case. And it’s a powerful one at that, even with brute use and no control. No, I’m no flying, impenetrable Wunderkid but still. My choices have never had to be about the same thing as his, though I had to choose to leave home to protect others because of them. Or to not use them.

“You’ve got no real reason to, and I get that, but take it from me kid. There comes a tipping point. Where it goes from being a fight and having to make shitty choices that you don’t like, to not having to make them anymore because someone else has your six. Or lots of someone else’s. And bananas as this probably sounds? I think this? Is going to work out better for you than you think it will.”

Because it’s not just the two of them. And maybe it won’t just have to be him watching out for his girlfriend and her mother. Whether he’s motivated just by her, or not? You have to start them somewhere. Squinting down at the whisps of clouds below us, I manage not to sh udder at exactly how high up we are, before I give him the name of the last place on earth pretty much anyone would pick as a safe haven.

“You can drop me off at the edge of Gotham. I can take care of it from there.”

Conner: Actually, as dreary as it may truly sound, I don’t really care if she empathizes with me or not. What I’m after, what I’m going for by putting my cards on the table? Is also something I learned from my ‘Father,’ you have to spend money to make money. In my case, I’m spending good will in an effort to garner some. Partly, I gain some information. Though that too wasn’t the goal. I wanted her to trust something. Not me, I am crystal clear now that she doesn’t trust me despite Superman’s good press and Conner Luthor’s Rock Star popularity. What I want her to do is trust in the fact that my motivations are clear and that I don’t want them to have been wasted for nothing.

It works, really, because in the end she tells me where to take her. “Oh. I’m not allowed to…” Go to Gotham. Almost immediately something at the back of my head clicks. I’ve been thunderstruck before, this isn’t really it. This is something, somewhere, between wanting to smirk because my girlfriend played me and groan because my girlfriend has been playing me. Wait, she’d call it ‘managing me.’ This time though, there’s no big espousing of whatever is on my mind. Then again there’s really no need to. Nothing to be gained by explaining to her that I just realized I’ve been getting kept away from Gotham, which is apparently where a stray Meta happens to feel safest right now.

Flying air Luthor is a lot faster than most things. Dinah probably has no real placement awareness to even realize how fast we’re traveling up here. It’s mere minutes before we’re almost directly over Gotham Harbor. “Your grandmother was the first Canary? Believe it or not, I’ve read her file. It’s required reading, actually, for new recruits. She was among the first to get the ‘Choice.’

“She’s already got my .. eh.. six? More like nine, maybe nine and a half. Ten if the sun is shining really brightly.” Yeah, I’m not getting -that- reference at all. They didn’t put Top Gun in my Matrix. “I happen to be a little concerned, that all of this isn’t going to work out half as good as you’d like to hope it will either.”

“When I get back there’s going to be questions. Who are you? What happened? Where are you now? So, Miss Lance, how do you want me to answer those questions? I’ve got an idea, but you’re not going to like it.”

Descending down through the stratosphere to Gotham isn’t any more difficult then rising was. As we begin to approach for the outskirts of Gotham’s Harbor, I’ve got little reason to believe she’s not the observant type. So she’ll no doubt notice the hue all around us once we’re back inside the atmosphere. My ‘costume’ is slightly darker than the original Superman’s, which most people think is an effort to set myself apart. In reality, it mutes this effect. Siphons off the color bleed of telekinetic energy that builds up when I’ve got direct sunlight and employ the field that is protecting her.

“So. About that idea… I’m going to need to be very convincing. The project has people that can tell if you’re lying or not….”

Dinah: “Hence the outskirts.”

Though really, there’s something pretty damn funny about Superman being kept out of a city like it has an invisible dog fence around the perimeter. The phrasing, and his clear view on authority and trying to keep him anywhere tells me that it’s nothing to do with NOWHERE that has him putting the brakes on that particular destination. I’m close enough that I see the realization dawning on him, I just don’t entirely know what it is. The truth, not that I know it in this case, isn’t that it’s a stray meta that had her keeping him out of Gotham. That had a whole lot more to do with a little Robin Redbird. And for the same reason that once upon a time not all that long ago, Batman gave me the choice that sent me packing off to Star City. But he can draw what conclusions he will.

“Uh huh. In the flesh. I got a lot of tutoring growing up. Bit of a head start if you will.”

I know we’re moving, and I assume we’re moving fast I just didn’t know how fast until I recognize the familiar geography and the shape of the harbor laying out beneath us. Time flies when you’re flying above the clouds, I suppose. Still. Not something I especially want to experience again anytime real soon.

“Right. But while she’s got your back, and your ten if the sun’s shining bright, someone else has nine, and someone else has hers, and at some point? it’s not just about you reacting to help each other… anyway. You’ll see. I hope anyway. I’m all for you kids succeeding. And not just because I’m a meta and supposed to root for you.”

Though I guess technically up until now, most metas would probably have been rooting against Conner Luthor and not been terribly happy to see him turn up on their doorsteps. Not once they knew who or what he really was. Squinting down at the water below, I pull a bit of a grimace.

“All about speaking a convenient half truth. I had to learn all about that when I tried to lie to Batman. He could always tell, too. You going to dump my body in the harbor?”

Maybe they don’t need to know which one. And whether or not it was still alive. Hell, I can hold my breath so that he could even honestly say I wasn’t breathing when he did.

Conner: “You’re lucky. They simulated my training with a virtual reality combat unit.” There’s a half-pause, like a hitch in whether I was deciding on if I should continue or not. “While most people my age were learning to drive a car? I was killing your Grandmother, her friends and pretty much everyone she ever knew in fight simulators a thousand times.”

I could use my powers better than most meta-humans that I’ve ever met, better before I took my first real step than they could half way through their adult lives. Truth be told, Dinah’s only one of a handful that I’ve encountered that truly had control of their power. I mean, really fine control. Most were either just learning, were honestly out of control or didn’t quite have the sheer enormity of practical experience they pushed in to my brain. I decided to actually be honest about it, because I think it actually adds gravity to what I meant before about building a better me. What would that even entail and how bad would that be for, pretty much everyone.

Before we actually glide just above the water of the harbor, I give her a different kind of look. “The next time you call me Kid or Boy, I’m re-thinking this whole thing and we go back to my breaking every bone in your body. Seriously. Pet peeve.”

It isn’t that much later when we’re about to make it to the shoreline when I finally find a way to explain my plans. It’s not that difficult to explain. I’m not even going to say it’s the best plan in the world, but I’ve got a pretty good notion it would work. Not one part of it happens to be unbelievable. Given that it’s happened before. In parts. I’ll just leave that mostly unsaid, I think.

“Well. If I told them, I got handsy with you and you blew my ear drums out with that cute whistle of your’s? They’d probably buy it. I’ve got a certain reputation in the Tabloids. Some rather pointedly cultivated, so that people think I couldn’t possibly be Superman. If I then, spun it that I took the initiative to get you and I out of there before it became public news? They’d buy that too. There’s going to be some questions about what you know, but I think maybe they let that go if they think I’m planning to… um… keep you under my thumb. So-to-speak.”


Dinah : It’s a good thing I haven’t been one of those huddle in Gotham all your life sort of folks, or I might almost find Metropolis astounding. Logically, I know it’s not perfect of course. Nowhere really is. Some places just happen to hide their flaws with a lot more skill and sparkle than the rest, and the City of Tomorrow is definitely that. Sparkly. Kind of gives me the willies, to be honest, and definitely makes me more than a little bit suspicious. No one, and nothing, is that clean and if they are it’s only because they’re going to a whole lot of effort to make it look that way.

Or maybe it’s just telling of where I’ve come from and how I’ve been spending my life lately.  Either way, I’m not here for the siteseeing, at least not really.  I’m here because Tim asked me for a favor.  It should probably be balanced the other way currently, he has been crashing at my place and eating my bar’s food.  But then there’s the very salient point that he saved my ass.  I could have wiggled out of it were I really opposed but I won’t lie, there was something more than a little exciting sounding about the whole affair.  Potentially dangerous? Oh, sure you bet.  But if there’s anything I’m good at, it’s the sleight of hand that only a really attractive woman who knows what she’s working with can accomplish.

There’s none of the usual Black Canary getup.  Well, no, that’s not true.  I’ve definitely still got the leather jacket, and the fishnets I might be accused of using as a bit of a safety blanket but they work for me.  Combat boots, and a denim mini skirt, and a tank top that had a slogan on it at one point but by now it’s so faded (along with the material it was printed on) to be nearly translucent.  This isn’t the Canary suit.  This is much more suitable for my other job, and the only one that Dinah Lance officially and publicly has.  Well.  Other than semi-present bar/coffee shop owner.  Getting a gig and an excuse to come out here probably wasn’t necessary but I’d done it anyway.  Just in case.

This city has its heroes, much like all the darker ones I’ve lived in before.  The ones here I have more in common with, in truth, than those in Gotham.  At least in the notable fact that I’ve got a super power.  Maybe that’s what makes the people here different.  Metropolis’ heroes do it because they want to make the world better, or in the case of a certain one of them, because their girlfriend wants to.  But I happen to know that one of the city’s heroes isn’t in town tonight, and it’s a matter of waiting to see the other one.  And see him you do, even though he’s capable of moving fast enough that you won’t. What fun would that be, right

Swinging my legs over the fire escape that scales the outside of the nightclub (Jesus, even their escape measures are nicer here…), I get on a little more solid footing before putting a pair of fingers between my lips and letting out a piercing whistle, and then cupping both hands around my lips to call to the night like some kind of loon.  Not as loudly as I could, obviously. He’s going to hear me anyway, even if I were to whisper.

“Ey! Is that a sidekick in your spandex, or are you happy to see me?”

Conner : Metropolis is just that. The City of Tomorrow. It is the center of the World for all intent and purpose. Commerce and Trade run through it by necessity. Surprisingly, it was already the central point of the World before Superman’s first appearance. His arrival certainly enhanced it’s presence and profile though. Even the battles with nefarious creeps and cretins did nothing but good in the long run, for the tourist market if nothing else. Far more than any short term damage from the battles themselves. Until the end. When too many battles built to a point where those hurt by them nearly out numbered those who stayed safe. Untold billions were saved by the Superman, but it was the voice of the told masses that got heard. Those who got the sympathy soon overtook the fans. Leaving the Man of Tomorrow, without a City to Protect.

Of course the voice of the voiceless, Lex Luthor, had more than a little to do with that. His arrival as their Champion inflamed them. Brought them to the crux of outrage. His money soothing them and their pain, while emboldening him as their Hero. Truly becoming their champion eventually, as the President of the United States.

It had been years since Superman ‘left.’ Years with a City that had no defender. Left to the defense of Lex Luthor, the city had prospered. Cleaned and Cleaned up from years of fighting escalating villains. But was it actually the Haven it seems to be? Absolutely not. The voice of the voiceless merely set aside the dirt. Swept it beneath the rug. Those same battles happened, but they were contained. Sometimes threats were eliminated before they begin, through hard work and intelligence gather. Some were contained. Others recruited. Trained. Made in to the Heroes that the world would be able to count on. Take pride in.

Other times. Well. Other times threats to the world were eliminated. In their cribs.

Now is the time of the next Generation. Though my girlfriend doesn’t know it, wouldn’t understand it. We are the next generation not in spite of my father, but because he desires it. We stepped from the Shadows, without the feared repercussions of his wrath. Not because he hated us doing it, but because it worked for him. We represent a new breed. A breed that may not be lead by a Luthor as he wanted, but close enough. ‘Wonder Woman’ hasn’t embraced her heritage. She wasn’t trained by the Gods, unless that’s what I take to calling myself these days. Who could really argue?

My musings are not often interrupted. Those rare times it happens, I’ve not been pleased. This time? It starts off as annoyance. Someone interrupts my spyin-…er… keeping a protective watch over my girlfriend. With a… dog whistle … great, very godly. Being summoned like Krypto. Very dignified. Which is likely why my arrival is not heralded by trumpets, but the ‘familiar’ Whooooosh air that gives ample warning of the arrival from the skies.

I may not be -the- Superman, but you’d be hard pressed to know the difference at first glance. Younger, for sure. Though Supes himself wasn’t that old when he was last on the Daily Planet’s front page, it’s hard to mistake me as anything but younger. Oddly though, I don’t normally have to put up with much guff about age. Not once people see the Cape, the shield, the crossed arms. Mind you, I’m not normally leering at the people Cassie and I are normally putting down.

“I don’t normally keep her in my pants, but if I did she would be very unhappy with someone calling her a sidekick,” the words have barely left my lips when I’m realizing, inwardly, that Cassie would almost surely hit -me- for being the one insinuating that -she- is the sidekick. “Wow. So. Um. Are you… um.. you know. Erm. Like. A super-powered.. uh… working girl… or…? I mean.. uh, just y’know the cat call, the outfit… the voice.”

“Not that there’s anything wrong with being a working girl. I mean. Unless you’re a cop. In which case. It’s very wrong and you should totally be ashamed of yourself. You totally have to tell me if you are a cop, now, by the way. Otherwise this is entrapment when I ask what your rates are…”

Dinah : There were any number of ways that I could have gone about this. Damsel in distress? Risky, but also really not my cup of tea. Not ever. I’d have to be getting a whole lot more out of this than I am to ever willingly act like a girl that can’t fight her own fights, or needs anyone to step in for her. Red Robin’s timely save not withstanding… that situation hadn’t been my choosing and this is. That’s the whole point. I’m the actor, in this instance. Not someone hoping that someone else will react. Like there was any question of this kid not responding to either being hailed like a taxi. Or a dog. Or to being cat-called. Hell, it if weren’t for the former he’d probably be a whole lot more immediately pleased by it than he was.

Cocking blonde head to the side, I am not the least bit shy about checking the spandex. Though, from here I can tell it’s not actually spandex. There’s a whole lot more to it than that. Tech? Why does an invulnerable superman need techy backup? My guess, and not so much a guess, from what I’ve learned in Tim’s little Hidey Hole is that it’s not a matter of need. Convenience. Contact. Orders and reports.

“Are you honestly trying to tell me that no one vocalizes their appreciation even when they don’t think you’ll hear it? Honestly. What is it that they feed you Supermen?”

And still checking out the not spandex, hands on hips, like it’s my right as a citizen of the United States of America to openly oogle any Caped Crusader that happens to be in front of me. After my thrice over, I lift an eyebrow and then actually bring blue eyes up to his. Even knowing there was some facial alteration going on, it’s still strange to not see the face of my ‘roommate’s’ best friend in front of me. I guess that’s a more advanced way of keeping a secret identity. Also makes me wonder how long it’s actually going to be a secret, and whose idea that was. Profile says this kid would gladly let the city worship him, so I’d guess it’s either he’s protecting the Wonder Woman, or Luthor. But clearly, I find him amusing. And fun to look at, as a short trill of laughter escapes my throat.

“Oh, sweetheart, that’s cute. The only part of me I’m selling tonight is my voice, and the rest, well. Even you couldn’t afford the rest.”

Teasing, still laughing, though it’s questionable if it’s at him, or myself, or maybe even the entire situation before I hike a thumb over my shoulder at the roof entrance behind me.

“Law and order doesn’t agree with me. I’m gracing the club with my vocals for the night. Never been to Metropolis before, so I wanted to make sure and see the most important sight before I left.”

Conner : “It was a nutrient supplement, but I’ve found it to taste a lot like corndogs.”

Hovering there now I’m quite at ease. Why shouldn’t I be? Aside from her ear piercing way she summoned me, which still has me wondering what the heck she did to reach that tone, I have no reason to do anything else. She’s obviously not a threat. Vocal acumen aside, I can tell by looking at her that her bone and muscle mass isn’t sufficient enough to pose a physical threat to me. Which immediate eliminates her from being a threat to me at all. So that means she might actually be giving me a morsel of truth about the cat call. It’s not all that strange, you should hear the girls hoot and holler during our school basketball games. But to answer her question, honestly…

“No. Not so much. I mean, at press conferences sometimes,” although Cassie has grounded me from those for the time being, I don’t have to tell this woman that. “But generally speaking, when I’m wearing the uniform most of the people who see me are the ones who I’m saving. Burning buildings, bullets, laser hands, taserfaces… it kind of sucks the joy out of checking me out for most people.”

Superman always used his own power and control to distort his features. Vibrating slightly. Flexing his jaw. Gnashing his teeth. Whatever it was. It worked. My creators took care of it by simply adapting my genetics. The tactile version of the human side of my gifts allow my face to appear subtly different. More mature and a little more gaunt. If I were literally standing next to myself, you wouldn’t think I’m even from the same family as my alter-ego. Score one for DNA manipulations.

Let’s forget the fact that she just said I couldn’t afford her. People say things like that all the time, but one of my first lessons in life? Everyone. Quite literally everyone has a price. It might not be a monetary one. It might mean that I had to find some other currency. But in the end, there is a price point for everyone. That is like a skeleton key to their life. Find it and you own them. It might just be the only lesson my father has taught me that is wholly true.

“Interesting,” a total truth, because I have no idea who or what she is yet, but I can buy that she’s here for her voice -and- that she wanted to check out the sights. “So. You’re in ‘town’ tonight for a show and just thought you’d wolf-whistle for Superman and he’d appear? I can’t decide if that’s more impressive or flattering, but I am sure you’re meaning it as both.”

The landing is casual. She’s not the only one who’s able to show off her powerset so willy-nilly. One might call it graceful, the way that my boots don’t even make a noise as it touches down upon the ledge of the building. Though I’m clearly a person of considerable musculature and therefor weight, not only is there no sound as I land but none as I take a step off the ledge in order to approach upon the roof itself. No fear at all, if anything there’s a calculated amount of bravado to the approach. This is about giving her a measure of the sight she professes to want and strutting to make sure it’s worth it. But. It’s also about closing the gap, while scoping her out just the same as she’s done to me. Only… she probably knows I’m getting a much more thorough once over than she is anyway.

“Law and Order doesn’t agree with many things, Miss…?” Clearing my throat to signify that she’s not introduced herself yet. “But then. I’m fairly sure you know about that. With that voice of your’s. I don’t recognize you from the database.”

Dinah : “Really oughta market that stuff, they’d make a killing and be doing a great public service for all the women of the world. Well. And some of the men. Something tells me that’s a lot less important to you though, huh?”

The cluck of my tongue and the rueful shake of my head says that I must think all the people deprived of some Superpreciation time are really at a very terrible loss. Though, I’d assume they were probably fairly grateful for his help, especially if their lives were in mortal danger. I’m actually doing a great deal more thinking about the damage he could do than I am how capable he’d be at saving my life. Frankly, I think it’s what I have a lot more reason to be worried about even though I didn’t strictly come here in order to pick a fight with him. It could happen. It’s not just him I’d have to worry about though.

“Well. I’m sure they probably dream about what they thought you looked like later. Probably with some rose colored glasses glow on it and… whoo. Really. Not like you need the help in that department. In… well…”

My hand’s vaguely gesturing at which ‘department’ he doesn’t need help in, and that mostly involves just indicating all of him before I tilt my head curiously to the side and take another step in closer to him. He’s touched down, and clearly isn’t going to think I’m anymore threat from closer than he did from over here. His mistake, but he moves faster than anyone else, certainly faster than he thinks he’d need to in order to deal with me.

“..that is all you under there, yeah? And not just some artful shading on the suit?”

The key is not lying. When you want to be really convincing, you find your half truths and the key facts that you can be honest about. Even more important when the other person can probably hear your heartbeat shift and accelerate if you get nervous. And I”m not that, not at all. Not even, apparently, even a little bit excited that he actually turned up when I called. I came into this pretty well informed, and pretty sure of what could and couldn’t happen. Excitement and nerves? Won’t do jack for me now.

“How else was I supposed to get your attention? Flail my arms and cry wolf? Seems to me like you’d be a lot less understanding if I’d done that.”

I’ve stopped pointing out various appealing Super-parts to spread my hands in a helpless sort of shrug. No one ever liked the boy who cried wolf. Not even when he was finally telling the truth, and this fella has eye lasers to demonstrate his displeasure with. I have to imagine no one would ever really dream of sending up a false alarm, not as semi-reverently as they look at their airborn heroes. Which is a pretty big turnaround from how I remember this going before. There’s a reason I’m not exactly public about my power and i’ts not just an element of surprise.

“We don’t exactly have heroes like you where I come from. I was curious. Oh, I’m so sorry how rude of me…”

As if wolf-whistling him out of the air like a dog wasn’t rude, but not giving my name was. I plant my hands on my hips, tilting my shoulders back in a gesture of pride as well as one that gives an even better bit of a show. Not that he needs help looking from what I’ve read. He probably knows better than I do what brand my bra is.

“Dinah. Database? I’m no criminal if that’s what you’re asking.”

Conner : “Eh. I’d rather they not. Here’s your nutrient drink… for while you’re being fed intravenously through tubes on account of your being suspended in a vat of…. too much information.”

One might think I was talking too much, but there’s not just a small amount of ‘don’t care’ ringing in to my tone. I don’t. Care one ounce what people in authority think about my displeasure in how I was ‘raised.’ I’ve told them. Dr. Fairchild lost a lab, a facility and enough staff members to never forget my displeasure. I hated it. I hate them. My first and only warning to NOWHERE was not to let me find another facility like that one. Doing what they did to me. And the only reason I even stop my venting, is because I think a girl like her wouldn’t want to know. More over that people shouldn’t know how their Superman was raised, most likely.

Another moment later has me tilting my head at her in nearly the same way she did at me moments before. Hey. I dream about me all the time. So I’m sure anyone with good sense would do the same. Kinda strange, actually, to have someone verifying that others do it too. Cassie normally needles me whenever I’m on about myself like that. Which in turn has me curious and wondering what this particular woman is doing. Is this ‘Flirting’, in a far different way than I’ve ever encountered. Or is she doing what I do when I want something.

“Are you buttering me up, ma’am? Because I assure you. It’s working.”

Between the look of curiosity that is affixed to Dinah and the lifting of one eyebrow in genuine insult over even the hint of suggestion that anything under the suit is not real? I probably happen to be giving her one of the weirdest looks ever, but I mean. C’mon. Really? If anything, I’m more than a little smug about not needing enhancement in that area. Not only are my genetics perfect, but they were meant to be that way. Like a new, expensive, car? I have no trouble showing off the wares. Flexing for attention when it’s warranted and when it’s not. Mostly when it’s not, with my girlfriend, for the purpose of making her friends swoon. But this? This is different. My first super-groupie.

Except. One thing is still bothering me, as I’m pointing her eyes to the S-shield, “Yeah. Database. My suit is connected to a database of known Meta-Humans. You don’t seem to appear in that database. You’re young, but not young enough to not be in the database. Which means either you’re one of the luckiest women with super powers in the whole world.”

“Or. You’re very good at hiding. Hiding while learning to Master the use of your powers.” Now there’s a definitive cocking of my head in a different way. A very different way. The sort that says I’m tuning in with other powers, getting a deeper read on her. “Neither of which is a skillset for a … singer.”

Nor a groupie. Damnit. I wanted a groupie and bonus points for one that looks like this. Have I mentioned that she looks like a million bucks? Yeah. I almost wish that she had done the Cry Wolf thing. At least then, I wouldn’t be forced to look past the best set of fishnet stockinged legs I’ve ever seen. To focus instead on the same tools that introduced me to Cassie in the first place. Cataloging people like Dinah.

“I want you to know, Miss Dinah, I really truly wish you hadn’t used your voice to call me. I’m sure you’ve got all the answers, but what I really want to know is why you actually called for me. Because you don’t know how much I wish it was because you wanted to ‘see the sights’ like you said.”

Dinah : Oh, I know exactly what he’s starting to spout on about. At least before he cuts himself off. Know where he was probably going with that as well, but it wouldn’t do me any favors to make that known. Instead, as he starts I just tilt my head more and more to the side like a puppy that’s heard a noise it doesn’t know what to make of. Confusion, or maybe bemusement over what seems like a very un-Supermanlike conversation. But then, he doesn’t exactly hang around and converse with the ‘citizens’ like this I don’t think. The last one didn’t exactly have a reputation for it either, from what I’d gathered. I’d say that I can’t help but wonder if he knows exactly how much about him Tim Drake knows, and by association how much I know now, but I can intuit the answer to that. Mostly in the fact that both of us are still breathing. Or at least, Tim was when I left Gotham. Who the Hell knows, in a place like that, afterwards…

My laugh gets an uncertain edge to it, at least until he redirects us back to the subject of my flattery. Then the smile that’s much more predator smirk than pleasant, friendly expression returns.

“Oooh, is it now? Well, then the night’s going even better than I thought it might.”

Folding my arms under my chest does two very important things. Maybe not equally important but… it conveys a little bit of defensiveness, which I ought to be experiencing when being questioned by Superman like a naughty school girl, and it also makes my chest that much more obvious. Like it needed help. Distractions, to go along with my shoulders drooping a hair in what might be the first bit of insecurity I’ve shown in weeks… or… well. Since I was six years old, probably.

“Or. No one thought it was real important to write down a meta whose super power is louder than average whistling. Heh. What a joke, right? I mean. Look at me. Body and a face like this and I land a not even noteworthy superpower? I must have done something a little naughty in a past life at least.”

My whistle had been loud. Louder than a normal person can do. It needed to be in order to be sure to get his attention. It was not, however, alarmingly loud to anyone but him. And maybe a couple neighborhood dogs. With a sigh that’s more huff at the unfairness of the universe than a sigh of resignation, I drop my arms and shrug once again.

“You caught me, Mr. Superman. I’m a bad, bad girl. That’s super great at whistling. Is this where you really interrogate me? Whisk me off and make me tell you all about exactly how bad I’ve been?”

I get less dejected and more of a demeanor that says this actually sounds like a …really great idea and a wonderful way to spend my night here in Metropolis. Which is not the sort of reaction I’m sure most Metas who have any kind of clue about what that database might mean exactly would show. Another step in, though this one’s more obviously tentative (and starts with my eyes lowered though not out of shame or embarassment but because I’m openly checking him out all over again) because he’s doubting my motives.

“Wait. Seriously. It’s really that hard to believe that someone would want to get up close and personal with Superman if they thought they even had half a chance? Baby, you have clearly been stupendously underappreciated by Metropolis up until this point… you come out to Star sometime? I bet they’d fall all over themselves.”

Biting the corner of my mouth, there’s an almost subtle upwards waggle of my eyebrows before I step back before I start fondling his cloak, though it looks like I’m really considering it.

“Look. My set’s about to start. Why don’t you come watch? Then I’d love to be subjected to your special sort of… vetting.”

Conner: Suspicion comes in many forms. Right now it’s taking the shape of a boy well beyond his years growing awfully curious about how someone with her powers made it past NOWHERE’s radar. Not just being on it, but not worthy of training. Nor is she on it, but managed to elude cataloging. Dinah is simply not on it. At all. Though I’m clearly not the oldest agent in the project, once again I was gifted with superior engineering. I’m smart enough, with training, to know that Dinah is therefor an anomaly. Her offered excuse? Isn’t even plausible because cataloging Meta-Humans isn’t limited to those with spectacular powers.

It’s just powers, period. Even those the Project doesn’t consider to be of immediate value. Especially those they don’t fully understand. Her proffered idea would be easier to digest, honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that she isn’t coming up in the database at all. Someone with her any amount of skill in their ability would have to practice. Which leaves one like me to wonder, quite openly, how this is even possible. Not so openly, I’ve now got to consider doing just that. Cataloging this woman.

“Hey, what can I say. Buttering me up is the way to go. I warn you though, I’m frequently told that my Ego is it’s own entity. Feeding it after dark is a sure fire way to see it morph in to an Ego-Beast…”

Banter is easy. Not only do I do this all the time, but I like doing it with someone who gives it back to me. It’s distracting too. Which I’m okay with, because it makes the decision process a little better. How do I handle this? I know what Doctor Fairchild would want, but I also know what Cassie would want. The Project would want to know about this woman. They would want a genetic sample, so that they could take what Dinah has an amplify it. Fairchild would say that she wanted to understand it. Cassie would say they intended to weaponize it. How can I argue with either side of that equation. I’m living proof of Cassie being right. But I’m equally proof of the good that could come of understanding…

My word she nice breasts. Which I’m equally mortified to be thinking in the middle of ‘Business’ and concerned that it’s taken me so long to notice. Oh, I’d seen them. Then I ‘saw’ them. I just hadn’t paid as much attention, until they’re a little more offered up. The ringing in my ears was enough to have kept me a little unbalanced, but now that I’m trying to avoid disappointing two important people in my life, I’m kind of happy to have something that lets my mind wander.

I’m still, openly, staring at the exact point that she no doubt wanted to draw focus too when she carries her tune a little further. Now, mind you, Dinah probably thinks I’m leering for all the obvious reasons. I’ve got my doubts as to whether she realizes that I’m deciding her fate. So it doesn’t exactly occur to me that she is working the angle. Playing cards in a game that I’m mostly unaware we’re playing. Building upon her makeshift identity to sell me on seeing her act. With the prospect of then having some ‘fun’ with her. I can’t miss the lewdness of what she intimates might be my intentions. I also couldn’t normally disagree with having them.

“…and do you? Think you have half a chance?”

She is right about that underappreciated bit though. My audible sigh confirms it. More importantly there’s a shift in the tension of my shoulders, as a decision is made. “Ugh. I don’t think you even know how right you are, Miss Dinah. I’m out there day after day, ‘risking my life’ for people. You’d think there would be some appreciation, right? I mean. I don’t even get a cut of the merchandising. The girls at the conventions, some of the guys too honestly, are very attentive, but Wonder Woman won’t let me indulge them.”

If this were any other person, talking about something else? You might actually buy that the guy was mistreated a little. Except that this is Superman and I’m talking about not being allowed to abuse it. That’s anything but a trait of the former Man of Steel, what’s worse is that I know it too. Not just from my own virtual education, but because Cassie has shown me. Tried to re-educated me about how the first Superman did things for no other reason than the gratification of doing good things. All I can think is, ‘What’s the point in that?’ Super dudes gotta get paid and laid too!

Which is why it also pains me to say, “As much as vetting you sounds like fun, Miss Dinah, I’m afraid I’ve got very important things to do. Burning Buildings. Cats in trees. Jaywalkers. There’s got to be at least one airplane plummeting to it’s doom somewhere. Do you mind if I ask you a question before I go though?”

Clearly that’s a rhetorical bit there, because I don’t wait for permission to ask, “Why are you doing this? I don’t mean the singing career at dingy places like this. I don’t mean getting a Superman’s attention. I mean. Why are you using your assets. Of which each should be labeled their own super-power. To semi-seduce a guy? I mean. Seriously. Consider my eyes well and truly seduced. I was half-way there before I landed. Then the story? Geezes, I’ve had blow jobs that stroked my ego less.”

“So, Dinah. Why are you’re running the world? Or at least making a zillion dollars selling records.” That’s right. Despite everything else. Everything she’s read. Everything I’ve already said. All the things, inappropriate each and every one. Somehow I’ve brought this around to a very heroic, ‘You should be something better than this.’ Instead of cataloging her, capturing her, or making an concerted effort to initiate that vetting process she spoke of.

Dinah : “Tch! You’re Superman. No one is your equal. Anyone who honestly thinks an ego to go with that is a flaw is an idiot. Or at the very least crazy. I mean, if I had even half the powers you do? I’d be showing them off at least almost as much as what I’ve already got to flaunt.”

As if there were any doubt of what I’m talking about. I could be referring to my voice, which is pretty great thanks to my intense vocal chord training, but he hasn’t actually gotten to hear that. I’ve also got no shame about showing off what I am referring to, and so there’s an indicative pointing finger to go along with the hint of a returning smirk. This guy doesn’t need any help with his confidence, ego not withstanding. Hell, he’s exactly the kind of guy that I took fiendish delight in absolutely humiliating in High School… and college. And. Well. Now. Like my lifetime priorities went avenging my Father, taking creeps off the street, and taking assholes down three pegs. In that order. I had made that assessment of him before I even got here. It’s only been cemented in mind through contact. I also know how to deal with that personality type. You build them up for the inevitable fall, normally. In this case, however, yanking his EgoRug out from under him may result in my getting pasted. Or getting carted off to be a NOWHERE experiment. The worst I could really expect from my normal ‘prey’ was they might get a little aggressive and then I’d give them a personal lesson in what I learned from an old Israeli friend of mine a long time ago.

That’s how I’m keeping him here though. All that power, and he’s got people telling him how to use it. His girlfriend, Wonder Woman, trying to angle him to using it for good and clearly not letting him exist like the Rockstar to the World that he thinks he is. And really, probably technically is. Luthor and NOWHERE wanting him to act for their agenda… and here I am. Sexy blonde, about three steps away from flashing him, and cooing over what he can do and telling him it’s totes okay to be a …well. What he tends to be on his own. But. Really. Honestly. I’m kind of shocked if I am actually the first. As for his question of whether I think I’ve got half a chance? My smirk goes from threatening to come back, to fully in place and suggesting everything all over again.

“Well. You’re here. Aren’t you?”

I look suitably sympathetic for his plight though, pursing my lips. Shaking my head at how abused and put upon he is. By his girlfriend no less, though I’m not supposed to know that bit. Not for certain anyway, I suppose their always appearing together (well, almost always) has led to some assumptions. That and when you’re essentially Gods Among Men (literally in her case…hah.. I wonder if that ever rankles on him?), who else is going to be able to keep up with you?

“If not appreciation then what? It’s really naive to expect you to do all that without something in it for you.”

I’d think I was actually laying it on a little thick, but my fawning and flirting hasn’t exactly changed pace or intensity since the moment he got down here on my level. My elevation level, that is. This is how band groupies behave, the entourages of actors. They want to bask in the glow and they’ll do anything, say anything, to get to stay there for as long as they can have it. I’d know. I’ve met a lot of them, and what do they honestly have on Superman? There’s thousands upon thousands of musicians and artists. There’s only one of him. Well. There would have been two but…

I actually can’t believe, with everything I know about him, and everything I’ve seen firsthand that he’s actually begging off to go and do something good with his evening. Either he’s lying, or that girl’s got him by the balls even more than Tim thinks she does. Good for you, Wondy. I don’t get a chance to really plead more for him to stay, and I really do have the gig that was my entire excuse to be here to get to. I skip that? And he gets to really wonder what else I was making up here, and what else might have been a lie and I don’t really want that. I just settle for a full lipped pout, and a slump of my shoulders, like I just cannot believe he’s turning me down even for kittens and fires. And an airplane or two.

“Um. Because you’re Superman?” The tone of my voice shifts for that, for the first time, like I’m actually questioning how spectacular he is if he didn’t understand that. Call it hurt feelings over being rejected. Except then I perk back up and carry on. To talk about me. “Because I was trying to do the whole…college education thing. To make someone else happy. Didn’t work for me. And I don’t do that Top 40 Pop garbage. Anyone with a computer and half a lung can do that. I mean. Maybe if I get boredI’ll make it happen with my tits. But. Not bored yet… you sure I can’t convince you stay? For a little at least?”

Dinah: No one is your equal. I like the sound of that. Honestly. No qualms about it. That phrase is worth more than everything she’s said up to that point put together. Almost as much as the positioning of her arms. Almost, but not quite. They are pretty much wonderful assets to use against a guy. Weapons in their own right. I’m quite taken with that phrase though. It’s true. Really. At least with the small caveat of ‘on Earth.’ There’s been some questions as to whether I could actually go toe to toe with my other ‘Father.’ Of course, that’s also why it pays off so well when she says that.

She’s also got a very good point. I am here. So it stands to reason that she’s actually ‘got a shot.’ I should probably not have allowed that to happen. Cassie would tell me that it’s a mistake. She might even take it as my taking something ‘too far,’ when I was thinking it simple flirting. But what Cassie thinks actually matters to me. If she’s the only person that does. Leaving me to pause, if only momentarily, to consider whether what I’m doing here has already crossed a line that Cassie would be hurt about. Now if we’re being honest, I don’t consider it too long. Let’s be real. What Cassie doesn’t know can’t hurt her, which means it can’t hurt me.

“See? That’s what I thought. I should get something out of it. It’s a lot of work. I mean, it’s not to terribly difficult but everyone gets paid for their time. Why not Superman?” At the exact moment when I couldn’t sound more selfish, more like the total opposite of my nick-namesake? “But. The truth is? I am getting something out of it. The effect my work has on people is satisfaction enough.”

That’s the most selfless thing I’ve ever said. I’m pretty sure Cass would be very proud of me if she could hear me. That’s why I also decide not to complete the thought. It’s not a lie. I do get a good deal of satisfaction at how my work displeases my Dad. I love how it pleases Cassie. I’m extremely pleased to stick it to my ‘Bosses’ with bringing Cassie out in to the open with me. Not only does it keep her ‘safe’, because they can’t hit her without hitting me, but it also gives her purpose to a life that she’s been feeling lost within for a while. Everything about being Superman? Has kind of paid off in ways that are fulfilling.

And when you’re a Luthor, who needs more money?

Yes, I am, but that’s not really an answer. I might be Superman, but maybe you’re a Superwoman?” For the first time there’s contact, with me initiating it by putting my hand upon her shoulder. “Look. You might not be able to leap small buildings, race speeding bullets or be stronger than an amtrack, but look in a mirror, Dinah. I mean. For the love of God, look in the mirror. You’re a Rockstar. Do you even know what your powers can do fully? What if you could harness them to turn your songs in to something that transcends music? What if you could sing a song that made soldiers put down their arms? It might not even be something so grand as that, but what if you inspire just one other young girl with a power to do the right thing?”

“Just one. One girl. If you changed just one girl’s life, you’re as much a hero as Wonder Woman or I.”

“Oh. Wow. Gosh, I’m sorry. Whoa. Here you are flirting me up. I’ve got to tell you. My first instinct is to bend you over this fire-escape. But. Instead I’m standing here lecturing you about life-choices and talking to you like I’m some shining beacon of Hope. Heh, it’s the costume you know? Just sort of brings it out of you sometimes. I’d love to hear you sing, Dinah, but I don’t need to come inside to do it. Plus, if I do people are going to start asking questions. Why is -the- Superman here to hear some rube sing? Once people start questioning, they don’t stop till they find answers. Even if they have to manufacture them. If you’re not ready to step out of the shadows with your power, then you definitely don’t need me going inside with you.”

There’s a point in all of this that I’ve gone from gloating, bragging and being the guy I normally am? To recognizing that I’ve begun to sound an awful lot like Her. So I’ve no sooner finished this whole selfless, heroic, uplifting and winding spiel than my hand traverses from her shoulder, up to her jawline to bring her eyes to mine. “When you’re done with your set, if you’d like, I can introduce you to someone that knows how to help people like us with our powers. Alternatively…. well, that fire-escape isn’t going anywhere. Either way. You do know how to get my attention.”

Dinah : You know what? I don’t even have to play pretend to get that look of surprise, confusion and a little bit of shock on my features. I mean. All of this is kind of shocking. No, not the ‘Aspiring Singer in Skimpy Outfit Propositions Superman on Roof’ part. The only thing shocking about that to me is that I’m apparently the first. It’s the fact that I think he’s actually turning me down. I mean, usually that’s my line. I’m not hurt or anything by it, it’s just…weird. Especially put up against a character like what Tim had prepped me for, and what life experience has taught me. All signs pointed to my being able to rather successfully string him along a whole lot longer. I’m also a little surprised I didn’t turn up even slightly in that database, because while it’s not my go to? The Black Canary’s a known entity in Star City, and Gotham, with the power that goes with the name.

Tim must have done something. Tim also either underestimated his friend, or something’s got Conner Luthor on best behavior. Maybe she really does have him by the balls.

But once I’m past the shock of being turned down, there’s the surprise that he apparently is getting fulfillment out of his heroing. And not just from getting to show off. But then, he didn’t say what effect satisfies him, and on whom so he could mean anything. Jealousy from the masses. Adoration that he gets sometimes. However his girl looks at him. Blue eyes flick to the hand on my shoulder, before I’m looking back up at his face again. A soft scoff of laughter when he says maybe I’m a Superwoman. I mean. I am, but not quite that as in the female counterpart of what he’s got going on there. Then I realize he’s doing some sort of heroic, inspirational monologue that sounds much more in line with the last Superman and it’s all I can do to not narrow my eyes at him.

I mean. It’s a great speech. It’s just not at all what I was expecting to hear. So I let him make it, wide eyed and in ‘awe’ like anyone else probably would be. Up until he changes tacks with his apology, and then lewd comment. There we go. Back where I expected to be again… and I laugh, reaching up and giving his cheek an almost tender little pat.

“Aww, well glad to know I haven’t lost it entirely already. I appreciate the vote of confidence, really do. When you’re Superman, Symbol of Hope and VIrile Manliness I’m sure using your powers for good works out really well. I think using whistle powers, even for fun all the time, is probably just going to get me the wrong kind of attention. Unless it’s going to get you to turn up again I mean…”

He’s going to need to work on his pitch. Probably not start with discussions about the meta human database. Especially not with someone who’s very aware from relatives who were involved, and experience with other metas, what happens to meta humans of any real salt. If I really just did have louder than average whistle powers? Eh, I might be okay if I didn’t use them all the time. But maybe things are changing. He’s out in the open. So’s his Wonder Woman. However you slice it though, I don’t actually need any help with my powers. I’ve been honing them longer than this guy’s actually been alive. Maybe even longer than he’s even been a glimmer of a nefarious thought in Lex Luthor’s mind. I have to assume that he’s going to be listening, at least. Which means he’ll be at least partly distracted, and that’s the best I can really do for now.

Short of actually demonstrating what I might be able to do with my powers when I’m really trying. That’d probably be a shorter, more deadly game than this one though. And it’s more like Plan C.

“That I do, big boy. Maybe I’ll be in some distress later that only you can fix.”

Lifting a hand in a jaunty little sloppy salute, I purse my lips to blow a kiss at him, and with a wink make my way towards the roof door. It’s a saunter that might as well have it’s own theme music piped in, trilling ‘thiiiis is whaaaat you’re miiiiisssssiiiinggg….”