by Michele | Nov 21, 2017 | Chronicles
Dinah: At some point, my movie had come to an end. Not really a problem, but it wasn’t one of those ‘new fangled’ DVDs, which meant that when the honest to god tape ran out of the VHS that I’d had literally forever, the whole thing clicked over to what few channels I actually get up here in my apartment. I learned very quickly exactly how fast it takes me to sober up from a bottle of cheap whiskey. The answer is: in the amount of time it takes for the Joker to complete one of his sick, twisted routines. What the #$&* happened? It’s Gotham, so you expect a degree of escalation but….that escalated quickly. The only flippant thought I really have a chance to have is that I’m glad we hadn’t dug into the good liquor that Tim had brought to help me wind down for the night.
“Go. Find your brother, and then point me where to go.”
Tim’s not dressed for this. I’ve at least got my suit here in my apartment, and for once I don’t really have to even boss the kid twice. He’ll be able to find where Damien is, far faster than I could the old fashioned way and time spent suiting up is going to be time in the way of that. Unless he’s got a robot that does it for him, which isn’t really outside the realm of possibility. I feel sick, and I know it’s got nothing to do with the alcohol I’ve had. Probably not the fancy French cookies either. I feel sick for Damien. I feel sick thinking about what Damien is probably out there doing right this second, too.
I’ve had years, and years of practice at high speed costume change, and this time I’m moving faster than most others. Out the door of my apartment, that Tim’s already left through, and down the stairs. I skip the last half flight and vault over the railing, on my bike and back out the door before the thing has even fully opened. Guess we’re not down out here for the night after all, only this time? I’ve got an entirely different sort of problem to tackle. Probably literally. This one’s just going to put up more of a fight than that entire room of mafia had earlier.
“What’s our status?”
Communicator on now, and I’m regretting missing the alerts that had been going earlier. We should have been more ready for something like this, but it was completely outside the pattern. Pattern. Joker. There’s the first problem…
Tim: Finding out what happened with Oliver Queen had taken me ‘Home.’ If by home you were to mean the couch at Dinah Lance’s House. I’ve been staying there since returning to Gotham, because it’s easier than living at Home. The Manor no longer seems like home-sweet-home to me, now that Dick and Barbara moved in. I feel like an intruder in my own Home and nothing seems to cure that. Even Alfred’s crepes are a wash. Dinah’s place is utilitarian. Providing me with a place to sleep and be seen coming to and going from as ‘Timothy Drake.’ With that acceptance of it being my ‘Home,’ for now, also comes certain knowledge that my housemate is hurting. Like all of the extended family, I’ve taken to keeping tabs on them through a network of drones known as Brother Eye. It might be a little big-brother-ish, but the fact is that with Bruce gone? I’m not willing to lose anyone else.
Comforting Dinah? Hah! That’s a misnomer. Showing up with a better booze, lending a comforting ear and offering her very detailed, intimate plans for extracting her friend. Not to mention making certain of the culprits paying for it? That was how you comfort Dinah Lance. Well, that and a half eaten box of macaroons, along with the entire bottle of terrible whiskey. Lucky for me, I keep some detox pills in my utility belt to mute the effects of such things. Otherwise I’d be under the couch, instead of on top of it when the V.H.S. player rolls over and the news plays. ( Honestly, this might be the first time we’ve ever been lucky Dinah wouldn’t let me upgrade her to free-cable. )
“On it,” is my response to Dinah before she’s even off the couch herself. “My gear comes with me.”
She was barely back in to the Costume she’d been wearing for a certain amount of Mafia beating by the point that I’ve turned her coffee table in to a make-shift desk. Pulling things from my backback, connecting them to the breastplate of my uniform. Streaming data through the Wayne Enterprises satellites and down in to the portable dish that is erecting itself on the floor next to the couch. Furious typing is Dinah’s only answer to the parting ‘Stay safe,’ that we exchange before she’s off in to the night. Leaving me to work, all the more furiously on lines to our target.
“He’s disabled the tracking software in his uniform, same with the Red Hood helmet. Jesus. He’s even disabled the redundancy… and the redundancy’s redundancy. Standby,” it isn’t often that someone put the Black Canary ‘on hold’ but I need a moment to tap in the Nest’s server. Watch the last few moments before Damien left. Stephanie was still there. Good, I was worried she’d try to keep an eye on him. “Okay. Hold on. Drones had him, but… someone’s attacking them! Oh. Shitfuckballs. The League is already here. Er. There. Everywhere, I mean. They’re disabling the Drones.”
“I need a minute, he stole the prototype bike I was working on for you. Damnit, he disabled that tracker too. Boy. He’s really good at breaking my things. It’s a little disheartening. Still working. I’m triangulating the direction of the destroyed drones, in correlation to the fourth redundancy tracking system in the Canary-Cycle. I know, I know. But I’ve already lost one partner this year, call me a little paranoid about losing another one. Let’s focus on how lucky I am that I put four layers of tracking systems in to a bike, without you noticing the hardware shall we?”
“Okay. Got him. Sending you the coordinates,” there’s another hitch, a pause, then a low, low whistle. “This is strange. Someone has been monitoring my work… Canary, you need to hurry. Someone’s tapped in to my secure servers for the Nest. They know where Damien is too.”
Dinah: Should have known, really. Because I know Tim Drake-Wayne, and because I’ve seen it in action enough times. Guy’s more prepared than a whole jamboree of boy scouts on a bad day, and borderline precognizant on a good one. Today’s not really a good day. My bike’s taking me through the alleyway and out onto the street. Without a definitely direction to go, I start first in the direction of the Nest, because that’s where Damien had been. There’s this helpless feeling of spinning my wheels as I wait for a destination. I don’t like being dependent upon technology of any sort, because if it fails or you don’t have it with you, you’re lost. Good ol’ fashioned groundwork is more my style, but even I’ve gotten used to drones. And while there’s signs of a set of tires peeling out of the chute that we use for small vehicle/personal entry to Red Robin’s personal hideout?
Once they hit a certain point, I can’t really follow them. You can no longer tell which way they went, and I’m left one more with just a general direction in which to head.
“I had no idea he was such a tech wizard. That’s really inconvenient.”
All those boys are going to be, to a degree. They were trained by their father, after all, but finding all the work arounds and disabling them? I’m not used to hearing my friend and partner stymied. He gets to hear me do something that they’re all very used to though. Swearing. A literal colorful parade of foul diatribe when he says the League’s ‘already’ here.
“They were probably already here. And now Joker’s kicked the damn hornet’s nest.”
They must have been. It only makes sense. If Talia al Ghul was here to be nabbed in the first place, she was surely not alone. What were they doing? Probably the same thing we are, especially with Ra’s advice to Bruce before his murder that he would be best served by running. Whether they were digging on their own, or waiting for those of us left to fall? I couldn’t really say.
“I’ll bitch at you about it tomorrow. Tonight we’ve got bigger worries.”
I can still mentally grouse for a half second about how many times I’d told him to keep his hands off my bike. Bikes. I could admire his, but I still prefer mine. There’s the audible sound of brakes and tires complaining about the speed with which I’ve stopped, wheeled around, and then kicked back into gear again to head in a different direction, because my heading had been off.
“Not far. Three minutes tops.”
Someone’s already tapped into Tim’s stuff? Again, not something you hear him say terrible often, and I lean lower to my handlebars as I roar through another alley.
“What are the chances that someone is Penny-One or our newest Batman?”
Or the person who broke into the real Batcave, as Dick had told me earlier today. Jesus that feels like a long time ago. The someone that could maybe be a Ghost, and was the only simple explanation at all. My arrival is probably easy enough for him to discern. Between damn trackers, and the noise of my bike cutting off. I only get part way into the building before my boots skid to a halt. And skid they do, because the floor is blood soaked. Death? Is a feeling as much as it’s a smell or a site, and I almost audibly grind my teeth.
“Not in here. They’ve moved on or…”
Then I hear the scream. Up in the air getting higher and thinner, changing in pitch as the distance grows and grows. I get back outside the door in enough time to watch in momentary confusion, before the screaming stops with a spectacular, firey bang. The trajectory? Started from near here. The bodies are still warm. They’re here, or were a minute ago.
“Hood! I know you’re up there.”
I don’t chase him up to the roof. I’m not stupid. I just back my way out of the building, to where I’ve got another wall at my back, and a better view if they choose to simply ninja-run off the roof to somewhere else.
Damien: Damien was ready to jump when he heard the familiar voice from the other side of building. ”Stay here.” telling his group of League of Shadow Ninjas. Walking to the other side of the roof, he stops at the edge of the roof, then takes a step back, knowing full well what Dinah’s capabilities are.
Storm clouds start to converge overhead, with a strike of thunder, and a flash of lightning. Looking at her just over the edge, he yells down to her. “Do not stop me, Canary. I do not wish to hurt you. I assume you know what is going on. Tell Red Robin to stay where he is. And you as well.” but he knows Dinah, she’s not going to stop. Her method of tough love was literal. Turning around, he steps away fully from the edge and starts running towards the other side of the roof.
”Come. We are heading to the Iceburg Lounge.”
Dick: Red Robin was fast at work, already, tracking down the leak in his system. Checking, then re-checking to see who had accessed his ‘Private Server’ and how had they done it? Only a few possibilities presented themselves immediately. One of those scared the absolute crap out of Tim to even consider. He worked furiously for long enough that Canary was able to clear the building. She’d managed to find Damien, even engage him before she once again had a blurting of sound from her commlink.
“Canary, I’ve got a lock on who got in to my system, I think. It looks like Bruce left a backdoor in to my mainframe. So that he and Alfred. Ugh. I swear to god, if Bruce was alive I’d kill him. It’s actually called ‘Baby Monitor Protocols.’ I think you’ve got company inbo-..”
Though the sky has darkened and the storm is playing dramatically across the sky. It is perhaps only giving further cover to the moon, which blots out the sight of the sleek, black super-sonic craft. The crescent shape of the wings seem to give highlight to the canopy. Which isn’t normally open, as it is right now. In this case it’s open, because the passenger has already evacuated. Cape unfurled, giving a wide angle to the approach. Even as the Bat-shaped shadow descends toward Damien his hands unload a payload plasti-gel grenades at the feet of the League of Shadows.
“I’m not here to fight them,” landing in a perch at the edge of the building in full sight of Dinah Lance below. One by one those grenades explode, spraying the Ninja with high-tensil gelatin which will solidify almost instantly, to trap them in place. “But you’re not going down this path, Damien.”
Damien: Turning to look at Batman. Too tall to be Tim, must be Dick. Damien doesn’t even respond to the ninjas being enveloped in the gelatin. Slowly turning around, he stares at Dick through the helmet. Unstrapping it, he pulls it off as rain starts sprinkling down for a few minutes, then it starts absolutely pouring down.
“No. It needs to end. This all needs to end, Richard. Penguin has information on why my mother was at his lounge. And with the Joker giving his deadline, we do not have time to dawdle. You are either with me, or you are against me, Richard. And I hope for your sake, that you are with me.” telling him, hoping that by Dick seeing his face, Dick lets him go.
“The choice is yours, my brother. I do not wish to fight. But, I am in no mood to dawdle anymore.”
Dinah: Well, that’s definitely ominous and it’s hard to say if that’s just Gotham being helpfully thematic, or if somehow Damien’s mood has reached levels that allow weather manipulation. Mind. I understand. I really do. If I’d had the opportunity to save the life of either one of my parents, I would probably have been going berserk through the city as well. But I lost most of my family to the bitch that is life, and my father was murdered before I entered this life. He’s why I did. But I didn’t know it was going to happen. We just found out with a knock on the door. My chest hurts for Damien, but… that’s also why I’m not about to do what he says. We spoke to him about this line before. He’s already over it. And no matter how bad he hurts or how justified someone might say he is? This can’t stand.
He’s smart to back off, but the truth is if I wanted to scream him off that roof? I could do it whether I can see him or not.
“Well, that’s insulting.”
Whether that’s to Red Robin over the comms, or Damien himself is iffy. It works for both. The company inbound I have to assume is going to be whomever got in through his …whateverwalls. Which means I’m tensing for either potential. Fortunately? It’s the friendly sort, at least friendly to me. Usually. Unless you count what he did this afternoon with his damn escrima sticks. Batplane, at 3’clo…
“Company’s here.”
I take the opportunity of Dick up on the roof already and engaged, to turn around and run. Not away, but around. Finding my way to the other side of the building, before I launch and kick myself off one wall, twisting and grabbing hold of a railing on the other side to make my way up and head off any fleeing attempts. Ninjas or Damien but frankly…I only care about one of the two. The other’s are just worries by necessity.
Dick: “You’re right, Damien. It needs to end,” rising to my full height in order to let the storm frame the Batman, instead of Dick Grayson. “This can’t continue. What have you done?”
Down from the roof’s ledge, to the gravelly substance lining the roof. There’s simply no doubt about this. I’m not here as Nightwing. This isn’t some Halloween Costume Party, where I’ve come half-naked for entertainment value. My voice lends itself to seriousness, because this is just about as serious as I’ve ever been.
“Stop it. Stop the condescending. Stop the passive-aggressive, ‘I do not wish to fight’ garbage. Who do you think you’re talking to? I’ve been here. Right here, where you are right now Damien. Except I’ve been here twice. I’ve lost my parents twice. So I’m not going to stand here and lecture you about right and wrong. Because you damned well know the difference. Our Father showed you the difference.”
All of this talking, brings me closer to the other Man. My brother. The true son of the Bat, Heir to the Cowl. “No. I’m not going to lecture you. I’m going to play your game, Damien. I’m going to call your bluff. Go on. Walk away. Let your Anger keep controlling you. Go find the Penguin. Beat answers out of him. Because that’s a lot of time you can waste, Junior. Of course, you’d know that. If you stopped letting the emotions rule you.”
“Have you even asked them?” Gesturing a single gloved hand at the trapped Ninja. “Did you even think to ask the League of Shadows members you’ve been commanding, why their Leader’s Daughter was at the Iceberg Lounge? Or why -they- are here in Gotham? You think they have a super-sonic Troop Carrier in Nanda Parbat?”
That other hand reaches up and gently thumps the ‘Red Hood’ helmet that he’s taken off. “You’re not thinking, you’re feeling. Which way gets your Mother back faster, Robin?”
Over the comlink in Black Canary’s ear comes a hushed little voice. “ I’ve been running a triple diagnostic on my firewall. Something isn’t right. Alfred wasn’t the only one monitoring my systems.”
Dinah: It doesn’t take me long to get up to the rooftop, though it’s still longer than I might have really liked. Grappling hooks are a bat-thing, not a Canary thing. At least in ‘standard issue gear,’ though I know how to use one well enough. I can catch snatches of conversation, or argument perhaps, on the wind. The inevitable declaration that someone doesn’t want to fight, the answer that comes back to it, the rain starting to kick up in earnest and really, truly provide mood lighting and atmosphere that we really don’t need right now. We all can provide our own angst and noir, thanks very much. Still. When I get up there, the situation isn’t nearly as bad as it could have been.
For one, Damien’s taken off his helmet. Not immediately gone to attack Batman. I’m not entirely sure I agree with the challenge that’s being laid down because I know how I would have taken it, if this were me six or seven years ago. And that was before I’d even lost everything. I still had my grandfather, but I would have probably walked away and made a poor choice. I could pretend like the Shadows were responsible for everything that I just saw downstairs? But I’m not an optimistic idiot, no matter what my taste in movies might say to you.
“The Bat makes a great point. And I say that as someone who’s not real happy with him right now. They got here awful fast. Were you guys already having a Gotham family reunion, and they just happened to forget to invite you? I’d like to know how they beat those of us that live here to the scene, personally…”
Swinging my arms back and forth like I’m warming up my shoulder joints and getting ready to do some physical ‘asking’ of my own, of the good and stuck ninjas. I don’t, though, and there’s only one reason that I don’t. Damien. Not because I think he’d stop me, but because these should be his questions to get answered. And because I’m listening to the little Redbird chirping in my ear. Firewall. Right. That’s what it’s called. Alfred patched in and likely sent Dick here. So who else was in there? The mystery man from the Cave or something else? It leaves me shifting my stance. No longer facing Damien’s back, but twisting to the side, trying to get an opposite view of what either of the Wayne boys has. Is something coming..?
Damien: Looking at them both, and listening to Richard. Damien looks to the ninjas by his side, then back to Richard, shifting his gaze to Dinah as she speaks. They all have a point here. Grinding his teeth together, he steps up to Richard. Almost as if sizing him up, looking him dead in the eye. There’s a whirlwind of emotion in Damien’s eyes as he tries to figure out the best path for all of this. Damien isn’t aware there *was* an intruder into the Batcave, but for now, he didn’t care.
“The soldiers would know nothing. They are only taking orders. And they only take orders from very few. Me, My mother….” trailing off as he steps away from Dick, looking out over the city. Seeing various dark dots jumping through the city.
“And my Grandfather. Ra’s Al Ghul.” taking a deep breath.
“He’s here.” staring out over the city, rain pouring down over all of them.
“I will come with you. I will do it your way. But, Once I confront Joker? I cannot allow him to live. I do not care what you say. I will do what our father could never do. I will make sure Joker, and his band of misfits, no longer walk this Earth. Do you hear me?”
After that?
Damien may cut ties and leave. It wasn’t that didn’t feel like he belonged. Maybe it was that this city just had too much memories, to much emotion.
“I will kill The Joker.”
Dick: Do the grunts know why Talia was here? Doubtful. What they likely do know is where to meet up with the senior leadership of whichever Leader is here in Gotham. Whether that be Rhas or Talia, or whomever would take Talia’s place should something happen. The League has a hierarchy, I know because I’ve worked with them before. Before I even knew Damien existed, in fact. That doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll get immediate answers out of them. It it is however a start.
“Your Grandfather was here, I’m not sure he still is. He was here to talk with your Father, before he was killed. I just told Canary about it earlier, I came to talk with Tim, then I was going to hunt you down to tell you, but there was a crisis in Metropolis.” I’m not discussing, at least not yet, why I’m the one wearing the suit. This isn’t the right place to talk about Tim asking me to take it, before he got himself killed. Nor is it the place to talk about what we’ve found out about Bruce. There are too many eyes. “Just because you’re thinking with your heart, doesn’t mean you weren’t on -a- trail. Canary can follow the Penguin lead. We’ll meet with your Grandfather.”
“Oh and Damien. There was never a question of whether your Father could kill the Joker, so much as if he would do it. There’s a question about whether you should do something, just because you can and the answer isn’t always ‘Yes.’ It’s especially not the answer, when it involves taking someone’s life.”
Reaching out to put my hand on Damien’s shoulder, I want to give him a hug but there just seems like something wrong about doing that in front of these League of Shadow goons. Which reminds me. “I can’t have these guys running around the City. My City. I’ve signaled the Commission to send the Special Crimes division over to pick them up.”
“Canary, can you escort Damien back to Robin’s Nest? I’ll stay to insure GCPD doesn’t have a pro–…” Just as I’m giving out ‘marching orders,’ something changes. There’s a shrill whine in the background, that has nothing to do with the rain and storm all around us. I’ve heard that sound before and it has me grabbing Damien, to bring him with me off the side of the building.
Even as I’m reacting, Dinah’s changed her footing. She can see the steady hovering Bat-Wing, as it suddenly veers. Then accelerates. At the roof we’re all standing on. It’s twin jet engines going in to full thrust. In her ear, a little bird chirps once more. “…Dinah, someone’s jacking in to the Batcave’s mainframe now… they’re locking Alfred out of… sweet baby jebus…. get the &^%$ out of there…”
Dinah: “Ra’s is here? Well, today just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it? I hope Batman’s right and he’s not any more.”
Because even if in the loosest definition of the words he might be working on the same side as us? He’s still Ra’s al Ghul. I don’t even like that Talia is in town, or any of the rest of them. If anything, I think it enables Damien to give in to that side, and if they weren’t here in the first place? I highly doubt that Joker would have gotten his hands on her to begin with. Averting everything that is happening right this second. He would have found another target, but maybe it wouldn’t have been so personal of one.
“You continue to make the same thinking error. Over and over. It nothing to do with ‘could’ or ‘could not.'”
He could have ended Joker’s life at any point. I could have. We are not god, or judge and jury, to decide who lives and who dies. And you do that? You’re no better than he is. I held my father’s killer’s life in my hands once. Literally, throat in my hands, a far more painful death than what my father suffered. Damien’s killed. The more he does it? The easier it gets, the less he’s going to remember the other way he was shown. Those are all things I want to say to him but. Not here. And not while I’ve got an itchy paranoia creeping up my spine.
“Cobblepot does like Birds. I’ll make sure he’s doing the singing, though.”
I’m not going to just let this go. No. Not what Damien’s doing. What’s happening to someone important to Damien. His mother, no matter what else she might be. If for no other reason than her life might be worth keeping him from losing himself further. Maybe I can actually have this discussion with him, much as I hate opening up on principle, on the way to the Nest. Then there’s sound. That whine in the air, and Dick moving and taking Damien before I even really get moving.
“Go! Something’s hacked the Cave!”
I’m sure I can be heard. I’m not quiet, even when my voice isn’t vibrating with sonic force I can make it carry. It’s carrying as I throw myself off that edge that I arrived over. Sprinting and diving, in a way that’s probably going to hurt but not nearly as much as getting crusehd by the Batplane.
by Michele | Nov 13, 2017 | Chronicles
Dinah: Tonight was apparently Mama Bird’s night out of the nest. Never something I’m terribly inclined to argue with, especially because my prolonged benching was starting to make me a little stir crazy. I know. I’m not really sitting out, I just have a different purpose to serve at the moment, one that I’m better equipped and suited to than any of the rest of them. I know almost a dozen different fight forms and types, though my preference is mainly to use one or two of them sprinkled in with a couple others. I’ve been doing this since about the time I learned my alphabet. The English one, that is. Another one or two came later. This is how I’m best helping my family at the moment. But there’s nights when my pupils aren’t in, and those are the ones I get the itch.
Tonight I’d been more or less sent to go find someone to take some frustration out on. It’s exactly what I’m doing, too. I think there was an expectation of a very angry rage monster being unleashed after the DickMove that Dick pulled. He said he wanted to teach me something, like it wasn’t a tactic I was well and truly familiar with. That people cheat. That your opponent is going to play dirty, and not follow the rules. That’s why they’re the bad guys. Unless he was trying to teach me that you shouldn’t trust your own family to behave themselves this wasn’t really anything new. Was I happy that the asshole had tasered me mid-sparring conversation? Nope. Of course not.
Dick’s just opened up a door that I fully intend to make him sorry he remembered existed before I let it be closed again. That’s all. What’s fair is fair, right?
I’m not sure that the Ibanescus fully agree with the sentiment right now. What did they ever do to deserve what’s happening to them right now? Other than peddling in innocent flesh, that is. It could have been worse. I could have caught them kicking puppies tonight, or using them for bait for a dog fight. I’m not a great fan of anyone that picks on someone who can’t defend themselves. And they’ve been stepping up again, getting a little braver after the Joker and Red Hood made such a show of what they did to the Irish. In a way, they should be thankful it was my attention that they caught.
One of them mistook me for one of the prostitutes they were rounding up to badger, started getting a little mouthy. A little more aggressive when I didn’t cower like he was used to. Wrong tree to be barking up on a good day, because I don’t do cowed and meek then and I definitely won’t do it when my mean streak is showing. One of his ‘cohorts’ recognized the mistake, because he recognized me, and started to try to warn the rest of them. The stiff fingered strike into his windpipe cuts his words off with an ugly gurgle, made all the more forceful when I grab the arm that was stretched out to grab me and yank him into my oncoming attack.
Throwing my shoulder back like I’m preparing to wind up and do it again, I pivot around on the ball of my foot. The angle of the knife coming down at my shoulder I could have ignored. My jacket would have more than blunted it, but that’s not a risk you take when you’re fresh and don’t have to. So we start the dance. A fluid elbow into the guts, ducking with the force so that when he crumples over my back, I can just simply throw the guy. He’s barely finished rolling into a groaning pile on the ground in front of me before I turn him into my glorified doormat/springboard to meet the next thug.
He’s brought a bat. That’s cute. He hasn’t started swinging fast enough, to offset how hard I’m about to hit him as I tuck in the air, arriving elbows and knees first into his torso.
Conner: Today has been a mixture of awesome and suck. Guess which one has me arriving in Gotham City? You got it. The suck. I went all the way to France on a fake quest for Macaroons, because Cassie asked. I know why she asked, she needed me to not worry about what she was doing while I would be gone. I’m pretty sure she also needs some time to get whatever she’s doing completed before I come home. So one lay-over in Coast City, added to a brief detour in to the one place in the world where I’ve been told never to go? [ Don’t look at me like that, I’m a grown ass Clone. I go where I want. Sort of. ]
What I hadn’t counted on? Was zeroing in on ‘Dinah Laurel Lance’ and finding … this. When I got here, I’d had to do a high level pass of the City to find the heart beat I was looking for. What I was expecting? Was to find her at one of the clubs in Gotham. What I found? Was a very high level heart rate that made me pause before seeking her out. I mean. She could have been doing something naughty. One has to imagine that a hot piece of ass like Dinah isn’t going to be spending her nights solo all the time. I’d been -this- close to turning and flying on my way back to Metropolis too. I’ve been exceptionally good today since Mr. Holier than Thou Solomon-boy spoke to me like a learned Sage. I’ve made progress. Good progress. Even made a friend. I’m just not there yet. So I looked. No, I mean looked. My disappointment was audible through most of the City, I’m sure.
Groan. Really?
How long have I been there? Probably five minutes. Give or take a straight jab to the esophagus. Arms folded. Cape swirling. This would probably be stealthier, if not for the red glow that surrounds me. Bathing the ‘fight scene’ in an amber sense of displeasure and judgement. Yeah. That’s right. I’ve probably never been more ‘Superman’ than right this second.
Dinah: He’s been there three minutes and fifteen seconds. Give or take ten to twenty seconds. When you’re used to a surprise entrance by the likes of Batman? This guy’s about as subtle as a rock through a plate glass window. Or a mobster through one, which is much more likely to be the case tonight. Your eyes track the action in your peripheral, keeping you aware of incoming threats. When one comes in from a completely unexpected angle? You’re going to see it. Even if they’re not covered in red light. I’ve started to almost automatically pick up on Red Ro…Batman’s drones at this point, and Superman is a hell of a lot bigger than a drone.
What was I supposed to do? Drop what I was doing because he decided to show up for a visit? No one else is. Well. Not true. I’d rolled away from Baseball Bat mobster, after bowling him over, with his bat tucked in against my chest. Mine now, smuck. Rule number six of combat. Don’t bring a weapon if you can’t keep it away from your opponent, or are prepared to have it used against you. A love tap is delivered to the top of the downed man’s skull, to make sure he stays down. The second person to notice Superman is standing there gawking, after coming around the corner to join the fray. Too easy.
You get the angle and height right and you can throw nearly anything like a tomahawk. Including baseball bats. He’ll probably assume Superman hit him in the morning. Guess that’ll be a good story to tell in lock-up. Or the hospital. I think I shattered his nose. I wonder if he’s intending to interrupt. Or if he just really expects me to stop and pay attention to him. I hope neither, because I’m not stopping. Not until I’m good and done.
“Heeey, Red Leader. I don’t know if you’re home or out, but were you, or were you not, aware that we’ve got a visitor in town?”
Conversational, almost sing-songy and it feels good to talk while I’m fighting. These idiots are giving me less than nothing to work with. Which is a shame. Physical exercise it is, then, instead of mental. The truth is, there isn’t nearly enough of them to actually challenge me. Even without Superman throwing them off. No resistance to my closing with the next one, the punch that comes much too slow gets knocked off track with a stiff armed shove into his shoulder, followed up by a bootheel into the knee with a crunch that should disturb me. It really doesn’t. They fall. One after another, a dance of bodies that is more thrilling when your opponents are good but I seem to have gotten the B squad tonight. Ah well. Nights still young.
I’m left with a fist full of greasy hair in my glove, with the head still attached when I finally noticeably turn any attention to the man in the sky. Yes, the head is still attached to the body, and it’s groaning from the knee that mercilessly met scrotum. Oh. Wait. He’s gonna hurl. I abruptly let go, and practically prance back a step to get clear of any splash zone.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to come to Gotham, honey? To what do we owe the pleasure?”
Conner: “Turns out that Batman doesn’t want me in Gotham, not Wonder Woman. Big difference. I actually give a damn about what she wants.”
Despite what I’ve just said, I haven’t actually stepped foot on Gotham soil yet. Nor have I taken even an ounce of actual action here. For quite some time now I’ve been floating there. Watching the Symphony of Destruction that is Dinah Lance. Mild mannered Singer-Songer-Writer. Color me both impressed and a little displeased to see the skill with which she’s dispatching guy after guy. Are these people members of a local crime syndicate? I know just enough about law enforcement to spot all the tell-tale signs of criminal element. Their efforts at attacking her. The implements they bring to the fight. One by one she takes them down.
No. That isn’t true. Sometimes she takes two, even three, of them at once. “Your heart rate indicates boredom, but your blood pressure and muscle tension suggest that you’re angry. I’m not an expert on these things, but it would seem that these people aren’t the actual focal point of your ire. They’re just in the wrong place at the right time.”
Red Leader? One brow has cocked a little bit higher than the other. I can see the comm unit, hear the radio signal. I just don’t bother telling her these things. After all, it’s pretty obvious that I’m not the only one keeping secrets. I don’t get it. Why does everyone do that? Hrmph. I think it bothers me more right now, than it even did with Cassie, because I thought Dinah and I had a very good talk. She didn’t -need- to keep all of this from me. Even if my logical mind acknowledges that she also had no reason to tell me any more than she did.
“There are five men with automatic rifles waiting for you in the next room,” part of me wanted to see how she’d handle that, but slightly smaller part didn’t want to see Dinah shot full of holes before she had a chance to answer me. “Do you want me to…?”
Dinah: “Oh, did he say that?”
It could be debated, as far as whether or not he’s in Gotham right now. Depends on whether you think you can buy air rights, or if only touching something attached to the soil counts as being ‘in’ a place. I’d lean on the side of, you’re within the map borders of a place? You’re in it. Maybe until you get up to the clouds. Admittedly, even though I’ve got my own powers, I don’t tend to factor flight into decisions like seems to be more necessary nowadays. Times. They are a changing.
“There needed to be at least four more of them with a moderate degree of skill, or a firearm to make this a challenge.”
I’m not really exaggerating, here. All melee weapons, or no weapons, means that your tactics are based solely on proximity for a threat. Firearms and the like mean you have to worry a lot more about who is where. Not to say that I’m letting myself be sloppy, sloppy can get you dead even with the B Squad. It just requires next to no thought for me in a situation like this. Cocking my head at Superman, one eye goes a hair squinty as I look at the expression on his face, like I’m sizing up the exact reason for that. Then it cocks the other way for a moment, during a break in the hurling from the man on his knees in front of me.
“They’re the job, Supes. Not the reason I’m mad. Other…” A hop forward on one foot, brings the other swinging up for a blow to the exposed chin. I was nice, at least, to send him away from his own pool of vomit. “…than the fact that people preying on anyone because they think they’re more powerful, or entitled, always makes me mad.”
He’s not wrong though, I suppose. I’m wound up like a spring, and I needed an outlet. I think Tim knew as much, and that’s why I’m out here by ‘request’ and not being left to my own thumb twiddling somewhere else. Yes. I noticed. I don’t actually care whether or not he hears what I said, or picked up that I was speaking to someone over a comm. I’d think it was probably obvious. It’s also about the only piece of tech they can ever get me to wear, because I see and know the value in field communications. They may already be out of the ‘cave,’ though. Hands on hips, I suck in a deep breath, and then let it out. Just a sigh. A moment of collecting myself in the lull.
“Only five?” Ah, yes. X-Ray vision. One hand leaves my hip, held up in the universal ‘hold on just a damn minute’ gesture. “If you’ll excuse me for a minute, Mr. Superman…”
How I handle it? I don’t go in the damn door that’s waiting right there with five guys and guns trained at it. Nor do I ask someone to handle it for me, whether they could probably do so in an instant or not. And not just because we don’t need tales of Superman thrashing mafia shmucks running around. The front door doesn’t have any glass in it any longer, so I just go out through the frame, scooping up the baseball bat I’d used earlier on the way, along with the remnants of a chair leg. Reach isn’t required, but it damn sure helps. There’s another door to this place. Don’t need x-ray vision to know that. One that’s frequently left ajar to facilitate quick entry and exit for goods and ‘victims.’ No, I didn’t snoop (though I did verify), I just asked.
By the time they hear me coming, I’m on them. Bruce and the Robins weren’t the only ones who learned to move silently when needed. The chair leg is more distraction than weapon. Throw full force at the door I’d just come in through, wheels them around. A scared trigger finger is even worse than an itchy one. The first spray of bullets brings another, in the wrong direction and covers up the sounds I do make as I start to pick them off from the end down. Fists. Bat. Knees. Rifle stock, when I yank one from a hand, and then send it right back up into a nose. This is better. A more satisfying rhythm, that doesn’t last nearly as long as they lead you to believe in the movies that it would.
Only someone stupid and careless lets a fight drag on. Or maybe if you’re proving a point. The longer this went, the more likely I was to get hurt. Or someone else. By the time I push through that door he’d warned me about, I’m rolling my shoulders like they’re finally now loose.
“Thanks for the tip, big guy.”
Clearly the saucy grin and the winking weren’t only the purview of Dinah Lance pretending to be a sultry frontlady.
“Now. Are you going to share the reason for your grumpy face, or are we just going to talk about me?”
Conner: “He did. He asked Wonder Woman to keep me out of the City.” There’s a definitive nod of the head which suggests that’s exactly what happened, because Cassie said so. If I were going to say anything more? I would have to wait for Dinah to finish with what she’s doing.
And I do just that. Wait. Right where I’m at. The grumbling, groaning, mafia types on the floor all around? Well they’re getting to see me working with one of the compartments on the suit. Normally there’s an iPod stored there for various flavors of mood. A little Rob Zombie when it’s time to fight. A little something saucier for when it’s naughty times with a certain Cheerleader. Right now though, I’m running through the list of songs that I’d given to Kyle. Dinah’s greatest hits, which seem to be lacking due to a missing sort of Bruce Lee montage song. Oh, well. She’s being given a theme song of her very own right now: Battle Born, Five Finger Death Punch.
No, it’s not like Rocky Balboa’s theme song but that’s not what this all feels like. This is something else. I’m not even sure these ‘Bad Guys’ realize they have no chance at all. They sure seem to put up the effort, but maybe it’s their part in going through the motions? I’m not sure. All I know is that there is a certainty to this, that is playing out like some sort of preordained judgment from on high. Even with me playing the part of studious witness, as opposed to being part of the combat. Though, that’s a large part of the bit that is what makes it scary. Dinah is doing this with out being much more than working out.
“Sure, not a problem,” because it wasn’t, I actually wanted to see how she’d handle it. “You’re not using your ability, I had assumed that was just out of respect to this being Gotham, but… you don’t need it. That’s part of how you’ve stayed off the Radar, isn’t it?”
Good question, Dinah. Why am I here? Well, my girlfriend ran off to handle something without me. Something that she probably needs my help with, but can’t risk it because she knows how closely Nowhere monitors me. Which probably wouldn’t be a problem for whatever it is she’s dealing with, but definitely a problem for the people she’s helping. So here I am, trying to do anything but look towards Metropolis. Because if Cassie needed me, she knows how to signal me. So how do I answer that question without being dishonest.
“Well. I had these macaroons and I thought to myself; ‘Self, do I know anyone who would like some of these Macaroons while they’re still fresh?’ Hard to believe, I know, but I thought about you. Don’t let it go to your head, Fishnets. Wonder Woman’s busy.” The first time I’ve moved from the spot that I’ve occupied, is when I draw in closer to the ground where Dinah’s been cleaning house. “It’s been a busy week. I’ve met a guy who was imbued with the blessings of some gods. Had a chit-chat with a Green Lantern, gave him your CD by the way.”
“So. I know a really nice place to eat Macaroons and drink Whiskey, but there’s a lot less people to bludgeon with your fists. I know, tough choice. Interested? Or should I point you towards some more people you can beat senseless? I mean, I’m actually pretty open to both options.”
Dinah: “Huh.”
I mean, it makes sense. I’m not sure that Wonder Woman would have come up with that plan on her own, or really had much of a reason to. When the last Superman was around, I’m not sure that he ever had much of a call to pay us a visit, and that was with a lot more active mayhem going on. Gotham’s been downright sleepy in comparison to the city we know, love, and hate all at the same time around here. She’s a PMSy bitch. Which means he’s probably here to see me, though there’s the possibility it’s just because someone said he shouldn’t. No. Couldn’t. Not words that I imagine ever play out well with this guy. Back in the room where we began this little conversation again, my eyes flick over the collection of unconscious or unable to move men. Just to be sure.
Of all the things I thought he might have to say about what he just watched, I guess that wasn’t what I was expecting and I let out a short, surprised laugh before I shake my head.
“I didn’t need to, I usually don’t. I suppose it might be. Not trying to be evasive, I just hadn’t really thought about it that way. It’s been a long time since I went full volume.” Implying that what he’d experienced was not the upper limit of what I can actually do. “Too much collateral damage. Too flashy.”
Yes, I’ve made myself smirk, and I do actually look down at my chest, or more appropriately what my corset-like uniform does to it, and what the entire ensemble actually exposes. Then I shrug, like ‘ah well, what are you going to do?’ But I’m probably the least gimmick or technologically flashy person in the city. I don’t usually bring weapons, though I’m able to use them, I don’t cart out millions of dollars in tech that makes me enhances like I was a meta. I’m the only meta in the crew, and I happen to also be the most honestly bare knuckled fighter in the city.
The million dollar question though, is why is he here. We’ve cycled back to me, but is this just checking up or is this something else? My eyebrow lifts slowly at the mention of macarons. You might not think someone with a training regimen like me would like that kind of thing but, boy. Do I. Almost as much as I like to drink, though I don’t think he had any real way of knowing about the training. Or the tastes. So he had them and something fell through, or he just assumes that works on all the ladies. He’s probably not actually wrong. The eyebrow just keeps on climbing as he relates his week, and his new acquaintances.
“…well, that makes me sound downright boring in comparison. I’m not sure if my ego can take that. Really taking this manager thing you wanted to do seriously, huh?”
There’s another shake of my head, as I turn my back on him to survey the carnage I caused once again. That’s a message in and of itself, isn’t it? I’m pretty aware that if he wanted to put me down, he could make a pretty good shot at it whether I’m facing him or not. Or maybe it could be some sort of show of a start of trust. Whichever works better in the moment.
“This was about making a point, and I made my point. So either they’re going to cut back on roughing up the ladies in the area, or they’re going to be more subtle about it. But. Whiskey. That’s a magic word. A really, nice place? I know a hole in the wall where we could do that and also maybe give me people to punch, but that’s my place, and that’d be awful forward of me. I mean. It is only our second date. But I’m not picky about where I have liquor and cookies.”
I’m teasing. Obviously. Except not about the liquor and cookies.
Conner: “Oh, come on. You knew the Bat didn’t want me in Gotham, didn’t you? It doesn’t even bother me. I’m starting to catch on that I’m literally the last person to know a lot of this stuff.”
Which goes hand-in-hand with some things I’ve just learned about Dinah Lance. She isn’t just some nameless singer, who could have been more but chose not to be. This woman is a certified Bad Ass and I happen to know a couple of Bad Asses. Capital B, Capital A. The girls at the Project are nothing to be sneezed at, yet I’m getting a distinct feeling that without powers? They might not last more than a few rounds with this ‘No Name, Singer.’ How blind have I been? How in the dark have I been kept, because of who I am and what I’m working with?
Too much collateral damage, I can relate too, but the bit about flashy? That’s something I’m not sure about. I mean, I came out as Superman, alongside Cassie as Wonder Woman, intentionally to make a splash. Our uniforms are meant to be flashy, to catch attention and make us media darlings. Mine is patterned off of the original Superman, with distinct differences that I hope set me apart. While her’s is meant to capture the eyes, much like Dinah’s. Just in a little bit more of a tasteful, but empowering way that young women across the world could idolize. Yeah, no joke. I put the Luthor side of my genes to work with our ‘arrival.’ Targeting the Social Media demographic specifically. Flashy isn’t a bad thing.
“You are clearly not exactly who you presented yourself to be, Dinah, but I am. I want to give you a bigger stage. Because there are other ways to be a Hero than…” Arms opening wide to encompass all of the carnage we’re surrounded by. “… do you have any idea how many people would buy your music, to hear your message? You just throttled these guys to save what? A handful of ladies in the area. You could empower more …”
“Honestly, I didn’t come here to try to rehash,” finally lowering down so that I’m hovering just a couple inches above the ground, with a hand offered out to Dinah in invitation for her to accept a ‘lift.’ “Normally, I’m the one being forward. You’re a hundred and thirty pounds of temptation, wrapped in a deadly package of ear-drum ripping pleasantries. Now if you’re done beating up helpless members of the Gotham, Mafia? Gotham’s police department is already on their way. If we give them a photo op of you with Superman? Bat Leader is probably going to be very upset with you.”
Actually, I don’t really need her to take my hand but the gesture is about choice. As in the choice I’m leaving entirely up to her this time. Last time I didn’t leave her with a choice, because she barely left me functional at all. This is about differences, change and growth isn’t it? It also happens to be about the way that I look at her, but this time it’s without looking at her entirely. Besides the momentary stolen glance, but I don’t think anyone could avoid that. Not members of the Mafia, certainly not sixteen year old boys with super-hormones.
When we depart, whether she’s coming with me or not, I’m going straight out the way I came. Then up, up and away from the City Streets. Though not nearly as far from here as she might think. In fact, if she can get past the disorienting sensation of flight and speed, she’ll recognize our destination. Considering that it’s the roof top of her Bar and Apartment.
Dinah: Lifting a hand, covered in finger-less gloves, I waggle one finger back and forth at him.
“Assumed? Yes. A logical assumption, I might add. Gotham is his, and he’s historically a little ornery about newcomers on the turf. Especially powered newcomers. Knewbecause someone personally told me? Nah, not really.”
In a way, a fight isn’t a whole lot different than singing a song. Maybe that’s why they’ve both been such easy things for me to do and train in. Outside of the dedication factor. You have to watch your breathing. Build up your stamina and lung capacity if you want to get those high notes, pace the low ones to still have power. There also needs to be a build. Variety. If you do nothing but perform at 11 all of the time, you get predictable. You get boring. Maybe in a way, it was conscious here in Gotham to not use my powers. I’m not actually entirely sure that Spoiler even knows that I have them, except through rumor. The insurance policy that I’ve got to fall back on, when fists and feet aren’t quite going to be enough to do the job.
“Well. Neither were you at first. I doubt you let much of anyone in on who’s really behind your masks.”
Yes. Plural. It didn’t take much to realize he had more than one the last time that we spoke. He’s put on someone else’s tights, not unlike someone else that’s near and dear to me, and with that wardrobe choice comes a name and a symbol to live up to. I suppose they have an awful lot in common, more than they each probably realize about their friend. Because the money, the name, the earthly power that comes with those things wasn’t exactly who they were born as.
I fill in helpfully, with a wry grin that’s threatening to twitch up into a much more fullscale version. I rein it in, though, mostly to reach up and take the offer Super-hand, and the offer of a lift, because he’s right about a number of things here.
“And we don’t want Batleader to be upset, but I’m basically never done beating up Gotham’s assortment of bottom-feeding assholes. They can wait. I appreciate what you’re angling about, I really do. But this? Is what I do. By choice, even. And I’m doing an entirely different kind of empowering than vocals that really speak to a soul. The band is…about as much exercise as what you just saw, for me.”
Funny enough, he knows me as a singer, that he stumbled upon …being me. I’d wager most of my ‘family’ doesn’t actually even realize I’m in a band, let alone that I can, and like to, sing. I learn, or maybe relearn quickly, that I still don’t particularly enjoy the sensation of flight. More to do with moving quickly and not being the one in control of it than a matter of heights. I prefer the ground and being the one in the driver’s seat. It’s definitely a different view than what you get except on a street map. Still. Once we get close, I have a pretty good guess that we are, in fact, going back to Pretty Bird’s. My place.
“Ah, home sweet home. Hope you like your whiskey cheap, because that’s mostly what we have up in here.”
Dinah Lance. Purveyor of booze to underage superheroes everywhere.
Conner: “It won’t matter, Dinah,” comes the soft response that lacks any real bite other than the shrug. “Right before I met Wonder Woman the first time, I discovered that I am extremely resistant to the effects of liquor from this world. The only thing I’ve ever had that even gave me a buzz, was a drink called a starfire.”
Once we’ve touched down, I’m actually much more the gentleman than I’d even hinted at being the last time we met. Allowing her to part from me without even getting handsy. Flying with me is a lot different than it would have been with the original Superman. My tactile telekinesis spreads around those in my protection, shielding them from the blistering effect of friction at the speeds we travel. Letting in only enough of a breeze that I’m treated to a wind tussled look of her hair. Cassie loves flying, because it’s a symbol of freedom in expressing her powers, but for me? It’s a tool. No different than a car, getting me from point A to point B as quickly as possible most of the time. A little slower when I have a passenger.
The macaroons were a real thing. Of the two boxes I’ve purchased, one whole box is offered to Canary before she goes for the booze. “Mm. I understand that this is what you’re doing right now. You’ve found a niche, people who are like minded. This is where you felt safe. It’s where you had me take you after what happened before. But. Are you keeping it small because you don’t think you could do something more, something bigger? Or is it because you don’t want to do something bigger?”
“I’m not picking on you or trying to convince you this time. Actually, I’m trying to understand you. I just saw you tear through a small battalion of crooks, for exercise. You could take on so much more, but you’re holding back.” Opening a hand out towards the open sky. “Wonder Woman keeps trying to tell me that I have all these powers, that it’s my responsibility to use them. To make this world a better place. She’s right. I could, I can, but just because I can doesn’t mean I should. Which, funny enough, is also something that she tells me all the time.”
“How do -you- decide what is enough?”
Clearly this is a deeper discussion than we had before. Leading one to wonder why it is that we’re even having it or why I’d be having it with Dinah Lance. At just about the moment when you might be wondering those things though, I’ve got something else to say. “Before you answer, I want you to know. You’re right. We don’t let many people past the ‘Masks.’ At least, I don’t. She doesn’t really have two masks. Me? Superman. Conner Luthor. I’m not sure which of them I am or if I’m either of them. ‘Conner’ was created by a virtual reality to teach me about Humanity, Values and stuff like that. I used it to blend in and be with Wonder Woman. Superman, was someone else of course. I was created to replace him, so I have.”
“Really, I mean it. I’m not sure which of them or if either of them are real. I’m trying to work that out, because if I don’t know who I really am? How can anyone else know who I am.” Clearing my throat, throwing her another quick look. “Go grab your booze. You can’t invite me in. Your room mate might be home any minute.”
Dinah: “From this world? Well, now you’ve got me all kinds of intrigued.”
I take the rather elegant looking box of macarons from him, eyes flicking over the packaging as I head for the set of stairs that leads down to my apartment’s landing positioned on the back of the bar’s exterior. Definitely doesn’t look like the kind you get from the freezer section at your local grocery store, not that my local grocery store here would be likely to carry them at all. Maybe he actually got them ‘at the source,’ I mean. He’s Superman. It’d take him what, fifteen minutes? With most of that time being picking out the confections and then paying for them. There’s another short little bark of laughter at him telling me what I ‘can’t’ do, but it’s more the mental picture than any real rebellion at his words.
“Unlikely, but boy. That’d be awkward.”
I’ve not ignored the rest of what he said, or the questions that he asked me, they’re just going to wait until I’m back up top and can dedicate full attention to them. I really do only have cheap stuff in my apartment, and when you can’t get drunk what is the point of drinking awful whiskey? That stuff has you chasing effect more than taste. If I’d known I was having extra company maybe I would have not finished off that thousand dollar bottle I drank on Halloween. Oops. As far as reservations about serving hard liquor to minors? If you’re old enough to put on a mask and put people down with extreme prejudice? You’re old enough to drink. My lazy pass through my small apartment has me shrugging out of the leather jacket I’d been wearing, and claiming an oversized and stretched out sweatshirt that says GCPD on the chest, and fits more like a mini-dress than something meant to provide warmth. Hair’s piled up on my head in a bun, as I locate the first bottle I can get my hands on, and a pair of tumblers. Casual Dinah achieved, if still wearing the fishnets and boots, I make the climb back up the staircase again to the roof.
“That’s kind of a heavy question there, Superman. And not actually one with a simple, flippant answer, either. What’s enough? That depends. On what’s important to you. On what is going to be the best tool to get done what you need in a given situation. Looking just at tonight, I didn’t need to use any other advantage than what I got through a lot of training. Pretty sure you don’t have to use that heat vision of yours to save kittens from trees. Or all those stacks of fat Luthor cash. Kittens only need flight, and some super tough skin for when they claw the shit out of you, because they don’t understand you’re trying to help.
Sitting my half covered ass on the edge of the short wall that surrounds the top of my building, I pour a more the generous amount of booze into one glass, then a normal sized amount into the second which, after a moment and a shrug of my own, I fill the rest of the way up again. The second tumbler claimed for myself, and a generous drink taken before I start to dig into the cookies.
“I know you don’t think I’m doing enough with what you thought I was capable of. And that was before you had a little better idea of what I’m actually capable of. I won’t even deny that I could probably be doing a lot more. I mean, I’m pretty damn charming, and stubborn on top of that. I put on the ‘Canary Suit’ for the first time when I was fourteen.” It looked a bit different then, mind you. My exhibitionism has gotten more….noticeable as I’ve gotten older. “The only thing that’s really going to teach you ‘what’s enough’ is experience. What I’m doing right now? Is actually a little back-seat for me, but it’s important to me, too. More important than any band or fame is every going to be.”
Conner: Waiting upon the rooftop for the Black Canary to return is the least adventurous thing I’ve done all day. What a day it has been, let me tell you. Between the visit to Fawcett City. The fight with Cassie at the Library, which was followed by making up with her a bit later. Preceded by a whole visit with ‘Momma Sandsmark’ and the Vault of Mystical Whatsit. That then became a quick trip to Italy, for some dinner food. Only for us to be finishing that up when she got the call that drug her away on whatever adventure she’s having without me. This one I’m in the dark about, because apparently she wanted macaroons. Go figure.
As I wait for her, I watch the city. Habits die hard, I suppose. I’ve been doing this for a ‘long time,’ in the grand scheme of my four year old life. Most of it, actually, has been spent watching the world for threats. Admittedly that watchful eye has recently gotten a little bit of a refined look. A little less searching for Nowhere and a little more searching for people who need help. Cassie is proud of that chance, but I’m still having trouble working through the true difference.
“In a bottle I’m aware that we need to do exactly what is required to get the job done. Whatever that job may be, setting the amount of effort requires. That’s the easy part to get. No offense, Canary, but that was one of the first things I learned. And it’s the lesson that put me on the search for a Wonder Woman in the first place. A guy like me can’t apply the same amount of effort on someone like you, as they can with someone like her. I wouldn’t want to kill you, even if it was the best sex you were ever even capable of experiencing.”
“What I’m having a problem with is the … existential effort, I suppose.” Looking from the City, to the box of Franch-bought macaroons to the glass of Whiskey she’s offered me for the taking. “Wondy has these big ideas, but… I’m not sure we have the same ideas. I’m not sure I want my whole life being for other people. The problem is, I recognize that’s a selfish whim. But if the Black Canary can be selfish, then why can I?”
Head canting slightly, curious but not to such a point as wanting to derail the other discussion. “One of the people I work with? She’s a Martian. There’s this blue drink she makes. I call it Martian Rum, because two drinks of it and I’m talking like a pirate.”
Dinah: “None taken. I think. Except the whole ‘best sex I’m capable of experiencing’ part. That might have been a little offensive. Tough break, kid. Kind of severely limits your playmate options.”
But my tone, demeanor, and expression all say that I’m not in the least. Offended, that is. He’s also just told me something that I find really interesting. Maybe even relate-able, though not on the exact same terms. He sought out Wonder Woman, because she could handle him. Physically. You could either view that as a sort of sad need for companionship, or the pragmatic angle of he might crush any partners if he’s not careful. I suppose it’s the same for her. I wonder if he had any idea of what he was actually getting himself into, though. Last time we spoke, it was made very clear that physically was not the only way she could handle him. Maybe not even the most important way to him, and since this is a teenage boy we’re talking about…?
Jesus. Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman are a pack of teenagers. What a world. All things considered? Things could be going a whole lot worse than they are currently. None of them are exactly normal teenagers though, and I don’t mean because of the titles and capes.
“You know it’s probably okay if you don’t, right? Think exactly the same way she does. You’ll work out a balance eventually, between what you want, and what others want for you. It may just take a proverbial crisis of ‘faith’ to get you there. Or. You know. Growing up a bit.”
Not that I’m a whole lot older than them, but I sure feel it sometimes. Where I can appreciate the gravity of asking someone who hasn’t even finished maturing physically, emotionally, or mentally to shoulder the kind of burdens that they are. Drawing my legs up, I adjust my posture to a cross legged one, balancing my glass on a knee after taking another swing.
“Once upon a time, I knew a girl who was pretty dead set on doing things her way, and only her way. Took a lot of help from some really pushy friends, with opinions and ideas she didn’t agree with up front, to get her to see that there’s good out here, and that it’s worth protecting. Even if it sometimes means not so much drugs, sex and rock ‘n’ roll.”
Conner: The macaroons aren’t that bad. I’m not sure why Cassie wanted them though. Actually, scratch that. It’s confectionery. Which is reason enough all on it’s own. These just happen to also be from France. So I have to assume she sent me there for the time aspect. Probably the first thing she could think of. Good thing she didn’t ask for Siberian Walnuts, they only take shape in the Spring. In Siberia. I’d be waiting all Winter.
“It’s really not. Offensive, I mean. Instead of thinking about this in terms of sex, look at it in terms of fighting. You’re good, hell you’re better than good, Dinah. ( Let’s not revisit the fact you were holding out on me. ) As good as you are though? Someone with Super-Speed, with half of your skill? Would effectively become better than you are even capable of being. Everyone has limits. Your’s, because of being Human, are just different than mine. I’d be happy to demonstrate, but I’m not sure the blow to your ego would be worth proving my point. I find myself liking how cocksure you are.”
One might actually think I was teasing, if they didn’t have historical references to know that the tone of my voice is just about as serious as it ever gets. I’m not trying to be insulting. I just believe that people without the abilities like Cassie and I are… limited. In a lot of ways, but sex is certainly something they’re just not capable of being liberated with. Even older. More experienced. Arguably even more skilled. She is limited by the fact that she is human and therefor she can’t keep up with someone like Cassie or I.
But, I’ve also allowed this to derail me slightly. So I take a quick drink of the liquor and look back to Dinah with renewed seriousness. “Growing up. Heh. We spent the summer looking at colleges. Her biggest worry was not being too far away from her mother. Now she’s sending me to France, to keep me busy so that she can save the world. Meanwhile, I’m sitting on a rooftop in the worst place in the world. Drinking terrible whiskey, trying not to look through the most beautiful human in the world’s costume. Seeking life-advice from someone that I just watched beating a gaggle of men to within an inch of their lives with a baseball bat and a smile.”
“You are right though. There is good out there and it’s worth protecting.” Fixing her with a sidelong look. “You think I’m here just for advice? I haven’t given up on saving you, Dinah.”
Dinah: “Speed and strength aren’t everything, though. And I’ve found that people that have one or both as far as an edge goes, have a tendency to underestimate their opponents.”
And I’ve studied multiple different fighting forms that are centered upon dealing with people like that, or alternately just punishing them for their arrogance. Could this guy right here, sharing shitty alcohol and fancy French cookies with me turn me into paste before I even knew he was there? Yes, probably he could. I know that, accept it even. It doesn’t mean that if I had a cause to, I wouldn’t fight him anyway though. I find myself laughing again, shaking blonde head at him before I nibble on another delicate confection.
“Oh, honey. There’s not enough demonstration in the world to do that. I may actually give yours a run for its money.”
Doesn’t matter that dumb ol’ Dick caught me off guard and knocked me out like. Yesterday. I’m still sitting here having a conversation while deciding how I’d go about fighting Superman. Besides. Only one of us has ever made the Man of Steel bleed. And it’s not Grayson. Not really a feat I’m actually that proud of, but he thought he was teaching me a lesson in fighting dirty. I still feel a little bit bad for what I’d done to Conner. Especially with what I know now. But cornered? I’d still do it again.
“What changed, the costume? The name?” I guess that timing would line up. “Maybe she’s trying to figure out what’s important to her, too. With the added responsibility of having a lot of someone’s looking up to her to be an example in mix.”
I didn’t care what Damien, or Tim, even Dick though he was older, thought of me when I was figuring my shit out. I barely cared what Bruce thought either, but he had a way of interjecting that just the same. I’d say I was a lot more Conner than Cassie, except that neither really makes a good comparison. I knew what I was after. What I needed to do. I’m not fully sure that he does. And that might be why he’s here, talking to someone he barely knows, about this in the first place.
“Gotham is the worst, and this whiskey is terrible. And it looks every bit as incredible under here as you probably imagine it does. Or so I’ve been told. And they were mafia. Important distinction. Usually someone has to deserve it to get that kind of attention from me. I will admit, tonight I was basically spoiling for an excuse. Didn’t want to feel rusty.”
I spend a moment, after another drink, and another cookie, looking up at the sky above us. It’s definitely the only good view from my roof. Straight up. Before I let my head loll over towards one shoulder and look at him again.
“And for the whiskey, obviously. I met my demon when I was fourteen, Conner. I slayed it already, and I spent the last couple years sorting out what I wanted to do from there. Right now? I’m doing what I need to be doing. Where I need to be doing it. And when I’m done with that? Well. I suppose we’ll have to see.”
Conner: “Speed and strength are not everything. I’ve met people who are faster, people who are stronger. More than one who was more durable. I’ve met some with greater power than I have. But, the insurmountable fact remains. If you take someone who can move at the speed of sound and give them half of your skill? You would lose far more often than you would win. The same is true for human limitations in other realms.” Lifting the glass, I point with a stray finger toward the city she calls home. “I know it’s hard to swallow. Because you’ve worked hard to be as good as you are. But, I’ve seen you do the math. I saw it first hand. Sometimes being limited by who or what we are sucks, but we can’t escape the reality of it.”
One thin brow raises slightly, before I lift that glass back to my lips and enjoy the taste of pig swill. That’s really all this is and I’m once more left wondering who in the world drinks this stuff for the actual taste of it? I have to imagine that no one really does. That they start out that way, but by the time their mind catches up to the fact that this slop is killing their taste buds, it’s too late. They’re drunk. Singing Y.M.C.A. and dancing on bar tops. ( Hrm. Does Dinah dance on bar tops? )
“Tim happened,” it sounds funny, I know, but it’s really the truth. “A friend of mine. Sort of my only friend. His Father passed away. He had to leave. So no one was around to talk me out of taking the Superman and Wonder Woman show on the road. He would have talked me out of it. He hates Capes. Every time it’s come up before, he’s always talked me out of it in the past.”
“F.Y.I. I don’t really have to imagine. Spoiler Alert: X-Ray Vision has it’s perks. Not just seeing through walls, to armed men meaning to do hot young damsels harm.” The shrug isn’t meant to be an act of shirking off the topic, so much as shifting from one aspect of it to the other. “Spoiling for an excuse, eh. Why did you need an excuse? You know I’ve seen through the act by this point. You were out there braining those guys, to let off steam. Sure. But you picked those guys. Specifically those mafia goons. Because of what they were doing. What they were responsible for.”
“So. That kind of brings me back to the original question, albeit rephrased. Why did you need an excuse? With the things you can do, the skills you have. Why aren’t you just doing it? Making the world a better place, I mean.” Swirling the drink in the glass, while looking away from her and down to it instead. “Or maybe you are doing that, huh? After all. You see, I came here to talk to you for a reason. Maybe I was seeking some answers and thought you’d be a good sounding board. Or…”
“Maybe, I didn’t need to have X-Ray vision to see through you, Dinah Lance. You didn’t run. You had no way to know I wouldn’t lose my shit and bring that place down on their heads. You were willing to give your life to save every man, woman and child at that Night Club. You turned down potential fame and fortune. You’ve set aside the pursuit of material needs.” Placing the glass down on the opposite side of myself from her, on the ledge of the building’s roof. “I believe you, Dinah. I believe you’re right where you need to be. Doing what you need to be doing.”
“Though, I also believe you’re meant for something more. There’s a storm brewing, Dinah and people like us? We’re going to be on the front lines whether we want to be or not. It isn’t even a question of whether we’re going to be there or not, but when it’s going to hit and how it’s going to surge. Wonder Woman is out there. Pulling people together. Getting friends. She’s got plans. I think you have friends too. Friends with plans. I’ve been doing the math. Nothing else makes sense to me, for you to have been in Metropolis. For you to call me out. Then to take me down like that.”
“I thought, at first, that it was some sort of underground railroad. Wonder Woman denied that existing. Right after promising me not to lie to me again. So if there’s no underground railroad for Metas. Then your trip to Metropolis, on the same day as her trip to Fawcett City. You getting my attention, while she was out finding more friends. Her keeping me out of Gotham, at Batman’s behest. You saying this was the safest place for me to take you.” Reaching over with my free hand, carefully touching her fishnet covered knee. “Don’t. You’re going to have to confirm what I think or lie to me again. I’m not sure I’m ready for anyone to lie to me again. So just nod, smile and continue looking beautiful.”
DInah: Dinah does, in fact, dance on bar tops. Sometimes while singing. Though it’s not YMCA, and it’s been a while since I’ve gone all Coyote Ugly downstairs. But that’s not actually what we’re talking about, and I don’t do it while drunk, either. Though that is what the cheap crap is mostly good for. Really. I’m regretting the bottle at Wayne Manor. It makes this stuff a little more awful by comparison. Ollie always had the good stuff, too. The actual topic is how I think he’s gotten the impression that it bothers me that there’s someone out there that could beat me. I know there is. And it actually doesn’t bother me in the least.
“But you may still win. Having those advantages doesn’t mean people know how to use them, or use them best. Like how you thought I was woefully underselling my potential by ‘just’ being a singer in a band that does a show maybe once every six months. I’ve fought, and lost, to better fighters than me before. Some of them without powers. One of them’s been training me since I was six. Another one got himself killed. I know people that have everything, but their head in the game, and it’ll probably get them killed, too. Who, and what we are, is never a limit, Conner. It’s not some reality to escape. You just have to know how to work with what you’ve got, and the will to do it, even if you factor in knowing that sometimes? The universe is an epicly unfair bitch.”
Tim, Dick, Damien. They’ve got the training. The gear. The money. The brains, and the on the ground training and experience. I still worry it’s not going to be enough if their hearts aren’t in it. And that isn’t something I can drill into their muscles for them. I realize, then, that he’s talking about Tim. His friend. Only friend. Like this is someone I don’t know. Which tells me that Superman here did an X-ray exam of my apartment, saw the hide-a-way- bed made up, and the bags and clothes that were clearly not mine.
“He talked you out of using your superpowers for good? As in he knew about them, or are you speaking in a more general sense of putting your advantages to use?”
Now, I know Tim knows he has them. The superpowers. I just didn’t think that Conner knew that Tim knows. Tilting my head with a smirk, I’m picking out another macaron, aiming for a different flavor each time.
“You said you were trying not to, so I assumed. I don’t mind, except the part where you called me a damsel again. My roommate can’t help looking either. I have that effect. It’s part of the reason for the costume, such as it is. And I guess I didn’t really need an excuse. I’ve just been focusing my attentions on other things than going out and picking up on random acts of violence. I’ve been chasing a more specific rabbit lately, and then Ivanescu’s aren’t actually it. They’re smaller fry, right now at least, that were trying to get ballsy.”
Maybe excuse was a bad word. I just feel like my priorities should be elsewhere right now. Huh. Maybe that’s the ‘problem.’ A thought which requires another sip of whisky, before I’m open about it. I don’t know why, I mean. I know who this guy is, who he works for, and there’s a lot of reasons not to be. But I also have gotten a better sense than I think he even knows, of what he’s trying to be. He may not know it yet, but he’s making his start and as he said.. he probably doesn’t have anyone else to talk to about it, besides the woman that popped his eardrums for him. I get complimented, and sworn at, for telling people what what they need to hear. It’s kind of my thing.
“Because right now, me feeding mobsters their teeth is a lot less important than making sure other people can do it without getting hurt. Or dead. I happen to like feeding mobsters their teeth, but right now it’s not about what I want.”
And. Another gulp of my liquor, big enough to require tipping my head back a little, before I swirl what very little is left in it, watching the liquid move and spin in the glass.
“Here’s the thing, Supes. I lost everything. And I mean everything that mattered to me a long time ago. And while I found new things? Not everyone gets that shot. I’m not ever going to be able to just stand by and watch that happen to someone else. My cohorts, by and large I think, feel the same way.”
No, I’m not going to smile and nod, but I’m also not going to lie to him either. I am beautiful either way.
“Your girlfriend didn’t actually lie to you. There really is no meta-railroad here. Unless you count the fact that Batman and Company usually railroad metas out of Gotham. I was born here. Even I got ‘politely’ asked to leave. I’ve been living in Star City for the last few years, I only just came back.”
Nothing he couldn’t figure out with a little googling, so not exactly much in the way of ‘sensitive personal information’ there. Looking at his hand for a moment, before I set my own down on it in a little bit of an awkward pat.
“But not being especially tolerant of metas in Gotham, doesn’t mean that Red Leader doesn’t see the value, and necessity, in cooperation with the ones outside of it. Even if that means a little sleight of hand, distractionary tactics and trickery. Because something big is coming.”
Conner: “I’m not sure that’s accurate. At all. Because who and what we are? Is almost always it’s own limitation. Is that fair? No, of course not. Being unfair, doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t true. I’m limited by being Alien. I’m limited by being the Son of a Luthor. Limited again by being a Clone. Limited even more by being a product of Nowhere. Just because you’re limited because you’re Human, isn’t an insult Dinah. It’s just who you are. You should take solace in knowing you’re an amazingly gifted, well endowed, beautiful Human. You have more going for you than most.”
There’s a moment in there, when I started to smirk. Everything I said is true, as I see it and believe it to be, but I’m still teasing her. Normally she’s the one doing the teasing, I can see that from a mile away. She likes being in control, being the one in the driver’s seat. Having someone else be the one teasing her? Is probably a change up she doesn’t normally enjoy.
“The latter. You probably wouldn’t like him but he’s a good guy. Rich. Introverted. Nerdy. Broods a lot. As much as he seems not your type, a lot of things about you is the opposite of the way it seems.” Again with the smirk, but talking about Tim is a different type of teasing entirely for me. “He’s one of the only people that knows what I can do. He’s super smart, so he figured it out when I made like six thousand shots in a row at basketball practice. It was -before- I became Superman, so there really wasn’t a secret identity to keep at the time. Y’know?”
“Anyway. He’s got a thing about Capes. Every time I talked with him about the things my girlfriend wanted to do? He’d talk me out of it. I forget what he called it, but he likened it to Newton’s Law of Equal and Opposite. Coming out as a Hero, would inevitably mean that someone of equal power would rise up to oppose me. He told me more than once that I was actually saving the world, every time I -didn’t- use my powers. His Father was a big meta-activist, I think. I don’t really know, we never really got to deeply in to it. Because he’d eventually get to the part where he was lecturing me about ‘Cheating’ with my powers. I think he thought I was using them to ‘Gain Something,’ but my girlfriend thinks showboating is turn down and my interest level in Girls that are probably going to explode during sex? Is remarkably limited. So he was worried about a whole lot of nothing.
“Like the whole trying not too. I -tried- not to look, but at a certain point here? C’mon. Who wouldn’t look at you naked if they could? Am I right?” There. More teasing. Playful, but light. There’s something she says though that tips me away from playful, to something more serious. “Doing the right thing, even if it’s not the thing you want? Is selfless. In and of itself, that’s a heroic act. But. My conundrum.. and maybe your’s too… is that I’m not sure doing the right thing is really the right thing.”
“I mean. I saw you tonight, obviously. What if -you- are the right person for the Job, Dinah? Sometimes the best player should be in the game, while the others practice and work on being better. Look,” again my hands goes out across the city, but this time there’s a real sense of ‘No, really, look out there.’ “I think this hive of scum and villainy, is a little safer because Dinah Lance was out there kicking ass tonight.”
“The right thing to do is tell you I’m sorry for your loss,” reaching over to pick back up the drink I had set aside, but instead of tipping it back I offer it out in a sort of toast to her. “But those losses are what made you who you are. Which happens to be a kick ass, semi-good lounge singer, with a crazy right hook and the best set of … yams… I’ve ever seen.”
Another look over that city I keep pointing her too, before I turn and look down at the hand she’s touched. I’m quick. Faster than most who aren’t named Wally West can even see. Catching her hand before she retreats is child’s play. “Something big is coming. Very big. Wonder Woman is putting together a group. They’re going to oppose the people that created me. She’s keeping me out of the loop because I can’t be… trusted. I mean, she can trust me, but she can’t trust the people who made me not to ‘cheat’ and get everything out of my head or out of this suit or any number of things they could do.”
“When it happens. It isn’t going to be contained to Metropolis. It’s going to effect everything. Everywhere. If she pulls it off, it is going to be Great, but if she doesn’t? It’s going to get worse, Dinah. A lot worse. So very much worse. My Father will rain ten different kinds of hell on people like us. People like -you-. He’ll convince the world people like you are the bad guys too. He controls the narrative.”
“And. He controls me too. You’re a smart cookie, right? You’re smart enough to know he wouldn’t put a Superman out in the world without an insurance policy.” Squeezing her hand just a bit, enough to highlight how much control over my powers that I have. Fine control, if I’m able to do this without hurting her. “When that happens. Someone is going to have to put me down. How long can you hold that note, you did in my ear?”
Dinah: It’s a point we’re not really going to come to agree on, but we’re also coming at it from different sides of the fence. Even though technically I suppose I’d be on his side of it, in the meta-yard but mostly I operate among people who don’t have powers, and I don’t always use mine. I’ve got everything going for me, with the exception of super strength, speed, flight… I can’t turn water to ice, or make myself invisible. But I’ve never needed any of those things, either. His description of Tim has my mouth tugging up at the corner in a bit of a smirk of my own, and we’ll pretend it’s because he’s trying to tease me. Though it’s also for what he has to say about the guy.
“Well, he just sounds awful. The only thing that could possibly make him less my type is if he were in to computers. I enjoy an asshole. Nothing more fun for me than knocking them down a peg or four. Maybe making them cry a little… but he wasn’t wrong about the Equal and Opposite part. It’s why Batman keeps the metas out of Gotham. We’ve got enough whack-a-doo problems without someone deciding they have to up the ante on destructive forces, because the ‘good guys’ have.”
Millionaires. Pft. Amiright? I seem to keep ending up close to them, just the same. Because apparently superpowers/vigilantism goes hand in hand with money. Seriously. Every single person I’ve ever met with a net worth in the seven digits and up category is a caped and/or masked crimefighter. Coincidence? I think not.
“You’re so right. Wins me a lot of fights, too. People looking at my boobs and not my fists. And I’ll take that compliment. Even agree with it. It’ll be exponentially safer if I manage helping the riff-raff learn to do it as well as I can, though.”
This is probably the truest thing he’s said tonight. No, not the part about all the good stuff about me, or the world being safer because of me, or about how shitty Gotham is. Where he talks about how society says he should tell me he’s sorry. I’m actually pretty impressed that he doesn’t, and that he’s got the insight to see it the way he does. So I lift my own glass and clink it against his, before I throw back what’s left in my tumbler, making a face that’s got more to do with the taste than what we’re talking about.
“They are. I had my meta ability long before then. I knew how to fight long before then, too. The losses were my reason. At first, just a reason to try harder. Then a reason to come out here and vent my spleen on the world. And with a little guidance, they turned into a reason to help others see reason in their own losses.”
Hand holding is… really not my thing. I’m affectionate in different ways, physical isn’t one of them. I don’t even know when the last time I held someone’s hand that wasn’t three was, because babies? Those are a different story than grown men. Well. Mostly grown men, in this case. I can’t help but wonder how much of this he knows because his girlfriend told him, or what he’s pieced together. Guy’s sharp, just doesn’t always draw the exactly correct conclusion with the facts in front of him. He’s not usually very far off, though. And he’s trying to warn me, which I appreciate ego and bluster aside. He really isn’t a bad guy. If this is where he would have gotten to without the influence of his girlfriend? I can’t say. But he’s here now, and that’s what matters. I’d probably be in prison for murder if it wasn’t for Bruce. Or Bruce would have turned me into NOWHERE for it.
“Thirty-two point five seconds.”
Haha, funny joke right, at the end of such a serious warning? No. Really. I’ve tested it. Timed it even.
“I’m told it gets worse the longer something. Or someone. Is in the area of effect.”
Conner: “Wow it’s like you know the guy. He walks around with a laptop in his bag. A phone he stole from Wayne Tech R&D. He used to turn off my porn, with his phone remote.” Let’s not sound -too- aghast there, I’m not trying to tell her all of Tim’s secrets! “Wondy doesn’t think he’s Gay, but I’m pretty sure. That’s okay though. There’s nothing wrong with being Gay. Especially if you’re best friends with someone that’s going to always get the girl anyway.”
Sounds like the Riff-Raff need a school. Somewhere to go where they could learn, practice to be better. That wince on my face? Is because I recognize that I’m actually -thinking- the N.O.W.H.E.R.E. party line. I wonder if that’s how it all started? With the best of intentions. Clearly they did, in fact, pave the way to hell. But, I can’t help but think that Nowhere and Batman have a lot in common too. Sounds like they practiced the same rules, just on a different level. After all, Nowhere doesn’t want Metas or Aliens on this planet. Unless they’re controlled, like Dinah. I’m probably not supposed to be thinking that either.
“I’ve never suffered any losses. Because I’ve never been allowed to have anything to lose. As soon as I got something to lose, I was made aware that acting out of bounds would mean losing it. In a way, Loss is what made me what I am today too. Just not the act of losing it, so much as the fear of doing so. Everything I try to do. Everything I want to do. Has to be measured against the potential for loss. I only have one thing, so if I lose it? I have nothing. It’s a terrible thing to actually know that, Dinah. To really know it, that you are alone in the world. You’ve been allowed to have one thing. For no other reason than to have it taken away, if you do the ‘wrong thing.'”
“Really, I don’t mean to sound like a sad sack, but I feel like I’m in this impossible position sometimes. How the hell is -anything- impossible? I’m a Luthor, that is a Superman. Yet, I’m as stuck with this situation as you stuck behind the scenes. It’s a choice we make. Even if it’s not the choice we want to make.” That’s the moment I finally tip the tumbler back, allowing every drop of the drink to go down the gullet. Without the humility of making a bad face over the bitter-sweetness of it. The glass is placed on the opposite side of me from Dinah. “Thirty -two point five seconds. Hmm.”
“Can you get it closer to forty five? The damage you did to me was bad, but no where near enough to keep me down for any real length of time. Obviously not enough to make me not use brute strength. When you first did it, I could feel it all the way to the core. You burst my ear drums, but for that few seconds you were actively making sound? I couldn’t -think- to defend myself. If you could do it for longer, I wouldn’t be able to -think- to counter attack. If you could keep it going, I don’t believe I’d be able to re-direct my abilities to blocking you or repairing the damage.”
Giving her hand another squeeze, during the strangest portion of our conversation. It feels wrong, but I’m actually trying to encourage her. “Train. Get better. When the time comes. I’m going to hesitate. Because I want to save you. The world might not get another chance. You understand?”
Dinah: “You don’t mess with a dude’s porn. I’m pretty sure, and admittedly I’m no expert, that is bro-code rule number three. So, what you’re saying is it’s like… self-preservation of his ego, because the ladies all want Luthor? Makes sense.”
I’m laughing. No, really. The entire conversation, who’s having it, where we’re having it, and who and what we’re talking about is pretty damn hilarious. I’m not going to tell Superman that his girlfriend is, once again, right. Blue eyes dancing with how amusing this all is to me, and I think it would be even if I didn’t personally know the people involved. It just gets extra funny when you know there’s always a drone hanging around, and while they don’t have communication ability, they can definitely relay sound.
“I can see why that’s a hard thing to work with. Really.” I manage to stifle my almost helpless laughter, because this subject actually is quite serious. “It sucks to even think about letting someone in, if life’s already taught you in spectacularly clear and cruel fashion that connections are just something it’s going to sever for you. Then you do, and you have to worry about what happens to them. You only sound a little like a sad sack. It’s okay. I won’t tell anyone.”
That used to be me, in a nutshell. Hell, maybe it still is, but I like to think I just have more important things to do than serious relationships. The job, which is also a very good reason not to get involved with anyone. And I’m still young. So either I’ve got lots of time or…the job is going to do me in before I get there.
“But. From what you’ve told me about her, and what I’ve seen on the news? I think you didn’t just pick someone that you could have crazy-monkey sex with, without a death by snusnu situation. You picked someone that doesn’t sound like she’s just going to let them take away from you. That’s the trick, I think. Life’s a bitch, and there’s a whole lot more assholes out there than there should be, and having your heart broken? I’d rather have my arms snapped a dozen times. So we pick the people to let in that will fight for us, just as much as they’ll fight for them.” Flicking a finger out at the vague ‘they/it’ that he keeps waving to. “And when we don’t think they’re good enough? Then it’s on us to help them get better.”
He may not be teaching Wonder Woman any moral lessons, but clearly he doesn’t think she needs help in that front. Doesn’t seem to be especially worried that they’re going to sway her compass needle from honest and true to something more nefarious. That may not actually even bother him, as long as he still had her. But physically, if she were off the board. And I’d bet he can teach her a lot about how to fight.
“It’s been about a year since I clocked it the last time. Adrenaline and need can push you harder than any kind of test will really show, too. I understand, Conner. And I will.”
My turn to squeeze his hand, though I sure don’t have to hold back on the gesture like he did. The truth is, when he’d heard me scream I hadn’t been going to full tilt. Not even close. There’d been no need, because his ear was literally an inch from my mouth, and I was only aiming to put him down long enough to get to the sewers. Not to really, really hurt him.
“Guess I better add more heavy rock to my set lists. The band’s really just practice for my vocal chords. Our little secret.”
Conner: “Good. Because, Frankly, I’m not sure there’s a lot of other chances out there. I’m happy to talk about my bad assedness all night, especially when the company I’m keeping has an equally swollen ego, but really. I mean it. They created me to be unstoppable. It doesn’t make sense to me that they’d breed out all the kryptonian defects, without putting something they can exploit in it’s place. I just need to be sure that I know someone is ready to do what Wonder Woman won’t. If they turn me on the world, she’ll fight it. And, she’ll lose. So if it’s me or her, I need someone that will pick Her and make it stick.”
That is why I took hold of Canary’s hand. Though she doesn’t know it, I was subtly shifting that field around me out to encompass her. Through that I could get a feel for her. Attune myself to the rhythm of her heartbeat. The flutter of her eyelashes. Take a real hard look at the facial muscles tensing and moving. Dinah was able to lie, right to my face the first time we met. Then I flew her home. She isn’t aware of it, but when I’m in contact with her she can’t lie. Lately? Everyone lies to me. Then they tell me it’s for my own good or for my protection or because I would maybe let the wrong people know the truth. On this one topic, I needed the truth and now I’m sure Dinah means it. She’ll try to put me down, if she thinks she has too. This woman won’t need a second chance, that she might not ever get.
Strangely? I’m not just okay with that. For the first time all week and especially today? I’m at ease with everything. Almost casually I start to float off the edge of the building. “I agree with what you said before though. We do pick people who will fight for us. It takes a lot for people like us to let our guards down. We don’t trust easily and once we do? We’re all in. We need people who can carry that trust. To make up for the small weaknesses we have or even the weakness -they- are for us.”
At the moment when I am once more hovering there, above her but still close enough to maintain the touch of her hand? “You’re not who I thought you were, Dinah Lance, but I still want to save you. Not from Nowhere. You’re perfectly capable of doing that yourself, I think. Some people don’t need to be rescued, because they’re not damsels in distress. Some of us need saving from even bigger things. The World needs people like the Black Canary, but I realize that I’m not going to get you to come save the world tomorrow. So I’ll start here. With Gotham City.”
“This place? It needs you. I won’t stay out of Gotham, because some ghost sicked my girlfriend on me. I’ll stay out of Gotham, if you ask me too. If you tell me Gotham doesn’t need me. Because it has a protector that -I- trust.” My head cants off to the side, that wolfish smirk has morphed in to a slowly widening grin. “This isn’t a big record deal, Blondie. It’s also not an offer you get to tell me no on.”
“Now. Before I go. I have to confess, I didn’t come just to see you beat people up, drink whiskey and eat cookies. After I dropped you off, I had to communicate with my ‘Handler,’ Doctor Fairchild, about what happened and why I didn’t bring you in. It turns out that you’re not on the Catalog at all. In fact, your grandmother’s arrangement with the original Project, basically make you one of the few Metas in this country with a free pass. But…”
Dinah: “I wouldn’t be doing it for her, but if I had to, I’d still do it.”
I may not know he’s got a build in lie detector, or that he’s checking for any such thing right now, but I’m still putting that out there just so that we’re 100% clear on my motivations. The first time it’d happened, I’d been sent to Gotham as a distraction, and I’d done it because Tim had asked me to, and because he’d told me why it needed to happen. The actual shrieking in his ear had only been because I’d felt cornered and didn’t think I had many other options in that second than to seize it, and bolt before the timing wasn’t as good. Whether I’d agree to do my best, this time, to put Superman down and keep him down, because he asked me to and if you’ve met this guy you know how almost unthinkable that actually is, or because the world and the cause might require it of me is debatable. But the bottom line is that in that hypothetical situation? I wouldn’t hold back next time.
“Speaking of your suit, I assume that means you still haven’t sorted out what to do about it. I’ve asked a friend of mine if they might be able to whip something up. There were a lot of technical words that went over my head said. Bottom line, it’s not ready but… we’re seeing what we can do.”
He’s telling me something serious again, as he’s getting up…levitating… off my roof and taking to the air again. Much less disapproving looking this time. There’s a smirk on my face that says ‘no duh I’m not what you thought I am,’ but I manage to not say that portion out loud.
“Right now? Gotham’s my world. Maybe down the road it won’t be anymore, but It’s got people in it that are looking outside of the city, and you can bet your perfect blue ass that I’m going to be watching theirs. Gotham doesn’t need you. Other places do. So I’d appreciate it if you’d continue to do your saving of citizens elsewhere. But that said? If you need to talk to someone about something you can’t talk to your girl over? You know where to find me.”
I mean it, too. Not just that confirmation that we don’t need his help to sort out our ruffians and crazies, because they’ll only come back stronger and more twisted from something like that. Cockroaches, us Gothamites. But about being available and willing to talk. Maybe next time I’ll even have better booze, but I’m not going to offer that. That is a promise I definitely can’t keep.
“Where I come from, that’s dinner and a show. But I assumed friendly neighborhood NOWHERE checkup was a lot more the reason why you’re here. That sounds like a heavy ‘dun, dun, dun’ there.”
Conner: “I’d be hesitating for you to do it, for her. Maybe a small bit for you. You’re not much, other than a whole lot to look at, but you’re my first.” Once more with the wolfish smirk, that reads more like I’m about to be the cat who ate the Canary, whole. “You’re the first person I really tried to save. Without Wonder Woman being the motivating factor.”
That cocked eyebrow, along with the smirk that’s pretty well become a fixture during this conversation, would lead her to believe that I’m certainly going to let her have the City to herself. Though having her to come talk to? I like that offer. That makes it much more friendly in terms, than a mandated parole visitation. In spite of the fact that I’m here for my own reasons, I dislike the fact that it -is- a mandated visit at this point. We’re going to have to see what we can do about changing that in the future.
“My new friend, the green lantern, is also working on it. With some luck, I’ll be able to be free of the monitoring. Without losing the suit itself. The ‘armor’ portion of the suit aside, it helps me absorb solar radiation in more palatable amounts. While also storing it, so that I can recharge even without the Sun being up and out. The original Big-S had decades to store up solar reserves in his system. Arguably, I’m more powerful, but being more powerful means using more energy. Being younger, far younger, means I have less reserves to call on.”
“Yeah. I know. I’m telling you another of my ‘weaknesses.’ It’s probably because I have to keep talking or I’ll need to leave and I’m not done X-Ray visioning your breasts.” With a half shrug, it’s me that returns the laugh she had at Tim’s expense before. “You’re right again though. It’s a little dun, dun, dun…”
“Alright. So. I just want to apologize. I should have told you this as soon as we were away from prying ears, but I … well.. I didn’t lie to you either. I’m a little selfish and I needed advice from someone that doesn’t -really- have a horse in the race, so to speak. The reason I’m here… officially… is to let you know. Oliver Queen has been taken in to custody by the D.E.O. His assets have been frozen. He is being charged with a slew of offenses. Too numerous to even name. They literally abbreviated half of them on the official forms. For the time being this is being kept out of the Press, but that’s not going to last long. I suspect they’re waiting. To make a big splash that counters a lot of what Wonder Woman is doing.”
“When I was looking in to you, Dinah. Queen’s name came up a lot. I can’t help but think, that since you’re ‘Off Limits,’ this Queen fellow is being punished to send a message to you.”
DInah: “Gee. You know just what to say to a gal to make her want to simultaneously coo and punch you in the nuts, don’tcha? If I had many girlfriends I might go brag about being the one who popped Superman’s cherry, though.”
The smirk says he knows it, too. That maybe it was a little intentional, or a lot intentional, but my snort of laughter says that I’m not actually likely to do either one of those things right now. All kidding and ribbing aside, though, I can see why that might be important to him. To look out for something that was his first ever, real honest attempt to do something ‘right.’ I might feel bad, except he already figured out that I was there with an agenda. Doesn’t really change what he’d done either way, though.
“Look at you, making new friends. Wait. Green Lantern?”
That might be the first time I look even vaguely alarmed the whole night, and a room full of automatic weapons hadn’t even phased me earlier. I think the whole world knows what the Green Lantern was responsible for in Coast City. Now he’s back? Or is this a continuing trend of new Superheroes taking up old names? Of the ones that I know from Tim’s files, that they’ve been speaking to? Wonder Woman is the only one that isn’t a Second of Her Name kind of situation. An interesting fact, and I sure hope they can spin it so the Children aren’t responsible for the Sins of their proverbial Fathers.
“Since I can’t blot out the sun, I don’t think it’s one I’m going to be able to act on. You’re probably safe.”
I have the good grace to roll my eyes at him this time for the X-Ray talk, and I go for another cookie as he lays out why he’s really here. A cookie that I nibble on a little more studiously with each word, more and more slowly. Until I’m not really chewing any longer, so much as pulling my mouth to the side in a look of rather tight displeasure.
“Probably because I slept with him a few times. Well. More than a few times. And worked with him a few times more than that. D.E.O. seems like a bit of an…overreach. He’s not a Meta. Did they tell you this, figuring you’d tell me or did you just find the information, Conner?”
Conner: “Who am I to presume about what you can or can’t do, Whistler?”
That little call back to our first few moments in the same orbit as one another is about as true as you can get. How do I know what she can or can’t do? She hasn’t exactly been forthcoming with the details. Even if I’ve been a wee bit too open with them on my end. I’ve never really been one for keeping secrets though, even if I know I’m supposed too. In a world where nothing I know of can hurt me, what good does it do for me to keep secrets like that? She’s right. What would someone do with that information? Blotting out the sun isn’t exactly all it would take. They’d also have to run me out of energy in the here and now, before I put a stop to the blotting out of my energy source.
Not to mention, that it would only eventually eliminate the kryptonian elements of my abilities. The rest? Happens to be one of the only secrets I actually have kept. Tactile Telekinesis isn’t something you just talk about. It’s something you -do-. While nodding in confirmation apparently. “Yes. A real Green Lantern. Power Ring and all. He was -in- Coast City, when the D.E.O. alerted me and sent me in. He seemed to be going through some.. I don’t know… training or something. Learning about the past, why he was chosen. I determined that he isn’t a threat.”
“For the record. I’ve also learned that my Handlers and their psionics can’t read that I’m not telling the whole truth. If I pick my words correctly. He’s not a threat. To the country or the planet. As I see a threat. They’re not asking me if he’s a threat to -them- or if I would associate a threat to them as a threat to the planet or the country. You’d think my Father would know not to trust a Luthor.”
This last bit? I’d waited. Until the ‘end’ of our conversation. Selfishly, yes. But also because I wanted to share a few moments. Like the one with her laughing, before I told her that another person she cares for is lost. Now? Now I have to tell her and I’m realizing all too quickly, that I’m actually feeling compelled to tell this woman the whole truth.
“Agent Grunge made sure that I’d know and if he made sure I knew? It’s because he’s taunting. That’s the only reason he does anything really.” The last time I squeeze her hand, is to give some small amount of reassurance. Even if I know it’s not likely to happen. “The Department of Extranormal Operations isn’t limited to Aliens or Metas, specifically. People of a certain non-genetic sort of power. Unexplainable abilities. Or just technological advantages. Magicians. Cyborgs. Some sort of plant thing from the Everglades in Florida.”
“This Queen fellow. He’s being kept in a Black Site, like the one where I was created. Until they make the announcement, he’s being replaced by one of the Agents. Agent Dibney.” Taking a soft breathe, my instinct is to go higher and away, but I sink lower in order to put my hand upon her shoulder. “Dinah. The more Wonder Woman pushes. The more people like you come out publicly. The worse this is going to get for people like Queen. This is a message to you. Just like the one they sent me about Wonder Woman. You might be untouchable, but the people you care for aren’t.”
“Can I do anything?”
Dinah: “Now you’re learning. There may just be hope for you yet, Superman.”
Pointing, and shooting, a finger gun at him I hop down off the ledge that we’d been sharing. My feet just land on the opposite side, on the solid ground of my roof, as I start to gather up the remnants of dinner. Boozy, sugary dinner. The box of cookies, or at least what’s left of it, and the bottle of whisky under one arm, the two used glasses pinched between thumb and forefinger of my other hand. He’s once again telling me something important. Not just about the apparently new Green Lantern, who he actually called his friend which is a word I’ve only heard the guy use like. Once. Learning about the mistakes of the past, hopefully so there won’t be a repeat but that isn’t the only important point. The fact that he thinks he can fool the psychics. That’s important, too.
“That’s good. Very good, actually. I’ll pretend I was your inspiration for that move, but I think you probably had a much closer person to watch and learn that trick from.”
After all, he’d never asked me what else I did besides singing in a band, and so many other things that would have painted a different picture for him of who the Black Canary is. His handler didn’t ask him the right questions. Hopefully they never figure out they have cause to, and never puzzle out what those questions should actually be. That might actually give this little group the chance to get its legs under itself, before Conner’s forced to try and knock them out first.
“Replaced, you said?”
For a moment, I look at his hand and the comforting gesture like it’s a strange bug. I’m not outraged, I probably should be. Certainly annoyed and more than a little indignant, but that’s because I’m reining it in at the moment. I’m not sure if I’d have picked Oliver Queen as the person to ‘hurt’ me with the most. That tells me that NOWHERE doesn’t know me as well as they think they do. But the gall of it, well. I may have been mostly keeping out of this particular fight, except for the bit part Tim asked me to play, but they may have just made the mistake of inserting me into it. Mess with mine, and I’ll mess with yours.
“No. I mean, I’m sure that you could but that would be a blatant hand tip, I think. Telling me what you did is probably at least one part a trap they think they’ve set, but it’s also giving me a lot I can use. So thank you. You keep yours safe. I’ve got to go look after mine.”
Conner: “Fair enough, Dinah Lance. So long as you remember that you are one of mine.”
There is absolutely no ego to that statement. Not a comment of ownership, like might be expected of a Luthor. Nor the all-encompassing ‘Superman protects the planet’ tripe of Kal-El. This is simple, straight forward candor. That she is someone I value enough that I believe her to be among those I would tend to, if push came to shove. Funny, even I know at this point, because Dinah certainly doesn’t need protecting from much of anything. It is, if anything, just a point to be made that I consider her worthy of being one of those that I would act to protect. Going back to the first things we discussed tonight, about my not knowing what I -want- to do with these powers.
“Mhm. The D.E.O. isn’t constrained by standard rules of law enforcement. Since just being an unregistered Meta or Alien is by law illegal. Then assisting one. In any way. Sets someone up for a whole host of charges. With the D.E.O. you’re not innocent until proven guilty. You’re potentially aiding a meta who might create another Coast City scenario. So you’re guilty until proven innocent. They remove you from the population, replace you with one of the agents who can shapeshift. Then by virtue of actually becoming the person they’re investigating? It’s relatively easy to substantiate the charges.”
“One of the girls in my Girlfriend’s class was actually replaced two years ago. By a registered Martian, in the D.E.O.’s employ.”
“At any rate. I thought it was important you know. Because if this doesn’t work? They’ll just keep going until they find the one that gets you under their thumb.” Just like I told her had happened to me. My blood runs a little cold as I even think about it. “Another reason I want to keep this suit functional. Wonder Woman’s Mom. Not needing to sleep, means that I can keep a watch on her most of the time. Because I’m pretty sure they have a cell with her name on it, next to Queen’s.”
“Speaking of Wonder Woman. I can hear trouble in Metropolis. Something is wrong. My dog is barking. I’ve got to go—
The word doesn’t even finish, before I’m actually gone. A blur of red and blue-grey streaking across the night sky. Leaving one of the two boxes of macaroons, even if it’s half-empty, behind with the Black Canary.
Dinah: “You’d think he’d get some credit for all the times he tried to stop me, but apparently not…”
Another thing about billionaire vigilantes, apparently, is that they’re highly territorial and don’t seem to like other vigilantes encroaching on their turf. Especially powered ones. I wonder if that’s something I bring out in these guys, or if there’s some sort of cosmic being up there that has a type they like to play with. Maybe I just have a lot of history repeating sorts of scenarios, actually.
“Because they can just fabricate whatever they didn’t actually catch you in the act of doing. I assume the same Martian that makes the SuperRum.”
It makes sense. Very Machiavellian, which certainly seems up Luthor’s alley the more I’ve gotten to really know about him. Who needs actually guilty metas and their collaborators when you can just make your own, and have them act in a way that fits your narrative? The problem is, no matter how much someone may agree with a politician who’s trying to make them feel safe? They never, and I mean never, like it when that same politician encroaches on their privacy and other liberties. Especially in such an underhanded way. The martian comment was maybe unnecessary, but it serves to prove a point of my own I suppose. That I listen to everything, and I am very, verygood at putting pieces together.
“It was important. Not just for my sake, but maybe for something bigger, too. I’ve got a pretty limited circle of ‘mines,’ I’m not sure they’d like what’s under those other rocks they might kick up. For their sakes, not mine.”
I’m definitely not going to keep him, not if he’s hearing trouble over in Metropolis. Knowing he can hear that far away? Also filed away for later use. I start to ask about his dog because that’s a little absurd sounding, but he’s gone. After a moment of squinting the in the direction the streak flew off to, I shrug and then head for the stairs. I’ve got some cookies, and another half of this bottle to polish off before my roommate gets home and lectures me about whether or not this is a healthy, balanced meal.
by Michele | Nov 4, 2017 | Chronicles
Dinah: I’d had some words to have with Alfred when I’d been up at the Manor earlier in the week. Not just about pastries, though… you see the man about pastries if you’ve got a chance. I am perfectly capable of cooking. I just don’t, most of the time, I don’t have to. There’s a fully operational bar downstairs, that despite being in the kind of neighborhood that seems more action that Black Canary is interested in than Dinah Lance, actually serves some decent food most of the time. Sure, my apartment over top of it has a kitchen, but it’s mostly for storage and bags of ice or frozen peas for knuckles and faces than something I’m going to make. The man’s an angel though, really. And I was perfectly happy to discuss some plans that may or may not have been overstepping some boundaries but you know what? No one else is going to do it, and I don’t really care. All while waiting for some baked goodness to take home to my place.
Really. It’s Dick’s fault. In a way, it was his idea.
It could be argued that tonight’s not the night for this kind of thing. There’s bound to be a whole pack of idiots out on the streets tonight, and the mood in Gotham is still a little strange. Makes it hard to know exactly what’s coming, more than normal anyway. Not even a bad argument against a little bit of merriment, but plans were just adjusted. It’s not even dark out yet. There’s time for fun, and patrolling. Both could technically count as ‘family bonding’ time, too. And I love Halloween. I always have. Even after I started dressing up as something else every night. Normally? I’d be wearing something covering tonight. Dressing to the opposite of what I am. Last year I was a terribly unexciting nun. This year?
I’m juggling an armful of shopping bags, which clank and rattle and make it pretty clear I’ve gone BYOB, but at least I plan to share, while I rap on the door, waiting for Alfred to open up for me. He makes a great co-conspirator. Even for Halloween Parties.
“Trick or Treat! I brought treats! Thanks for your help with the costume, I made it work.”
See, I did come as the opposite of what I am. The Robin costume might be said to not really fit me, but … by proxy it really fits, if what you were going for the ‘Slutty Sidekick’ look, like they actually sell online. I wasn’t going to spend the money. I’ve got the real deal to work off here. I mean. The top doesn’t exactly…close and the booty shorts are definitely booty shorts but…
“Pan boots. Super comfy. Who knew!”
Damien: Damien for the record would like to state that this isn’t his idea. Also, he never understood the understanding of Halloween. But, Dinah … insisted … that he come. It was more of an order than anything else.
Oh, and he had to dress up.
….Damien tried to argue. But, once again. Dinah ordered him. Normally he wouldn’t take orders from her. He was just trying to get by without getting more grief from the Bat-Clan. Since he also wasn’t allowed to come as Red Hood, He decided to dress as something he knew. Which, you know, happened to be what his grandfather ran. The League of Assassins. It was all black, with a face mask, hood, gloves… you name it. Damien had it. Walking up to the door, he sighed and knocked on it.
Thankfully there was a reason to wear this. It was getting cold and well, he preferred not to freeze. Unlike some of the other women he saw on his way up to the Wayne Manor footsteps. When Alfred opened the door, well, there was a strange silence that came over him. Usually, the man had something quite witty to say. But, it was the first time he’d seen Damien since Bruce died. In essence, Alfred was his other Grandfather. More of a father to Bruce than Thomas was. That was neither here nor there now.
Lowering the mask, Damien reaches out, putting his hand on the older gentleman’s shoulder. The two may not have always seen eye to eye. But, Damien had great respect for him. After the two exchanged a moment, he’d speak up. Loud enough for Dinah to hear.
“Ahem. Master Wayne. That is quite the, uh, outfit.”
“Thank you Alfred. Dinah said I had to come in costume.” and, well, what a costume it was. Walking past him, Damien walks over to the study. Fully intending on reading, instead of being social. Of course, that’s probably not what Dinah had in mind. Misery loves company, and all.
Tim: Is it strange that dressing up in to a costume is a problem for people like us? Me, I feel like a chump. I never did Halloween as a child, really. My Folks always wanted me too, but I didn’t appreciate dressing up as someone else. Which brings to mind the entire conundrum of my life as of late. I’m simply not good at being someone else’s character. Kind of feeds back, all the way to the beginning really, when Bruce asked me to be Robin. I’d turned down that initial offer, instead asking to put my own label on the Mantle. ‘Red Robin’ was born.
Dinah and I have had multiple discussions about this sort of thing, none of which was related to Halloween. It was still very relevant to the night. Costumes suck. I’m not good at this sort of thing. Unlike the rest of the Bat-Family, I actually live in the same place as Dinah Lance. So there was no way to get out of doing this. I’d had little choice. So I went with the only thing I could stand…
“I feel like Cobblepot is going to think I’m gimic infringing with this umbrella…”
I’m a little late arriving to the party. Simply because Dinah refused to let Alfred pick us up in the Limo. I don’t own a car. ( Actually, I probably do. Inheritance, lame. ) Dinah only owns a bike. So we’d taken a Taxi. Except the Taxi guy didn’t have change for a Hundo. Nor did he have a fork-lift with which to carry in the Keg that Dinah insisted on bringing from her Bar. So, by default I’m a big tipper -and- carrying my own luggage, so to speak.
“Sorry, I’m late,” having hooked the umbrella in to the keg, I’ve engineered my own make-shift dolly. “You made that Cabby’s night, Dinah.”
Dinah: Only I’m not miserable. Quite the opposite, and I’m hell-bent on dragging someone along with me on my night of not misery. Dick and Barbara may be onto something with their lead, Tim might be…not a perfect fit for Batman but he’s trying, and he’s done some great things. Not just for Gotham, but spreading out to the world around us and Damien? Well. Damien actually showed up. In a costume no less. Which puts him two points ahead of where I thought we’d be tonight. Also underselling a little that I know he’s at least making an effort, after our little Batervention the other week. It’s a lot of reasons for a celebration, with a Holiday built in for an excuse. Maybe too much of a chippy-cheery one for me to normally drag them all in for but…
I kind of felt like maybe a night that wasn’t just yelling or correcting, or lecturing one another was in order. And yes. I’m as guilty, maybe more, as everyone else. The study is a pretty default hiding spot. I may not have spent much time upstairs in this place, but it’s not that hard to guess. Good thing Alfred knows these boys better than probably anyone else and has set-up in there. It’s where I head with my bags of booze, waving Tim along with me once he manages to get the keg in through the door. See? Not always opposed to letting a man do my heavy lifting.
“He’s welcome to come try and take it up with you. Be a bad night for him. Unlike said Cabby. I think he was trying to decide if someone had slipped him some special candy or not.”
I, for once, am actually wearing an eye mask. Part of the Robin costume, obviously. It was also definitely not where the cab driver was looking at any point. I think he was barely looking at the road either. Strutting in to the study, I throw my arms wide as I take in… God, that has to be Damien. Who else would show up looking like that in this house?
“…Damien, you know what? Nice costume, and Happy Halloween.”
The gesture might have been the threat of a hug. If I were a hugger. Instead I deposit my alcoholic goodies on the table that had been covered with books last time I was here. There’s no hug. Just a punch in the shoulder. Except the only person in this house that I haven’t punched is Alfred. That’s more a friendly knuckle nudge.
Damien: “This is not a costume.” making the distinction to Dinah as he gives her a curious glance when she punches his shoulder. Then looks over her costume with a raised… well, brow. It wasn’t in judgement. Tilting his head at her. “I.. believe you require a larger outfit, Dinah.” offering honestly. Completely missing the point of well, the T&A of her costume “I am sure if you were to offer to Alfred. He would have made sure the old Robin outfit would have been altered to your dimensions.” Giving her a nod, he looks over at the table of booze before turning his attention back to Dinah.
“I assume you brought Timothy?” asking as he moved to seat next to the table where she dropped her booze. Damien wasn’t planning on leaving the study. Next time, maybe he’d hide in the den. Maybe there he could be left alone with the few hundred dozen books. But, here he was now. With Dinah. And Timothy supposedly coming in behind her. Though, he heard rustling down stairs as Tim struggled with the keg. Though, he didn’t come to think to help Tim out. Looking away from Dinah for a moment, he glances to the bookshelf and picks up a book that looks interesting.
It’s not that Damien didn’t appreciate T&A…just…he didn’t really understand it. And least to say, Dinah was all about that T&A tonight.
“How are you tonight, Dinah?” asking, not really looking up from the book. So, he was trying to be a little social.
Tim: “No. I mean. I handed him a hundred dollar bill, he said he couldn’t break it. I said keep the change. But. I think -you- still made his night.”
There’s no small amount of smirk here. She was dressed like she was. Whether because of the Humor at work or because she was tormenting Dick. Who cares? I sure don’t. The cab driver certainly doesn’t care about why. Only that she was, that he got the pleasure of watching it the whole way here from the City. Hell, he didn’t even complain about the keg when I was loading it in. ( An act that started as a manly gesture, but ended with Dinah laughing at me. )
Damien being here isn’t really a surprise. I would have bet on him being here if for no other reason than to heckle everyone else for participating. Him being in costume? That’s worth all the trouble of getting here. By itself. Seeing the costume, on the other hand, leaves me unsure of whether to heckle him just a little bit instead. How do you resist?
“Hey, I though we had to come in costume!” Going with the obvious teasing gesture to Damien. “He used to wear that all the time. One time he jumped out of the Grandfather Clock and Alfred almost shot him with the 9mm he keeps under his monkey suit.”
All teasing aside, I am quick to transfer a hand from the Keg I’ve been hauling along, to Damien’s shoulder as I get closer. “It’s good to see you Damien. You really should take a moment. To just appreciate the fact that …. you’re going to spend the next fifty years listening to me tell stories about how the best looking Robin happened during my tenure in the Cowl.”
“Just. Look at her, Man. For once, that’s really the sole point. Wait. Did I say for once? That’s always the point. Appreciate the tactical advantage she gets in your old suit.”
Dinah: “Today it is. And now that you’ve worn it as a costume once, there’s just no going back.”
With that ‘greeting’ out of the way, I’m adding liquor to the spread that Alfred’s already laid out. I’d say it’s probably above what was required when there was only going to be five potential guests, and himself, in the house, but I don’t know. I’m no mind reader, but I think that maybe ‘Penny-One’ was happy to have an excuse. While i don’t know exactly how cheery a group it’s going to be, we’re at least making the attempt. It had been made clear to me when I’d turned up to pick up my own ‘costume’ that I didn’t need to bring anything with. I wanted to, though. And alcohol is something I ‘own’ in spades with the bar. It was this or peanuts. That and the gift of my glorious presence.
“Oh, this is the old Robin outfit. And he did alter it a little for me. Mostly to make sure I didn’t rip out a seam putting it on.”
I feel like I ought to point out to Damien the whole point of the costumes are to wear something that you are not, and likely will never be in the future. That connotation, mixed with him being the one that put it on? Well. I’m smirking a little bit as I finish distributing bottles through the treats and appetizers. Last out of the bag is a small black box that I shake once to make the heavy sound of cards thumping back and forth inside of it, laughing at Tim’s story in a single, little too loud guffaw.
“…I’d say seriously but that’s about the most believable thing I’ve heard all day. Happy Halloween to the cabby. Maybe he won’t be so grumpy when he shows up at his next fare.”
Though. See commentary about costumed freaks being up to no good tonight, as much as any other night and maybe I don’t entirely blame him. Not in Gotham. Instead of his life at risk, he got an enormous tip and to look at me.
“Tim’s right. Is this how it worked for you? Did you get to curb stomp crooks because they were gawking, too?”
Damien: “I believe it started with you, Timothy. We were playing …” trailing off as he tried to think of what the game was called. “Hide and Seek? You told me to hide. And you would come seek me. I took the opportunity to frighten Alfred. Though, You never did find me…” trailing off, Did Tim ever look for him. Looking to Dinah once again. “I suppose she is … unique … in my old Robin outfit.” saying as he shrugged. It wasn’t that he didn’t think Dinah was attractive. Just he never really thought of her in that line. They were similar in age with some of the same life experiences. But, thought of her more as an extension of his family.
Helena on the other hand….
“Psh. I am not sure what you are referring to, Dinah. Father would not allow me to “curb stomp” in air quotes, none the less. “Criminals.” shrugging slightly.
“Timothy. I must applaud you on your .. costume … I would have never thought you to dress as one of Father’s most hated villains. Maybe if we are to do this again next year, I will come dressed at Joker. To continue tradition, if you will.” explaining, his tone even and cool. It’d be hard to determine if Damien was joking. Especially since he was wearing something that covered the lower half of his face.
Coming back around to Dinah, he looks her over one more time. She’d see the gears turning in his mind on how to compliment her.
“I suppose it is most likely a good thing father did not choose you as Robin. Maybe the criminals would have gawked a bit too much for his liking. And I am sure you would have gotten cold with your legs bare and your chest exposed during the winter.” giving her a nod. That was a compliment, right?
Tim: See the bright smile? You should focus upon that and not the way I’m stage whispering to Dinah, “… I never went looking for him. It was the only way to get him to stop telling me how to do everything. He nearly gave Alf a heart-attack. I made a GIF out of it. It’s what I send every year to Alfred with his birthday card.”
The drinks are for the others. I’m not having any for a litany of reasons, but the most major among them? I’m the official designated driver. Because we came by Cab, but we’re leaving with something a little different. Trading up, so to speak. That is really half of the reason I agreed to the cab ride, instead of the Limo. I need to procure nondescript transportation for something I’ve got in the works. The work that I’ve been doing with Coast City requires me to show up to work on something other than a pedal-bike.
“Wah wah waaaaaah,” shaking the umbrella at Damien. “When I saw what Dinah was wearing, I couldn’t compete. So I figured that I would go the opposite direction. Fat, Disgusting. I started to wear fishy cologne, but I was worried she wouldn’t get in the Cab with me if I did.”
Clearing my throat just enough to get Damien’s attention, “Damien. Buddy. Pal. Brother. Have you ever seen her Canary costumes? She’s wearing a cape right now. Which means she has more clothing on right this second, than she would have if you stitched two Canary costumes together.”
Dinah: “I think this actually covers more than my usual suit. I mean. The support’s a little lacking. Seems like it’d lead to high potential for wardrobe malfunction… a lot less shredding of fishnets though. Do they make pan-booties in a high heeled variety? Might be onto something with these at least…”
Plus, besides all that I’m fairly sure that Bruce already had a Robin at that point. The first versions of my Canary costume weren’t nearly this exposed, either. It was a lot closer to what Damien’s wearing right now, and just started to get skimpier. And skimpier. As the nights went on and I realized how much of a distraction being a girl was, let alone one who was much more mature for her age than most would have guessed. Setting the Cards Against Humanity box on the edge of the table, I’m left laughing once again at Tim’s comment. I was wondering if Tim hadn’t found Damien, or if he’d just never looked. And now I know.
“Poor Alfred. He deserves some sort of war hero recognition. Seriously.”
Snatching up a canape, followed by another when it gets promptly popped into my mouth, I cross the room to drop down in a seat near Damien.
“The cape is really the only thing I’ve got a complaint about. So impractical.” Says the girl wearing…what I’m wearing now, that normally goes out in boots and what amounts to underwear. “Where did you even get Fishy Cologne, Tim? Please don’t tell me you’ve made some sort of doohicky to manufacture it.”
Dick: “He doesn’t need to make something to manufacture it, Silly Canary. Bat-Shark-Repellent. It’s in the utility belt. Smells like rotten codfish.”
They’ve congregated in the Den, so when I make my entrance it’s with the flare of throwing open the doors. So that everyone can see that someone wore even less than Dinah did. There was really only one way to go with the costume this year. You might have guessed it. “Michael Phelps. Speaking of sharkes. He raced one earlier this year on History channel. Sorta. It wasn’t really a Shark. Nor a race. And he didn’t win, actually.”
There’s an immediate hug in-store for Timothy Drake and Damien Wayne in turn. They’re each getting one. “Barb sends her apologies, but her Dad was working late. So she’s taking him some Licorice. Heavy on the Liquor.”
Damien: “The cape is really the only thing I’ve got a complaint about. So impractical.” Says the girl wearing…what I’m wearing now, that normally goes out in boots and what amounts to underwear. “Where did you even get Fishy Cologne, Tim? Please don’t tell me you’ve made some sort of doohicky to manufacture it.”
“The cape controls ascent and can be used to block various kinds of elemental attacks. Also, it is reinforced with an early kind of kevlar. As Robin, I was to be the target instead of Batman.” giving a nod as Dinah has a seat next to him. Leaning back, he pulls the facemask portion down and then pulls the hood down. Watching the exchange between Dinah and Tim, he tilts his head a little in confusion. Why would he want to smell like dead fish? Shaking his head, he picks the book that he was reading and opens it back up to what he was reading.
“I would imagine Timothy would build a contraption to make something reek.” offering a bit of a jab, though not really paying much attention. “When we lived together. Timothy once took apart the microwave, a television remote and finally a remote control car. From it, He assembled a contraption that would heat his meals on the run. It had met its demise at the hands of Alfred who was none too pleased at the range of the Microwave Car.” explaining.
“He also used it to chase Ace around the house. As you can imagine, Father was also not very amused.” though, Bruce did little to squash their imaginations. Or, well, rather Tim’s. Bruce had a hard time inspiring Damien not to use his imagination for mangling the criminal underworld.
Looking to Dinah, he bares a smile. Though, it’s clearly strained and not in practice.
“I have pictures of when Timothy had a bowl cut, if you ever wish to see.”
When Dick enters the room…half naked well, Damien’s brow shot up, and also didn’t return the hug that Dick seemed to eager to give him. Instead, he looked like some sort of rag doll.
“Richard. I do not believe you. All you are doing is wearing trunks and nothing else. This is hardly a costume.” offering with a bit of a teasing smile.
Dinah: Do I doubt that there is such a thing as Bat-Shark-Repellent? Are you joking? I’ve worked with these people for long enough to know that chances are better that it exists than it doesn’t exist. Boyscouts and Batman had basically the same motto. Be Prepared. So there’s no commentary on it that’s the truth or not, or if that is in fact what it smells like.
“What the hell did you ever need shark repellent for?”
It’s not often I’m not the least dressed person at any event in my life. In a fight. At the grocery store… even squeezing myself into a boy’s old costume, I’m still not going to win a prize for Most Skin Showing tonight. Man. There should have been prizes… that would have made this all a little too official and forced I think. Though ‘forced’ is definitely the word I’d use to describe Damien’s reaction to the hug Dick gives him. Not that the attire, or lack thereof, is really probably even to blame. I’m still snickering as I kick green boots up over the leg of the chair I’ve taken.
“I was going to guess Baywatch. Is that Barb’s, or did you actually own a speedo that small already? Lucky Gordon. That is the best kind of candy. Clearly we should all go trick or treat at the Precinct once we’ve eaten all of Alfred’s food.”
Truth is, listening to the bickering, bantering and exchanging of stories about the awful/amusing/embarrassing things that have been done by one or the other of them is good. Not even from some kind of ‘togetherness’ angle but… good for me. It’s all actually been a relief that I haven’t had to deal with the kind of problem Helena thought would arise. She actually called me in because she thought there’d be a battle royale over who GOT to wear the Cowl. Not the opposite. Seeing them behave like…well… brothers? Is a relief no matter what else is going right or wrong.
“It can also be used to snare and/or strangle you with. Not a fan of capes.”
Damien: “The trick not to being strangled by your own cape is to make sure they never grab you.” giving a nod. Damien and Bruce went over many, many situations on what to do if your cape did get grabbed on. Looking to Dinah, then back to his brothers. It was an interesting family he thought himself in. His brothers, Tim and Dick. While Damien may not show it, he wouldn’t trade them for anybody else. They were his brothers in battle, in life. And he knew that if for whatever reason, he had to call for help. They would be there in an instant. And likewise, he would be there for them in an instant.
They fight, bicker and act like… well, brothers. Even if they aren’t bound by blood. Apparently family extends beyond blood.
“Dinah.” turning his attention to her. “I have heard that you are training a new recruit. A young girl. How is that going? I do not suppose I could come in and help?” Damien was trying to extend his field of friends to beyond family. Maybe by giving Spoiler some even tougher love and no quipping while at it. Maybe….maybe he could make a new friend. That’s how it works, right?
“I promise not to try and kill her. I am assuming you are going full contact?” asking. When they were younger, Damien and Dinah had often sparred going full contact. While him and his brothers often did what brothers did best. Fought, Wrestled, Argued. All at full contact. There was no holding back against your brothers. “I will offer pictures of Richard in his first Nightwing outfit. I believe it was an attempt to channel the Ninety Seventies. V Neck. Flair collar.”
Tim: Richard Grayson is not just the older Brother, but he is also the Senior Statesman now. As such there’s a level of maturity one would anticipate when expecting him at a function. That is thrown to the proverbial birds when Dick shows up like he is. It’s all I can do not to start laughing immediately. The only way I manage -not- to laugh, is when Dick gives first me and then Damien a hug.
“Dude. I think he just hugged us while wearing a pair of Barbara’s bikini bottoms. I’m not sure how I feel about this, but I’m re-thinking my stance on the booze.”
There’s always time to ridicule Dick later, right now there’s something far more important to address. “Actually, that was my first foray in to drone technology. Model Two of that mobile microwave used a micro-transceiver from the sat-phone Damien used to use to call his Grandfather to relay to one of the Wayne Tech Satellites. Unfortunately the laser-torch kept burning all of my pizza-rolls.”
“For the record, I agree with Dinah. I hate capes. I acknowledge that they’re essential at times, depending on the situation. Their aerodynamic appeal. The ability to use them for stealth. Not to mention, like Damien says, you can layer them for additional defense. Right before everything went sideways, I was working on a new style of cape for my Red Robin outfit. Made out of tensile polyfilament, it’s light weight but can be deployed as -literal- wings to allow me…
Dick: “…to fly. You’ve been talking about this idea since you were twelve. He’s been obsessed with flying ever since he met the first Superman.”
There’s a slanted smirk in place right now. Nothing to worry about, normally, but I’m clearly enjoying the discomfort of my little brothers. They both seem equally put off by the Hugs, by the state of my ‘costume’. Added to my not answering about the origin of the thong I’m wearing? Well it makes this more of a ‘party’ than it otherwise would have been.
The Boy certainly like to tease one another, don’t they Mum? Should they get out of sorts, just remind them that the Manor has had internal surveillance since before they were born and that I am a meticulous keeper of secrets. Unless plied with wine and good cheer. In which case I would be happy to regail you with tales of their misadventures… like the time Ace stole Master Damien’s utility belt and buried in the Garden Maze. Or the time Master Tim spent the afternoon tasered in place, after he tried to disassemble -his- utility belt for the first time. Or perhaps the story of why Master Richard started the tradition of the Pan Booties to begin with…
“See? This is what happens when you let Alfred cater a party. He’s always upstaging the Guests.”
Dinah: It’s basically the same liability as my hair is, when it comes down to it, only I can’t be strangled with my blonde locks. Not long enough for that. I can’t really debate the technique of not letting it be grabbed in the first place, but sometimes things happen in the middle of a fight despite what you ‘let’ happen or not. No matter how good you are.
“Two. One’s more refresher training though, and he’s not actually new. Transplant from another city. Spoiler though. Spoiler’s definitely new. It’s going better than I expected though, honestly. I figured she’d give up or wash out after the first few days. She’s making progress though. I’m not sure she’d survive both of us going Hard Knocks on her. But if nothing else we can make for better demonstrations than she gets from watching me…well… she can’t really watch when I’m using her for practice. …you assume full contact. Pshttt. Who do you think you’re talking to?”
There’s always something about listening to Tim geek out over his gadgets. I mean, I patently refuse to let him do any of that stuff to my gear, outside of some good ‘old fashioned’ armoring, but the things he comes up with. Between his initial drone tech, apparently, to the wings he was apparently working on before his ‘suit’ change.
“Hey, now it’s almost necessity as much as dreams. Trying to make sure you can ‘hang’ with your new friends?”
Mind you, I don’t have a problem with being ‘stuck’ on the ground. It’s always served me pretty well. But I can see the draw, especially when you’re slowly amassing acquaintances who can all transcend normal transportation concerns naturally. And people say Gotham’s weird… I find myself grinning at Alfred as he makes his appearance in the room. The stories he has to have. Both living here, and as Penny-One, the man’s seen some things.
“Gotta admit, the last one sounds informative, and I kind of need to see the footage that surely exists of the tasering. Don’t worry, Dick. Alfred’s as much guest as you are, so he can’t really show you up. Hm. Actually. He does trump you. He’s feeding me.”
Damien: Damien didn’t hold the same social graces that the rest of them did. While he didn’t fight back against the social gatherings, he was much more comfortable in his own outfit and beating up criminals than he was talking with others. Giving a nod to Dinah “I will contact you at some point, then. If you do not mind.” looking back down at the book, he finally gives up on trying to read it and puts it on the table as he watches Tim geek out, Dick embarrass them all, and then Alfred being, well, Alfred.
“I am going for a walk.” There were memories he wanted to explore, a house that once was warm and welcoming, now felt cold and empty. Maybe he should come back… but the memories of his father were great. Pushing up off the chair, he puts a hand on both of his brothers shoulders. “It is a pleasure to see you both again, at once. I hope we can do it again soon.” offering as he turned his head slightly, nodding to Dinah.
Walking out the door, Damien would turn the corner to go explore and visit his old memories. Maybe in a way to try and attempt to reconnect with his father. To pay for the sins of his own past without witnesses. It was how Damien worked, always had.
Tim: The joking back and forth? Is not just good, it’s needed. We haven’t had something like this since we all came back to the City. This is exactly what we’ve all needed. At least, this is what I’ve needed. It feels good to just be here. Together. Maybe without Bruce, but we all seem more like a family now than we have since losing him. But, I knew if the group of us was in the same place for long enough? Business would come up as a topic of discussion. I hadn’t anticipated Stephanie being the ice breaker though. Hell, I wouldn’t have even wagered her as being one of those to even be spoken of at all.
“For what it’s worth. I think introducing Stephanie to any one else from our ‘Family’ is a bad idea right now. Ever since she found out that Dinah is the Black Canary, she’s been working things out. She saw my announcement about Coast City on the television the other day. Now she thinks I’m Red Robin. She’s got her Father’s knack from Clues, I’d prefer not to give her another. At least, not until I’m absolutely sure she’s not a pawn in her Father’s schemes.”
There’s a small shrug at the end of this, because ultimately I don’t feel like it’s my call. I brought the girl in, I’ve been taking her out with me as Batman, but I asked Dinah to get her ready. If Dinah thinks she can handle something, then that’s the end of the discussion for me. I just wanted to put that out there. I’m not comfortable with her knowing who I am, yet. Much less knowing who the rest of them are.
“I always assumed the pan boots were a call back to your time with the Circus, Dick?”
Dick: “It does, Tim, but Alfred’s actually referencing the fact that… When I first decided to go out in the Night, I… sort of put together a costume from bits and pieces of anything I could find around the manor.”
Including. Master Dick’s boots from his turn at Peter Pan, from highschool.
“At the time I didn’t actually know Bruce was Batman or anything. I was just going out on my own…”
Dressed. As Peter Pan. Whom Master Dick was convinced was real, at the time.
“I was like 10.”
We’re very lucky, he didn’t believe he could fly, because I’m quite sure he was sniffing pixie dust at the time.
“You. Are. Completely. Not. Helping. Alfred.”
Dinah: “Don’t get lost.”
There’s a jaunty, if sloppy little salute given in Damien’s direction as he bails on the rest of us. Not surprised, nor am I going to try to stop him. I’m actually a little amazed he showed up, but it’s probably testament to just how strong my annoyance game can be if I feel the need to direct it at someone. I might have implied there’d be suffering of the non-physical variety if he didn’t at least poke his head in. Or maybe the fact that they are still a family is more the reasoning.
“She does have that going for her, that’s for sure. And her Eavesdrop Fu would put most of you to shame. I don’t even think she does it entirely on purpose.”
The girl’s got a lot of qualities that would, on the surface, make her suitable to the life she thinks she’s wanting to join, even if just to get even with her Dad. What she lacks, other than skill and experience though, isn’t something any amount of time with me is going to teach her though. I’m just not entirely sure if she’s got fight in her. And no, it’s not the same thing as stubbornness or a goal that she’s trying to reach. It’s still early though. We’ll see. Hopefully before she gets herself in trouble with it. Or her lack of it.
“Jeeeesus. That explains so much…”
Because I’d been at a bit of a loss as to who could have possibly dreamed up this costume. Especially compared to Bruce’s Batman Aesthetic. My Canary get-up may be flashy of the skin variety, but it’s still almost all black, or darker colors. But meanwhile? I’ve devolved into laughter in my chair, hand pressed to my temple like I need to contain it. The guys may rib each other…but no one does it nearly as well as the one who knows them best.
“Alfred. You savage. You’re staying for the card game, though…somehow I think that might be a mistake on my end. You’re probably going to win…”
by Michele | Nov 3, 2017 | Chronicles
Dick: When Dinah came to the Manor, I’d promised her to speak with my youngest ‘Brother.’ At first I’d been resistant, because Dinah had been unwilling to actually tell me whether she thought I should do something or not. It was never about whether or not it was the Black Canary’s place to make a decision. I was looking for input. Tim hasn’t been at the Manor much since returning to Gotham. I haven’t left, quite so often as I would like either. We’ve been travelling different paths. All of us have been. What I needed for Dinah was an assessment. Given by someone that I could trust. Which wouldn’t be laden with judgmental bias, like I might get from others. She hadn’t been willing to outright tell me that I needed to take the Cape and Cowl off of Tim. In fact, Dinah hadn’t been overly willing to do much of anything but lecture me about my own inadequacies.
If she’d been having that discussion with Bruce, it wouldn’t have gone quite so nicely as it did with me. Though, the simple truth is, if Bruce was still here none of it would have been a discussion in the first place. What Dinah had done is make me aware that I needed to get my head in the game. I’d argued that my head was in the game. The truth was somewhere in the middle. I’ve been obsessed with finding Bruce’s murderer. The only comfort that I’ve found of late, has been that which I could get from Barb. Even that was tempered by how torn the two of us have been over everything else. All of which equated to Dinah being at least partially right. That might grate upon me, if it weren’t for the fact that she was also partially wrong too. Saving Graces.
This is the first time I’ve come to the ‘Robin’s Nest.’ Which is doubling as the Bat Cave these days. Among the list of things I hadn’t known, that’s one of the chief among them. No one told me that Tim didn’t feel welcome at the Manor. No one mentioned to me that he was taking over the mantle of the Bat. No one managed to inform me that he’d set up one of the store houses as a new central base camp in the middle of Gotham City. No one told me anything, but I should have known anyway. Because I should have been involved. I should have been out there. In the City. Doing what I’ve been doing since I was younger than Tim is now.
It took about an hour before I accepted that Dinah was right about that. That I managed to find my way through feeling left out and realized that I hadn’t been left out. I’m the one who withdrew. Damien and Tim followed my lead, because I’m the oldest. We all did what our Father would do. Pulled in. Formed ranks. Kept everything close to the vest. What we had all done wrong, is that we followed Bruce’s example. When Bruce wanted us each to be better. After accepting my part (not the totality) of the blame for being so out of the loop? I’d made a single call.
A couple hours later, I’m feeling a lot better about everything. You see. I didn’t come here to take the Mantle of the Bat away from Tim. I came here to tell Tim about the lead Barbara and I found. In coming here, I’d opened the gate, turned on the lights and invited Timothy Wayne inside. Because anything else would feel like I was punishing Tim, for doing what is right. You cannot do that. Tim did the right thing. He lead Damien to doing the right thing. He’s managed to somehow marshal these other kids against the forces aligning against them. He’s done all of these things, while carrying a burden that he was never meant to carry.
“Did you see this?” In my hand is a newspaper, one that has a front-page headline. “The Dark Knight and The Fastest Man Alive solve the case and save the City. Central City, that is.”
Dinah Lance doesn’t consider this a game. Neither do I, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that if it was a game? Timothy Drake is winning. For now. That’s part of -my- problem. “Don’t get me wrong. I get it. He’s not ready. Neither is Damien. But, I just couldn’t take it away from him. He’s done so much. Managed to accomplish so much. I think that if I took it away from him, it would be a blow that he might not recover from.”
“Stop. Right there. I’m not through, Dinah.”
“What I mean, is that there’s a confidence level involved in all of this. You know it as well as I do. After accomplishing the things he’d managed, if I told him that he wasn’t ready? It could have lead him down a path of self-doubt, that he doesn’t deserve. Mentally, that kid is more ready than Damien or I will ever be. Physically? Like you said. He needs help. So that’s what I was planning to offer…”
“…and then he asked me how long he has to wear that damned suit. Tim says he almost chopped the horns off his cowl in the Batmobile,” there’s a rueful smirk, that isn’t quite teasing about time but recalling the way he made me laugh when he said it. “He’s never worn the Cowl, he didn’t know to compensate for the height. The cape is longer than he’s used too. He’s never been without his own tools. Tim asked me to take it. Hell, he told me that his plan from the start had been to talk Damien. Get Damien on the right path. Then talk me in to taking it so he didn’t have too.”
“Dinah. I just had a meeting with my little brother. A meeting you thought I needed to have. Why do I feel like my little brother planned all of this? Maneuvered you. Me. Damien. He tripped on his cape. While filming the entire thing for training footage. Convenient. All I want to know, is did you know or were you an unwitting pawn in my evil little brother’s scheme?”
Dinah: “That depends.”
On what it is he’s asking if I’d seen or not, but I straighten up from the bank of monitors I’m hunched in front of to give my chair a spin and turn it around to face Dick and what it is he wants me to see exactly. I wasn’t using the computers, mind you. They’re currently serving as a prop for a clipboard and my pen and papers. Most expensive desk in the city, unless of course I was in the actual Batcave doing the same thing. The clipboard is mostly for something extra solid to use to whack anyone who points out I could simply use the ‘writing surface’ to do this digitally. Kudos to Nightwing for bringing me a physical paper to look at though. Frankly, I’m kind of surprised it’s not just a digital representation on a fancy tablet or something along those lines.
“And without Wonder Woman, either. Normally I’d have some commentary to make about the lack of girl power in that equation, but since it’s a victory for our boy I’m going to save that for another time.”
Crossing one long leg over the other, I’m by far the most casual person in the ‘building.’ Mostly because once Spoiler walked in on me, or rather I guess I walked in on herbeing here, there isn’t anyone who comes down here that doesn’t know my real identity anyway. That means I do training, and basically everything else, in workout gear unless I’m planning to go do some ass kicking. Such is my current lot. But when it comes down to it, I’m actually far less protective of ‘Dinah Lance’ than any of the rest of them are of their names. I don’t have anyone that isn’t also a vigilante that I care about currently. And they can watch out for themselves. Or I can. Stretching my arms overhead like I’ve been interrupted doing something incredibly taxing, I cross one long leg over the other and look at Dick expectantly. He told me to stop.
The raised eyebrow says he’s got about five seconds to finish, and he better make it good, before I’m going to keep on regardless.
“Oh. He did. Did he mention the part where he made the ears longer in Version 8.6, because someone commented that he looked shorter? Mental preparation was really never the concern.”
I may not have been there for that conversation, but I don’t exactly need to be a rocket scientist to know who in the Cave would have said it. Without knowing to think through what i might lead to. Which was a taller hat, and thicker boots. There’d been much facepalming and grumbling behind his back about that one, while I felt that I couldn’t voice that complaint to his face. I’d told Dick as much at Wayne Manor. I’m ground floor cheer squad here. Tim already doesn’t think he can do this. Despite the successes. Having someone tell him that to his face isn’t going to help matters. It’d just undo the good he’s managed to bolster himself with.
Which is also why I wasn’t actually after Dick to tell him he sucked either. He doesn’t suck. That’s not really the issue.
“Normally, and in any other situation, I’d get squinty right now, think about what you’re telling me and go ‘oooh, that little asshole done played us.’ But there’s no way, and I mean none, that he would have intentionally tripped on his cape. As Batman. Out in public where someone might see it. Which is the actual core of the problem. He won’t risk doing something that Batman wouldn’t do. In his opinion. Because he’s preserving an image more than he’s watching his own ass. And the partner he’s been taking out with him isn’t up to the task of doing it for him.”
Don’t get me wrong, she’s actually made…a lot of progress. I figured the kid would have washed out by now. It’s actually training modules and schedules I’m working out for her right now on my papers. But she’s not going to be able to save Tim’s life if something happens that falls outside all that mental preparation of his.
“That was the original plan though, yes. I was more than a little shocked when he took it on himself in the meantime.”
Dick: “Mm.”
Let’s agree that I’m not convinced. My little brother has pulled quite a caper of late. Manipulations worthy of one of the Rogue’s Gallery, to be honest. I’m not so willing to believe that everything was happenstance. What I can’t dispute though, is what Dinah says about Tim’s dedication to the image of the Bat. I can agree that it would take a lot for him to actually do something out there. In the City. Which would, potentially, make the Batman look bad.
“I don’t want to split hairs with you, but … the detective in me? Is saying that while you’re definitely right about whether he’d blemish the Bat image. There’s a certain likelihood, that Tim left the footage in place. For you to find and me to see. Because he knew it would bring about certain logical conclusions.” Both hands come up, plaintiffly, palm up and open. “I’m just saying. If Tim didn’t want us seeing his blunders? We’d never know they happened, unless we saw them with our own eyes.”
That’s about where I roll my shoulders in a shrug, because it doesn’t really matter in the end. Whether it was a plan or unintentional, the result is still the same isn’t it? I found out, with an assist from Dinah and I -got- motivated to do what was apparently the original plan in the first place. “He wants to tie up a few ‘loose ends,’ but once he does we’re going to make a transition. Maybe more than one.”
With those last couple words, I cast a look around the new ‘Cave.’ I can see why Tim calls it the Robin’s Nest. This is nothing like the Bat Cave. Bruce liked his technology as much as anyone, but he was focused on iconography. There’s way too much light here. Too many -people- here. Dinah’s here. I know that I saw the girl she’s referencing down there fighting a wooden dummy when I came in too. Word is that Roy Harper found his way in to Dinah’s care too. All the while I’ve been hold up at the Manor, with Barb and Alfie… and books.
“You should talk to Tim,” a bit of a twist upon our last conversation, but there’s a much lighter tone to this than before. “He’s got big plans. Outside of Gotham. And if he’s not going to be hidden behind the Bat, then Timothy Wayne, head of Wayne Enterprises will need to be somewhere other than here full time. If he stays here. He’ll be in more danger as Tim, than he ever was as Batman.”
“The look on your face says you haven’t tracked Helena down yet.”
Dinah: Mm. That’s other people’s versions of ‘yeah, no I understand what you’re saying but I also understand you’re totally wrong. At least in this family. The Waynes are like, High Kings of Monosyllabic Disagreement. Which doubles as non-responses to anything you might choose to say that they’re not going to dignify with a response, while pretending that they are. The only part I don’t know for sure, is if they all picked it up from Bruce, or if he just managed to find people with similar mannerisms. Maybe a little of column A, a little of column B.
“There was no finding on my end. He actually gave it to me. Had to pull it up multiple times because I kept accidentally closing it out before I was done watching, so that I could take notes on all the things Spoiler needs ‘helpful correction’ on.”
In a way, their problems aren’t totally dissimilar. Both trying to do what they feel they have to, and putting things into play they’re too new with to be able to use effectively. I had the ‘benefit’ of being a trained fighter for almost a decade before I ever thought to go out and actually use it on anyone as a vigilante. It was long past muscle memory at that point. Stephanie can throw a punch. She clearly picked up some ugly version of playground brawling as she grew up, but fighting with someone who is just another angry scrappy kid is a lot different than fighting someone that can, and will, kill you. Her inexperience with it means she makes mistakes while she’s focusing on something else. And if Tim’s going to continue to fixate on what Batman would or wouldn’t do? He’s going to leave openings he never would as Red Robin.
“More than one? Listen, I know came up there all full of piss and vinegar and indignation, but I also wasn’t kidding when I said taking the mantle from one person who’s not totally committed and putting it on another wasn’t really a great solution. If we all need to think tank something else? Then we do that.”
I don’t want Tim to get himself killed, but I don’t want Dick to either. But frankly… it’s less of a worry for me. The suit’s not new on him. He’s not the third in line that was never, ever supposed to actually have to wear it. He’s more than physically prepared. It’s the mental part where it gets iffy.
“…no, the look on my face says you’re actually telling me something I already know this time. And they are big plans. Tim picked up on a thread that Bruce sent him out on, without knowing that’s what was happening, and he’s running with it. Seems to have made friends that can have his back outside our ‘fair’ city, as well. My money? Is on him joining up with them once this is all sorted out here. But until that happens, anyone that wants Timothy Wayne is coming through me, first.”
My lips purse, partly because of the seriousness of that last statement with the implied ‘I will fuck their shit up’ and…partly because…
“But no. I haven’t gotten her cornered yet.”
Dick: Okay. That is very clearly a surprise to me. Tim showed Dinah the footage? I might have actually blinked just then. Losing the mask of inscrutable passiveness for just a moment. Long enough for it to be seen, but only if the person was looking or as aware of their surroundings as Dinah. There’s no mental cursing at myself for losing control either. Such is the enormity of that information. Which I’m added to the list of things that have surprised me recently.
A list that includes Dinah Drake coming to my Home and giving me the lecture of a life time. One that got cut off at the knees because she wasn’t willing to tell me to pull the trigger. She clearly knew it needed to happen, but she wouldn’t say it. Now she also knows of these elaborate plans too. “You told me, at the Manor, that you were helping Tim. I thought you meant just with training the rookies.”
“You’re helping him, aren’t you? Wait. Waitwait. I mean, you’re really helping Tim. You’re not just doing everything for him or watching to make sure he doesn’t get himself killed. You’re helping Tim?” For the second time in as many minutes, I’m losing the mask of stoic distance. I’m surprised at this revelation. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not surprised that you would help someone. I’m surprised that the angry little girl with a mean right hook, is helping my brother the Dreamer. You’re the most pragmatic person I know, now… No, offense, Dinah, but you’re like a hot wet blanket on the hopes and dreams of everyone around you. I couldn’t understand why you said you wouldn’t make the call, but…
“You’re invested aren’t you? You’re not ditching, to run off to another city again. You actually … mean that. You’re going to protect him.” A hand goes up in to my hair, brushing it back from my face as I soak this all in. “It’s what you do. You’re a hero. You’ve always been a Hero. You’re just…”
Whatever I’m rambling about, I bring it to a halt then and there. Drawing myself up, good and proper, I make a gesture to the sparring pads. “You can’t protect him against the unknown, so get some coffee. I think it’s time someone trains you for once.”
Dinah: The look on Dick Grayson’s face says shock, or maybe just a hair short of that. He thought he had it all figured out, that this was some genius mastermind plan of Tim’s (not really unbelievable) where he was arranging his pawns and higher pieces, so that they would just naturally fall into place, piece after piece, in a way that didn’t even look like he’d done anything at all. Tim’s a planner, and a plotter, sometimes inside of each other. And while I can’t say I really doubt he might have let something be where Dick could find it? I’m not sure he even thought Dick would be looking, and he’d seemed fairly earnestly embarrassed when I had pointed out the tripping. And head bonking. Which I had. As much as I don’t want to jar the guys’ confidence, he knows me well enough, to know that if I have a chance to call out and mock both him and Spoiler in a single breath I’m going to do so. Especially on a first viewing of ‘game footage.’
He probably would have thought something was wrong that I didn’t say anything.
I actually let Dick continue to work through his running list of realizations with very little input from me. I’m just all expectant looks, mixed with ‘uh, duh?’ and a little bit of ‘really, Dick? Really?’ on the side. I may have also rolled my eyes at him, a motion which lolls my head all the way over to my shoulder, and spins my chair around so that I can deposit the clipboard back on my desk/million dollar computer monitor, and finish the revolution.
“I feel like I should point something kind of important out here, since you are probably going to repeatedly bring this up. Again. Likely any chance you think you’re going to get a rise out of me for it. Your father and I had a very polite discussion almost three years ago. You know. The kind where he’s not saying overtly threatening things, but with the clear undertone of ‘if you don’t do what I think’s, I’m going to break your knees and windpipe and ship you off to someone that’s going to keep you out of Gotham forme.'”
Just imagine the kind of talk people he didn’t sort of like would get. In other words, no talk. Straight to the breaking and crating.
“I know what you’re thinking. But Dinah! That’s the kind of talk that gets a dude pimp slapped, kicked in the junk and then further emasculated for daring to tell you what you’re going to do or not do! And you’re right. Except that I actually agreed with him, and saw Bruce’s point. I’m a meta. Gotham’s got enough problems without my superpower arms race escalation. So I found a college as far away as I could get without crossing an ocean.”
Talk about your coast to coast trips, too. Really. Star City had its own problems, mind you, and it’s own vigilantes which I’d invariably hooked up with. And. Erm. Hooked up with. But I’ve changed a lot since I was that angry little girl, as he’s called me. I wasn’t angry anymore, before I’d actually left Gotham or it would probably have been a different conversation. I’d gotten what I”d been after. Not vengeance but justice, and I’d learned the difference. In a way, I hoped it was a lesson I’d be able to impart on Damien eventually. Because he’d been reminding me a lot of myself seven years ago.
“But this?”
I jab a finger at the floor, then spin a widening circle with the digit to encompass not just this room, or this building, but the city as a whole.
“Is my home, and this is my family. When I heard about Bruce I wanted to come back. When Helena called, honoring his ‘wishes’ kind went out the window. I like to think he’d understand, but frankly? This time I don’t really care. You want pragmatic? I can’t protect the only things I’ve got left to care about from Star City. You bet your ass I’m invested. I don’t go and give Superman an ear full for just anyone‘s schemes. What Tim’s doing is important to him. So I’m helping.”
Plus, as a side benefit, they’re looking out for metas in general. Which I am.
“We’ve been working together since we both got back. I was helping him with his Big Plan before he put on the cowl.”
I suppose I am a Hero, but I can pretty much promise one thing. Anyone comes at any of these ‘boys’ or ‘girls’ while I’m around to get in their way, they’re going to learn just how far into the grey area I’m willing and able to go in order to stop them. It becomes my turn to raise my eyebrows in surprise. Both of them. As I look from Dick, to the sparring pads, and back again like I’m double checking what he’s just suggested. Maybe asking if he’s crazy. Emotionally detached? Oh, I know I am. I don’t get involved in things like serious relationships because it’s idiotic. Not how my brain works, and there’s not enough time in the day for it. Fun can be had without anything else needing to come from it. But family is something different.
“Coffee huh? Is this about to be an enlightening experience for one of us?”
I’m not saying no, though. I’m actually willing to humor Nightwing because if he thinks he knows something I’m going to need in order to look out for his Brother, and all the rest of them? I’m going to at least listen first before I kick his ass for it.
Dick: Dinah’s reactions are extremely telling. She’s been involved, she says as much moments later. She’s been in the known, she says that too. True enough, she isn’t actually discounting what I meant by investment. What I’m stuck with when she finishes speaking? Is that Dinah talked a whole lot, but said very little. Kind of standard operating procedure with her. I’ve been seeing her do this for a long time and I get the implication of what she is saying but…
“He didn’t want you to leave,” comes the only retort that I even offer to what she has said. “You missed the point and before you get all righteous with me. I’m serious. Bruce didn’t want you to leave. If you had stayed and just concealed your power, it would have been enough. Bruce thought you needed to leave. The you wouldn’t be able to get your life in gear until you left and got a life in the first place. I think it hurt him, actually. Forcing you to leave. I also think he didn’t want you to end up like me, resenting him. Or Barb, after the Joker….” (Wince)
“Just like I also think he’d be very proud of you. What you’ve become. What you are. Most especially though. What you’re doing here, now.”
“As far as escalation goes. I think we may be past that tipping point,” there’s a sort of certainty to that, which suggests a lot more than ‘think’ in all of this. “I don’t have a whole lot more than what I told you before. Other than the simple knowledge that what took down Bruce wasn’t something or someone we’ve faced before. It’s old. As old, if not older, than Gotham itself. You saw all of the History books I’ve been reading, there’s a smattering of clues in them, but it’s a lot of time piecing them together. Frankly, it’s a lot of guess-work.”
“Except for one thing prevailing thing. When Wayne Enterprises announced that he was going to ‘Rebuild and Reshape’ Gotham, following the No Man’s Land debacle in the Narrows? I think he awoken something. Like I said, something big and something old. Bruce contacted Damien’s Grandfather just over a week before he died. He was researching old Gotham Myths. Ra’s Al Ghul answered Bruce’s request with one word: Hide.”
“I’m not sure how familiar you are with Ra’s, but let me tell you something. The man doesn’t hide from anything. So to have him say that? I’m convinced that there was more to Bruce’s research than just myth and legend.” Flicking my hands down to either side of my legs for the escrima sticks that settle in to nearly invisible holsters. “After Bruce’s death. Someone accessed the Bat-Cave’s computers. Even before you came to see me, I’d been planning to meet with Tim. I wanted to see if he could figure out why they were doing in the system. I also wanted to see if Damien could get something more from his Grandfather.”
“What I do know, for sure, is that if you’re going to protect my baby brother? You probably need to work with someone other than Rookies.”
Dinah: For once, I wasn’t actually trying to discount anything Dick was saying to me. Except, of course, the now repeated insinuation that there was a potential for me to just up and bail because something or someone was getting a little closer to me than I liked. Something and someone already did get close, and I ‘bailed’ on Star City to get back to it. I’ve lost an awful lot. We all have. There won’t be anymore on my watch, not if I have anything to say about it.
“I’m not sure if that plan of his was a success or not. Mostly what I figured out is that I’m never going to be able to toe the line, and a regular life lived during daylight hours is just not for me. But. Thanks, Dick. It’s nice to hear.”
And I suppose, now that it’s been brought up I really haven’t actually made use of those meta powers since I got back in town. Except on my little excursion to Metropolis. Still not sure that it counts as ‘repressing’ myself. I don’t think that resentment was going to be my issue. I’d already worked that through. I came into the Batcave already resenting Bruce, because he was curtailing my mission. That angry girl I was back then was full of negative emotions, and completely repellent to any good ones. I’d tried to wall off, because it seemed easier than gaining anymore people to lose. Clearly, it had happened anyway. Balance. It’s impossible to let go of something, without gaining something back in the process. Usually something opposite.
“Escalation? Are we talking… big and old like Tim’s new bestie the Wonder Goddess’ crowd or…”
That seems too big, honestly. And I’m not exactly sure how subtle that crew would be. Wrath is a word that you associate with Gods, and that’s not subtle in any of the stories. Or if you watch any of those people operate on Earth now. I’d think there would have been an example made, unless they just truly don’t want anyone to know they’re there and steering things.
“…or are we talking Illuminati level?”
Pursing my lips, because I know enough about the Demon to know that he doesn’t hide because he doesn’t have to hide. That’s telling enough even for me, and my usual want of something more concrete than superstitions and primal fears. Levering up out of my seat in one smooth motion, a hand comes up to gather my hair back in a ponytail while the other flicks the elastic that had been on my wrist into place, securing it back out of my face. When it comes to roughing up Stephanie, I don’t typically bother. Dick’s been putting foot to ass as long as I have.
“I didn’t think just someone could even access the Cave computers? I mean. I know basically the opposite side of zero about brick walls and D-Doos, but I was led to believe that unless you’re like…Tim, it probably wasn’t going to happen.”
Padding over to where the gear for sparring is currently housed, I am actually putting some on. Not a lot, mind you, though it’s infinitely more than I bother with most of the time. Thin, but effective armoring for my shins, and forearms because that’s where chances are I’ll be doing most of the blocking. And while I can fight with a weapon just as well, I opt to go without for now. You can always count on your fists, and the rest of your body, to be present and reachable if you get surprised.
“I do have Ted still, you know.”
Mind you, Ted Grant is eighty years old or so at this point. If you think that’s going to keep him from knocking your jaw off your face you’re sorely mistaken.
“But I’m happy to go a few rounds with a Rank 3 Old Man instead.”
Dick: Swirling the escrima sticks in my hands as we talk is more about getting my fingers limber than anything else. It’s second nature, using them as an extension of my body. It happens to be one of the many reasons I completely understood what she meant, when she told me that Tim wasn’t using his bo-staff. She didn’t have to explain it, because I know first hand what it is like to have to go without a tool you rely on. I’ve spent most of my life learning to adapt, to live a life in which my tools can and will be taken away. I like to think that’s one of reasons why I’ve survived as well as I have outside of Gotham. Out on my own. Bruce prepared me for a world where anything I have can and likely will be used against me. Tim got the same training, he’s just missing the time and experience he needs to put those lessons in to practice full-time.
Padding down the steps towards the training mats while Dinah preps. I’m not going to need the padding, since I came in full uniform. “Right now the problem I’m seeing is that the answer is a little more like ‘Both’ instead of one or the other. As near as I can find in all the research I’ve been able to do? They’re as old as that. Dating back further than written history. They’ve also spanned a good deal of the entire world at one point or the other.”
“However, I think what Bruce was dealing with is more centralized. I think we’re dealing with one section of a sort of Illuminati. A splinter group that came here. Settled here. I think this group sees Gotham as their ‘Foundation.’ They’ve cultivated just the right amount of corruption. Not so much that the city falls in to total chaos, but right on the brink. So that they can operate beneath it all. Undetected. That’s why I think they tolerate, maybe even embrace, the position of the Batman. He keeps the mixture right where they want it.”
“Think about it. I mean, really think about it. Gotham isn’t actually a completely meta-human free zone. Why hasn’t that group that Tim is struggling with set up shop here? Your Grandmother lives here, doesn’t she? What about Ted and her friend, Alan Scott. Doesn’t he have super powers? Aren’t they the same damn powers as the guy who caused the entire Coast City affair in the first place? So. Again. There were Heroes here, in Gotham, before Batman existed. When he came around he policed them, so Nowhere doesn’t have too. Sounds a lot like the Batman’s existence was exactly the right answer.”
“Bruce Wayne on the other hand. Had a grander scheme. He had plans to make Gotham Great again. He didn’t fit in the mixture.” As I finish speaking, I turn and center myself upon Dinah. Escrima sticks up, at the ready. Shoulders off-set. Feet taking a more balanced position on the mats. “Which brings me back to the Bat-Computer. That’s another thing that is bothering me. People like Tim couldn’t hack those computers. Because Bruce used fifty people like Tim to make it Tim-proof. No one gets as deep as someone got in to those computers. Not remotely. Someone was in the Cave.”
Dinah: If we were just going to be fighting bare knuckle to bare knuckle? I wouldn’t have bothered with anything other than the clothes that I’m already wearing. Which isn’t going to blunt any sort of blow, but it shouldn’t need to. In an ideal world? I wouldn’t be training Stephanie Brown in her Spoiler Suit. It does blunt a blow. Which is part of the reason why it probably looks like I’m being a little overly vicious with her. Anyone who has trained with me knows that I am ruthless when I spar, but pain is a great motivator to not replicate a mistake. Like a child who only touches a hot stove once and never wants to feel that cause/effect ever again. But she’s in armor. She hasn’t learned that the beatings hurt without it. The last thing she needs is to learn that she can afford to get hit, because she has that suit. Because someday? She might not, and that hit that her mind has learned she ‘can’ take may be the one that kills her.
I’m not about to tell ‘Nightwing’ to ditch his sticks. I want a fight, after all. I just also don’t want a fractured ulna. They’re not great, believe me.
“I’m not saying you’re wrong, I just have a hard time believing anyone would really want to cultivate…well. Gotham. Given any and all the options something that old, and that established and that powerful could put into place. They must want to stay under the radar badly to put this much noise into the world.”
My mouth pulls to the side, as I drop into a position that’s only technically defensive because I’m not moving yet. Fists up, up on the balls of my feet. As a general rule, I don’t like to do defensive, unless it’s to bait my opponent into a movement that I can punish them for. Works on Stephanie Brown all the time, and on pretty much every mook out on the streets. It’s also not going to work on Dick Grayson.
“My grandmother’s dead.”
That answer comes the moment before I move. It’s as good an opening as any, one of us has to start this off and it’s going to be me. In the middle of the kind of conversation that makes people turn awkward and apologetic very, very quickly. There’s no anger or hurt in my tone at his bringing it up, though. He’s brought it up as a part of a very good point. They were laying low, but they had been here already. An open palm, coming center mass at Dick, stiff armed momentum behind it as I lunge forward, a loose fist ready to follow up.
“And if they got in the cave once, and they are still here, they could do it again at any time.”
Dick: “No offense taken. I’d actually agree with you, ordinarily. Why Gotham? Well, it certainly can’t be somewhere like Metropolis. The supers there don’t actually keep to the Shadows and the last one could see through walls. Then you’ve got places like Bludhaven. Where the Criminals are actually too ballsy, they won’t let someone keep the status quo without a challenge for a week. Much less decades. Gotham is really the only city in the ‘New World’ where you really have a perfect mixture.”
“The GCPD and the normal Criminals are too complacent. What few supers we have don’t take part in the City politics very much. Batman keeps the Rogues from ever setting up shop for long. They keep Batman from rooting out the entire criminal element.” This is where I watch as Dinah gets set, but hold back because I’m not going to attack her. Not right now. Not when we’re actually discussing something important. “You’ve got a perfect storm here. Where you could, in theory, exist for decades without ever even being discovered.”
“Your Grandmother’s gone? I didn’t actually know that. Sorry to hear that. I mean it. Sometimes the sheer amount of loss that we have all endured is staggering to think about.”
The sticks aren’t just a weapon. They’re part of me. Allowing me to move with an enhanced reach. They function like batons, which I’ve been working with since I was a child. Even younger than Dinah, since the ‘Flying Grayson’ act with the circus. Acting as a fulcrum to enhance my balance even more than normal. I can’t say enough for how much they aide me, but they’ve never been a crutch either. Batman insured that right away. I went without them the entire time I was in the role of Robin. Everything we did. From training, to being in the field, was done without them to insure that I never suffered from their loss like she describes Tim being off balance without his staves.
When Dinah does finally attack? I go for the one thing I’m absolutely positive that she won’t expect. The Kill. A flick of one hand to divert her lunge, while the rest of my body contorts to the side. In time with this I bring the other hand down, but release the escrima stick at the last second. Sending it out of my grasp, down to the mat. Where it’ll ricochet back up toward her Jaw.
“Worse, Dinah. You’re not thinking bad enough. If they got in to the Cave. They got past security systems that span everything from key-code to eye-prints, to DNA registry. You cannot get -in- to the Cave, unless your DNA is on file. Not without sending off an alarm -or- battering your way in. Whoever did this got past all of the bio-metrics. Got in to the Cave, physically. Then past the cyber defenses too.”
“If they can do that to the Cave, then they could have been Here too or at Wayne Enterprises. Any of the Wayne Corp holdings.”
Dinah: “We’re a hot mess, for sure. There’s too much going on at any one time, that you’re usually playing whack-a-mole with the crooks. A sort of vigilante triage. The worst, and most threatening at any one time, which means you’re not worried about why that’s the status quo.”
I know I haven’t been. It just is. That’s how Gotham’s been as long as I’ve been alive. From the stories I heard growing up, too. The only thing you could count on was that Gotham’s crime was like fighting a mythological hydra. Cut off one head, and a few more would spring up in the same place. That didn’t slow me down any, back when my head was full of fire and rage though. Tim knew about my family, I assume Bruce did as well, but that’s because they were snoops that always knew more about anyone than you probably wanted them to. Dick had left Gotham before it happened, and it wasn’t as if I talked about it often. Or ever.
“It’s alright. I truly was not kidding when I said you guys are the only family I have left.”
But it is. Staggering. It’s why Bruce’s death was perhaps one of the cruelest, even though it should perhaps have been the most expected, given what he did with his life. What we all do. My grandparents at least had been the easiest of the deaths I’ve faced, though it really hadn’t eased my rage much at the time. Sometimes, having nothing to blame but being mortal only makes you feel that much more impotent and helpless. Never feelings I’ve coped well with.
Clucking my tongue at him, the hand that had been cocked back to punish any block to my initial lunge is yanked in, accelerating the spin that he starts me into as I drop my weight, ducking the bouncing stick, and driving the arm he’d blocked back towards his midsection.
“No foreplay? I see how it is.”
Not thinking bad enough? I may not get the ins and outs of tech, but I do know about people being where you don’t expect them to be. About inside jobs, and festering corruption and what it can do when it’s not excised properly.
“What is the likelihood that someone has all of those things? Someone from Wayne Corp. Someone from R&D that these people have their hooks into?”
I don’t want to think it was any of the people allowed in the Batcave. That list is small. Very small. But as he says…they could get in anywhere. Know about anywhere. Which only makes me want to hole up in this little fortress here and make sure no one comes sniffing around, or hurts anyone else using the building.
Dick: A grunt of acknowledgement is Dinah’s reward for sleuthing through what she’s figured out. I gave her the clues, she made the leaps. Dinah has always been a good detective. She would have made an amazing Cop, if only she’d wanted that for herself. Knowing that she was able to find her way through the abyss of half-clues tells me that I wasn’t wrong myself. Maybe that is why I am here. Clearly neither of us really needed the physical work out. Perhaps I’d needed a mental sparring instead?
Rolling though and coming up out of the tumble also has another added benefit. I’m close enough to key the trigger in my gauntlet. Letting her see how the previously tossed escrima stick comes to life and returns to my hand. “The sad irony of all of this? I actually don’t think they knew Bruce was Batman. I think they know now, but I don’t think they knew before.”
“Barbara and I met with Helena. She gave us the first clues, the trail. That’s why I told you to hunt down the Huntress yourself. She and I don’t exactly get along famously these days. Given that I chose Barbara over her, there’s some… lingering …resentment.” The wince makes it past the little eye-mask. Hard to cover up anything with these silly things. “She didn’t give me everything she knows. Just enough to put me on the right path and warn me not to pursue it. Even though she had to know I would.”
“To set your mind at ease, I checked. The Cave keeps a log and a backup log. As well as an off-site secondary, third and fourth log. For every entry in to the Cave. All of them were erased. Which only adds credence to what you just said. Whoever killed Bruce? Made sure to take what they needed for access to the Cave. At least that’s the logical conclusion. Your partner had a very illogical one.”
I’ve no sooner said those words than I’m back in motion. Crossing the distance between us as quickly as possible. In motion, at the point of being nearly upon Dinah? I unfurl one of the sticks again. Throwing it just low enough to force her to move or take the escrima stick center mass. What she does to avoid the stick will determine, in mili-seconds what I’m going to do as a follow-up.
Dinah: Sometimes you need a sounding board, more than anything, and sometimes you need the fight. The way it gets your blood going, endorphins kicking and your reactions firing at peak efficiency. Never underestimate what fight or flight reflexes can do for your system. All the unnecessary things fade away, and that leaves you with only what you do need. Your mind and its ability to reason through tricky situations chief among those.
“And now they’re capitalizing on that.”
I’m not sure if the Joker would find that humorous or even more infuriating. That it amounted to an ‘accident’ that the Batman was killed, because someone killed Bruce Wayne. He’s already terrorizing the underground as it is, looking for someone to blame for the loss of his nemesis. How effective of a hound would he be for the actual foe we’ve got to deal with? And how much of Gotham would he destroy to get to them? I hate to say it, or in this case think it, but maybe his presence isn’t the worst thing right now. He’s keeping a lot of them in check from any huge and reaching schemes. They’re trying to not draw attention. Which means that we’ve got some breathing room to hunt the actual problem.
“Hell hath no fury, and all that. Maybe I just need to invite her to an after hours special party at the bar, get us both drunk and see if that makes her feel more like reconnecting and sharing. I’ll just have to banish Timothy to his room so he doesn’t lurk and look all judgey.”
His room being my living room and the couch, but hey. It works. I’m also more glad than ever that I ‘made’ him take it, instead of just hiding out somewhere nearby to keep an eye on me while he decided whether or not I could be to blame for his father’s death. I agree with his assessment of Helena though. That she had to know telling him anything would give him a course to act on. So did she tell him, aiming him as she would a crossbow bolt in the direction she wanted? Or was it to send him away from something else?
“Illogical? Tim? That’s shocking. What was it?”
Then he’s moving again, and my mouth’s turned up in a smirk as I watch. Not because I’m finding what he’s doing humorous. I’m enjoying myself. I haven’t had a fight with someone that’s even close to a threat to me in a couple weeks, and it feels good. I don’t avoid the stick at all. The roll of an arm as I start to rise has me snatching at it, while the other hand comes up again, using my upward momentum to aim the heel of it at his nose.
Dick: “Unfortunately, that’s where I hit the wall. After they killed Bruce, they found out he was the Batman. The reason that I think that caught them by surprise, is because their next move was to raid the computer. Then they orchestrated Joker’s release.” Lowering my voice, not for effect or secret, but because I am actually not sure how she’s going to react to what I’m about to say. “And your return. I’m pretty sure Helena reached out to you because they wanted her to.”
We’ve talked before. Many times. Most recently our talks have not been the most pleasant of discussions. Accusations have been thrown out. Implied or out right stated. This feels good. Right. Talking to her about a case, -the- case. Giving her details of it, then having her tell me her impressions. Seeing if she draws herself to the same conclusions. Each time she’s done so, up to now, has been a key for me to really buy in to what I’m seeing. She sees the details the same way. Which is why I know one of the conclusions she might make and I want to brace her against it, at least for now.
“Before you get your hackles up. I’m -not- sure she did it at their behest or because they put the breadcrumbs for her to follow. In fact that’s starting to be the most maddening part of all this. I can’t be sure that what I know at this point, isn’t specifically because they want me to know it.”
Dinah is good. No, that’s not even accurate. She’s better than good. In a fight on the ground, she’s better than I am. Maybe not even a little better either. I’ve gotten better over the years, but so has she. Where I’ve worked to encompass other techniques, like being in the air. Being mobile and agile. She’s focused on technique. That’s why I knew when I asked her to work out that I wouldn’t be able to fight her without the sticks. I also knew that I wasn’t wanting to teach her something, that she already knew. Which is why I lead with the sticks.
Even as she’s snatching the thrown stick out of the air, I’ve changed path. The natural way for me to take this would be up in to the air. So I take it to the ground. In that split second of seeing how she handles the stick, I throw myself in to a baseball slide. Legs parting midway through the slide, with the intent to scissor not one but both of her legs as I go right through them. How do I know this is going to work? Because I’m about to blow her mind.
“…he thinks Bruce is alive…”
Dinah: “A move that was more overt than apparently anything else they had ever done.”
And so makes sense as the next move of someone who was caught off guard, and dealing with an unforeseen snag in their ‘little’ plan. I could take what he has to say about my friend the wrong way. I don’t, however. Not with where my train of thought was already heading. For something to have existed so long, and so pervasively, and to have the resources and skill to pull on in order to make Ra’s scared of them they have to be manipulative. Not just brutal, or they’d be known.
“No. It makes sense. Helena thought, or had the bug put in her ear, that Bruce’s death would bring you all back here. And that you’d fight over who was going to be the next Batman. Something that would have played out in their favor in a few ways. Bat-Civil War not only gets their new Batman, to maintain the status quo, but has three of the best suited people to find out what really happened too busy fighting each other.”
I think better while talking, so the thoughts are coming out as they come to me. Working out much like our bodies are doing at the same time.
“She calls in me, thinking that the Cave needs a bully to make sure it doesn’t go too far, and that you all at least eventually come to some sort of conclusion. With the wagons circled, there’s still people that won’t let Gotham fall to utter chaos, while still working towards getting things back to normal. I’m not sure that they anticipated Joker playing ‘police’ as he’s doing, but he’s not taken off the board because he still serves their purpose. I’m not sure if they could have predicted that none of you would want the Cowl. I didn’t.”
And yet. Here we are with a Batman just the same. If I’d badgered Tim into doing so, I would actually feel pretty awful just now. But maybe his wearing it, since by process of elimination I have to figure maybe these people know it’s him, that might actually keep him safe. For a little while. Until, like any of the rest of the pieces, actions aren’t matching the agenda and the status quo any longer. Dick may also be right about what we’ve been ‘allowed’ to know. We’re going to have to read between some pretty thin lines here.
How I ‘handle’ the stick was about to be some blunt force trauma. It’s a weapon I’m comfortable with, even though I don’t go out with them myself. A motion that’s more wrist than arm, and therefor with more speed than force, would have sent the end to whipcrack him across his descending skull. But, by golly, he makes me proud, and actually manages to startle me. Bruce. Alive? Nothing Tim’s said, or done, has indicated anything like that to me. Maybe because he didn’t really want to spread that hope. Or in this case maybe it’s fear? Or because it wasn’t a fully formed thought. Either way, right now it provides Dick his opening. Because it is illogical and unexpected. Blue eyes widen, as legs get kicked out from under me. Getting hit, doesn’t mean you stop though. That’s how you get dead. Twisting as I drop, I tuck my torso so that shoulders hit about the time my knees do, and I roll. Onto the mat, since the reasonable assumption is that Dick isn’t going to stay beneath me for an enterprising knee or elbow into something breakable.
“…Bruce ‘broke’ into the Cave.”
He’d have everything he needed to get in. Definitely everything needed, including a knowledge of the codes needed to find anything, and erase that it happened at all. The big question though now, becomes did he do it to get intel he needed to track these people down? Or did he do it for them?
Dick: As soon as Dinah’s legs and mine connect there’s a series of movements. Her falling, but choreographing the fall in to an attack all of it’s own. Me gliding through the ‘baseball’ slide, then as she’s tucking in to the fall I’m nipping up to my feet. Reversing our stances entirely. Putting her on the low ground, with me above. No longer centered or entirely facing her, but I’m whirling around to correct that.
Meanwhile Dinah has connected all of the dots. Even a couple that had taken me a bit longer to accept. The revelation that Timothy Drake was convinced of our Father being alive? Stunned me. Dinah doesn’t seem quite so stunned about it as me. In fact she seems quite at ease with Timothy’s willingness to believe, to hope. I’m starting to think I’ve completely misread Dinah’s stance on my little brother. Which, in an of itself, makes me doubt a lot of other things I’ve been reading. Making Dinah’s assessment all the more critical for my own investigation’s foundation.
The next move I make is not an attack, but a single fingertip pointing at her. Fingergun. I see that look on her face. “Scary prospect. If Tim’s right then it answers a lot of questions. While creating ten thousand more that I can’t begin to answer. There’s one problem though. I was there. I saw the body. I was with Alfred when he ran the tests. I was with Lucius when he confirmed them. Bruce Wayne is dead. As much as Tim hopes for his illogical conclusion. I know for a fact that Bruce died.”
“I don’t know where to go from here, Dinah,” it’s an honest admission, maybe as shocking as the revelation had been. But not nearly as shocking as… “You really shouldn’t touch a man’s stick without permission.”
She’s really going to be steamed when she wakes up. Probably even more so when she realizes that in a place like this? There’s bound to be some footage of her holding upon the escrima stick as it tasers her. I don’t even -need- to be the best detective in the world to know that she’s going to make me pay for that when we spar next.
by Michele | Oct 25, 2017 | Chronicles
Dinah: Wayne Manor has a front door. Who knew, right? Me, if we’re being technical, but I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve entered the place through it, and still have some fingers left for a peace sign. Definitely for flipping someone off, or a thumbs up. When Tim and I had come to talk with Damian I’d feigned confusion about the road we were taking, to go along with the discomfort at the limousine transport. I knew Batman long before I knew Bruce Wayne in any shape or form. Didn’t exactly come from the same neighborhood, or walk in the same circles unless you looked only at our alter egos. I spent a lot of time in the caves below, and that’s an entirely different route. Years spent working with Bruce, training with him and simultaneously helping train his official proteges.
Different sets of lessons though. I needed help with direction and restraint. Sixteen year old me had already been training with Ted Grant for ten years, and I was hurting, angry, and had a nasty streak. Like turning Mean Girls into an R Rated action flick. I almost surely made for a brutal sparring partner or instructor because I didn’t think I had the time or patience for it. Price of admission, though. Stephanie and Roy don’t know how great they’ve got it. This place, and the souls that inhabit it, mean something to the city at large. No, people don’t know who’s under the masks, the cowls, or in my case the stage makeup, but they stand for something. For me? It’s family. Yeah, the other things too but I systematically lost everyone I cared about only to find a crew that could understand me better than anyone since my Grandmother.
So to say I get a little… touchy about things that effect them is an understatement. The Waynes are mine. Not in an official way, like the papers that tie them all together as a family but that doesn’t actually matter to me. I defend mine. Even from one another, if I feel the need. I don’t know if that’s why Helena called me in the first place, or if she just wanted backup of her own. Either way, I’m here. Both in Gotham, and flying up the drive on my bike.
One doesn’t just simply walk into Wayne Manor. You have to get past the gatekeeper. And if you think Alfred Pennyworth isn’t a very good barrier, especially with the kinds of enemies Waynes and Bats have, then you’re an idiot.
“Alfred! Looking handsome and suave as ever.”
He’s also not spared the way I talk to everyone. Outrageous wink, saucy grin and flirtatious tone as I lean in the door frame, propped up by an elbow.
“Dick in?”
I really want to ask after The Dick, but… it’s Alfred. Also if I’m too rude there’s a chance there might not be dessert for me to pilfer and we don’t want that.
Dick: Let’s take a moment to just acknowledge who and what Alfred Pennyworth is. He isn’t merely a man servant. Nor is just the patriarchal Grandfather-Figure. In fact the latter might well be something of an insult, given that Alfred is barely old enough to be Bruce’s Father. That does not mean he did not accept the role when Bruce’s Parents died. Bruce became the man’s Ward. Angry, Embattled, Bitter and Drive. Yet, a ward of Pennyworth in every since of the word. People look, rather looked, at Batman all of those years and wondered how the hell Bruce Wayne created such a figure when the steward of the Cave was such a kindly, if handsome man like Alfred Pennyworth. Always o prim and proper in his dapper suit and tie. Ready to arm the world with one pastry at a time, along with a cup of tea.
The answer is rather simplistic: Alfred Pennyworth once put a man in intensive car with a sugar spoon. All it took was threatening the suggestion of mugging the rich kid, while Bruce was in finishing school. People who under-estimate Alfred Pennyworthy’s humble, yet refined, pinache are soon to regret it. A simple background search wouldn’t even tell you half of the man’s story, but British Special Services and nearly a decade at MI5, would leave most people asking where he found the time to know how to get those creme puffs so proper.
I do my best with the tools the creator gave me, madame.
He also manages not to rise to the bait of Dinah’s behavior.
Isn’t he always of late, Mum? Right this way. I have some apple tart waiting for you in the social. Be careful, the tea is hot, but I added a touch of spiced rum to take the edge off. Of it and you, I should say.
Never one to miss an opportunity. For the dig over Barbara and I not being out in the City like some of our other family members or the opportunity to display his near-omniscient ability to predict visitor’s arrivals and anticipate their whims. Jack-of-all-Trades. Purveyor of comfort. Alfred Pennyworth is also quick to lead Dinah to the larger of the Manor’s offices. Where he’s equally expedient in abandoning his current charge, to the cutting figure of Dinah Lance. Leaving the two of us alone, without apologies for interrupting me.
Not that I seem to be doing much. There’s a stack of books far older than the Manor itself, in multiple stacks all across the desk. Some of which have found a spot on the floor or the couch. There are obvious signs of Alfred making an effort to tidy, only for a new mess to have been recreated or in the process of such all around. Despite the mess, it’s clear that something is going on here. Though a glance at various titles seem more to suggest History lessons than detective work.
“Hey, Dinah. You should have called ahead, I would have sent the car for you. I’m told you loved the limo.” Peeking out from behind the overly large desk, with a chipper wave of the hand and quick smile. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here last time. I was meeting with Helena.”
Dinah: “I’m not entirely sure that’s true.”
Because I’m pretty sure he could do a lot more with them, but that’s part of the charm. And the ruse. In a way, Alfred Pennyworth is my exact opposite. He’s the unassuming, humble one that could rip you apart with said teaspoon. I’m the freaking Black Canary and a lot more comfortable in that role, but even outside of it will unabashedly let someone know I could and will beat them to an inch of their life. And let them know that they’ll probably enjoy it while it’s happening.
“Ah, see, you always know just what to say to a girl. Thanks, Alfred.”
Isn’t he always? Hah. Well. Thanks for the tip off and confirmation, which get a quirked eyebrow and a hint of a smirk. He’s ready with sweets and booze. There’s a dig for Dick. And a dig for me, because clearly my cheery, flirty tone hasn’t completely hidden the look in my eyes that is purposeful and indignant. Then again, maybe I laid it on a little thick with my choice of wardrobe for the day. The Black Canary, and even just ‘plain Dinah lance,’ is provocative and in your face. She knows what she’s got and she flaunts it if it suits her. I’m as comfortable in faded, if tight, jeans and a loose teeshirt though. Motorcyle boots and jacket, that I’ve unzipped to display in happy, curly font the slogan of ‘What doesn’t kill me better run.’
It’s laundry day. It was laundry day three days ago. I don’t like doing it and so I was left with this or the Canary suit. I let Alfred have my jacket, without any fuss or argument because I do have manors for the people that are worth of a display of them. Blue eyes rove the architecture that’s a lot less familiar to me than what is hidden underground, as I slink after the Wayne family Butler turned Patriarch and let him lead me to where, I’m assuming, Dick is or where he’ll summon him to.
“You aren’t using the proper tone for the level of sarcasm Tim probably used.”
We had perfectly good bikes to ride. Or a less flashy car. Mostly, it boils down to the fact that I don’t like anyone else but me behind the driver’s wheel, or handlebars. Control issues, maybe. Or paranoia. Instead of building features now I’m taking in books. Clearly he’s researching something, but the subject matter is iffy to guess from what I can see in front of me. Instead of a chair, I park my ass on the edge of the desk. Better to loom and snoop at what he’s looking over.
“And if I’d called, then you would have known I was coming.”
Maybe conveniently also not been here again. We hadn’t come to talk to him the last time, but it probably would have been a lot better to have all the boys in the room at the same time. Boys. Dick’s actually older than me, but that’s a point that doesn’t effect how I talk to him in the least.
“Oh? How did that go?”
Dick: If Alfred Pennyworth agrees with Dinah’s assessment? You’ll never know from the way he has this humble ability to blush upon command. It’s enough to leave you wondering if he was as good an actor as he was at, apparently, everything else. Normal people just aren’t as polite as he is. Nor at they as good at predicting the wants, needs or whims of everyone around them. Alfred is dialed in. Not just to the one he’s serving, but to the people in that circle. He is the man in the chair, the man at your bedside and the man who picks you up when you’ve fallen. That isn’t to say he always dusts you though. Sometimes when Alfred picks you up, it’s for the purpose of knocking you back down to insure you’ve learned from your mistakes.
His ‘retreat’ from the room is as tactical as anything I’ve ever seen. Even going as far as to pull the two double doors closed, to insure we’re not interrupted. Or at least, not until Alfred himself is ready to permit that to happen. True to his word, there are goodies awaiting for Dinah. Along with a tray of other assorted pastries and a cup of Earl Gray that is luke-warm by this point. Yet more indicators for the savy mind that would tell someone of my lack of appetite -or- the fact that these History books have been important enough to keep me from remembering -to- eat.
Dinah’s outfit is almost a stark opposite of my own. A sports jacket is over the back of the main desk’s chair. With the vest hanging open loose and the shirt sleeves rolled up? It gives me a look of being sophisticated enough to have been out at work at Wayne Industries. Yet, also shows all of the signs of my hunkering down here to ‘work’ on whatever it is I’m researching. Even a sharp detective like Dinah is going to have trouble seeing the pattern of book titles though. The only common thread here is History. All of it is physical books, that haven’t made their way in to an online format. Hands to pages. No search feature. All put together it’s easy to see why I’ve been off the radar, because there’s just no easy or fast way to get through this much material.
“It wasn’t really sarcasm, so much as a sinister mirth. Apparently Tim’s got a flare for seeing you squirm. Something tells me he’s far behind on points in that particular game though.”
Rising out of the chair I’ve been occupying, in an effort to square the two of us up. Call it an old habit. You don’t face this particular young woman in a sparring session, any other way than head on. I liken it to facing off with a Tiger. They size you up for weaknesses before they even know if you’d be good to eat. It’s second nature. Showing weakness determines a lot of things before you’ve even said a word. This is about giving Dinah a clear look. There’s no shaggy beard. I’m not an unwashed heathen. Despite the appearance of the books from a Library, the sheer amount of them and the type of it. I’m not wasting away. I’ve not been hold up in the Manor, depressed and distraught. Nor consumed by anger, guilt or fear. There are aspects of those things in my life, but I’ve not let them consume or control me.
Clearly though, I’m as driven as the next guy. Apparently I’ve just decided to brush up on the History of Gotham, by way of the entire world. Circa the Dark Ages. “Ah, but that’s a misnomer. I knew someone was coming, because Alfred started baking. The number of potential Visitors was reduced by virtue of what he was baking and what he was brewing. The hint of rum spice he added, lowered the possibilities down to you or Selina. Alfred doesn’t dress up for Selina. Plus, he isn’t walking about muttering about Trollops. So that left you, Dinah.”
“About as well as you might expect. Games. On top of Games. Answers wrapped in cryptic riddles. She said she needed to make contact with you, too.” A thin eyebrow lifts just the tiniest bit, almost perfectly timed with the marginal smirk that’s forming. “Wait. You didn’t really think I was going to start sharing now. When I know you’re here to lecture me? Gosh, Dinah. You’re out of practice. You get to lecture me -or- talk to me. Not both. I’m not Ollie.”
Dinah: “Evil mastermind, and he does try, bless his little heart.”
The shake of my head is almost mournful at the state of poor Tim Drake, who tries very hard to put me off my game sometimes, but that isn’t entirely new. Dick had moved out of Gotham City by the time that Bruce had brought me into the fold. Which meant that twelve year old Tim had sixteen year old Dinah to deal with. Yeah. The score’s not anywhere close to even. I’d have to give up and let him gain some ground and I’m just not willing to do that. If girls can be said to be cocky? That would probably have been a descriptor for me for almost all of my life. Confidence comes with superpowers, apparently. It did for me. And combat prowess. I’ve always been hard to rattle, or put off.
His rising, and taking away my height advantage is fine by me and I don’t shift to regain it. It wouldn’t work. He’s taller than me. But I’d forced him to move, dictating our posture and positioning. Running a conversation is about so much more than just the words. Or the big desk chairs. The books are strange, and definitely not an area of my forte. I know the streets, I know the turns and who’s got fingers in what pies but history and I weren’t always fast friends. It wasn’t immediately applicable to my actual hobbies. I didn’t know that it was for him either, so that means there’s a point. Ideally a point towards all of our mutual problem. I think I’d be more irate than I already am if it’s not.
“I don’t know if I should be insulted or gratified that I don’t get that particular label. Kudos for the process of elimination though, and your end, and correct, conclusion.”
I can’t lecture and talk to him? Hah. Well. He can certainly think that. The smirk, the look on his face, I don’t actually rise to the bait in it. Instead, there’s a pause and actual honest to God silence, as I pick up my tea cup for my drink, and the booze that it’s got inside of it. Mostly the booze, frankly. A slow, delicate sip thanks to the warning of the heat, followed by a gratified sigh at how good it is. Heat, and then the kick of an entirely different sort down your throat. I don’t know that it’ll be enough to take any edge off me, but it’s delicious anyway. Carefully setting the cup down, with much more care for Alfred’s china than I show for much else in my best imitation of a prim and proper lady. Hah. Right.
“Oh. I know you aren’t Oliver Queen.”
Oliver Queen wouldn’t be holed up reading books in the study while someone else was calling themselves Batman. But for all I know, Dick’s wrapped up in what he’s doing with Barbara, and neither Damian or Tim has seen fit to clue him in on that fact.
“But I did come to talk to you. Funny enough, about the process of elimination and the only option left standing. Would you care to explain to me why your brother is being forced to put on the cowl? You should probably use small words. Simple terms. I’m no Rhodes scholar, and I just don’t seem to be able to understand.”
Dick: “One of the things I learned in the first six months of knowing Tim, back before he was brought in to the family. I’m talking about when he was trying to convince Bruce to bring him in to the fold. It’s that if you play a game, any game really, with Tim for any length of time? He eventually wins. It isn’t a matter of whether he will or won’t, just when.”
There isn’t any sort of chastising there. That’s friendly advice and a gentle reminder. If asked I’d give a very similar reminder about Dinah Lance. The Black Canary doesn’t need to always out-think her opponents. More time than not, she’s just better than they are. Made worse by the simple act of under-estimating her. That well cultivated image she projects, the air about her attitude and antics lead you down a very natural path with her. Even after years of her besting people all across the world? People see those fishnets, the legs under them. The breasts that she flaunts or the blonde hair she doesn’t have to dye. It is all as well crafted as a technological monstricity like the Batmobile. Put together precisely to get the job done and it works.
It won’t work with Timothy Drake though. The kid doesn’t think like the rest of us. He makes us all look like we’re playing checkers, while he’s playing three dimensional chess. A roll of my shoulders will tell her that’s all I have to say about it though. Dinah would probably dispute it, but she’s like a little sister to me. I’m always going to think in terms of protecting her, even when she doesn’t need it. Especially when she doesn’t want it.
“If I was you, I’d take the compliment and run. Al has softened towards Selina of late, but he doesn’t make her special tea. Or steal glances when he thinks she isn’t looking.”
Different dynamic entirely. Selina is the girl who did Bruce wrong. Even if she didn’t. Doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Even Bruce. Selina didn’t get married. Have kids. Take herself and Bruce away from this life. Give Batman a reason to actually be Bruce Wayne. Even if he’s forgiven, he’ll never forget it. She’ll always be ‘What could have been,’ no matter what. Especially now that it’s off the table for ever.
That’s a cool remark about Oliver, but I let it pass without comment. The way I invoked his name was meant to push her to something. Either in to the lecture I was going to get or make her shut down so we didn’t have to have that part of the discussion. Some things are tactical, some are practical. She made me move, I made her choose. Now we’re past the opening dialogue and getting to why she’s here. Why she’s really here. The ‘trick’ is that there really wasn’t a choice to be made. Both topics tie together and leave us with the same discussion. I wanted to know her priorities. The investigation or…
“According to the security feed,” disseminating, but also informative, that neither of them spoke to me about it, I found out another way. “It was his idea. No one forced him. No one is forcing him.”
Dissemination is the wrong tactic, but the one that came immediately to mind. I have to stop that, because it is both unhealthy -and- leads toward an untruth. I’ve got both hands up, palms out and open, to beg off the salvo that would surely come as a result of how I’ve just answered. A soft puff of air that is a mixture of sighs. Resignation mostly.
“Look, I could spend the next hour. The next day. The rest of the week, probably. Out lining how I’ve spent the last ten years trying to get out from under the shadow of the Bat. How I’ve made a life out of trying to step out from under the weight of it. I could draw pictures. Make a flow chart. Somewhere around here I have a power point presentation all ready to go. I even paid Morgan Freeman to narrate it, for effect. But…
“Let’s just assume, that for a second. That none of that is applicable. Let’s just take a second, Dinah,” reaching out carefully, to just simply put a hand upon her shoulder. “To consider. Maybe. For a second. That I’m not shirking my ‘responsibility.’ That there’s a chance that Barbara and I found something. And then I saw Him on the News. In Coast City. On the News. With a marvel of a woman and a man that moved like greased lightning.
Lightly, but importantly squeezing her arm to impress upon her that what I’m saying next is actually the truth. Not just hypothetical. “Let’s consider that for the first time. In my life. I wasn’t afraid of that Cowl, because I was too busy being inspired to think maybe Bruce’s legacy can be about more than scaring the shit out of everyone.”
“You think I missed how he spoke to Damien? Have you ever seen those two talk like that? Have you ever seen Damien inspired?” My other hand gestures to the desk mounted land line Phone. “Pick it up. Call Tim. Tell him to meet me in the Cave. I’ll take the Cowl from him.”
“If you make the call.”
Dinah: Eh. I’m not going to debate whether that’s true or not about Timothy Drake-Wayne. Because trying to insist that he won’t win is putting the guy down more than I actually like to do. There’s ribbing your ‘family,’ and then there’s dragging them down. Despite what some of them may think on occasion, and maybe not without cause, I don’t like to do the latter. Tough love? Sure. The blunt, and abrupt way I like to bring a matter to the fore to get it over and settled? Absolutely. Not that I can’t be roundabout. I do that sometimes. Blunt hurts more at first, but is probably less ego damaging in the long run. If I’m making a point and not making it overtly? It’s because I’m going to try and humiliate you with self-realization as I go.
“She always assumes people are looking. And by she, I mean me.”
They usually are. It works for me. It’s part of the whole thing. Besides. You make me spiked cider like this? And you can look as much as you want. According to the feed… ugh. Dick corrects the route he’s chosen to take, which is intelligent of him because I was getting ready to rear back and express exactly how wrong he is. I deal in facts, you have to to be any degree of detective, but more than that I’ve always favored motivations and drive. It tells you a whole lot more than facts ever can. Because people aren’t machines. No one forced him it technically, factually true. No one came up to Tim, held a gun to his head and said he had to do it or die. There’s no lingering blackmail that says if he takes the cowl off, someone he cares about is going to get that same treatment.
Gotham needs a Batman. That’s how they were raised, and what we were all taught. And if Dick wasn’t doing it. If Damien couldn’t do it, who did that leave? Tim. The one who was never supposed to be the Bat. Put in a position where the ‘actual heirs’ (not my words), weren’t doing what they were supposed to and he had to step up. Was morally obligated to, despite how much he didn’t want to do it. It’s noble. It’s not healthy though. I’m doing my best to help him, but… honestly I don’t think it’s me that’s helping him the best with it. See? It’s not all about me and how great I am. But I do actually let Dick ward off my verbal assault with just those hands. Him seeing the error there is enough for me. For now.
“If you actually think that scaring the bejeezus out of people is all that the Bat was about, then you missed the boat Grayson.”
My tone is more than a little tart, but I don’t dig in on that note any further because of what he’s actually said. About being inspired. Because in the cave, even as mentally I was going ‘wtf are you doing, Tim?’ I saw the way the two younger brothers were interacting. It wasn’t normal, but it was good.
“No. I’m not going to make that call. It isn’t my place.”
Funny enough, I think Helena called me in to try and keep them from erupting into civil war over who would be Batman. So color me shocked when the squabbling was a lot more in the lines of who had to draw the short straw and put on the cowl. They’re their own people. With their own formed identities. I’m not sure that Bruce Wayne knew how to be anything else except Batman, so I don’t know if he’d be disappointed or relieved for his children that this is the state of things.
“He needs help. Both of them do. Everyone feels like they’ve been chasing their own tails, instead of doing anything for Gotham or themselves. So I’m glad that some good came out of his putting on the cowl. Because he needed some kind of victory. We all did.”
And I’m holed up in the mini-cave, back to teaching the younger generation, but even I haven’t been able to chase anything down. It’s possible I needed them to have that victory more than I need one for myself. Maybe I don’t have a horse in the race, but I still adore the animals. I’m still tense under Dick’s hand on my shoulder, and the booze hasn’t been in enough quantity to lose the edge, but I’ve clearly changed tacks. There’s no ‘you’re right’ or ‘okay I see your point’ but I guess it might be assumed. Since I’m not yelling at him.
Dick: “You couldn’t bully me in to anything, even if you tried,” someone else might say that brashly or with an air of arrogance to it, but I’m putting it out there as surely as I stated the ‘facts’ about Dinah. “You could, however, convince me.”
As to whether she would have kicked my ass for being a pussy? That is less up for debate. In all likelihood she could accomplish that exact thing. On paper it might look like she and I would be a good match. Anyone’s game. Life isn’t determined by a score card. Dinah is committed to her craft. She bought in to the aspect of our lives that is violence. It doesn’t even bruise my ego to accept that she would very likely win in a fair fight. But the only one that would help, would be Dinah Lance. Even then, probably not so much. She knows, even as she’s said it, that she wouldn’t change my mind with fists.
She could, however, change my mind. I’ve provided her with one avenue, I’m sure there’s at least a couple more. “I’m proud of him too, but not just for what he’s done outside of Gotham. I really did see the way he spoke to Damien, but far more importantly? I saw how Damien responded. That was the first time I’ve ever seen those two communicate like Men. The stuff on the News only added to that pride.”
“Look, this isn’t some pity party here at the Manor. I’m not shirking my responsibility either. Hell, just to cover my bases with you? I’m not just being a pussy, Dinah.” Letting out a breathe that is far more about releasing some sort of pent up worry, than it is a sigh. All the tension releases with that breath and I drop my hands from her to the books on the desk. “The truth is? When Bruce died, I wasn’t ready to step in to his boots. I don’t think any of us were. We all needed answers, but there weren’t any to find. It left us all. You included. With this gaping hole, that none of us could fill. Barb and I worked the case on the ground. Damien took his own approach. I wasn’t even aware of the Joker connection until I saw the footage. Helena brought you back. Tim took to the air as the Red Robin.”
“We both know what Batman means. Or rather what it was meant to mean. We don’t agree on what it became, maybe. But we both know that this Country we live in? Batman lived long enough to become the villain. Luthor made sure of that. He did the same with Superman. I’m positive he did the same with the Lantern too. Tim stepped in. He took on something he was never meant to have to shoulder. He found something in Damien, to inspire. He found something in you too.”
“Then he went out there. On television. He put the Batman out there. In front of the world. With other Heroes.” Very very gently, I take one of Dinah’s hands and put it down upon the picture frame that lays on Bruce’s desk. It’s an old one. Of Thomas, Martha and Bruce the night of their trip to the Movies. “He’s pulling them together. He’s finishing what Bruce started. The weight of the world wasn’t meant to be on his shoulders, but he picked it up anyway. What right do I have to step in now, if I’m not absolutely positive the weight of it is going to crush him?”
“The thing I do know for absolute sure, Dinah? Everything happens for a reason. We’ve finally got a lead. We got a lead the same day Tim took the cowl. The same day Damien decided to be better. The same week Batman went on national news. The same time those kidsgave Lex Luthor the finger.”
“Dinah. Stop saying it’s not your place. It was your place the moment Helena asked you back. The second you let Tim bunk at your place. The very instance you started teaching new heroes. When you went to Metropolis and stood in Superman’s face. Or when you started trailing Joker. Keeping tabs on Damien. I’m not too much of a pussy to point out that you ran out on Ollie. Ran back to Gotham. You’re standing here, telling me that the one place you ran away to? Isn’t your place at all.”
“It’s your place. It’s always been your place. If you don’t know that, then you’re the one who missed the boat, Detective. Maybe it’s both of us sitting there on the pier, watching the boat sail away. How about you make me understand, now? Why do you keep running away… Pussy?”
Dinah: The hand that’s not holding my cup comes out, palm down and rocking slightly back and forth. The body language equivalent of an ‘eeeeehhhhhhhh..’ and declaring that hisdeclaration was perhaps a little bit iffy. But I’m not going to quibble with him over it. It’s mostly the same thing, in my line of thinking. Bullying, or convincing. The words and motivation are the same. The tone and approach are just different. I’m definitely not above switching tacks to get what I want in the end, though.
“It was pretty Twilight Zone-esque. I wasn’t sure what was going on. And I definitely didn’t expect the end result. Not any of it.”
It’s easy to say I wouldn’t’ have gone with Tim, or rather wouldn’t have taken him with me to have the discussion if I’d known what would happen ahead of time. But my means of communicating wasn’t going to do anything except for make Damien more defensive about what he was doing. At that point anyway. I was him, once. Too angry to see any better way of doing what I thought I needed to do with my life, what my purpose had become. I wasn’t really in the mood to listen to anyone back then, either. I hadn’t needed someone to order me around though. I’d needed something to belong to.
He keeps saying I could have convinced him, but I don’t want to. It’s not the goal. I wanted to understand, and I do. You don’t talk someone into doing what we do, let alone into being Batman. They’ve got to be in it 100%. My initial outrage was that I didn’t think Timothy was. And that it was going to get him killed. A fear he’s already actually expressed to me. I’m not about to lose anyone else, right now. When Dick speaks of this lead they’ve apparently finally gotten, I’m obviously interested. Eyes go over the books once again, because if they’ve got something, then this isn’t just random history essay information gathering going on. It’s towards something. I’ll be damned if I can guess what. But that interest keeps me from rising to the bait he’s throwing for me.
That and I don’t actually have a thing to be defensive about. Nor do I think I owe Dick Grayson any sort of explanation on the matter. Because I don’t even owe Oliver Queen one. The waggling hand moves to a singular uplifted finger. No. It’s not the middle one. Pointer.
“Not Gotham. Not what I meant. Gotham’s my home, and I was as much a liability to it as I was an asset. If we hit that point again? Then I’m going to leave again. I didn’t need Bruce to make that clear but…don’t get me wrong. He made it very clear. And Oliver Queen can handle his own shit.”
….eeeehhhhh…. he can handle it well enough. I hope. Star City wasn’t mine though, end of the day. It was his. No matter what drive I had to help them, and him, it’s not home. Gotham was. And that was always, and forever, going to trump the other.
Dick : Oliver Queen can barely tie his own shoes without tying them together, tripping on them and then telling the sneakers that they are the ones who failed his city. But. I’m not going to have that discussion with Dinah. Because even if she came here to lecture me, I wasn’t exactly looking to turn this in to a -fight-. Not the verbal sort. Nor the physical sort that is likely to result from constant Queen commentary. I’m going to let her have the final word on that much at least.
“No. Not Gotham. That isn’t what I meant either. Here.” Once again my hands open wide, encompassing far more than just books this time. “I’m not Damien or Tim. Not some kid off the street you’re training in the basement.”
“My parents died. Right in front of me. Tony Zucco took them from. Bruce went through the same thing. He brought me here. Took me in. He adopted me. Guess what? He did the same thing to you. Okay. I needed a way to keep the darkness that consumed Bruce at bay. You needed a focus for the anger that already took root. We may have come here for different reasons, but we left here with the same result. We’re family, Laurel. You’ve got the same rights, privileges… and obligations as the rest of us.”
The encompassing expression ends with my arms folding across my chest. I’m not one for ultimatums, so I’m not giving one. It’s implied though, isn’t it? The Lead is about Bruce. And that’s a Family matter. So what is it then? Am I wrong, about her being part of the family? I sure don’t think so. I’m pretty sure Tim and Damien would agree with me. Barbara, Alfred. I don’t know a single member of the ‘Family’ that would disagree. Except maybe, Dinah.
“It is your place. Own it. Don’t own it. It changes nothing, other than you came here to understand why I’m shirking a responsibility. Twinsie.”
Dinah: “You’re right, Dick. You’re not one of my kids.”
Stephanie may never, ever shut up and Roy may be not even close to a child anymore physically, but there’s an edge in my voice of ownership of those words. I may not have known one of them as long as the other, but I’ve been made responsible for them. As responsible as Tim felt for Spoiler if he let her keep doing what she was doing without help and training. They’ve been Mama Bird-ed just the same. Continuing on, my voice maintains an even tone. Not rising. Not getting louder. Which may actually make it all the more clear how impassioned I actually am on the matter that I’m going to the effort to modulate myself.
“You actually know what you’re doing. You’re a grown ass man, not a barely legal boy that’s only been in this game for a half-dozen years. Tim is a lot of things. He’s brilliant, a mastermind that’s very, very good at arranging things to go his way in the long term. Maneuvering people into the right positions, for the right results. Sees the connections in the world that he needs to find. And he is going to get himself killed. Worse, he knows it.”
I don’t want to say it out loud, honestly. Even voicing it makes me feel that raw anger again in my throat, or maybe that’s emotion. How terrible would that be? So I take a moment to refresh my tongue for more, with a sip of my boozy cider that I wish was just the straight stuff right now. Setting it down again, I carry on calmly.
“And if he does? I’m never going to forgive you. I’m never going to forgive myself. I’m never going to forgive Damien. He. Needs. Help. All three of us have been training as long, hell maybe even longer than, Tim’s been alive. Right now? He’s a guy in a suit that knows he’s doing the right thing, and hopes he can pull it off. He’s going out without his staves because Batman doesn’t use a staff, for Christ’s sake Dick.”
I even let the ‘Laurel’ go, even though he damn well knows that I hate being called that. Banter, for once, is more or less out the window in favor of that ‘real talk’ he seems to have wanted.
“We need to have his back out there. And that means no more of this left hand, right hand bullshit. I can’t keep him alive, and keep the other two from getting in over their heads by myself. How’s that for owning it?”
Dick: Well. I’m glad that we’re at least agreeing on that part. Because it sure seemed like she was trying to play the ‘Big Tough Guy’ role with me. When I know there’s more to this. I also happen to know that ‘It’s not my place,’ is a cop-out on Dinah’s part. That is her way of trying to not let the emotions out. I think she doesn’t want to admit that there is actually emotions involved here. Being worried about Tim, Damien or any of the other kids is one thing. She came here to understand why I didn’t take up the Mantle of the Batman. But. I’m pretty sure she also came here, because she wanted me to take it away from Tim.
“You should have lead with that,” comes the sober response, after a very pregnant pause.
This is the basic, core, difference between Dinah Lance and I. I tend to lead with my heart, she seems to think that she needs to disconnect from it. Taking the Cape and Cowl away from Tim, when all I’ve seen is how good he’s done? Seemed very much like the wrong move. No matter how much I know my ‘Little Brother’ is hating it. Sometimes the best people to entrust with power are the ones who don’t want it most. They’re the ones who handle it the best. Treat it with the most respect.
Dinah has finally given voice to the concern. To the genuine. Well thought out. Observed in practice. Concern. Genuine, because it’s actually the first thing I’ve believed Canary cares about saying since she walked in here. “He’s not alone. I believe he knows that, but I’ll make sure he knows. Today. I won’t take it away from him, I’m not sure it’s mine to take away at this point, but I’ll make sure he knows that I’m here. I’ll make sure he knows Barbara is here. We’ll talk. Today.”
Taking another breathe, I recognize that I’m steadying myself no differently than she did with her drink. Same objective, different methods. It’s enough to make me smile once more. “What do you know about the History of Gotham? The real History of Gotham, I mean. Not the stuff from the text books.”
“The answer is in the History, Dinah. I’m not crazy, I’m serious. Bruce wasn’t killed just because he is Batman. It’s the exact opposite of what we’ve all been looking for. Batman was killed because he’s Bruce Wayne. Bruce was the target. You’ve got to talk to Helena. I don’t know enough yet to actually give you an educated explanation. I’m still learning, but I can tell you this is deep. We’re not dealing with the Flavor of the Month. This is big and old. I think this goes back to founding of the City. To the original families.”
“The reason we’re struggling, is that this isn’t someone we’ve faced before. It isn’t something we’ve dealt with before. I can’t help but think it’s got roots that are deeper than the people Tim’s working against. Maybe that’s even tied to it. We’re researching, but this isn’t something Barb could just oracle up on a computer. That’s the only reason we haven’t called in Tim and Damien already. We don’t even know what we’ve got here. Not entirely.”
Dinah: “I shouldn’t have had to lead with that.”
Last week I wanted him to take it away from Tim. Part of me still does. Part of me also wants to punch him right in the face right now, but then I’d probably break something important. Like my cider cup, or Dick’s untouched teacup over there. Might send perfectly good apple tart tumbling onto the floor and cause a mess. But if Dick has been watching the surveillance, and is aware enough of what Tim’s doing to know about the kids in the basement, about his freelance work with heroes from outside Gotham’s borders? He should damn well have been aware of everything I just said. So my tone is suitable dry in response.
“Taking the suit away from someone who’s doing the right thing, and doesn’t want to do it and slapping it on someone that doesn’t want it and is only wearing it to keep someone else from wearing it isn’t really any better of a solution. Which is why I won’t tell you I think you should put it on. Not after what you’ve just said.”
It has to be someone who’s in 110%, or maybe we’re just going to have to figure out what Gotham is going to look like without a Batman, and explore how bad it actually needsone. Or if a smattering of other people acting in his name are just going to have to be enough. Divide. Conquer. Lean on one another. I’m going to take Dick at his word though, that they’re going to speak to his brother today. That this isn’t going to be put off any longer. Maybe it sounds callous but… Bruce is dead. Losing anyone else because we’re absorbed in who’s to blame is unthinkable. The firm nod of my head, and the pursed line of my mouth, say that’s good enough. That I’m satisfied for now. God help us all if I have to revisit this topic again later.
The smile on his face makes me cock my head, expression shifting to confusion. What the hell is he smiling about?
“The History? Not a lot. If it didn’t involve gyms, dojos, or the police precinct I probably just didn’t care. I know tunnels, and hidden buildings and old speakeasies from my Grandfather and Great-Grandfather’s days on the force. Little nooks and crannies and stories but… not anything I’d imagine would be useful to us.”
That heavy pause of Dick’s earlier had been one thing. My silence borders on stunned, and silence from me is a pretty damn rare thing no matter the reasoning. They weren’t killing Batman, they were killing Bruce? That might sound like an idiotic distinction to make…unless you knew the man. He probably stopped being Bruce Wayne when he was a child. Bruce was the alter ego, not the other way around. But the look in my eyes is like a light bulb clicking on. Of course. None of us would have ever thought that. With everything to be faced in Gotham, as Batman, why on earth would it have been anything but the Rogue’s gallery. How could something possibly have been in place and at least one of them not known about it before now?
“…I’ll go hunt her down right now.”
And maybe light a fire under Stephanie’s ass to get her going on her own case. No. That’s a poor idea. She’s raring to go, she’s just not ready. Tim said that she’d been trying to tell us something was up. It’s not that we didn’t believe her it’s just… well. Cluemaster. When he said it was something bigger than he’d imagined the man might have come up with? Tim’s got a pretty good imagination. That makes me worry.
“That explains the lull in the crime families. All of them. If anyone knew anything, I can’t believe they wouldn’t have squealed by now. To Joker. To Damien. To someone.”
Dick: “Dinah. You damn well should have lead with that. I’m willing to let you come in here and lecture me, but I’m not willing to take responsibility while you shirk it. Every single one of us puts our life on the line when we go out there like we do. If you thought Tim couldn’t do it, then you’re not just responsible for telling me. You’re damned well responsible for telling him.”
There is just a little bit of heat to my voice, but it isn’t truly anger. Not at all, actually. Which is why I’ve got to check myself. This is something else. Agitation. Irritation. Frustration. No, I know what it is… “You came here to blame me. To make sure I knew what he was doing. How he was doing it. You wanted me to ‘Help?’ Not only am I willing, able, and ready, I want to help. But you want me to make the decision. You want to skirt it off as not your place. Let me tell you something, Sister. Tim doesn’t talk to me about his decisions. He didn’t consult me. All I’ve known is what Alfred Pennyworth has told me.”
“Because he sees everything. Bruce didn’t even set up access to Tim’s base. The whole point of it was to be ‘off the grid,’ an emergency fall out shelter in case things went bad. I was asking you to talk to me. To give me your input, tell me as the one on the ground level what you think. I’m sorry if you think it’s wrong to want the input of a seasoned veteran, who’s got more information than I do. You don’t think it’s your place, but I’m pretty damned sure in this case? It wasn’t just your place, it was your responsibility.”
“Which… you’ve done. In like the most aggressive way possible. Outside of throwing punches. I suppose I should thank you for at least that much?” There’s a cross between a scowl and that smile from before, but I’m actually just glad she told me what she thinks finally. It’s important. “You know I’ll keep my word. We’ll talk.”
“Now. About this,” once more tapping on the books, before looking back at Dinah. “They don’t know. They really don’t know. At least. The actual Families. I think some of them suspect, but they’re all afraid. Because this is more myth, more superstition than fact. If even a tenth of what I’ve been reading is true? Then this is bigger than anything we ever faced and we had Batman.”
“Also. Ass. I think the person in the Batsuit might be the safest person in the City. Because I think what killed Bruce? Is after the City. And I think they’ll eliminate anyone who stands in their way. The Batman protects the people. Not the power. He’s not their enemy. But Tim might be. He inherited most of Wayne Industries. Damien might be, but he’s hard to find.”
“The Wayne Family might be a problem. So I thought. Maybe. The most helpful place I could be. Is right here. Where they can find me.” Clearing my throat pointedly at her. “While someone else kept the City safe for a bit.”
Dinah: “Dick. I didn’t have to tell him, he knows. And I didn’t actually know what you knew, or didn’t know, because we’ve had something of a communal communications breakdown. Which we’re all going to fix going forward.”
Something about being in Gotham City just brings out the inner noir protagonist in people, I guess. I don’t think it matters if he thought he was going to get himself killed, or didn’t think he was good enough to be up to par. The goal seemed to be making it work until someone else was ready, willing and able to take the cowl off of him. Maybe it’s just the ‘flaw’ of a good person that wants to do right.
“Yup, sure did.”
That confession is more than a little too cheery, given what I’m saying.
“But I was open to accepting it’s not anyone’s fault if properly convinced. Well. Except Damien’s. It’s always Damien’s fault. I’m feeling a bit trapped in the position of not being able to be Tim’s cheerleader and partner and critic all at the same time. I’m not enough.”
Words that have never come out of my mouth before, and likely never, ever will again.
“And it doesn’t mesh to tell him to his face, and confirm, the doubts about what he’s doing while also being the one who’s trying to get his head fully in the game so that he canmake it work.”
Spreading my hands with a helpless shrug, it’s my turn to return the wry smile.
“You’re welcome. I’d apologize, but we both know I’m not the least bit sorry. I can’t grab Tim by his little Batears and shake him, so I’ve got to channel the aggression somewhere. And apparently I’m already borderline too rough on the noobs in class, so I probably shouldn’t take it out on them. Congratulations, slugger. Designated most able to take the punches. Verbal and otherwise.”
Wrinkling my nose slightly because this isn’t my forte, the books that is, I reach over and turn one slightly on its cover. Not disturbing the pages, just getting a better look at what’s actually there. I can’t even refute people having a fear of superstition. Myths. His brother’s got a torch that he’s trying to put out for an honest to goodness goddess, and who knows what other things that we didn’t think were real actually were. Hiding in mystery, and the fear of the strange and unknown. If Dick’s right, then maybe Tim will be safe from this group, whomever they are, so long as they think Batman’s doing his job. And if they don’t… The look that I shoot Dick now is contemplative, both of what he is telling me, and what I’m understanding out of all of this. What he gets is me raising an eyebrow and smirking, like he had at me earlier.
“Should have lead with that.”
So maybe that sounded a little mocking. Only a little bit though. In good humor and friendship. Ish. Rising from the edge of the desk, the pointed finger gun turns into me cracking my knuckles like I’ve got some hard work I need to get to.
“We’re getting shirts. It’s official. You can get back to your research. I’m going to take my pie, get out of your hair, and pilfer a few more on my way out. I think I’m going to probably need my energy to work brow beating Helena into the rest of my lineup for the night.”
Dick: “Sorry. Couldn’t be helped. I needed to know something. About you. That you wouldn’t answer directly. Needed to provoke you.”
The way I shrug could literally be a pantomime of the way she did to me only a second ago. Except that it looks just as natural, because I do this all the time. The shrugging. Not the provoking. Or at least, I don’t do the provoking the way I did it with Dinah. I’m hoping she doesn’t approach everyone like she approached me either. Because if so? I might need to check on the health of those trainees. God lord.
Matching wry smiles may just break the entire world, but we’re managing it for the moment. I’m growing more and more confident by the moment though that beneath her’s is someone people actually should fear. There’s a darkness to her, a willingness to defend her family that I haven’t seen since she first got here. For the second time tonight, I do something that isn’t natural for people around Dinah. We’re alone here. It’s worth the risk of catching her once more by shoulder to give the woman a hug. Not your average sort of hug either. This is just about as manly as it’s even possible. Complete with patting of the shoulder.
“I miss him too,” comes out the solemn whisper for her and her alone.
When I step back, it’s with a very simple gesture to the tray of snacks that Alfred brought in for us. If it wasn’t already clear, they weren’t for me. Alfred was just being equal parts polite and hopeful. He doesn’t like that I’ve been holed up in here researching. Likes it even less than I’m trying, openly, to be the most publicly visible Wayne-son in the City. Alfred knows what I’m up to, even if I haven’t discussed it with him. I’m not even sure how, he just does.
The worst part of everything that Dinah has said to me tonight? Is that I actually agree with her. I even empathize. “Alfred once told me that he never feared Bruce and I going out in to the night like we did, because he Dynamic Duo could survive anything. Except each other. Because he knew it didn’t work if I was the only one in Bruce’s Circle of Trust. I couldn’t be Cheerleader, Partner and Critic. Not if I wanted Bruce to trust me as any one of those things.”
“Just remember one very important thing, Dinah,” the last thing I have to impart to her as I walk her to the door, where no doubt Alfred is waiting for her already, with a glass to the door in an effort to hear every word we’ve said. “You said you’re Tim’s partner. I hate to be the one that points this out, but… that makes you Robin. I’ll have Alfie deliver one of the suits to your Bar. You should wear it to your meeting with Helena.”
With that? I push the door shut, so that she is left with Mr. Pennyworth, his glass. A tray of goodies and the sound of my snickering from the other side of the door.