Good News, Bad News

Dick: “So. That is Superman?”

Arms folded, I motion to the screen before us. On it happens to be a young man at a Press Conference. Being completely railroaded by Cat Grant, in to asking Pop-Star questions to the leader of the ‘Meta-Human Movement.’ He’s not much to look at on the outside. ( Yeah, right. ) Other than the fact the younger man is obviously chiseled out of granite that is. How does he manage not to be noticed as something other than what he appears to be? Well, that’s easy. Because ‘Conner Luthor’ has a greatest hits string that is a mile long. I’m bringing it up on the viewing screen even now. Since his Father brought him out of the shadows under the auspice of giving his son a ‘normal life away from the glitz and glamour’ that is being the son of one of the wealthiest men in the world? He’s been on the cover of magazines more times than most actors or actresses. Some of it for the Good, like his apparent ability to play Basketball. Some of it for the Bad, like his ‘not knowing’ he had to pay for things, roughing up bouncers for not letting him do what he wanted at strip clubs. Skipping out on his Secret Service details to party.

Actually the bad far out strips the good if we’re being completely honest. There’s very little good to be found, all told. “Curious. According to Timothy’s notes, your boyfriend started out on this path because he didn’t know any better. He essentially broke out of his test-tube with no grasp upon the reality he was stepping in to, due to the virtual reality he was being trained in, essentially teaching him nothing more than to take whatever he wanted. And, you also believe that at some point after meeting you, he began to know better but instead began to proliferate this behavior in order to embrace being ‘Conner Luthor’ to spend time with you. Now, it has entered a third phase. Where this version of ‘Conner Luthor’ is actually the mask. The real person is Superman, the one Black Canary met.”

“Red Robin’s threat assessment of him is extremely High, but it is moderated by you. Solely, by you.”

“Then there is Freddy Freeman, aka Shazam. We know very little about him. Bruce’s contacts made him aware of this ‘Shazam,’ the ‘Wizard,’ and this Trial, but beyond that we know essentially nothing. So we have a person, who is seeking the blessing of the Gods in order to be the Champion of Magic. Magic, not the stage-show variety, but the Witch and Wizard variety. A powerful tool that most people cannot even perceive. Locked away by the Council of Wizards, at the behest of the Gods themselves. Ages ago. In order to allow Humanity to chart it’s own path. The Champion’s purpose is the protection of the world from magic, as well as the protection of Magic from the world. Mr. Freeman is now beholding to four Gods, is it?”

“Have we discovered how it is possible for him to be going through these Trials, if this other creature. Black Adam. Is also a ‘Champion?'”

“Then there is the Flash. A member of the Police Force, Crime Scene Investigations. He’s your fourth member. Powered by the so-called ‘Speed-Force,’ he has only scraped the surface of his abilities. Him, we know quite a bit about. As he was preceded by another. One Barry Allen. Whom along with Hal Jordan, Bruce Wayne and Kal-El, formed the most recent generation of Superheroes. A failed generation, unfortunately. Wally has the ability within him to actually chance the past or visit the Future. So in spite of being the most annoying, least useful member of your team. He’s also the most dangerous -and- simultaneously the most in danger of being neutralized by the opposition.”

“Does that sum up your current team, moderately well?”

Cassie: “Yes, I’m not completely sure why he opted to turn up that way, though.”

Given that unnecessary work and Conner aren’t exactly the best of friends, unless there’s something in it for him. I didn’t even actually know he had a job of any sort, let alone at the Daily Planet. Why would he? He wasn’t even passing half his classes until I started tutoring him, though I happen to know that’s just because he didn’t actually see the point. He’s already done the whole school thing once, the last time may not have been physically real, but it was real to him. At the same time that it wasn’t. I find myself folding my arms across my chest a little awkwardly because I don’t know that I would have put any of what he says about Conner quite like that. I guess this is the conversation you have about him, when it isn’t between two people that are his friends and someone that’s looking at it a whole lot more objectively.

I know I’m not objective. I love my Superboy, but I’m also very aware of his flaws. The flaws were what I ‘met’ first, and learned to deal with before I got to see more and more of the good. And there is good.

“He started displaying what the world expected of him, because of who he is. Just like he pointed me towards being someone that made more sense to be with Conner Luthor. He did the same as Superman, too.”

Because he was doing what I wanted him to do, and the world already had a perception of what Superman should do and be. Just like it has preconceived notions of what a powerful Luthor scion ought to be doing, or the sort of girl he ought to be dating. I would have preferred to not worry about the latter part, but if it made no sense what he saw in me, then people would look. And people who were looking might see something we didn’t want them to see. As for which version is the mask and what isn’t? It’s much more complicated than a simple distinction, and I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.

“I couldn’t beat him in a fight. He just. He wants to make me proud of him. And I think he’s starting to care about other people more, too. So maybe, hopefully, it won’t just be me.”

Who the heck says that? That they hope their boyfriend will look for gratification and recognition from someone besides themselves? I dunno. Someone who wants their loved one to be a whole, rounded person I guess. Unfolding my arms, I push a hand through golden blonde hair.

“Despite where I came from, I’m still learning the magic stuff. I think Tim, and your father before him, knew more about it than I do. But I spoke to my Father about it. Our world isn’t so simple as the one that the Trials were originally arranged for. They’ve….evolved.”

That sounds better than saying ‘crap’s all busted, nothing makes sense, sorry!’

“And Black Adam is no longer the champion of these same Gods. He gets his powers from a different pantheon. Not how it was supposed to work, and yet…here we are.”

What he says about Wally is… maybe a little harsh but some of the other bits are both interesting and concerning. Future. Past. Something that had actually been an option for us tonight, and one that I’m glad I didn’t choose since our doorway had closed once we’d left it. Not to mention the potential for mucking up the world. Anyone that’s read a book, or watched a movie, knows that messing with history is not a great idea, no matter what the reasons.

“Wally isn’t annoying, or useless. He was freaked out, and he’ll learn. I think most of them are used to working solo, or in a much smaller group. And that’s something we’ll have to work on.”

My expression gets a little bit droll as I look away from the screen to answer Dick’s last question. Does that sum up my current team moderately well? There’s a short, amused laugh. Mostly at his choice of words.

Moderately, yes. In the quantifiable fact department, at least.”

Dick: “While I will give you that anyone with Powers can in fact be useful, that does not actually change whether or not they’re an annoying element. It is perfectly alright. Annoying people get powers -and- wealth sometimes too. Most of the time, in fact.”

That is neither here, nor there. It simply is what it is. We have to accept such things and move on. Which is what I asked Cassie back for when the conference was done. Sending her a ‘Bat-Signal’ message over her new phone. To have a discussion about what she knows, what she doesn’t know and what she needs to know. This should be Timothy’s job, but as I’ve already explained? He’s busy with something equally important. So what she’s left with is me. Me and the Butler who’s been trying to get her to try his sweet cakes for the last half hour.

“You’d be surprised, actually. I suppose we should talk about him, given that he too is a member of your ‘Team.’ Tim Drake knows a lot, about a lot of things. No question about it. Technically, he holds six degrees, but you could attribute six more to him because while Bruce had him out in the world learning, his education was very… unorthodox. He’s a natural programmer, a gifted scientist and psychologist. While he was abroad, Bruce had him study the science of medicine, law and finance. All of this built upon an I.Q. of 142, which hasn’t been measured since he was twelve. He was also diagnosed with a high functioning form of autism. If he had been born in previous times he would have been recruited to the U.S. Military as a Code Breaker. He sees the patterns in everything. He can’t help himself, he just sees them. That goes for everything. Whether it is Science, Medicine, Law, Programming or Fighting. He sees the patterns, he deduces the answers.”

“This also plays in to Tim’s limitations. For example. If you gave him ten minutes he could see how to beat even the best fighter in the world. That does necessarily mean that he could achieve the result he’s seeing. That is an important thing to remember. So is his biggest limitation. Chaos. You said a moment ago that my Father and Tim both probably know more about Magic than you do. That’s probably correct, but that does not mean he understands it. Magic is Chaos, there’s often no pattern to it. Putting my little Brother at a distinct disadvantage.”

Part of me thinks that Cassie was expecting me to go easier on Tim than I did on Wally, but that’s -not- what I’m here to do. This is about educating Cassie. More importantly it’s about giving Wonder Woman the tools to carry this further than she’s already made it. Tim spoke about other assignments, others for Cassie to seek out. Before she finds more, she needs to understand what she has and what she is going to be up against.

“Alright. If this is your Team, then it’s time for you to talk about what you’re up against. You met Agent Grunge when you rescued the Flash from him,” tapping one of the controls to make the screen begin to follow along as I go over some others. “Johnny Grunge has the ability to absorb the properties of any element that he touches. That is not limited to natural elements, it is also not limited to solid ones. According to Bruce’s files, Grunge is also the trainer for Nowhere’s team. Including your Boyfriend. He is able to adapt to their powers, then exploit them. This is used to teach his people how to overcome their weaknesses.”

“This is Doctor Caitlin Fairchild. She is one of three Scientists believed to have created the entire science behind your boyfriend’s Birth. In addition to that she is one of Thirteen Generations of ‘super soldiers,’ that LexCorp began working on after the first Alien Invasion. We’re not entirely sure of her abilities, but we do know that she was one of their initial human trials. Because she took the initiative and did it to herself, before they were officially approved. Before that period she was enamored with Meta-Humans. Believing them to be the embodiment of the old gods in a new form. Your boyfriend killed the previous Project Leader. Leaving on Fairchild and President Luthor with the knowledge on the final generation of the so-called super soldiers.”

“According to Tim’s notes. You’ve met Codename: Raven and one of their shape-shifters. Both of whom we have very little intelligence on. We know that they’re often paired as a team. Specifically when dealing with people like you or Shazam. When Magic is involved. We also know that Raven was powerful enough to force Black Adam to agree never to violate U.S. Airspace again. Solo. As for the shape-shifter, everything we know comes from recent history. She was inserted in to your School to do advance recon on you. Which she did extremely well, because by your own account Conner knew more about you than you knew.”

Cassie: The teenage girl in me wants to retort that clearly, people without powers can be annoying and wealthy, too, but I restrain myself. The night as a whole has been trying, no. The whole day has been, and I don’t want the grumpy way I’m feeling to get in the way of trying to get business done here. Especially not while I’m working with a new person. Besides. There’s just something about mouthing off with Alfred here in the room, I don’t know what it is. And I really do want to try the cakes but…business first. Snacks later. Still trying to be a professional here, in a way I didn’t feel necessary in front of Tim. But. Again. Tim was my friend before the costumes. I just need to get to know his brother.

“He’s really great. At most everything. In short terms.”

I can’t help smiling at that, because. He’s my friend.

“One of the few people I’ve met that I’d admit is a lot smarter than me. But. I get it. Behind all the brains, and planning, you throw in things that you can’t plan for and he’s not invulnerable to withstand that first surprise hit and plan for the second one.”

No, I didn’t really expect to have weaknesses laid out in front of me with such no punches pulled clarity. Because it is his brother, but maybe that’s also why he’s doing it this way. The whole point of being a team is working together and protecting each other from the things we’re individually weak against. You can’t do that if you don’t know what to look out for. Now we move on to the new stuff, not the people I know, and the files that I’ve read…well. I do know some of these people he’s talking about now. The opposition.

“He was able to absorb and use the material from my suit against me, too. That street went both ways, fortunately. He was clearly really good at adapting on the fly. Fairchild, Conner’s talked about more than most of the others.”

She also gives me the willies the most, but maybe that’s because I’m never entirely sure what the motives are. Sometimes, it seems like maybe she’s helping Conner. Othertimes, I just get this red flag that says ‘favorite pet’ waving in my head. But I didn’t realize she also had powers. As he goes on with the list, I’m really starting to think that maybe the handful of us still aren’t enough. I didn’t think we’d have to be ready for anything so soon, though. There’s just never enough time, is there?

“Except for during school I’ve never met them apart. And M’gann knew more about me than I did, or let on, I’d assume because she’s a telepath and I didn’t know I should control the mental freaking out I was doing. With the background info they probably had, it was probably easy for her to make the report that he had on me before we met the first time. Raven is…”

Wrinkling my nose, I’m caught because I want to stick to facts here, like Dick has been. Quantifiable things. But while I’m good with those, I’m better with other things. Like gut feelings.

“Raven is scary. And. I think she likes being scary. M’gann…I’m not so sure on. I think she thinks she’s doing the right thing. She’s not from Earth, and everything she learned about being a ‘real girl’ she got from shows like…well. Gossip Girl.”

Dick: “Not from Earth? We know that before the Invasion, Nowhere would recruit Aliens as much as they did Metas, but after the Invasion we weren’t aware they kept any of those affiliations. It’s been a more or less strict sterilization policy ever since. If this girl was something new, a child. Someone they could raise, train like they did with Conner? That makes a lot of sense. Being a telepath she would have seen through virtual training, so that would leave them with an interesting problem as to how to bring her up. Television as a training tool though…”

Not only does that make me cringe, but it also makes me pretty sick to my stomach. These people, this group called Nowhere, is insidious on a new level every time I encounter a situation involving them. Yet, I’m struck by the alternative facts at work here. They really -do- defend the Country. Maybe even the entire planet. We’ve seen the good they can do, time and time again over the course of History. It leaves any sane person to ask themselves, what makes -us- the Good Guys and them the Bad Guys. How can we be so sure we’re right?

“You share something in common with Raven. According to our contact, she is similar in nature to you due to her parentage. Her mother is something of a ‘Warrior Monk.’ Who was raped and impregnated by a Demon, Trigon. Trigon is an Arch-Demon. One of the Gate-Keepers to Hell itself.” How do you say something like that and keep a straight face? You do it while dressed up as a walking, talking Bat, that’s how. “I know, that sounds inconceivable, but our source is someone of learned knowledge in the realm of Magic.”

“Also, just for a matter of record. It is doubtful that you’ve ever met them apart. It is our assumption, based on our Source’s ability to monitor them that the two of them share a psychic link. This link is shared by all members of their field team.”

Another click of the button and several other images come up on the viewscreen. “Which brings us here. Nowhere’s field team is called the Ravagers. You know M’Gann and Raven. There is also Garfield Logan, another shape-shifter but he has the unique ability to inherit the material strength and density of whatever creature he assumes. For some reason, he is limited to creature shapes. We’re not sure why, but we assume it has to do with Nowhere’s attempts to stabilize his nucleic matrix. He is one of their success stories. When they found him, he was unable to hold even his own basic human form once he became a Meta-Human.”

“Then there are these two. Thunder and Lightning. Twins, Siblings. Alyna, known as Lightning. Alexei, known as Thunder. The two of them were also out-of-control metas. However they were not ‘helped,’ so much as exploited. Years of genetic testing augmented Alyna’s control of electricity to the zenith. She can both control it and produce it, along with physically taking a purely electric form. The Brother can control sound waves. He can intensify the sound of a pin dropping, to the magnitude needed to cause an earth quake. The tsunami that struck Japan two years ago? We believe was caused due to the testing they performed on Alexei. As a note, Japan embraces ‘Meta-Humans’ much as they do professional wrestlers and rock stars. It’s a cultural embracing, that Nowhere might deem dangerous.”

“Warblade. Identity unknown. Powers unknown. The files stolen from Nowhere’s servers, indicate that he has bio-morphic liquid armor. Which is the product of testing shape-shifter genomes and melding them with synthetic metals during their liquid state.” A shrug of the shoulders suggests that I’m not joking or playing it close to the vest. We know very little about this one. “Leash. Psionic Energy manipulation that manifests in the form of energy tethers. Once connected to someone, he can teleport them anywhere he can think of. Anywhere. He is one of the most dangerous of Nowhere’s numbers and should be considered analogous to your Flash. His attacks move at the speed of thought.”

“This brings me to their final team member. Omen. Have you ever wondered, outside of tracking technology, satellites and science. How does Nowhere seem to know when and where to be, before it’s even really possible? It’s her. Omen is an omega level telepath, with a side of telekinesis, but those are her side games. She has a precognitive ability, that Nowhere uses almost exclusively. They rely on her. Without Omen, they would be severely hampered. Maybe even crippled, from being the Agency they are at current.”

“While she is the last of their team, she is not the last threat. The director of Nowhere is a man known as John Lynch. He’s nasty. Sworn to Conner’s Father. His loyalty isn’t a question, it’s written in stone by the Fates themselves. I am not exaggerating. Additionally, I spoke a moment ago about the thirteen generations of super soldiers. I told you about Grunge and Fairchild, you already know that number thirteen is Conner. So you guessed it, that leaves ten other created metas. Of which we have almost no intel on.”

Cassie; “She’s Martian so. Shapechanging, mind reading, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more to it than that because…why wouldn’t there be, right? Conner tried to get me to go easy on her at first, after I found out, said that it wasn’t her fault that she thought that was the right way to interact with other people. I’m kind of sensing a common theme in the way they set their agents up to behave, here…”

It’s hard to feel terribly bad for someone who’d spent the last six months making an already unwanted situation into the closest thing I knew to a living hell at that point. I didn’t fit in, even ignoring the powers, at that school and the bullying was merciless, endless, with extra salt in the wounds when my need to hide my new abilities meant I had to not only take it, but pretend they actually physically hurt me. The cheerleading thing had fixed it, and I’d run with it from there. Anyone who treated another student the way M’gann and her flunkies had treated me had Cassie Sandsmark, head cheerleader to answer to this year. Dick’s mental quandary is one I’ve had myself, but not for long. I know how I was treated on first approach. What they did to get to that point. And by all accounts, I’m a special case that got their nice faces. Other people don’t get a choice. And even if they do some good things? That’s not right.

How do you listen to his summary of Raven with a straight face? Easy. I went to Olympus today. I saw the Gods. Once you accept them to be real, it kind of follows that everything else is, as well.

“Not that inconceivable. I just got told today that I’m basically the chronological and developmental equivalent of a newborn infant. So. Perspective.”

The psychic link I knew about, too. More information that I’ve gathered without actually really trying to, over the last almost two years of knowing them. Much as I care for Conner? I don’t think I’d want to have to listen to him in my head all fo the time. Sometimes him verbally is bad enough, I can only imagine what him without even a little filter would be like in your brain. My arms are folded again, though not so awkwardly this time. Now it’s more because I’m focusing, leaning in for a closer look at the screen as he shows me people I don’t already know. Not needed, my eyesight is better than 20/20 now.

The more he goes on? The heavier I feel. I’d just had what I’m going to call a success out there in front of the cameras, on the heels of a team success dealing with Isis and the Amulet. I’m not sure if he’s trying to prepare me, or scare me, but if it’s the latter, it’s working and I can’t go out there scared. I’m left blowing out another heavy breath of air and rubbing one side of my face with a hand. We’re not enough. We’re still not anywhere near enough, even if Freddy passes the last of his trials that still leaves a few of us, up against what may as well be an army. Which means head on isn’t going to work, not that I would have gone that route to begin with.

“So. What you’re telling me, in short, is that our best chance is going to be to find a way to deal with Omen first. And that we’re leaning towards hopelessly outmatched at the moment, even if we don’t factor in the potential for Superman to be batting for the other team.”

Dick: “Martian. Interesting, believe it or not? That is information we didn’t have.”

There are of course holes in any form of intelligence gather. You have to learn how to piece various forms of intel together, a lot like a puzzle. In fact, I won’t even try to lie about it. This is Tim’s particular point of expertise. He’s simply better at putting these sort of puzzles together. Only Bruce was better and that had a lot to do with the fact he had so much more experience on his side. Tim in twenty years is going to be scary. Like scarier than this Cape and Cowl.

For now though, we have to accept that in any scenario we’re not going to know everything. As well as accept that, right now, there’s a real chance that they know a whole lot more than we do. “There’s no denying that we’re behind the eight-ball, Wonder Woman. They’ve been doing this since the forties. They have been building an insurmountable force. They’ve been doing it under a flag of protection, but you’re lifting that veil is the first step.”

“Also, I didn’t ask you here just to give you a healthy dose of reality,” taking a moment to re-adjust the monitors, only this time I’m turning them off. “You’re not nearly as ‘On your Own’ as you think. Shazam, Flash, Wonder Woman. You’re the nucleus. Then there’s Tim, in whatever guise he takes. Tim believes that he can take Superman off the table, if for any reason they force him to work against you. I’ve learned not to discount my littlest brother. He tends to work miracles.”

“That’s not all, though.”

By this point I’m circling the table and making my path to take me directly before her. It does not escape my attention that Alfred has actually stopped trying to console Cassie, because he’s gotten some sort of call over his ear piece. For now I have to let that pass, because I’m standing in front of Wonder Woman. Having spent the last twenty minutes building up to give her a dose of reality, to show her that they’re very much in a precarious position. Now it’s time show Cassie our hand. Most of it.

“When the time comes, our Mystic? Is a woman by the name of Zatanna. Her Father was a member of the same council of magicians as the Wizard who’s putting Freddy Freeman through the Trials. She and my Father used to date, with his passing she’s pledged to help us finish his ‘Final Case.’ She is not the only name I’m going to tell you, Cassie. I don’t know how much you know about the formation of Nowhere, but the original ‘Mystery Men’ that they recruited in to the Project? Were part of a society of sorts. Many of them chose retirement, but a couple accepted roles in the project. Because they were men and women are great vision.”

“One of them? Is Alan Scott. The original Green Lantern. He’s the one who gave us most of the intelligence I just gave you. He lives in Gotham and he’s the one who put Bruce on this path. Which Tim is now following and what lead him to you. He’s retired from the ‘Mystery Men’ business, but he still wants to see this world turn around.”

Cassie: “…that’s kind of nice to hear. Mostly I’ve spent the last couple weeks feeling like everyone knows more than I do, and just trying to process all of it.”

Up until a couple days ago I think that a lot of people knew more about me, and where I came from than I did. Knew more about the Gods, that I grew up studying without the knowledge that they were real, and that all the stories were in fact more true than I might have imagined. Today, I met my Father and found out that my Mom is an unmitigated badass and better fighter than I am. The last part isn’t terribly hard though. I’ve been training with Conner, but I’m realizing now? It’s not been nearly as seriously as it probably should have been. Hard to believe that you really, really need to prepare to fight something that’ll hurt you when the only person that could really hurt you? Wouldn’t. I know now how incredibly naive that was, and narrow.

I’ve got a lot of faith in Tim Drake-Wayne. He helped me with a horrendous problem I’d been having when we first met, and I’ve seen time and again how resourceful and smart he is. But I still get an un-ashamedly dubious expression on my face at what Dick says about him taking Conner ‘off the table.’ That’s not really my only concern, so much as Conner taking me off the table as well. Which I know he’d do rather than fight me, or let anyone else try to hurt me.

Even with everything going on? Hearing about magicians and wizards is still more than a little strange to me. It really shouldn’t be, especially because I know that magic is the only reason I didn’t spend my whole life with the powers I have now. Suppressing and fighting that divinity that’s inside of me, until it was allowed to come out, or forced its own way free.

“I looked into it a lot more once I had reason to last year. The Justice Society. All of it. Like…so many things through all of history not a bad idea at the beginning but…”

There’s an almost helpless spread of my hands between us. It is what it is, I suppose. Good ideas, minds in the right place, until they weren’t anymore. Until they felt they had reason to cross a line, and once they were over it, the lines got smaller, and easier to ignore. Until we got to where we are now, with people losing their freedoms and choices because of how they were born, or something that wasn’t inside of their control. It’s easy to think that they aren’t doing bad work, necessarily. But I also know in my heart that the way they’re doing it is wrong.

“That’s…good to know though. Thanks for giving me a little something to stand on, after yanking the rug out. I appreciate it.”

I’m joking. A little bit anyway. This has been a bit of a roller coaster of a conversation, but I’d much rather Know than not know.

Alfred: “…uh… forgive the intrusion…”

Alfred Pennyworth, known to some as Penny-One and to others as the Butler of Philanthropist Bruce Wayne. A man of many hats, some of which he wears all at the same time. One thing that can be said for him though, is that he is never, ever, rude. Until now. When he is sweeping aside his offers of crepes and instead intruding in to their discussion entirely. All but ignoring the withering look from Dick Grayson, whom though is much more light hearted than Bruce, does not like having someone interrupt a very important briefing.

Whatever heat was in that look died as soon as Pennyworth’s hands skim across the console to bring up the news feed from Gotham. Joker’s insidious message is playing out, in living color on the screen. By the time the first ‘Episode’ has finished playing? Batman is gone. Leaving Alfred there, standing with the color drained from his face and an honest to goodness sense of terror playing across his features.

“Thank you, Ms. Sandsmark. You were about to offer your assistance, but…” a quick flutter of his hand toward where Dick was standing only seconds ago. “… this is most certainly a family matter.”

“You should go home. Get some sleep. Someone should enjoy the victory of the day.”

Cassie: It becomes apparent pretty quickly that there’s nothing to forgive. Because in this particular moment? There’s something more immediately important happening on that screen in front of me. NOWHERE isn’t going to move on us, not tonight. It’d be stupid of them to act on a handful of us that at least right now? Are still basking in the heroes glow, the event and what we did too fresh in the minds of the citizens for them to not be grouchy if something were to happen. They already watch the sky now for Conner and I. Now they have other faces to be looking for.

…and Batman is gone again. Alfred clearly hadn’t been joking about all the boys in the family being trained in that particular disappearing act. The look of fear on Alfred’s face is probably more disconcerting to me than what I just saw on the screen and that had been awful enough. I suppose he could tell I didn’t just want to watch. Probably by the set of my jaw, or the fact that I realize right now my hands are balled up into fists, ready to go fight.

“Right. And I already got the I can’t be in Gotham line from Tim a month ago. I’ll. Stay clear.”

I don’t like this feeling. Knowing I could go do something, and not doing it. I bet Conner could eliminate that ‘little’ problem of theirs faster than the time it takes for him to sneeze. But we can’t. That’d make us the same as the people we’re trying to fight, I think. And Gotham has Batman. Two Batmans, apparently. Not to mention all the other vigilantes that call it home. Which means until someone from Gotham calls and says it’s also a Wonder Woman problem? Which…we all know they won’t… I get to… go home. And sleep.

“I’ll try. I think I’m going to look for my Mother first, though. Maybe study for my chemistry test…”

I’m starting to ramble. I am tired. And frustrated. But there’s nothing that can be done about any of those problems right here, or now. So all that’s left for me is to leave the jet once again, so that Alfred can return home.

Alfred: “… fear not, my dear. This will all work itself out, I assure you.”

Though, I do not at all sound very convincing about that. She says something that has me snapping my fingers, clearly I’d forgotten something. “Fiddle-sticks. I almost forgot to tell you, I dispatched Mr. Wayne’s personal jet to pick your mother up in New York. She is visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art. When they arrive, I’ll drive her directly home. She’s a charming woman, your mother. We’ve been exchanging recipes.”

“I brought her a bottle of ’96 chardonnay, from Carneros. We were going to share a tasting, … perhaps I’ll leave the bottle, I shouldn’t doddle now and the two of you have much to talk about, I’m sure. Good evening, Ms. Sandsmark.”

Pep Talks and Press Junkets

Cassie: The flight from Coast City to Metropolis was quite uneventful. Actually, it was probably the most uneventful twenty minutes of my entire day, unless you count the very brief period of time that I spent at school this morning. Was that this morning? It feels like a week ago at this point. I actually expected to have maybe a little bit longer to sit down before the trip was completed, but clearly this journey was a better display of exactly how quickly this particular Invisible Jet can move. Long enough for us to learn the basics of using the phones we’d been given. Long enough for Wally to inquire about snacks, which were provided. Long enough for me to introduce myself to Alfred Pennyworth. Not long enough for a lot of other things, though. Like listening to the forty seven voice mails I have on my phone, now that I’m able to access them again. A streak from Conner, then Mom. Then Tim. Everything that had tried to filter in since I came back from Olympus.

I think we actually made it back to Metropolis faster than we took to enter the vault, and then get to Coast City. I don’t even want to guess how much it costs to fuel this thing, or the price tag to build it in the first place. I about choked when I found out how much the phone, which is now in a pile of transmuted jewelry at my house, had been. Maybe Tim can liquidate that and recoup some of the mini-fortune. I just didn’t bring them with me. Speaking of Tim…

Once we’ve landed, I send everyone off the plane. I need a minute to collect my thoughts, and my body still feels a little wobbly though not nearly as bad as it did before. Mostly, I just need a minute to talk to Batman. The plan, which was shared with everyone, had been to help clear up the wreckage some. To make sure there was no longer anything roaming around that shouldn’t be. And once the inevitable news crews gathered, I’d have my introductions to make. Officially. I’d be out to join them in a moment, but first?

“Where’s Tim?”

Admittedly there could be an explanation in one of those many, many voice mails and texts I’ve gotten but I haven’t slogged through them yet. I’m not trying to look imposing. I’m only a couple inches over five feet, so there’s only so much imposing you can be without putting in the effort. Like flying, or scowling, or folding your arms. I’m just leaning against the back of the chair I vacated a moment ago to make ‘requests’ of my friends.

Dick:  The Invisible Jet is a pricey ticket. It isn’t your standard fare, to be sure. One of the R&D planes that was originally being built for the military, as a high altitude recon and deployment carrier. It happens to be my understanding that Bruce was originally intending to use it for a group he was putting together, but with his passing Tim took some initiative. Purposing this jet for the squad that Wonder Woman is assembling made a lot of sense. Between the stealth technology and the capacity for high speed deployment? It makes a lot of sense actually. Logically, though you couldn’t prove it with the group on board right now, she’ll eventually be bringing people on board that can’t run or fly faster than the plane moves.

Then there are the communication devices that Tim had me pass out to the ‘Members’ of this little squad. They’re nearly indestructible. Compact. Light. Small. Visibly indistinct from virtually any other ‘smart phone’ on the market. Each one has a privacy up-link to the satellites that Wayne Enterprises has. Giving each person with one of the devices ready access, not just to one another, but to a veritable treasure trove of information and computing power. With the ability to ‘jack’ in to almost any signal on the planet, there’s also virtually no way for them to be cut off from the rest of the world.

Exactly how much was Tim spending on all of this? How was he hiding it from the share holders? Bruce could make money come and go with a snap of his fingers. I can’t even count the sheer amount of times he drug me to board meetings, just to learn that aspect of life. I’ve just never quite been the financial guru that Bruce or seemingly Tim is. Still, it leaves me to wonder how much my little Brother is doing. How similar he is to Bruce, that all of this would be happening with Damien or I even knowing about it.

The ‘Invisible Jet’ was designed for Troop Deployment. Cassie finds me in the room with the large mapping surface. Where the plans for that deployment would no doubt be worked out. It has afforded me an a place to study the new ‘Team,’ while reading the briefing material. Playing catch up is never fun, but doing it on the fly is even worse. I’m doing all of that, plus still worrying about the same things that kept me out of this costume in the first place.

In all of that? I hadn’t missed Tim’s notes about Cassandra Sandsmark. Smart. Deceptively aware of her surroundings for a blonde cheerleader. I’ll have to remember not to hold to the old sterotype with her. “While you were dealing with this crisis, Superman was busy. He made a trip to France, but on his way back he spent significant time in Coast City, investigating energy signatures that corespond to the same emerald energy we associate with the Green Lantern power rings. Then he made a trip to Gotham, where he confided in the Black Canary that his employers are moving against her friends. As a Warning to keep her quiet.”

“Tim put her in the line of fire, by using her as an Agent in the field to distract Superman in the first place. So he feels responsible and wants to help her deal with it,” gloved fingertips run across the controls on my gauntlet, insuring that the Jet is sealed momentarily, so that I can lift my hands as one to pull the cowl up and off. “My name is Richard Grayson. I’m one of the adopted sons of Bruce Wayne, Tim’s eldest brother. The original Robin and Nightwing, if you ever happen to read the news out of Bludhaven or Gotham.”

“This was my burden, but Tim picked it up when I wasn’t ready to. He does that a lot.”

Cassie: Virtually indestructible, barring a completely literal act of God that is. I’m definitely glad to have a phone again, but more than that I’m glad everyone else has one now, too. I’d assumed that Tim would have some sort of communications plan in the works already, part of the long game when he began to give me the files of other ‘like minded’ individuals. Not that he could have known that, not entirely. I think that maybe there’s a level of predicting what things will play out based on information you’ve got access to, but I’d definitely felt better after meeting them. Freddy’s so earnest it’d be hard to believe he wasn’t a good person, and Wally wanted nothing more than to get right back out there and help his city. Even with his own freedom and life in danger.

The Batman is a looming, ominous kind of figure. Much more intimidating without even trying than I am, for sure. But that’s part of the costume design I think. Batman was supposed to terrify people. That deserved it, anyway. My outfit’s not going to scare anyone. It’d probably need a whole lot more armor for that. Maybe some pointy weapons.

“…he was in Coast City? He must have left right before we arrived.”

Otherwise I don’t think we would have missed him. The timing was convenient. Clearly Conner’s been as busy as I have, today. The more concerning part is that he was in Gotham. Telling the ‘smoking hot blonde, with legs for days, and a lot of other really great attributes apparently, something that I didn’t know. I have to mentally refocus myself, for just a moment, before I let that ugly emotion in the pit of my stomach try and make something out of itself. Because I don’t actually have a reason to be jealous, something I’m very aware of. And I’m not telling Conner everything, so it stands to reason that’s the kind of information he can’t tell me without making it look bad.

“That’s not good. Is there anything we can do to help? I… mean. I want to help, but it might be a little soon I suppose.”

I’m not sure the rest of our foundations are secure enough yet for a direct move. I’m not sure what we did this morning to intervene for Flash was the smartest move either had to be done. That stepping up of plans has just kind of been like…my whole day, today. He lifts the cowl up which surprises me a little, honestly and I do him the return courtesy. Finding the little tiny, hidden switch for the facial alteration technology and dropping the older features that I show the world in favor of the ones I was born with. I’m actually relieved nothing has happened to Tim directly, which had been my concern when Batman had shown up and I actually got to walk past him. Because Tim’s taller than me, but only by a little. His Batman suit made him taller than that, but not nearly as tall as his brother is.

“It’s really nice to meet you, Richard. I have read some. Admittedly most of it pretty recently. Is this going to be.. permanent then? Are you ready to pick it up?”

Dick :Another series of touches along the gauntlet of my left hand, changes the various holographic displays once more. Satellite imagery takes over the deployment screen. Giving Cassie a bird’s eye view of Superman’s flight path. He was concentrated in Metropolis for most of the day, with very little movement. Then he’d gone to Italy and back, then to France. His stop over in Coast City has a time-stamp that is mere minutes different from the change of Isis’ position in Metropolis. However the ‘Fates’ conspired, they did so perfectly. Superman went to France just in time to miss the invasion of the Museum. He left Coast City for Gotham, just in time to miss their arrival there.

“Although, the Green Lantern’s signature never moves. He was there the whole time, but did not interfere in the overall outcome of the situation. Seemingly, at least. I have my suspicions about why. That rainfall seemed to be spawning reanimated corpses. The Flash did an excellent job of keeping them off the Battle Field, but that was an enormous storm. Rain everywhere. Not one corpse made it in to the fight. I’ll need to take a closer look, but if my suspicions are correct? This new Green Lantern was dealing with the the outlying creatures. That speaks well for his intentions, as well as his awareness. His presence in Coast City would spark fury, so not getting involved directly? Means he helped you, without putting himself on television in Coast City.”

For the most part I’ve yet to move, but I’m watching Cassie for reactions. Closely. I wanted to see how she handled meeting me. How she took in my willingness to share my identity with her. To tell her the truth, without keeping secrets that I might not even had a reason to share. Tim has counselled me that Wonder Woman was integral to the overall plan, but I rarely do anything based purely on the perceptions of someone else. I like to form my own opinions, if only because for so long Bruce expected me to work solely upon his and I hated that.

Her question about the situation and the offer to help? Has me shaking my head quickly. “Not right now, no. I think what you’re already doing is help enough. Your path? Is a little more public than the one Black Canary is going to endeavor to take. What you’re doing? You, Wally and Freddy. There is nothing more important. You’re establishing trust again. Trust in people like you, to do what is best for everyone else.”

That’s why I’m here. Gotham needs a Batman, but Tim seems to think that so does Cassie and her team. Me? I’m actually not so sure. Just being on this plane with the three of them made me feel out of place. “My friends and family call me, Dick. As for being ready? Honestly, I think if you ask someone that question and they tell you yes? They’re either lying about being ready, trying to put on a brave face or shouldn’t be trusted to put this Cowl on in the first place. No one is or should be ready for this.”

“And it’s as permanent as anything like this can ever be when you’re putting on a costume and fighting crime with a bat-shaped boomerang.” The attempt at levity is to keep things light, because I never thought there would be a time when this suit wasn’t worn by Bruce. To me? That was permanent. I was wrong then, I don’t want to be wrong about it to someone else. Even if that isn’t what she’s asking, exactly. “Tim did something. Something I never thought could happen. He took Batman and made him a hero again, with you and the Flash. So when you need me? I’ll be there, but otherwise? Batman’s place is in Gotham.”

“Besides, you’ve already got a Robin on your shoulder. No need for Bats in your belfry too.”

Another joke and then the cowl is then lifted back up. Pulled down casually in to place and once more she’s alone in the room with Batman. I’m taller than Tim by far, so the tips make me look even larger still. In a room, on a plane, surrounded by electronics, holographic displays and a enormous bright map right in the center? Apparently it’s still possible to blend in to the shadows. There’s not even a sound as I come around the table, to approach where she is leaning. Now consumed by the cape, which is even longer than Tim’s was.

“Take your time. You’re going to be nervous. The press are going to push to ask questions, but remember that they’re there to see you. They’re suspicious. Especially of people like you. People with abilities. They fear what happened in Coast City, they fear what they saw happen at your Museum, but there is something more powerful than suspicion and fear. We all grew up with the stories. Greece and it’s Gods, became Rome and it’s Gods. That in turn became Knights in Shining Armor. Which gave way to Musketeers Three. Along the way, we Wondered and we Marveled. What’s out there? Are we alone? We spent out childhood wanting to see the stars, walk on the moon…. or fly. How many people wanted to leap small buildings? How many little boys wanted to be faster than a speeding bullet? Or Girls who wanted to be as powerful as a locomotive?”

“What does it feel like? When you’re out there. In the sky. The wind is whistling through your hair. There’s no one out there. No gravity holding you down. No tethers to pull you back to the ground. It’s Wonderous, isn’t it? The best feeling in the whole world. You’re living the dreams of every little boy and girl. Somewhere inside of those Reporters, is a little boy looking to be a Hero. A little girl looking to be just as strong or stronger than any little boy. If you can tap in to that, if you can find the wealth spring of imagination that still lives in them? You can win this ‘War’ without ever throwing a punch.”

Cassie: On one hand? It’s very neat to look at the information he’s showing me. I’ve seen Tim pull up all kinds of things. Remotely. Through my cell phone which was apparently also a mini-transformer. This is the kind of information that they’ve got access to there, and we’re really lucky they’re on our side. My side. On the other, though, I have to assume that this is also the kinds of thing that NOWHERE has. Satellites, energy tracking, heat signatures and all kinds of other things. By all accounts, there isn’t exactly a whole lot of other mes out there, but they knew what they were seeing enough to start looking. I had a few accidents, but not a lot, and none that were very public. Enough that Conner knew before we’d even met what exactly I was probably capable of. I remember vividly him discussing the threat levels. What I’d been at that moment, the ‘potential’ number that they’d assessed me.

“I wasn’t thinking. About what she might bring up. It was just the most uninhabited place I thought we could lure her to.”

I don’t like that I hadn’t thought of that, especially after what we’d had to deal with in Metropolis. I realize, having said that, that I probably don’t really need to explain myself to him. Or to anyone, really, because I know I’d made the best call in the moment. The doors only went to other museums, and such similar places. Those were all going to have people in or around them, trading one group of civilians for another. Maybe that’s not really my problem with the situation, though. Isis was a goddess. Osiris a god. I hadn’t thought through fully what she could do, and I’ve been studying mythology my whole life. I should know these things. I mean, if I don’t? Who will? Wally’s faster than me, Batman’s smarter and more connected, Freddy is wiser to go along with all the other powers he has, and Conner trumps me in every physical way, even before you factor in the tactile telekinesis and laser beams. What do they need me for? And why is this bothering me so much right now?

“Oh, okay. Um. Dick.”

I’m not sure if I’m comfortable calling him…Dick. I’m also pretty sure I just made myself blush a little as I muscle on through. I do take it for what it’s meant, though. He’s naming himself a friend, by giving me permission to call him like his other friends do. Which is good. Tim and I were friends long before I had any idea he knew about all of this. It made it easy to even consider the whole…thing. I’m asking people that don’t know me, or a thing about me, to do this thing.

“I think you’re right. About any of these suits. It’s more about willing, once you’ve got it on, than ready.”

I wasn’t ready. I mean, Conner and I had talked about it but that isn’t the same thing at all. He was ready, but he might also have qualified for Dick’s third option there. ‘Not trusted.’ He was also literally born, and bred, to do what he’s doing right now. But for someone and something else. I want Conner to be able to do those good things, of course, but only if that’s what he wants. It takes me a moment to really decide whether or not he’s joking. I don’t know him, or his sense of humor like I know Tim’s. I decide it’s one at his own expense, and crack a little bit of a smile. That turns into a soft laugh at the bats in the belfry joke.

“Maybe not. And I think Batman’s always been a hero. Just maybe to a smaller…subset of society. Definitely to the people in Gotham that needed him. Whoever ‘he’ happens to be that probably doesn’t change. I think that’s the best way to do it, though. I mean. You looking after Gotham. Flash in Central. Freddy in Fawcett. None of us can really be everywhere. I just want to make sure there can be lots of us that are everywhere.”

Without NOWHERE taking them off the board. But heroes to their own city. Someone that people can look to, or maybe count on in that moment when they’re hoping for help and don’t think anyone else is listening or looking. When Batman approaches me, I can’t help but stand up straight instead of continuing to prop my arms on the back of that chair. The looming. Or maybe it’s just the height difference and I don’t want to seem shorter than I already am. It takes me a moment to realize what he’s actually telling me. The advice that I’m getting. He’d probably know about the press, wouldn’t he? I’m sure he had to deal with them many times. I’ve done it once, directly. Conner’s a much better showboater than I am but again… born to literally do exactly what he’s doing.

The tension’s back in my face, I’m sure showing in the way it always does. A little wrinkle between my eyebrows as they pull together, but when he asks me what it feels like when I’m flying? It goes away. The smile’s back.

“You talk like someone who knows exactly the way it feels. It’s the best part. My favorite thing. Maybe the only thing I’d be sad to give up. It’s like there’s some giant piece of the world that’s just for you, mixed with your heart leaping into your throat and never settling back down again. And then walking is so… plain after.”

Which might also be one of the reasons that I do it so little, besides the whole secret identity thing. It’s hard to want to come back down. And I’m not sure that getting used to it is necessarily a good thing. Blowing out a puff of air, I straighten a little more.

“I’d like that. The not throwing a punch part. Thank you. That helps. A lot. I think I can do that.”

I just am going to have to give them a little more of me, and who I really am, than I had before.

Dick : “You weren’t thinking about how the mystical entity, you didn’t think even existed a couple years ago, could raise the dead? Or you weren’t thinking about how such a thing might impact the Newspaper, because you were more concerned about doing the right thing in the moment?”

Both are valid questions. Each are also questions that she should probably not be worrying about asking. Because they’re equally absurd to be pondering. Will people ask those questions? Undoubtedly so and Cassie Sandsmark or Wally West or Freddy Freeman are going to have to come up with answers that people will believe. Managing the truth is going to be important, because they’re going to want to be honest. While also being believable. For now though, it’s more important for her to know that those are not questions I was asking.

There’s a small, but very obvious shake of the head. “No. Batman was not always a Hero. You’re young, so maybe you don’t remember it but a few years ago Crime in Gotham got really out of control. Our special cases get housed in a place called Arkham Asylum. When the Earthquake hit Gotham, it breached the Asylum. The State declared a state of emergency. The Federal government deemed the Narrows, a part of the city where Arkham rests, to be a ‘No Man’s Land.’ All across the country, but especially in Gotham, they blamed the Batman. Lex Luthor won the White House, by riding the tidal wave of people who agreed with him about it. Batman’s presence, the Gotham Police empowering him, caused the criminal element to escalate. To rise up to meet that challenge. My father lived long enough to become the villain of his own story.”

“You and Tim took a step towards fixing that. You gave me hope. Which is what made me ready, Cassie. That’s why I know you can do the same for the rest of the world too. If you focus on who you are. As opposed to who they’re going to make you be, if you let them.”

Looming is natural when you wear this suit, but Bruce always went the extra mile if he needed to send a message. This isn’t the time for that. So a hand is slipping out from behind the cape, to lightly lay upon her shoulder. How many times did Bruce do this with me? God, it feels like only yesterday. Not the ten years it really has been. That feeling of Batman putting you squarely in his sights, but not for the purpose of frightening you. He never tried to scare me. Bruce would break you down, but only to build you up again stronger than ever. I wonder if I have to actually do the former to get to the latter?

I sure hope not. Because I’m doing a terrible job if it is. “Maybe not in the same way you experience it, but I was born to be in the air. Free from the gravity of any situation. Alone in your thoughts. Looking down, across the skyway at life as it goes on beneath you. There’s a harmony to it. You can’t find it anywhere else, but up there. In the air. It’s impossible to be up there, without learning to respect the height and fear the fall.”

“It gives you a perspective so few others can understand and it leaves you unsatisfied by being on the ground,” gently squeezing her shoulder, reassuringly, but at the same time nudging her to turn towards the plane’s doorway. “Sometimes I think about how easy it would be to just stay up there. Above it all. Out of the range of all the things that drag me back down in to the mire. Then I remember that perspective and I think about how selfish I’d be if I didn’t share it with others.”

A few paces away from the two of us, I see Alfred Pennyworth standing there. He’s prepping to open the door again, but is standing there holding what looks like a child’s lunchbox. ‘I’ve taken the liberty of organizing a press conference. Anonymously of course. Here. This is for the team. I’ve put some granola bars in there for Mr. Flash. There is also some cheer wine for the toast. Also, I thought you might like to know. The Daily Planet is reporting that ‘Superman’ showed up not long after you disappeared. He’s been cleaning up the disaster at your Mother’s Museum, quite earnestly according to the reports.

Now. Chin up. Back straight. Let me fix your hair. That-a-girl. Don’t forget to smile for the camera. Now, last bit of advice. When they ask you a silly question, like what keeps this top from being a super-heroine’s wardrobe malfunction? Look them straight in the eyes and say ‘Magic.’ That’s what I told the Queen to say when they kept asking about her ruddy crown, not falling off.

When she turns again, she and the Butler are alone. I will be there. At the Press Conference. Standing there, along with the Flash and this Shazam fellow. For now though, I think it best if Cassandra was left with the Professional. Few people in the world could hope for a better mentor than Alfred Pennyworth. “They do that. It takes some getting used too. Terrible skill, if you ask me, but Master Bruce insisted on teaching the boys. They practiced it as children, whenever there was dishes to be done or laundry to be folded. Very unseemly.

Cassie: “Both. Well…no, definitely both, but it was a whole lot more the second one one.”

Newspapers? Were the furthest thing from my head. I went from worried about my mother, to worried about everyone else, and that had basically been the stop-point of the thought process. Getting an angry, singleminded goddess out of a very populated city and into a space where the only people to hurt… well. Was me. And my friends. The latter I would have avoided if possible, and I guess I’m the one who took the worst of it. This time. So that’s something.

“That’s kind of the whole point, isn’t it? Of all of this.”

I may only be a seventeen year old girl, but I had a pretty firm grip on who I was and what I wanted to be. Then I got superpowers, and found out I wasn’t actually entirely who I thought I was. I was something else, too, and I could do other things. Learned the world wasn’t at all what I’d thought or expected. I think everyone gets that rug pulled out at some point, about the world and how it works. They just don’t always hear the words demi and goddess at the same time. I had to have some shoves to kick-start me again, but I know at least in the short term what I want to do. Because as long as NOWHERE is in place, doing what they do? Then no one elsegets to be who they are, instead of what they make them be. I’m not…so naive as to think that doesn’t mean liberties for the people who don’t have as good a heart as my friends out there do, but they should still get the chance to choose their path.

I find myself smiling up at Dick again, and more appreciative than I can really say of that encouragement from someone who doesn’t really know me, but still seems to believe that I can do this. It’s not that I doubt what I can do but… taking a giant crocodile bite is a whole lot easier than getting out there and trying to be a symbol of something that you’re not totally sure you’re the best rep for.

“To be totally fair, the falling part isn’t what I worry about. I’ve done that. I crashed in a pretty epic fashion the first time I went really high. It didn’t hurt nearly as bad as I thought it would. Just my ego. The fear is…what if I never get to feel that again? But. I’m pretty much invulnerable. I guess I maybe take a little different lesson from it…”

There was a poem that I always liked, that took on a whole different sort of meaning to me after my powers. I may even put it in that silly yearbook that everyone keeps insisting I’ll be glad that I have in twenty years when I want to look back on these ‘glory days’ of my senior year. What if I fall? Oh, but my darling…what if you -fly-? That’s what he’s talking about, though. No, everyone can’t fly like I can. Not everyone can do what any of us do, most can’t. But reality doesn’t stop kids from pretending they’re ponies, or dragons, or Ninja Turtles, or rock stars. And the world sure looks like a better place when you can imagine.

I’m left blinking at Alfred and what he’s holding, tilting my head at the inescapable thought of being sent off to your first day of school. Scared and unsure if the other kids are going to like you, or not, or if someone’s going to sit at the lunch table with you.. though it’s kind of an absurd thought for me to have. I didn’t go to school until last year and the other kids definitely weren’t nice to me. I try not to visibly cringe too much that the conference is already organized. Conner already being there and being helpful brings a bit of the smile back though.

“He always does like sucking up to my Mom.”

I’m a little flabbergasted at all the other fussing, though… I got a pretty good dose of electricity. God level. My hair has probably looked better first thing in the morning rolling out of bed than it does right now, and I can’t help laughing at his answer for the million dollar question.

“That’s not actually totally wrong… thank you Alfred. And Dick. I feel a lot be…”

-tter. He’s gone. I have so many questions. Namely about the vanishing though I actually assume he’s still here and I just can’t see him. Invisible Jet, that kind of thing. I’m not going to hunt, though. I’d also like to know more about Alfred Pennyworth and giving advice to the Queen. I assume England but… you never know with this bunch. So instead of any confusion, I just tsk softly at the chore ditching.

“That’s shameful. Even I have to do chores and I’m a goddess.”

If nothing else, I’m left with Alfred. Who is the beneficiary of a very gentle hug, though still very grateful. He seems more willing to take one than any of the other Waynes I’ve met. Then I’m off to face the firing squad. With my lunchbox full of snacks, and a hopeful outlook.

Chin up, back straight. Don’t forget to smile for the camera.

I don’t go straight there from the Invisible Jet. Not just because I need a minute to continue to psyche myself up or anything, I’d had a pretty good pep talk from both Batman and Alfred. Good advice. Some thoughts for perspective. And a lunch box. Part of the delay had been to deliver it to the area of the disaster zone with what I’ve learned is the tell tale streaks of red energy. Speed Force. Another few minutes spent making certain that any exhibit pieces that had strayed out of the doors of the building were being collected in one place, and with care, for the hopeful reassembly and return to use. While they are just things, many of them are irreplaceable and deserving of a little more respect than just waste or building materials.

So many things to see to. This doesn’t seem like it’s the job, but…I think it has to be. So much was made of the destruction left by powered people, the lack of responsibility they had for the aftermath and the people left in their wake. I definitely care about the museum, it’s been as much my home as the place I live the last two years. I think it’s important that they see that. Maybe even more important than anything I might directly say to the camera. Eventually it has to be time to go saysomething though. And I quickly discover that I’m glad Conner didn’t give me time to prep the last time. Hard to get worked up about what you don’t know is coming.

Back straight, chin up, I also don’t actually land. The tech I wear may change the way my face looks but it doesn’t make me taller. The inches that I’m hovering add that. Thanks for coming… I’m sorry that I was late… no. An apology implies that I owe them one for not taking time away from something more important sooner. Makes it look more like this was staged. Which it was, in a way. The important parts, Cassie. Which involves a bit of acting. Not something I’ve ever been very good at. Being a lot more serene, and in charge than I feel.

“I am sure you all understand that helping with recovery and clean-up is very important to me. But you have all said such generous things about me that I wanted to at least spend a few minutes together.”

There’s a smile like they’re in on some joke, with what has honestly been overall praise and good publicity for me since my debut. At the same time making it clear that if I’m held up here I’m being kept from a giant, superhero community service project. The little bit of laughter eases me a hair more, but I’m not letting my guard down. And of course there’s questions. So many questions. After a few moments of letting them shout them, I hold up a hand for silence.

“The attack tonight was an attempt to steal a relic that our hallowed museum held. We were to redirect the attack by luring the thief to Coast City, in the hopes of minimizing casualties and damage.”

The inevitable shouts of who ‘we’ could be were something that I was waiting for.

“I am indebted to my new friends, The Flash and Shazam, without whom there would have been much more damage, and risk of life. I could not have fought off this attack without them. They’re both tremendously gifted heroes, who served without a second thought of the risk. Risk to themselves physically. Risk to their loved ones. They only saw the need, heard the call, and answered. I can only hope that everyone give them the respect that they earned from me tonight. And I, Wonder Woman, Daughter of Zeus, would willingly and gladly fight at their side. Any time. Any place. As I know they would me.”

I may perhaps grow a little intense when talking about the ‘risks’ but then, that particular ‘message’ isn’t exactly only for the news outlets. They’re also getting another ‘fact’ about me, as to where I happen to come from. The shouts, the questions, only pick up once again, and many of them are things I’m not going to actually tell them. I don’t want to have to explain Gods possessing people, or what exactly was being stolen or why. Probably don’t need to inform anyone about Black Adam, and the diplomatic incident that might be.

“The attacker was subdued, and Flash, Shazam and myself insured that both thief and relic were turned over to the proper authorities, most able to take care of them. While we all hope that such a thing will not happen again, I’m personally comforted to know that now I can count on these two men to be there, should it do so. Now, I must get back to clean-up.”

There’s the question. I think that voice asking it sounds suspiciously British. Maybe I’m just hearing things. Still. Brings a bit of a smile to my face, as I start to fly off, turning in the air and letting myself feel the joy that always comes along with it. Maybe more importantly, letting them see what I usually only display up in the clouds with only Conner to watch. A smile, a wink as I twist in the air to change course. Totally unnecessary, I could have just steered my angle but this is more fun.

“Magic, of course!”

Jackson: This was a chance of a life time and he knew that there were people that were going to be clamoring to ask the same question and it would be a fight to be the first. Remember opening remarks. Recorder on, along with taking a few notes while Wonder Woman was speaking. I took down everything I could while the recorder got the rest. The shorthand lessons that Joshua helped with were coming in quite handy. So much so that I was already raising my hand when questions that were opened to the floor.

When acknowledge I led with would probably be an obvious question.

“Thank you Wonder Woman.” Always thank them for the acknowledgement. Don’t dive right into the question. They don’t know you so introduce yourself to them, which was especially important for me because it was my first press conference. Mister White was trusting with me a lot and I wasn’t going to let him down. “Jackson Hyde with the Daily Planet.” That caused everyone to turn in my direction. Who the %&$# is Jackson Hyde?

“First question. Can you divulge the nature of the relic? ” Why was it important for this individual to acquire it. Give a little context as to why they were searching for it. “Second question. Was this a solitary incident or do you expect there to be other assaults on other museums?” Should other cities be on guard for such thefts. “Third question…” Notice I didn’t say final. I know I’m pushing my luck and I haven’t even gotten into the other heroes.

“Was the relic itself dangerous and if so is it possible that other relics within the Metropolis Museum of Natural History pose a danger?” There’s no way to know if someone would find relics important enough to do this type of damage, but daughter of Zeus. Which I found interesting for various reasons, but right now I have to focus on what our readers will find important.

“Final question….” For the moment perhaps. “Is this a temporary association or this similar to the coalition of heroes that were gathered to deal with the Coast City incidents?” Incidents. “And if so is this separate from the activities of the D.E.O?”

Cassie: “Of course.”

Jackson Hyde, Daily Planet. From the reactions of everyone around him that’s a rather ‘shocking’ development, or maybe that’s confusion… it could be both I suppose. No one seems to know who he is, maybe that’s why I pay him a little more attention. Or maybe it’s because I was on the Daily Planet’s roof a little bit earlier tonight, at the call of what was supposed to be a Wonder Woman Signal. I’m not judging. Flash tried and he didn’t have any other way to find me. That’s fixed now. Fortunately.

“It was an Egyptian Amulet. A new acquisition to the Museum I’m told.”

Both things absolutely true.

“The piece has been moved, so I would not anticipate another attempt. As we saw tonight, the museum’s contents became quite dangerous, but the cause has been dealt with. I believe this was an attack related only to that one piece.”

The last question? That’s one I’ve got more answers for, and more details that I’m willing to go into. I didn’t exactly what to tell the world about God carrying amulets that possess people, and the power that might imply was available if only you stole the right piece from a collection.

“I will not speak for the others, but I will continue to fight alongside Shazam, Flash, Superman, and Batman as long as they need me to. They have earned my trust, loyalty, and protection in return for what they have offered me. And no, we are not affiliated with any organization currently. Government, or otherwise. Simply individuals, with a desire to help and protect, coming together to do together what we cannot do apart.”

Jacson: I keep my recorder going as the answers come. Egyptian. Interesting. I keep everything going. There are other reporters that want to get questions in so I can’t hog all of her time, but while I’m being a good cub reporter and getting the information down I neglect to turn completely away from the television questions that focused me for a moment and there’s a nearby microphone that catches my voice as well. “Thank you.”

Another reporter asks a few questions regarding this.

“Wonder Woman I have a question.” It was a reporter from GBS. “So this new psuedo team that you’re apart of are they registered with the government? Isn’t that what the current legislation dictates? Given what happened in Coast City is there some danger in working with unsanctioned heroes?”

Despite how it sounded I think it was something on everyone’s mind. I was curious to see how it would play out given some of the things I’ve read and learned.

Cassie: “Danger to whom? Myself? I did not inquire if they were registered or not before accepting their aid. There was not time, nor did I care. My concern, and I believe theirs as well, was only to save lives and stop the assault on our city. A choice I would make again.”

As for the part of the government, I already answered that question and would not do so again.

Jackson: People were till concerned. They were always going to be concerned that there could be another Coast City incident. The reporter from GBS attempted to get another question in, but another reporter jumped in with a few questions of their own. The questions were asked, but when I saw another opening I took it.

“Wonder Woman, Jackson Hyde for the Daily Planet again.” That’s right keep plugging the paper. I know I was getting scowls from some of the other reporters but I saw an opening again. “I understand that you will work with Flash, Shazam, Batman and Superman, but it sounds like you’re open to working with any meta human that is willing to do the same. Is this perhaps and open call to meta humans across the nation that there is a place for them? That they don’t have to be afraid to use their abilities to help and protect others.? That you would help keep them safe if they do or am I misunderstanding your intentions? ”

It was a lot to unpack there so I would leave it that.

Conner: Who runs late to their first outing as a Press Intern? This guy. It’s not my fault. I hadn’t actually planned to be here like this, I was intending to be here in Costume. Then some old dude for the Planet Called and told me that I needed to carry Jimmy Olsen’s camera bag. What the hell is that all about. I’d barely gotten there, when someone else recognized me. Ugh. One of the other reporters. Blonde Lady. Charming, but a little old for my tastes. She has all sorts of questions. Ranging from asking about my Dad, to talking about politics, to inquiring about the rumors of my playing College Ball.

I was considering eye lasering her when no one was looking, but then ‘Wonder Woman’ made her entrance and… wow. Cassie’s good at this. All the focus in the place is on her. No one seems to even be asking questions to Freddy, aka Shazam. Nor the guy with the growly stomach. This is a new vantage point, really. Down here on the floor, looking up there at the Hottest Girl in the world. Oh and her two Chums, too of course. It’s the blonde next to me, that kicks me in the shin finally that breaks the stupor.

Say your name, and who you work for, she whispers heatedly at me after I’ve yelped from being kicked.

“Uhm. Hi. Conner Luthor, intern for the Daily Planet.” All eyes on the Son of the President. Great Scott, this is awkward for once. “..uhm… well.. I think what the world really wants to know, no offense Mr. Hyde, but…”

“Are you single?”

Cassie: Variations on the same questions I already answered? Ignored. I may not look like I’m ignoring them, but that’s what I’m doing. See. I learned this little trick from my boyfriend where…well. There’s two tricks. Either he talks over and brushes past something he doesn’t want to acknowledge or answer, or he cocks his head to the side, much like I’m doing right now, and pretends like he’s hearing someone in distress somewhere. Or my Mom calling for dinner or…you get the point. Something besides what’s in front of him. Mind you, I don’t have super hearing like he does. But they don’t know that.

“Anyone who is willing to put their life, and freedoms, at risk to aid those around them that are in need? Is worthy of regard, support, respect and protection. Whether they have powers or not.”

There’s the head tilt again. Only this time, it’s for focusing on another Daily Planet rep, clearly they’re going for a shotgun technique here… or more likely Conner’s just decided to try and embarrass me. I’m not having it, no sir! Not right now. There’s an amused set of my mouth, my lips pursing together and to one side as I focus on this ‘lowly’ intern that happens to be the President Forever’s son, a fact that literally everyone standing here knows.

“Mr. Luthor? I’m busy.”

And with that, I shoot off into the air, back in the direction of the museum’s wreckage. There’s heavy pillars for me to lift.

Jackson: I had my recorder at the go when someone was pulling attention. Turning towards Conner I didn’t audibly groan, but my brow quirked. Really? I think I’ve seen him once. There were jokes around the office that his desk was starting to collect dust. I keep focused with the recorder ready to capture Wonder Woman’s answers when Mr. Luthor decides to toss out a ….is he trying to steal Cat Grant’s job.?

My brow arches at the question even as Wonder Woman provides a very interesting answer to mine while deflecting Conner, by exiting the press conference. Leaving the Chief of Police to provide some updates.

“Sounds like a ‘No Comment’,” the blonde chirps.

“Actually…” I start. “She didn’t say yes or no. It was pretty ambiguous and Wonder Woman’s reaction was curious, but I doubt anyone else noticed. They were too focused on the President’s son and Wonder Woman’s departure.

Conner: “Uh.. Can I quote you on that?”

The woman with the CatCo name badge is positively giggling at my handling of the whole thing. Of course, she’s probably also chittering about the way Mr. White is going to blow a gasket. Just great, I don’t even want this job and I’m about to get lectured for doing it all wrong. Oh, well. I give the gathered crowd a shrug, before I pick up the over-sized camera bag and sling it over my shoulder.

“… this looks like a job for… somebody else…”

Maybe I’ll let the secret service actually do their job for once. So as to keep Mr. White from harassing me. Lucky for me, Ms. Grant seems awfully helpful. Taking me by the arm in an effort to ‘help’ me escape the scrutiny of all the other reporters. People who might think to start bugging me about my Father’s plans, his politics or his views on this whole Wonder Woman thing.

Little do I know I’m in even bigger trouble with her, than I am with the rest of them. How is this hundred pound, soaking wet, nosey little thing pulling me around anyway? I’ve got super strength. Speaking of weird and unexplained… wow, Jackson Hyde’s lungs are sure odd. The rest of him isn’t bad looking though.

Secret Service to the Rescue! “Sorry, Jimmy, you’ll have to catch a cab. National Security and all that.”

Jackson: I finish with my notes as Conner is already making his exit. White still thinks he’s there as a plant for his father. Me I don’t know. Putting my things away I nod to Conner, because I’m pretty sure all of that is going to go over well with Mr. White. The other two heroes have vanished along with Wonder Woman. Interesting that she mentioned the Bat. Most of the time he sticks to Gotham, but there have reports about him outside of Gotham. Most recently in Central City where he, Flash and Wonder Woman were working together.

Perhaps the age of heroes isn’t over completely. Makes me wonder what kind of fall out there is going to be over this?

“You can Uber back with me, Jimmy.” If you like. Odd lungs indeed, but I was unaware that was being passively scanned.

Also speaking of fall out when I pulled out my phone I saw that I had 3 voicemails. Three isn’t a bad number. However, considering who the three were from I knew it couldn’t be good.


Earlier in the Living Room. A young man in his twenties stopped to see the beginning of the press conference in Metropolis.

“Wow she’s hot.” He couldn’t help it. Everyone tended to say that when they saw Wonder Woman. What concerned him is when he saw the first reporter.

“Thank you, Wonder Woman… Jackson Hyde with the Daily Planet.” 

“Oh no…” Aaron muttered. “Grand…” He could barely get it otu.

“SON OF A BITCH WHAT DOES HE THINK HE’S DOING!” Joshua Cole said from behind his grandson.

Aaron decided it probably wouldnt’ be best if he said, “His job.”

“Granddad don’t…” Aaron’s words fell on deaf ears.

“Intern. Keep a low profile. Not have your face plastered over the networks!”

Night at the Museum Pt2

Cassie: As much as I’d like to stay here with my Mom for a minute or two longer, we can’t afford it. I know that. So I go through the doorway without another word, and set straight to clearing the path for everyone else. Moving what little debris is blocking the area that we’re exiting into. I don’t stay on the ground for long, though. Leaving the rubble behind, if only for a dozen feet or so, in order to get a better view.

“…seeing this in pictures and seeing it in person is…”

This kind of thing can’t happen again. The sheer amount of area that had been destroyed. All the lives, human and otherwise. My forehead wrinkles, distressed, and then angry, but I can’t let this be the focus either. I have an all too clear of that coming storm after all. Weather patterns don’t naturally move that fast, so that leaves us to assume who is coming. Which is good. Mission accomplished, right? Now we just have to deal with her.

“Incoming at three o’clock, gentlemen.”

Freddy: I thought about what Ms. Sandsmark said and knew that he had been putting a lot of thought into things lately. Sometimes you had to lead with your heart. The head was there to help balance it out. When we stepped out into the wasteland that was once Coast City he glanced around watching as Wonder Woman took to the sky.

I took this brief and I do mean brief moment to calm my mind. I needed it to settle and my heart it needed to be steady. They couldn’t afford them to pull me in opposite directions. Instead I needed to be focused, because when Cassie spotted the approaching storm that was Isis I knew that she wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

Wally: Wally really hadn’t a clue what was going on between … well, all of this. And he wasn’t talking about what happened to Coast City and the lead up that made Luthor President. It only happening three years ago meant Wally didn’t understand most of what was going on in the political climate, and school mostly just gleamed over the facts as they couldn’t really go into too much detail about. But, that was fine. Wally … well, he didn’t even bother to look it up outside of school, even though his mentor, his Uncle was directly affected by this.

So, once they stepped through the doorway and Wonder Woman took to the sky, he looked to Freddy, then back to the oncoming storm. What was he doing here? He had no idea. But, he sure as hell wasn’t about Isis win. Because it sounded like she was bad news and bad news needed to be taken down. To bad they couldn’t search the Vault more. Surly one of the many things that Wally saw in there could be used. Though, he got the feeling they were all ‘Off-Limits’

“So, what’s the game plan?”

ST: Stepping through that set of double vault doors, opens in to what was likely once upon a time the sub-basement of Coast City’s Museum of Science and Industry. MOSI, was once filled with children laughing, playing and learning. It is now little more than a husk, a shell of remains that have only recently begun to be cleared away. Leaving the bulk of that work for Wonder Woman to do right now with brute force. The assistance of the Flash and Shazam’s would-be Champion will certainly help, but the effort to get through to the surface are going to take a little bit of time.

During which time, all the way across the country in that terrible farm town of Metropolis, Isis has been punishing the Museum there. Her agent had been downed, felled and perhaps captured. Yet that hadn’t stopped the spell he cast, which animated the museum’s undead exhibits. They were simply running amok. Attacking anything and anyone in their path. Which included Isis, for about a half-second, it took for them to be shattered to dust beneath her terrible power.

Once the Trio of Heroes emerged from the Vault though, her assault on Metropolis came to a very abrupt end. That single-minded pursuit of the Amulet that Freddy had gotten away from Fawcett City with, driving her to abandon the attack on the Vault-door in Metropolis. If only Cassie had her Cellphone, she would receive the phone calls telling her all about the excitement she’s missing by her boyfriend. Or the concerned requests for updates from Timothy Drake.

Those few moments the Trio have to breathe? Are just about -all- the time they get. No sooner do they dig themselves out from beneath the rubble of Coast City’s Museum than Cassie begins getting that eerie feel down her spine again. Freddy gets something even more. That same sense he got when he first opened the door to the Wizard’s sanctum, from that basement in Fawcett City. When he first put eyes upon…

Adam: Shazam!

“Ignorant Child! Do you even know what you’re doing?”

His words begin before their eyes even clear of the brilliant flash of light, explosive lightning that seemingly brought him to this place instantly. It was merely hours ago that Freddy saw him, at the Wizard’s Sanctum. Then beneath the school tearing in to the mostly helpless Crocodile Men.

He sure seems a lot more angry now than then, and he wasn’t exactly level headed then either. Was he?

“She is coming, boy and if she takes the Gods from you, she will raise this entire world.”

Cassie: Throwing an arm up over my eyes is not nearly enough to protect them from the sudden, unexpected flash of lightning. You’d think I should be getting used to that sort of thing. It’s been happening an awful lot lately. I’m still seeing spots, dancing across the dark and my vision, as I lower it and focus on who or what’s just appeared in front of me. I don’t need to be able to see though. That’s a voice that’s been burned into my brain, even if I know now it wasn’t really him. Teth Adam. Black Adam.

Part of me wants to say that no, we probably don’t know what we’re doing. And yet, here we are doing it anyway.

“She already came for it once. Better here than all of Metropolis going with it.”

I’m not sure we need to justify ourselves to him. I’m still not sure he’s entirely blameless in this situation, but I drop abruptly out of the sky, landing with a soft whump in front of Adam. Not close in front of him though, with narrowed blue eyes.

“Raze it? Or raise it?”

Wally: There’s a flash of lightning and Wally is surprised just how bright it is, and then the voice that comes from behind when his vision gets caught up to his brain. Rubbing his eyes.

“Insolent child? Who speaks like that today? Aren’t there better words? If you need a thesaurus for Christmas, you can count on me…Mr… Shazam?” asking as he finished rubbing his eyes seeing the big guy in black with a white lightening bolt across his chest.

“Buddy of yours? You guys could be twins. Though, I think he’d look better in red.”

Obviously Wally didn’t know really what was going on.

Freddy: I’m pretty sure we know what’s headed our way. I don’t answer Wally just yet, because I have a feeling. “Well, if things go as well as they have been for like the last several hours of so.” You know terrible. “Isis is going to be just one half of the problem, because I’m pretty sure Murphy’s Law is about to kick…” Before I can get it out there he is ready to punish me with insults and threatening glares…again. I shield my eyes for a moment before turning back towards everyone’s favorite Kahndaqian.

Can’t we put a pin him for like I don’t know at least a week?

“Homonyms gotta love them and Wonder Woman makes a fair point. Communication is key.” Yeah I know stir him up. “I mean you are the unmitigated ruler of Kahndaq and such and the US isn’t on great terms with the country. Wouldn’t you being here be considered an Act of War or something” I can’t help myself I should stop.

“But seriously if you’re here to tell me I’m a foolish child, threaten me and shake me until I give you the blessings. It’s not going to happen. Just like I told your possessed wife it’s not going to happen. Honestly, this is your fault, her fault and anyone that decide to play fast and loose with the rules. Now we have to clean it up. I have to clean it up. If anything, you’re really pissing me off because you couldn’t for a moment think, “Oh that might be a bad idea.” Even more the fact that you accepted something you knew wasn’t right. So, I don’t know who’s the more foolish here. Me because I want to fix this or you because you won’t take yourself of repeat. Sad fact is that the same choices keep being made and things just go from bad to worse.”

That said. “I’ll take us both out before I let any of the powers of Shazam be twisted into something they weren’t meant to be so huff and puff and blow me down, get out of my way or do something that could be considered I don’t know. Useful for once since you woke up and decided to start this vicious cycle over again.”

Adam: Cassie receives little more than silence. At first. Because the hooded figure of Black Adam is utterly zero’d in on Freddy Freeman. There is a sort of stone cold look in his eyes as he beholds the Challenger for the power of Shazam. “The Fate of the World dangles in the balance and you speak to me of meaningless politics, Challenger? Has the Wizard fallen so far, that he must recruit challengers from the ilk of Cowards now? The politics of this country are meaningless to me, when the entire world is at stake.”

When Freddy speaks. And speaks. And speaks some more. It merits a reaction. In that Black Adam slowly, especially for people like Wally West, raises his hands in order to pull the hood back. There is a long, measuring look from Freddy, to Wally, then Cassie. It doesn’t take Batman to realize he is considering them for threat levels. So then, what does it actually mean when he tilts his head in the direction of the Flash?

“Isis is even now riding the winds here. She chases that Amulet, in order to restore the soul it holds to life. She is seeks to use the power of the Gods to tame Death itself. You have brought her to one of the largest masse graves in the world. Since it is clear to me that the would be Champion and this Demigoddess are insane. Surely at least you, Speedster, have the ability to process this quickly. She is going to raise this City, to get that Amulet. Think quickly. How many Meta-Humans died here? How many can the three of you fight, before she takes his power -and- the Amulet?”

Cassie: I would probably find Wally’s running dialogue actually really funny at virtually any other moment, but right now I’m a little concerned with what’s going on around us.

“I wouldn’t call him that, Flash.”

Freddy himself says a lot of what I couldn’t help thinking myself. Black Adam is probably more powerful than any of the rest of us, maybe all of us, put together at the moment. I’m not sure I appreciate the way we’re being looked at either. I don’t wince at what he says, but my mouth does pull sharply to the side in displeasure. How was I supposed to know that? How would any of us know that and where else were we supposed to take this? I suppose the answer becomes nowhere, really, so much as a matter of speed for finishing it.

“And what if the Amulet’s no longer there to be taken? What happens if it’s destroyed?”

Something no one else has wanted to give me a straight answer, or any answer on. Third time’s a charm. It’s clear Isis will follow the thing anywhere. It wasn’t even safe in my Mother’s magic vault. Leaving us two options. Well. Three I suppose. Running with it forever. Letting her have it, or…

Wally: Listening to Freddy, and then Black Adam, Wally stroked his chin for a moment. Then looked to Wonder Girl, and turned to look at Freddy.

“We keep running, and she finds it. Like Wonder Woman said. ”

“Or, we destroy it. Or.. I don’t know… throw it into orbit. If I angle it right, and really push myself… I think I can launch it into sub-orbital around the planet. Let her chase it. Or maybe we can get someone like Superman to take it into orbit and launch it into the Sun. Unless you can?” asking as he glanced to Cass.

“I don’t really know what’s going on. But it seems that amulet is her homing beacon. And if she needs to be stopped..” trailing off as he gestures to the amulet that Freddy holds.

“If he” gesturing to Adam “Iis right. We’re nowhere near strong enough to take on a city full of dead people.”

Freddy: “Raise then” Adam isn’t the one to make a mistake, but you know sometimes you have to know, because really razing a wasteland doesn’t do much to help it. Raising the dead. Different story.

“I’m going to need that amulet.” That’s been running through my mind all day.” Two thoughts that I’ve tossed around. I didn’t get an answer from the question that I asked. I didn’t ask about destroying the amulet, because when you think about it what happens to what’s contained within. Cassie asked point blank if the essence of Osiris float away or something else. There was no answer, no real acknowledgement.

Here we are again.

“I have an idea.” Choice it’s always been about choice. Push it all away. The threats. The comparisons. Wondering whether or not you were the right person. If you can do it. I’ll do what I need to do, but I can’t ask anyone else to do it.

“She won’t listen. She won’t stop. She has a one track mind.” So why not? “I need you to trust me.” He said with nod before turning towards Adam.

“I need you all to trust me.”

Adam:  For the first time Cassie has said something that merits Black Adam’s attention. It’s as if she said the strangest thing too, because he looks at her like she has grown a third eye. “Others have tried to destroy it. It contains the entirety of a God’s essence. The Wizard himself, the one that this Challenger seeks the approval of, created it to house the essence of a mad God. It is strong enough to do so for thousands of years. It’s destruction is nearly impossible, but only nearly.”

“My question to you, Child, would be whether you’d actually kill one of your own in order to destroy it. And what happens to the one who does so? Surely it would not be further ‘Blessings’ from the Gods, if you were a God-Killer.”

Now Freddy is done with insults and asking for trust? There’s little of that in the air. Zehuti isn’t needed to know that the three of them do not trust him. Nor does he trust a Challenger, who’s so clearly failed in his duty to be a Champion. Admittedly, Freddy isn’t the only failed Champion in attendance, but you won’t hear Black Adam make that statement out loud.

“I could kill the three of you and take the Amulet, but that would take time we no longer have,” pointing past Cassandra in to the distance, at the storm that now spans the entire line of sight in the distance. “Since it is clear you will no do as I say, nor do I have the time now to force your hands. I will give you, the three of you, this opportunity.”

Two massive arms cross over barrel chest, in acceptance. “Let it be known, if you fail. That it is on your conscience.”

Cassie: “No. We’re not enough for that. Not to mention the… wound that would probably rip open.”

Not just from the inevitable weirdness that’s going to come from more risen dead, but the world itself. If the media were to roll up and show us fighting people’s departed loved ones, no matter the actual reason. I actually rather like Wally’s plan about orbit, I mean. That might work, or at least take her off world to find it. It doesn’t really eliminate the problem, but maybe at least delays it a little. Delaying the problem won’t help Freddy finish his trials, such as they are, however. I shake my head at his question, though.

“I’m not sure that I could. I’ve never flown that high, and I still have to breathe… I could still try though.”

I’m willing to try despite that, but Freddy apparently has a plan. Trust him? That I already do. He’s already proven far more insightful than anyone else I know, the things he picks up and the knowledge he has of all this that I don’t means I’m down to continuing to trust him, or trusting… Black Adam who likes to point out he can kill people apparently.

“I think if you were going to do that, you would have opened with it, Adam.”

He gets an almost withering look for saying that failure would be on anyone’s conscience. It already would have been. But that’s the key difference between the three of us and him, I think. Producing the amulet, it’s offered out to Freddy without me taking my eyes away from Adam, or the storm. Once he takes it, unless Freddy’s plan requires my presence right here, I’m taking to the air again. Maybe I can make a distraction of myself enough to slow her down, though I doubt it’ll be terribly effective. She’s here for the Amulet.

Wally: “Nearly, not impossible. If this were at the heart of the sun. She won’t survive.”

Pausing a moment, then looking at Cass and Freddy

“…Right? I mean, the pressure and heat alone…” sighing, he didn’t want to know if she would live or not. She probably would, knowing the way this was going.

“Right. Well, you do you, Freddy. We’ll hold her back as best we can.” what was he going to do? Well, he was going to do what he did best, and that was going to be run.

Wally could only think of one thing right now, and maybe that a little wind resistance would stop her. If anything slow her down. So, when he feels that he’s ahead of Wonder Girl, and infont of Isis, he’d start running in a circle. Trying to create a tornado vortex, pushing himself harder and faster. Wanting to push himself to that edge, wanting to keep his new found friends alive.

Hopefully Wonder Woman remembered this last tactic, except they weren’t on a roof top and he was going a whole hell of a lot faster.

Freddy: “What are you talking about. Anything’s possible when we put our minds to it. I believe in you Cassie. I believe you can do anything you put your mind to. ” I take the amulet from her hand gripping it tightly. “Were the line that stands between Order and Chaos. The Fellowship stands upon the edge.” Right here. Right now. “You didn’t make a bad choice. You made the right now. The one that protected Metropolis.”

He glanced towards Flash. “Believe in yourself, Flash. Believe the impossible is possible. Believe you swifter than the wind itself. You can catch light and hold in your hand. Believe that see it. Make it happen. Never stop running. We can do this. ” I might be leaning on Achilles with this. To bolster them. Cassie doesn’t need it really, but every bit helps.

“Remember who you are. I know what you did Adam. Thank you. You know, you never told me your wife’s name. Then again, I never asked. I know who you are, Adam.” He pushed off the ground floating into air. “We always have a choice. Don’t forget that. No one ever forget that. Keep them safe. Contender to Champion. Be the Champion one more time. The true one, not the false one. I may get one shot maybe two. I don’t know. Too much death. Too many bending to wills. Whether you want my trust or my obedience I don’t know Adam. One is earned, the second gets us known where. But let me try to save your wife” I look towards the approaching storm.

Isis was locked away in an amulet. Destroying an amulet. Destroys the god. I’m not giving anyone anything to feast upon. No more death. Do the right thing. Why can’t people talk to one another without talking down to one another? I said I would rather lose the powers of Shazam rather than have them fall into the hands of another, but she won’t stop until she gets what she wants, until she raises her husband.

I continue moving higher into the air remembering what Isis said if I die she will come for the power. The power of gods can be used for more than championing. She told me. She’ll burn them down like a candle he told me. Once extinguish they’l be gone.

“I can’t do it alone.” I say almost in a silent prayer. “I know you’re there watching waiting to see what I’ll do. What hand I’ll play. Everything has been about force about power destroying or trying to be a wall, but I’m a gnat. I’m in this. I’m not trying to prove myself to anyone. I’m trying to protect worlds. If it means I fail. I fail. I won’t let her take one more life or bend one more to her will. All I ask is a chance to try to end this. I am a contender not a champion, but I will not give up and don’t think I’m giving up now. Solomon. Mercury. Achilles. I need you now. You trusted me with your blessings. I need you to help me keep balance.

“Isis is the goddess of Life and Magic, elements sway to her, but dead…the afterlife. She reaches further than she should, because that belongs to someone else. I wish to end to talk to your wife to end this never ending storm. I need your aid.” If I become a Godkiller to protect them all i will, but I have to try. Holding onto the amulet I take a deep breath and lean on the three blessings to help me. Solomon I can’t flee not any more. I have to stand my ground. Achilles will help us. I need to be me. My strength of will to guide me through.


Adam: “Hold her back?” Sigh. “This isn’t something that can…”

There goes the Flash. Even Black Adam is a little surprised at the man’s speed. It isn’t the first time that he’s seen someone be so fast, but it might be the first time it was someone that didn’t have the blessings of a God doing so. A pity, Adam thinks, that he left so quickly that he won’t hear the warning.

“…you can hold back.”

Because it simply isn’t. There is no stopping Isis. Not empowered as she is. Black Adam himself stands there, cape flapping in the wind, as silent witness to what he has to assume is going to be the death of these children. The sole thing that impresses him? Is their friendship. Perhaps even a slight bit the bravery, though ill-placed as it seems to be. It is enough, on it’s own, to move him. Bring himself in to the air near Wonder Woman.

“The woman beneath the power of Isis is a good person. This is not her, that does this. The Gods are not always there to aide us.”

For now he watches. Seeing the way the Flash moves. The wind he kicks up. That tornado effect that he brings in to motion. There is a wince on Black Adam’s face though. Clearly he does not believe this will work. He says as much to Wonder Woman. “The Speedster creates a tornado, to slow down a being who commands the very air he’s whipping in to a frenzy. Did someone forget to tell him who he was fighting?”

Adam falls silent though as Freeman ascends in to the air. His silence allows the rest of them to hear Freeman’s words. Word, actually. For the first time Black Adam smiles.

ST: Adam smiles because he knows what Freeman has done. He’s said the God’s name, while holding the Amulet in his hands. The clues were always there. Right in front of them. Isis had taken a second hostage. Minerva had been her host, to try sneaking beyond the sorcery of the Wizard in Fawcett City’s Bank. The other Hostage, the forgotten one? Had been intended to House the spirit of the God, Osiris. Isis, the Goddess, needed a Host for her Husband.

Freddy connected the dots finally. In the vault. Perhaps realizing why Black Adam had demanded the Amulet and his powers. He needed them if he was to restore his wife. Unlike Cassandra or Freddy, destroying a life, even that of a God was not unthinkable to him if it brought his wife back to him. Whether that be through killing Osiris, bannishing Isis back to her Amulet. Or becoming Osiris himself? He was clearly willing to accept those outcomes.

Freddy made the choice for him. For all of them. Though little does he realize, he needed far less power to free to Osiris than he thought. Osiris wants to be free, after all. What he does with it now that he has it? That is the question.

The storm front has reached them. True to Adam’s words the Cityscape of Coast City is changing. Each drop of water from the rain, blooms a flower. Life is emerging from the rain. Which the flash only helps by whipping the water far and wide with his tornado. With life comes rebirth… and with that….

Comes the raising of the formerly dead Citizens of the Husk of Coast City. At the eye of storm is Isis.

Cassie: “I guess I have to be Legolas. Closest to a female character I’ve got.”

I’m not actually certain how much an issue most of what Isis might raise from Coast City would be for any of us. Two of us are in the air. Wally is faster than.. everything. I really have nothing else to compare it to. I don’t have the senses necessary to pick up exactly how fast he’s going, outside of ‘faster than I can believe.’ The effects are immediate. Much like the ones that comes with Isis’ arrival. The metas though, that may be another story and what we will really have to worry about and contain if she manages to get to any of them. Or at the very least to keep them off of Freddy.

“And yet, here we are. Just the same.”

I only spare a glance at Adam himself as he rises near me. I still don’t understand his game entirely. Maybe a little, down at the core, but what’s boiled out from there. What would I do, or wouldn’t I do, for Conner?

“What did you put in Minerva’s pocket. In Fawcett. Because I’m thinking this is as much your fault as anyone else’s. So is there a good reason you’re not putting a stop to it? If, like you said, this isn’t her? Then maybe she needs a jolt. Again. Who’s she going to take that better from? I’d sure want someone who loved me to stop me from doing something I couldn’t take back.”

Wally’s doing what he knows how to do. So I’m not going to answer that criticism. I am however, moving a hand to my belt, the loops uncoiling like I bid them, glowing and glimmering with the threads that made it. And energy. It’s not the only thing crackling though. The thick gold bracelet around my wrist, last bangle from my return trip to the Subway that I hadn’t taken off. I’ve got my own power, and I”ve got tools that I’ve been given. It had been a matter of will, and mentally entitled bossiness to get it to take that shape in the first place. It should work the same way in reverse again but for now, I’ll settle for the lasso. Wally may not slow her, but he can distract from my flyby that seeks to snare her in its loops.

Freddy: I spoke the name. I turned the key and I returned him to the land of the living yet he was within me. I could feel him, coursing through my veins. I tell myself that I must remain as I am. Frederick Christopher Freeman. I stand here between worlds. I can lose myself to this, but I choose not to, because I know who I am. I think of my parents. Gramps. I share with the god of the afterlife all that there is to know of me and the world I seek to protect. I hover in the air and share with Osiris all that has happened, all that I know.

“Peace. I wish to bring her peace, bring them all peace.” I whisper. “Help me.” I know gods are not kind and benevolent, but how much longer can this go on.

I focus on everything that is within my grasp as I come down to see the storm before me. He fights for control, to reach the surface, but it is not that I want to keep him at bay. I want to keep in control. I want to remain who I am. Freddy Freeman. I cannot lose this fight.

I feel my lungs with air so he can feel it. He lives again, but this. Look at this. I need him to see his wife, to see what she has become. How, far her madness has taken her.

I need to distract her. I reach out with the power of that I hold. I am the lord of the dead right now and they will not attack my friends. They will not hurt them. I will hold them at bay while using one of them or many of them to whisper to the Flash as he zips by. Amulet. They must retrieve her amulet. Take it. Release Adam’s wife from the prison she’s in.

I come into view for Isis to see. She needs to see and sense that Osiris is among them again. Draw her attention so she will not see what comes for her. Focus. No more fighting this city has seen enough death. Isis will not allow herself to be reasoned with.

“Isis…” I call to her to draw her attention away from my allies, my friends and Adam. Maybe if we make it through this I’ll get him a copy of Gran Torino. Seems like something he’d like. “Enough death.” I tell her. There has been enough death. Let them believe again. “Live again.” She wants death, but Osiris is not only the god of the dead, but of resurrection. Take this chance. I hope they got the message. Isis will be distracted on several levels. Cassie knows if we fight her head on she will burn through the powers she’s gathered. If I distracted it may be what we need.

ST: “Eh? What are you talking about, Woman. I wasn’t in Fawcett City, until Freeman released me from the Wizard’s Sanctum. Ask him yourself, he unlocked the door. I’d been there long enough to read most the Wizard’s Library. By the time I escaped, she had already come and gone from that retched place.”

Black Adam might be someone that Cassie loathes, but he doesn’t sound like the sort to be such an open liar. What would he have to gain by lying about it, especially right this second? There’s no doubt that he might lie, but why would he do so for such a trivial thing. By all views he seems to be literally crackling with energy, ready to do battle with the woman he calls Wife. There’s this low grumbling noise from him though as Cassie speaks of jolting Isis, bringing out Adrianna from the haze of Isis’ powers.

As Black Adam watches The Flash simply runs in circles. While his airflow is not encumbering Isis in her approach, is it is doing something impressive. At first it was sending the rain in all directions, but as he has gotten control of it (dice!) the vortex he is forming has begun to whirlpool the rain in to the funnel. Keeping it from going everywhere. Though some might think the life-giving rain of Isis would be something good for Coast City, those first few wretched hands that raise from the ground? Suggest something different entirely. Though, Cassie is correct for now. There is really no one around for those few Zombies that rose to get at. Yet.

Of course, Kyle Rayner might think differently a few blocks from the Battle. Born on Monday. Christened on Tuesday. Married on Wednesday….

The efforts of Shazam‘s hopeful Champion are having an effect as well. Though perhaps not immediately the one that he was hoping for. As he gives Osiris breathe, the old God struggles for freedom that much harder. Freddy can feel it. The confinement has done much the same to Osiris that it did to Isis. Seemingly it has made the old God almost mad in it’s thirst for Life. Though even as Freddy struggles with keeping himself from losing control to the God of Death, he can also feel how the words take hold on him. Osiris does look upon Isis. Takes stock of her. Sees what she is become, how she is behaving.

Unfortunately for Freddy Freeman? Osiris does not care that Isis is perverting her power for him. Or rather he cares more about his freedom than he does for Isis. It is undoubtedly a strange recognition for Freddy. He thought to use the Old God’s love to stir something. To kindle some feeling that would have Osiris join in the effort to soothe Isis. But what he finds? Is that Osiris cares not if Isis is burnt out entirely in this endeavor. Whatever it takes, he will be free.

It is only Wonder Woman that takes a more direct physical approach. Her lasso, made from a literal weave of the Golden Fleece, is put to work. Thrown out, guided and commanded by the divinity inside of her. It rarely misses it’s target, unless she is thrown off by something struggling against her control. This is no different. As he lasso finds itself at home around Isis? Cassie might well recognize immediately the problem with her plan. The lasso responds to Divinity and while she, Cassie, is descended from Zeus? She is but half the Goddess that Isis is. Even as it encloses on Isis, true lightning channels up the rope from Isis and in to Cassie. A distinct opposite reaction from what normally happens.

Of course. Freddy was trying to reach someone. It just so happens, that it isn’t Osiris that sees what he’s doing. The angle he’s going for. It’s Black Adam. Hovering there. Ready to fight for the world, even as he’s seemingly accepted the fate of his loved one. His Adrianna Tomaz. Unmoved by Cassie’s arguments at first, he sees what Freddy is doing. Who he’s trying to reach. Freddy pleads with an unhearing God for aid, but it isn’t a God who answers him. It’s the hands of Black Adam. Moving in as Wonder Woman distracts Isis. With Freeman holding one Amulet, Adam seizes the one dangling from Isis’ throat.

He’s no sooner touched it, than he says a single word: “Shazam!

More lightning. Only this is not a bolt from Cassandra’s father. It springs from the Rock of Eternity. Striking down upon Adam, upon Freddy and Isis. Both amulets. Filling the sky with a hint of Ozone. It also leaves the all-too human forms of Teth-Adam, Adrianna Tomaz and Freddy Freeman plummeting out of the sky. With no powers to save them.

Cassie: But I saw you, is of course the immediate thought. Tim had shown me the traffic camera footage, and especially seeing him now in person? I’d say there was no mistaking what I saw. I’ve had a whole lot of lessons lately, though, in how things aren’t exactly what they look like, sound like, or walk like. And I don’t think he was lying. He seems confused that I would have even asked. Which means someone else put that Amulet in Minerva’s pocket? While looking like Adam. Then there’d been the Adam in my dreams which I already know was not really him. Not a hard conclusion to jump to right there.

What Wally does? Is really impressive. Adam might have scorned him for what he was doing, but it wasn’t just an attempt to slow her. He’s sparing us a lot of the zombies, just by redirecting the rain. Saving us an awful lot of additional trouble. We’ve all got different strengths. Weaknesses that are offset by each other. Maybe this really can work… all in all? He’s a whole lot more successful than I am.

I wasn’t trying to take Isis down. Even out. I just wanted to do my attempt, useless or not, to slow her. Make her listen at best, the way I’d been able to command Grunge. Turns out it doesn’t work nearly so well. Quite the opposite in fact. Muscles tense as I’m the one that gets that jolt instead. Normally your hand recoils from heat, or pain, but when you’re electrocuted it’s the opposite. Fortunately, controlling the lariat is in large part a mental exercise. Which means that I don’t continue to get those god-volts on…and on… I’m tumbling out of the sky, body still not any more obedient to what I want it to do.

If I were thinking clearly, it probably wouldn’t have worried me as much. Hitting the ground doesn’t do a whole lot to me anymore. Especially not a normal falling speed. I make a decent crater but that’s about it. In a way, it might have been a bit of a blessing, because I’m face down and groaning when lightning fills the sky again, if my hair weren’t already on end it probably would be now. There’s still a bright, blinding after image though. And I’m barely making out the falling shapes in the sky.

“Oh, no.”

Forcing myself up fortunately doesn’t really require getting my limbs working. It’s not my most graceful, or enjoyable, flight upwards to try to snag them all, tempting as it honestly is to only save Freddy and I’m immediately ashamed tha tthe thought actually occurs to me. That’s not like me.

Wally: Wally has a unique view of the world. When he’s running, everything slows down around him. Nearly coming to a standstill. So when he finally gets the rain in a giant twister and holds it there. He’s stunned by the sheer brilliance of the lightning. But he see’s it traveling down. Yes. Down. Not up. This wasn’t normal lighting, obviously. He watches it strike Adam, then Isis, and finally Freddy Freeman. It was an incredible sight. But, then they were no longer their superhuman selves. Breaking away from the vortex, he speeds towards where everyone is falling. Through all this, he can see Wonder Woman, second by second try and catch the three.

So, Wally decides to make a vortex *here* to try and bring them all down safely. Or at least slow their descent enough for Wonder Woman to catch them. Hopefully there’s enough time for him to do this.

Also, that rain? Hopefully it’s not magiked anymore or Wally’s running isn’t going to be done any time soon.

Because Zombies are bad, Mmmkay?

Freddy: I could feel it. I could sense it. It seemed that Isis’s made desire to resurrect Osiris was matched by Osiris desire to live again. He did not care. Perhaps afterwards he would, but in this moment he could give a damn. How would she feel about that? It didn’t matter, because it all came to an abrupt end the moment Adam was able to undo what he had done. He brought down the lighting and it was broken the cycle of the moment was disrupted and Freddy found himself falling.

ST: The three of them begin to tumble. As if someone had flipped off a light switch, Black Adam & Shazam were no more. So too was Osiris gone, Isis as well. All three beings now completely human, utterly normal and frail. The two amulets literally thrum with power. All of these things drop out of the sky. Plucked from the heavens with a single word. Spoken with equal parts love for his wife and anger at what had become of her. In doing so, Black Adam made use of Freeman’s gamble. Perhaps not exactly what Freddy and Solomon had planned, but how could they have counted upon Teth-Adam doing something such as this? Him being moved by Cassandra’s words of love and what she would hope for from those she cares about.

On the ground, the Flash is ever in movement. His efforts had stopped most of the rain. Keeping it bound to a single area of the city. Then keeping the Zombies it created bound with the air flows of the vortex he created. With Isis once more restrained within the Amulet, he moves yet more. Taking his tornado with him in an effort to offer a buffet of air that would blunt the fall of the three humans. Giving Wonder Woman a chance to ‘make the save.’ With the only choice she has left, being who or what she’ll rescue. She simply lacks the appendages needed to grab all three people and both amulets.

Ah, but that is not all that has changed. Though it is unseen? As the three fall to the ground? Freddy Freeman is quite more than just unconscious. He’s there. In the Rock of Eternity. Where the Wizard awaits him. Though it is perhaps not the Wizard he knew. The young man, a boy really, awaits. His eyes still full of life and wonder. With a voice that sounds as if he were about to ask Freddy to come outside and play.

“You have many questions, Freddy, but now is not the time for you to have all of the answers. There is something greater at work here than just your Trial. This world is ‘Broken,’ so too are the Trials. They are broken, because we must have a Champion that understands not everything is as it seems. Hercules has given you his Blessing, because now you understand that Strength is not always the power to punch through walls. There is no greater strength than love, Freddy.”

“The Old Wizard is gone, for now. The way to the Sanctum, along with the door to the Rock of Eternity are closed. So they must remain for now. You’ll understand why soon enough. For now, Freddy Freeman. Awaken and say your name.”

Cassie; Fortunately I don’t really need extra appendages to catch all of them, though I could probably have done this a lot more neatly with them. Without Wally’s help, it likely still wouldn’t have been possible because I’m definitely not at my best in this moment. My muscles are slow to respond, and the result is something more like a bull rush than the gentle scooping out of the air I would have normally tried otherwise. Using my momentum to move bodies forward, rather than down, an arm snatched here that’s probably going to result in a pulled shoulder joint for Black Adam, a very sore knee and hip for Isis’ shell when I grab an ankle and maybe a bruise from my own shoulder for Freddy’s abdomen. I’m sure they’ll forgive me when they’re not crushed instead from impact with the ground.

I don’t even try to grab the Amulets as they tumble to the ground. People first. Things later. Even impossibly powerful things. Trusting to Wally’s continued currents to help get me and the rest of them to the ground a little more gently than I might otherwise manage right now. Panting for air, more thanks to the electrocuting that’s left me short of breath than any real exertion, I struggle back up again once I’ve put them down. To look for more threats whether it’s in the form of still risen zombies or…

I’m not discounting anything right now, honest.

Freddy: My eyes opened and I found myself no longer in the company of friends. “Eternity.” I had been brought here once to begin the Trials. To be deemed worthy. Worthy to begin, to be blessed by the six gods. Looking around I expect something anything perhaps a lecture, but instead I get a bright eyed kid who feels familiar, but I’m pretty sure I don’t know him. Or did I? My lips part to say something anything, but instead he’s talking like the Wizard if the Wizard was one fur coat shy of sounding like a Care Bear.

“Hercules.” This was his trial. Shutting my eyes I make a soft sound. Never stop trusting your gut. I did have questions and I wanted answers, but it’s not the first time that I heard that there was something greater at work than just my trial. For the first time in a long time I listen. I don’t say anything meaning I don’t ask questions or start letting my mind go. Instead I absorb what was shared including the fact that the Old Wizard is gone…for now. Does this mean he’s the new Wizard? The substitute Wizard?

The way to the Sanctum and the Rock of Eternity have been closed. The must remain close. Must. I focus on that, but I also focus on what he says next and I do just that opening my eyes. “SHAZAM!”

Adam: The word from Freddy’s lips is enough to rouse not just the power of Shazam, but also Adam. Though not the man that either of the two of them have seen before. Standing, albeit not as steady as he otherwise might, is not Black Adam. Nor Teth-Adam. Even like this, he still dwarfs Freddy Freeman. Theo Adam has been a worker, a soldier and a slave. He’s no mere twig of a man. Nor does he share the face of the man in the Video from the Bank. He is someone else, someone different.

With a grunt, that becomes a sickening crunch, the man forces his own shoulder back in to joint. Even as he is doing this, it’s quite clear that his eyes have begun to dart around to look at the placement of the amulets. Though the reason for that, too, might surprise the two of them. “…my thanks, for finding a way to undo what you believed that I did. Know this, though. Adam sought the Wizard’s Blessing for giving her the power of Isis.”

“With your permission, I shall take Adrianna back to our homeland. I know that you will not trust me to take both her and the amulets back to Kahndaq, so I offer you this. When you realize that you cannot keep them, but you cannot destroy them? Bring them to Kahndaq. I know how to insure they’re never misused again.”

Cassie: Freddy’s once again sudden transformation makes me stiffen in alarm, a reaction I can’t help and that makes my whole body groan at the sudden movements. It isn’t just him that’s changed, though. Adam has as well. I actually look apologetic over his shoulder, even with who he is. So it would seem the strange impulse to just let him fall hasn’t continued on to being okay with hurting him, even accidentally.

“I think that’s probably best.”

I don’t think we can really even detain him. And I don’t mean physically, either. Whether or not I trust him to make sure they’re not used poorly is up for debate, but the fact that he’s willing to not fight us for them currently? Says something.

“When we discover who has been posing as you, I will let you know as well.”

My own bit of goodwill. Mostly, though, I would want the same courtesy if someone was masquerading as me.

Freddy: Gone was the familiar and now there was…the desolate. At least that was one way of looking at it. There was promise here in Coast City. In the distance you could see the structure that was being built not to far away, but if that was a startling sight then there was who was Black Adam, but no more. He was quite different, still taller and bigger, but there was something less Adam about him. The arrogance and threatening demeanor was gone. When he spoke he sounded very different from the man who threatened my life on more than one occasion.

Not everything is as it seems. It rung in the back of my mind. Glancing towards Wonder Woman when he spoke of the amulets. I rather be rid of them, but for the moment I think we should do as he says. Something tells me that we need to just take it a step at a time. I know I needed to regroup. With our permission?

“The let this be the end of it for now. Return home. See to Adrianna. She’s been through a lot. You both have. When the time comes we will come to Kahndaq.” The amulets were still a danger. Right now I rather not tempt fate if I could manage it. “Safe journey.” Masquerading as him, that was different, but it does track with a few things. Right now I could go for a burger.

Adam: “He was not lying when said they can be destroyed, with great effort. Should they be? The Gods are important. Even if people in this age don’t understand the way they once did. Though those two may be broken, they are ageless. Who is to say they cannot be healed?”

There is no more to be said about though. While he could surely transform and renew the battle for the Amulets, there is little to be gained in doing so. He no longer seeks them for their power, no longer believes they would be what is best for Adrianna or her brother. At least, not right now. Not yet. Perhaps in the future, when the Gods within are more… sane. Which means that there is nothing to be gained, when time can be given to these two in order to earn their trust perhaps. Or at least their respect.

Even with the injured shoulder and lacking the power of the Gods, Theo is able to scoop the limp form of Adrianna up off the ground as if she weighed no more than a child. As he does, he takes a moment to acknowledge what Cassie has said. “I would appreciate that. Strange powers are at work. This Country’s problems have begun a domino effect all over the world. This clandestine group, that killed the former Champion. They left the world of Magic unprotected.”

“Some might think that merely happenstance, but neither I, nor Black Adam believe in coincidence. Be on your Guard and know that all three of you are equally welcome in Kahndaq. You will find sanctuary there, should you need it.”

A final nod of the head to the would be Champion and the Demigoddess. Much like before, he takes only a moment more to look over the Speedster, almost as if he wants to say something more to him specifically. Then with a whispered ‘Shazam’, the more feeble Theo is gone once more. Replaced by a figure that doesn’t even deign to look at them, before taking to the air and heading away at a speed that isn’t much slower than the Flash.

Cassie: I don’t know that they should be destroyed. It was only really even a question I’d posed because there had seemed to be limited options at the time, and I was fishing for an answer. Destroying a God is… not something you’d think you should be able to do. Not to mention that power has to go somewhere. The resulting potential for disaster? World destroying when you’re talking two of them. And for the moment, it’s no longer needed. I’m not a destroyer. I’m a hero.

“I’m starting to feel much the same way. Thank you for the offer.”

Once Black Adam’s out of sight? I let my knees go. Which drops me rather unceremoniously on my spangly ass in the rubble around us. Everything still feels like not fully solidified jell-o right now. They say you should experience a taser, before you attempt to apply it to anyone else. Well. Now I know, I suppose. Finally catching my breath, or at least making an attempt at it.

“Your face… looks like what I’m thinking. I need a milkshake. Before we do that, I think we should make a trip back to Metropolis. All of us.”

Because people will want to know what happened. And the answers are going to not just come from Wonder Woman this time.

Freddy: I meant what I said and what I thought. I did not want to see them destroyed. I rather try to find a way to help,. Right now as they are I think they’re driven by instinct more than anything. Osiris could care less if Isis survived or not. He wanted freedom more than anything just as Isis wanted him back more than anything.

I don’t know what’s more scary the fact that this guy is likable more so than Black Adam or the fact that I said almost the same thing to Conner and Cassie in the library. That when Billy Batson died that threw everything out of order. I had so many questions, but I knew answers weren’t coming not by a long shot, but it was obvious someone was taking advantage of the fact that there was no Champion and that magic was broken. It almost made me wonder if they didn’t have a hand in setting it all in motion.

“Will do and you do the same.” I’m sure he will, but it still needed to be said. “Thank you for the invitation.” Khandaq. That would be different.

Returning the nod I watch as Theo transforms to everyone’s “lovable” ready to murder you superhuman. I didn’t expect anything from him, but the fact that he didn’t call me a foolish child, shake me like a rag doll or threaten to murder me…..let’s call that progress for about five minutes.

“Milkshake and burger, but you’re right. We need to let everyone know we’re ok. See how bad the damage is and compare notes.” I know always with the comparing of notes.

Cassie: “More than that. I mean. Yes, we need to let them know we’re okay, but we need to let everyone know what we did tonight. Together. So, gentlemen, you have until we get back to Metropolis, because I’m nicer than Superman. And I’m not going to put you on the spot, on camera, and make you pick your name in three seconds.”

I think Flash has his picked, but I don’t know for sure what Freddy wants to be called. And I have until we all get there to decide what, and how, I’m going to say it.

Good thing I’m the slow one, here.

Freddy: “Oh..” That part. I thought we were supposed to be doing this together. Helping each other out. Arching my brow I nodded. “Alright. Until we get back to Metropolis.” Though I was pretty sure I had name. At least that’s what the substitute Wizard said. Yes, that’s what I was going to call him. I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t all in my head and even if it was I’m still going with that.

“You wanted to be called something other than Wonder Woman?” I glance over at Cassie considering that. “What would you have picked?” Oh yeah she was probably going to get peppered with questions from both me and Wally.

Batman: “Alternatively. You can take the Invisible Jet.”

When did Batman get here? It’s best if you don’t ask that question. Or even think about it. Just accept the cellphones that are being offered and load in to the plane that you can’t really see. Other than the open-door and Alfred Pennyworth waving everyone up the marginally visible ramp.

Cassie: “…I dunno. Actually. My choice started with things that I didn’t want to be called, and then went from there. It’s. Kind of grown on me now, though.”

“…Batman. Thanks for bring th…my jet.”

When did Batman get here? I’m not going to ask that, I know better. Also I’m actually incredibly happy for both the phone, and the ride. And the time that’s going to allow for speech prep. He’s still getting some side-eye as I go up the ramp though.

Night at the Museum

There is an age old saying, ‘Bad things happen in threes.’ One of the many aspects of Murphy’s Law. Anything and everything that can go wrong, probably will. Today has been a pretty rough day for our Heroine. She woke up this morning and went to school. About half-way through the school day she received a call from Freddy Freeman. Racing to the Metro Public Library, she’d found her friend seeking safe harbor after a tremendous disaster in Fawcett City. He had brought with him an amulet, that he turned over to Superboy for safe-keeping. Cassie and Conner took that Amulet to her Mother. Helena Sandsmark, whom Cassie had only recently discovered, was far more than meets the eye. She was someone that the Kids believed would be able to sage-guard the Amulet, allowing them to continue moving about their average day. While Conner and Helena were securing the Amulet? Cassie snuck away. Looking in to clues she’d discovered that took her deep in to the bowels of Metropolis. There she found a sealed battleground, protected from the elements and left almost perfectly in tact. A single lightening bolt was discovered. The remnants of some battle she knew had happened between Agents of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. and the man she also knows as Black Adam. She road the lightning to Olympus, where she met her father for the first time. Not just any Father, but the God of Gods. Zeus. Only to return home where she had a very lengthy, touching, and dramatic confrontation with her boyfriend. Following the Wisdom of Solomon, the two were able to work out their differences just in time for Cassie to get a strange call. Off she went to a meeting with Wally West, aka the Flash. All of this is a day in the life of Cassandra Sandsmark, but it’s not quite over yet.

Helena was due home after work. Even accounting for being the normal amount of late, she was starting to out strip even that. Of course, it’s difficult for Cassie to even know that. Given that she isn’t at home like she should be. Nor is she carrying her Cell Phone, to be called remotely. Alas this means that it isn’t until Cassie returns to Casa Del Sandsmark, that she’ll see the blinking lights on the old fashioned answering machine.

BEEP: Hi, baby. I’m going to be late coming home. Finishing up that project for Conner. Your boy said he was handling Dinner. Love you.
BEEP: Hey, sweetheart. I’m still at the museum. Have you noticed anything strange with Krypto? He’s been acting weird for the last half hour. Can.. uh … we even take him to the Vet? Call me when you get this.
BEEP: Cassandra. It’s nearly 9 o’clock on a school night. Why aren’t you picking up your cell phone? Why aren’t you at home to pick that one up? Call me as soon as you get this. Something is really bothering Krypto. Did Conner let him eat the neighbor’s cat again?
BEEP: ….(glass breaks)… Cass… where are you… something.. something is wrong. I thought Krypto was sick but… (growling)… he’s really angry. I think something is really wrong… He won’t let me leave the office… please baby, send Conner as soon as you can.
BEEP: … what the hell was that? Stay with me, boy… we’ve got to get to the vault… Cassie. Someone is here. Krypto… he’s very angry… did you know your dog gets angry? I think they’re here for the vault… I don’t know what’s going on, but I need to know you’re okay… (loud barking, growling, growing more and more savage)…

The phone line abruptly goes dead. There are no other messages. The last one was almost ten minutes ago.

Cassie: I can’t help but wonder if this is how my life is going to be from now on. This busy. I’m not always going to have things like cropped up today. Am I? I mean, there’s only going to be one first meeting with your father, and he’s not exactly someone I have to drop in and visit now and again. It’s going to take some doing to get back there ever. Until, I guess, I’m ready to decide that’s where I want to be or something drastically changes in the Earth/GodLand relationship. I didn’t even do half of the things that Cassie Sandsmark was supposed to do today. Like most of my classes, or cheerleading.

Coming back home, there’s a few things noticeably different than what I actually expected. For one, my Mother’s car isn’t in the garage. Second, there’s no Conner, or Superman, waiting for and there’s absolutely no way it’s taken him this long to go to France and then come back. That means he got sidetracked by something, and since I haven’t noticed him shooting around the Metropolis skyline that means it’s not around here. In a way, that’s good and bad all at once. I don’t have to explain why I didn’t call him, though this time it really isn’t my fault, but now I’m left wondering what’s going on.

I never realized how dependent I was on my cell phone, especially since I’m not really a play games on it kind of gal, until tonight. Even though I hadn’t actually missedit for the first four hours or so that it was gone and destroyed . I should probably call Tim the old fashioned way and let him know I’m going to need a replacement. And apologize. I may not have noticed the flashing of the answer machine if I hadn’t been going to do that in the first place. Everyone just uses their cells. I don’t even know when the last time this thing had any pertinent calls on it…

The first message isn’t alarming. She’s late, she’s securing the amulet. Conner had indeed handled dinner, which he and I had already eaten and cleaned up by now. Leftovers for her in the fridge, though. The second one? Well. Yes. I’ve noticed a lot of things strange with Krypto, he’s not a normal dog. The third is much the same, but I start to get worried. Alien dog he may be, but usually he hides it. If something is bothering him that much, something must be wrong. And I can’t send Conner because he’s not here. I don’t actually make it all the way through the fifth message before I’m back out the garage’s side door and rocketing up into the sky.

I’m very aware of the whipcrack of noise my path makes in the air, but I don’t actually care. I’ve not really had reason to push myself to move this quickly before, and push it I do. I’m sure they’ll forgive me my complete lack of a subtle entrance, because unless there’s an immediately accessible and open door, which is highly unlikely at this time of night when the place is closed to guests, I’m going in through a window with a crash of broken glass. Down to the basement, where I know that vault is located. At least roughly.

ST: It doesn’t take Cassie long in the air to notice some none-to-subtle differences from only a few moments ago. The air is thick. A roll of thunder crackles the night sky. Clouds are rolling in over Metropolis. Though they’re all too strangely concentrated around the Metropolis Museum of Science and History. In a city like Metropolis with it’s Sky-Rail and it’s towering SkyScrapers, the Museum actually stands apart as a thing of genuine History. Three dual pillars that extend from floor to roof mark it as old, but it’s the large stain glass windows that truly mark it as a marvel of History.

It isn’t overly hard to find an entrance as Wonder Woman arrives on the scene. A large whole is already torn through one of the enormous double doors in the very front of the Museum. From the air she can see flickers of red light, washing through the windows here and there. Along with the terrible sounds of screaming, that accompanies equally loud roars so savage she might not even associate them with Conner’s pet. Once she makes her way through the melted front window? Cassie is bound to see, instantly, that the Museum she has considered a second home is in shambles. Claw marks litter the walls. Scorch marks score exhibits. Splashes of blood line the floor.

Curiously there appears to be no damage from the outside. No visible signs that someone broke -in- to the Museum.

It won’t take long for Cassie to understand why either. Orienting herself toward one of four different stair cases or two different elevators (one of which is a freight elevator). All of those signs of battle begin at the Khandaq Exhibit. She’s been here before. Not so long ago in fact. When Tim Drake took her on a holographic tour of this very place. Showing her the sights, sounds and wonders of a land she’s never been too. Now though it takes her little time noticing the difference. The Holographic displays, showing all of the cultural information is left undisturbed, but the actual physical exhibits? Every single one of them is trashed. Sarcophagus overturned. Urns upended. A perfectly outlined form of a body, forever burned in to the wall as if something flash-fired a body out of existence.

There’s far more signs of this very thing littered through out the museum, but Cassie seems to be in a hurry. Nothing stops her from quickly descending the first flight of stairs down in to the “Science” portion of the museum. The damage there is more the same, but far less spread out. More of a path, spreading from a ruined civilian elevator down towards a stairwell. She won’t encounter any resistance down those stairs either, though she’s going to see signs of battle growing more congested as she goes. A shattered skeleton, who’s limbs still reach for her. What looks like a host of carrion beetles all scorched in to dust that crumbles when the breezes past in flight.

It isn’t until she reaches the next level that she even encounters what might be considered resistance. As she clears the stairs leading beyond the Historical Archive, where books, texts and tomes are kept? She flies right in to what can only be compared to a scene from the Walking Dead or the Mummy. As every undead corpse in the Museum has congregated in the stairwells. All forcing their way down to where Cassie seeks to get too.

She might try another way down. Perhaps the last functional elevator. She could. That is. If it were not for the fact that she has apparently picked the one staircase with a reincarnated trio of Velociraptors. We’ve all seen the movies. The way the wicked little menaces catch a scent. Their nearly feathered carcasses turning in her direction…. and then like a pack of wolves rushing her. They sure don’t move like Zombie Dinosaurs. Chomp Chomp.

Cassie: That’s the entrance, right through the double doors and their gaping hole. Collateral damage may be about the least of my concerns right now, but most of the time I do at least stop to think about it. This is clearly a disaster already in progress, which is exactly the sort of thing Wonder Woman is supposed to move in and stop. Or Superman. Equal opportunity city. But they’re blown out. Not in. So was it something already inside, or something that got in another way? Questions that only barely scratch my awareness, because there’s other things to focus on.

The blood. The claws. Where things were clearly melted or roasted. So was that Krypto’s doing, or someone or something else? What is he fighting? It’s not hard to figure out where the carnage spreads out from though. Khandaq. Damnit The newest exhibit, arranged by my friend through an intermediary, where I’d been getting my personal history lessons on the foes I might have to face. I don’t hang around long to agonize over the what and why, again, because there’s still screaming. The roars. That means there’s still people to save, and that they’re also still in danger.

“What the ….?!”

We’ve all seen night at the museum. It’s a funny little thing, that couldn’t possibly be true but what if, right? Well. It seems to have managed it. For whatever reason. On the night that the Amulet from Fawcett was brought in for safe keeping. Not a fact I glaze over in my rush. I ‘skid’ to a halt, if you can really skid in mid-air when your feet have nothing to stop and skid upon, just in time to see the zombie raptors turn and face me. There’s a moment of wide eyed concern, before it turns into narrow-eyed anger and annoyance. There’s no herky-jerky motions like you would expect from something that shouldn’t have had any proper sinews or connective tissues. No. They’re moving like I’d imagine a real predator like that might. But that still doesn’t make them as fast as me.

I give them a second to begin to rush, but I’ve learned from my recent encounters with giant, sentient reptile men. Then I’m rocketing away, a punch of air in my wake as I zip towards the freight elevator. It requires a keycard, if I remember correctly. I don’t have one of those. I do have super strength though, and it’s highly unlikely that an elevator door is going to stop me. With any luck, it won’t even be on this floor, because I’m not looking for the car. I’m just going to fly down the shaft.

St: There’s simply nothing for the Raptors to pounce upon. Cassie is gone so quickly that they can’t catch up. Though they move with the speed they would have had in life, despite obviously not being alive, they don’t move with any sort of preternatural super-speed. Leaving them in the dust isn’t difficult. Though the skittering, whistling cries of the Raptors suggest that they haven’t given up the hunt just because she outran them.

Cassie knows her way about the Museum. She’s been there a multitude of times. She even interned with her Mom their first year in Metropolis. Getting around is not a problem. Doing so quickly isn’t a problem. At the Freight Elevator there’s only a handful of shambling Mummies awaiting her. Almost stationed like sentries, there is very little difficulty avoiding them all together if she wished. Though, let’s face it. Those elevator doors that she rips off their hinges have to go somewhere right?

Then she ‘steps’ in to the elevator. It’s just her luck that the freight elevator is not on this floor. Allowing her to hover right in to the shaft, then drop down past the archival floor and the restoration floor. At the lowest level of the Museum is a sub-basement, which is where they normally store specific antiquities that are rare but no longer on display. Sometimes those are being stored to be sent elsewhere, other times they’re interred for storing until they can be put back on display. As Cassie just learned this morning, there’s another floor beneath that. One that isn’t on any map and it isn’t on the elevator’s selector for floors. You ordinarily would have to have a special key, as she saw in the hands of her mother earlier. Which overrides the normal controls and allows you to take the car down that last floor.

Cassie’s trek down the shaft comes to an end there. One floor up from where she wishes to be. The floor beneath her feels solid. During her trip to the vault with Conner and her Mom earlier, her Mom told her all about the layered defenses the vault had. Someone has triggered those. An enormous bulkhead has come in to play. Strong. Durable. Heavy. She could pound her way through it, given time. But that is all too suddenly in short supply.

Because the freight elevator car is now on it’s way down. This isn’t a controlled descend. Someone or something. Has cut the cables. Those twitter whistles suggest perhaps the Raptors did it.

Freddy: What sucks about not being able to get back into the Sanctum? Freddy actually have to leave the library. Can’t hide away in the archives they actually do sweeps when the library starts to close down. Good thing about the library it stays open later than most cities, but it simply means he was going to have to book a motel room for the night. That was going to be the plan until he stepped outside. There was something in the air, literally.

There were a few people that were gathering at the corner of the street pointing in the direction that wasn’t too far off. Being the curious person he was Freddy walked in that direction only to see something that looked all too familiar.
“Crap on a cracker.” This was not happening. That’s what was going through Freddy’s mind as he stared in the direction of the of the museum.

It was all that he said as he pulled himself towards the nearest alley because there was only one thing to do right now. It wasn’t that Freddy was unsure, he was curious as to how things might change now that he had three of the six. Either way he needed to get there fast, faster than his feet would carry. “SHAZHAM!”….

And just like that Freddy Freeman is…well not quite Shazam, but not quite Freddy. He was a touch taller and why in the world was his hair black? He didn’t even know where to begin with that, but there was definitely something there was a little bit of different. He felt different. He didn’t have the strength of Hercules that might he knew but there was an aura, Achilles. Chief Callahan. Whatever needed to be done he knew he was needed and he knew where he had to go.

Thankfully Solomon was there to balance it all, but there was something else. His clothing changed. He had a suit. Didn’t have a mask to cover his face, but his face well it wasn’t exactly his face. He looked in the reflection of the glass and paused for a moment his lips parting, but there was no time. Instead there was unnatural storm to see about and just like that Freddy was gone his feet carrying him quickly down the street as he poured it on moving in and around people and cars that might make people think he was the Central City streak or whatever they were calling him the days. He doubted he was that fast, but he was fast enough to get him from point A to B while keeping his eyes on those clouds as he arrived at his destination.

The museum. Wait.

Cassie’s mom works at one. She’s an archaeology brat. Crap on a cracker squared.

Freddy takes a moment to scan the entire area to look for anything that looks out of the place beyond the obvious clouds. Anyone or anything that could be responsible or associated with the current gathering micro storm that’s centered around this area. Remember how things were at the bank. Things went sideways inside, but right now he had to use the precious moment his speed could by him to do a quick run of the perimeter to find the easiest way because something told him.

Museum of antiquities + amulet arrival in the city + unnatural looking storm = trouble.

Cassie: That definitely seems like a suitable place to send the elevator doors, doesn’t it? There’s no real room for a good wind up and Frisbee sort of maneuver, but I don’t need a lot of speed or accuracy. Brute force and the weight of the metal will make up for that. I don’t actually stick around long enough to see how successful I am, because they’re a secondary concern to my getting where I needed to be. Down. Down and down. Which is precisely where I go. Keeping track of the openings in the shaft alongside me so that I know exactly how far down I am. It should be three…but I come up short at two. There’s a brief moment of confusion until I remember what my mother had said.

About the time I’m rearing back to start trying to punch my way through the barrier? I hear the sound. It’s not something that my ears immediately would have recognized, how many people know what a plummeting elevator car sounds like when you’re below it? I didn’t until right now. With a hiss of surprise and annoyance, blue eyes whirl around me, falling on the currently closed door panels that would have allowed for entry, or exit, from the elevator. I don’t really want to see if it will hurt at that speed, and while I could rise up to meet it and then slow its decent?

A considering look is spared for the barrier again, before I throw myself through the doors leading out, instead of down. Maybe the crash will net me a two birds, one elevator result.

ST: Cassie gets nadda. Unless what she was hoping for was an elevator crashing down upon a sealed bulkhead. Completely littering it with debris that she would now have to clear, just to start punching her way through. On the good side of things, plowing through those double doors created a compressed expulsion of them. Sending them careening through the little vault area. Leaving her, ultimately, free to move along. Where ever it is that she might be headed. The flip-side to this is that Mr. Freeman now has -no- clear way to follow. Leaving him three zombie filled stairways and two remaining elevator doors. Neither of which actually go down in to the subbasements without key-cards.

While this may seem to be a moment to take a breathe? Another scream rings out for Cassie. This one is much closer. It won’t take her long to find the cause of it. Members of the Night Staff, Curators, Janitors…etc. have barricaded themselves in to the commodities cages and air-tight vacuum sealed rooms. Even now they’re being harassed by yet more undead creatures that have risen from their various states of eternal slumber. Not all of these creatures are entirely whole. A hand recovered from the Tar Pits, tries to attack the curator that had been attempting to carbon date it. A pair of enormous teeth, that look as though they came from a meglodon shark, snap at a pair of curators who had been trying to store it away. A pair of janitors duel with two skeleton armored up in what looks like armor from the crusade’s period.

All around them. History has risen up to fight back.

None of which, likely, matters one tenth as much as the flash of red light in the staff-only stairwell. A rolling growl, that sounds the part of a lion until it ends in an ear-shattering bark, signals that Cassie has found Krypto. Though getting to him is another story. While she circumvented that stairwell for two stories? She now is faced with a veritable horde of Zombie creatures. All fighting not just Krypto, but themselves, to get down in to that final area. And this is a fight that audibly, Krypto is actually losing if only by weight of the sheer numbers at work here.

Outside, Freddy is in place to see the change as it begins to happen. The clouds which were centralized upon the Museum begin to crackle with lightening and roll with thunder more by the moment. Someone up there is angry. Very angry. With a crackle of electricity. A strike of lightning hits the ground outside of the Library. Melting the pavement. Setting off car alarms for blocks. Dampening the electricity for more than a mile in all directions. From the crater of melted asphalt steps a single being.

A woman. The Goddess; Isis has come to Metropolis and she isn’t a little old lady anymore.

Cassie: It was worth a shot. On the upside, I’ve not been smashed in, but clearly neither has the opening that I would have liked to get through. I don’t stick around to mope over the lack of success however. Who knows how long anyone can afford for me to do so. And who knows how many people were still here when this started. The after hours crew varied, depending upon what was going on. With a new exhibit? I’m better there was a lot more than usual here. And soon enough I find them. They seem terrified, obviously, but…managing. Breaking in to ‘rescue’ them might only result in my allowing even more of the risen exhibits to join them.

And someone else looks like he needs my help.

“Krypto! I’m here! Coming in!”

A warning, mostly because I’d like to avoid getting eye-lasered for a moment. Which. Yes. Our family ‘pet’ is capable of doing. This time, I don’t try to avoid the zombies in order to get to him, though I still move at much the same speed I did before. This time, however, it’s with a lowered shoulder as I plow my way through the horde, knocking over or splattering as many as I can on the way.

Freddy: All Freddy could think of was those times when people said that the clouds look angry. That was an angry storm. No that wasn’t an angry storm that was descending upon the area, it was a furious storm. Summoning all the presence that he could at the moment he watched as the leader line came down. that faint flash that occurred before lightning traveled down along it branching out but this one didn’t terminate before it touched the ground it hit and it hit hard.

The wrath of a god has been felt by everyone within the immediate area. Still Freddy did what he needed to do. “Clear the area people. Let’s go!” He said. “Nothing to be afraid of. Just back away from the area. He moves out in front of the people to get their attention. “We have a dangerous storm in the area. Get inside and stay inside until it passes.”

He saw who emerged out of the lightning. Hopefully he could draw by standers attention away from that and get them headed where they neeaded to, because he could only focus on that for a moment, because the kind of sort question that he and Cassie wanted and answer too had just answered itself.

Isis had arrive in quite the fit of rage. Freddy didn’t rush in, he kept his distance. As much as he could while making sure any and ,everyone, that might be lingering were plucked away with the speed he possessed. He needed to clear the area, because, honestly, he didn’t know what was about to happen, but he was going to need everything he had to try and slow Isis down it was a matter of how, but first thing all the innocents needed to be removed and taken at out of the area.

Compartmentalize, Freddy. Theorize.
One. I saw Sobek. Sobek saw me. He may have seen what Callaghan did.
Two. He told Isis.

Three. Isis may have tracked the amulet or me to Metropolis. More than likely the amulet.
Four. Isis is super pissed and I’m the last person she wants to see. Another brick in the wall to be ripped out and shattered.


Plan A. Death. No. No not death. She’s in there somewhere. Damn it. He wanted to know where she was. She’s here so fallen champion I need you to run interference. Follow the lightning. Fight for her.

If he could pinch the bridge of his nose Solomon probably would, but hey there are no handbooks on this and it’s definitely not something you can punch your way through.

St: It doesn’t take a -lot- of speed, added to strength, to hit the skeletons from behind and plow through them. These aren’t full mass bodies here. What she’s seeing aren’t even really Zombies, but more like truly animated skeletons. Just in time for halloween. Whoever has clean up duty at the Museum is going to hate her though. Because when she hits the group with blunt force the majority of the faster skeletons, had managed to get to the front of the line. Those who got too close to the entry had met with a disastrous mauling at the paws of Krypto the Wonder Dog.

Krypto happens to look anything but wonderful right now. His features are drawn back, revealing a savage beast beneath the normally playful creature. He actually seems to be looming, making him look visually larger. Though he hasn’t come through all of this unscathed. Normally pure white fur actually has scores of cuts and lines of missing fur. Something had managed to actually puncture his skin and strip away entire gouges of fur. Though it doesn’t take much to see that the alien canine is positively slobbering with the taste of battle. Eyes glowing and venting heat. There’s a quite little ‘muur’ of acknowledgement when Cassie bursts through the doorway.

That is when Cassie gets to see what had actually damaged her Dog. At first it might seem like one of the Crocodile Men, but a second look will tell her that something -in- here. In the ‘Super Secret Vault Room’ had actually attacked them upon arrival. Leading her to realize that while her Mother had come here to protect the Vault, the Vault itself had then attacked them. And Cassie, no sooner beyond the doorway than Krypto launches back in to the fray. His eyes lancing the downed Skeletons with full fury heat-vision that turns them to little more than fire and ashes. Just fire and ashes that are none-the-less still animated and coming. As Cassie has seen even dismembered bits of the dead animate in to motion.

Outside young Freddy Freeman has seen the arrival of Isis. In all of her Glory. Gone are the trappings of Minerva, the elderly woman from Fawcett City. In it’s place are the shapely curves of an Khandaqian Princess. Adrianna Tomaz is a striking figure all on her own, but when empowered by the Goddess she is quite literally difficult to look away from. Her beauty is quite literally the thing of myth and mystery. Only the courageousness of Achillies allows Freddy to not fall under her spell. More importantly, his Presence in the field mutes the effect she has upon the average person. Emergency Workers, Onlookers. All take heed from him and move to give the Hero some distance to face off against this unknown threat.

It takes only a split-second for Isis to take notice of Shazam. Though Freddie had sought to slow her, he perhaps did not think to do so quite as literally as it happens. Her firsts crackle with electricity. A gesture at Freddy with one hand sends a gust of wind at his back. Like the actual air around him begins to solidify in an effort take hold of him and carry him to her.

“… when last we spoke, I gave you a choice … now I will make that choice for you.”

Cassie: Knowing what Krypto was supposedly capable of, and seeing it in action are two totally different things. Conner and I are usually in the city, and he’s pretty on top of keeping track of the people who are important to him with x-ray vision, but the family ‘pet’ was a contingency. He follows my Mother to work. Tails her wherever she goes more or less. And now we get to see what would have happened to anyone stupid enough to try and mess with Helena Sandsmark. My snuggly white shepherd doesn’t look nearly so snuggly right now. I want to help him, but after that moment of watching him slag them and…still have them get back up again?

That tells me that nothing is going to stop them, until whatever is causing this is stopped. They’re all plainly trying to get down here.

There’s a set of slagged doors, and then… something beyond them. Whatever had attacked Krypto and done this damage. I still haven’t seen my mother, and that’s worrisome on its own, but Krypto is clearly still holding them off the doorway as best he can. Hopefully because she’s still in, and whatever got the giant dog? Hasn’t gotten my Mother, as well. Picking up speed once more, I kick into flight through the first set of already opened doors, and plow into the second set. Trying to force my way into one of the only places in the museum that I’ve never set foot, and frankly didn’t know existed until today.

I’m ready for a fight. I may not know what kind or what against, but anything that moves that isn’t Helena Sandsmark is going to get punched.

Freddy: Freddy meant to draw her attention away from what she was going to do, but he also hoped that it wouldn’t come to something like this. You know him being pushed towards her like he was about to be served up like a Christmas ham. This is definitely not what he wanted. Plan A wasn’t looking good right about now. He needed a little guidance on this. He needed to figure this out. There were ways that this that this could end, ways this could go.

She was going to suck him dry which would only serve to make a bad situation worse. Rather than propel himself forward instead he chose to go up. He was pushed towards her, but unless that was strapping him down up was always an option as he moved to the air, because well, it was something he was capable off. He flew as high as it took to keep his distance. He wasn’t about to give her what she wanted.

“You don’t understand Isis. You got it wrong. I’m giving you a choice. I’m giving you a chance to show not just me, but the world around you that you’re capable of so much more than this. That you are still the goddess magic and life. That you are an honorable being. You have a choice. To be who you were and abandon this before you lose everything.”

Wally: Well. When, you see flashes, and hear screaming coming from a museum. Things can’t be going well. This so wasn’t Wally’s deal. But, while he was in Metropolis, figure he’d check it out and see if he could help. Zooming towards the museum, he figured it was probably some villain trying to make a name for himself. Because that’s what newbie… villains….do….? This is new. Is she the bad guy? Or the good guy? Who’s the dude in red? And there’s screaming inside…which he… should take care of? He had no idea. But it looked like the dude in red had it.

(Great color choice, by the way).

The dude was talking with her, so he’d run in only to be met by a Velociraptor skeleton. Wait. Why was it running at him?!!? WHY WAS IT ATTACKING HIM!!?!?! He needed to talk to Wonder Woman and her choice of villains. But first, he needed to make sure he wasn’t going to become a skeletal snack first.

ST: This is one of those moments that is very surreal. The first set of doors would normally be a simple security check. Those doors are actually melted slags, puddling on the floor in to molten metal heaps. Followed by a second set that don’t actually yield immediately beneath the brute force approach that has gotten Cassie this far. In fact, the moment she comes in to contact with them? Their hue changes to a golden glow and it feels as though they actually grow warmer to the touch instantly. As she applies more and more force, they hold steady. Even though they too have taken the brunt of something powerful, they manage to hold against her might.

It isn’t until Cassie truly exerts herself, that she gets even the slightest give in the doors. But even then it is not Brute Force that sees her through. Much like she recently discovered with her suit and the Lasso of Fleece, the doors only begin to give way because Cassie’s divine right is employed to make her Worthy of Entrance. Even still the doors seem to -fight- her. Because she is seeking entry for the wrong reasons. Those doors are damaged. Their structural integrity challenged. They can’t actually hold against her. Not when she is so motivated to get to what lays beyond. As they crumple inward, she’ll begin to see through the opening crease to what lays beyond. Then she has to re-think everything she ever knew about the word surreal.

Beyond the doors is a sprawling cavern. Bigger on the inside, that it is on the outside. It might well be taken from the pages of Warehouse Thirteen. With it’s sweeping isle upon isle of items thought lost to the Ages. Not your average trifles. These are the thing of LEGEND. The Ark of Covenant. Excalibur. The actual, legitimate, Dead Sea Scrolls. And one Helena Sandsmark. Adorned in full Roman Legionaire’s armor, sword and shield. Bouncing from floor, to shelves. Perhaps lacking in the strength her daughter has, but moving with a quickness that seems entirely out of place. Hacking, slashing with sword and bashing with shield. Within the vault itself were many a great thing. Some of them now animated themselves. Helena does not appear to be retreating at this point. If anything she seems to be steadily advancing, cutting her way through animated creatures and corpses. Towards a being that stands just inside those doors, nearer to Cassie than her mother. Swathed in white robes, with a long bearded face and balding head. His hands gesturing like a puppeteer.

All the while outside things have gone from surreal to horrific. Though Freddy’s gambit works. Carrying him up, up and away. It does not take him to safety. Because his foe is not playing nicely. No longer bound to the form of an elder old hag, Isis is actually unbound. Untethered and apparently uncaring for Freddy’s attempts at negotiation. What’s even worse is that she doesn’t seem to be playing at all.

You dare tell a Goddess what she does not understand? You are not even a Champion yet… feel what it means to bring upon you the wrath of a God, Child.

Up, up and Away. Does not take you out of Isis’ grasp. Not when you’re her sole focus. Though he has begun to gain the blessings of his Gods, Freddy still requires air to breathe. Air which fills his lungs and gives the breathe with which to speak in such an insolent tongue to Isis. Air which she was commanding to bring him close, but now… with a wrenching of her talon like nails… she calls all the air from around Freddy back to her. Creating a vacuum, not just around him but inside of him.

Perhaps Poseidon blessed you with gills, Pretender?

The Flash, much like Cassie, is going to have a series of choices. Three sets of ‘Zombie Chow’ filled stairways. One still functioning elevator. He’s already seen the three Velociraptor-skeletons. Oh and their pal. The enormous skeletal Tyrannosaurus Rex. Good thing he’s fast. That might help him not get eaten.

Cassie: They have to know who or what they’re supposed to let in. That doesn’t happen to be me, right now. I assume it’s only a matter of permission, maybe some enchantment or other, and not because of my motivation to get into the room. I only really want two things. To help my Mom, and also the other people inside, and to stop all of the rest of this. The latter should, in theory, lead to the former.

If I weren’t gritting my teeth as I try to get my way through the first door that’s been able to stop me since my powers kicked in? I’d probably be whistling a swear word or two right now. This would be maybe a little more unbelievable to me if the rest of my day had gone differently. If I hadn’t been to Olympus, from the bowels of the subway. If I didn’t know first hand that gods and magic, and imbuements and blessings were… well. Things.

I’ve always known my mother was a badass. I knew it when I was five years old and the opinion didn’t change as I got old older. What I see through that widening crack as I push, and push with a building desperation? Tells me that I had no idea. I should probably be oogling the Ark. Which is clearly real. Excalibur. All of these things that shouldn’t be real but are… or even the fact that there’s a whole cavern underneath the museum. Or not actually underneath the museum and this is just another door that leads somewhere else. For the moment I’m not sure that distinction matters.

She’s trying to fight towards me. No, not towards me, towards the man in front of me. I’m coming, Mom. Digging in with my shoulder, I try to wedge myself between the two sides of the opening, so that I can use my feet to push opposite my back and free up a hand. Fingertips brushing the tendrils of my belt, which is really the Fleece born lasso. It answers my wants, like always, uncoiling so that I can snap it towards the man, aiming to take his feet out from under him. Or give him a buzz. Both would be great.

Freddy: Up and away was good, but now she was pretty much trying to suck the air out of his lungs which was starting to burn. He could definitely use Solomon’s aid in this, but at the moment he was the focus, he was the one that she was intent on ripping to pieces not heading towards anyone else, but how long could he keep it up that was a difficult one to say. He didn’t have the strength, but he had the speed, but he also had Achilles.

Courage. Yes he was known for his courage and his martial prowess, but direct combat? That was something Freddy didn’t want to lean into not yet. But Achilles was the fabled to be son of Zeus depending on who’s account you followed but he was invulnerable except the tell tale spot if you believe it, but different accounts son of Zeus, dipped in the River of Styx. It didn’t make him immortal or allow him to heal, but it could work in his face, but at the moment he needed something right now, because he dared.

“I DARE!” He said as he began to rotate his body in opposition to her. Slowly but hoping to gain enough speed to draw the air in direction the faster he spun. “I DARE!” He stated again. One does not tell themselves they are the champion they either are or they aren’t and it’s not for Freddy to state it’s for Freddy to show.

“Not another life. Not another god. Your prize is denied.” He would do whatever it took whatever was in his power. “I swore before them to protect this world from danger whether it be mundane or not. You’re a danger so here I am. Standing in your way. ” Spin, Freddy spin. He needed to get his breath back. Anything Solomon wanted to share he could at this time. What was he missing? He wanted a peaceful resolution, but sometimes sacrifices are necessary. Sometimes they had to be done, but had it come to that? No way back?

Wally: Great. Juuuust great.

Wally LOVES museums and the one in Metropolis is one of best in the country. The amount of history on hand is amazing. But, generally…history doesn’t come back to try and eat, or kill you. While he’s able to plow through them easily, it doesn’t mean a few get some lucky strikes in. The Roman Legionnaires are some of the most accomplished soldiers in history, and when they set their mind… or whatever they have now, to it? They’re damn near impossible. Wally’s able to avoid most of their blows and steal their skulls at the same time.

Their short swords slice him on the arm, and along his side. It hurts like a son of a bitch. But luckily they’re not able to stab him in time. He’s just too fast for them to keep up. Once he’s done with his stairway of horrors, he looks himself over with an armfull of skulls. If they can’t see, they can’t attack…right?

Why couldn’t history be just a little less violent?

ST: Alas poor Cassie. You hath been denied. Because while you do not realize that your motivation matters? It actually does. though saving your mother might seem noble, it comes at the price of intent to do violence. Which is what Cassie acts upon at the first chance she has. Utilizing an item that no doubt actually belongs in this vault, to lash out towards the man her mother so valiantly fights to approach as well. In every other case, her Lasso has obeyed her demands. Perhaps it does this time too, but she she all not know of the results as the moment she lashes out? The doors -push- back. Turning her struggle from one she was winning, to one she is losing all too quickly. Who would have thought, that in a fight with animated skeletons, the real struggle would be with a door?

Beyond which she can perhaps make out that she had succeeded. At least in part. Her lasso had managed to entangle the sorcerer. Though it hadn’t wrenched him off his feet. The doorway denying Cassie also seemed to be denying her the ability to control her Lasso. It loops around the man, but is more inconvenience than actually stopping him. It does one thing though. It interrupts his control of the things that attack her Mother. Leaving Helena free to toss a shield careening through the terracotta warriors she’s been harassing for gods know how long.

If Cassie listens, she can hear her Mother questioning ‘Amentep,’ as to why he would side with Isis. She could probably make out that the older man’s answer was something akin to ‘Having no choice.’ Because he motions with that little scepter in his hand towards Cassie’s mother and entire Museum seems to gain new furor in it’s attempt get to Helena Sandsmark.

Hey. Flash. Meet Krypto. The wonder dog. He’s the giant Wolf-like dog with the flamey eyes that pounces you. Right before the skulls in your hands tear you to pieces with their teeth. What’s a couple bites between Roman Friends, right? At least you’ve come to the right place.

Outside is not getting any better for Freddy. Who’s right not getting what amounts to Solomon’s version of Gandolf’s vaunted, ‘Run you fool.’ Because Isis is only getting angrier by the second. If something can be said for Freddy’s stance? It’s that he’s definitely keeping Isis from making it to the Vault where Cassie, Wally and Helena are fighting Ibis the Invincible.

Isis does not just control air. Not electicity. She has dominion over each of the elements and it would seem her intent is to try using each one until she finds one that Shazam isn’t apt at foiling. Next is heat. Which Freddy is helping with by spinning. Friction creates it. Which then brings forth sweat, moisture. Water, another thing at her bidding. And bid she does. Commanding it to leave Freddy, to evaporate away. Clearly she understands that Freddy has been blessed with Speed, with Courage and Will, to go with Wisdom. None of it matters to her, as she works to break his down element by element.

You are a fool. If you die here, now, I can still harvest the essence from your corpse and use it to bring back my beloved Osris.

Cassie: “Nnngh!”

What changed? I didn’t get weaker, but all the sudden the door started fighting me that much harder. It can’t just be a matter of permission, because I have to assume the man in front of me wasn’t just allowed in. Unless he was a traitor of some sort. I could feel it though. The way it was responding to me, not a whole lot differently than the trident had. The way the lariat that’s even now hanging like a noodle over/roughly around this Amentap. Blowing out a frustrated breath that ruffles the hair in my face, I close my eyes and focus on what I’m doing. Why I’m actually here. With everything that happened today. Everything my Mother had told me this week, or that my Father had today.

“There is always a choice.”

Maybe I shouldn’t know that so well as I do at seventeen, but I do know it. Sometimes it’s a choice between two crummy choices, but it’s still there just the same. I focus on my need to get in there. The urge to protect. But more than that? I focus up my right to be in there. That’s my Mother. These are the things she protects. And while she hasn’t exactly been able to be totally forthcoming (…like about how she’s even more of a badass than I thought, for example), I think they’re mine, too. Hadn’t Zeus more or less said as much? Twice?

Wally: Giant…Dog?

Really? Well, thankfully for the giant dog because when he pounces onto Wally, the skulls go clattering onto the ground. Their jaws snapping to try and bite something. But to no avail. So, now his problem is a giant dog that was currently keeping him pinned to the ground.

“…Oh, hey…” check “…Boy. Don’t suppose you know what’s going on?” asking as he looked up into the giant face of a big white dog. First. Dinosaur Skeletons. Second. Roman Legionaries Skeletons. And now? A Giant dog. “Good..boy?” Wally wasn’t going to move an inch while this giant dog was on top of him.

Freddy: Freddy felt that he was retreating each time he encounter Isis. He had a thought, but given the previous encounter that was not the route to go. Instead he pulled back he put distance between the two of them. He withdrew pulling himself back as quickly as he flight and speed could. He considered what would happen if he did die she would take more and everything would be loss and she would be triumphant. Would it be a bad thing if he failed? If he died?

If it all ended perhaps…perhaps because he would have did what was required of him to protect the world and people in but, this right now, no. If there was no way to ensure that Isis would not continue to move forward that was not an option. It was not a choice to make. There was always a choice. She would not listen to reason and it seemed that the woman within was not strong enough to take action. She was not blessed she was cursed and possessed.

The potential of losing Hercules and Atlas….but would it stop Isis? She wished to restore herself and Osiris, but could they truly be restored or would this be their new life sucking power from other divine beings. The gods weren’t batteries for them to use. There had to be a way. Instead of rushing towards her Freddy fled, he fled into the museum with only a question Freddy could ask.

Would he be strong enough to hold the spirit of Osiris at bay? He had the blessing of three gods. Would he be overwhelmed. Did he possess the strength of will to take on Osiris to bargain to perhaps put an end to this. He didn’t know, but he knew that the museum was going to e ripped apart, because Isis would only be here for one reason and one reason alone.

Destroying the amulet was a possibility, but was it the right choice? If that could have been done it would have, but you know wrath of a goddess, but was there a potential in that possibility. Would she risk that if it could be done?

Crazy Freddy idea 265.

ST: There it is. It takes a moment. More than just one. Cassie is getting it. Starting to understand. Working her way through the problem, to the solution. The door is not a puzzle to be riddled out. Nor is it some impediment that she can simply push past. To go within, to the chamber beyond, Cassie must accept that which she is even now recognizing. The Vault was her’s. She has every right to it. Divine Right, in fact. As she comes to think this the resistance slackens. In fully accepting it, the door begins to give way.

In the time it takes Cassie to come to that, no more than a handful of seconds tick past. It might seem like a short span, but ask Wally what can happen in those seconds. Cassie is unable to participate, forced instead to give witness through the ever widening crease between the double doors. The moment she bought Helena, when the animated warriors hesitated because their master was shrugging off the lasso, was enough for the elder Sandsmark to gain headway. No longer forced to hedge between trying to make headway, while not being overwhelmed, Helena was able to take the complete offensive. Leaping over Warriors, slicing through others. The shield that she was using to keep them at bay only heart beats before, is now being throw with such force and accuracy that terracotta warriors are broken to pieces in it’s assault.

Cassie might notice, as Helena draws close, she had freed up her hand by using the shield as a discus. Then she takes up one of the long staves from a fallen warrior. It takes Helena a mere step to unleash the stave as well. The accuracy with which she throws it is miraculous. Truly Olympian, given the way it strikes firm in to the hand of Amentap. Forcing him to lose his grip on the scepter he’d been using to animate all of the skeletons with.

Giant Dog?! Krypto the Wonder Dog is more than merely giant. He’s actually an intelligent alien species of canine, hailing from Krypton! Though Cassie might call him Conner’s, the Pup actually belonged to the original Superman. When Kal-El left, the pup took up residence with the only Kryptonian it could find to protect. He only has one job! And he does it very well! Such as the way he licks Wally’s face graciously for all the bone presents the speedster brought him. Which… Wally gets a very close view of the Dog eye-lasering them to cinders one at a time. Until there is nothing left to bite the Crimson Speedster. Krypto pats Wally, when it’s safe to get up.

Freddy’s ‘escape’ from Isis is terribly easy in comparison to what had awaited Wally and Cassie before him. By the time Freddy finally enters the Museum, Helena Sandsmark has disrupted the control of the animated skeletons. Leaving the workers within faced with the uneviable position of having to clean up this titanic mess. Freddy is as fast as greased lightening. Allowing him to skim down the stairs and find himself before the door to the vault, that Cassie is even now just finally pushing open.

He and Wally might both get a moment to see the withering husk of Amentap as it withers upon the pike that dislodged him from the Ibis-stick. Freddy knows what is coming. Who is coming. Between the Wisdom of Solomon -and- his own intuition, he knows exactly what the Goddess is there for as well. But before he has time to actually tell any of them?

Bring your friends in, quickly, Cassandra. Then shut the door.

Freddy has felt something like this before. Wally has probably never seen or heard of anything like this at all, but is he really going to argue with Cassie’s hot mother in Roman Legionnaire’s armor? Once the door shuts, the Vault seals. Locking them in. Not exactly the best solution one might think.

She’s not worthy. So she can’t come in, but she’ll probably destroy everything trying to. Helena takes charge -quickly-, like she was born to it. Let me explain to you all quickly. Keep up, don’t dawdle. One vault. Many doors. Each exits in a different place. That creature calling herself Isis isn’t going to stop. As long as she’s in Metropolis, she’s going to put everyone there in Danger. Take the Amulet. Pick a door. Lead her away from the City.

Cassie: We’re safe, here in this Vault, which is all well and good but no one else is. Metropolis is my home, at least for now it is, the most permanent place I’ve ever had in my life that I can remember. Technically I lived in Gateway City longer than I have here, but I was a toddler at the time and I’m not sure it technically counts. I don’t want her to have any excuse to wreak further havoc on it, nor do I want anymore of the museum’s collection to be destroyed. That’s secondary to the risk to lives. We have to lead her away from here, to somewhere that she’s not going to cause an equal amount of damage just to a different set of the population.

Freddy’s got questions for my Mother, though I haven’t actually introduced her as such to Wally. I suppose it’s not exactly hard to pick up on my very obvious relief that she’s okay though. I really only have one question for her, and that’s a matter of the doors. There’s so many of them. I don’t want to pick one that’s going to be just as bad as the others.

“Show me where the Coast City door is.”

The place is already destroyed. There’s no one there to hurt. It will give us a battleground with no civilians. My friends have no ‘right’ to any of the treasures inside here. I do, but I’m not going to exercise that right now. Not only would it potentially be telling, but I don’t want to push too far into the side of ‘doing it for him,’ either. Tilting my blonde head slightly to the side, I look at my two companions. Two… Krypto… my mouth purses in a bit of a frown but I can’t go back out for him. All the more reason to give Isis a better reason to vacate the city.

“Unless either of you has a better idea. I think it’s the best option though. If all the doors open to museums, those are almost all connected to cultural meccas and that means…people.”

Flash: “….I have no idea what the hell is happening, who the Roman Legionaire is” gesturing to Helena “Or who this guy is.” gesturing to Freddy “Or where we are!” gesturing all around in a bit of a flailing moment, Pulling his mask down, he looks around at Wonder Woman, then to Helena, and then finally to Freddy, again.

“Why am I the only one FREAKING OUT!?!”

Putting his hands onto his knee, he bends over slightly as if to catch his breath.

“And what was that massive dog?!” flailing once again. It was completely clear this was out of his element. “Did I miss something on the contract signing to be a superhero? Because i’m starting I missed like, an entire chapter.”

Freddy: Holding the Amulet in my hand I shake my head. “Not at present. Getting her away from a populated area is best. At the moment she’s still leaning on the power gained from Atlas and Hercules. If she burns through it it’s gone.” That much Solomon has told me. There’s a choice there to be made one, several actually, but it also makes me me consider another thought. The power of gods themselves. It can be used more than just blessing. If she runs out of the power then she will seek out more.

Looking at the amulet for a moment I still consider the thought I had. I consider everything I’ve been ruminating over lately. I wish there was a to reason with Isis to get through.

“She’s not going to stop until she gets what she wants. She’ll do her best to go through everyone until she gets what she wants and when she gets what she wants she’ll need more power to restore Osiris.” Freddy was listening to everything that was happening around him.

“Her name is Helena Sandsmark. She’s Cassie’s mother, archaeologist, sage, and a quite capable warrior. My name is Freddy Freeman. The Contender to some. Pretender to others. Either way the one of the ones standing in the way of goddess who’s determined to get what she wants, break the rules and up end the status quo. I can either give in and give her or Adam what they want or I can continued to keep it out of their reaches, deny them.” Or….I look at the amulet. Put the final pieces of the puzzle together.

What if they are the trial? It’s a question. It was not a statement, but a question to make me think. “However, Cassie’s right. We need to get Isis out of the area. She’s going to continued to try and rip her way in her and when she can’t get in she’s going to try and draw us out. Either way people are danger.

“Unpopulated is best.” He considered it for a second. ” I consider the possibility of Khandaq itself. Would she threaten it? Would it give her pause? would it wake up the woman within to bring in end to the single minded impulse. What if there was nothing to gain? No Osris. No Shazam. Nothing for her to gain. It crosses my mind as a possibility. Both she and Adam demanded that I give up my blessings to them.

ST: “Coast City? This way.”

No argument from the armor clad Archaeologist. Suggesting that Cassie’s suggestion makes sense and her mother agrees. It doesn’t take a lot to do the Math here. Coast City is mostly abandoned. There aren’t many metropolitan areas where you could go that wouldn’t just be another place with a huge population. Coast City is the home of a fairly recent major disaster. Abandoned until recently. The tie to it’s museum still exists, although it’s little more than rubble at this point.

The trek through the Reliquary isn’t a quick one. Not even for Wally. They have to traverse the interior which looks more like a Warehouse than an Ancient structure built by the Greek Gods. Especially not the portions of it that the group is going to get to see. Essentially making their way from one Modern City to another, even if the secondary one was slightly less modernized when it existed. No real opportunity to take in the true spectacle of the Reliquary’s age. It’s during this trek from the point they enter, to the point they’ll exit that Helena Sandsmark makes an effort to answer any question she can or will.

“No, not gone. She’s not burning through the power of the actual God, Freddy. Just the power the people before you were blessed with. The only way the power is gone for good, is if she kills the actual God associated with it.” Helena’s correction is soft, but firm, as if this is something that she knows for absolute certain. “The Blessings given to the Wizard to create a champion is but a fraction of the actual God’s Divinity. That’s most likely why you Foe needs more of it.”

“I’m the Curator of the Metropolis Museum,” she fills in for the Flash, though she seems to understand his plight. “Don’t worry, Flash. You don’t need to understand everything you’re seeing right now. Just follow your heart. You’re a good man.”

The doorway they’re looking for isn’t anything like the one from Metropolis. Obviously it’s linked to a City that no longer exists. As such the door itself has been blocked off. Literally. Bricked up. Though that’s unlikely to be a problem for these particular individuals. While they worry about the door, Helena continues to speak to the three of them.

“You’re right about the Amulet, she can feel it. She’s connected to it. Isis herself was contained in an Amulet like this once upon a time. The man you spoke of, Black Adam, discovered the Amulet in the Vault of Abu Simbel. He gifted the Amulet of Isis to a woman. We have almost no information on the woman, because she was nothing. A slave of no note or name, until she got the Amulet of Isis. After that, we know that she was consumed by the same desires that got Isis locked away, by the Wizard. She longs for the restoration of her Brother, just as Isis longs for the restoration of Osiris.”

“Before you ask, I only even know this much because the theft of the Vault in Abu Simbel. So I’m not going to be much help in telling you how to deal with this woman, other than to caution you that dark forces are at work here, Mr. Freeman. You’re being tested differently than any Champion before you.”

Cassie: Part of me really wants to reassure Wally, because I sure don’t feel like I know what’s going on either lately, and I’m a whole lot more in the know than he is. And Wonder Woman probably should know what’s going on, and act like she does, in order to inspire some confidence in those around her. So I’m trying to put on a rather stoic face, despite the fact that the last few minutes of my life have been a frantic mish-mash of trying to get to my mother, and fighting off reanimated museum props. Finding a pocket dimension beneath the place. It’s been a day. At this point? I’m just rolling with it. What other choice do I have?

Flash. Calm down. We are safe for the moment, but we have to go. The woman attacking Metropolis will continue to do so, until we lead her away. We hid something that she wants here today, and she clearly knows that we did. And the dog was Krypto. He’s Superman’s…well. Dog is underselling what Krypto is, but will have to work for now. If you don’t want to stay, you’re free to leave from there, though I appreciate your help so far.”

I leave the introductions to be made by Freddy, because while I know who he is I don’t know if he wants to share. Turns out he does. And shares a bit more than just hisname in the process. Oh well. It’s easy enough to let slide and move on, especially because my Mother’s said something interesting when she corrected Freddy about what happens to the power itself if Isis uses it up. In essence, it would be like destroying what I’m packing around with me even now. Or that divine spark I was born with, maybe. Portions of power that the Gods themselves were willing to part with, even if they’re not handing it out like popcorn.

And the bricked off doorway? Well. I guess that falls to me. Freddy’s gifts don’t currently involve strength, and I don’t want Wally to break his hand again. Brute force is apparently the lady in this group’s forte. With a little input between battering through the bricks.

“So the things that were bad in her, were made even worse in the process. And if the amulet were to be destroyed, that means Osiris’ release, I assume? To…what.. float into the ether until he finds someone he wants to inhabit, to just be back or is this just a portion?”

Flash: “Sorry.” apologizing to Wonder Woman, and then to Helena, nodding to Freddy “I’m Flash. Fastest Man Alive.” offering back, taking a deep breath, he lets it out of his nose slowly. Apparently his life was easy compared to the insanity that was going on here. But seeing Wonder Woman being stoic, he straightens his shoulders and smiles at Helena. “Thank you.” saying as he pulled his mask back on.
“No. I’m not leaving you, Wonder Woman. Besides, we’re friends and teammates now.” offering as he finishes pulling the mask on. “What are friends for, After all?” smiling

“Wait. All we need to do is swipe the amulet?” asking looking at all of them. “I’m fast. I can probably grab the amulet and be halfway across the country before she even realizes it. Then you two can just give her the thuggy beatdown.” offering his own advice. “Does she have any kinds of shields or anything? I’m a little late to the magic party, so forgive me for sounding unknowlegeable.

I guess the question Is…. Is it even possible?” Judging from Wonder Woman’s face the other day when he was running around, he assumed she’d never seen anyone so fast. “Because I have a feeling a Infinite Mass Punch won’t work on her, no matter how hard I hit her.”

Freddy: “Please call me, Freddy,” Freddy offers. No need to rest on formality with him. It just may be her way which he understood, but he could offer.

“She was someone to him. I do not know her name, but I know who she is, this woman that Isis has taken possession of. She is the reincarnated wife of Teth-Adahm. That is why he gave her the amulet that held Isis. Agreed about the things that were bad in her were made worse. There was some kind of intense synergy between her and Isis. Their obsession and grief have been magnified. Isis may have overwhelmed her. It appears that way given Black Adam’s behavior. “ I consider that obsession and what they were after.

“Restoring Osiris has been a thred that links them both and if there’s a possibility that he’s the reincarnated son of Teth-Adahm and his wife who was named Isis then there’s another connection that compounds the need. It sounds complicated I know but it’s what drives and motivates them.” Among other things which makes me think back to our encounter in Fawcett City.
“Aw geez..” I almost want to slap my forehead.

“When Wonder Woman and I encountered Isis as Aunt Minerva in Fawcett City she spoke of there being two hostages taken.” I hadn’t thought about until now stopping in my movements briefly.

“We never saw the second person. If Isis as Aunty Minerva had succeeded she would have simply let Osiris take hold of the second person, but who was that second person? I didn’t see him.” He also thought about the books that he had saw in the Sanctum. It was about resurrection. Could have been Adam or had she been there already. I consider it for a moment.

“The supposed second hostage was never identified. There was an assumption that the crocmaggia and hostages were going to get away. Either she had the body she wanted or she wanted to temporarily stash Osiris in the body until she acquired the body that she really wanted him to reside in. The woman’s brother who if dead would need to be restored, resurrected.” If he hadn’t been already.

There was a question that no one could answer because we didn’t have the information, but it was something to consider.

“Thank you.” For all that she could share, because I know that there are rules that there are thing that I can be aided with and things I can’t. Darker forces. “Like the ones that made Adam fall?” Not truly a direct question, but something to consider. A champion has fallen before and as Ms. Sandsmark stated before I am a Contender. Adam possessed all the abilities of the Champion and he fell. It starts with a choice and that choice slowly or quickly ripples across every aspect of your life consuming you if you allow it. I can’t allow that to consume me, I can remind myself of that often, but I can’t start second guessing myself.

“At one point I wasn’t close enough to see, but then I was a little to close which would have been bad, but I didn’t spot an amulet. She didn’t give me a lot time to look her over. Isis has sway of the elements and she is the Egyptian goddess of life and magic. I’ll say anything is possible at the moment, but with the strength of Hercules and stamina of Atlas she’s upped her game. This is my trial. I have to figure out a way to stop her. Solomon’s been quiet about the amulet.” I had to prove myself worthy of the responsibility and the power.

“Also we need to know what we’re up against. She recruited Sobek and others to aid her not always willingly from what we saw of the crocmaggia. Who was leading the assault in the museum?”

ST: “Okay, let me give you a crash course in Kahndaq’s History. Long ago, before the ‘Kingdoms’ of Egypt united, they were mostly little fiefdoms controlled by Warlords that styled themselves as Kings. Just like every other major culture’s beginnings. One of those was ruled by a Pharaoh of some note, Ramses the second. He was a believer in the Occult, this Ramses, except in that Age it was less occult and more reality than it is now. Ramses employed a High Priest, by the name of Shazam. Shazam was a somewhat ageless Wizard, Sorcerer or Warlock. He’d been imbued as a boy with the Blessings of six Gods, from the Greek Pantheon. As the Shazam got older, he sought to pass his powers along to a worthy successor. He picked the Pharaoh’s son, Teth.”

“The problem is that Shazam’s daughter wished to be the successor and as such she took umbridge with the selection. So she sought to interfere in the transfer of Power,” Helena’s recounting of History is given while she stands aside and allows Cassie to work on the doorway. It’s more for Wally than anything, anyway. “Shazam’s daughter, along with a young woman Teth was in love with, somehow managed to stop Shazam from imbuing Teth with his powers. Instead he received similar powers from the Egyptian Pantheon.”

“Teth served as a successful Champion for decades, but at some point he was drawn away from his Homeland. During that time away his wife, Shiruta, and his two sons were killed. Teth went on a bit of murderous spree of Revenge, which drew notice of the now advanced aged Shazam. He believed that his own daughter had perhaps corrupted Teth with her actions. So he banished Teth, to a scarab just like the Freddy holds now. Teth-Adam was buried and lost for years, until the parents of Mr. Freeman’s successor uncovered him in the tomb of Ramseses.”

“Being a Champion is not the same as being an actual God or even a demi-God. You garner a single aspect of the God you’re imbued with. It then augments that portion of yourself,” Helena actually makes gesture to Freddy then. “As he gains the blessings of the Gods, his own natural charisma, courage, athleticism is enhanced. The same is said for this woman, that Adam gifted the power of Isis. She is now consumed with Loss and is seeking to restore her Family.”

“His name was Ibis, the Invincible. He’s also a reincarnated Egyptian Prince, Amentep. The staff he was using is called the Ibistick. It’s an ancient Totem, of nearly limitless power. Amentep isn’t actually a bad being normally, but his wife’s soul belongs to Osiris. Which I’ve got to assume, Isis promised to free if he assisted in getting her the Amulet you’re holding, Freddy.”

Once Cassie has finished uncovering the doorway, Helena is moving aside. “Beyond this door is the ruins of Coast City. There’s no longer a museum on the other side of this. Once you’re out there, I can’t keep this door open. It’ll have to be shut once more and barricaded again. Worse. Now that people know about this door and the one in Metropolis, we’ll have to sever the connections permanently.”

Cassie: “You don’t need to apologize. It is a lot.”

Wally’s given a warm smile, and a grateful one at that, before I continue with doing what I do best. Smash. Another momentary interruption as I shake brick dust off my knuckles, and look with wide blue eyes at Freddy. I hadn’t made that connection, because I thought either the hostage had been eaten, or maybe someone had misspoken. It would of course make sense that she’d need to have someone there to give that power to, if she wasn’t intending to have it for herself. So who was the person? There hadn’t been anyone else that I could see there in the bank.

“No one else was down there, other than the Crocodile that took off like his tail was on fire before the lightning. I don’t know that anyone would have survived down there. Adam was in Fawcett, too.”

That couldn’t be what she intended, was it? I still can’t quite understand their interplay and the angles they’re working. Why do whatever he’d done to Minerva, when he’d put something in her pocket… but then, people do really stupid things for the ones they love sometimes. With the door cleared again, I nod simply, pausing for a moment before…finally giving in to the urge I’ve been having since I got here. Yanking Helena in for a hug.

“I understand. We can get back from there. I’ll hold the Amulet.”

I wonder if they’ll have to sever all of them, too. Or move them. It’s not that hard to make the connection, though now I’m definitely glad I chose somewhere in this time. It’s a rough enough day without some decade displacement going on. Then I’m going through, without much more said or done on the matter.

Freddy: “Right. I suspect she was going to take a hostage and give them the amulet. If you had been separated from the most important person in your life you wouldn’t want to wait another moment. However, I don’t think that was the person’s final resting spot. I think it was a temporary body. It’s a guess at this point, but one that makes sense given the shared grief and longing that both Isis and the woman feels also there were books on resurrection, Osiris and Hades that had been gathered and consulted in the Wizard’s sanctum. I don’t know if it was Adam or Isis.”

I keep walking, but pause for a moment before we start to step through understanding everything Helena said. The same thing happened with the Wizard’s sanctum and being able to return to Fawcett City. It’s no longer possible. It’s closed off. Sealed away. I stop upon hearing Cassie’s remark.

“I have one last question, Ms. Sandsmark. Not sure if you can or are able to answer it and it’s going to sound weird which is hard to imagine given everything we’ve seen. However, with these amulets. The Amulet of Isis…” That’s what i was going to call it. “…was given to the reincarnated wife of Adam and they began their actions. If that’s true can that be passed to another person like it was to Aunty Minerva? I mean can it be shared between two people?” Because that was something I hadn’t quite figured it yet how that happened. I ask, because the woman outside the library was not Minerva. Maybe it was something to lean on Solomon about.

It was odd that she ended up in Minerva started out in the woman Adam called his wife, but then he was searching for her and he fought the crocs. The way someone would think it would add up isn’t adding up. I set that aside to gather what information I can mentally about Ibis, Prince Amentep.

ST: “I’m not sure, Freddy, but it would make sense that she could. I’ve read that previous Champions have done as much. Shared their power with their loved ones. The Gods themselves ‘share’ their power with their family, children… and champions like you seek to be.” She makes a little gesture of her hand towards ‘Wonder Woman.’ “According to the Legends, Isis is not merely a portion of a Goddess but the whole thing. It would therefor make sense that Isis could do the same. Imbue fragments of her power in to others.”

“Freddy, I can’t help you directly, but I can give you some advice. Being blessed with the Wisdom of Solomon doesn’t mean you have to over-think everything. Take a page from your friend, Flash here. Follow your heart. Isn’t that what these Trials are really measuring in the end?”

The hug she’d shared with Cassie felt a little more like ‘Goodbye’ than ‘See you Later.’ Though it passes without any further comment, for now. Once Cassie is through the door in to Coast City? Helena’s gaze affixes first upon the Flash and then Freeman. Clearly expecting the two of them to follow.

That doorway? ‘Magically’ opened in to the former basement of the Museum of Science and Industry, in Coast City. Cassie had to push some rubble out of their way to get out. But for the most part the Wayne Foundation has excavated this area a little more than most, in recent days. Leaving the three of them standing in the center of a Ghost City. Not that far away from where Kyle Rayner and Conner Luthor are having their first meeting.

In the distance a storm is already taking shape. Though it doesn’t quite move with the speed of the Flash, it is coming. Quickly.

Not in Kansas Anymore

ST: Metropolis is the City of Tomorrow. That is how people see it all across the world. While other Cities might be the Hub of Commerce or Sport. Metropolis is the City that Lex Luthor built. Luthor Corp was founded here by the Luthor family over two hundred years ago. Lionel Luthor’s grand pappy put the first stones in to the foundation of what would one day be Luthor Tower. The shining beacon of the City. Center stage, right in the middle of New Troy. The island epicenter of the City of Tomorrow. Named for the Past.

You see Metropolis may be the City of Tomorrow, but it has never forgotten it’s past. Never forgotten it’s heritage. It’s creators had a very specific vision for it when they sewed those founder’s stone in to the bedrock. That tiny Island was, like it’s namesake, meant to be the center of the world. The modern Greek Empire. From which the font of all things should spring. Technology. Science. Literature. Culture. This was the plan from the beginning, yet it didn’t get there solely on the back of it’s founders. Nor the Luthor money. Metropolis was carried in to the Tomorrow, by it’s bastion. The Superman. Fashioned, even now, at the Peak, in the same honor of the Gods of old. With a statue that rises up and points to the Heavens.

New Troy isn’t the only place in the ‘Modern World’ that remembers it’s heritage though. As young Cassandra Sandsmark just discovered the seeds of Greece have been planted elsewhere. Fawcett City. It made no sense, why there? For all the questions, there could be no doubt as to the veracity of it. The little city that Time Forgot is shrouded in magic and mystery. So to then, is it difficult to deny the clues she has been given. As if the name itself did not give it away, it was easy to search the internet for Daily Planet news.

….seven years ago….

The United States was rocked by the news that a small portion of Gotham City had been rendered uninhabitable. Across the Globe, the Headlines ranged from muted to hysterical. As people raced to put blame on someone, something. Eventually they found their scapegoat. Not the deranged men who poisoned the water, but the man who sought to stop them. Many would herald it as the Batman’s fault, by sheer right of existence. His presence caused an irreversible escalation.

Later that year a similar situation brought the unassailable Superman in to question. Would there have been an Alien invasion, if they hadn’t come here looking for the Kryptonian in the first place? It all boiled down to that age-old question: What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was Batman or Superman the cause or the effect? That year would serve as a catalyst to changing the landscape of the world for ever. The History books say so.

Conveniently they say very little, Cassandra finds, about the incident that year. An otherwise quiet night, a swath of the Subway in New Troy erupted in chaos. The reports were never clear. The internet was still in it’s infancy. Lois Lane had called it a terrible tragedy. She spoke of the damage that was caused by two colliding subway cars as ‘inexplicable.’ There were little explanations. Even fewer that made sense. Until she looked deeper. Until Cassandra caught upon a clue that the authorities and Miss Lane lacked.

Teth Adam.

A stray photo caught the eye. He was a man she would never forget. But even recognizing him in a single photo only confirmed what Conner said. He had been there. It didn’t answer the question about why? That would require a trip. Excuses made to Mom, that only got accepted without scrutiny because Helena Sandsmark was distracted by the Amulet being put in to her hands. In to the air. Out of the burbs. Over to the middle of the Island. Down two flights of stares, down in to the interior of the world’s fastest subway system.

It takes but a casual search to realize that the Subway of today, replaced the Subways of before. The accident had only given opportunity to Upgrade, but isn’t that the way of this City? While plain clothing might be less conspicuous in the moment of getting to the Subways unnoticed. No one is going to overlook a young woman like Cassie, slipping off the guarded rails. Down in to the tracks, where she could get deeper. Down in to the cavernous underbelly of the Subway system. What does Cassie have to fear in the Dark?

Once she has found her way beyond. Managed not to be run down by an on-coming Rail. Carefully avoided stepping on the electrified third rail herself. She’ll eventually find herself far enough down, to see the closed off access hatches. Sealed off now, because they lead to the old station. The one that was at the center of whatever happened with Teth-Adam nearly ten years ago.

Cassie: I like to believe that I’m an open, earnest kind of person. For fifteen years of my life I had no reason for secrets. Not one. I spent all of those years traveling the world with my Mother, moving from one location to another, dig after dig, repositories of ancient lore and objects that I was allowed to see and experience first hand. It never occurred to me, not once, that everything wasn’t exactly what it looked like on the outside. That things wouldn’t always be like that. It was pretty naive, honestly. Then I got not so much uprooted, as rooted. Plunked down in St. Mary’s. In Metropolis.

The first secret I ever kept was from my Mother was when I was fifteen. I didn’t tell her how much I hated the place, because I promised I’d try. I didn’t tell her how cruel the other girls were, or how boring the classes got. No place teaches you what insecurity looks and feels like better than a school where the girls don’t have any boys to behave for. Whoever thought that was a good idea was…well. Stupid. When I was sixteen, my secrets got bigger and scarier. Until I had someone to share them with and that wasn’t my Mom. Eventually, Conner talked me in to spilling it.

It was then that I first learned that my Mother had been the one keeping secrets. A whole lot bigger than mine. And that my big one she already knew. Things have been…strained since then. Still mostly good, don’t get me wrong, but definitely not like our Wanderlust glory days had been. Secrets started to be more of a necessary thing. Secrets also lend themselves to lies, and I tell myself I’m not good at them but… it gets easier. Which is really crappy. Once you start keeping one or the other, you can’t stop. They lead to more. And more. Then you realize you’re not being open to anyone. Or talking with the people you ought to be.

This week? Apparently the week for changing that. For talking. Some of those conversations have gone a lot better than others if I”m being totally honest. The burning questions for my Mom, that didn’t entirely get answered how I wanted but… I could accept why. The talk with Conner, which turned into another talk with Freddy and Conner and… that is going to lead to even more talking. There were just other things first. Delivering the Amulet to Helena Sansmark for safe keeping for one. Excusing myself to slip off for another long, long overdue conversation. With someone that I”ve never talked to in my life.

It’s probably not a surprise to anyone. I’d talked to Conner about trying. Talked to Mom about how it would even be done. It’s time to stop talking about it and just. Do it. No time like the present, before something else goes catastrophically wrong with my week and it’s too late, right? New Troy isn’t far, not when you’re already in Metropolis. Ferry is usually the best way. It’s what I would have been told to do because someone’s mother doesn’t exactly appreciate flying like she does. I just don’t take the time. Up, up and over more than away. To the site that stuck out in my mind. I could have gone back to Fawcett but it seemed like a bad idea just now. New Troy was a name I’d been given. Easy to understand, with a little research why it might be a ‘special.’ Place. A site for Gods. New and old. Then there’d been the information my boyfriend had let slip at the library. About Black Adam, what he’d done and where.

Chances are he was after something. Did he get it? Would the place still hold power? Pulling the hood of the sweatshirt I’d grabbed at home, when I’d changed clothes while Con was talking to Mom, over my golden hair I’d slipped in. Moving quick enough that if anyone tries to stop me that I wouldn’t be caught. Through the tunnel before guards could be summoned to stop that darn teenager. Running, instead of flying, because I don’t know that there’s not cameras down here. They sure seem to be everywhere. What do I have to fear in the dark? Not much it turns out. If you think the flashlight function on your average iPhone is bright?

You should try Waynetech 9000. Serves me pretty well, as does not being electrocuted on accident, until I get to where I really shouldn’t be. No one should be, judging by the meant to be permanence of the seals on these hatches. Well. What are superpowers for if not getting where schoolgirls shouldn’t go? Reaching up, I wrap fingers around the old, unusable latch. Pulling with steadily increasing pressure until I can get it to come loose. A yank would be quicker. But it also might pull more free than I’m ready for.

ST: When this area was sealed, it was done so with the foresight that one day the City might need to re-open this area. It isn’t unheard of for the city to need to rebuild itself after a catastrophe. Nor is it unheard of for people of lesser scruples to make use of places just like this for some nefarious purpose. The result is that Cassandra finds herself without the proper tools needed to make this work easily. When all else fails there’s always brute force and she’s in luck, because apparently the real Superman didn’t help seal all of this off. The large duracrete seals eventually begin to give and she’ll be able to pry and lever them out of the way. Of course she could have just ripped them away, but she’s smart enough to avoid the collateral damage.

Speaking of Damage? The moment she is beyond the sealed off entrance, she’ll see -why- it was sealed in the first place. The Tram-Station has been preserved in the same state it was nearly ten years. The City repaired just enough to make the area stable, but otherwise they seem content to have simply insured this area never saw a visitor. It is a mess. The Dust and Spider-Webs are an actual improvement upon the debris that litters everywhere you can see with an iPhone camera’s flash-light.

At first it might seem like a busy. There’s very little here in obvious sight other than your standard Tram-Station that had been through a horrible fight with yet another Super-Villain. Cassie isn’t a Detective. She can follow a trail, but she isn’t trained to see the clues. That leaves her to rely upon something else. Her brains. Surely. Her strength. Obviously. But just before she’s ready to give up and go? Her eyes catch upon a years old newspaper. Preserved, in spite of the mangled bench it sets near too. The headline reads, ‘Freak Lightning Storm Hits Metropolis!’

That is when she feels it. For the second time today. That sense of the willies. Almost a sensation of deja vu. Though it’s impossible that she would have ever been there before. It beckons her. Calls to her. Just as it did during her lab class earlier when that sanctum door opened and Freddy stepped out. Only this time there is no immediate, obvious pay off. Not until she closes her. Not until she follows that feeling. That sixth sense that tingles as she nears it.

The world seems to tingle as she nears it. A small breach in the wall. To the naked eye it looks like an impact pocket.It looks that way, right up until Cassie’s hand nearly touches the cement. Perhaps she’ll recoil from the way the crater reacts to her presence. The way electricity crawls across the surface. Calling to her. Asking her to help. All she must do is reach in and pull it from …


The difference between abandoned subway platform and great Mount is stark. The transition instant. Gone is the Hoodie, in it’s place flowing robe and sandles. Gone is the iPhone, but instead there is gold and jewels. So too is gone pretense of being alone. Because for the first time in her life, Cassie is among the Gods. A sprawling city ranges in front of her, just past the altar she stands before. In the distance she can see people, multiple, fluttering through the sky upon winged feet. Children playing with their tridents in the streets. Fountains of gravity defying water. Everything glows. As if someone took the world and turned up the contrast.

“You shouldn’t be here.”

Cassie: The silence is eerie. Creepy. Enveloping. Nothing, and no one, seems to have been here since it was sealed up in the first place. As I step through the opening I’ve forced, I can hear the crunch of my shoes play the sound back to me, the little bits of rubble grinding under the soul of my sneaker. It’s like an accusation, or a recording of what I’m doing. It’s also like something out of a book, or a movie. The space itself. Swinging my phone this way and that to take in the room with the powerful spotlight. No one here but me and the spiders. And the remnants of what happens when something gets in the way of someone of power, and something that they want.

So what was he after? Did Raven stop him in time? How do we stop this from being a thing all the time? Not Black Adam. The destruction. Sure, Metropolis had made sparkling lemonade prosecco punch when given this particular lemon, like it was their intention all along to make something so much better and they were just waiting for the reason. That’s kind of what Luthor does, too. The whole this was my idea all along, thing. I go deeper, and deeper into the terminal, but there’s not much to find. Nothing really. Nothing to jump out at me until I see that newspaper. Lightning storms happen all the time. World over. They just aren’t called ‘freak.’ Three’s just some things I’m on high alert for right now. That’s one of them.


There it is again. That feeling. I pull up short as the hairs on my arms, the back of my neck, stand up at attention and I catch myself shivering in my sweatshirt, despite the fact that it’s not really cold. A little chilly down here, underground, but not cold. Not to me at least. I’m built a bit more….sturdy than most people. Twice in one day though. Did another door just open somewhere? Did Freddy get back into the sanctum? It lingers though. Exhaling, a sound that had been soft but the room makes it echo much louder than it was in the first place, I close my eyes and pay attention to what I’m feeling. That’s what I’m good at. Not clues and facts like Tim. Batman, jeez I’m never going to get used to that… mine’s a different sort of intuition. But I still follow it.

Hah. There. There it is. Unlike earlier, when the feeling had come and gone, this is getting stronger or at least more noticeable. Someone crashed here, but that can’t be the cause. Leaning in, I gingerly reach out to feel for a door, or some illusion and then pull back when it sparks and shifts. It’s not a warning though, it feels like an invitation. And you know what? I’m taking it.


I just about drop my phone in surprise. Shock really. Except it’s not there to drop anymore, and the peripheral edge of my hoodie vanishes from my view. I’m left blinking into the sudden light and it’s rather like in Wizard of Oz when they go from black and white to incredible technicolor. I don’t know where to look first. At the fact that my clothes are different and I’m dripping in more jewelry than I’ve worn in my entire life all at the same time. Usually it’s just a chain necklace, with a pendant and a ring dangling from it. Or to the people. No. Gods. Because that’s surely what they are. What catches my interest most are the children though. Obviously Gods have children. There’s me, for example though I’m half. Are these full? Is that why they get to be here? You don’t hear about them much in myths. Maybe for protection.

The voice’s, statement, accusation? makes me spin on a sandaled heel of my foot to face the source. Eyes getting even wider still, but there’s no apology in them for the intrusion, and definitely no guilt, either.

You, as in no one should be here that doesn’t live here or you, Cassie Sandsmark specifically?”

ST: The world around Cassandra is buzzing with so many things. Sounds of the children playing. The tones of music in the distance. Wind whispering through the grass and trees. Not only does everything glow with vibrant life, but the hills are alive with the sound of music. Focus will tell her that there is nothing really different about any of the things she sees. Grass is still grass. Trees are still trees. The Wind still pushes at you. Scents still permeate the nose. Everything is just richer than the world she knows, from living in it her whole life.

The figure behind her is at the same time larger than life and withered with age. His stature is that of someone who, at one time, stood a head taller than most anyone Cassie has ever met. Age has left him with the slightest stoop, that is in itself offset by the presence of the enamored trident. That too is a mish-mash of your standard fair, but topped with a Lightning Bolt crescent. What truly sets this man apart though? Is the eyes. They are lacking the white you would normally associate with an eyeball. Where the white should be is the stars, orbiting the electric Sunstone in the middle. Added to the sweeping beard that sways in the gusts of wind and factored along with the crown atop his head and you can of course take a leap of logic or faith to whom she has appeared before.


Ask a dumb question, get the shortest answer in the world, right? If she was expecting more she isn’t likely to get it. He seems willing, and able, to stand there for a fortnight looking upon her with expectant patient. She is trespassing here, while this is his land and the set of his jaw all but demands upon her to ‘Explain herself.’ He doesn’t have to say it. He just wills it to be so and Cassie is going to find herself hard pressed to fight that compulsion.

Cassie: Oh, so that’s how we’re going to play it, huh? Apparently close-lipped behavior runs in my family. On both sides. And they seem to have cancelled one another out in order to produce me. Zeus hasn’t said so much as ‘boo’ to me my entire life, so I would have had to be dumb to expect any kind of effusive, long awaited reunion. That sounds kind of dour and woe is me but the truth? I spent sixteen years of my life not even considering who it might be. I’m not one of those kids who, missing a parent, dreams of who and what they might be. Why they might have left. I knew the story, from when it was told to me when I asked but I’d never missed his presence. I had my Mom. Ask anyone I know. She’s all that and a bag of chips. I didn’t need anyone else.

Fast forward to present day, and hey. Guess what? Turns out my Dad’s Zeus. The Zeus. Who isn’t, apparently like people think, just the Head God of the Greek Pantheon, but God of the Gods. All of them. I’m actually a little offended that I now have to care. Because of who he is. Because of what that makes me, and apparently what that also has landed me in. I may be Helena Sandsmark’s daughter… but I’m Zeus’ too. That’s not something that goes away.

“Sure, right. Both.”

This is so much more awkward than it probably ought to be. Or maybe it’s just the right level. If anything, I’m probably under awed but…don’t get me wrong. Still awed, because look at him. And being told who your father is. Coming to grips with that. That’s one thing. Seeing him live, in person, this figure of stories that you grew up on. About the only thing that actually surprises me? The stoop. The age. That doesn’t seem right. Sure, he’s unknowable years old I’d bet but… I was kind of led to understand that I’m probably, in all likelihood, immortal. I’m going to hit a point where I stop aging. I can pretty much feel the power coming off of him, it’s the power that I’m housing right now, too. I wonder though, if the stoop is because he’s diminished.

There’s no question. No demands, just declaration that I shouldn’t be here. The end. And a look that Mom gave me the few times I’d done something wrong, and she was going to make me squirm until I confessed of my own ‘free will.’ I can feel the urge to squirm right now, too. The urge to talk getting stronger, and stronger…and… that actually makes me narrow blue eyes slightly. But I came here for answers. I should get to the questions and…get out. Though a big part of me wants to see how long I can go without caving under that gaze.

Right to the point then. Points.

“If I help Freddy Freeman, does that count as cheating? I want to help him. I don’t want to screw up the whole…thing, though.”

That’s a yes or no question, too. Which I’m probably going to get a yes or no answer to and that’s fine. But. Part of me wants more than that. Jeez. I don’t actually want an explanation do I? I find myself pursing my lips, and absently rubbing my elbow. I’m here. For all I know it may be the only time I’m here, or the only time I ever speak to him. I better make it count. For the questions I need, and the ones I don’t think I do.

“Did… you love my Mom? Or is my existence more along the lines of a calculated ‘overseas’ investment for you?”

ST: “Yes.”

His single word answer is far more than just that though. It may seem a single word, just as she expected, but there is more to it than that. She merely needs to open her mind to what just happened. She was told, in no uncertain terms by the God of the Gods that she was not supposed to be here. Then he answered her first question. Then here second. What isn’t being said is as important as what is. She hasn’t been evicted, sent back to where ever she is. She hasn’t been asked how she got here, when she apparently shouldn’t be. Nor has she been told not to ask her questions. Point in fact, she’s not been told anything. What to ask. What not to ask. Here’s merely stood there, looking at her, expecting information, but not shutting down her efforts to get some in return.

However. The very moment that he answered a second question? His level of expectation rises. So too then does that compulsion. Like the rising of a tide, that will eventually overtake the beach. Cassie is strong willed. She stands in defiance of her boyfriend, who is a superman in his own right. A Luthor on top of it. He is not the Godking. The eye of the stars, ruler of the heavens. He is not the one whom made his father vomit up his siblings, so that they could overthrow him and take all of creation in their name. Twice.

“I love all of my subjects,” it seems like a hedged answer, but there is a certain, if faint, smile that touches his lips in saying it. “She is a strong Woman. The mind of a scholar, the strength of ox and she’s as stubborn as one too. Admittedly, you did enhance my portfolio.”

By the time Zeus has finished speaking there is a really nothing left for Cassandra to do but explain why and how she came to be here. One might think that the All-Father of the Heaven and Earth would be omniscient, but the way his presence comes to bear upon her? Is born from a lack of knowledge. The All-Father is apparently not All-Seeing. Perhaps the myths and legends are wrong. Or perhaps there is more to it than meets the eye.

Cassie: It just keeps building. That feeling. Why should I need to explain myself? It ought to be pretty self-explanatory… the answer I get is…brief but I expected it to be. Helping Freddy however, is not the same as hindering Isis. You don’t have to be some verbal mastermind at wordplay to figure that one out. Especially not when you were already present to watch him smite the heck out of her once. Even he can step in if she’s the one doing the cheating.

Of course he loves all his subjects… and the things he says about my Mom are all true. She’s incredible. I happen to think he’s underselling it but you know. Can never talk too glowingly about your exes. I guess. I wouldn’t actually know, I’ve never had one. The comment about the portfolio makes my lips purse in a bit of a scowl. That stings a bit more than I think it should have, especially since I framed my presence in those terms in the first place.

“You don’t make babies with all your subjects, though.”

By the time I’m done muttering that, I’m practically squirming with the urge to blab. I don’t owe him an explanation, he owes me one if anything, but lately I’ve learned you don’t just get those kind of things. You apparently get tossed into the deep end without your water wings, and get encouraged to sink or swim. The truth, again which kind of stings and really shouldn’t, is that he’s a bazillion years old. All those years of ‘ignoring’ me were basically an eyeblink to him in all likelihood. Half an eyeblink. The compulsion makes the words come out in a rush though. More of one than I’d like.

“…I have more questions that I have answers, and I don’t understand what’s going on around me and it feels like I should have some idea and I was just fine with the way my life was going until it changed, and now everyone’s looking at me like I’m supposed to do something great, and I want to. Not the doing something great really but the helping, and I spent the last sixteen years not even being a little curious about who you are and now I have to know, because I need to know what I came from, but I can’t know because you’re up…here and I’m down there and so I figured I should just cut out the middleman and….”

Yiiiiiiiiie shut up, Cassie. Clearing my throat with a little bit of a flush to my face, I try to slow down what was a steadily increasing speech pace until I was just about babbling.

Zeus: “Is living a Good life not enough for you? Are you disappointed in the life your Mother provided that you? Do you find it unworthy? Or is the opinion of others what defines you?”

There is a sigh that comes. It bespeaks of how trying this is for a man of such advanced years. Not that Zeus is old and feeble, but that there is need to have this talk with her. As if he, actually, expected more or better from her than that particular explanation. Though his immediate resignation is also plain, because for the first time he takes a step towards her and the altar to his Name that she arrived at. Ambling up, Zeus puts his posterior right upon the edge of the altar and sprawls across it lazily. The massive trident is put in to her hands, for safe keeping, while he settles himself upon the one place that anyone should probably be sitting.

“The Trial was Broken, Cassandra. Two of the Avatars of the Gods have been slain, by one not anointed by Shazam to take part in the Trials. He cannot garner the Blessings of those Gods, the Avatar for their trial has been destroyed. So moving against Isis is not cheating. The question you should ask, not to me but to yourself, is whether the remaining Avatars would find Freddy Freeman worthy of their Blessing, if you right this wrong for him.”

“No. Not with all my subjects, but you see Cassandra. I will speak to your mother, I cannot believe she has not had this talk with you. Oh, very well. When a Mommy and a Daddy love one another. When they find themselves voraciously attracted to one another. When their loins ache for that single moment of inseperable contact to one another. When the sky weeps from their longing to suckle upon one another’s Nectar… a baby Godling is born of their yearnings.”

Cassie: “…yeah sorry, it wasn’t really meant that way. Okay. It was maybe in part meant that way but I’ve had kind of a rough week. Passive aggressive isn’t usually my thing.”

The word presume is getting thrown around a lot right now. I suppose that’s fitting, because I have to do a lot of that. Presume, or assume, there’s a subtle but distinct difference. Mostly in the tone. And I do actually look embarrassed by my little outburst, or at least the method that I did it. I’m not sorry for how I feel, but my delivery could have been a bit more…well. Better.

“I can do what I want, until you don’t like what I’m doing. You’re the boss, I get that. But the only rule I really have been told is that Gods aren’t supposed to be directly intervening in the world, except I live in the world. I intervene by existing.”

Especially if I’m out doing superheroics. And boy…I really know how Conner feels now, but maybe that only applies to the full-blooded, and not a demi-god like myself. It’d make sense, the distinction, except Tim had said it was a bunch of demigods that had triggered the edict in the first place. Either he misunderstood (unlikely) or there’s something to that.

“Are you telling me that the Trials this time were made to be broken? Ugh. Talk about a headache… okay. Fine.”

What a thing to wrap your head around. Maybe that’s something someone else could parse better than me, but I’m pretty sharp most of the time and this is mostly making me feel like my head’s wanting to spin. It’d be easier to just take what he said as fact. Not try to sort out the truth or reality of it. I’ve learned lately, though, that nothing really is what it seems like on the surface.

“..that’s a lot of presuming but I followed. I think that’s… also one of the nicest things I’ve heard said about me.”

And Freddy laid out some pretty good compliments earlier today. It also makes me, in a little corner of my mind, suspicious. A feeling that I try to immediately squash down because it’s not going to serve anyone much good right now. Sucking in a deep breath, I puff it out again, ruffling blonde hair as I do.

“So. You can’t directly interfere or influence. Not just with the Trials, but with the world. What if it were… an exchange? Like. A favor for services rendered.”

Zeus: “I know that it isn’t your normal way, but you are under an awful lot of stress lately and you’ve under some pressure to be more assertive. Dreams will do that to a person. Drive them to be something that they aren’t necessarily. It’s why they are dreams. We must, at times, decide whether they are driving us to be the best or the worst version of who we want to be. But, it sure sounds like you were quite happy to be who you are. Until, suddenly. You weren’t happy with it anymore. I wonder what changed. Was it your mother’s decision to make you experience the life of an Average Teen Human? Was it that her Deal with me, meant you gaining access to your birthright at the age of Awakening? Was it the nightmares that your Brother gave you? Or the dreams you sleep with now? What was the catalyst that brought about your unhappiness. That is perhaps the only thing about you that I don’t know.”

“Who told you that rule? Certainly not I. If I were to have told you of such a rule, then I would have phrased it slightly different. The Gods are forbidden from Directlyintervening in the Mortal World. To use your words there are Loopholes to ever decree. Even ones from mine own lips. Strictly speaking, Cassandra, you are not truly a Goddess. You are born of a Mortal. One of your many Birthrights, is the right to take part in the world you choose to live in. Should you ever choose to ascend, to take your place here in the Heavens or descend to the fiery abyss of Hell. You would then be subject to the rule. As I said. You should not be here. You have not chosen nor are you ready to choose.”

“I did not say that the Trials themselves were made to be broken. I asked you, what would make you believe that one of the Gods that offer their Blessing had not chosen -this- as Freddy Freeman’s Trial? Your ability to presume is outstripped by your inability to listen. Look at what has occurred. Look closely. Freddy has gained three of the Blessings he needs. His rival has at least two. Thus there is but one blessing yet to be discovered. Who’s is left?”

Once again, the hand lifts from and then returns to Cassie’s shoulder, where it lightly squeezes for the effect of reasserting her focus. “Cassandra, I am Zeus. I can do as I wish. None can question me. I make the rules. I can break the rules. But having the power to do as one wishes, do not entitle them to do so. I play by the rules that I put in place, simply because it is right for me to do so. There is also something to be said about leading by example. My people see the sacrifices that I make, it emboldens many of them to do the same. As it also serves as warning to those who might seek to do otherwise. Would you not fear the Wrath of a God, if you knew he that his fury would be that much more keen for you having trespassed where he himself has not?”

When he chuckles it is a thing of full-bodied enjoyment. Almost as if she were watching a slim version of St. Nicholas chuckling over cookies. “You are a Godly little thing, aren’t you? Seeking another loophole. Having the Chutzpah to ask the Rule-Maker how to circumvent his own Rules. Very well, Cassandra. A barter such as you speak is not unheard of. There are manners in which such business could be conducted, that would not raise my ire. ”

“I should warn you, however, little Godling. It is less the Act and more the Meaning that might merit my notice in such things. Intentions make all the difference.

Cassie: I’m not sure what it was myself, either. Growing up is going to be filled with moments of unfairness or confusion. That’s life. I’m pretty sure normal people experience that kind of thing, too. Look at Tim Drake. He didn’t need a superpower, or any kind of higher power influence to make his life a total mess. Or to be a hero, but that’s a different matter. The things Zeus is saying tell me that yes, he was paying attention. Especially the part about my dreams. So what made the change? Was it the powers, the unleashing of them so I started to be what I’d actually been born to be? Was it all the things that had been kept from me? Or a sense of betrayal that nothing was how I thought it was. Not just from my mother, but the world. Life was simple before that. It’s easy to be happy when things are simple.

“You’re not kidding. Or wrong. It’s definitely been a rocky couple… wait. Wait, wait back up.”

Dreams will make a person more assertive? Maybe I’m still over thinking things here, as he’d already said, but I’m definitely listening. If you’re pursuing a dream, you have to push yourself to get there and achieve it. That means being more assertive. He mentioned it twice though. The second time, in tandem with referencing the horrors that Ares had been visiting on my unconscious mind. Most of the time? My dreams aren’t really remarkable. They’re pretty damn normal, in fact. Nothing that should really drive me to much of anything. My cheeks color slightly as I run through a mental list of them.

“What about my dreams? What pressure? And when you say Age of Awakening is that meaning my physical age when they kicked in, or the state of the world as a whole?”

No, Zeus hadn’t told me that rule because we’ve never spoken before. Not something I need to throw out there, because…like I said. I really am not that passive aggressive and we both already know that point. I’m also still listening, stopping the whirring of my brain to focus and absorb. Some of it I knew, or… presumed, and some? Talk about a heavy, larger than life kind of thought. I get to choose? I didn’t want to assume a Disney cartoon got any sort of important details right but… Birthrights. Choices. My place?

“Um. Yours.”

That would be an educated guess, even if I hadn’t spoken with my new friend about his Trials and gotten the explanations from him and Red Ro…er. Batman. Just from the way he phrased it. I guess I’d thought there would still be gaining gifts from the other Avatars but…as Zeus said. They’re destroyed. No longer able to bestow anything. The broken nature of the trial now, the cheating of Freddy’s rival. I guess it fits. And it also means that now that I know? I need to be extra careful. There’s no pleading ignorance, but the fact is I was never really ignorant of that notion in the first place. You can’t take someone’s driver’s license test for them. And I can’t overcome Freddy’s obstacles.

“It’d be an escalation of proverbial arms. And epic scale Monkey See, Monkey do. I. Understand. I do.”

It sucks, but I get it. Just like I hadn’t been happy with Mom’s explanations but…once she’d given them I understood. Why she wanted me to be a ‘real girl’ before I learned there was anything else to be. How would my perceptions be skewed if like Conner, I just came out into the world with all that power, knowing I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted? That means I’m probably an entirely different Cassie. On the flip side, having lived the last …entire…part of my life without wanting anything from a Father I didn’t know, or want to know, means that finding out he could choose to act, or see me, but just doesn’t isn’t really quite the blow it could be. There’s a reason. It’s not just a platitude to say it’s one I understand.

Zeus’ laughter makes me blink, and then cock my head once more and watch his amusement. Well. It’s not smiting for being uppity. I’m not sure how I feel about being laughed at, but I don’t think that’s actually what he’s doing. He said it. I can do whatever I want. Until I make him mad by doing it.

“I just mean… I’m a big girl. I’m going to try to fight my own battles. But if I’m putting myself out there, and I let the world see me for who I really am. What I really am. I presume that may lead in a pretty dramatic uptick in belief. And so it might not be completely unreasonable in that case, if someday down the road I’ve got an epic emergency to…ask for a little help. Whatever that might be.”

I realize I’ve just kind of put myself out there like some kind of NASCAR racing vehicle, prime to have sponsor’s stickers slapped on me. An analogy I find instantly humorous in my head, and absurd enough that I let out a little giggle before I smother it down again just as quickly. It also might have come out like I’m trying to coerce the God of the Gods by saying I don’t have to claim him, or glorify him by proxy with my actions. That wasn’t my intention. Seems like a good way to get smote. Well. Maybe it was. At least a little. Maybe I should clarify.

“I’m going to keep helping people regardless. I don’t need some favor cookie dangling on a stick to make me do it. Just. Thought I’d ask since. I’m here and all.”

Zeus: For a lot of the next couple moments he sits there in silence. Watching Cassie. Seeing the wheels turning as she works through the things that she had asked and how the answers were given. Not just the words offered, but how they were offered. She’s examining everything said. Re-thinking them all. Over-thinking some. Under-thinking others. Most of all though, she searches for hidden meanings. Which once more drives a chuckle of mirth from the man before her.

“Your Mother does that all the time. She thinks about the double meanings of everything I say to her. I have learned that often times your Mother uses the adage about Gods and Riddles to convince herself that she has heard that which she wishes to hear.” White haired head canting off to one side, like a wizened old owl peering at a slow-moving worm it might pluck from the ground as a morsel. “If a Nightmare can scare you, then why can’t a Dream embolden you? Is the Nightmare all the worse, simply because it terrifies you? If a Nightmare gives you a fright, scaring you from doing the wrong thing. Is it not good? Then wouldn’t a Dream that emboldens you to the wrong ends, be equally foul?”

“Think, little one. Think this through. Would help from me, knowing it was given because you empowered me through the belief of others. Would that be Help you would truly want? Or would that make me just some genetic donor, who was seeking to enhance his overseas portfolio? If then I refused to help, would it mean that I was simply refusing or that I never saw you as an investment that might pay a dividend? Your question has painted me in to a pickle of situation, from which there is no way in which I can ever win.”

“Instead. Perhaps you should take a different path of thought. What if I have already helped you? What would you say to the certain knowledge that I have put all the tools you should ever need in place, well within your grasp? That I have done this, before you asked for help. Without any promise of payment what so ever.”

Once more there is a roll of the shoulders. Not so much a shrugging to suggest that I do not care for the topic, but to hint at the fact that this is not supposition. “Your life is your own. Your choices are your own. Fate has no hold upon my children, ‘cept that greatness follow them closely. When the time is nigh and the stakes are high, you will find what you seek, Daughter. This be no riddle to be figured out. I say it plainly. My help was given long before your birth. It lays in wait, in your world waiting to be taken. Some of it will find you, others will need to be found. Your Mother has been teaching you how to look for it your whole life. She has been preparing you, Cassandra. Guiding you, Shaping you. Molding you like Clay, in to the woman you are. You came here for answers, but in reality you already had them.”

“Most. Of them anyway,” lightly reaching out then to tap the Trident she holds, the touch gives it life and it begins to thrum in her hands. “You are not supposed to be here. But there is no punishment to be given. An Avatar must confer with their Patron, if they are to conduct the Trial as their Patron demands it. I told you, Cassandra, I chose you.”

“You must test him. You must judge him. In the end, you must choose whether Freddy Freeman is worthy of the Blessing that only you may bestow. Thus, it is not cheating for you to aide such a man in the Trials. For you are one of them. But you must remember, that he must pass a trial of your creation. He must prove himself worthy of the Blessing from the King of the Gods.”

Cassie: “Analyze twice, dig once. Sounds like Mom.”

Or more correctly, four times, get more sources, hunt down some locals, then measure twice and cut once. Not the locals, obviously. The site of whatever it was she was after. A passion that I now know isn’t purely an academic pursuit. Yes, it satisfies that itch but there’s more driving her than just simple discovery. As for my Mother thinking about the double meanings of everything he says to her, present tense, I want to seize on that and ask. The tiny part of me that feels so out of control of my own life shrieking over how unfair that is. And the talk of my dreams? I wouldn’t say Ares’ little love notes had been about scaring me away from doing something so much as trying to terrify me until I caved into doing what he wanted. Don’t get me wrong, what Zeus just said makes sense, but the application to my circumstances doesn’t entirely.

My lips purse and pull to the side and this time, it’s my turn to look amused at what he’s said. Right after looking a little chagrined about the ‘genetic donor’ portion, which tells me he does know my mind because that’s often how I thought of the other half of my biological makeup. Not a father. Just a necessary part of creation, whomever he’d been.

“It’d be more like two folks helping each other out, but your way does make you sound much more magnanimous and kindly.”

And if he really is all power, all knowing, it’s possible he did that. That he knew what I’d need, and arranged it all before I’d ever need it. Or he could be interjecting those things in the present. Who would ever actually know, besides him? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I’m firming myself up to not dwell on that puzzle. Mom probably would. I’m just going to take him at the words that he says are exactly what he means. Especially because I’m very aware that he doesn’t actually have to tell me anything. It’s not like I’m in a position to compel the guy…God… Buying in to what he says isn’t really hard. Or a matter of buying in. I did know some of these things. Knowing and suspecting are different, but stories of Zeus’ children lingered through the ages. I’m already kicking at the edges of greatness. I don’t know if I could have helped it.

“Most of them?”

I don’t get to have an ‘aha!’ moment especially, because I’m distracted by the feel of the trident in my fingers, the other hand coming up to take hold of it as well like I’m concerned it’s going to wriggle its way out of my grasp, or I might drop it. The energy vibrates my palms, and fingertips. Like putting your hand on the casing of some giant turbine. Not so distracting as to keep me from hearing Zeus’ words, though. Blonde head rears back in surprise. When he said he Chose me, I didn’t think he’d meant for this. I had been thinking of it more along the lines of a representative in the world of…oh. Yeah. Nope. That makes, actually, perfect sense.

“I think I know a couple people that would probably agree I’m a bit of a Trial right now. Heh. I. I can do that.”

And now we’re back to heavy things. I’m a teenage girl, who barely has a handle on her own life and problems right now, I think most of the world might think was kind of a last resort sort of option for this sort of thing. I’ve also learned over the last few years, though, that my best and most important quality isn’t really the fact that I can bench a tank or fly, or put my teachers to shame in their own classrooms. It’s something else, that I think I’d probably have even if I didn’t have the muscle, the book smarts, or the looks from my Mother. Something special. And I think I already have seen hints of that in my new friend.

It takes guts, if nothing else, to do what he did earlier. Offering the trident back to Zeus, I actually smile at him, before letting my eyes wander over the scenery around me once again. Drinking it in because who knows when, if ever, I’ll be back here. I probably won’t get away with stumbling in half on accident, half on purpose again. And I don’t have to put deep thought into it to know that I’m not ready, or willing, to leave Earth right now, and leave behind the people I care about. Neither did he. I’d imagined I would come away from this like I had the talk with my Mother. More questions than answers, though I did get answers I needed. More frustrations to dig in. There’s a sort of sense of…ease… that probably is out of place with discussion that’s settled into my shoulders.

I’m not going to overthink that, either.

“Thank you. Really. Already having the answers or not, I feel a lot better about. Well. Everything. And I appreciate the explanations. I’ll get out of your hair now.”

Zeus: “Your Mother isn’t just an amazing Scientist, Cassandra. She is an amazing person. A wonder of a woman. That has raised one of her own.” Once she offers the Trident, Zeus simply touches it a second, before drawing back his hand. “What good would it do for me to tell you not to be too hard on her? You don’t need to hear that from your absentee Father and even if he said it what merit would it hold? So I won’t tell you to not be too hard on her. Instead I would tell you to look inward. Think about your situation. How hard is it to navigate this world you were thrust in to? Have you stumbled? Of course. But you’re doing the best you can, given the circumstances. You’re playing this game, without a handbook. No training. Blind, deaf, but thankfully never dumb. How much of that do you have to thank Helena for?” 

“You have your Mother for support. She had no one. Think about your life and what would you do, if you were alone with all of this?” 

With that Zeus rises from the Dais. His hand does not go to the Trident, but something begins to happen. The feeling of touching a live battery. That tingling sensation as the current surges through your topical flesh. The once lengthy, golden and ornate trident shifts. Losing it’s cohesion as it slowly becomes a single bolt of lightning. One that is not take away from her, but is left in her hands. 

“Your blessing, bestow it upon the Champion if you believe him worthy. Though his trials are broken, I caution you, Daughter. Be very mindful not to give your blessing unearned. Power unearned is often times abused. Even if you believe this boy to be different, your heart and your head should be of one mind on this Trial. You will knowwhen or if he is worthy.” 

“Most of them. You surprise me by not simply asking what Isis is up to or how to stop her. You didn’t ask me about the new dreams you’ve been having. Nor did you ask, even once, if you can contact me again.” Snorting softly, as he takes that first step to move around her. “I think I would be most insulted, if a child of mine wasn’t something of a Trial. Consider it this way. You’re the equivalent of a Godling Toddler. You only have one and three quarters more centuries before you’re out of your terrible twos.” 

Still chortling even as his hand lightly clasps her shoulder. The squeeze is gentle, supportive and safe. After all she’s a known hugger. “This discussion was long overdue. It is to my regret that I could not allow myself to initiate it sooner. You won’t be able to return the same again, but there are other means. Similar methods.A creative young woman such as yourself, can surely think her way back to Olympus if you put your mind to it.” 

“Cassandra. One final piece of advice. Other children were told stories of three pigs, wolves and riding hoods. You were told the sagas of the ages. Stories of Golden Bows, Fleece. Nemean Lions. Magical harps. My Aegis. The difference between the fairy tales other children were told and those you were given? Is that all of the ones Helena spoke of. Are true. They are the roadmap to all the help you might ever need. She even taught you how to seek them out.”

Cassie: I expect him to take the Trident away from me again, for him to instead switch courses and tell me, without telling me, not to be too hard on my Mother? Blue eyes narrow slightly, but it’s hardly a shocking thing to hear. He’s not even the first person to do it this month. I do have my mother for support. And while there was only so much support I could give her, I like to think that we were there for each other. I may be frustrated, but that’s a very normal sort of growing pains even when you’re not a demi-god. Hell, judging by the interactions I’ve seen between friends and their completely normal parents? Even when we’re fighting, we’re still on pretty good terms. And even if we’re not getting along as great as we once did, I can promise that if anyone messed with her? They’d get front row seats to seeing mild-mannered girl next door morph into raging Godpowered lioness. 

“I’d go crazy. But I’m not alone, and neither is she. Not anymore.” 

I felt something like this once before, a little bit of a science experiment though I forget where we were living at the time, where a bunch of other children and myself joined hands and made a circuit with the exposed battery of a men’s shaver. You could feel it go into your body, from one linked hand to the next, and the urge was there to drop hands and make it stop until you got used to it. That’s like this, and hang onto it, watching in wonder as the weapon shifts to a weapon of a different sort. 

“Like you said. Broken world. Broken trials. I’ll figure out how to make it work.” 

It’s a semi-flippant answer I suppose, but I do take it seriously. The charge, and what I’m being asked to do. I’m in love with a prime example of what power with no filter, and no effort to acquire can do to a person. I’ve also already met a few other examples of people who have power that I don’t agree with how they use it. It’s not something to let go into the world lightly, even for someone I like. I came up here in part to make sure I wouldn’t cheat Freddy of his experience, and his Trials. Being part of it now won’t change that. 

“Frankly? I didn’t think you’d really answer, or it’d fall under the ‘you have the answers already’ clause. Isis, what she’s up to, and what to do about it? That’s something that can be figured out. And. You already warned me about the dreams.” 

Biting the corner of my lip almost impishly, I turn to watch him move around me. One hundred and seventy-fve more years and I’ll still be a toddler? I wasn’t kidding about the eyeblink part. Waiting sixteen years for me to be allowed to have my powers by my Mother really was no hardship. 

“Um. Well. There’s a saying about easier to ask forgiveness than permission. So if I haven’t been told that I can’t…” 

Then I’m also not knowingly breaking the rules. I’ve had a lot of experience lately in things unsaid, or unasked, for someone else’s protection, or my own use. I could ask now about the things I hadn’t asked, but I realize now that I’m here…that I really wasn’t actually looking for someone to tell me what to do. It’s my world. I can figure out what to do with it, I think I’m actually supposed to. After a moment of hesitation, I bring a hand away from the lighting bolt to lay it on top of the one on my shoulder. The contact is… nice. A little weird how nice actually. 

“Will anyone else? I’ll make sure to seal the hatches back up if they could. Thank you. For the advice. I won’t forget.” 

I’m pretty sure no one would, it’s kind of been one of those ‘days you’ll always remember’ kind of deals. Honest to Goodness Olympus. And Zeus. My Father. I really won’t forget. And I’d like to think I won’t let him down, but more importantly, I’m not going to let myself down. 

“Goodbye, your…” 

Holiness? Godliness? Cripes, what do I even call him. Zeusness? So I settle for what I guess, coming from me, is going to be more respectful than the others, and certainly not something I thought I’d ever say. 


Zeus: “Oh. I would certainly have answered, but I would have thought less of you for needing a man, even a man such as me, to tell you what to do.” When his hand lifts from her shoulder, there is just enough hesitation that for a brief moment he is squeezing her hand. “Ahh, so you truly are my daughter, aren’t you? I find it always better to ask forgiveness, than permission.” 

Once the contact of hands is broken, there is a feeling left behind. Not unlike touching the lightning, Zeus’ touch leaves the skin tingling. “While it is not the case for all manner of transport to Olympus, the door you used this day? Will never open again. You road a conduit of my power here. It was that conduit that Black Adam sought when he damaged your Metropolis. At the time he was searching for a means to bring back his deceased wife. Though he failed to garner one of my Bolts at the time, the residual energy left was able to interact with our mutual bloodline. Your divinity springs from my own. It brought you to me. Now that it is used, it is gone.” 

“Or rather. As your scientists would say. Not necessarily gone, but it shall become something else.” 

“Cassandra, there is one last thing you should know before you are on your way. You didn’t ask, but you are entitled to know that I do know you. I have always been there. Look back upon your life. Think about your own trials, though not as formal Freddy Freeman’s, each time you have faced a point of change in your life. How often has the inexplicable happened? Think it through. Your rational mind will tell you that there is a logical explanation. One perhaps. Twice even is luck. How many times have the inexplicable happened, just at the right time. If you look closely, you will see it.” 

“Of course, your logical mind is also going to tell you the same as it did about what I told you about my gifts always having been there too. You can never really know if it’s true. If I was always there or if I am telling you something so ambiguous as to be unbelievable. The question you should ask yourself, is which would you rather believe.” 

One fingertip lightly touches upon the tip of his own nose. Then with a simple snap of the fingers, Cassie is gone. Back to the Alcove beneath the City of Metropolis. In the same place she was before. Her hand still within the crater caused by the lightning. Only now there is a real bit of lightning in her hand. A single bolt. Was she ever really -in- Mount Olympus? Was that bolt really the Trident or was it the electricity that she felt when she put her hand in to the hole in the wall? The answer is not so difficult to come by. As she will realize soon enough that she is still draped in adornments of the Gods. Still clothed in silks, dripping in gold and decidedly lacking in concealing hoodie.

Cassie: I can’t really say this went incredibly better than expected. It’s hard to measure something you were trying to expect nothing from. Something you haven’t spent any amount of time building up thoughts of, because at first you weren’t interested, and then you weren’t sure if it would even be hostile. It could have gone one of a few ways, I suppose. Cool, distant, and GTFO. A warm welcome, worthy of some long lost Disney Princess. Or something in between. I’d say this actually ended up closer to option two, and that’s…pleasing. I wasn’t looking for justification. Or praise. 

I feel like I’m coming away with it regardless. And a feeling that he did actually care. Eyeblink or not. He’s just Zeus. And a mind reader. 

“I’m more of a bright side kind of girl, generally speaking.” 

And that means benefit of the doubt for my ‘long lost’ Father figure. Which is actually the opposite of how I would probably have guessed I came out of meeting him feeling. A literal snap of the fingers and…I’m in what might be the most depressing place I’ve ever seen. It was empty and gloomy before. Coming out of Olympus to a world of concrete just makes it feel like color’s been sucked out of my life. True to his word the conduit is gone, instead I’m left holding the bolt, the feel of the hand on my shoulder still there. Like the thrum in my hands. it takes a minute before I look past the ‘souvenir,’ to realize what I’m still wearing. And not wearing. 

“…that was my favorite sweatshirt…”