Reply To: Once upon a time in Fawcett City…

Home Forums The Players Story Updates Once upon a time in Fawcett City… Reply To: Once upon a time in Fawcett City…


I’ve also debated this. This is a choice Freddy is making without council from Solomon directly meaning he isn’t leaning on him. He’s going with his gut here. The fact that Chief Callaghan shared what he knew with him and what Freddy learns he will tell him that he is going to do whatever he can to keep the city safe. Furthermore that there is danger of a different kind and that Chief Callaghan needs to trust him when tells him that just as there are dark forces in the world that there are forces that battle that darkness and that he needs the Chief to continue to be the same pillar of strength that he was outside of the bank. The city needs someone to help bring order to potential chaos. He has the presence and courage to do so.