by Marc | Jul 23, 2018 | Chronicles
Synopsis: Kyle is out discussing the pros and cons of been a Green Lantern to determine whether or not he should tell his mother. His discussion of one is interrupted by a high speeding Koriand’r aka Starfire. Kyle catches up with her and they proceed to make introductions.
KYLE: To say that things had gone from interesting to amazing would be an understatement. One moment I went from trying to learn more about who the previous Green Lantern to making a brand-new friend not only a new friend, we were totally going to be best buds. Superbuddies. That was totally going to be us, though I think I should find a better name than that. Oh yeah the Riggs and Murtaugh of superheroes.
Conner’s tip totally paid off. Alan is way awesome if not a little terrifying during training. I really did not expect a subway train to come barreling towards me like I was James Bond and anyone who’s met me knows that I’m anything but that, but it was good. I needed the sessions. Of course, that means that I’m totally going to be coming back for more. That was a promise, because how else am I going to make sure that I’m the best Green Lantern I can be. Me Kyle Rayner a Green Lantern that’s best buds with Superman.
Check me out.
Sailing through the air I stop for a moment taking stock in everything that’s happened. What are the pros of my life.
I’m the Green Lantern. I’m best buds with Superman. I have a kick ass mentor who was the original Green Lantern of Earth.
Lines slid across the air as white board or in this case a green board was created before my very eyes as I listed out the pros and if there are pros there have to be cons.
Cons? Yeah.
Previous Green Lantern right before me is responsible for really, really bad things. My mom could become a target if my secret is found out. Things aren’t the best for superheroes right now.
The words join the others that write themselves across the projected white board in front of me. Sometimes it helped to visualize it.
Did the pros out way the cons? That was the question. Right in this moment I could say yes. Still there was a lot for me to learn. However, at the moment I was still over the moment as I moved up into the air doing a corkscrew maneuver.
“I can be a soldier, I can be a king. I can be your president, gangster on the scene. I can be your hip-hop bulletproof vest. I can be the tattoo bleeding on your chest.”
Some things can’t be helped, and everyone knows that I like to sing and engage in seriously bad dancing when I think I can’t be seen. Besides up this high who can see me as I literally dance on air, or dance on cloud Mine.
“I can be a soldier, I can be a king. I can be your president, gangster on the scene. I can be your hip-hop bulletproof vest. I can be the tattoo bleeding on your chest.” I belt out again before I’m interrupted by…
[Inhabitant of Sector 2828 detected.]
The ring stated. My eyes glanced down towards it before turning left right then look up then down.
“Sector 2828? Inhabitant? Alien?”
[2000 feet. 1500 feet. 500 feet.]
WHOOSH! There he, she, it went and there was a contrail for me to
“Well, then.” Dusting myself off. “Pursuit time.”
Let’s see.
iTunes. Internal tunes that is. “Boys Want to be Her – Peaches.”
Pursuit vehicle.
“Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040. Motoslave.” A green version of Pris’s battle motorcycle was created by the ring. Slipping onto it I started it up, reved it and began my pursuit. I reigned it in by deciding against the flashing police light and siren, but pretty soon I caught up with the Sector 2828 Inhabitant.
I had a light generated helmet on that read MWPD across the front of it with the 2814 Precinct beneath it.
KORIAND’R: She wasn’t planning to swoop between buildings and cause a mass panic. Exploring in silence on the rooftops had become cumbersome and irritating. There wasn’t much interesting to see but she had taken away some notes. The real work could begin if and when that device could be designed for her. For some odd reason it had made her feel a little more at ease, the thought of being able to interact freely without anyone becoming freighted by her appearance or her origins was a very exciting one.
The snow heavy clouds above Gotham were softly glowing a warmish orange hue, each time Kori had dove into them or around them and above them, well out of sight and reach of the citizens below. Well, or so she thought. Someone was able to reach her and the flashing lights were caught from the corner of her eye. She could have sped off, gone faster, moved back to Metropolis and back to Conner where at least more predictable things happened.
She stopped. It was very sudden, very quick and her arms were crossed over her chest as she turned in the air to face the ‘sky police’.
“It is illegal to fly too?!”
KYLE: The helmet disappeared, but the mask remained as I slipped off the bike which disappeared the moment I moved away from it. Before my eyes a HUD displayed appeared along with lens over the eyes of my mask. The lens weren’t to hide my eyes, but they were scanning providing me with information that I would deem useful.
It had worked for Conner, why wouldn’t it work here. It was a massive scan it wouldn’t register, because there was no dramatic flash and sweep of light. Instead I was being feed information. The ring seemed to be aware of the individual, young woman. Don’t say girl, because that might be rude.
Information began to appear before my eyes. Tamaranean. Augmented. I glanced back towards Koriand’r as additional information was fed to me. It was a combination of the construct, and the information that was stored within the ring.
She was an alien.
“You were traveling awfully fast and flying on your own power can get you noticed by all kinds of people. Good, bad and well I would hate for it to be bad.” I say honestly while hovering there in the air. Did she know about the Lantern Corps? I wondered how I should address her.
Universal Greeting! No, no, don’t do that. Wait she spoke English. The ring wasn’t acting like a Tardis was it? Did it? Could it? OH MY GOD! What if it did have a translation matrix field.
Kyle. Back on track.
“I’m the Green Latern of Sector…” What did the ring say? 2828 Oh god that’s like Cleopatra 2525. Wait it was on the helmet. “…2814. The planet Earth is my home. If you come in peace. Welcome to earth visitor from Tamaran. If you have not come into peace well, let’s pretend you do, because if you don’t I’ll have to take you to jail and then you’ll tell your friends about how we’re locking up aliens left and right and really, that’s not what I want to happen. So, you come in peace right?”
I was having one of those moments wasn’t I?
“I also have a superpower. I know when people are lying to me.” Emma Swan for the win. Wait…Emma could never tell when people were lying to her? D’oh!
KORIAND’R: “You’re…a lantern,” her green eyes widened as her arms dropped to her sides. For a brief moment she was searching her memories, memories from what felt like an entirely different life. She had been told stories, she remembered the stories, but she had never met a Lantern in person. They didn’t need to come to her planet. Tamaran was peaceful and self-sufficient, there was no crisis that needed tending to until…well, the rest is history now.
“I do not lie, Green Lantern. I am also not a threat. My species is peaceful…” …until provoked, or forced to fight. Well, they were known for being passionate.
She frowned for a moment. She had felt like she had told everyone her story a hundred times over and at this point it was just emotionally exhausting.
“My name is Koriand’r, I am a refugee, visiting would be a massive understatement. My escape ship crashed into the bay, I was imprisoned for a very long time. Many earth years. My friends, they pulled me from the ship and are looking after me. Wonder Woman and Superman.”
She had hoped dropping their names may help clarify the situation, she had been here for a little while now. She opted to leave M’Gann out of the equation, it was an action did in kindness to keep her out of whatever mess this may bring on. The Lanterns were one organization and NOWHERE was something else entirely.
“I apologize, I was attempting to be discreet and it has been so long since I have flown.”
KYLE: She knew who a Lantern was. Seeing her eyes widen like that would have brought a smile to my face, but I’m supposed to be all official. Still. Green Lantern cred. I couldn’t help, but be jazzed about that, but at the same time she didn’t back away. So that was something. She’s not the only one that was making a bit of a display, but if I’m going to be the Green Lantern then I was going to be the Green Lantern. Lantern’s don’t skulk around in the dark. At least that’s not the feeling I got.
God or bad, rain or shine I was going to make sure that the people who needed to get my help received it.
Information was still coming across the HUD when I stopped it. The frown gave me pause, but I waited for her to explain how she came to be here. I’m sure there was more to the story, but it’s interesting that off all the places she could have crashed it was Earth. “I’m afraid that I’m not acquainted with Wonder Woman. I’ve wanted to meet her.” I may be a little curious. Conner was going to pick up macaroons for her from Paris. You just don’t do that for anyone.
“However, Superman is…” Total best bud. We’re so going to hang out and help make the world a better place. “…is a close colleague of mine.” Of mine. Maybe I should have swapped that around. Saying he’s good people would probably not be the way I want to go with that. Still, if she was being looked after by them I had to wonder.
“Apologies aren’t necessary, but Superman and Wonder Woman frequent Metropolis.” Not that it was far away and it hadn’t dawned on me that she meant Gotham Bay. “What brings you to Gotham?” Bigger question. Do they know she’s here and does she know about the unwritten rule.
The heroes here don’t like capes coming into their city. That’s more or less what Alan said. Then there was the bull horn. NO CAPES IN GOTHAM! Among other things. When he wants to hammer in a point he can be quite effective.
Flying’s the best. “I see. Hard to do so when there are so many rules and people potentially watching. I get that.” It’s pretty new for me. I wonder if she’s been flying for a while. Interesting.
KORIAND’R: “I was checking up on someone who was there when I landed. He was kind to me. He still is. I also understand my kind may not be welcome there. My decision to fly was on impulse, the clouds should have been concealing me.”
For a moment maybe there was just a rule that no fun was allowed. Somehow, she got on the radar of the Lantern this way. That couldn’t wholly me an awful thing, she wasn’t doing anything wrong and wasn’t planning to either, at least from her perspective.
“I set the course on the ship as far as it could go, to the most suitable inhabited planet. Do you know of The Daem? They were my captors. They invaded my planet and took me hostage, while my sister was left to rule and provide them with resources. It was not one of those honorable hostage situations. I was forced to fight to live, when I wasn’t fighting they were experimenting on me. If I disobeyed I was punished harshly. Failure was worse. I have….I….many perished at my hands, Lantern.”
There were tears in her eyes as her words began to choke up on her. She wasn’t sure why she had confessed to all of this, she couldn’t forgive herself, how could others forgive her? She could have let herself die but the cycle would have just gone on without her. She’d have just been another body thrown out the air-lock or preserved in their labs for study.
“I just want to do the right thing. I want to help others. I never want anyone to experience what I did.”
KYLE: Someone kind? Here? I thought for a moment who could have been here, but there were far too many people to consider not to mention I don’t know everyone.
“There are many ways to detect someone. Earth is a wonderful place with wonderful people, but things haven’t been easy over the last decade. There are some that chose not to trust. They choose to pull away and close themselves off to the wonders of the world, the galaxy…the universe. They rather focus on what’s happening here and only here and it’s easy to when you’re not aware.” When you don’t realize how truly vast the universe is. Perhaps it scares them because to consider its vastness they get caught up in feeling insignificant. A drop within a seemingly endless ocean. It’s possible.
I didn’t lose track of her words I was right there with her as she spoke of what happened. “The Daem? I can’t say that I am, but I can make it a point to learn about them.” They attacked her planet, took her hostage? Isn’t this something that Green Lanterns are supposed to stop? Don’t we stop bad things from happening? Is this what happens when light goes out in the universe where there are no Green Lanterns. Sector 2828 who was the Green Lantern of that Sector did…Jordan.
The thought off it caused my chest to tighten. The idea that what happened here could have rippled across all of space. That she could have been casualty of this. I pull it together, because I focus on what Alan and I spoke about. About what and Conner and spoke about. Living up to people who carried our mantles. Being who they were versus who we want to be.
“Experimenting.” My voice went low at the thought.
Experimenting. Making her fight. Making her a weapon. My fist clench at the thought. “I can’t say that I know what that’s like. I can only imagine, and people have told me I have a very, very, very vivid imagination. Also, my best friend went through…is going through something very similar.” I won’t let my buddy be someone’s weapon.
“People trying to control him. Make him do things that he doesn’t want to do. Sometimes…sometimes it’s a Kobyashi Maru,” I offer. “But…you broke away just like I’m going to help my friend break away so he can live the life he wants to. The one he deserves and show the world the person he can be. The hero he can be on his terms not theirs.” Not the puppet masters.
“I’m sorry for what’s happened. Even more I’m sorry that more was not do to aid you in your time in need.” Why? I want to know why, but I don’t want to get her caught up in that.
“The earth has laws many laws I can’t speak for everyone, but I can say that I meant it when I welcomed you to earth. Whether people want it or not I’m responsible for helping to protect earth and all its inhabitants, native and foreign and that includes you. You found the courage to escape our captors, Koriand’r. Take solace in that. You live. You’re free and if these Daem come looking something tells me that we will do the right thing. ”
That much was certain. “Superman and Wonder Woman will help you. If that is what you want is to help people they’ll help make it happen. Just be careful and also. It’s ok to be happy. To be free. Even though many have perished at your hand, your hand was forced. Weep for them if you must, but in the end the best you can do, the best you can hope for is to honor them. ”
KORIAND’R: “What’s a….Kobyashi Maru?”
Her head tilted to the side, it was not a term that was familiar to her, the language was not one she had absorbed yet and she felt like she should know it because the Lantern so easily let it out. The moment of confusion allowed herself to pull back together. His words were kind, reassuring. Mentally she was trying to wipe away those feelings of doubt, shame and guilt as she wiped the tears from her eyes. She was a warrior, warriors do not cry. It was one of the rare times she was allowed to and in a way it felt good to let a few tears loose.
“Yes, it felt like your friend’s situation. I am trying to be happy, Lantern. I am also making an effort to fit in, as much as I am able. I want to help the man in this city, I think I can. It would be a good opportunity for me to learn more about humans and how to blend into their culture. There is only so much the shows and movies can teach me, it’s not substitution for real situations. I enjoy very much interacting with others.”
KYLE: “Metaphor for a no-win scenario.” It slipped out, probably because I watched Star Trek II not so long ago. Still it was enough to give us both pause while I let the anger drain away and she wiped the tears away. I was angry, because it seemed like no matter what and no matter where someone was from the same things was happening. I can’t say that earth was the safest place, because I know that the same people that Conner was attempting to liberate himself from would be the same people that would see Koriand’r as a new resource to mine so to speak.
Still she was being looked out for by Conner and Wonder Woman. There was a tightrope that was being walked and it seemed that with each passing day it was being pulling tighter. Which meant that I needed to get in touch with Conner as soon as possible so we could meet with Kord and he could help do something about the suit.
However, I focused on the matter at hand. “Hmm. I see. ” I don’t recall see seeing any press conference about Koriand’r. “Given your status. I think you should talk to Wonder Woman and Superman about it. Make sure they know where you’re at. From what I can tell not everyone is aware of your presence and the last thing anyone wants is for there to be a misunderstanding.” And that could easily and quickly happen.
“Going back and forth between the two cities someone’s bound to notice. Just be careful.”
KORIAND’R: “They know where I’m at. Maybe not Superman but….”
She was imploring him with her gaze. He must have known something about NOWHERE and she was receiving a mixed bag of information about them. She wasn’t allowed to just roam the globe without some rules or someone watching over her. M’gann may have said she was leaving but she could be right beside them, observing and watching. Koriand’r hoped there was more trust than that between them though.
“I can use the public transportation when I am able to conceal myself more appropriately. I thought I would just, try not to show that I am stronger and faster and able to fire energy blasts from my hands. Just…blend in. Does that make any sense? I could try to pretend to be like them and I can use that to learn. I have so very much to learn about this planet and the people if I am to spend the rest of my days here.”
KYLE: It was possible that they knew where she was at, but at the same time they comprised of who exactly. Things like this could become problematic given everything that’s occurred involving aliens. Given everything that I’ve learned over a few short weeks I knew that there were some aliens that were bad news and some that weren’t. The same could be same about anyone really, but the majority of public had begun to accept a certain narrative that wasn’t helped by the Coast City incident. It’s one of the reasons that I was worried, because this could quickly go badly for everyone involved.
I knew what she was asking, and while I heard stories and I knew what Conner told me and what he inferred, but he was apart of that organization. If I said something it could undermine anything he and Wonder Woman were trying to do to help protect Kori and place her in far greater danger than she wanted to find herself in. Also, it sounded like she wanted some dirt.
This had a really ‘What’s the tea, sis’ vibe to it.
“Trust Superman and Wonder Woman.” It’s what I could say at best. “Learn what you can about Earth, Kori. There’s plenty of information out there. “ I didn’t want her to make a judgement based on my opinion. I knew there were unsavory elements in the government, but could I identify them all know. Also she could find allies within the system and it sounded like she had some already and I didn’t want to be the person that soured that by a few misplaced words.
Conceal herself? I understand why she would want to do that. I wonder if it was a suggestion she made or someone else made. I get why it would happen, but…I don’t know. There’s this part of me can see how that would make things easier, but I know I could see how it backfire.
“Take a step a day at a time. I think you’ll be able to figure out how much of who you are to reveal to the world. There’s only so much that you can conceal. There will always come a point when you have to choose between making the right choice for the moment versus the best choice for you. Sometimes it may happen so quickly that you might not even realized you’ve made it. I guess what I’m trying to say is to be authentic. Be the you that you want to be. You didn’t escape from one prison to become trapped in another.”
KORIAND’R: “That was exactly what I was trying to do, what I said to my friend. I don’t want to put myself in another situation where I’m a slave, where my freedom is stripped from me. I don’t even want the illusion of freedom, and I feel like that is what is being offered. I’m taking it slowly and being very cautious of my actions with…them.”
She didn’t even know how else to word it without outright saying the name and she was attempting to be subtle but subtlety didn’t always come easy for her. She was also trying to absorb as much information she could and that did mean interacting with some of the other ‘agents’. If she was better educated on the situation she could at least make a better decision on how to handle it. She tried not to think about the worst possible outcomes. They didn’t set well with her.
“Are you able to check with someone about Tamaran? To see if my sister is safe? She was crowned queen when I was taken, I have been very worried about her. It would soothe my spirit to know she’s okay.”
It was the closest she had gotten to admitting she was actually royalty to the Lantern. She tried not to advertise it otherwise, not that it could be used for any political gain at all. These people did not have the space travel technology even anywhere near where they would have to have it to find her planet.
“Please, let me know if I do something bad? I don’t want to create a problem, or make an existing problem worse.”
KYLE: It was the best that I could do at the moment. I didn’t want to jeopardize anything by saying too much. All of this had to be a bit overwhelming. A new world, alone, trying to figure out who she could trust. Figuring out if we could trust her. I didn’t sense that she was being deceitful. If I said anything that swayed her thoughts one way or another I could accidentally put her in a dangerous situation. If I told her to run, then Nowhere would be after her, and they wouldn’t stop until they had her in custody and what ever latitude that had given her could be snatched away. The only thing I could do is suggest that she be careful. Any more than than then I risk turning a delicate situation into a disastrous one.
However, given the fact that she was here gave me pause. Not anything I would say openly. No, better to share that with Conner. She’s new to the world, hasn’t been introduced and despite the fact she was high in the sky from what I gathered from Conner and Alan Nowhere isn’t someone to let something like this happen. The more I thought about the more I believed she was right that they knew where she was, but how far did that go and in what context.
I don’t want to go down the path of conspiracy, but you had to wonder what they were playing at if they were playing at anything and given the fact that I was working to help get Nowhere out of Conner’s hair I had to assume that they would use whatever means to get what they wanted.
However all of that was sidelined when she asked me about Tamaran and then her sister.
“I can see what I can do.” How do I tell her that in terms of Lantern’s I’m it. At least that’s what Ganthet said. I don’t know if I want to get into the fact that the previous Lantern went all Dark Side turned to Vader and decided to Order 66 the other Lanterns. I don’t know how successful he was in his efforts. “I can’t make any promises, but I can try.” That’s all I could promise for now.
“If that’s your way of asking if I’ll be your friend. I can do that. Friends help each other out.”
KORIAND’R: “I would be happy to help you in return. I tend to feel like I am imposing on all the kindness these days and I have very little to offer. Someday I will have more I can offer in return but right now I don’t have much. Does that make much sense? I suppose my clothes are all that I own and everything I had before was taken when I arrived. There wasn’t much. Those are just things though. I have skills I can offer but…”
Her lips twisted as she mentally reminded herself not to say too much, even to the Lantern. She didn’t know who she could trust just yet. He likely knew what she was probably capable of, if he had any data on her people at all. Unfortunately there were less tangible things that could be taken advantage of too. Her faith, her honor, her pride, all of those things had been chipped away at until there was very little remaining. She was just trying to gather up the pieces and pull it all together so she could function and slowly rebuild. Such weaknesses are things she would never admit to. Awful individuals could take advantage of it.
“I will be assistance to you if you are in need.”
KYLE: “You’re not imposing. I think if I found myself in your shoes, you would do the same.” This is it. This is a moment whether people believe it or not and it has little to do with me being Kyle Rayner, Green Lantern, it’s all Kyle Ryaner. I don’t know what will happen. Koriand’r can make Earth her home for years to come or she could eventually leave. What will she think of Earth? What would she tell other people? What would the other beings of the galaxy, the universe think of us.
Are we a closed off planet that looks to use, abuse any and everyone that crosses our path. Or will be spoken of kindly. I want the later. Sure, I don’t want to suffer fools or be foolish, but it doesn’t mean that we have to do things that will cast us in a negative light, because with as big and vast the universe is I think, I believe we can use all the friends we can because there come a time when we need to reach out to those that lay beyond the planet. Hope gets you far, but yo have to do more than hope you have to act.
We both were being guarded had to be, but it didn’t mean that I couldn’t start to foster good relations between myself and what will probably the first of many meetings. I’m a Green Lantern, threats can be anywhere from planestside to beyond. It’s the job right?
“Thank you and I will do the same.” That said. “I should let you get back home before people start to worry.”
KORIAND’R: “I suppose I must,” she wasn’t thrilled about going back and it was clear in her voice.
This night though, it was better than nothing. It was better than watching television all day and studying. It was that divine taste of freedom and hope and purpose she had been hoping for. She had even created something of a mission for herself, but she did want to get back and reflect on her thoughts, on what she had offered. She wasn’t even sure if she could help Damien and it wasn’t very fair to expect him to help her either.
“Thank you, Green Lantern. Travel well.”
The princess was capable of picking herself up from her thoughts and perking up enough to smile. There was plenty of time to dwell on her thoughts after she returned to M’Gann.
She offered the man a polite wave, pausing only to retrieve her cell phone and quickly tap out a message. She was checking in and planning to get back quickly before too many questions were asked. Kori would have to take a different approach the next time she wandered into Gotham.
by Marc | Jul 22, 2018 | Chronicles
Synopsis: Jason “Jay” Todd finds himself in a situation not of his own making. He finds himself having to pay for his mother’s addiction. During the ordeal Jason considers hate and love when it comes to his parents. Despite the pain and the insanity of trying to help his mother break her addiction Jason holds on to the fact that his love for his mother will always win out over the hate he feels for her at time. However, love does not always prevent loss.
Have you ever had one of those moments, not a regular a moment, not one when the world spins and spins and spins like it normally does. No, that’s not the moment I am referring to. I referring to one of those moments when the world slows down and everything seems to be running in slow motion. Definitely not a running across the fields slow motion moments. There are no fields in the East End, at least not in my part of town unless you count the fields of concrete covered in shattered and broken glass. There are no clear pools of water that people gather around.
There’s the river, but everyone can see the river and if you can stand the mild stench its something. The most we can hope for is the pools of oil and antifreeze that you do your best to avoid less you want to stain your shoes. There’s the occasional clusters of chunky vomit, but no that’s what people come to the East End to write home about. It’s the crimson pools of copper goodness that gathers in all different ways. Typically it finds its way from an open wound from a body, but there are those rare days when someone can find themselves covered it in in a spray the result of a deal gone wrong or right. Depends on if your on the right end or business end of the gun. Them again given the fact that this is Gotham guns might not even be involved.
There’s a movie called the Purge that talks about free for all crime for one night, but honestly before someone dreamed that up there was the East End even more there was Crime Alley, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I was supposed to be focusing on a moment. A moment where it all slows down and you ask yourself how this happened? How did I get here?
Not really. I know how I got here. I know what happened. My mom happened. God, I love here, but I hate her to. Is it horrible for sons to hate their mothers? Oh let’s get one thing clear I hate my father too so the hate is pretty evenly spread.
Now I will admit it, hate is a strong word and when I attended church I was told that I should strive never to hate someone, but to understand them. People also believed that it was bad luck to kill a man or woman of the cloth. Tell that to the chalk outlines in from of the to the pastor at Triple E , East End Episcopalian. Not that I’m Episcopalian. You take the word where you can get it. At least that’s what my mom’s friend said.
However, back to the point at hand. Hate. Yes. I hate my mother. Yes, I hate my father, but let’s get it straight it’s not constant hate. It’s not hate for breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks in between. It comes and goes in waves. Right now, I’m riding a wave hate right to the shore.
Let’s face it parents and children have complicated relationships. I’m not alone. I just happened to be focusing all the hate and rage at my mom. It’ll pass, probably after I pick myself off the ground literally.
“Is he humming,” someone asks. Yes, I am. I’m humming Kim Carnes’ Bette Davis Eyes. Why? Because why not. The soundtrack of my life happens to be songs of the 80s courtesy of my mother. That’s not something I hate her for, because there were some kick ass tunes from the 80s, but right now I kind of feel like the song is pretty fitting.
Also, I should be honest with myself I hate the situation more than my mom. I keep telling myself that I should leave, that I shouldn’t look back. Not until she’s ready to put us first instead of the pills. The pills are killing her instead of helping her. Once upon a time they were, but now. Now they’ve become here life.
That’s what I hate. The obsession. The blind need and the inability to break it. I hate the weakness its created. Something that was supposed to help has turned her into a bit of a monster yet one that’s left the woman that introduced me to Eurythmics, Blondie, Kim Carnes, The Fixx, Benatar, Heart, Bon Jovi, Boy George, and so many others, haunted.
That’s what I hate.
I feel like crap, but that’s because someone’s been using my gut for target practice, but it’s my own fault (not really), but I should have been on the look out for Johnny and his crew.
“Told your mom that the pills weren’t free, Jay. Stealing isn’t tolerated. Sadly, I couldn’t find he,r so you’ll have to do. Question is does she get a warning or does she get a message. You know. Hood style.”
That’s what they told me before they dragged me into the alley. I didn’t notice much about the people across the street. I was too focused on my surrounding attempting to figure out how I was going to get out this one. They really didn’t need to drag me into the alley, we could totally do this on the street. In the street, in the alley it didn’t make a difference. Blood would spill, bones would be broken.
It was going to be a hell of a night. I can already imagine what happened. She went to see Johnny, had nothing to offer him, nothing of monetary value, so junkies do what junkies do. Whatever it was, he probably gave her at best one or two pills. She must have taken more.
His fault for letting her in. He knew what he was getting. When someone needs their fix, they’re going to do whatever they can to satisfy it.
Not that it mattered. She was no where to be found so of course they get the next thing better. Shake me down for my lunch money that I don’t have. I get free lunches cause that’s how I roll. These days I’m doing what I can to make it from one day to the next. Right now, I’m trying to see a way out. If it was one on one I would be out of this, but it’s a little more than that. Must have heard about the last time.
Bernie got a broken nose. Bran got a broken arm. He got physical. I got physical back, but no such luck. I could struggle, put up a fight, but that would encourage them to guarantee my cooperation and I rather be conscious as long as I can. Sure, I don’t look like much and my father always said I was a little too thin. I have the waist of a twelve-year-old girl. He used those exact words.
See hate. It comes naturally, flowing from him to me, but thinking about him right this second probably wasn’t the best thing to do. Not because it’s not right to think or talk ill of the dead. More like wasted energy. Better to focus on what’s about to happen next.
”Excuse me is everything okay here?”
What the whiskey tango foxtrot just happened? It was a voice that I was not familiar with. Of the six of them that were here to beat the price of the pills out of me, two glanced up to see if there was anyone above us. Seriously from all the stories I’ve heard that’s never how that piece of business goes down. Also, I don’t have that kind of luck either.
Johnny ever the class act answered with a nice profanity laden response. Basically, telling whoever to mind their business. If they knew what was good for them. Let’s face it, thugs rarely deviate from the script. It’s in the thug handbook.
That’s how it started, and truthfully that was enough to turn most would be good Samaritans around. Whatever courage they gather dissipated especially when there were more than one individuals involved.
George the largest of the group decided to move on the silent command that was given heading towards the mouth of the alley, the source of the voice, to investigate. He disappeared into the darkness, but what came after were not the yells and screams of whoever it was instead it was George. There were grunts and I was pretty sure I heard a yell. It might been a scream followed by.
“He tried to tear my throat out! What kind of freak…” It was as far as he got before the hulking man came crashing back into the light.
That was enough to cause the others to tense up. The two that were holding me relaxed their grip as everyone went on the defensive. Of course, it also meant that guns were coming out. I could either stay down or I could take the opening.
Someone raised their gun and out of the darkness came a knife that hit him right in the shoulder. The gun went off, but that was in response to the knife strike. This was headed down hill fast. Time to take that opening.
I wriggled away and the moment I got free I took the opportunity to extricate myself from the situation, because shots were fired in the direction of where the knife came. One of Johnny’s crew tried to stop me from leaving, but it only resulted in me flipping him over my shoulder and twisted his arm.
You learn things. You learn what to do and what not to do. It was just all instinct at the moment, but I didn’t linger. I started to run towards the wall doing a bit of tic-tac-toe move to vault up reached the ladder of fire escape. Pulling myself up I made my way up and looked back for only a moment. The shots stopped, they were listening for anything, but I saw something move out of the darkness and for the briefest of seconds I saw the person look up towards me, but then towards Johnny and the others.
I didn’t. I continued up the fire escape, so I could go up and over and put some distance between me and them. I don’t know what was going to happen didn’t care at the moment. There are some things I’m better not knowing. The entire time Betty Davis Eyes continued to play through my head. My own personal streaming service as I crossed the roof to the other side of the building.
by Marc | Jul 22, 2018 | Chronicles
Synopsis: Thomas meets with an associate from the law firm that his family does business with to make a purchase in the East End of Gotham. The associate finds the location of the purchase bewildering despite the fact that Thomas assures her that it’s for a legitimate endeavor. Towards the end of their meeting Thomas takes notice of a situation that he feels requires his attention.
This was something different. At least that’s what Thomas told himself while he walked through the building. He glanced around considering everything he had been told. He wanted to be elsewhere, but right now there was business to take care of. Things that needed to be done. Life needed to be live. He didn’t need to see Mason to hear. The sounds of her heels crossing the floor along with the scent of her perfume told Thomas exactly where she was it.
He was standing near the entrance having already passed through. He wanted to meet with Nyah, but she sent her associated to work with him. It seemed that she had other business that needed to be taken care of.
“This is…” She started.
“Is what I want. I want the entire building. Bottoms fell out a long time ago. Taxes are what they are. I’ll handle it. The bank wants to offload it. They want it off their books. Doesn’t look good to hold pieces of land like this in East End,” he reminded her.
“And you do?” She glanced at him.
“May I remind you that Ms. Richards is not in the habit of involving herself in criminal enterprises, Mister Blake. I understand that your family has long standing ties with the firm, but we rather avoid problematic individuals if we can.”
Thomas took no offense. It’s not like he hadn’t had his fair share of run ins with the law, but he wasn’t looking for that type of legal representation.
“I requested Nyah’s assistance, because she’s good at what she does. The firm that you work for has always done right by my family.” Not something that he opted to talk about, but this was different.
“This is a legitimate acquisition. I’m sure you’ve heard many things, but I assure you that I do not intend to involve the firm in anything that would damage their reputation.” Though doing business with him, probably already did that, but some ties can never be broken.
“I looked over several properties and this one best suits my needs.” Thomas went as far to wear a suit which he normally did not do even when meeting with one of the legal eagles from the law firm. He had several meetings with several different realtors, but it took some time to find the right one, the one that would bring him where he wanted and get the information as quickly as he desired.
“I will admit, that I’m a bit confused as to why you would want to purchase a building in this area. Surely the Diamond District or someone where in between. The assets that you’ve maintained would lend itself to an area of better opportunity,” the associated counseled.
Her choice of words made Thomas smirk. That was cute she was trying to help guide him in the right direction. Investment in this area was like dropping stacks of bills into a money hole.
“Perhaps, but the intended purpose of this place wouldn’t do me any good in those areas. Besides I tend to avoid the old stomping grounds. People get nervous and I don’t feel right there.” He only went into the Diamond District if he had too. He went in search of information and he got it. Perhaps he went further than most would suspect, and he wasn’t hanging around a bar, but he didn’t need booze at the moment. He had other things to take care of, other things to do.
He took some time to himself just to drift about. See what the fall out was, and it had already started. So, Thomas did what he felt was necessary.
Olivia Mason would not go so far to say that she was impressed by the by Thomas Blake, she would say that she was confused. Many had described him as a bit unhinged, but then again, they did live in Gotham and one person’s unhinged was another’s sane. Given the number of individuals that he could be compared with there were worse individuals, but then again this was the first time she met with Mister Blake. The only thing that seemed a bit out of the ordinary was he wanted to purchase a building in one of the worst areas in Gotham.
One had to be skeptical about the area.
She glanced at Thomas while she continued to tap on her tablet sending through a few emails.
“You would like to put in a bid then. You could do that through the realtor.” She reminded him.
“Yes, but the funds that I want to use for this project are Blake family funds and that requires me to involve the attorneys.” It was something that he established to prevent himself from doing something foolish which was always possible given his inclinations from time to time.
“I would like to place the bid, and I want you to work with the realtor. In addition to that I want know everything about this building. Everything I can about the surrounding buildings. I want to know who my neighbors are and I rather that you put the firm’s resources to work at doing so.” He could look into it, but it would probably send the wrong kind of message. Again, this was supposed to be legitimate.
It was true that he took jobs whenever they arose, but right now this was something that needed his attention.
Wetting his lips Thomas stepped through open room that stood near the front of the building looking out into the street.
“It’s going to take some time. I’m going to have to see what can be saved and what can’t. What fits and what doesn’t.” It was going to take time, and while he did have resources, he didn’t want to squander it all. He wanted it done right.
“Are you planning on flipping this,” Olivia queried. “There are better properties that would move faster than this one, Mister Blake. The only kind of people that would be interested in property here are…”
“Are?” Interrupting her Thomas turned to face the woman.
“Criminals? Unsavory? Thieves? Killlers? Insane? Oh, wait I know. Undesirable.” Did that make him insane? Did that make him a killer? “Dangerous. Unstable?” He took a step towards her tipping his head ever so slightly.
“Those kinds of people are spread all throughout the city, Ms. Mason. I’m sure you were aware of that. The city is also filled with other kinds of people. Desperate. Downtrodden. Hard working. Down on their luck who can’t help where they live. They see no way out, can’t figure a way out. Circumstances stand in the way preventing them from doing with some can, but they keep trying. And sometimes the two are not mutually exclusive.” He shrugged.
“The cracks in Gotham can be as wide as the largest of canyons. One or two people don’t slip through them, dozens. Those people are here too and the only choice they see are the ones they’re presented with. If all people are given is trash, then they’ll start to accept the trash. Sometimes it’s not enough to offer someone a way out, sometimes you have to be the way out. Sometimes you have to be an alternate choice for those with limited options.”
He stopped short of bumping into her. “Even if it means that you have to make some a little uncomfortable from time to time.” With a smirk he turned away stepping back towards the window.
“I know the process. I know the length of time it takes. I also know that retainer your firm is paid should help expedite the process. Please do put your best foot forward. I rather enjoy doing business with you all.
“Think of it as doing your part to give back.”
Olivia almost scoffed at the statement. “From what I was told. You are neither a good or nice man, Mister Blake. Are you trying to turn over a new leaf?”
Thomas chose not to turn towards her. Instead he looked through the jagged pieces of glass of the broken window as several older kids dragged another into the nearby alley across the street.
“Never claimed to be a good man. Far from nice. Truth be told, good people in Gotham tend to die. Nice people forgotten.” Walking over towards the door he pushed it open. “I’m far from dead and I tend to make an impression of some kind apparently.” He let the door close behind him heading across the street.
“Told your mom that the pills weren’t free, Jay. Stealing isn’t tolerated. Sadly I couldn’t find her so you’ll have to do. Question is does she get a warning or does she get a message. You know. Hood style.”
There was going to be a message, but not the ones this little gang was hoping for. What was it about being good or nice? Maybe he would ask them when this was all over.
Pride of Gotham sounds like a good name. It will probably get mocked, but it sounds nice. It was what was going through Thomas’s mind as he disappeared into the alley to be a “nice” prospective neighbor.
by Marc | Jul 22, 2018 | Chronicles
Synopsis: Ted Kord pumps himself for important business meeting that he has deemed critical for Coast City’s future and his plans for it.
This was not a date. Totally not a date. It was a plan. It was a mission. It was the future. At least that’s what Ted himself. Typical Ted fashion he began to work on mockups making sure that an idea was more than just that an idea. He wanted to see this through. He had a vision and ensure that a vision became a reality he had to take steps that would make the vision less abstract and more concrete. He was sure that he could partner with Wayne Enterprises to be a partner in the revitalization of Coast City, but it needed to be more than that it needed to be a rebirth and in order for that to happen there was an important piece that needed to be secured.
Calls had been put in and emails sent to Timothy Wayne to make sure that they would be meeting soon to discuss plans for Coast City, but at the moment Ted was going over what he was going to do with his first meeting, well not exactly first meeting it was the most important meeting in his mind as he moved through his hotel suite. He had caught the red eye earlier this morning and had been prepping for his meeting.
He was actually quite surprised he hadn’t thought of it before, but he actually took the time to breathe and not rush in. He had proposals, and most of the time he was known to rush in shouting for someone to do this and that, but this was something entirely different. He took the time and effort to come up with a plan, a road map, items that weren’t always brought with him, because Ted could be pretty free wheeling when he got in front of people.
He had a plan, he tried to stick to the plan, but sometimes he lost people when going through the plan which led to him shaking things up to varying results. However, given where he was at in his life he thought he was on the right track.
He had to admit to everyone he spoke with that he was inspired when he was catching up on what was going on. He thought the time was right for a Coast City revitalization. They couldn’t allow it to become a scar upon the earth. It deserved better, the people, the city, all the hopes and dreams that were extinguished that night when the light went out.
It wasn’t about trying to ride coat tails ore be apart of something just to say that I was there, and this is what I did. It was about it being bigger than any one person. It was about offering a hand up, not a hand out. It was about inspiring people to rise up from one of the darkest moments in recent history and showing that there truly was a tomorrow and that it could be better if they worked together.
Egos would have to be checked at the door, but Ted had to admit he was pretty psyched at the moment which lead to a few minutes of him enjoying his latest inspirational song. It was probably a good thing that no one was around to see the ‘awesome dance moves’ that the inventor broke out. It was something for the history books for only time would tell if they were good moves or bad moves…or terrible moves.
Still it was good to get the adrenalin up while he went over what he was going to say during the meeting. This wasn’t the first time that he took action like this, but he had to assure other members of the company and the board that it was the right direction. It wouldn’t be cutting into their market share instead it would be allowing them to capitalize on it while allowing other areas of the company to focus on other sectors of the tech market.
Even more it would allow them to have a foot print in Silicon Valley, which some members of the board had wanted for quite some time. True, some wanted Ted to uproot the company and shift it away from Chicago, but Chicago was home to Kord Industries. Branching out was one thing but abandoning the city of its birth was out of the question. If they were going to make a move, then it was going to be done the way Ted wanted it. He spent years undoing all the damage that his uncle had done, and he wasn’t about to let the company fall to the whim of a few individuals that wanted to play ball in an area of California that was over saturated with tech firms.
If he was going to do that Ted might as well rent out a few floors in some tower in Metropolis. Sometimes you needed to make people come to you. There were things that Kord Industries was doing in Chicago and other areas of the region that would be impacted if they pulled up the stakes. They cultivated talent and kept the market afloat in the area. They helped reshaped the area, and with all the recent contracts they secured business was good, but it could always be better and right now they had a golden opportunity to do what no other company beyond Wayne Enterprises had considered, but right now Ted was taking it a step further.
Now it is not to say Ted was completely oblivious to the fact that this would allow Kord to get on the ground floor of a project that would have a major impact in that area of the world. He was counting on it. However, before too many individuals began staking out claims and trying to guide the direction of the city he wanted to see what he and a few others could do to ensure that the city not only looked to the future but embraced and celebrated its past.
No, this wouldn’t be a money and land grab situation this is going to be a movement. A movement to show the world the best humanity had to offer. From it’s darkest hour something great would emerge. From the ashes of the old something new and inspiring would rise and become a beacon of hope that if they could weather this then there was not anything they couldn’t accomplish.
All these thoughts and more poured through Ted’s mind while he got ready which was good. It allowed him a moment to organize them and take that all-important breath. He needed to pace himself. He needed to take it one step at a time. This was the beginning, which was neither the middle nor the end. This is beginning of the journey. He continued to tell himself. The more he told himself that the more prepared he became.
By the time he exited the hotel suite his talking points were in order, and he felt good about what he was about to do. He knew there was a potential that he could be rebuffed, but this was not the time for negative thoughts. He knew that he could not Pollyanna his way through this. It was not that what he was proposing was radical and out of the ordinary, it was that it was going to require a lot of trust, some definite maneuvering, and hard work. Ted had it all to spare, but he needed to know that he would have a partner in this venture. They would need to work together it this was going to be successful.
It was as much about re-forging a legacy as it was about securing the future. Stepping into the elevator he pressed the button for the lobby while smoothing out his clothes. He stared into the reflective metal surface, one last spot check before he stepped off. A turn of his wrist told him that he was right on time. Breathe and take it one step at a time.
“You can do this,” he assured himself just before the elevator doors slid open. Stepping off he couldn’t help but bop his head a bit to David Bowie’s Let’s Dance which began to play through his head. He could feel the corners of his mouth twitching, because he wanted to laugh. It was an interesting song selection. He could appreciate the contrast to Heart’s Baracudda which he used to warm up to in the suite.
“Put on your red shoes and dance the blues. Let’s dance, to the song their playing on the radio. Let’s sway, while color lights up your face. Let’s sway, sway through the crowd to an empty place.” There might have been a bit of a shuffle to his feet while Ted made his way to the restaurant.
“If you say run. I’ll run with you. If you say hide. We’ll hide. Because…”
Just before he could continue he was tapped on the shoulder.
“Mister Kord?”
Freezing in his movements Ted turned towards the man that tapped him the shoulder.
“Yes.” It was the maitre’d.
“Your party has arrived and is waiting for you at the bar.” The maitre’d thought it best to escort Ted there rather than have the rather animated guest dance his way over there. It was not that kind of a hotel. Escorting Ted to the bar he cleared his throat.
“Miss. The other half of your party has arrived.” The dark-haired woman at the bar turned towards Ted offering him a polite smile, while giving him a measured look.
Ted could only offer a smile in return before extending his hand.
“It’s a pleasure to finally you meet you person, Ms. Ferris. Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to meet with you about turning possibilities in realities.”
He offered a smile and despite Ted’s best effort he couldn’t help the few verses of Let’s Dance that continued to play through his head. He was definitely ready to talk business.
“I do have one question. Karaoke. Yes or yes?” Ted grinned.
My name is Ted Kord and my Ted-Fu is strong.
by Marc | Jul 22, 2018 | Chronicles
Synopsis: Thomas Blake looks into what’s happening in Gotham since one of the Bat crew crossed the line and finds a few things up leading him to the Murder Circus on the Water. (Nothing riveting, but people outside of the heroes and the cops are taking notice of what’s going on).
What has Thomas Blake been doing since everything went to shit? Retracing steps. Checking out old haunts and probably if he did not know any better, contaminating crime scenes, but luckily for the over worked, stressed out men and women of the law especially the CSI techs Thomas knew a thing thing or two about not contaminating crime scenes. For Thomas it was about getting what he needed references, deconstructing what happened, but what was in front of him.
Whether it was a broken table, skylight or anything else that was out of place. Scents that blended together that made for a nightmare for most could be pulled apart by Thomas. It was like looking at after images. He didn’t see people, his brain could fill in the images, but his sense of smell, his olfactory senses were on fire. Things that were familiar and those that were.
Birds of a feather and who flocked and didn’t flocked together could be made out. As could ninjas (he was being kind, because in the beginning it was kung fu mutha #$@%ers.) Those were new, but he was becoming familiar with them and their arsenal of weapons. They certainly liked their smoke bombs. If anything he was looking for clues, clues to help him piece together where to go next, what questions to asks.
The Joker was involved. It was evident by his pirate broadcasts. Word on the street is this is where it happened. He needed to be able to distinguish scents not to go running out into the city, but to add them to a growing and never ending repository of information, but these quiet moments of the lone cat slinking through the night allowed Thomas to organize information in a way that allowed him to ask simple questions. Questions that some would overlook, but others might go hmm.
Of the scents there were some that were unfamiliar. One that was expensive, yet exotic. The fragrance wasn’t anything you would find stateside, it was definitely outside the United States. It had to be the dame. Then there were others that were local could be Joker, but another, this one that was neither ninja, goon or Cobblepot made Thomas wrinkle his nose.
He knew that scent. He smelled it before. He tucked that away. The scent had no name attached to it, but the nose never forgets. Still, this is where the dame was snatched. It’s what he was thinking about as he left one crime scene for the next. There were people to talk to. This was normal. Insurance rates would go out for Oswald, but he’d reopen.
He always did. Why was he involved? Why did it matter? Firefly wasn’t anyone to him, not really.
Perhaps it was the nagging feeling of…where was the justice? If it had been him he’d be in jail, being told what a harm he was to society. Ninjas were in the streets menacing anyone that was caught in their path that happened to have some interaction with those that had been classified as the enemy, because they might know something. Bat’s was an asshole, but he was their asshole and there was something. This…this bullshit was something….Gotham was hitting new lows, even for Gotham and given that he was from Gotham Thomas Blake could say that.
In the middle of all that something stuck out.
Thomas had been to the Iceberg a few times, it was usually for upscale clientele. He was familiar with most of the female staff in one way or another. He rather not go into how he knew them, but he was familiar with most of their scents and the clothing that Cobblepot had them wear. It was familiar. However, there was something that didn’t stand out, something that was more along the lines Joker’s people.
Quinn. Not that he didn’t have a frame of reference, but anyone that was there that talked said nothing about her. Despite all her problems, Quinn was not a shrinking violet. She was loud, obnoxious and usually draped over the Joker like a cheap suit. At least that’s what Thomas had observed and heard. However, this time there was no mention of her…at all.
Even more, he couldn’t recall seeing her during the Joker’s broadcasts. That didn’t add up. Not one bit. What’s a guy to do? Ask questions. Questions that could get him in trouble if he asked the wrong people, but there were people he could ask. Had they seen the Joker’s best gal. True they had their differences, and they sometimes went on the outs, but there was nothing on the street said that they were on the outs. What he had a was a peculiarity. One ne needed to uncover.
Here’s the thing. He was working at the deductive reasoning business. If the Joker and Harley weren’t on the outs then where was she? There was nothing from the regulars about her being seen or brought into the police department and she’s not someone you would overlook on the street. She stood out just like the clown.
However, everything about what happened at everyone looking at the Joker focused on what he was doing. Their attention was to the left, but what was happening to the right? What was she up to? Why wasn’t she noticed? Because she didn’t want to be. Took of her face and put on a mask.
She blended in. Change of pace. Less asking about Harley and more about Harleen.
Thomas would not go as far as to say that he cracked the case, but he had something he could work with. It’s not that he didn’t have other resources, but he rather not tip his hand if he didn’t have to. He also was unsure about where he stood. Could this be contained? If so, what then? If not, what then? Gotham hadn’t grinded to a halt, but it felt like a city had seized a bit with everything that happened. The wheels of progress were once again off the track in the worst way.
Even if this had the best possible outcome and Talia al Ghul was rescued there were individuals who weren’t too keen about the way things went down. If the ninjas had been acting alone at the command of their master it would be one thing, but there had been too many reports that the Hood had been at the front. The same Hood who was galivanting around with the Joker.
Everyone saw how long that lasted, in the progress someone last their life and yes everyone knew the Joker was insane, not excuse a fact and he may find his way to Arkham again to repeat that cycle, but what about the Hood? Is this the Justice people should expect now? Are the rules being rewritten? A new order.
The Bat had been seen, but…Thomas told himself to focus. He needed to take a step at a time. Rather than asking if anyone had seen Harleen Quinzel he asked if anyone had seen this woman. If they didn’t think about or she would be a random person.
Anywhere. Somewhere. Someone had to have seen the woman. He was hoping. Whether Gothamites wanted to believe all of Gotham was touched by crime. Some violent, some not so violent some that used the upper echelons of population to bring their operations into the light. They went legitimate , we as legitimate as they could. Others had understandings, which is why he spoke with everyone showing the picture of Harleen from an old newspaper article. They didn’t need to know that she now went about as Harley Quinn.
It was a simple, “Have you seen this woman.” Type of situation. She was running a scam, and someone got burned and Thomas was doing work to track her down, for a friend. It took a little time, because he slow walked it, he didn’t want to tip off the wrong people. If word got around that he was looking for Harley it could quickly get back to the Joker and he wanted to avoid that.
However, he got what he needed eventually. She had been spotted, in Sandy Hook of all places.
This was the last place that he thought he would find himself. When people came to visit Gotham it was usually this area that they visited. It is where Gotham Stadium was located. It was the part of Gotham that people wanted to have showcase across the world and it got its fair share of television time sadly Crime Alley and the like also got their fair share. If Crime Alley was the hideous child that you wanted to keep hidden under the steps then Sandy Hook was the one you wanted to show.
In other words, Sandy Hook was Marcia Brady, while Crime Alley didn’t even rate Jan, it was Cousin Oliver.
If Thomas had more to go on he might know where to start in this area of the city, but while he had something he didn’t know exactly what it was. There could have been a number of reasons why Harley had come to his part of town. He could ask around, but that would take time and time had been running out. Though when one thought about it despite the fact that Talia al Ghul had been snatched in the Iceberg, Sandy Hook would definitely be an area she might have been residing in.
It was a leap, but one thing that Thomas knew was that no one had heard anything about the Joker setting up shop in the usual areas. Maybe there was a reason for that. Perhaps to disappear they needed to hide in plan sight in the last place anyone would look for them. It was possible. Anything was possible. It could explain why Harley had been in the area.
Perhaps it was as simple as that. Not only had she removed the armor to appear as a regular person they needed something innocuous and wouldn’t draw attention to themselves. So many assumptions, but now that he had an area there were different questions that he could ask.
Was there anything out of the ordinary. Anything, nothing was too big or small. Was it business as usual in Sandy Hook or was something out of place? That was the question and while there had been no explosions, no terrible threatening people roaming the streets, there had been something.
Noise complaint. Nuisance. Noise pollution. Apparently, all was not well in Sandy Hook. Neighbors weren’t getting along. Perhaps they were having a bit of spat, but as Thomas dug into it apparently this had been going on for quite some time. Two weeks. Two weeks and nothing, but then again, the wealthy tended to handle certain matters amongst themselves. At least that what he was told, but two weeks. It was true that al Ghul had been missing for a week, but perhaps he should.
It’s what brought Thomas to the Admiral Docks in Sandy Hook. The source of the noise pollution. Thomas had seen it before they all had. It was a jewel of Gotham, but by the time he arrived it had gone from jewel to something out of a nightmare. If there was any doubt about where the Joker had set up shop it had vanished.
Apparently, the murder circus had set up shop on the water.
Despite what this meant the first thought that Thomas had was, property values are about to hit the basement.